The Engineer 1911/04/14
1911 April 14th PDF
- Contents, p 385.
Main Subjects
- Australian Torpedo-Boat Destroyers, p 374.
- American Agricultural Tractors, p 374 and p 384. (Illustrated).
- A New Train Lighting System, p 390 - 391. (Illustrated).
- A Steep-Grade Railway in Australia, p 373.
- Wolgan Valley Line.
- Mr H. Deane.
- Baldwin Locomotive Co.
- Kitson and Co.
- Beyer, Peacock and Co.
- Mr. D. A. Sutherland
- Boosters, No V, p 375 - 377. (Illustrated).
- Pirani Reversible Booster - Siemens-Schuckert of Berlin.
- Covered Tennis Courts at Dulwich, p 393. (Illustrated).
- Diesel Engines for Sea-Going Vessels, by J. T. Milton Vice-President of Institution of Naval Architects, p 393 - 394.
- Diesel Marine Engines, by Herr Th. Saiuberlich, p 388 - 389. (Illustrated).
- Engine and Reversing Clutch of The Ewersand.
- Editorial, p 385 - 386.
- Diesel Engines for Sea-Going Vessels.
- The Taff Vale Collision.
- The Interpretation of Facts.
- High Pressure Gas v. Electric Lighting, J. B. Scott President (Scottish Gas Managers), p 391.
- Huge Double-Ended Locomotive, p 392.
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Improvement of Highways, A. G. Lyster Vice-President in the Chair, p 397.
- 'The Improvement of Highways to Meet Modern Conditions of Traffic' by J. Walker Smith.
- 'Recent Development in Road Traffic, Road Construction and Maintenance' by H. P. Maybury
- Institution of Naval Architects, No. II, William White Presided, p 377 - 380.
- 'Diesel Engines for Sea-Going Vessels' by J. T. Milton.
- 'The Influence of Longitudinal Distribution of Weight upon the Bending Moments of Ships among Waves' by F. H. Alexander.
- 'Consideration Affecting Local Strength Calculations of Ships' by J. Montgomerie.
- 'The Acceleration in Front of a Propeller' - R. E. Froude.
- 'An Investigation into the Stresses in a Screw Propeller Blade' - Engineer-Lieutenant A. Turner.
- Herr Frahm's Account of Trials of The Anti-Rolling Tanks at Sea
- Liverpool British Insulated Engineering Society, p 394.
- W. Aitken in The Chair.
- Machinery Exports, p 388.
- Naval Battle Practice in 1910, p 391.
- New Clyde Dredging Plant, p 382.
- New Turbine Channel Steamer Riviera, p 382.
- Small Power Shaping Machine, p 392. (Illustrated).
- Nelson Brothers of Moor Lane, London EC
- Softening of Water by Aluminium Plates, p 392.
- Read before the American Section of The Society of Chemical Industry by Thomas R. Duggan.
- Surface Combustion, p 381 - 382.
- The Corrosion of Metals, p 392.
- The Erosion of Gun Tubes and Heat Phenomena in The Bore of a Gun, by Captain H. J. Jones p 380 - 381.
- The Progress of Engineering in South and Central America, No XXX, The Trade of Brazil,p 387.
- The Welsh Railway Accident, p 391.
- Traction and Ploughing Engines in The United States, No. II, p 374 - 375 and p 384. (Illustrated).
- M. Rumely Co.
- Hart-Parr Co.
- Holt Manufacturing Co.
- Ohio Tractor Manufacturing Co.
- Train Despatching by Telephone in Canada, p 382.
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co.