The Engineer 1903 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous
Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1903 Jan-Jun: Index
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- 1902, 15.
Accidents, Explosions, and Fires.
- Boiler Explosions (tee Boiler)
- Clyde Valley Floods, (179)
- Colliery Accidents at Birley, Fall of Roof, (77); Haldan, (218); Hoyland Silkstone, Engine House Explosion, (95)
- Colliery Accidents in 1902 in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, (649)
- Crewe Works, Explosion of Molten Meta), (116)
- Driving Wheel at a Rolling Mill, West Hartle¬pool, Breakage of, (91)
- Dud bridge Ironworks, 606
- Due to Combustion within Air Compressors, Mr. A. R. Ledoux on, 475
- Explosions, Coal Mines in Illinois, Inquiry into the Causes of the iusny Fatal, (545)
- Dynamite, Torresdale, near Phila¬delphia, (194)
- Electric Battery, at Vickers’ Sons and Maxim’s Shipyard, (194)
- Engine-house, Hoyland Silkstone Colliery, (95)
- Torpedo Factory, Ohio, (471)
- Woolwich Arsenal, (621), (649)
- Fatdities caused by Vehicles, (575)
- Fires, "Dortmund Union” Wire Nail and Joiners’ Shops, (104)
- Grangemouth and Greenock Dockyard Company’s Works, (571)
- Merry weather and Son’s Works, (65)
- Niagara Falls Power Station, 211, (134)
- Fly-wheel, Bursting of, Haldan Colliery, (218)
- Fly-wheel of Traction Engine, Feltham, Break¬ing of, (519)
- F>y-wheels, Birsting of, U.S., (65), (194)
- Fulham Baths, Fatalities at, 42, 211
- Grimsby Fish Docks Ice House, (144)
- Gticdstone at Sheffield, Bursting of, (144)
- Gunnery Catastrophe, U.S. S. Massachusetts, (144)
- Lift, New York, (144)
- Mil) Gearing not being Fenced, Death due t->, (91)
- Mines and Quarries, Home Office Return of Fatal, (65)
- Powder Explosion on U.S. Battleship Massa¬chusetts, (91)
- Railway Accidents (tee Railway)
- Sherwood Colliery, R. W. Steele Electrocuted, ' (292)
- ACCOUNTING, U.S.A. Uniform Municipal, (555)
- Aerial Navigation, 95
- Aerial Navigation, Papers on, (228)
- Agricultural Appliances in Demand for Nor¬mandy, (267)
- Implements, an American Paper on j American, (241)
- Implements in Natal, 99
- Machinery, British, in Canada (xv., Supplement, June 12th, 1903) Machinery, British, for the Colonies (Supplement. June 12th, 1903)
- Machinery, British, for South Africa j (xvi., Supplement, June 12th, 1903) | Machinery in New Zealand, by a New Zealander, 585
- Agriculture, Russian, Commission to Consider the Needs of, (595)
- Air, Mean Daily Horizontal Movement of, (595)
- Air Pump Diagrams, 323
- Airship, The Birton, (315)
- Airship’s Successful Trip, The Brothers Lebaudy 's, (496)
- Alaska, New Map of, (571)
- Alcohol in Austria, Power use of, 240
- Alcohol on the Prussian State Rxilwaye, 447
- Alcohol Engines, 169, 474, 576, 602
- Almanacs and Diaries, 22, 50, 76, 90, 124, 142
- Aluminium Conductors, New Joint for, (13)
- in Galvanising, Use of, (391)
- obtained Commercially, Iron and Sili- , con in the Purest, (13)
- for Sharpening Cutlery, (194)
- Amalgamations, (531), (557)
- America, Diary of an English Electrical Engineer's Tour in, 62, 127
- American Agricultural Machinery Shipped to Russia,( 292)
- Competition, Mr. Mosely on, 445
- Industrial Conditionsand Competition, 345
- Industries, by a Labour Leader, 4
- Patents, 296
- Tariff and the St. Louis Exhibition, 602
- Technical Prees Mistakes, (194)
- Amorphous Silicon, Properties of Different Forms of, (267)
- Andrew Carnegie Research Scholarship and Prof. James Watt Memorial, 45
- Anemograph, The Dines-Baxendell, 625
- Anti-smoke Ordinance, Chicago, (418)
Appointments and Resignations: Appointments:
- Anderson, Prof. W. C. F.,(557)
- Ashford, Mr. Cyril Ernest, (418)
- Barry, Sir John Wolfe, Re-appointment of, (321)
- Beaumont, Mr. W. Worby, (418)
- Pell, Mr. Hugh, (129), (154), 484
- Bishop, Mr. J., (519)
- Black, Mr. J„ (13)
- Champness, Mr. H. R., (13)
- Dent, Mr. C. H., (471)
- Dodgson, Mr. J., (227)
- Exham, Col., (621)
- Evans, Mr. J. W. H.. (481)
- Hal), Mr. T. A., (443)
- Jones, Mr. F. V., (253)
- Larmor, Mr. Joseph, (211)
- Mayston, Mr. R., (13)
- Millard, Mr. C., (65)
- Robinson, Mr. S. J., (121)
- Rutsell, Mr. H. W., (1)8)
- Schott, Mr. Robert, (129)
- Scotter, Sir Chas., (207)
- Stead, Mr. John, E.. Elected F.R S., (484)
- Tait, Mr. Thos., (241)
- Terrey, Mr. Wm., (556)
- Wells, Mr. T. H., (519)
- Johnson, Mr. Claude, (40)
- Pease, Sir J. W. (154)
- Prout, Mr., (218)
- APPRENTICESHIP of Engineers, 641, 651
- Aritbmograph, M. Troncet’s, (391)
- Armament of Warships, Cananges in the, 273
Armour Plates:
- Admiralty Orders for, (25), (153), (174), (2)2), I (633)
- British Warships’, 233, (292)
- Brown and Co., John, Armour for the Hindu¬stan, (153), (174), (292) (301)
- Cairasse Invented by M. Galay, (168)
- Hindustan’s, (153), (174), (292) (301)
- Plate Press, Bethlehem Steel Works, (168)
- Testing of, 501
- Two Hundred Tons of, for the Battleship King Edward VII., (13), (25), (1C3)
- Vickers, Sans and Maxim’s, Official Tests of, (418)
- Vickers’ 12m. Plates, Effect of Impact of Capped and Uncapped Projectiles on, 23, 21
- Armstrong and Co. and Old Age Pensions, 271 ;
- Army Service Corps, Enlistment of Men for the Mechanical Transport Companies of, (418)
- ASBESTOS Deposits, Quebec, (545)
- Asbestos Galvani»ed, Messrs. Wallach Bros., (323)
- Asphalt Paving, U.S.A , (555)
Association, American Railway:
- Annual Meeting, The Variaus Committees Present their Reports, Iron and Steel Struc¬tures, Rails, Yards and Terminals, Masonry 387
Association, Cold Storage and Ice:
- Annual Dinner, (496)
Association, British Iron Trade:
- American Industrial Condition and Compac¬tion, Conference on, 345
Association of Engineers In Charge:
- Eighth Annual Dinner, (326)
Association of Engineers, Leeds :
- Chains, Past, Present, and Possible, Mr. J. H. Wicksteed, 240
- List of Officers for 1903-1904, (464)
Association of Engineers, Manchester:
- Forty-sixth Anniversary Dinner, 202
- Half-yearly Meeting, (632)
- Modern Gas Engines r. Steam, Mr. Ja?. Atkinson, 240
- Pneumatic Appliances, Mr. E. C. Amos, (327)
- Premium System of Remunerating Labour, Mr. John Ashford, 370
- Visit to the Municipal School of Technology, 450
- Visits to the Works of Alfred Herbert, Limited, Daimler Motor Company, Limited, and Motor ' Manufacturing Company, (660)
Association, Incorporated Municipal Electrical:
- Eighth Annual Convention to be held at Sunderland, Directions to Members, (40)
Association, Manchester Steam Users
- Annual Memorandum, Mr. Stromeyer's, 175
Association of Mechanical Engineers. Birmingham:
- Mechanical Engineering of Modern Collieries, Mr. Bardill, 201
Association, Municipal Electrical:
- Appointment of a Parliamentary Committee, 166
- Convention, (180)
Association, Sanitary Assurance:
- Twenty-second Annual Meeting, (204)
- ASTRONOMER Royal’s Reports, (595), (621)
- Atkins, Mr. Wm., (241), (253)
- Atlas Steel and Iron Works, John Brown and Co.’s Report for Year Ending March, 1903, (633)
- Atmospheric Potential, Diurnal Variation of. on Mont Blanc, (545)
- Atomising Oil, Effect of Steam for, 412
- Australian Mails, 1903, (102)
- Australasian Trade, 326
- Automatic Supply of Umbrellas, (267)
- Axles, Hollow Pressed, Mr. Camille Mercader,
- BALLOONS, Apparatus for Infl ding, (391)
- Disabling by R fle or Gan Fire when Floating in the Air, (443)
- and Kite Ascents in Europe and U.S., Report upon, (367)
- Propulsion, Ao Original Method of, 95
- Barometric Colamn a Standard of Length, M. Gadot Proposes to make the, (519)
- Barrage, Zifta, (267)
- Bissano, Mr. W., (178)
- Bates, Mr. Henry, 148
- Baumann, Mr. H. (482)
- Beams, Deep-section Rolled, 209
- Bearings for High Speed, 446
- Belgium, Trade Returns, (443)
- Bell, Mr. James, 384
- Bell Bros., Limited, Annual Meeting, (404)
- Belts, The Slip of, by J. Stormontb, 335
- Bessemer, The Late Sir Henry, Memorial to, 467
- Bicycle Making in Russia, (365)
- Petrol Motor for, (471)
- Present Prices of, (40)
- Works, Japan, the First, (168)
- Belfast and Northern Counties Railway, (519)
- Bill to Facilitate the Use of Electric Traction on Railways, (496)
- Board of Trade, Returns of Railway Extension, I (342)
- Bombay Boiler Inspection Act, Amendment BUI, (418)
- Bristol, London and Southern Counties, (471), (484)
- Cheap Trains, (418) City and South London Railway Opposed by the Metropolitan Railway Company, (346)
- County Council, 1903, 198
- County Council’s Annual Expenditure in Pro¬moting and Opposing, (558)
- Eight Hours Day, in America, 145
- Fishguard and Rosslare Railway and Harbours, (52)
- German, Forbidding Use of White or Yellow Phosphorus in Matchmaking, (571)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North-Western Companies', to Enlarge their Powers to run Steam Vessels, (13)
- Light Locomotives (Ireland), Passed, (241)
- London—Brighton Mono-rail, (40)
- London and Bristol Railway, Fails to Pas», (118)
- Metric, U.S.A., (342)
- Neath Riilway, (506), (532)
- J North-Western Electricity and Power Gas Company’s, Opposed, (267)
- Petroleum Question, Mr. J. Reckitt’s, (168)
- Power Gas, (545)
- Private, in Parliament, 338, 372, 384
- Railway, Postponed, (241)
- Taff Vale Railway, (532)
- Thames Conservancy and Port of London Com¬missioners’, Opposad, (267)
- U.S. Naval Appropriation, (218)
- Workmen’s Compensation Act (1897) Amend¬ment, (144)
- BITULTTHIC Pavement, (543)
- Brimington, Institute Presented by Mr. C. P. Markham to, (227)
- Blakemore, Mr. W., (254)
- Blast Furnace Plant at Cette, 307, 312
- Blast Furnaces, Pressure in, 38
- B'ast Furnace Slag, Handling, United States, (251)
- Blue-books, Technical and Scientific, 598
- Casualties to, Board of Trade Returns, 244, (342)
- Choice of Steam, Mr. C. E. Stromeycr, 555
- Concussion and Water-tube, 527
- Deterioration of, Mr. H. M. Warner on, (399)
- Experiments Decided on by the Admiralty, (118)
- Explosion, The Bradley, 110
- Explosion, Remarkable, 36, 72, 99
- Explosion, Taunton, Massachusetts, (367)
- Explosion, Messrs. Tapper and Co., Limited, Batman’s Hill Ironworks, (103)
- Feed Pumps for, Clarke, Chapman and Co., 97
- Flash, 12, 42, 98,172
- French Navy, 197
- German, 594
- Heavy Guns and, (658)
- Horse-power, The American Standard, (168)
- Inspection, United States, (352)
- Lancashire Trade, List Basis Rates for Boiler¬plate Specifications, (118), (129)
- Marine, Modern, H.M. Rouothwaite, 44
- Marine, Water-tube, Babcock Wilcox. Shore¬ditch, 128
- Niclausse, (273)
- Normand, French Destroyers, (410)
- Normand, in the Russian Navy 38
- Steam, A New Style of, (338)
- Warship Boiler Tests, (118)
- Water-tube, 248
- Mr. W. Fonlis on, (204)
- in the Navy, 94
- with Small Tubes in Large War¬ships, French Minister of Marine's Objections to, (241)
- Tests with, (418)
- BOILING Temperature of Water, 527
- Board of Trade Returns of Imports and Exports into the United Kingdom, (194)
- Bolometer, Improvement of Dr. Langley's, (496)
- Boom Derrick in the United States, The Larges», (194)
- Boring Mil), Heavy, Smith and Coventry, Limited, 580
- Boston, Law against Tall Buildings in, (391)
- Boston, Mass., Subsidence of, into the Sea, (649)
- Brancker, Mr. John, (577)
- Brass, High-speed, 658
- Breakwater, Buffalo, 515, 516, 517
- Brickmaking in Maine, Fresh Start in, (496)
Bridges, Railway and other:
- Britannia, 553
- Building and Works, United States, 69, 84, 109, 136, 190, 208, 237, 238, 242, 283, 308, 310, 334, 357, 386, 408, 466, 536, 562
- Cape to Cairo Railway, (633)
- Chain Suspension, New York, (376)
- Conway, Telford’s Suspension Bridge over the, (168)
- Droitwich, Letts Mill and Sealey Brook Fords (241)
- France, Viaduct over Gorge of the Viaur River, (194), 216
- Haxey, near Gainsborough, Great Eastern and Great Northern Railway, (484)
- Hell Gate, 840ft. Central Span, (267)
- Impact and Fatigue in Railway, by J. Graham, 3
- Kew, Opening, (527)
- Lifting, 72, 73
- Landa, Tenders Called for Construction of a Railway Bridge, (91)
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Extensions, Queen's-road, 285, 286
- London Foot Bridge Tested, (65), 83
- London and South-Western Railway, Over the, 490, 491
- London, The Widening of, 83; Saving of Labour Effected by a Machine, (91)
- Missouri River, (390)
- Newcastle, New, 373, (148)
- Paderno Viaduct, Italy,332, 383, 381, 441,463, 464
- Pencoyd, United States, 237, 238, 239, 242
- Sonning, Demolition of, (65)
- South African, Destroyed by the Boers, 340, 341, 345
- South Africa, Repairing Broken. 305, 316, 567
- South African, Two Typical, 183, 189
- Thames, Mr. Deputy Pryke on New Bridges over the, (443)
- Thames, Proposed New Steel, Lambe b, (342)
- Tyne Railway, (148), 373, (484)
- Vauxhall, The New, (519). 541
- Viaur Viiduct, (194), 216, 217
- Victoria Falls, Rolled Steel to be used for Building, (649)
- Wear, North-Eastern Railway, across the, (586)
- BRICK-HANDLING Machinery. American, (376)
- Brickwork, Cause of Failure of, (391)
British Association:
- Acceptance of Invitation to Association to South Africa Recommended, (267)
- Balfour, Right Hon. Arthur James, Nominated President, (267)
- Meeting of 1905 may be held in South Africa, (13)
- Presidents of the Various Sections, Southport, (367)
- BRITISH and Decimal Weights and Measures, Dr. G. J. Stoney on a Simple Method of Co¬relating, (267)
- British Guiana, Mioing in, 225
- British Trade with South Africa, 38
- Brown and Co., Limited, Messrs., Amalgamate n with Messrs. Thomas Firth and Sons, (203), (227)
- Buda Pesth, May 13tb, Night Fêtes, (443)
- Buoy on the Manacles, Sounding, (541)
- Bussey, M. de, (519)
- CALORIMETRY of Gaseous and Liquid Fuels, Mr. W. Garnet Wernham, 173
- Cambered Piston-rods, 602
- Camels as Agricultural Labourers in South Africa, (659)
- Cams for Automatic Screw Machines, 5 73
- Canada and the Conquered Colonies, (180)
- Canadian Customs Department and the Pre¬ferential Tariff, Precautions against German- made Goods, (496)
- Amsterdam Sea, Deepening of, (496)
- Buffalo and New York Ship, (481)
- Chenab, India, (649)
- Economy of Haulage on, (292)
- Elbe-Trave, and the Dotriment to Stettin’s Trade, (571)
- Illinois and Michigan, Possible Conversion into a Road, (315)
- Irrigation under Construction in India, (595)
- Manchester Ship, Deepening of, at Partington Tips, (65); Scheme for Reorganising Finances of, (540)
- Manchester Ship, Traffic Returns, (194), (315)
- Mediterranean and the Bay of Biscay, Pro¬jected, (40)
- Mexico, (418)
- North Sea and Baltic, February and April Traffic, (391), (571)
- Russia, to Connect the Vistula and the Niemen, (315)
- Sault Ste. Marie, (580)
- Soulanges, Electrical Work on, 38, 39
- Storage, Railway, U.S., (102)
- Suez, Increased Receipts, 1902, (571), (595)
- CAPE Colonial, Statistics for 1902, 691
- Cape Colony, Isolation of, (616)
- Carbide of Calcium, Prici in Germany, (143)
- Carborundum, 204
- Carborundum as a Refraotory Material, Herr Easel's Process, (24)
- Cardiff, Municipal Enterprise at, (180)
- Carnegie, Mr. A., Free Libraries for Radcliffe and Farnwortb, (496)
- Kingston-on-Thames, Free Lirrary, (619)
- On Profit Sharing, 487, 497, 503
- Research Scholarship and Professor James Watt Memorial, 45
- Snm Offered for Tank for Naval Architectural Ex¬periments, 538, 567
- Castings, Calculation of the Weight of, with the Aid of the Planimeter, Mr. C. M. Schwerin, 659
- Castings of Different Metals, Shrinkages of, (40)
- Catalogues, 45, 76. 104, 130, 148, 180, 204, 214, 252, 276, 326, 376, 402, 428, 456, 482, 558, 582, 594, 606
- Cave of the Winds, A New, 345
- Cement for Broken Marble, (545)
- Cement, Ireland and Portland, 464
- Cement Tests now in Vogue, Mr. D. B Butler on certain Vexatious and Fallacious, 480
- Cement, Uoolinkered, 296, 351, 399, 423
- Cement Works, Slag, Illinois, (577)
- Cementation of Iron, Mr. G. Cbarpy on, (496)
- Cette, Blast Furnace and Ironworks at, 307, 312
- Chains, Lubricating Heavy Roller, (241)
- Chains, Past, Present, and Possible, Mr. J. H. Wicksteed on. 240
- Charcoal in India, Manufacture of, (891)
- Chemical Congress:
- Berlin, No. H, Agricultural Chemistry, Nitro¬gen Fixation, Dr. Frank, 637
- Carbides of the Alkali Metals, Professor H. Moisran, and Manufacture of Aluminium, by the same, 637
- Hygiene, Medioal and Pharmaceutical Pro¬ducts, Food Stuffs, Sterilisation of Potable Waters by Ozone, Drs. Poskauer and Erlwein, 637
- Influence of Cartels and Trusts in the Chemical Industries, Dr. Schirlach and Dr. Simons, 637
- Metallography, Prof. Heyn ; Cyanide Industry, Mr. Boilby, 609
- Steol Manufacture in Eleotrio Furnaces, Dr. H. Goldschmidt, 637
- CHEMICAL Industries, and Internal Communi¬cation, 201
- Chemicals and Medicinal Preparations, Total Exports and Imports of, (144)
- Chemistry, 21
- Chemistry, Internal, Congress for Applied, 601
- Cherbourg Stone, (471)
- Chicago's “Rotten" Municipal Management, (312)
- Child Labour in United States, (315)
- Chili’s Foreign Trade, (218)
- China, Formation of a Department of Communi¬cations on the Japanese Model, (13)
- Chronometers at Greenwioh, Competitive Trial of Pocket, (595)
- Clay and Tannin, Mr. Aches >n’s Patent, 399
- Clay: Its Tensile Strength Increased by an Admixture of an Extract of Straw, (621)
- Cloudburst, Servia, (649)
- Clyde Trust Revenue and River Improvements, 46
- American, No Longer Imparted into Havre, (471)
- American, into Spain and other European Countries, (471)
- Anthracite and Bituminous Mines, Penn¬sylvania, Attempts to Utilise Waste Products from, (91)
- Anthracite “Combination,” (254)
- Anthracite Syndicate, (606)
- Bituminous, Supersedes Anthracite in Uoited States for Manufacturing Purposes, (91)
- Briquettes, German, in the Havre District, (471)
- Briquetting, San Francisco, (471)
- Carriage of, Cost por Ton the Same from the Tyne to Genoa and Shadwell to Bayswater, (40)
- Contract for 140,000 Tons, to Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland, Secured by Messrs. John Lancaster and Co., (292)
- Contracts, The Copenhagen Gas Coal, (118)
- Cutters, Percussive, 628
- Cutting Machines in United States, (91)
- Delivery Station, Newark, U.S.A., (503)
- Durham, for Copenhagen Gas, (118)
- Gases Enclosed in, Prof. P. P. Bedson on, (241)
- Imported into France, (619)
- Leader on, 475
- Market, Steadiness of the, 575
- Mexico, Imports and Exports, (144)
- Mined by Machines, United States, (91)
- Oil Fuel and, 99
- Our Export Trade in, Mr. D. A. Thomas on, 575
- Pennsylvanian Output, Area of the Anthracite Fields, (91)
- Prestonpans, Discovery of, (471)
- Pulverised, as Fuel, (481)
- Rhodesian, (515)
- Scotch Shipment to San Francisco, Large, Pre¬cautions against Spontaneous Combustion, (91)
- Seam Discovered near Lens, Pas de Calais, (194)
- Storing Welsh Steam, The Admiralty’s Experi¬ments, (506)
- Submerged at Portsmouth, (575)
- Total Output at the Associated Collieries for 1902, (260)
- Trade, Consular Reports, (163)
- Trade of Gibraltar and Algiers, (595)
- Trade, Wages in the ; Lord James of Here¬ford's Deoision with regard to, (183), 475 U.S. Industry, 90
- U.S. Strike, 317, 393
- Weight of, Required in U.S. to Produce a Ton of Coke, (118)
- Welsh, for Russia, (418)
- Yorkshire Industry ; Mr. W. II. Pickering’s Report, (649)
- COCHRANE, Mr. Henry. (104)
- Coins Issued from Royal Mint, 1901, 1902, (40) Cold Storage, (443)
- Colliery Engineering in South Yorkshire, 1902, 214
- Commercial Science Chair, Zii ich University, (218)
- Common, Dr. A. A., 575
- Compressor, A New Air, U.S.A., 223
- Concrete Chimneys, Los Angeles, U.S.A., (503) Concrete Pile Foundations, 223
- Concrete Piles for Foundations, American Inven¬tion, (482)
- Concrete, Storage Bins of, Reinforced, 223
- Condenser, Spray Surface, (481)
- Condensers, Surface and Jet, for Torpedo Boat r Destroyers, Isaac Storey and Sons, Limited, (377)
- Condensing Plant, Large, W. H. Allen, San and 1 Co., 524
- Congress for Applied Chemistry, Berlin, 601
- Conservation of Eaergy, 527, 553, 658
- Contractor's Point of View, Effect of Design on Methods of Construction, Mr. R. W. Newman, 578.603
- Cook, Mr. Henry, (501)
- Cooper, Mr. John Vernon, 482
- Coopers Hill College, 522
- Electrolytic, 518
- Namaqualand, (580)
- Nickel Alloys, Herr T. Ulke’s Process of Treat¬ment of. (545)
- Norway, Tromsoe, Discovery of, (194)
- Ore Mined, Average Percentage of Metal Con¬tained in, (571)
- Vagaries of the Market, 295
- CORAL Fishery in Italy, 1901, Produce of, (218)
- Cork-produciog Countries, (267)
- Cotton, Culture of, in French Colonies, (471)
- Cotton Goods Exported from England, Proportion taken by India, (144)
- Country Factories, 422
- Cranes, The Biggest in the World, (471)
- Combination Traction Engine, Road Roller, and, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 600
- Electric, for South America, 150, 199
- Overhead, 620
- Two-Ton Jib, John Wilson and Co., Limited, 543
- Craven, Mr. John, (218)
- Crompton and Co., Chelmsford, Messrs., (662)
- Crushing Mill (Supplement, June \2th, 1903)
- Crystal Palace Engineering School, (404)
- Cuirasse, Ball-proof, M. Galay’s, (168)
- Cultivators (Supplement, June Ylth, 1903)
- Curves of Maximum Bending Moment, A. L. B31), 469
- Curves Representing Adiabatic Expansion of Steam, 358
- Customs, Russian and German, (218)
- Cutting Angles of Tools for Metal Work, Mr. H. F. Donaldson, 95, 101, 128
- Cycle Companies, 1901-2, Net Profits of Leading, (40)
- DAVY, Mr. David, 421
- Dacimal and British Weights and Measures, relation of, (267)
- D;epsection Rolled Beams, 209
- Denaby Main Case, (51), (77), (95), 115
- Diagrams, Air-pump, 323
- Diagrams, Use and Abuse of, 146, 199, 223, 273, 297, 322, 323, 351, 398
- Diamond Mining in Kimberley, 59, 66, 113, 116
- Diary of a Tour in America, 62, 127
- Discussions, Conduct of, 351
- Belfast, New Graving, (267)
- Brest, (367)
- Bristol, (484), (662)
- E'derslie Graving, 6, 14, 126, 200, 201
- Leith, New Imperial, (624)
- Llanelly, (78)
- Middlesbrough, Extensions, 601
- Pembroke, (78)
- Port Arthur, Dry Dock for Russia's Pacific ’ Squadron, (649)
- Swansea, (78)
- West Hartlepool, North-Eastern Soheme for, i (519)
Dockyard Notes:
- Accidents Round the French Coast, 594
- Aeroplanes, Colonel Cody’s, 390
- Agamemnon Sold by Auction, 70
- Ajax, Sale of tho old, as Scrap Iron, 297
- Amazone Ashore, The, 594
- American Destroyer Goldsborough to be Re- engined, 70
- American Dynamite Cruiser Vesuvius Removed from the U.S. Fleet, 46
- American Gunboats, Names of the New, 70
- Andromeda at Portsmouth to pay off, 8, 46
- Arab, 32-Knot Destroyer, made Commode re , Ship of the Portsmouth Instructional Flotilla, 46
- Argentine Ships Moreno and Rividavia, Turkey said to be in Treaty for, 97
- Ariadne and her Belleville Boilers, 371
- Armament of the New 18,000-Ton Ships, 166
- Astriea to be Refitted by the London and Glasgow Company, 214
- Australia to be Refitted by a Private Firm, 214
- Becquel and Torpedo Boat No, 7, Collision between the Tug, 594
- Belleisle Experiments, 8, 46, 148, 166, 197
- Belleisle, Her Bottom to be Armour-plated, 197
- Belleisle nearly Ready for next Experiments, 653
- Belleville Boilers of the Ariadne, 371
- Belleville Ships, Performance of, 477
- British and German Guns at Puerta Capella, 97
- Canopus, Her Boiler Defects, 8
- Cap Gospel, The, 197
- ‘'Cap” Official for the British Service, The, 630
- Capped Projectiles, Changed View of, 197
- Captain Sigbee's Statement regarding the U.S., being the Third Naval Power, counting Ships building, 321
- Cherbourg Mine Field Explosion, 591
- Channel Fleet Captains Made to Mancouvre in Turn, 495
- Channel Fleet, “Tinkering” of, 594
- Chatham Naval Barracks to be Commissioned, 416
- Chilian Battleships Libertad and Constituoion, Speeches at the Launches of, 97
- Japan said to be in Treaty for, 97
- Chilian Bittloships, Rumours as to Purchase of, 166, 240
- Coal Expenditure, The Spartiate’s, Amphi¬trite's, Europa’s, and Blenheim’s, 515
- Coal Submerged at Portsmouth, The, 575
- Coast Defence Ship, Unsinkable American, 390
- Concussion on Living Bodies, Experiments on the Effect of, 515
- Conning Tower, A New Type of, for the British Navy, 630
- Cornwallis Accepted for Service, 297
- County Class, Increase in Speed Secured by, 630
- Cruisers of the Gem Class, 70
- Cruisers as Mail Boats, Mr. Caldwell’s View, 594
- Cruisers, Modernising of Certain, 214
- Cruisers to whose Upper Deck Guns Casemates are to be Fitted, 214
- Devastation, her Part in the Naval Manoeuvres, 653
- Devastation, Steam Trials of, 591
- Davonport, Mr. Champness Succeeded by Mr. J. Black, (13)
- Diadem Class to have Extra Casemates, 70
- Drake to be Commissioned for the Cruiser SquadroD, 46
- Duncans, The, 8
- Duncan Out for Gun Trials, 452
- Espingole, Loss of the, 166
- E,sex with her New Propellers, The, 594
- Europa and Spartiate Commissioned at Ports¬mouth, 321
- Euryalus, Steam Trials of, 46
- Exmouth to Relieve the Victorious, 575
- Fireproof Wood and Steel Furniture, Results of Experiments at Portsmouth with, 46
- French Cruiser D'Entrecasteaux, Too Deep in the Water, 550
- French Cruiser Gueydon, her Trials, 591
- French Cruiser Léon Gambetta, Progress of, 550
- French Trials, The Recent, The Henry IV. and some Sheep, 630
- Gambetta Type, M. Pelletan’s Revision of the, 594
- German Battleships T. and K. named Els ass and Lothringen, 575
- German Battleships for Turkey, the Humour of the Situation, 416
- German Cruiser Amazone Ashore at Brest, 594
- German Cruisers Undine, Frauenlob, and Arcona, and three more under Construction,
- German Navy, Sailor Phrases for, 339
- German Wittelsbach Class, Trials of, 166
- Goliath to be Replaced by the Exmout'i on the China Station, 8
- G overnment War Game Transferred to Ports¬mouth, 550
- Hercules Removed from the Effective List, 297
- Hermes Re-boilered with Babcock and Wilcox Boilers, 214
- Howe, Fate of the, 70
- Iris and Mercury to be Commissioned as Train¬ing Ships, 575
- Italian Battleships of the Vittorio Emanuele Class, Names of the Projected, 70, 214
- Jane Naval War Game Adopted by the U.S., 550
- Japan said to be in Treaty for the Two New Chilian Battleships, 97
- Joanne d’Arc to bring President Loubet to England, 550
- Kiog Alfred to be passed into the A Division of the Fleet Reserve, 321
- King Alfred to convey Prince and Princess of Wales to India, 550
- Leander made a Sea-going Base for Destroyers in Mediterranean, 46
- Mara and the Oil and Water Problem, The, 371
- Marseilles, The Terrible Disaster at, 594
- Medea, Boiler Committee Trials, 890
- Medusa and Medea, Competitive Steam Trials, 321
- Melampus, Cruiser, to aot as Drill Ship at Dublin Bay, 653
- Minerva, The, 452, (575)
- Minerva-Hyacinth Derby, The, 148
- Monmoutbrs Trials brought to Premature Con¬clusion, 166
- Naval Estimates, Rumours as to the Next, 148
- Naval Matters, Danger of the British Public being Bored by, 575
- Navy League, Balsam to the, from an American Correspondent, 124
- Navy League's Excursion to Portsmouth, 653
- New Zealand, Battleship, Laid Down at Ports¬mouth, 166
- Nile to Turn Over to the Royal Oak at Po ts- mouth, 46
- Oil Fuel on the Mars, 271
- Orwell, Loss of the, 148
- Paffett, Chief Stoker, Gold Medal Awarded to, 297
- Plymouth in a “ State of Siege,” 594
- Polyphemus, Torpedo Ram, to be Sold by Auction, 653
- Portsdown Hills, Re-armament of, 452
- Portsmouth Dockyard and Scamped Work, 4f 2
- Portsmouth, Engineering Workshops to be Erected, (13)
- Royal Yaoht, Telescopic Masts of, 477
- Russell, Battleship, to be Commitsioned at Chatham, 148
- Russian Battleship Tsarevitch, 271
- Russian Cruiser Bayan at Portsmouth, 495
- Russian Cruiser Naohimoff due at Portsmouth, 321
- Russian Ships, 16,000-Ton, The, 214
- St. Vincent Training Ship, Her Last Sa Drill, 653
- "Scouts,” The Names of the Four, 46
- "Scouts,” The New, Not to be Standardised, 297
- Shooting Competition between Officers and Men, 240
- Shark Fatality, Coroner’s Inquest, 240
- Spartiate, to be Flagship on the Australian Station, 148
- Spartiate, Amphitrite, Europa, Blenheim, their Expenditure of Coal, 515
- Speed Trials of British and Foreign Ships, 371
- Stokers, Free Kit for, on Joining, 8
- Submarine Boat Evolutions in the Solent. 321
- Submarine Destroyer Invented, A New, 575
- Submarines, 1, 4, 5, 6, 148
- Submarine No. 4 at Portsmouth for Repairs, 416
- Sultan Removed from the Effective List, 297
- Swedish Armoured Cruiser Fylgia, 121
- Target Mania in the German Navy, 70
- Thames and Medway Defences, Mobilisation of, (575)
- Thornycroft Torpedo Boat No. 109 Delivered at Chatham, 46
- Thunderer Struck off the Effective List, 70
- Torpedo Gunboat Asraye on her way to Eng¬land, 416
- Torpedo with a Range of 4000 YardB, A, 575
- Torpedoes, The Latest, 214
- Turbine Destroyer Eden, Launch of, 321
- Turkish Battleships, Reconstruction of, at Genoa, 477
- Turkish Navy, Reconstruction of the, 339
- United States Battleships of the Louisiana Type not to be Begun this Year, 70
- United States Cruiser Philadelphia to be need as a Schoolship, 70
- United States Monitor Nevada's Speed, 166
- Venus, The, 452
- Victorious Home from the Mediterranean with Her three Torpedo Boats, 653
- Ville de Cherbourg, Loss of the, 594
- Waste of Ammunition in the Mediterranean, Agitation about the, (575)
- White, Sir William, His Dafonce in the Times, 97
- Wine on Board Ship as a Weight, 371
- DORMAN, LONG and CO., Limited, Britannia Steel Works, Opened (227)
- Dover, Cold at, June 21st, 1903, (649)
- Harbour Works, 610, 015. 619 Prince of Wales’ Pier at, Opened, (40) Promenade Subsidence, 577
- Downey, Mr. Alfred C., 421
- Draught, Mechanical, Mr. H. F. Schmidt on the Advantages of, Compared with Chimney Draught, (13)
- Draw-bars, English and American, 38
- Dredger, Gold, Electrically Operated, (267) Hydraulic or Suction, U.S.A., (555) New York Bay, Tho Largest in the World, (580)
- Dredger Pump, for the Mersey Dock and Harbour Board, 456
- Dredging, 617, 618, 620
- Dredging of the Medway, (315)
- Drilling Machine, Large, 467, 468
- Drops, Weight of, MM. Guye and F. L. Perrot (492)
- Drought in Australia, Breaking Up of, (228) Dust-arresting Respirator (sec Respirator), 479 Dust Flue, its Effect on the Thermal Efficiency of
- Hot Blast Stoves, Mr. B. H. Thwaite, 512 Dust Fall, Th% (367)
- EARTHQUAKE Shocks, Bangor, (649)
- Economy in Roofs, 253
- Accumulators, New Electrolyte for, (391)
- Air Compressor, Reavell and Co., Limited, 12
- Automobiles, Mr. H. F. Joel on, 151
- Cable, First Made in U.S. for Foreign Owners, (65)
- Canadian Niagara Power Works, 142,143, 178
- Convection, MM. Crémieu and Pender, (471)
- Cranes for S. America, Stothert and Pitt, Limited, 150
- Current for Motive Power, Reduction of Price asked for in Manchester, (91)
- Currents, Their Action on Gas Mains and Pipes. (40)
- Dolter Surface Contaot System, 272
- Driving of Machinery, Mr. A. Arthur, (245)
- Dry Batteries, (223)
- Dynamo, 375 Kilowatt, Mather and Platt, Limited, 375, 376
- Electrically driven Machine Tools, Jas. Arch¬dale and Co., 175
- Electricians, Master, U.S.A. Army, (168)
- Electro-Chemical Equivalents, Mr. Carl Hering on Uniformity in, (545)
- Electrolysis of Fluids, 538
- Electrolysis in Water Motors, Interesting Case of, (595)
- Electrolytic Action on Gas Mains and Pipes, (40)
- Electrolytic Valves, M. Albert Noden, (241)
- Electro-Metallurgical Production of Iron and Steel, 264
- Extensions at Willesden, 363, 368, 396, 409
- Fittings, Municipal Trade in, 319
- Frequency for Continuous Current Generators on the Continent and Here, The Usual, (13)
- Generating Plant Laid Down by a Lignite Colliery at Bodarf, near Cologne, (241)
- Gold Dredger, Electrically Operated, (267)
- Harvesting, California, (391)
- Installations in Mines, New South Wales, (24)
- Ireland, Water Power Used in, (194)
- Italy, Water Power Used io, (194)
- Machinery for Irrigation Purposes, United States, (391)
- Manufacturing Companies in Germany, Fall in Dividends Paid by, (443)
- Metropolitan Electric Supply Company, 363, 368
- Metropolitan Electric Supply Company’s Under¬taking of Marylebone, Value of, Assessed, (168)
- Niagara Falls Power Station, Extension of the, 62, 63, (218)
- Niagara Falls Power Station, Fire at, 211
- Niagara, Power Production, 62, 63, 65, 142 178, 218, 522
- Niagara River above the Falla, to Generate Power, Toronto-Niagara Power Company’s Application, (65)
- Omnibuses on the Fischer Petrol System for London, (373)
- Power Distribution Companies in this Country Working under Parliamentary Powers, (118)
- Power in Mexico, Use of, (367)
- Power Plants, Gas Engine, United States, (102)
- Power Production, Niagara, 522
- Power at a Railway Wagon Works and Shops, U.S.A., (481)
- Power for St. Petersburg and Lake Ladoga, Use of the River Volkhov for Transmitting, (367)
- Powor, Sale of, in California, (324)
- Power Company, Susquehanna, (367)
- Power Transmission at Clermont-Ferrand, 271
- Power Transmission, Long D'stance, (545)
- Pump, Surface, Ocker Hill, South Stafford¬shire, (153)
- Pampiog Scheme for the Tipton District, (252)
- Shock, Elephant Killed by, (65)
- Society of Electro-Chemists and Metallurgists, Foundation of a, (118)
- Supply Company, Marylebone, and the Metropolitan, (338)
- Sopply, S. Wales, (266)
- Switzerland, Power Development in, (194)
- Tachometer, (649)
- Toronto-Niagara Power Company's Applica¬tion to.tbe Ontario Parliament, (65)
- Traction in S. London, Technical Instruction io, (223)
- Transmission Line on Steel Towers, Mexican, (315)
- Water Power Development on the American and Canadian Sides of the Sault Ste. Marie, (40)
- Water-wheel, U.S., (390)
- Westinghouse Works, Manchester, Water Tower, 361, 364, 365
- Willesden Extensions, 363, 368, 396, 409
- Work on the Soulanges Canal, 38, 39
Electric Light:
- America, Supply and Renewal of Lamps Undertaken by the Companies in, (91)
- Arc Lamps, Open and Enclosed, Compared, (91)
- Batb, Accounts for 1902, (519); New Outlays and Reconstruction Work, (40) ; Offer made by the Electric Tramways Company, (241)
- Bilbao, (104)
- Buffalo and Boston, The Open and Enclosed Air Systems, (91)
- Chatham Dockyard, Installation of, (40)
- Cooper-Hewitt Lamp and Static Converter, Ilfracombe, (241)
- Improvement of Interior Lighting, (95)
- Incandescent Lamps Produced in America and Europe, (65)
- Incandescent Lamp as a Pyrometer, Use of, (65)
- Mercury Arc Lamp, Herr J. Stark’s Study of the Phenomena presented by the Mercury Vapour, (545)
- New Zealand, (659)
- New York City, (391)
- Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, (496)
- Omnibus Fitted with, (144)
- Ordnance Department, Dover, Stores and Workshops, (545)
- Paramaribo, (418)
- Sheffield, (595)
- Southend-on-Sea, (391)
- Sydney, (302)
- Train Lighting, Kull System, (519)
- Tramway and Tramcar Lighting, Korea, (519)
- Tunbridge Wells, (595)
- Application of, for Driving Carriages in Towns, Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, 645
- Chatham Dockyard, Contemplated Use of, iD, (40)
- Generated by Water Power in Basque Provinces,
- Heinz’s Muffler for Converting Lost Heat from a Petrol Motor into, (519)
- Mines, Commission to Report on its Use in, (266)
- Mining, Use of, in, 454, 476, 490
- Niagara Falls Power House, 646, 617, 650
- Russian Commission to Consider the Question of Turning the Water Power of the Country to Account for Providing, (342)
- Substituted for Ar aesthetics for Operations on Teeth, (23)
- Supply from Double-current Generators, P. R. Wray, (24)
- Transmission and Distribution by Single-phase Alternating Current, Mr. E. W. Monkhouse, 646
- Use of, in Battleships, (391)
- Use of, in Mexico, More General, (144), (367)
- Works, Camden Town, Use of Oil Fuel, (144)
- Works, Manchester, Draft Report on Dr. Kennedy’s Statement, (241)
- Works, Mansfield Corporation, (621)
- Works, Salford, (519)
- Works, Number of German, (342)
- ELEPHANT Killed by Electrocution at Coney Island, (65)
- Elevators (Supplement, June 12 A, 1903)
- Ellis, Mr. A. Adcock, (443)
- Embankment Consolidate rs, 566
- Emigration to Canada, (342)
- Emsworth, Scheme of Drainage Gratuitously, 38,
- Esthetics, 98
- Agricultural (see Supplement, June Ylth, 1903) Apprenticeship in, Professor J. D. Cormack on, 611
- Association, American, 387
- Building University of Pennsylvania (586)
- Civil, 15
- College, Gwalior, (144)
- Colliery, in South Yorkshire, 1902, 214
- Conference, June, (292), 586 ; Visits, 610, 611, 615, 620, 627, 628, 629
- Electrical, 18
- Empiricism, in, 547
- Journal, Anglo-Russian, (284)
- Mechanical, 17
- Mechanical, of Modern Collieries, Mr. Bardill on, (204)
- Sanitary, 19
- Standards Committee, The, 366, 653
- Works, Removal of, and Creation of a Garden City, 501
- Workshops, Mr. H. S. Jackson on the, 151
- Works in the U.S., Premium System applied to, Mr. James Rowan on, 310, 325
- Engineers:
- Civil Engineer’s Career Limited, The, 659
- Coopers Hill, 345
- English, in Mexico, 501
- Future of Industrial, 322
- Naval Engineer Problem not Solved, (357)
- Physicist and the, 623
- Point of View, South Africa from an, 55,81,107, 133, 157,183,207, 231, 257, 281, 287, 305,316, 407, 461, 487
- Railway, Wanted for South Africa, 166
- Salary, Bombay, The Municipal, (144)
- Students in the Royal Navy, Names of Suc¬cessful Candidates at the Open Competitive Examination, (471)
- " Surface Construction,” New York City, (315)
- Training of, (273), 296, 318, 323, 338, 346, (349), 360, 366, 398, 423, 447, 451, 455, 461, 478, 498, 552
- Training of, Professor Dalby on, (338), 34’, 360, 366, 447, 455
- Training of Engineer Apprentices, Darlington Technical College, (471)
- Engines:
- Alcohol, 169, 474, 576, 602
- Ancient Compound Marine, 524
- Blowing, Galloways, Limited, 332, 333
- Chemical Fire, Merryweather and Sons, for Johannesburg, 298
- Compound Blowing, at Prior's Lee Blast Fur¬naces, Lilleshall Co. (Supplements, February 13(/< and March 20th), 174, 297
- Compound Gas, 296
- Compound Traction, for the Colonies, Chas. Burrell and Sons, 43
- Construction, Continental, 535, 561
- ' Design of Steam, 521
- “Dignity and Impudence," An Interesting Comparison, Mr. A. F. Yarrow, 166, 199
- Diminutive Working Model of an American, (241)
- Easton and Co., Limited, Professor J. A. Ewing’s Tests, 46
- Efficiency of Heat, 270
- Electric Winding r. Steam, (621)
- Finish of, 398
- Fire, Steam Motor, Leyland, (241)
- French Research on Alcohol Motors, Captain C. C. Longridge, 576
- Gas, Messrs. Crossley Brothers, Supplied to United States, (153)
- Messrs. Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., (328)
- Blowing for Lackawanna Steel Company, New York, (144)
- Compound, 222
- Device for Examining Cylinders of, whilst Running, (91)
- Engine Plant, Mexico, Large, (595), (658)
- German, 594
- Recent Developments in, Professor Hud¬son Beare on, (61)
- and some other Heat, Mr. J. W. Hall on, (267)
- Special Typo of, Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, (315)
- v. Steam, Mr. James Atkinson, 240 U.S., (353)
- High-speed, Details of Hoy’s, 124, 125
- Horizontal, 300 Horse-power, for Superheated
- Steam, 46; Easton and Co., Limited, 115 (Supplement, January 30tA. 1903) Horizontal High-power Gas, U.S., (353)
- Indicating High-speed Steam, A. Marshall Arter, 249
- Indicator, The McNaught, 311
- Internal Combustion r. Steam, (621)
- Internal Combustion, Mr. H. A. Humphrey, 627
- Knocking and Crosshead Pins, 211
- Ljungström Condenser as applied to Marine, Mr. W. Cross on, 346
- Marine, Messrs. W. Sisson and Co., Gloucester, i (556)
- Imported into Palestine, (471)
- Messrs. A. E. and H. Robinson, (531)
- and Pump, James P. Petter and Sons, Limited, 554
- Orient Pacific Liner Orontes, 5000 Horse-power Quadruple-expansion, Fairfield Company, Limited (Supplement, January 23rd, 1903)
- Petrol Motors for Bicycles, (47J)
- Petter Pumpiog, The, 554
- Pumping (Double-Compound Condensing) for Alexandria, Tangyes Limitïd, 89, 95
- Pumping for Hartlepool, (277)
- Samuel’s Steam Carriages, 602
- Steam-driven and Gas-driven Blowing, Mr. T. Westgarth on, 629
- Superheated Steam, 273
- Tests made by Professor J. A. Ewing, of Engine built by Easton and Co , Limited, 46,
- Tests of a Van den Kerchove Steam, 192
- Three-cylinder Compound, 5000 Horse power Sulzer Brothers (Supplement, April 24th, 1903)
- Traction, Road Roller and Crane Combined, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 6C0
- Traction, for the Transvaal, (144)
- Triple-expansion, for a Russian Power Station, Tosi and Co., 448, 419
- Triple-expansion Steam 13000 H.P.), Messrs. J. and H. McLaren, 812, 313
- Turbines, British Westinghouse Co., Trafford Park, (153)
- Two-stage Air-compressing, for South Africa, Messrs. Walker Bros., 168, 166
- Use of Re-heaters in Compound, Mr. Geo. H. Barrus on, 553
- Valve Gears, Mr. W. H. Bedford's Working . Models of, (216)
- Vertical Blowing, Galloways, Limited, 265, 268 “ Water Polish " in, and How it is Lost, (571) Whiting Double-sheaf Winding, 415
- ENGLISH and American Methods, 351, 899
- English Makers of Pottery Compete with 1 German, (65)
- Entropy, 84, 114, 122, 146, 149, 171, 172, 199
- Entropy, Rankine’s Thermodynamic Function and, 210
- Evan», Mr. J., Patent Stripper, at Cyfartbfa Works, (179)
- Evans and Lewis, Patent Tdter, at Cyfarthfa Works, (179)
- Ewing, Professor J. A., Tests made by, on an Engine, 46
- American International of 1904, 152, 161, 191
- Athens Royal International, (168)
- Automobile, Crystal Palace, (27), (65), 140, 160
- Buenos Aires Agricultural Show, Exhibits In¬vited, (168), (282)
- Building Trades International, (595)
- Canadian National, (496)
- Capetown Industrial, 1903-4, (515)
- Colliery, (73), 333
- Commerce, Manufactures, Agriculture, Fine Arts, and Hygiene, Athens, (118)
- Crystal Palace Motor Car Show, (27), (65), 140, 160, 212, 261
- Engineering and Machinery, Crystal Palace, (65)
- Fire, at Earl’s Court, (100), (252), 477
- Grocery, Provision, Oil and Italian Warehouse,;
- and Allied Trades’ Annual International, ' Safety Limp Competition at, (418)
- Liege, International, (367)
- Limoges, International. (267)
- Milan, International, 1905, Representation of Simplon Tonne), (292)
- Motor Car, Agricultural Hall, Islington, (292)
- Nottingham, 320, (391)
- Osaka, The Fifth National Industrial, 492
- Paris of 1900, M. Pickard’s Report on, (218)
- Rheims, Industrial and International, (267)
- Russian, Agricultural, (204) '
- St. Louis, 152, 161, 191, 446, (484). (527), 602
- Sanitary Institute’s, at Bradford, (118)
- Stanley Motor Car Show, The, 87
- Expansion, Separation, and Compression of ; Wet Steam, R. H. Smith, 535
- Cartridge for Coal Mining in use in Pennsylvania, (85)
- Kohl Torpedo Factory, Cleveland, Ohio, Destroyed, (471)
- Nitro-glycerine, Dangers of, Major A. Cooper- Key’s Report on, 401
- Projectiles, Capped and Uncapped, 23, 72, 197
- Projectiles, Manufacture and Efficiency of, D. Carnegie, 201
- Safety Blasting Powder, (376)
- Torpedoes. The Latest Invention, 214
- Torpedo, The New, J. F. Crease on, 12
- Torpedo Practice in the Navy, New Departure, (40)
- U.S. Naval Defence Mines, (471)
- FACTORIES, Country, 422
- Factories Registered in South Australia, (24)
- Factories, Ventilation of, 37
- Ferro-concrete Piles, 612
- Files, British v. American, (471)
- File-cutting, Draft Regulations Affecting, (168)
- File-cutting Industry, Home-office Inquiry into, (342)
- File Cutting Industry, Sheffield, (266), (301)
- Fire Apparatus, German, (443)
- Fire-arms, The New Service Rifle, (649)
- Fire Brigades Council, Meeting of the Inter¬national, (428)
- Fire Insurance Rates in Brooklyn, (13)
- Fire Insurance, Step taken by the Eureka Fire Huss Company, of Jersey City, N.J., (168)
- Fire Prevention Committee, The British, (458)
- Fire Prevention Congress, International, 544
- Flax, Italian, (267)
- Floods in Yorkshire, (315)
- Flame, The Longest in the World, and its Capacity, (118)
- Fly-wheels, Heavy, 12
- Food Inspection in the Docks and in the River, t (621)
- Foreign v. English Goods, 199, 248
- Fothergill, Mr., (662)
- Foundry Industry in the United States, Future of the, 426
- Foundry Irons, Mr. W. G. Scott on, (251)
- Fowler, Mr. Colin P., (129)
- France, Public Works in, (653)
- Freezing Process for Tunnelling, The, (504)
- French Nava) Programme, 170
- Flicker Maximum Demand Indicator, The, 479
- Friction and Lubrication, J. Stormontb, 631
- Fuel, Patent, Ordered by the Admiralty for Experimental Purposes, (545)
- Fulham Baths, Fatalities at, 42 Furnaces in Blast, in France, (315)
- Furnaces, Blast—see Blast Furnaces
- Furnace, Open-hearth, Lieut.-Col. Cubillo, 512
- Furnaces, Ore-roasting, United States, (482)
- Furnace Plants, Output Records of Modern ' American Blast, (241)
- Furnace Top, On a New, Mr. Axel Sahhn, 512
- Acetylene, Absorbed, 112
- Blast Furnace, Utilisation of, for Working Gas 1 Engines, (65)
- Consumption goes on Increasing, (65)
- Edinburgh and Leith New Gasworks, 152
- Lighting, 398
- Maios and Pipes, Corrosion of, by Electric Currents, (40)
- Manufacture and Use of Producer, Mr. J. Lowe, (351)
- Mond Gas, Staffordshire Power Distribution Scheme, Activity at Dudley Port, (178)
- Natural, in Ontario, (545)
- Penny-in-the-Slot Meter Robberies, (315)
- Pilot Lighting for Incandescent Cluster Borners, Mr. W. Hal), (129)
- Power Gas Bill, The, (545)
- Producer, and Compound Gas Engines, Mr. G. C. Douglas, 197
- Separation of, by Centrifugal Action at Turin, (418)
- Supply, 2)
- Water as a Poison, 245
- Works, Edinburgh, New, (252)
- GATLING, Mr. R. Jordan, (241)
- Gear, Right-angle Transmission, 265
- Geometrical Problem, 248, 293, 322, 399, 421
- German Depression in Trade and Industry, (443)
- Export Trade, (443)
- Machine Industry, 120
- Prosperity, 69
- Syndicate Inquiry, 41
- Germany’s Industrial Condition, Improvement (267)
- Germany, Transformation from Agriculture to Industry io, (571)
- Girders, Rolled Steel, 209
- Glaisber, Mr. James, (168)
- Glasgow, Cleansing of, (239)
- Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, 523
- Glass Bottle, Largest ever Blown, (571)
- Gold in Australia, (418)
- Cost of Winning, in South Africa, (496)
- Experts from Mexico, 1900, 1901, (144)
- Mines, The World’s, Mr. B. H. Broughton, 178
- Mining Machinery on the Rand, 629
- Output, Rand, (515)
- Production of the World, Total, frem Titre cf Columbus to 1900, (571)
- Quartz. Bellary District, India, (649)
- Reef, Tomsk, Russia, (649)
- Goodspeed, Professor : His Discovery that Rays from the Human Body possess Photograph c Potency, (519)
- Governors, Woodward Water Wheel, (378)
- Granite Setts, 199
- Graphite for Lubricating Automobiles, Use of, (194)
- Great Salt Lake, Fall of the Level, (571)
- Greenwich Time-ball, The, (595)
- Griffith, Mr. V. R., (180)
- Grinding Machine and its Possibilities, Ths, Mr. H. Darbysbire on, 299
- Grinding Machine and some Tools, by H. Derby¬shire, 305, 358
- Grindstone, Bunting of, at Sheffield, (144
Harbours and Waterways:
- 1902, 1
- Belfast, Mr. G. F. L. Giles on, 656
- Buffalo Breakwater, 515, 516, 517
- Cadiz, (621)
- Clyde Trust Revenue and River Improvements, 46
- Dover Harbour Works. 610, 615, 613, 648
- Dover, The National Harbour at; The Island Breakwater, 201
- Durban Harbour Works, 407, 417
- Gibraltar, Eastern Harbour and Docks, (218)
- Keeling Harbour Works, Formosa, Stopped for Want of Fands, (241)
- London, Port of. Sir H. de le Marchant on, 74
- Medway, Dredging Operations, (315)
- Naples, Slow Progress of Work, (144)
- Newport Harbour Trust, (506)
- Newport and South America, (88)
- Norwich to be Made a Port, (118)
- Portland, U.S.A., (555)
- St. John's Port, South Africa, (515)
- Saldanha Bay Harbour, South Africa, (659)
- San Diego, Harbour Improvements, (595)
- Schemes, Japan, New, (556)
- Seine, Merchandise Traffic on, (471)
- Southampton Harbour, Operations, (443)
- Swansea and Newport, Revenues, (51)
- Thames and Lea, The Rivers, 196
- Trieste, New Harbour, (571)
- Vicksburg, United States, Re-openinz tl e Port, (390)
- Weirs in India, Notes on, 562
- HARROGATE Sewage Treatment, (91)
- Harvesters, Australian, for Buenos Ayres, (471)
- Hawksbee’8 Law, Mr. C. L. Barnes' Experiments Depending on, (13)
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Limited, Directors’ Report, (661)
- Hills ». Colonial Government, South Africa, (374)
- Honduras, Wagon Road Built by Governor nt, (91)
- Hook, New Safety, Smith Patent Safety Hcok Company, 49
- Hoist, Pneumatic, (555)
- Horse-rake (Supplement, June 12th, 1903)
- Horses, Sale of County Council’s Tramcar, (496)
- Hull and Barnsley Railway and Dock Company,
- Hydraulic Injector Hydrants under the Foot¬paths, Mr. L. H. Lewis), Plan for, (77)
- Hydraulic Machinery, Tangyes Limited, East London Waterworks Company, (660) Hydrology, United States, (367)
- Hygiene Congress at Brussels, 657, (662)
- Hygiene and Demography, Eleventh Inter¬national Congress of, (115)
- Hypochlorite of Soda Generator, Mr. G. J. Atkins, 174
- Hysteresis in Magnetic Cycles, Energy Lost by,
- ICE JAM at Niagara, (315)
- Immigration Restriction in Australia, (228)
- India-rubber, Government Specifications for, 10
- Indicator, The Flicker, Maximum Demand, 479
- Indigo Area in Bengal, 1903, (144)
- Indus, Level of the River, (571)
- Injectors, Holden and Brooke, Limited, (377)
Institute, Aeronautical:
- Aerial Navigation: Past, Present, and Future. Mr. E. Mote, 95
- Balkon, Navigable, Captain Callaway on bis, (527)
- Balloon Propulsion, An Original Method of Dr. T. D. Cooke, 95
- Kite or Flying Machine, Improved, Messrs. Taresal, Poheim and Simko, (228)
- Novel Method of Navigating the Air, Mr. W. J. Griffiths, (228)
- Stringfellow Flying Machine, Mr. C. H. M. A. Alderson, (451)
Institute, Cycle Engineers:
- Wall-card Containing Table of Screw Threads Adopted as Standards for the Cycle Trade, (65)
- Institute, Imperial:
- Management of, (9)
Institute, Iron and Steel:
- Axles, Hollow Pressed, Mr. Camille Mercader, 511
- Blast Furnace Top, On a New, Mr. Axel Sahlin, 512
- Comentation of Iron by Silicon, Note on the Alleged, Mr. J. E. Stead, 511
- Electric Furnace in Metallurgy, On the Appli¬cation of, Mr. Albert Keller, 511
- Flue Dust, Effect of, upon the Thermal Efficiency of Hot Blast Stoves, Mr. B. 11. Thwaite, 512
- Open-hearth Furnace, On the, Lieut.-Col. Cubillo, 511
- Open-hearth Process, Development of the Con¬tinuous, Mr. Benjamin Talbot, 488
- Portland Cement Manufactured from Blast Furnace Slag, Ritter von Schwarz, 512, 529
- Presidential Address on Profit Sharing, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, 487, 497, 503
- Programme of Annual Meeting, (400)
- Steel, On the Influence of Sulphur and Manga ganese on, Professor J. O. Arnold and Mr. G. B. Waterhouse, 511
- Sussex Cast Iron, Analysis of a Specimen of, Professor Turner, 511
Institute of Marine Engineers:
- Annual Meeting, 428
- Programme of Papers to be Road, 152 Voyages of the Icebreaker Ermack, Mr. A.
- Gulston, 152
Institute of Mining Engineers, Ameri¬can:
- Accidents due to Combustion within Air Com¬pressors, Mr. A. R. Ledoux, 475
- Castings, Calculations of the Weight of, with the Aid of the Planimeter, Mr. C. M. Schwerin, 659
- Steel Works at Monterey, Mexico, Mr. William White on, 401
Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, North of England:
- Geology of the English Like District, Mr. J. Postlethwaite, 638
- Granite Quarrying, Sett Making and Crushing, and Manufacture of Concrete Flags and Granite Tiles, Mr. George H. Bragg, 638
- Gypsum of the Eden Valley, Mr. David Burns,
- Visit to St. Helens Colliery and Brickworks Company, near Workington, 638
- Institution, Newsvendors’ Benevolent and Provident:
- Sixty-fourth Annual General Meeting, (151)
Institute, Sanitary:
- Annual Dinner, (288)
- June Arrangements, (543)
- Twenty-first Congress, (266)
Institute of Sanitary Engineers:
- Forthcoming Meeting», (204)
- Institute, Staffordshire Iron and Steel:
- Eagines, on Gas and some other Heat, Mr. J. W. Hall on, (267)
- Rolling Mill, The Modern Continuous, Mr. Axel Sahlin, 327
Institution of Civil Engineers:
- American Locomotive Practice, P. J. Cowan, 401
- American Railway Organisation and Adminis¬tration of, Lieutenant-Colonel Yorke, 640
- Annual Dinner, 288
- Apprenticeship in Engineering, Professor J. D. Cormack, 641
- Armour-piercing Projectiles, Manufacture and Efficiency of, David Carnegie, 201
- Assimilation of Railway Practice as regards
- Loads on Bridges up to 200ft. Span, Mr. A. Ross, Section I., 616
- Automatic Signalling, Mr. W. J. Cudworth, Section I., 617
- Awards for Last Session, (458)
- Blast Furnaces, Equalising the Temperature of the Blast for, Mr. J. H. Harrison, Section IV., 629
- Coal Cutters, Percussive, Sir Thomas Wrightson and Mr. John Morison, Section IV., 628
- Conference, June, (292), 586, 588, 591, 592, 610 611, 615, 616, 617, 618, 620, 627, 628, 629 630
- Conversaziones, (612)
- Design of Permanent Way and Locomotives for High Speeds, Mr. J. C. Inglis, Section, 616
- Dredging in New South Wales, Mr. C. W. Darley, Section II., 617
- Dredging, with Special Reference to Rotary Cutters, Mr. J. H. Apjobn, Section II., 618
- Drilled v. Punched Rivet Holes in the Hulls of Ships, Mr. A. F. Yarrow, 644
- Election of Members, (458)
- Electric Automobiles, Mr. H. F. Joel, (118), 151
- Electricity, Application of to Driving Carriages in Towns, Col. R. E. B. Crompton, 645
- Engineering Conference, 1903, (292)
- Presidential Address, Mr. J. C. Hawkshaw, 616
- Section I.. Railway Engineering Papers Read. 615-617
- Section IL, Dredging and Harbour Works. 617-620
- Section III., Cranosand Gas Eagines,620—628 ; Internal Combustion Engines for Driving Dynamos, H. A. Humphrey, 627
- Section III., Petrol Motors for Locomotion, Use of, Mons. E. Sauvage, 611
- Section III., Speeds of Overhead and other Cranes as a Factor in Economical Handling of Material in Working, Mr. A. P. Head, 620
- Section IV., Gold Minipg Machinery on the Rand, Recent Improvements iD, Mr. A. E. T. Leeds. 629
- Section IV.. Mining and Metallurgy, 628 —630
- Section IV., Steam-driven and Gas-driven Blowing Engines, Mr. Tom Westgartb, 629
- Section V., Screw Shafts, Mr. John List, 614
- Section VII., Telegraphy, 630
- Section VII., Telegraphy, Wireless, Mr. E. A. N. Pochin, 630
- Section VII., Transmission and Distribution by Single-phase Alternating Current, Sir. E. W. Monkbouse, 616
- Visits, Chiswick Power House, 565—569; Staines Reservoirs, 586 588, 593 ; Great Eastern Works, Stratford, 588-591, 592 ; Dover Harbour Works, 610, 615 ; Yarrow and Co.’s Works, Poplar, 611, 626
- Foreshore Protection and Travel of Beaches, Mr. W. T. Douglas, Section II., 618
- James Forrest Leoture, The, Mr. W. H. Maw, 611, 623
- Gauges and Standards as Affecting Shop and Manufacturing Administration, Mr. H. J. T. Marshall, Section III., 628
- Glasgow Association of Students —
- Electric Driving of Machinery, Mr. A. Arthur, (245)
- Indicating High-speed Steam Engines, A. Marshall Arter, 249
- Manufacture and Use of Producer Gas, Mr. J. Lowe, 351
- Standard Steel Sections, Mr. A. C. Walker, 282
- Metals, Decay of, J. T. Milton and W. J. Larke, 455
- Students’ Annual Dinner, (614)
- Water-tube Boilers, Mr. W. Foulis, Jun., 204
- Students’ Meeting: —
- Bacterial Sewage Works at Asb, Dover, Mr. H. S. Watson, 455
- E'ectricity Supply from Double-current Gene¬rators, P. R Wray, 24
- Examination Results, 346
- Motor-driven Printing Machines, Advantages of, Mr. J. D. Morgan, 346
- Relative Advantages of Single, Twin, and Triple Screws for Marine Propulsion, Mr. E. Falk, (245)
- Students, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Association of. (99), (165), (512)
- Subway Lines, Relative Advantages of Over¬head, Deep Level, and Shallow, Mr. S. B. Cottrell, 640
Institution of Electrical Engineers:
- Concert at the Albert Hall, (630)
- Constitution of Matter, Sir Oliver Lodge, 152
- Conversazione, (479)
- List of Members and Associate Members to fill Vacancies on the Council, 201
- Manchester Section, Report, (662)
- New Address of Library and Offices, (292)
- Visit to the Continent, 240
- Visit to Ocker Hill Works. (532)
- Visit to United States, (f 95)
Institution, Electrical, Standardising', Testing-, and Training:
- Awards, (91)
Institution of Engineers, Cleveland:
- Engineering Works in the U.S., Mr. H. S. Jackson, 151
Institution of Engineers, Junior:
- Boilers, Modern Marine, J. M. Rounthwaite. 44
- Calorimetry of Gaseous and Liquid Fuels, Mr. 1 W. G. Wernham, 173
- Conversazione, (370)
- Design, The Effect of, on Methods of Construction from a Contractor’s Point of View, Mr. It. W. Newman, 578
- Electric Motors for Factory Work, Notes on Use and Maintenance of, Mr. W. T. George. 276 ’
- Evaporative Trials of one of the Water-tube Boilers for the Chilian Battleship Constitucion, Mr. H. E. Yarrow, 399
- Greasy Water, Condensation of, as Boiler Feed. Mr. Wm. Paterson, (399)
- Planimeter Explained Simply without Mathe¬matics. W. J. Tennant, 75
- Visit to Messrs. John Bennett, Lawes and Co.'s Atlas Works, (653) to the East Greenwich Works of the South Metropolitan Gas Company, 226
- to Messrs. Spiers and Pond’s Liundries. &c., (646)
- to the Electricity Works, Shoreditch, 128
- to the Staines Reservoirs Communication Works of the New River Company (571)
Institution of Engineers and Ship¬builders In Scotland:
- Da Laval Steam Turbine, Prof. W. H. Watkin- son, (420)
Institution of Engineers and Ship¬builders, N.E. Coast:
- Closing Business of Nineteenth Session: Elec¬tion of Committee, (527)
Institution of Gas Engineers:
- Annual General Meeting, 567, 591
- Candles and Calories, Prof. V. B. Lewes, 624
- Introduction of Wator Gas into the Retorts during the Carbonisation of the Coal at the Tipton Gasworks, Mr. S. 0. Stephenson, 624
- Photometry and Testing, Mr. W. Grafton, 624
- Registration of, (11)
- “ Selas ” System of Intensified Lighting, Mr. F. I). Marshall, 624
- Sulphate of Ammonia, Mr. J. Ballantyne, 624
- Unproductive Capital and its Relation to Re¬newals Mr. H. Valow, 624
Institution of Mechanical Engineers:
- Anniversary Dinner and Summer Meeting, (266), 400
- Annual Dinner, 451
- Annual Report, Satisfactory, 215
- Conversazione, 523
- Catting Angles of Tools for Metal Work as Affecting Speed and Feed, Mr. H. F. Donald¬son, 101,128
- Engineers in America, Germany, and Switzer¬land, Education of, Professor Dalby, 447, 455
- First Annual Dinner of the Graduates, (124)
- Presidential Address, Mr. Wicksteed, 455
- Graduates Association
- Deterioration of Steam Boiler, Mr. H. M. Warner, (399)
- Grabs, Construction and Working of, Mr.
- W. Howl, 488 ; Summer Visits, (620)
- Hydraulic Experiments on a Plunger Pump,
- Professor J. Goodman, 215
- Premium System Applied to Engineering Workshops, Mr. James Rowan, 310, 825
- Pump, Hydraulic Experiments on a Plunger, Professor J. Goodman, 215
- Pumping Machinery, Deep-well, Mr. W. Percival-Jauvain, 276
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy :
- Fourth Ordinary Meeting : Papers to be Dis¬cussed, (33)
- Seventh Ordinary Meeting : Papers to be Con¬sidered, (506)
- Thirteenth Anniversary, (326)
- Thirty-eighth General Meeting, Programme, (653)
Institution, National Lifeboat:
- Report of its Work, (9)
Institution of Naval Architects:
- Annual Address of the President, 387
- Ballasting of Steamers for North Atlantic Voyages, Mr. S. J. P. Thearles, 362
- Belfast Harbour and its Development. Mr. F. L. Giles, 656
- Coaling Ships, Fast, for our Navy, Mr. E. H. Tennyson d’Eyncourt, 656
- Corrosion in Metal Pipes on Board Ship, Mr. A. W. Stewart, 363, 374
- Furnace Crowns, Gradual Collapses in, Mr. M. Rounthwaite, 362
- Ljangström Condenser as Applied to Marine Engines, William Cross, 346
- Mercantile Cruisers Fitted with Housing Pro¬pellers, Mr. James Hamilton, 657
- Presidential Address of the Earl of Glasgow, 656
- Refrigerated Cargoes, Marine Installations for the Carriage of, Mr. R. Balfour, 363, 424
- Screw as a Means of Propulsion for Shallow¬draught Vessels, Mr. Yarrow, 362
- Screw Propellers, Modification of the Mean Pitch due to Twisting the Blades in, Pro¬fessor Angelo Scribanti, 362
- Summer Meeting in Ireland, (477), 656
- Training of Eogineers, Professor Da by, (338), 846, 360
- Warships, Effect of Modern Accessories on the Size and Cost of, Mr. Whiting, 337, 351, 370, 419
- Wharf Crane Service in American Shipyards, Fitting out, Mr. W. A. Fairburn, 363
- INSURANCE Companies and the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 271
- Invoices, Alleged Bogus, Japanese Merchants, (556)
- Irish Minerals and Building Stones, 223
- Ironworks at Cette, Blast Furnace and, 307, 312
- Irrigation Projects, American, (482)
- in the Punjaub, Recent, S. Preston. 300
- in Siam, (194)
- Weir across the Bhadar River, Kathia¬war, J. J. B. Benson, 300
- Works in India, Papers on, 300
- Irvine, Mr. Robert, (354)
- Italy, Force of Industrial and Agricultural Machinery in Use in, (194)
Iron and the Iron Trade:
- American Production, 212
- Bilbao "Altos Ilornos ” Company's Works’ Out¬put in a Day, (91)
- Bilbao Shipments of Ore, (65)
- Canadian Pig Production, 395
- Cast, Professor Turner’s Lectures on, (178)
- Cast-wrought, made from Scrap Iron and Aluminium, (496)
- Cleveland Pig, for America, (168)
- Electro-Metallurgical Production of Iron and Steel, 264
- Firms, Amalgamation of Scotob, (342)
- Imports into Alexandria, 1901,1902, (144)
- Lacquering, 423
- Norway, Tromsoo, Important Discovery of, at, (194)
- Official Statistics presented by Mr. Water¬house, (129)
- Ore Industry, Spanish, (144)
- Mines, Swedish, 625
- Output, Alabama, (292)
- Output, Russia, 1901, (292)
- Shipments, Bilbao, (65)
- Shipments of, by Water from Lake Superior, (144)
- Trade of Furness, The Hematite, (545)
- Tr“2®[)from Llke Erie Ports Pittsburg, Pioh Process for Brazing Cast, Mr. W. Lewis on the, 575
- Process of Treating. II. Wachwitz’s, (519)
- Production of Pig, 1902, 1901, 1900, 1899, (26), (51)
- Protection of Steel and, 552
- Russian Industry, M. Witte and M. Fonyakoff on, (471), (519)
- Syndicate, A, 448 Trade, The, 8, (292)
- Shipments, 1902, 1901, 1900, 1899, (26), (51)
- Shipments of Cleveland, to Australia (77)
- Spanish, to the U.S., (471)
- Sussex Cast, Professor Turner on, 511
- Syndicate, Local, The IParsaw Press on the Consequence of, (496)
- Trade, The British, and American Competition, (309)
- Trade Mannfactured, Mr. Waterhouse’s Re¬turn, (557)
- Odessa, (315)
- United States Production of Pig, and Bessemer, and Ixjw Phosphorus, in 1902, (194). (218)
- Wire, Electrical Conductivity of Cofper, Stesl and, (545)
- Works, Cette, 807, 312
- JAMES FORREST Lecture, Mr. W. H. Maw, 611, 623
- James Watt Memorial, Acdrew Carnegie and a, 45
- JapaD, 225, 426, 556
- Bicycle Works, (168)
- Custom Appeals. 225
- Japanese Mint, Use of X-ray Machine iD, (65)
- Jones, Mr. B. F., (519)
- Joseph, Mr. Morgan, (180)
- Joy, David, 290
- KAY, John, Public Memorial to, (315)
- Kellett, Mr. William, (153)
- Kimberley, Diamond Mining in, 59, 66, 113, 116
- King's College, London, 88. (532)
- KiDgston-on-Thames Free Library, (519)
- Kitching, Mr. R. C., (103)
- Kites, Experiments with, for Military Purposes, (545)
- Kites for Taking Observations above the Mast¬head, (595)
- Knocking and Crosshead Pins, 211
Labour and Wages Questions, Strikes, and Trade Disputes:
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers and the British Westinghouse Company, Dispute between, (50)
- American Industrial Conditions, Mr. Arrandalo on, (50)
- Industrial Conditions not Approved by the English Workmen, (571) Women, Unusual Employments for, (194)
- Board of Trade Monthly Memorandum, (292)
- Board of Trade, Sir F. Hopwood's Letter to the Board of Conciliation for Coal Trade, Wales, (367)
- British and American Workmen, (595)
- Child Labour in the United States, (315)
- Cleveland Ironstone Miners’ Move on tbe Wages Question, (77)
- Coalowners and Workmen, Important Meeting in Cardiff, (26), (51), (78)
- Denaby Main Colliery Strike and Evic'ions, (51), (77), (95), 115
- Eight Hours’ Day Bill in America, The, 145
- Emigration to Canada, (342)
- Employment in May and April, (621) Johannesburg, Native Labour Returns, (168) Llanelly Dock Question, (78)
- Lothian Miners' Federation, Annual Demon¬stration, (649)
- Mexico, Low Rate of Mining Engineers and Aesayers' Wages in, (418)
- Mosely Industrial Commission. British and American Workmen, (595), 657
- Natal, Supply of Labour Sufficient, (367)
- Niagara Falls, Employers’ Association of, (649)
- Northern United Enginemen’s Association, Wages Reduction Accepted, (194)
- Piecework, 501, 527
- Piecework and Premium, 394
- Premium System of Remunerating Labour, Tho, Mr. J. Ashford on, 370
- Premium System from the Workman’s Stand¬point, 526
- Railway Guards' Agitation, N.E.R , (367)
- Rand Labour, 394
- Royal Commission to Inquire into tbe Subject of Trade Disputes and Combinations, (571), (595)
- San Francisco, Labour Unions and Organisation of, at, (595)
- Scottish Miners’ Federation and the Repeal of the Coal Tax, (13)
- South Africa, Black Labour Question, (580), (659); Difficulties with White Artisans, (659)
- South Africa, Demand for Skilled, (580)
- South Africa, The Native Labour Question, (515)
- Strike, Clyde Engineers’, 474, 475, 499 Glasgow Engineers', Threat to Emigrate to United States, (168)
- Joiners', (51), (78), (301) Risecar Rolling Mills, “ Puddlers,”(77), (104) ’ V
- United States Coal, 317, 393 Victoria, 521 and Evictions, Denaby and Cadeby Main, (51), (77), (95), 115
- Strikes and Lockouts in Germany in 1902, (545)
- Strikes in tbe United Kingdom, Board of Trade Returns, (433)
- Thomas, Mr. D. A., IIis Letter, with Cautions to Colliers and Coalowners, (78)
- Unemployed, The Processions of the, (144)
- Wages Question in the Coal Trade, Lord James of Hereford's Deoision with regard to the, 475, (483)
- Wages Reduction, Ironworkers and Ship¬wrights, Clyde Shipbuilders' Federation. (13)
- Wages Reduction, North-East Coast Engi¬neers, (26), (78)
- Wages under Sliding Scale in Force in West Cumberland, (13)
- WaloB, (662)
- Coal Trade and Sir F. Hopwood’s Letter, (367)
- Workman and his Wage, The, 243, (649)
- LACQUERING Iron, 423
- Lake Superior, Area of, (391)
- Lamp Lighted by means of Bacteria, Prof. Hanos L Molisch (315)
- Lanarkshire Royal Eogineere, Volunteers, (649)
- Lathe, Large Turret, Messrs. H. W. Ward, 192
- Lathe, Screw-cutting, 452
- Lathes, Standard Leading Screws for, (315)
- Lathes, Strength and Stiffness of Modern, (571)
- Launches and Trial Trips, 22, 73, 128, 154, 202, 297, 326, 347, 399, 423, 452, 479, 501,518, 556, 579, 602, 660
- Lexey Mine, Isle of Man, Unwatering the, (455)
- 1902. 15
- Accelerated Trains, 294
- Admiralty Circular, The New, 843
- Admiralty Scheme, The New, 93
- Alcohol Engines, 169, 474
- American Competition, Mr. Mosely on, 445,
- American Naval Programme, The, 391
- American Railways, 270
- American Trade Reaction, The, 548
- Apprenticeship System, The, 651
- Bearings for High Speed, 446
- Boilers, Casualties to Steam, 244
- Boilers, Flash, 42
- Boilers, Water-tube, in the Navy. 91
- British and American Workmen, 598
- Casualties to Steam Boilers, 244
- Chemistry, 21
- Coal Consumption in Warships, 597
- Cost of Warships, 370
- Design of Steam Engines, 521
- Diagrams, Use and Abuse of, 146
- “ Drakes,” Failure of the, 67
- Eight Hours' Day in America. The, 115
- Empiricism in Engineering, 547
- Engineer and the Physicist, The, 623
- Engineering, Civil, 15
- Electrical, 18
- Mechanical. 17
- Sanitary, 19
- Engineers, Training of, 318
- French Locomotives in England, 119
- French Naval Programme, The, 170
- Fulham Baths, Fatalities at, 42
- Gas Supply, 20
- German Machine Industry, The. 120
- German Shipping Companies. 394
- German Steel in England, 244
- German Syndicate Inquiry, 41
- Guns and Ships and Boilers, 473
- Heat Engines, Efficiency of, 270
- London and North-Western Railway, The, 2’.9
- London Traffic, 170
- Maxims in Warships, 314
- Mechanical Stoking at Sea, 314
- Mechanism, Inefficiency of, 420
- Metallurgy, 22
- Metropolitan Railways, 652
- Milling Machine, 522
- Motor Cars, Railway, 220
- Motor Car Steam Engines, 220
- Municipal Trading Joint Committee co, 318
- Naval Gunnery, 498, 574
- Naval Programme, The New, 269
- Paris-Madrid Motor Car Race, The, 547
- Piecework and Premium, 394
- Post-office and Electrical Railways, 195
- Profit Sharing. 497
- Propulsion of Warships, The, 621
- Radium, 369
- Research, Value of, 651
- Rivers Thames and Lea, The, 196
- St. Louis Exhibition, The, 446
- Screw Propulsion, 68
- South Africa and the “ Engineer,” 498
- Standardisation, 145
- Steel, High-speed Tool, 119
- Strike in Victoria, 521
- Submarine Fiasco, A, 63
- Submarines in the United States, 214
- Superheating by Wire drawing, 420
- Technical and Scientific Blue-books, 598
- Theoretical Science, 473
- United States Coal Strike, The, 317
- Coal Strike Commission, 393
- Useful Fleet a la Francaise, 293
- Use Up and Buy More. 94
- Ventilation of the Central London Railway, 196
- War Material, 21
- Water Supply, 20
- Water-tube Boilers in the Navy, 91
- Weight in Warships, 419
- Workman and his Wage, The, 243
- Alcohol on the Russian State Railways, 447
- American High-capacity Steel Wagons, 244
- American Railway Collision, The Latest, 120
- Boilers in the French Navy, 197
- Clyde Engineers' Strike, 476, 499
- Coal, 475
- Coopers Hill College, 522
- Coopers Hill Engineers, 315
- Copper, 295
- Cunard Liners, The New, 599
- French Naval Construction, 196
- German Prosperity, 69
- Heavy Guns and Boilers, 597
- Insurance Companies and the Workmen's Com¬pensation Act, 271
- Locomotive Combination, The, 69
- Minerva and the Hyacinth, The, 196
- Municipal Trade in Electrical Fittings, 319
- Municipal Trading in Marylebone, 295
- Pit Timber, 95
- Power Production at Niagara, 522
- Radium, 318
- Royal Naval Reserves, 295
- 8t. Petersburg Electric Tramways, 370, 395
- Sheffield and Chicago, 652
- Standardisation in the Navy, 43
- Technolexicon, The, 498
- Test of a Battleship’s Turret, 499
- Ventilation of Factories and "Tubes,” 43
- "LEADITE,” Now Material for Pipe Joints, (571)
- Le Cadet, M. G., His Observations on the Top of Mont Blanc, (545)
- Lee-Enfield Rifle, The " Modified,” (367)
Legal Intelligence:
- Amalgamated Society of Servants v. the Taff Vale Railway Company, (815)
- American " Taff Vale " Case, An, (422)
- Hills r. Colonial Government, South Africa, (374)
- Mancunian Ship Company v. a Swansea Dry Dock Company, (104)
- LEICESTERSHIRE, Geology of, (556)
Letters to the Editor:
- ADMIRALTY Scheme, The Engineer, S8
- Admiralty Scheme, The New, Lieut. R. N. (Retired), 123
- Agamemnon, The, Robt. H. Ellacott, 99
- Agricultural Implements in Natal, Husband¬man, 99
- Air-pump Diagrams, H. S., 323; Pump Diagrams, The Edwards Air Pump Syndicate, 366
- Alcohol Engines, Crossley Bros., Limited, 602
- American Methods for British Railways, J. E. Challener, 199
- American Patente, Wm. M. Thompson, 296
- American Railway Accidents, Accidents. 366
- American Tariff and the St. Louis Exhibition, Geo. F. Parker. 602
- Armour Plates, Testing of, Edward Hoyle, 501
- Australian Patents, Wm. P. Thompson and Co., 451
- Automatic Car Couplers, A. V. Roe, 553
- Automatic Couplings on Railways, T. A. Brockelbank, 527 ; C. L. T. Griffith, 567
- Automatic Wagon Couplers, A- V. Roe, 478
- Automobilmania, K., 567
- Baghdad Railway, The, J. Garvie, 423 ; Bindon B. Stoney, 451
- Blast Furnaces, Pressure in. Pioneer, 33
- Boiler Explosion, Remarkable, D. Evans, 72 ; Fred. M. Jones, 72 ; F. M. Lea, 99
- Boilers, Flash, John S. V. Bickford, 12, 172 ; David J. Smith, 98
- Boilers, Niclausee, Willans and Robinson, Limited, 273
- Boilers, Normand, in the Russian Navy, Augustin Normand, 38
- Boilers, Water-tube, J. P., 248
- Baling Temperature of Water, J., 527
- Bridges, Lifting, Calvert, Harris and Co., 73
- Bridges, Lifting, W. E. Sinnett, 72
- Bridges in South Africa, Repair of, Gerald M. Smith, 567
- Britannia Bridge, W. F. Pigot, 553
- British Trade with South Africa, M. S., 38
- Cambered Piston-rods, W. Schöuheyder, 602
- Cams for Automatic Screw Machines, Kobio, 273
- Canadian Patents, C. F. Ennis. 323
- Cement in Ireland, W. S., 602; Chas. Spackman, 657
- Cement, Unclinkered, H. Kilway Bamber, 296, 423; A. C. Davis, 423
- Cement, Unclinkered Portland, Blue Lia«, 399: G. P. Gildea, 399 ; Manager and Analyst, 350, 423; Bindon H. Stoney, 350
- Concussion and Water tube Boilers, C. de Grave Sells, 527
- Conduct of Discussions, Edw. Anderson, 350
- Conservation of Energy, B., 527 ; O. L. McDer¬mott, 553 ; Torque, 658
- Cranes for South America, Stothert and Pitt, Limited, 199
- Cutting a Special Screw, Beechwood, 297; J. S. V. Bickford, 297 ; Strickland and Co., Limited, 273
- Diagrams, Use and Abuse of, Indicator, 273, 322, 398; John W. Hall, 199, 273, 323; H. C., 350 ; K. C.. 223, 297 ; R. N , 323
- Draw-bars, English and American, H. J. Skel¬ton, 38
- Drilling Machines at Yarrow Works, Wm. Asquith, Limited, 658
- Driving Wheel Loads, Permanent Way, 297
- Dry Batteries, Electron, 223
- Emsworth, Scheme of Drainage, M. Inst. C.E., 33 ; Saunders and Saunders, 99
- Engineering .Esthetics, Perry Nursey, 98
- Engineering Standards Committee, L. S Robertson and F. J. S. Hopwood, 366
- Engineers, Future of Industrial, W. W. Curtis, 322
- Engineers, Training of, A. Barr, 398 : B., 178 : Beechwood, 350 ; W. H. B., 552; L. D. C , 366; Commercially Trained, 323; Ralph Cusack, 366 ; Tommy Dod, 398 ; Andrew Handyside and Co., Limited, 349 ; A Junior Draughtsman, 423 ; Oliver Lodge, 349 ; Mernok, 478 ; A Mechanical Engineer, 296 ;
- M. Inst. Mecb. E.. 273 ; Pater, 366 ; G. T. P.
- 366 ; Retired, 398; Robt. H. Smith. 366 ; J. S. T., 451; Young Engineer, 451 ; Youngsters, 478
- Engines, Finish of, Helvetia, 398
- English and American Methods, John Russell and Co., Limited, 399 : D. Waratab, 350
- English Locomotives at Paris, K., 297
- Entropy, J. W. Cable, 172, 199 ; P. W. D., 172 ; Draughtsman, 122 ; Enquirer, 149 ; H. H., 122, 199 ; John Perry, 149 ; Mark Robinson, 172 ; Jas. Swinburne, 122, 172
- Experimental Tank, C. MacCullocb, 567 Fire-zone Motors, Edw. Palliser, Major, 553 Fly-wheels, Heavy, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 12
- Force of the Wind, W. H. Maxwell, 248; N. D. Y., 296
- Foreign r. English Goods, Fair Play all Round, 248; J. A. Loogden, 199
- Frictionless, Oblique, Impact, R. C. W., 478
- Gas Engine, Compound, Edw. Butler, 296 ; Crossley Brothers, 222
- Gas Engine Plant, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 658
- Gas Lighting, E. A. Harman, 398
- Geometrical Problem, Anthony S. Bower, 296, 399 ; Fred. Bramwell, 248; F. B.,322; O. L. McDermott, 423
- Granite Setts, Henry Holt, 199
- Great Central Railway, High Capacity Wagons, Anglo-Indian, 479
- Guns and Boilers, Heavy, A.M.I.C.E., 658
- Hull and Barnsley Railway and Dock Com¬pany, John Little, 99
- Hygiene, Congress of, Brussels, September 1903, H. Alf. Roecbling, 657
- Indian Railways, Ex-Railway Official, 657
- Ireland and Portland Cement, W. S., 602 ; Chas. Spackman, 657
- Iron and Steel, Protection of, Chas. E. Gritton f 552
- Lacquering Iron, H. C. Standage, 423
- Locomotives, American, in India, X., 223
- Locomotive, Compound, John Riekie, 850, 567
- Locomotives, Dignity and Impudence, H. W. L Anderson, 199 .
- Locomotive Engine Head Lamps, New C'jde of, L C. E. Stretton, 149 -
- Locomotives, French, in England, D. Ander- son, 199 ; R. Hope, 173 ; Chas. S. Lake, 149 ; L H. M. de Salis, 173
- Locomotive Giant, J. D., 366
- Locomotives, N. of France Compound, F. W. Brewer, 173; R. Hope, 199
- Locomotives, Saloon, N. D. Macdonald, 149 ; L Michael Reynolds, 99
- Locomotive, Suburban, Great Eastern Railway, James Holden, 173 .
- London Traffic, Ernest Benedict, 478
- London Water Supply, C. Isler and Co , 273
- Locomotive, Mr. Webb’s Six-coupled Compound, 323
- Mechanical Stoking at Sea, N. S. Arthur, 399 ; Charles Eritb, 399
- Metric System, H. F. Wright, 223
- Midland Railway Three cylinder Compound Engine. John Riekie, 350. 567
- Milling Machine Feeds, C. P, 173; John Tangye, 657
- Mrsely Commission, The, B E. Young, 657
- Motor Car Legislation, Norman D. Macdonald, 12
- Motor Cars, Railway, Hexapod, 218
- Motor Racing : a Hint, A. J. A., 527
- Oil Fuel, Kermode's Liquid Fuel System, 38
- Oil Fuel and Coal, P. H. Parr, 99
- Oil for Keeping Down Dust, GleDgarnock Chemical Co., Limited, 658
- Olympia, The Roof of, Ewing Matheson, 99
- Paints, S. 602
- Patents Act, 1902, and Patent Oppositions, H. Bruce-Dunn, 567
- Patents in Germany, Edward Evans and Co., 350
- Piecework and other Things, J. S. V. Bickford, 527 ; Progress, 501
- Piston-rod Packing, Valve-rod, 658
- Portland Coment in Ireland, Chas. Spackman, 657 ; W. S. 602
- Premium System from the Point of View of the Workman, A. Turner, 478, 526
- Profit Sharing, Engineering Cynic, 527; Fan- Play, 553
- Projectiles, Capped and Uncapped, P. M. Stainston, 72
- Radium, A. A. Bass. 399
- Rain, Discoloured. Aster, 248
- Reflections from Lighthouse Lanterns, T., 73
- Right Angle Drive, T. R. Almond, 501
- Russian Training Ship Oaean, 99
- Samuel’s Steam Carriages, Jas. Watt-Boulton, 602
- St. Louis Exhibition, Manchester Man, 527
- Schmidt System, Easton and Co., Limited, 99
- Screw Propellers, Arthur Rigg, 123
- Soaring Plane by a Short Method, The, I. Lancaster, 552
- Steam Jacket Research, Henry Davey, 657
- Steam, Specific Heat of, Super, 323
- Steamship Propulsion, Ratrospective Note, Robert Mansel, 526
- SteelB, High Speed Cutting, E. L. Rbead, 423
- Steels, Structure of High Speed, Tangsten and Rare Metals Company, Limited, 399
- Stricklands, Messrs., Steep Pitch Screw, J. S. V. Bickford, 218
- Superheated Steam, W. H. Booth, 99, 149 ; Easton and Co., ^Limited, 123 ; Engineer, 149 ; W. S. Hide, 149
- Superheated Steam Eogines, Socié'é Anonyme Van den Kercbove, 273
- Superheating, Easton and Co., Limited, 172, 366 ; Engineer, 222, 248 ; J. A. Ewing. 199 ; High-Speed, 247; W. E. Hide, 222; W. Schmidt, 323, F. A. Willcox, 222, 248
- Superheating by Wire Drawing, Frank Foster,
- Timber, Storm-felled, Bindon B. Stoney, 501, 527
- Torpedo, The New, J. F. Crease, 12
- Valtellina Railway, The, Wm. Gyaros, 323
- Wagons, Big, London Coal Merchant, 99
- Warships, Saving of Weight in, Carlyon Bellairs, 396
- Webb’s Six-coupled Compound Locomotive, 323
Letters from our own Correspon¬dents (continued):
- America, Engineering Notes from, 76,102, 178, 352, 376, 390, 503, 555, 580
- America, Notes from, 24, 52, 79, 180, 154, 180, 204 , 228, 254, 302, 348, 378, 402, 458, 532, 579, 606, 634. 662
- Australia, Notes from, 24, 48, 79, 228, 302, 402 426, 659
- England, North of, 26, 51, 77, 103, 129, 153, 179, 203, 227, 253, 277, 301, 327, 353, 377, 403, 427, 457, 483, 531, 555, 581, 605, 633, 661
- Germany, 21. 52, 78, 104, 130, 154, 180, 203, 228, 254, 278, 302, 328, 354 , 378, 404, 428, 457, 484, 532, 558, 583, 606, 631, 662
- Lancashire, 25, 50, 76, 103, 153, 178, 202, 226, 252, 276, 300, 327, 353, 377, 403, 427, 456, 530, 556, 581, 604, 632, 660
- Newport Harbour Commissioners’ Weekly Trade Reports, 26, 52, 78, 104, 154, 180, 204, 228, 254, 278, 302, 328, 404, 428, 458, 532, 558, 606, 634, 662
- Scotland, 26, 51, 78, 130, 179, 203, 227, 253 278, 301, 328, 354, 378, 404, 427, 457, 484, 531, 556, 582, 605, 633, 661
- Sheffield, 25, 51, 77, 103, 129, 153, 179, 202, 227, 253, 277, 300, 327 , 353, 377 . 403, 427, 457, 483, 531, 556, 581, 605, 633, 661
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 26, 51, 78, 104 130, 154, 179, 203, 227, 254, 278, 301, 328, 354, 378, 404, 428, 457, 484, 532, 558, 582, 606,634,661
- Wolverhampton, Birmingham, and District 25, 50, 76, 103, 128. 153, 178, 202, 226, 252, 276, 300, 327, 353, 377, 403, 427, 456, 483, 530, 556, 581, 604, 632, 660
- LEVELS of the Great Salt Lake and the River Indus, (571)
- Life-saving Apparatus Captain W. H. Roth¬well’s (13)
- Lighthouses on Lake Baikal, Sum Allotted for Maintenance of, (342)
- Lighthouse Lanterns, Reflections from, 73
- Light Waves, Interference between, Professor Lummer and Gehrche's Experiments, (496)
- Lightning Research Committee, Interesticg Account given by the, (315)
- Lignite in Elba, Experiments with, in, (515)
- Lintborpe and Dinsdale Smelting Company, Limited, (877)
- Liquid Drops, Formation of. Investigated by MM. Leduc and Sacerdote, (267)
- L’quid Resistance for Laboratory Use, A Simple, (13)
- N.B.—Figures in brackets refer to Books Received and Short Notices.
- Acetylene Gas, Production and Use of, W. Doman (22),
- Agricultural Experimental Station of Colorado Agricultural College : Lamb-feeding Experi¬ments, 1900-1902. Buffam and Griffith, (289)
- Aide-Memoire de l’Offirier de Marine, Charles Valentino, 599
- American Ethnology, Nineteenth Annual Report of, to the Smithsonian Institution, (22) (289)
- American Institute of Architects’ Quarterly Bulletin. 1902, (239)
- L’Année Technique, 1901-1902, A. da Cunha, 319
- Annuaire pour l’An 1903, Publié pur le Bureau des Longitudes, 211
- Annuaire pour l’An 1903, Gauthier-Villars, (43)
- Arithmetic, How to Work, Parts I. and II., Leonard Norman, (166)
- Bemastung und Takelung der Schiff o, F. L. Middendorf, (599)
- Blackie’s Standard Shilling Dic’.ionary, (523)
- Blast Furnaces and their Appurtenances, Atlas of Derigns of, M-'chael Pavloff, (482) Bailers, Steam, F. Tetzner, 33
- Briquettes and Patent Fuel, their Manufac¬ture and Machinery connected therewith, P R. Björling, (289)
- British Association of Waterworks Engineers, Transactions of, Vols. i. to vii., (479)
- Canal System of Eogland, H. Gurdon Thomp¬son, (388)
- Cape Colony for the Settler, A. R. E. Burton, (289)
- Cement Testing, Standard Methods of, Pub¬lished by Messrs. G. and T. Earle, Limited, (43)
- Chemistry, Theoretical Organic, J. B. Cohen, (74)
- Colliery Manager's Pocket-book, Almanac, and Diary for 1903, Edited by R. A. S. Redmayne, (197)
- Comets and their Tails and the Gegenschein Light, F. G. Shaw, (289)
- Conductors for Electrical Distribution, A. C. Perrine, (371)
- Construction of Roads, Paths, and Soa Defences, &?., Frank Latham, (388)
- Cotton Machinery Sketches, William Suott Taggart, (482)
- Country Gentleman’s Eitate-book, 1903, Edited by W. Broomhall, (388)
- Daily Mail Year-buok for 1903, Percy L. Parker, (22)
- Dampfkesiel, Die, F. Tetzner, 33
- Dies: Their Construction and Use for the Modern Working of Sheet Metals, J. V. Woodworth, (137)
- Directory, Local Government Annual and Official, Elited by 8. Edgecumbe Rogers, (166)
- Directory, Universal Electrical, J. A. Berly’s, (166)
- Dynamos, Design of, Sylvanus P. Thompson, (166), (239)
- Electric Lighting and Traction Works in Great Britain and Ireland, Directory and Statistics of, Edited by C. S. Vesey Brown, (197)
- Electric and Magnetic Circuits, Ellis H. Crapper, (653)
- Electrical Engineering Measuring Instruments for Commercial and Laboratory Purposes, D. Aspinall Parr, (479)
- Electrical Engineer's Year-book and Directory of Light, Power and Traction Stations, Fowler’s, (137)
- Electrical Installations, Rankin Kennedy, in 4 vols., (43), (523)
- Electrical Practice in Collieries, Daniel Bums, (388)
- Electrical Rules and Tables, Pocket-book of, Munro and Jamieson, (371)
- Electrician,” Electrical Trades Directory and Handbook, 1903, (289)
- Electricity et Optique, H. Poincaré. 164
- Electricity, as Applied to Mining, Arnold Ludton, (197)
- Electricity as Applied to Mining, Lupton. Parr and Perkin, (289)
- Electricity and Magnetism, Elementary Treatise, G. C. Foster and A. W. Porter, (599)
- 1 Elementary Questions, (302); A. C. Wannen ' and J. W. Sothern, (22)
- Emery-grinding Machinery, R. B. Hodgson,
- Employers’ Liability Act, 1880, and the Work¬men s Compensation Acts, 1897 and 1900 Alfred H. Ruegg, (479)
- ' Encyclopedia Britannica, Vols, xxix , xxx.. and xxxi., 137, (319)
- Engineering, Ancient and Modern, and the Isthmian Canal, W. H. Burr, (74). 319
- Engineering for Land Drainage, Charles G. Elliott, (388)
- Engineering, Steam, Elements of, Spanglor, Greene and Marshall, (371)
- Engineers, Manual for Resident, F. A. Molitor and E. J. Beard, (289)
- Engineers’ Year-book of Formu’ic, Rules, Tables, Data, and Memoranda in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Marine, and Mine Engineering, H. R. Kempe, (289)
- Engines, Gas and Petroleum, Wm. Robinson, 137
- Estimate, How to. being an Analysis of , Builders Prices, J. T. Rea, 210
- Evaporating, Condensing, and Cooling Ap¬paratus, E. Hausbrand, (166)
- Export Merchant Shippers' Directory for 1903, Edward Bean and Son, (197)
- Field Astronomy for Engineers, Text-book, G. C. Cornstock, (74)
- Five-figure Logarithmic and other Tables, A. M’Aulay, (482)
- Flexure of Beams, Experiments on, A, E. Guy, (599)
- Gardner-Serpollet Steam Motor Car, NoteB on the Management of, G. H. Olliver, (523)
- Gas aud Electricity, Public Lighting by, W. J. Dibdin, (43)
- Gas and Water Undertakings, Precedents in Private Bill Legislation Affecting, E. II. Stevenson and E. K. Burstal, (289)
- Geomotry for Beginners, Theoretical, C. H. Alloock, (211)
- Geometry, Practical Exercises in, W. G. Eggar, (211)
- Geometry, Practical Plane and Solid, for Elementary Schools, Joseph Harrison, (523)
- Geometry, A School, Parts I. and IL, II. S. Hall and F. H. Stevens, (482)
- Graphical Algebra, Introduction to, H. S. Hall, (289)
- Graphical Statics Problems, W. M. Baker, (599) Great Eastern Railway Company's Tourists’ Guide to the Continent, Ed. by P. Lindley, (653)
- Grove’s and Thorp’s Chemical Technology, Vol. iv., Edited by W. J. Dibdin, (289)
- Hszall’s Annual for 1903, Cyclopedic Record of Men and Topics of the Day, Edited by W. Palmer, (166)
- Hydraulics, Treatise on, Mansfield Morriman, (599)
- Iodia-rubber, Chemistry of, C. Otto Webc, (22)
- Ingenieurs' Taschenbuch, Das, Vom Akadem- ischen Verein "Hiitte," 82
- Inversion of Ideas as to the Structure of the Universe (Rede Lecture, 1902), by Osborne Reynolds, 164
- Investors' Blue-book for 1903, H. B. Bassett, (74)
- Ironscrap Telegraph Code, Geo. Cohen, Sons and Co., (523)
- Iron, Steel, Tin plate, and other Trades of Wales, History of, Chas. Wilkin, (599)
- Irrigation Institutions, E. Mead, (289)
- Irrigation Works on the Tigris, Restoration of, or the Recreation of Chaldea, Sir Wm. Will¬cocks, 499
- Kinematics of Machines: Elementary Text¬book, R. J. Durley, Thos. Workman, (371)
- Konstruiren und Rechnen iiir Praxis und Scbule, Horm. Haeder, (371), 599
- Lathes, Possibilities of Small, Jas. Lukin, (523)
- Lathes, Screw Machine^ and Boring and Turn¬ing Machines, Thos. R. Shaw, (197)
- Laws of England, Complete Epitome of the, by a Barrister, (74)
- Laxton’s Builders’ Price-book for 1903, (289)
- Light, Practical Exercises in, R. S. Clay, (211)
- Lighthouse Work of Sir Jas. Chanie, Bart., Jas. F. Chanie, (43)
- Lighting by Gas and E'ectricity, Publio, W. J. Dibdin, 289
- Lockwood’s Builders’, Architects', Contractors’, and Engineers’ Price-book for 1903, Edited by F. T. Miller, (197)
- Locomotive Engino and its Development, The Popular Treatise, Clement E. Scretton, (388)
- Locomotives of the Great Northern Railway, F. Bird, 289
- Licomotives, Simple, Compound, and Electric, C. Reagan, (74)
- London University Guide, 1902-1903, (43)
- Manchester Royal Exchange, Directory and Guide for 1903, (523)
- Maps, their Usos and Construction, G. James Morrieon, 210
- Marine Engineering Rules and Tables, A. E. Seaton and H. M. Rounthwaite, (166)
- Mechanical and Physical Subjects, Osborne Reynolds, (388)
- Mechanical Refrigeration, Hal Williams, (523)
- Mecbanios cf Machinery, Elementary Treatise on, Joseph N. Le Conte, (137)
- Metallurgy, Introduction to the Study of, Sir W. C. Roberts-Austen, (74)
- Motor Cars, Rhys Jenkins, 58
- Motoring Annual and Motorist’s Year-book for 1903, (388)
- Municipal Year-book of the United Kingdom for 1903, Eiited by R. Donald, (388)
- Natural Law in Terrestrial Phenomena, Wm. Digby, (22)
- Naval Annua), 1903, Edited by T. A. Brassey, (523), 544
- Oriental Drainage, C. C, James, 388
- Photographic Lenses, a Simple Treatise, C. Beok and II. Andrews, (388)
- Physico-chemical Tables for the Use of Analysts, Physicists, Ao., John Castell-Evans, (22)
- Physics, Elements of, E. J. Andrews and H. N. Howland, (888)
- Portland Cement Fabrikation, Handbuch, Ober¬ingenieur Carl Naske, (43)
- Practical Electrician’s Pocket-book for 1908, (68)
- Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket-book and Diary, 1903, (58)
- Railroad Construction, Theory and Practice, W. Loring Webb, (482)
- Railway System, Our Decrepit, Percy Williams, (599)
- Railway Year-bcok for 1903, Edited by G. A. Sekon, (388)
- Rating of Electric Lighting, Electric Tramway, and Similar Undertakings, W. G. Bond, (289)
- Rivers, Improvement of, B. F. Thomas and D. A. Watt, (599)
- Roads and Pavements, Treatise on, Ira Osborne Baker, (289)
- Roof Trusses in Wood and Steel, Design of Simple, M. A. Howe, 114
- Royal Agricultural Society of England, Journal of, Vol. lxiii., (197)
- Royal Navy List, (166), (482)
- Schiffbau, JohowsHilfsbuch iiirden, E. Krieger, (197)
- SohifTsmaschinen u. Kessel, Berechnung v. Konstruktion der, Dr. G. Bauer, E. Ludwig, A. Boettcher, and H. Foettinger, 82
- Secondary Batteries, E. J. Wade. (43)
- Sell's Directory of Registered Telegraphic Ad¬dresses, 1903, (211)
- Shipping World Year-book, Edited by Evan Rowland Jones, (211)
- Slide Rule, The, Robt. Gordon Blaine, (16d)
- Slide Valve and its Functions, with Special Reference to Modern Practice in United States, Julius Begtrup, (166)
- Slide Valves, Proportions and Movements of, Wm. Dyson Wausbrough, (599)
- Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report, 1901, (289)
- Society of Engineers, "Transactions” for 1902 and General Index, P. F. Nurser, (599)
- Spanish Principia, Part I., H. J. Weintz, (523)
- Specification for Architects, Surveyors, and Engineers, when Specifying, and for all In¬terested in Building, Published by Pro¬prietors of the Guilders' Journal, (197)
- Spirals in Nature and Art, Theodore A. Cook, (289)
- Stars, Tables for Identifying Unknown. Wbat Star is it I H. W. Harvey, (197)
- Statics by Algebraic and Graphic Methods, L. J. Johnson, (371)
- Steamships, Resistance and Power of, W. H. Atherton and A. L Mellanby, (388)
- Stereotomy. A. W. French and H.C. Ives, (22)
- Submarine Navigation, Past and Present, Alin H. Burgoyne, (653)
- Surveying as Practised by Civil Engineers and Surveyors, John Whitelaw, jun., 33
- Taschenbuch der Kriegstlotten, B. Weyer, 599
- Technical Arithmetic and Geometry, C. T. Millie, (653)
- Technological Dictionary, English, Garman, French, edited by E. V. Hoyer and F. Kreuter, (289)
- Telepbono Lines and Methods of Constructing them Overhead and Underground, Walter C. Owen, (388)
- Thames, Plan or Scheme for the Improvement of, and Providing Dook and Wharf Accom¬modation, with 5
- Maps, R. Meager, 164
- Thermodynamics of Heat Engines, Sidney A. Reeve, (197), 236
- Thermodynamik Technische, Dr. G. Zauner, 115
- Tool Stoel, Otto Thallner, (22)
- Vacuum Tubes, Experiments with, Sir D. I. Salomons, Bart., (388)
- Valves and Valve Gearing, Practical Text-book, Charles Hurst, (137)
- Verbrennungsmotoren, Das Entwerfen u. Berechnen der, Hugo Guldner, (197)
- Volcanic Studies in Many Lands, Tempest Anderson, (599)
- Who’s Who ? 1903, (58)
- Willing’s Press Guide, (148)
- Wiring of Buildings, Internal, H. M. Leaf, (6281
- Wood, Principal Species of, C. H. Snow, (599)
- Horl, Illustrated Weekly Journal for Me¬chanics, Vol. xxiv., (523)
- Workmen’s Compensation Acts, 1897 and 1900, W. A. Willis, (479)
- Workshop Hints, Modern, Robert Grimshaw, (22)
- LLOYD, Mr. G. B., (178)
- London Bridge, Widening of, 83
- London Geological Field Class, (402), (423)
- London, Port of, Sir H. D. Le Marchant on the, 74
- London Port Sanitary Authority, Food Inspection by, (621)
- London Streets, Names of the Two New, (168) London Traffic, 170
- Longstaff Gold Medal Awarded to Prof. W. J. Pope, (496)
- Loom, Self-acting, (91)
- Lothian Miners’ Federation, The, (649)
- Lubricating Heavy Roller Chains, (241)
Machine Tools:
- American Discarded for English, (50)
- Boring Mill, Heavy, Smith and Coventry, Limited, 580
- Cold Saw, Mr. J. Hamilton, 475
- Cunliffe and Croom’s, 504
- Cutting Angles of Tools for Metal Work, 95, 101
- Drilling Machine, a Large, Mr. W. Asquith, 467
- Drilling Machines at Yarrow Works, 658
- Electrically-driven Drilling Machine and Lathe,
- Jas. Archdale and Co., Limited, 175
- German, 594
- Grinding Machine and some Tools, The, 305. 358
- Herbert, Limited, Messrs. Alfred, (660)
- Hulse and Co., Limited, 221, (252)
- Hydraulic Locomotive Wheel Press, 10, 11
- Hydraulic Plate Bender, Fielding and Platt, Limited, 70
- Hydraulic Spring Testing Machine, 11
- Lathe, Electrioally-driven Crank Axle, Hulse and Co., Limited, 221
- Lathe, 5in. Bar Flat Turret, Messrs. H. W. Ward and Co., 192
- Lathe for High-speed Brass-working Capstan, Timbrell and Wright Machine Tool and En¬gineering Company, 658
- Lathe, 9in. High-speed, G. Wilkinson and Sons 814
- Lathes and other, Messrs. J. Hetherington and Sons, Limited, (556)
- Lathe, Screw-cutting, Selig, Sonnenthal and Co., 452
- Lathes, Strength and Stiffness Embodied in Modern, (571)
- Lathe, Turret, 5in. Bar Flat, H. W. Ward and Co. (Supplement, April 3rd, 1903), 335
- Mill, Heavy Boring, Smith and Coventry Limited, 580
- Mill, Vertical Turning and Boring, Cunliffe and Croom, 504
- Milling Machine, Messrs. Kendall and Gent (252), 400
- Milling Machine Feeds, John Tangye on, 657
- Milling Machine, Horizontal, Hulse and Co.. Limited, 221
- Milling Machine Methods, 513, 522
- Motor-driven Pump for Spring Pro's, 11
- Planing Machines, Meter. Alf. Herbert Limited, (660) '
- Planing Machine, Remarkable, Washington Navy Yard, (292)
- Pneumatic Toole, Mr. C. E. Amos on, (827)
- Sawing Machine, Circular, E. G. Herbert, I Limited, (252)
- MACHINERY for Cleaning and Preparing Corn, A, Wanted, United States, (391)
- Machinery, Rating of, 303
- Machinery for South Africa, 52
- Madan, Mr. C. Spencer, (40)
- Magnesite, Carpathian, Mountains, (218)
- Manchester Corporation Rivers Committee Estimates, (443)
- Mansergh, Mr. Jas., Freedom of Lancaster to be Conferred on, (241)
- Manuring with Basic Slag, Competition Instituted by German Firm, (241)
- Map of Alaska, New, (571)
- Maps of South Africa, Sectional Business, 207, 231
- Marble Quarries in Graeco and Italy, (443)
- Marcet, Mr. Alexander, 336
- Mars Vertical Displacement Air Pump, 638, 639
- Marshall, Mr. F. C., 214
- Marshal), Mr. Wm. Ernest, (180)
- Martin, Mr. C. W., (633)
- Matter, Constitution of, 152
- Meakes, Mr. Geo., (621)
- Mechanical Stoking at Sea, 399
- Metallurgy, On the Application of the Electric Furnace in, Mr. A. Keller, 512
- Metal and Concrete Slab 7in. Thick, Breaking Load of an Expanded, (218)
- Metals, The Decay of, J. T. Milton and W. J. Larke, 455
- Metals, Shrinkages of Castings of Different, (40)
- Metals, Treatiog Cheap, H. Wachwitz’s Process of, (519)
- Metals of Australia, 314
- Metallurgy, 22
- Metric Syitatn, The, 121,161, 223
- Metric System, Report on the, at New Orleans, (515)
- Mexico, Tanning Industry to be Established, (168)
- Milling Machine Feeds, 103, 173
- Mine Owners as Agricu’turists, South Africa, (580)
- Mineral Products of New South Wales, 1901 and 1902, Value of, (40), (218)
- Mines in the Black Country, Unwatering the, (418)
- Mines, Wire-rope Haulage in United States, (102)
- Mining, Electricity in, 454, 476, 490
- Increasing Temperatures found in Deep, (418)
- Industry in 1901, State of, (218)
- Kimberley Diamond, 59, 66, 113, 116 and Metallurgy, 628, 630
- Operations in Great Britain and Depen¬dencies, (367)
- Mitchell, Mr. Chas. W.,(241), (253)
- Molybdenum and Titanium, Colouring of Leather with, (418)
- Molineaux, sen., Wm., (25)
- Mosely on American Competition, 445
- Mosoly Industrial Commission Report, 414. 467
- Motherwell, General Subsidence at, (571)
- Motive Power Machinery in America, Census Report on Construction of, (391)
- Motive Power in the Unitei States, Aggregate, (76)
- Motor Vehicles and Matters Con¬nected Therewith:
- Accidents Resulting from, (496); French Government's Restrictions as to Horse¬power, (545)
- Accident at Hendon, (168)
- Alcohol, French Research on, 576
- Alcohol in Germany, (194)
- Automobile Carriages on French Railways, (471). 476
- Club of Great Britain and Ireland, (65), (118), (237), (443)
- Club's Non stop Trials of, Econo¬mical Performance as regards Consumption of Petrol, (496) Exhibitions, Agricultural Hall, (91); Crystal Palace, (27), (65); Stanley Show, 87
- Trade, Meeting of the, (211)
- Automobilism and Automobiles, Possible De¬velopment in, Mr. W. Weir on, 481 Automobilmania, 567
- Behize Car, 465, 472
- Bicycle with 3 Horse-power Turbine Oil Eng ne, (65)
- Bill with regard to, Mr. W. H. Long’s, (519)
- Cars in New York, (571), 579
- Car Service in Donegal, (621)
- Centre-steering Motor Tractor, 321
- Chenard-Waloker Car, Economical Consump¬tion of Petrol by, (496)
- Clacton-on Sea, Ten-mile Racing Track for. (194)
- Crystal Palace Show, 140, 160, 212
- Decauville Chassis, 321
- Dietrich Omnibus Run from Paris to Nice (391)
- Drivors, Profeseor Hele-Shaw on the Duties of, towards Foot Passengers, (13)
- Eight-cylinder Petrol Motor Car, MM. Charm, Girardot et Voigt, 324
- Electric Automobiles, H. F. Joel on, (118), 151
- Brougham Ordered by the Prince of Wales, (471)
- Electromotive Water Cart, M, Boreux’s, (519)
- England’s Export and Import of, (91)
- Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, Islington, (292), 320
- Fatalities Caused by, 575
- Fined at Farnham, for Emitting Steam on Highway, (65)
- Fire Zone, Major E. Palliser on, 553
- France, Automobile Industry in, (91)
- Developments in, 4, 55, (91), 162, 190
- French Government’s Reported Restrictions as to the Horse-power of Future Motor Cars. (545)
- French Motor Cars, 412, 413
- Gearing, Internal Clutch with Spring Drive, Horsfall and Bickham, (377)
- Glasgow - Leeds - London " Non-»top ” Race. (519), 579
- Gobron-Brillié Car, 413
- Gordon Bennett Race, (367), (471)
- Mercedes Cars not Ad¬mitted, (471)
- Gordon Bennett Ricecourse, Map of, (519)
- Heavy Motor Vehicle Industry and the Rail¬way and Dock Companies, (443)
- Imported into Belgium and Exported from, (US)
- Injuries to Persons and Property resulting from, Question asked in the House of Lords as to, (496)
- Komarek’r, (519)
- Legislation, 12
- Lights on, Mr. J. A. Fyler Fined, (367)
- Lord Dudley’s Use of, in Ireland, (571)
- Mann's S:eam Cart and Wagon Works, 539, 546
- Manufacture of, in Great Britain, 481
- Manufacturers Turn their Attention to Con¬struction of Less Expensive Care, (391) Mercedes Car, 413
- Mercedes, Mors, Da Dietrich, Panhard and Lsvassor Racing Cars, (267)
- New York State, Bailey Bill for Regulating Use of in, (571), (579)
- Numbering of, Discussed, (519)
- Omnibuses, Brussels. (391)
- Omnibus, Dietrich, (391)
- Omnibuses, Statistics as to Cost of Working (218)
- Paris-Madrid Rice, (545), 547, 549
- Paris-Madrid and Gordon Bennett Races, (267)
- Periodicals Dealing with, (267)
- Petrol Electric Motor 10-Ton, Fischer System, Trip between London and Liverpool, (292)
- Petrol Motors for Locomotion, Mons. E. Sal¬vage on, 641
- Petrol and Picric Acid, 2 Horse-power Engine driven with, (443)
- Pneumatic Tires, Non-slipping Tread for, (118)
- Pneumatic Tires, Prizes offered by Uaihi Mail, (118)
- Portugal, Not much used, (144)
- Racing, 573
- Racing : A Hint, (527)
- Railway, 220, 248
- Reckless Driving of, Mr. W. S. Gilbert’s Suggestion to put down, (571)
- Reckless Driving, Edwin Nicholls Fined for, (571)
- Registering of, The Norfolk County Council's Petition for, (65)
- Serpollet Racing Car, 412
- Side-slip, Preventer for, Mr. H. Parson», 37
- Silencers for, Trials of, made by the French Automobile Club, (40), (342)
- Speed of, (527)
- Contest from New York to Chicago, (391) Limit of, (73)
- Speedway in Amerioa, The First Automobile, (194)
- Stanley Show, The, 87 ; to be Discontinued, (367)
- Steam Eogines, 220
- Cars for Street Railway Use, for Yucatan, (194)
- Fire Escape, Brighton, (218)
- Lorry, Coulthard’s, Islington Show, 320
- Motor Car, The Clarkson, 261
- Car Service, Austria, (519)
- Coach, S.W. and L.B. and S.C. Railway, 372
- Fire Engine, Leyland, Lancashire, (241)
- Railway Coaches, (471), 476
- Wagon, Savage’s, Islington Show, 320
- Steel Road Laid in New York by the American Automobile Club, (40)
- Tool, New, Mr. F. V. Dalton, 550
- Trekking by, South Africa, (515)
- Trolley, Railway, Rhodesia. 601
- Vans, Street Refuse Collecting, Paris, (391)
- Van Trials io Germany, Heavy, Driven by Alcohol, (443)
- Vehicles for Bermondsey Borough Work, (418)
- Volunteer Automobile Corps, Mr. M. Mayhew’s Scheme, (168)
- Corps, Approved by the King, (267)
- Corps under Lieut.-Col. M. J. May¬hew, (471)
- Wagons, May day Parade of, 467
- Wagons in Use in England, (443)
- War-office’s Decision as to Use of Private Motor Cars by Officers on Duty, (118)
- Warwickshire Hunt, Members Requested not to go to Meets on, (418)
- Woman Killed in Bois de Boulogne by, (496)
- Works, The Belsizo, 465, 472
- Works, Mann’s Steam Cart and Wagon, 539, 546
- MOVING a House, (194)
- Mowing and Reaping Machines (Supplement. June 12M, 1903)
- Municipal Trade in Electrical Fittings, 319
- Municipal Trading, 570
- Municipal Trading, Joint Committee on, 318
- NAPHTHA, Russian Turkistan (496)
- Nash, Mr. Thos., (223)
- Naval Engineer Appointments, 30,178, 202, 321 375, 402, 422, 480, 495, 552, 579, 594, 646
- Naval Gunnery, 498, (519), 574
- Navigation Congress, 326
- Nernst Lamps for Street Lighting, United States (367)
- Nettlefold’s New Works in Monmouthshire, 180
- Newbury, Public Library for, Mr. Carnegie’s Gift towards, (118)
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Improvements of, (583)
- Newport, Development of, 602
- Newport and South America, (88)
- New South Wales, 1901-1902, Mineral Products of, (40), (218)
- Northwich, Subsidence of London-road, (391)
- New York City, Population of, (91)
- New York Skyscraper, Twenty-nine Storeys, (91)
- Niagara Falls, Observation Tower, 470
- Falls Power-house, 646, 647, 650
- Ice Jam at, (815)
- New Cave of the Winds, 345
- Nicaragua Foreign Merchandise Imported, Nitrate Deposits, California, (191)
- Atkins, Mr. Wm., (241). (253)
- Bassano, Mr. Walter, (178)
- Bates, Mr. Henry. 148, (252)
- Bell, Mr. James, (384)
- Blakemore, Mr. W., (254)
- Brancker, Mr. John, (577)
- Bussy, M. de. (519)
- Carter, Mr. E. T., (418)
- Cochrane, Mr. Henry. (104)
- Common, Dr. A. A., 575
- Cook, Mr. Henry, (504)
- Cooper, Mr. John Vernon, (484)
- Craven, Mr. John, (218)
- Davy, Mr. David, 422
- Downey, Mr. Alf. C., 421
- Entwistle, Mr. F., (458)
- Fothergill, Mr., (662)
- Fowler, Mr. Colin P., (129)
- Catlin, Mr. R. Jordan. (241)
- Glaisher, Mr. Jas., (168)
- Goodenough, Mr. T. H., (418)
- Griffith, Mr. V. R., (180)
- Hunt, Mr. J., (328)
- Irvine, Mr. Robt., (354)
- Isaac, Mr. Daronwy, (254)
- Jones, Alderman W. H., (327)
- Jones, Mr. Franklin, (519)
- Joseph, Mr. Morgan, (180)
- Joy, Mr. David, 290
- Kellett, Mr. Wm., (153)
- Kitching, Mr. Richard Churchill, (103)
- Lloyd, Mr. G. Braithwaite, (178)
- Madan, Mr. Chas. Spencer, (40)
- Marcet, Mr. Alexander, (336)
- Marshall, Mr. F. C., 214
- Marshall, Mr. Wm. Ernest, (180)
- Martin, Mr. C. W., (633)
- Meakes, Mr. Geo., (621)
- Middleton, Mr. R., (292)
- Mitchell, Mr. Chas. W., (241) (253)
- Molineaux, Sen., Mr. Wm, (25)
- Nash. Mr. Thos., (228)
- Paget, Mr. Fred., (177)
- Pajeken, Julius, Dr., 8
- Pease, Sir Joseph, 653
- Price, Alderman, (118)
- Samuelson, Mr. Martin, (241)
- Sarle, Sir Allen, (595)
- Scott, Mr. John, (523)
- Stanger, Mr. W. H., 197
- Sterling, Mr. Wm., (327)
- Stokes, Sir Geo. Gabriel, 148
- Tasker, Mr. Robt. Chas., (532)
- Thomas, Mr. Wm., (266)
- Thompson, Mr. W. J., (606)
- Turner, Mr. G. H., 515
- Wiborgh, Prof. J. G., (342)
- Wilkinson, Mr., (634)
- Williams, Capt. B., (203)
- Williams, Mr. James, (342)
- Woods, Mr. Edward (with Portrait), 625
- OBSERVATION Tower, Niagara Falls, 470
- Ohio, Tunnel under the, (532)
- Oil Can, Messrs. J. Kaye and Sons, 552
- Dust-laying with, (658)
- Bombay, (40)
- Sydney, (24)
- Effect of Steam for Atomising, 412
- Fields, Baku, (545), (556)
- Fields in Louisiana, (315)
- Fuel, 38, 99
- Fuel at Camden Town Electricity Works, (144)
- Fuel and Coal, 99
- Fuel with Solid Fuel in Pig Iron Production, Russia, (144)
- Industry in California, The Development of, (118)
- Mineral, Evaporative Tests of, for Fuel Pur¬poses, (13)
- Pipe Line along the Trans-Caucasian for Con¬veyance of, (545)
- Producing Region, Port Arthur, (815)
- Production, Baku District, Fall in the, (545)
- Prospects, Japan, (556)
- Reduction of Duty on, in India, (40)
- Tests of, Mr. A. Kingsbury, (482)
- Old Age Pensions, The Armstrong Company’s, 271
- Olympia, Roof of, 99
- Omnibuses on the Fischer Petrol-Electric System for London, (373)
- Omnibus Lines in Paris, (391)
- Routes, Three New, (366)
- Services over Westminster and Waterloo Bridges, L.C.C., Inquiry into, (342)
- Artillery Ranges, North Wales, Proposed Site for New Heavy, (144)
- “ Dotter,” New Type of, United States, (418)
- Gunnery of the American Navy, Admiral Dewey’s Report ou, (218)
- Guns, British and German, at Puerta Ciptlla, (97)
- Guns, New York, Biggest ever Built, (91)
- Heavy Guns and Boilers, 658
- Isham Gelatine Shell, at Sandy Hook, (168)
- Krupp Gun Chosen for the Swiss Artillery, (IK)
- Maxims in Warships, 345
- Okhta, Experiments at, with Apparatus for Deadening Sound of Big Guns, (595)
- Record for British Ships for 1902, showing the Power of Modern Gun Fire, (168)
- United States Navy Department, Target Practice, New Type of " Dotter,” (418)
- ORE Roasting Furnace, (482)
- Ovens and By-product Ovens, Building in the United States, (118)
- Ozone as a Water Purifier, Use of, in Wiesbaden, (315)
- PACKING, A New Metallic, (599)
- Paderno Viaduct, The, 382, 441, 463, 464
- Paget, Mr. Fred., (177)
- Paints, 602
- Paint as a Preservative of Iron from Rust, 509
- Pajeken, Julius, Dr., 8
- Para Rubber, (168)
- Paris Houses, Hygienic Conditions, Lighting and Lifts, (649)
- Paris Sewage Farms, 625
- Patents, 574
- Act, J 902, and Patent Oppositions, 567
- Australian, 451
- Canadian, 323
- Designs and Trade Marks, The Comp¬troller-General's Report, (649)
- in Germany, 351
- Patent-office, The, (464)
- Patent-office, Competitive Examination for Situa¬tions in,(471)
Patents, Selected American:
- Anchor, J. P. S. Lawrence, 430
- Automatic Hammering Tool, F. M. Leavitt, 664
- Blast Furnace, G. C. Shackleford, 405
- Boats, Buckets for, A. M. Acklin, 280
- Boilers, Automatic Feed, Regulator for, J. S. V. Bickford, 156
- Boiler Flue Rattler, H. 0. Westmark, 608
- Bailers, Cover Plate for, C. L. Huston, 132
- Boiler, Locomotive, C. Vanderbilt, 330
- Boiler, Steam, C. P. Altmann, 132 ; H. A. Due, jun., 280 ; J. A. Schlehr, 356
- Breech Mechanism, Meigs and Hammar, 206
- Breech Mechanism for Guns, C. Holmstr On, 636
- Bucket, Porter and Beaumont, 106
- Casting Ingots, J. O. E. Trotz, 256
- Coal and Grain Cab, S. Kellogg, 132
- Condensing Steam, T. M. Colwell, 230
- Controlling Speed of Steam Turbines, G. O. M. Olssen, 80
- Coupling for Connecting-rods, J. Horsley, 156 '
- Coupling for Pipe Shaft», &c., S. E. Diescher, 54
- Cutter Head, G. Johnson, jun., 132
- Cutter Head for Hydraulic Dredgers, L. W. Bates, 405
- Diving Apparatus, E. B. Petrie, 486
- Driving Chains, Protection of, E. Catch pool, 132
- Electrical Furnace, H. Maxim, 206
- Electrical Machines, Collector Ring for, R. Siegfried, 106
- Electric Motor or Generator, J. A. Tistel, 430
- Electric Motors, Supporting Device for, B. R. Van Kirk, 560
- Electric Pumping Engine, S. Brunau, 80
- Electrically-operating To ale, Moore and Reilly, 28
- Elevator, S. B. Peck, 230
- Engine, W. A. Bole, 405
- Engine, Blowing, W. Kennedy, 356
- Engine, Combination Hot Air and Gas, Ander¬son, Erickson and Wickstrom, 608
- Engine, Condensing Pumping, F. M. Leavitt, J 182
- Engines, Explosive, F.[Lagontte, 633 1
- Engine, Gas, F. L. Nichols, 106
- Engine, Rotary, F. A. Pallé, 206
- Engines, Steam, P. H. White. 508
- Engine, Steam Explosive, C. A. Braden, 636
- Fence Post, Telegraph Pole, I. M. Warner, 132
- Furnace, Retort Gas, F. Bredel, 182
- Furnace for Smelting Iron, H. A. Jones, 664
- Gas Engine Cylinders, H. E. Ebbs, 460
- Gas Stave, H. Bonsor, 156
- Governor for Elastic Fluid Turbines, C. G , Curtis, 664
- Gun, Automatic, A. Noble, 1C6
- Gun Carriage, O. Behnke, 304
- Gun Carriage, Dawson and Buckham, 304
- Guns, Breech Mechanism for, L. N. D. Mixsell. 106
- Hammer, Pneumatic, H. F. Massey, 280
- Hot-air Stove, D. Lamond, 534
- Hydraulic Forging Press, H. V. Loss, 4(5
- Hydraulic Ram, J. Richards, 486
- Hydraulic Riveting or Punching Too). C. Wigtel, 28 1
- Ingot - stripping Machine, Wellman and McGeorge, 560
- Iron, Producing, O. Thiel, 380
- Lining of Converters or Furnaces, W. J. Knox, Locomotive Sanding Device, J. C. Hooper, 182
- Lubricator, H. Harris, 80
- Marine Structures, Erecting, E. Becker, 486
- Measuring Areas of Surfaces, Machine for, J. E. Nightingale, 54
- Metal Beams, Shaping, W. A. Dunn, 380
- Metal-bending, F. Ditcbfield, 380
- Metallic Packing, A. J. Zwart, 256
- Motor Vehicle, W. Norris, 486
- Motor Vehicles, Driving Mechanism for, C. C, Bramwell, 80
- Mower, Motor Lawn, T, and W. H. Coldwel), 280
- Ordnance, J. P. Holland, 356
- Ordnance Ammunition Hoist for, Dawson and Horne, 380
- Ordance, Prevention of Erosion in, H. Maxim, 280
- Ore Elevators, H. A. Vez’n, 132
- Painting Apparatus, H. D. Carryl, 156
- Piers, Shifting Device for, Baldwin and Sundt, 106
- Pneumatic Stacker, J. H. Elward, 256
- Potator Digger, L. A. Aspinwall, 380
- Press for Compressing Liquid Steel, H. Harmet, 636
- Pressure Gauge, E. C. Bates, 1(6
- Projectiles, Hardecintr, R. A. Hadfield, 380
- Propellers, Housing Ship, J. Hamilton, 801
- Propellers, Rotary, F. C. Davidson, 230
- Propulsion of Steamships, C. A. Parsons, 560
- Pump, Centrifugal, H. Su’zer, 2C6
- Raising Canal Boats, A. Umlauf, 460
- Reducing Metals from their Ores, M. Ruthenburg, 508
- Refrigerating and Liquefying Gases, F. L. Dyer, 486
- Retaining Wal), F. A. Bone, 256
- Revolving Turret, Hickborn and Bostrom, £08
- Kivetmg Machine, G. E. Martin, 380
- R-ad-breaking, J. Wrobel, 256
- Roek-dri'l Chuck M. McHale, 206
- Shalt Bearing for Centrifugal Pumps, J. Hedlund, 636
- Shaft Coupling, H. B. Murdock, 560
- Sh'eld and Funnel for Re-charging Crucibles, G. B. Brown, 508
- S'ght Device for Guns, Schneider and Canet, 256
- Speed Variations, Checking, in Alternating- Current Dynamo-Electric Machines, E. W. Mix, 560
- Spiral Springs or Coils, Apparatus for Con¬tinuous Manufacture of, Cole and Donnelly, 330
- Starting Induction Motors, A. Schwartz, 636
- Steam Blower, E. Gibson, 664
- Steam Iojector, J. Desmond, 356
- Steam Turbine, Controlling Speed of, G. O. M. Olsson, 230
- Steel, Treating Oxide of Iron Ores to Produce, D. Reynolds, 330
- Submarine Boat, J. P. Holland, 106
- Sugar Boiling, C. Steffen, 156 Superheating Device, Schmidt and Thomson, 156
- Tool Post, J. R. Back, 380
- Torpedo Boat, F. W. Brady, 560
- Trolley, W. L. von Hardenburg, 256
- Tube Cleaner, F. Novolny, 460
- Turbines, Automatic Governor for, A. C. E. Rateau, 534
- Steam, A. Krank, 356
- Steam, C. A. Parsons, 356
- Stuffing-box for, A. C. E. Rateau and H. A. E. Harlé, 534
- Valve9, Cushioning Device for, E. Rost, 280
- Hydraulic or other Fluid-controlling,
- H. S. B. Brindley, 636 Reversing, A. Fischer, 330
- Welding and Tapering Sockets, P. Boyd, 256
- Wheel, Puncture-proof Inflatable, A. Honrath, 380
- PATENTS in the United States, Applications for, (418)
- Paving, Bituminous Macadam, (543)
- Brick Plant, United States, 64
- Street Asphalt, (555)
- Pease, Sir Joseph, 653
- Pelton Water Motor, Steam-driven American, (342)
- Pelton Water Wheel, Experiments on a Small, described by Mr. Farmer, (13)
- Pennsylvania, University of, 586
- Petroleum Company, International, in Japan, 225
- Exports, United States, (218)
- Question, Mr. H. J. Reckitt's Bill on, (168)
- on the Sea near Sorrento, Smell of, (649)
- Spirit Supplied to Motor Car Users, Excessive Density of, and Trouble Caused by, (443)
- Phipps, Mr. H., Gift to Further Scientific Research in India, (144)
- Phosphorus, Yellow or White, Use of in Match¬making Forbidden by a German Bill, (571) Physical Laboratory, The National, 314, (454): Machine for Ascertaining Effects of Repeated Stress, Dr. Stanton at, (315); Machine, Tide¬predicting, (315)
- Piccadilly, Widening of, (571)
- Piecework and other Things, 501, 526
- Pile-driving Plant, Steam, Mr. H. T. Garvie, 542
- Piles, Ferro-Concrete, 612
- Pipe Joints, New Material for, (571)
- Pipe Line Along the TraDS-Caucasian for Convey¬ance of Kerosene, (545)
- Piston-rods, Cambered, 602
- Piston-rod Packing, (658)
- Pistons, Solid Rings on Solid, 123
- Pit Timber, 95
- Planimeter Explained Simply Without Mathematics, W. J. Tenoant on, 75
- Plate Bender, Hydraulic, Fielding and Platt, Limited, 70
- Platinum Ingot, Price at New York of, (315)
- Platinum Refinery in Russia, (443)
- Ploughs, British (Supplement, June 12t/i, 1903)
- Pneumatic Appliances, Mr. E. C Amos on, (327)
- Hoist, American, (555)
- Tool Works at Fraserburgh, (292)
- Polonium and Radium, Radiation of, M. H. Becquerel on, (496)
- Polonum and Radium Rays, Difference be¬tween, (545), (571)
- Port of London, Sir H. D. Le Marchant on the, 74
- Portland Cement, Ireland and, 464, 602, 657
- Manufactured from Blast Furnace Slag, R. von Schwarz, 512, 529
- Mortar and Concrete, Com¬parative Strength and Elasticity of, (267)
- Production in the United States, 1902, (649)
- Portugal, Machinery and Instruments Imported from the United Kingdom, (144)
- Post-office and Electric Railways, The, 195
- Postal Order System, Improvements in the, (471)
- Potato Diggers (Supplement, June 12tA, 1903)
- Potassium Cyanide, Electrically-made, (194)
- Pottery, English Firm’s Attempt to Compete with Germany, (65)
- Preferat.tialism, Dutch Natives' Views as to, (659)
- Premium System Applied to Engineering Workshops, Mr. James Rowan, 310
- Price, Aiderman, (118)
- Printing, New Precess of, Italian, (443)
- Profit Sharing, 487, 497, 503, 527, 553
- Provisional Orders, 1903, 414
- Pulley, A New, Unbreakable Pulley and Mill Gearing Co., Limited, 480
- Pomps, Boiler Feed, Clarke, Chapman and Co., 97
- Pumps and Condensers, Independent Air, Thomas and Mareland, 638, 639
- Pump, Hydraulic Plunger, Experiments on a, Professor J. Goodman, 215
- Pump, Ship's, Mr. G. F. Howell's Invention,
- Pumps, Steam-driven Air, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 524
- Pamp, Surface Electric, Ocker Hill, South Staffordshire, (153)
- Pump Tests, Centrifugal, Mr. J. H. Slater, (146)
- Pumping Engine for Hartlepool Waterworks, Large, ('277)
- RADIUM, 318, 369, 399
- Radium, Professor Curie on, (367), 646
- Radium, Professor J. J. Thomson on, (471)
- Radium Radiators, Use of, by Medical Men, (367)
- Railway Accidents:
- American Collision, The Latest, 120
- Automatic Stop as a Check up an Drivers in United States, (367)
- Blackpool, Talbat-road Station, (391)
- Blue-book, Summary of, in the United Kingdom, (471)
- Caledonian Railway, Glasgow District, Three, (118)
- Canada, (292)
- Chatham and District Light, (36)
- Cornwall, Penryn, (118)
- Coupliog Accidents on British Railways, 527
- Crowborough Tunnel, Collapse of Portion of, (91)
- Derailments on United States Railways, (367)
- Fly-wheel, Bursting of, at Los Angeles, (367)
- Glasgow and South-Western, Collapse of a Stone Parapet, (649)
- Grand Trunk, Wans'.ead, Ontario, (40)
- Loven Viaduct, 416
- Liverpool Overhead, (367)
- London and North-Western between Stafford and Crewe, (443)
- Mersey Tunnel, Conductor Killed, (519)
- Midland, near Leicester, Bullocks on the Line,
- Central, Damages Paid by the Company, (443)
- Now York Central and Hudson River, Land¬slide on, (194)
- New York, Newhaven and Hartford Railway, (367)
- Nilgin Railway, Slip cn, (144)
- Prussian State, Eagine Fitted with Apparatus for Superheated Steam, (194)
- South Pacific, Tucson Collision, (218)
- United States,224, (241), (267), 366, (367), (391), (496),
- United States, Massachusetts, and Kentucky, (144)
- United States, Prevention of Third Rail Troubles from Sleet, (367)
- Wemyss Bay, (471)
- York Station, Collision, (649)
- Railways, British, Canadian, Colonial, Indian, and South African:
- Abyssinian, (649)
- African—ree Cape, Gold Coast, Natal, Rhcdesian, South African, Transvaal, and Uganda Australian, Brisbane to Adelaide, (621)
- Cue-Nannine Line, (40)
- Longest Journey that can be Taker, (649)
- West, (388)
- Bristol, London, and Southern Counties, Bristol and Basingstoke, (471); Proposed Extension, (91), (118)
- Caledonian, Relief Line, (118)
- Canadian, Inter-Colonial, (91)
- North, Great Northern of Canada Purchased by, (168)
- Pacific, Parchase of the Calgary and Edmonton Railway, (496)
- Pacific, Shay Locomotive to be Tested on, (13)
- Pacific, Trans-Continental Service. (595)
- Reports on the Operations of, and Earnings and Capital, (267), (315)
- Trans-Continental to Run through Winnipeg, (168)
- Trans-Continental, Opposition to. (11)
- Cape to Cairo, (241)
- Colony, 2ft. Gauge, (267)
- Government Railways, 167, 240, 246, (267)
- Net EarniDgs, 1902, „(267), views on, 167
- Durham Coast Line, The New, (338)
- Gold Coast, Kumasi Extension, to Obuassi, (13)
- Great Central, New Fish and Coal Waizons (443)
- Great Eastern, American Locomotive Tried on and Failed, (118)
- and Midland and Great Northern, Line between Lowestoft and Yarmouth. (649),
- New Line from Ilford, (144)
- New Loop Line, (443)
- and North London, Traffic on. (443)
- Passenger Traffic to Enfield, (218)
- Rates Paid by, (118)
- Stratford Works, 588, 590, 591 592
- Great Northern, Appointment of Mr A J Brickwell, (65)
- Institute Started at East Ardsley for its Meo, (649)
- Great Western, Death of Sir J. L. WilkinsoD ,(621)
- Express Service to Exeter and Plymouth, (595); French Eagine Built by M. von Glehn, (621)
- Express Services to Ireland, (571)
- Extension, Somerset, (315)
- Llauhilleth and Crumlin Sec¬tion Threatened with Land¬slip, (91)
- Question of Electrification of a Portion of their System. (241)
- South Wales Direct Line to London, (52)
- Indian, Agitation to Connect India and Burma, (571)
- Agra-Delhi Chord Line, (649)
- Bengal-Nagpur Route, (443)
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway Co.’s Deputation to Lord George Hamilton, (342)
- Goods and Coal Train Loads on, (595)
- Electric Installations in the Workshops of the Chief Lines, (595)
- Hanoi and Nam-Dinh, (65)
- Jech-Doab Branch of the North- Western, Inspection of, (571)
- Jubilee of the Opening of the Great Indian Peninsula Co.’s Opening, (621)
- Kalka-Simla, (144) '
- Indian North - Western, Appointment of Deputy Engineer-in chief to be Abolished, (595)
- State and Private Mileage Returns, (595)
- Working of, Mr. T. Robertson's Report, (498), (857)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Expansion of Heavy Traffic on, (194)
- Kirkham and Black¬pool Extension, (571)
- and London and North - Western Joint Bill, (18)
- Liverpool Overhead, (496)
- London, Brighton, and South Coast: Crowborouirh Tunnel Collapse, (91)
- Death of Sir Allen Sarle, (595)
- Naw Victoria Station, 805
- Extentions, Q icon's-road Bridge, 235, '286
- Half-year’s Accounts. (118)
- Improvements, 96, 488, 491
- New G inds DepA;. (545)
- Storm Motor Coach, 372
- Turbine Steamer Brighton, (621)
- London, Chatham and Dover: Half-year's Accounts, (118)
- Profile of, 213
- London and North-Western : Appointment of Mr. J. Bishop, (519)
- Mr. Webb's Gift to the Crewe Cottage Hospital, (545)
- Enlargement of Crowe Station, (545)
- Appointment of Mr. G. Whale, (367), (649)
- City Goods Station at Sheffield, (118)
- Committee Formed whose Purpiao is Reform of the Management, 219
- Passenger and Merchandise Traffic, (218)
- Re-modelling of London-road Station, Man¬chester, (218)
- London and South-Western : Extensions at Clapham Junction, 453
- Extensions, Budleigh Salterton to Exmoutb, (545)
- Moon Valley Line, (571)
- Fast Run to Plymouth, (571), (595)
- Metropolitan, Ealing and Harrow Extension, (418), (649)
- Metropolitan, Mr. S. B. Cotterill on, 640, 652
- Midland, Accelerated Service, Leeds, More- cambe, (570)
- Appointment of Mr. T. H. Wells, (519)
- and Belfast and Northern Counties Railway Company, Agreement between, (118)
- Directors Advene to Li mid Fuo), (456)
- Mileage of Traint on, (194)
- Mr. W. Kerry Succeeds Mr. Ellse, (65)
- Water Troughs on, (241)
- Natal, (659) New Engines for, (621)
- Working of and Criticism of, (413), (515)
- New South Wales, (302)
- New South Wales, Working Report, (659)
- North Derbyshire, New Line Projected, (65)
- North-Eastern, Ago of its Locomotives, (118)
- Cone Arm-chairs in First class Carriages, (342)
- Electrification ot Branch Line from Newcastle to Tyne¬mouth, (65)
- Experiments at a Gradient Constructed on the American Principle, (179)
- Experiments with the Westing¬house Air Brake, (505)
- Four-cylinder Petrol E mines, (378)
- Generosity to the Men who Volunteered for tho War, (70)
- Gosfortb and Ponteland, (621)
- Guards’ Agitation, (367)
- Half-yearly Report, (179)
- Motor Cars to Rin on the, 220
- Northallerton, New Gradient for Shunting, (168)
- Sorting Sidings and Marshalling Yards at Newport, (342)
- Train of Twenty fire Wagons for, (118)
- Traffic on, (168)
- Widening of Lines between Bough and Hesde, (391)
- North London, Cost of a Fog par Hour on (65)
- Rhodesian, Bulawayo to the Zambesi, (545)
- Wankie Coalfields, (649)
- Rosedale, Danby Dale, Middlesbrough and Sinnington, (40)
- South African, 157, 158, 167, 183, 189, (287). (545), (580); Buluwayo to the Zambesi, Fast Train to Rm, (545); Johannesburg and Kimberley Line, (580)
- South-Eastern and Chatham Turbine Chunnel Steamer Queen, (367), 614, (621)
- South-Western and I-de of Wight Junction, Estimates of Cost of Works, (218)
- Stockton and Darlington, Plan of, Published in 1822, (633)
- Taff Vale, Recant Legal Decision, (315)
- Tasmanian, Retirement of the Manager of, (545)
- Transvaal, West, (391)
- Uganda: Mombasa to Port Florence Line Completed, (571); Practically Finished, (241); Returns for Construction and Workiog, (621); Trouble given by Native Tribes, (621) Victorian, 23, (426), (621)
- Wales, Fishguard and Rosslare, (223); Merry¬bent Line,(557)
Railways, Electric:
- American Inter-urban, 210
- Biker-street to Waterloo Subways, (91), 315
- Berlin Suburbs Overhead Suspended, (241)
- Canada, (241)
- Central London, Multiple-unit System Adopted and Increased Number of Trains, (649); Ventilation of the, 196
- Cincinnati, U.S.A., Terminus, (251)
- City and South London, Proposed Extension to Euston, (91); Traffic Increase, (91)
- Europe, 282
- High-potential Railway System to be Intro¬duced by the Stanley Co., Pittsburg, (168) Japan, Tokyo, 290
- Liverpool Overhead, Mishap on, (367); its Successful Competition with the Electric Tramways, (196)
- London Brighton Mono-rail, The Projected, Abandoned, (40), (144)
- London Underground, 500
- Manchester Underground, (471)
- Manhattan Elevated, Traffic on, (621)
- Mersey Tunnel Electrified, 144, (267), (443), (471), (496)
- Metropolis, An Elevated Mono Railway for, (571)
- Metropolitan and District, Electrification of, New York Underground, (267)
- New Zealand, North Island, Electrification of, (621)
- North-Eastern Local Newcastle Lines, (315)
- Paris Metropolitan, (391), (418), 525
- Pennsylvania, (91)
- Post-office and, 195
- Russia, St. Petersburg, and Moscow, (312) (515)
- Sweden, Coristiania with Malmo, (168)
- Third-rail, 426
- Tokyo, (556)
- Tyrol, from Kaltern, (194)
- United States, Connecticut, Old Fight be¬tween Steam and, (391)
- United States, St. Louis to Glasgow and Brookfield, (418)
- Valtellina High-tension Three-phase, 110, 138. 183, 231, 323 (Supplement, February 2?M, 1903)
- Railways, Foreign:
- Abyssinia Djiboutil and Addis-Harrar, (13), 416, 649
- Amazon to the Andes, (9!)
- American, 270
- Orgacisati n ar.d Administration of, Lieut.-Col. Yorke on, 640
- Mr. Wilson Worsdell on, 286
- Anatolian, (13); Construction of a Quay at H aidar Pasha, (418)
- Argentine, (471)
- Chilian, (367), (471)
- China, E, (13)
- Manchurian, 528
- Shantung, Arrival of First Train, (118)
- Cochin China, (13)
- Cuban, Sanjuan Martinez Pinar del Rio Exten¬sion, First Spike Driven, (65)
- Dolagoa Line, Reduction of Rates on, (391)
- Franco-Algerienne Company's Lines, (519)
- French, Automobile Carriages for, (471)
- Mileage, (421)
- Orleans Railway Company, Dynamo¬meter Van ter taking Records, (418)
- Paris Metropolitan, (418), 525
- Western Company, Accelerated Ser¬vices, (418)
- German S.W. Africa, Otavi Lino, (519) (595)
- Prussian State, Alcohol on the, 447
- Prussian State, New Permanent Way for, (112)
- Grand Trunk Pacific Company, Mr. B'air's View as to the, Utilisation of the Canadian Northern, (649)
- Grand Trunk Railway Company, Change in the Trans-Continental Railway Plans and Incor¬poration of the Company, (292)
- Greece, Pincus Frontier Line, (621)
- Italian, Combined Tour Tickets on, (421)
- Italian, Rome to Naples, (267)
- Jibutil, (13). 416, (649)
- Japanese, (367)
- Japanese, The First, (335)
- Konakry to the Niger, (3»9)
- Korea, (418)
- Manchurian, 528
- Mexican Central, (235)
- Conversion of Lines to Standard Gauge, (418)
- Mileage, (144)
- Standardising the Gaugo, (367)
- Norwegian, Oioten, 395
- Pacific Coast Lines, (443)
- Peru, (91)
- Portuguese, Benguella, (443)
- Portuguese West Africa, Lobito Bay, (65), (241) (545)
- Siam, Bangkok, (144)
- Spain, Bilbao to Burgos, (514)
- Spain, Extensions, (496)
- Russian, 286, (292), (367)
- Astrakhan Line, (418)
- Black Sea Line, (342)
- Harbin & Kirin, (390)
- Line across Mongolia, (471)
- New and Total Mileage, (163), (241), 543
- Electric Light and Increased Speed, (367)
- Orenburg Line, (595)
- Orenburg and Tasbkend Line, (168), (241)
- Siberian, Technical Defects and Short¬comings on, 462, (471); Total Length of, (595)
- Statistics, (462)
- Tomsk to Tasbkend, (418)
- Trans-Siberian, Cost of, (315), 336
- Urals, Main Line Across the, (292)
- Vitebsk and Shlobin, (292)
- Sweden, Stockholm to Narvik, Train de Luxe, (496)
- Swiss, Tto Highest in the World, 298
- Simplon Tunnel, 30, 56, (241) 309
- Thusis and the Engadine, (545)
- Transandine, (471)
- Turkish, Baghdad, 315, (423), (426) 451
- United States, Chicago and North-Western Double-track, (194)
- Chicago and West Indiana, Machine for Moving Track, (65)
- Grand Trunk Pacific Project Strenuously Opposed by the Maritime Province, (496) Gross Earnings, (595)
- Mileage of New, Built from 1893 to 1902, (40), 194
- United States, Mileage, Now, 40, (141), 194, (491)
- Mileage and Yearly Increase, (251)
- New York Central and Hud¬son River, Fast Run, (194); Land Slide on, (194)
- Pennslvania, (58). (91), 194, (204), (267), (402), (631)
- Pittsburg, Bessemer, and Lake Erie, Ore Traffic on, (421)
- South-Western, New Mileage Projected, (579)
- Tranrcontinontal, (292)
- Tunnels into New York and Montreal, (58), (91), (292), («84)
Railways, Light:
- Gloucester County, (118)
- Length of, Controlled by the British Electric Traction Company, (40)
- Nigeria, South, (649)
- Orders Confirmed by the Board of Trade, (13). (118), (218), (496), (519), (648)
- Wales, (302), (367)
- Welshpool and Llanfair, (367). (378)
- Yorkshire Daks, (519)
Railway Locomotives:
- American, in British Shops, Building, 60
- for the Capo, 223
- and English for Japan, Competition, ia, 223
- for Japan, (315)
- for the North-Eastern Railway, (5?f)
- 120 Ton Tank, 223
- Atlantic-type Passenger, on the Michigan Central, Fine Performance of, (91)
- Baldwin, Consume more Coal than British, (144)
- Baldwin Works, Enlargement, (251); Output, (367)
- Baldwin Works, Formula for Calculating Train Resistance, (65)
- Beyer, Peacock and Co.’s, for the Buenos Aires Great Southern, (168)
- Bombay and Baroda Railway, Orders for, (226)
- Building Firms in the United Kingdom, Num¬ber of Men Employed in 1902-1901, (65)
- Building in United States, (40)
- British and American, in Egypt, 566
- i'. American for Soudanese and Natal Railways, (595)
- and Foreign, for the Canadian Pacific, (342)
- for Norwegian, (391) Canada, Number of, (241)
- Chicago and Pacific. Effect of Alka ine Water on the Boilers, (194)
- C ickorill Bjgii, on Italian Railways, (292)
- Combination, The, 69
- Compound Italian, (423)
- Compound, John Riekie on, 350, 567
- Connecting and Coupling-rods, P. II. Parr, 61, 86, 187, 232
- Design of, for High Speeds, Mr. J. C. Inglis, (616)
- Doncaster, Ten-wheeled “ 990” Tjpa, (118)
- East Indian Order for, Not yet Placed, (65)
- East Indian Railway, Fit for the Scrap Heap, (87)
- Egyptian State, Stock of, (194)
- Electric, for the Baltimore Tunnel, (519)
- Goods, Ganz and Co., Valtelliua Rail¬way (Supplement, February 20th 1903)
- Goods, Valtellina Railway, Ganz and Co (Supplement, February 20th, 1903) for the Paris-Versailles Service, (315)
- Shunting, U.S.A., (570)
- English at Paris, (297)
- Express Passenger, “Belpaire.” Midland, Mr. Sam Johnson (Supplement, March 13M, 1903), 259, 260
- Express Passenger, South-Eastern and Chatham, Mr. H. S. Wainwright (Supplement, Februari/ 27<h, 1903), 213
- Fire-boxes with Prolonged Combustion Cham¬ber, Italian Mediterranean Railway, (292)
- Four-coupled, Four-cylinder, Great Northern, Mr. Ivatt, 88
- Four-cylinder Compound, M. von Glehn’s, for the Great Western, (40), (621)
- Four-cylinder Compound Goods, London and North-Western, Mr. F. W. Webb, 542
- Four-wheels Coupled Compound Express, Western Railway of France, M. Cleranlt, (Supplement, May 16th, 1903). 492
- French, in England, 119, (149), 173, 199
- German, for the Canadian Pacific, (496)
- German, in Florence and in Spain, (194), (519)
- German, for Italy, (292)
- Glehn, M. von, for the Great Western, (40), (621)
- Gölsdorf System, (292)
- Great Centra), Orders for, (226), (252)
- Great Northern Express, No. 268, Record Run. (U8)
- Great Western, Boilers for, Messrs. R. Steven¬son and Co. (557)
- Head Lamps, Now Code of, 149
- Head Lamps on Scottish Railways to be Uniform, (16S)
- Heavy Goods, with Corrugated Fire-boxes, Baldwin Works, for U.S.A., (580)
- Hydraulic Machinery for an Indian Locomotive Works, 10, 11
- Imported into Alexandria, 1900 and 1901, (168)
- Japanese Kobe Workshops, Cost of, (144)
- Krauss, with Auxiliary Driving Wheel in the Bogie, Exhibited at Paris, (91)
- Large, for American Railways, (555)
- London, Brighton and South Coast, fitted to burn Oil Fuel, (144)
- London and North-Western, (168), (292)
- Mileage and Age of Passenger Express, in Eng¬land, (118)
- Narrow-gauge Petrol, F. C. Blake, 47
- Natal Government Railways, Fresh Supply of. Needed, (621)
- North-Eastern, Age of, (118)
- Northern of Franco Compound, 173, 199
- Oil, South Pacific, (601)
- Passenger, Atlantic-type, Fine Performance, (91)
- Part enger and Goods, Forty Years Old, still Running in Russia, (47)
- Montreal Shops. (91)
- Tank, Great Central, Mr. J. G. Robinson, 293
- Pennsylvania Railway, of the Atlantic Type, (251)
- Placing a Fan in Front of a. Eff.ct of, (418)
- Practice, American, P. J. Uiwan on, 491
- Radial Tank, London, Brighton and South Coast, Mr. R. J. Billington, 442, 444
- Rebuilding. United States, (76)
- Reynold's, 72
- Saloon, 99, 149
- Shay, to be Tested on the Canadian Pacific, (13) " Single," 149
- Six-coupled Express, Chicago and Alton Rail¬way, United States, 339
- Expro>s Passenger, Simplon Rail¬way, 309
- Four-cylinder Compound Express, London and North-Wester.), Mr. Webb, (292). 323
- G >ods for Cambrian Railways, (418)
- Pass'nger, Wi hdrawn after Sixty Years' Serve a on the North- Eastern, (40)
- Simple, Cdedonian Railway, (292)
- Six-wheels Coupled Caledonian Express, Mr. Macintosh, 331, 366
- Six-coupled, for Italy, Thirty New, (292)
- Stephenson and Co., Limited, Robert, R?pnrt for 1902, (404); Six-coupled Goods for tie Cambrian Railways, (418)
- South African Orders for, (50)
- South America, Orders for, (226)
- South-Eastern, Gocd Condition of, (267)
- Spark Arrester, South-Eastern and Chatham, Stone's, 214
- Standardisation of, Mr. Coutts to be Placed on Special Duty in connection therewith, (13)
- Stephenson and Co.'s, Messrs. Robert, New Works at Darlington. (203), (288)
- Suburban Tank, Great Eastern Railway, Mr. James Holden, (Supplement, Februai </ 6(A, 1903), 134, 135
- Suburban, No. 20, Great Eastern Railway, 173
- Taff Vale Railway, Orders for, (226)
- Ter-wheels Coupled, Narrow Gauge, M-. G. W. Reid, 176
- Ten-wheel S mple Passenger, on Canadian Pacific Railway, (91)
- Three-cylinder Compound, Midland Railway, J. Riekie, 350, 567
- Water-arch for, Montana Central Railway United States, (251)
- Works, Topeka, U.S.A , (503)
- Worsdell, Mr. Wiltoc, on the Age of Passengor Express in England, (118)
Railway News, Various, British and Foreign:
- Accelerated Trains, 294
- Accidents, Government of India’s Proposal f r Minimising, (254)
- Ac ial Railway, Blackburn, (267)
- Alcohol on the Prussian State Railways, 447
- Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants and the Taff Vale Railway Company, L'gri Decision, (315)
- American, Earnings for January, (391)
- Engineer on "Diversity of Practice,” An, (367)
- Methods for British Railways, 199
- Railway Methods, Colonel Yorke’s Report on, (144), (267), (315)
- Railway Shops, Electric Power ir, (482)
- Railway Works, New, (482)
- Automatic Apparatus for Coupling and Un¬coupling, S. Polanoffski, (367
- Couplings, T. A. Brockelbank on, 527 ; C. L. T. Griffith on, 567
- Couplings, New, 528, (545)
- Signalling on the Paris-Lyons- Mediterranean Railway, British Deputation Inspects, (144), (257) Wagon Couplers, 478
- Bill, Cheap Trains, (418)
- Bishop, Mr. J., Appointment, (519)
- Board of Trade's Bill to Facilitate Use of Electric Traction on Railways, (496)
- Board of Trade Return of Railway Extension Bills, (342)
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway Company, Deputation to Lord George Hamil¬ton, (312)
- Breakfast Cars on the Great Northern, (40)
- Brine, Use of, on Permanent Way, in the United States, (471)
- British, Cost of, per Mile, as Compared with American, (315) and French Train Services, by Charles Rous-Marten, 60, 159, 188
- Gross and Net Receipts, 1901, 1902. (315), (571)
- Mai's to China by Trans-Siberian Rail¬way, Negotiations for Conveyance of, (496) 3
- Railways, Increase of Passenger and Goods Receipts on Thirty-nine of the Loading,(65)
- Working of Traffic and Mileage, 19 0- 1902, (496), (545)
- Calais-Mediterranean Express to Run Drily, (13)
- Caledonian, Directors’ Report, (267)
- Canadian Railway Commission Bill, (391)
- Cape Railways, Through Bookings to Rhodesia and Beira, (471)
- Chicago and North-Western Train, Fast Long¬distance Running on, (443)
- Chicago and North-Western, Signal Depart¬ment Reorganised, (342)
- Chilian CoDgrees and the Transandine Railway, (65)
- City and South London Railway B.ll Opposed by the Metropolitan Railway Company. (346)
- Club, 124, (201), (284), (414), (525), (660)
- Club, Annual General Meeting of, 124 Coal, Benefit to the Railway Companies of the Lower Contracts for, (218)
- Congo Railway, Bill Passed Suspending Pur¬chase of the, (649)
- Coal Storage, Wisconsin Central, U.S.A., (102)
- Conference, South African, (374)
- Connecting and Coupling-rods, by P. H. Parr, 60, 86, 186
- Copenhagen, New Station, (168)
- Crewe Cottage Memorial Hospital, Mr. F. W. Webb’» Gift to the, (545)
- Crewe Station, Enlargement, (515)
- Crewe Railway Works, Breakdown of Large Engine, (342)
- Cv-’«« as Passengers' Luggage, Carriage of, (367)
- Dour, Mr. C. H., Succeeds Mr. Colhoun, (471)
- Division of Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen and Society of Railway Ser¬vants, Cause of Weakness, (471)
- Driving Wheel Loads, 297
- East Indian Railway Postal Express, Result of Arbitrary Conditions of the, (443)
- Easter Holiday Traffic Returns, (391)
- Economy in Railroad Transportation, United States Line, (482)
- Electric Indicator, Mr. David Wells’, at Waver- ley Station, Edinburgh, (65)
- Electric Indicator at Waverley Station, to Announce Approach of Trains, (65)
- Electric Train Lighting, Kull System, (519)
- England and Ireland, New Daily Passenger Service between, (13)
- English Firm Secures Contract for Railway in Portuguese South-West Africa, (65)
- European, ia 1901, 464
- Fast Rins between Euston and Glasgow, (649)
- Ron nn the Lake Shore and Michigan S., (595)
- Service between London and Berlin, (496)
- F p on the North London Railway, Cost per Hour, (65)
- French Railroad Company’s, Reduction of Train Service made by the Greatest of the, (40)
- French, Receipts of 1901, 1902, (13); Women Employed on, (13)
- Globe, Paragraph, 1843, ou the Glazed Second- class Carriages introduced on the Midland, (65)
- Great Northern, EJa-gement of Doncaster Woiks. (267)
- Great Northern, Mr. F. L. Steel Elected Director, (267)
- Great Western, Rates to Meet Needs of the Agriculturist, (391)
- Hull, New Passenger Station of the North- E is tern 295
- Imperial Ottoman Baghdad Railway Company, Constituted, (391)
- Indian Railway Construction, (475)
- Indiana, Regulation of Hours of Labour on Railways io, (571)
- Johannesburg, Railway Extension Conference, (267)
- Johnson, Mr. S. F., Appointed to Paddington, (315)
- Lancashire, Mr. C. E. Stretton on the History of Railways in, (571)
- London, Brighton and South Coast, New Goods ] Depót, (545); Death of Sir Allen Sarle, (595)
- London, Christmas Holiday Traffic out of, (13)
- Lindon and North-Western, Action taken against Traveller Eiteriog Train in Motion, (65)
- London and North-Western, Officials’ Visit to America, 144, 267, 315
- London and North-Western, Company Opposes the Construction of an Electric Tramway Crossing Main Line, (443)
- London and North-Western, Result of the ( ireful Control of the Loading of Wagons and Goods Trains, (218)
- Longest Railway Run, Euston to Carlisle, 574
- Mail Bags over the Various Railways, Total Cost of Carrying, (292)
- Manchester, London-road Station and Victoria Station, (218)
- Metropolis, Elevated Mono Railway Projected for, (571)
- Midland, Mr. A. S. Jarvis’ Promotion, (353)
- Midland Railway, Death of late Secretary, Mr. J. Williams, (342)
- Moving Track by Locomotive Power, Machine for, (65) B
- Narrow Escape of a Train near Luton, (571)
- Natal Railways, Working of the, (443)
- Netherlands, South African, Compensation for the Confiscation of, by England, (496), (595)
- New South Wales, Commissioners’ Qiarterly Report, (292)
- New York and Long Branch Railway, New Signals, (443)
- New York, New Terminal Station, (58)
- North British Railway, Corrour Station, Duties of One Man, (13)
- North-Eastern, Hall Automatic S:gnalling System between York and Tbirsk, (391)
- North-Eastern Railway Company’s Generosity to its Servants who Volunteered to South Africa, (70)
- OJessa, New Railway Workshops to be Con¬structed at, (443)
- '* Oatram Plate way,” Centenary of the Opening
- Pacific Coast Railways and the Pacific Coast Trade of Mexico, (443)
- Paris to Shanghai or Nagasaki, (292)
- “Puffing Billy ” Tried in 1814, Case of, (144)
- Railway Benevolent Institution, Plan for Bene¬fiting Funds of, (418)
- Rates, The Question of, (25)
- Rates and Taxes Paid in 1870 and 1901 by British Railways, (40)
- R-fu«e from Smoke Boxes on the Eastern of France. Utilisation of, (292)
- Russian Railway Construction, 286. (292)
- Russia, Railway Estimates for 1903, (144) Russian Statistics, (462)
- Safety Appliances on American Railways, 297
- S*. Petersburg, General Railway Station Pro¬jected, (354)
- Signalling, Automatic, Mr. W. J. Cndworth on, 617
- Signalling, Miller System of, 176
- Simplon Tunnel and its Consequences, The. 30, 56, 241, 309
- Sonth African Colonies, Railway Building io the, 40)
- South African Conference, (374)
- Sauth African Netherlands Co.. Shareholders’ M«eting, (649); Certificate-holders in, (496), (595)
- South African Railwaymen, 385, 388
- Sontb African Railway Prosperity, 395
- Son‘b Pacific Road, Method of Dealirg with Q ïantities of Work, (342)
- Surveyors for Cape Colony, (659)
- Swiss State Railway Management’s Rules for Heating Station Waiting Rooms. (37)
- Sydney, New Central Station, (659)
- Third-class Passengers to be Admitted to Restaurant Cars in Prussia, (418)
- Tien-Toin Siding Dispute, (443)
- Traffic on the Great Eastern and North London, (443)
- Traffic Returns of English, Irish, and Scotch Lanes, (140)
- Train Resistance, Formula for Calculating, at Baldwin Works, (65)
- Triple Tube Crossing, Paris Metropolitan, 525
- Tunnel, Ohio, (532)
- Tunnel under the St, Lawrence, (242)
- Tunnelling, Submarine, U.S.A , (555)
- Turkey, All Mahomedans to C mtribute to- > wards Construction of the Hedjaz Railway, (649)
- Turntable Operated by Compressed Air Engine, (40)
- Uganda Railway, Sir Geo. Whitehcusa on the Wild Animals along the Line, (545)
- United Kingdom, 1900 and 1902, Traffic and Mileage, (545)
- United States, Acquisitions made by Syndicate of Railways having Termini at Buffalo, (218)
- Income, Account of, (40)
- Lake Shore and Mich’gan S , Fast Run on, (595)
- Long Island City and New Jersey, Maximum Carrying Capacity of. (218)
- Pittsburg. Wabash Railway Granted Right of Way into the City, (218)
- St. Louis, Union Terminus, Power S gnalling and Inter¬locking Plant, (391)
- Railway Signalling, Col. Yorke on, (144), (267)
- Vehicles in Use cn British Railways, 1870 to 1901, (40)
- Ventilation of Tube Railways, 43
- Victoria Station, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, The New, 305
- Victoria Station, Manchester, (519)
- Washington, Experiments with the MacAliister System of Collecting Mails on Street Cars, (571)
- Wells, Mr. T. H., Appointment, (519)
- Worsdel), Mr. Wm., on American Railways, 286
- Yorke, Co)., on American Railways, (144), (267), (391)
Railways, Permanent Way:
- American, Col. Yorke on the Use of Spikes, (391)
- Bilbao, Robla Railway Company’s Contract with Spanish Firm, (91)
- Brice, Use of, in the United States for Rails Coated with Ice, (471)
- British-made cannot Compete with Spanish, owing to Import Duty, (91)
- Clinobers, Messrs. Hicks and Thomas’ Patent, , (404)
- Design of, for High Speeds, Mr. J. C. Inglis, 616
- Nickel Steel, on the Pennsylvania and Balti¬more and Ohio Lines, (241), (545)
- North-Western of India, New Pattern of Rails for, (315)
- Prussian State Railways, New 841b. Rails, (112)
- Russian, Prices and Orders, (496)
- Steel, for Canada, Messrs. Kidston and Co., (241)
- United States Manufacture, (352); Use of Brioe for Third Rails Coated with Ice, (471)
- United States Output, (342)
Railways, Rolling; Stock:
- American Car and Foundry Company’s Works, Electric Power, (481)
- Automatic Buffer Coupling, A New, Chas. Rous-Marten, 528
- Automatic Wagon Couplers, 478, 527, 558, 567
- Axles, Hollow, for Rolling Stock in America. (218)
- Brake, “ Either Side,” Mr. Hill's, (91) 121
- Breakfast Cars, (40)
- Building, United Scates, (40)
- Canada, (241)
- Cape Government Railways Inadequate for the Traffic, (580)
- Casting Wheels of, United States, (76)
- Duplex Roller Window Lift, Mr. F. D. Green, 265
- French “Railway Conventions,” Arrange¬ment known as, (267)
- Lighting, (482)
- London and North-Western Loaded Wagons, Paying Load and Tare Weight, (118)
- London and North-Western Works at Wolver¬ton, Scarcity of Work, (649)
- London and North-Western, Wolverton Works, Shortened Hours at, (40)
- Mexican, for Mexico, (443)
- Motor Cars, 220, 248, (267)
- North-Eastern, Cane Armchairs in First-class Carriages, (342)
- Russian Cattle Trucks, (471)
- Russian for Finnish Railways, (471)
- Steam Railway Coaches, (471), 476
- Steel Tires and Wagon Axles for Prussian State. (194)
- Sykes Electric Block Interlocking on an Indian Line, (194)
- Tea Car, North-Eastern, (267)
- Train of Twenty-five Wagons, Leeds Forge Co., for the North-Eastern Railway, (118)
- United States Wagon Worka, (390)
- Wagons, Big, 99
- Wagons, Coal (30-Ton), Natal Railways, 324
- Wagons, Goeds, on American Railways, Ave¬rage Loading of, Mr. T. H. McPattland on. 177
- Wagons, Goods, on British Railways, Question of Use of Larger, (267)
- Wagons. High Capacity, on tho Gnat Centra). 423, 479
- Wagons, High Capacity, for South Africa, Darlington Wagon and Engineering Co., Limited, (505)
- Wagons, 16-Ton Carrying Capacity, North British Railway, (496), 600
- Wagons, Steel, American High-capacity, (214)
- Wagon, Steal Bogie, 40-Ton, Leeds Forge Co , Limited, 177
- Wagons, Steel, Ordered by the Natal Govern¬ment from the Darlington Wagon and Engi¬neering Co.. Limited, (168)
- Wagons with “ Either Side ” Brakes, Mr. Hills' Invention, (91)
- RAIN, Discoloured. 248
- Rainfall in England and Sydney, (241)
- Rainfall on the Kbasia Hills, India, Annua), (649)
- Rainfall for the Year Ending April 30tb, 1903, (595)
- Ramie Culture, Louisiana and Southern Texas, (315)
- Rankine'8 Thermodynamic Function and Ea- tropy, 210
- Rating of Machinery, The, 306
- Riys from Human Bodies, Photographic Power of, (519)
- R ad wood, Domand for Californian, (621)
- Refrigerating Plant, 630
- Research, Value of, 651
- Respirator, Dust-Arresting, Prize Offered by the Society of Arts for the Best, 479
- Rice Mills in Burma, (292)
- Richmond, Sewage of, (197)
- Rifla, The New Service, (649)
- Right Aogle Drive, 501
- Right ADgle Transmission Gear, Professor S. W. Robinson, 265
- Road Building in the United States, Government, (481)
- Road Traffic io and near Large Cities, 266
- Roads Treated in Southern France with Petroleum and Tar, Conference to Consider Result, (418)
- Rolled Sections, 235
- Rolling Mill, Modern Continuous, Mr. Axel Sahlin on, (327)
- Röntgen Rays to Detect Theft in the Japanese Mint. (65)
- Roofs, Economy in, 258
- Roof Structures, Progress in Design of, since 1850, by Ewing Matheson, 29
Royal Agricultural Society :
- Agricultural Tractor, Petter’s, 654
- Elevator, Foster’s Telescopic, 655
- Maize Sheller and Husker, Foster’s, 655
- Permanent Showyard, 151
- Shedding Allotted in Implement Department, Number of Feet of, (519)
- Straw Press, Howard’s LoDg, 655
- Thrashing Machine, Foster’s Colonial, 655
- Trials of Wind-pumping Eogines, List of Comre’.itors, Prizes Awarded, (204), (241), (479)
- Vaporiser, Blackstone’s New, 654
- Windmill Trials, 431-440
- ROYAL Arsenal, Woolwich, Extension of Gun Inspection Branch, (65); Signal Posts for Regulating the Time for Employ éj to Cease Work, (65)
- Ray al Commission on Sewage Disposal, 339
Royal Dublin Society:
- British and Decimal Weights and Measures, Dr. G. J. Stoney on Co relating, (267)
Royal Institute of Public Health:
- Programme for the Different Sections, (660)
Royal Institution :
- Annual Meeting: Forthcoming Lootures, (479)
- Forthcoming Lectures, (48), (121), (202), (265), (348), 384, (525)
- Members Elected, (148), (240), (365)
- Radium, Prof. Curie, 646
- Wireless Telegraphy between Cornwall and, (595)
Royal Meteorological Society:
- Diner-Baxendell Anemograph and the Dial Pattern Non-oscillating Pressure Plate Anemometer, Mr. J. Baxendell, (625)
- Royal School of Mines, (97), (149)
Royal Society:
- Annual Conversaz;one, (498), 514, 653
- Hertzian Wave Telegraphy in Theory and Practice, Prof. J, A. Fleming, 245
- Yerkes Telescops not Destroyed by Fire, (65)
- RUBBER, Para, (168)
- Prices Advance in, (495)
- Yielding Vine, Honduras, (367)
- Russia, Endeavour to Eitablish a Trade in Frozen Beef, (215)
- Russia, High Road in the Amur Territory, (387)
- Russian Goods and Products, Steps taken to Promote Exportation to the Far East (545)
- Mining Undertakings, American Engi¬neers' Visit to, (292)
- Trade with Corea, (649)
- SACK-WEIGHING Machine, Meisre. Wotton and Cbayney, 276
- Safety-lamp Competition, (418)
- St. Helens, Local Government Board and the Corporation Difficulties between, (91)
- Sampling, Importance of, 197
- Samuel’s Steam Carriages, 602 Samuelson, Mr. Martin, (241)
- Schmidt System, 99 Scott, Mr. John, 523
- Screw Cutting, a Special, 273, 297
- Cutting, A Steep Pitch, Mesrs. Strickland and Co.'s Method, 225
- for Lathes, Machine for Making Standard Leading, (315)
- for Lathee, Machinefor Producing Standard Leading, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., (315)
- Machines, Cams for Automatic, 273
- Pitch Tester, Alf. Herbert, Limited, 165
- Propellers, 68, 123
- Steep Pitch Messrs. Strickland’s, 248
- Sewage, Bradford, 324
- Sewage Disposal, Royal Commission on, (315), 339
- Sewage Farms, Paris, 6C0, 625
- Shaft-sinking Work on the Rand, Fast, (194)
- Sheffield and Chicago, 652
- Sheffield University, Charter for a, (519)
Shipbuilding, British, Naval and Mercantile:
- Armstrong, Wbilwcrth and Co., Sir W. G., Total Output from 1852 to 1902, (13) Clydeside Industrial Development, 6, 14, 46, 126, 200, 201
- Cunarders, The New. (65), (595). 599
- Drilled Punched Rivet Holes in the Hulls of Ships, Mr. A. F. Yarrow, 644
- Elderslie Graving Dock, 6, 14, 126, 200, 201
- English, February, (292), (367); May, (595)
- Fast Coaling Ships for our Navy, Mr. E. H. Tennyson d'Eyncourt, 656
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping under Construc¬tion, December 31st, 1902, (118)
- Mercantile Cruisers Fitted with Housing Propellers, Mr. Jas. Hamilton on, 657
- Non-inflammable Wood, Experiments in Ports¬mouth Dockyard with, (40), 46
- North of England/ 277)
- Returns, 1912, (40), (595)
- Scotch, February, (292), (367); May, (595)
- Sirew Shafts, Mr. John List, 644
- Sunderland, (13)
- Swan, Hunter, and Co., New Cunarder, (65)
- Tsgg’s, East Molesey, Pleasure Launch for the King, (315)
- Tonnage Launched in 1901, 1902, (26). (218)
- United Kingdom Returns, March, (391)
- United Kingdom, Steam and Sailing Mercantile Tonnage Output and Addition to for 1902 and past Five Months, (118), (218), (267). (595)
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, New Cunarder, (65), (77); Chilian Battleship Launched, (77)
- Warships under Construction on March 31st, (391)
- Wigbam, Richardson and Co., Messrs. C. S. Swan and Hunter, Amalgamation of the Firms, (531)
Shipbuilding: Foreign. Naval, and Mercantile :
- French Naval Construction, 196
- German, 1902, 212
- German Companies, 354
- German I Launched and Christened Elsass 575
- German K to be named Lothringen, 575
- German Shipyards, Battleships, Cruisers, &e., under Construction, (65)
- Japan, 12. (168), 225, (556)
- Norway, (154)
- Propeller Shafting, Torsional Vibration of, Mr. H. Frahm on, 570
- Returns, 1902, (40)
- Russia, (218)
- Torsional Vibration of Propeller Shafting, Mr. H. Frahm on, 570
- United States, (91), (141), (218), (241), (292)
- Momentous Contest between
- Government and Private Ship¬yards, (65)
- Navy Department Decides to Adhere to its Own Specifitions, (315)
- Returns, (391)
Shipping Accidents:
- American Liner St. Paul, (118)
- Collision between the Submarine Narval and a Tog, (342)
- Columbus, Accident during the Launch, (241)
- Espingole, Loss of the, 166
- Explosion of Powder Charge, U.S.S. Massa¬chusetts, (144)
- French Coast, June, 594
- Good Hope, 599
- Grafton, Cruiser, Runs into a Whale, (292) Hyacinth, (267)
- Orwell, Loss of the, 148
- Shark Fatality at Portsmouth, The, 210
- United States Battleships Iowa and Maine, 473, 599
- White Star Liner Cedric, (342)
Shipping News, Various, British:
- Admiralty Circular, The New, 343
- Admiralty, Electrical Department of the, Mr. C. H. Wordingham Invited to Take Charge of_, (312)
- Assistant Civil Engineer, Admiralty Works, Competitive Examination for, (614) Candidates Holding a Board of Trade Certifi¬cate as First or Second-class Engineer, Secretary of Admiralty's Announcement to, (241), (248)
- Coal Consumption in Warships, (595)
- Committee's Report on Subsidies to Mercan¬tile Cruisers, 87
- Doxford and Sons, Limited, Messrs. W., Turret-deck Steamer for Norway, (661) ’
- Electrical Department at the Dockyards, Re¬arrangement of, (292)
- Electric Installation in Chatham Dockyard (40)
- Naval Base on the Firth of Forth, The. 265 298, (375)
- Naval Cadetships under the New Scheme (40)
- Naval Electricians, 69
- Naval Engineer Problem not Solved, The (367)
- Naval Estimates, The Next, 148
- Naval Gunnery, 498, (519), 574, 599, (621), (658)
- Naval Programme, The New, 269
- New Scheme, 2, 7, (40), 73, 93, 98, 123 (262), 269
- New Trial of all Ships Ordered after Opening cut of Machinery, (391)
- Patent Fuel Ordered by, (545)
- Polyphemus Torpedo Ram to be Sold by Auction, (653) 7
- Promotions of Gunners, Boatswains, and Carpenters Announced by the, (342)
- Royal Naval Engineering College, Keyham, (262); Decrease in Number of Students to be Entered, Rearrangement of the Vacation, (267
- Sail Drill of the St. Vincent, (653)
- "Scott Dotter,” The, (519)
- Steamship Per for mate a io 1902, 87
- Stokers for the Navy, (194), 345
- Torpedo Practice, New Departure, (40)
- Training for the Royal Navy, 8, 49
- Ajax to be Sold as Scrap Iron, (297)
- Armament of Warships, Changes in, 274, 275
- Battleship’s Turret, Test of a, 499
- Canada and Great Britain, Tenders for Pro¬posed Fast Atlantic Service between, (621)
- Channel Fleet at Home Refitting, 591
- Cornwallis Accepted for Service, (297)
- Cost of a New 5000-Tonner Two Years Ago and Now, (40)
- Cost of Warships, Mr. Whitiog on the, 337, 351, 370, (396), (419)
- Eastern Mail Sorvico, The, (582)
- Electricity in Battleships, Growth of the Use of, (391)
- Failure of the Drakes, 67
- Fin Brakes for Steamers, (194)
- Forth Naval Base, 265, (298)
- Government War Game Transferred to Ports¬mouth, 550
- Heavy Guns and Boilers, 599. (658)
- Lifeboat Institution, National, 9
- Light Load Line, The House of Lords Select Committee on the, (595)
- Line Log, Suggested by M. Guyon, Return to the Oldest Form of, (571)
- Maxims in Warships, 344
- Measuring Velocity of Ships at Sea, M. Guyon’s Suggestion, (571)
- Naval Gunnery, 498 ; International Compari¬sons, 387 ; The World’s Record for, (384)
- Obsolete Vessels at Devonport, Sale of, (519)
- Propulsion of Warships, The, 624
- Paffett, Chief Stoker, Gold Medal Awarded to, (297)
- Royal Naval Reserves, 295
- Sailing Vessels and Steamers Flying the British Flag, 1901. (40)
- Screw Propellers, 68, 123
- Standardisation in the Navy, 43
- Steamship Performance in 1902, 87
- Steamship Propulsion, Robert Mansel on, 526
- Submarine Fiasco, A, 68
- Thames Steamboat Service Company, (621)
- Thames Steamboat Service, Rival Bilk for, (496)
- Tramp Shipping, Money Invested in, on the British Register, (40)
Shipping News, Foreign:
- American Army and Navy Journal on Value of Submarines in Naval Warfare, (443)
- American Naval Programme, 394
- A mericanTrans- Pacifio Service, Largest Steamer ever Built on American Account Launched,
- Belleville Boilers, for Russian Warships, (342)
- Finnish Lloyd Steamship Service between Odessa and Finnish Ports, (496)
- French Naval Programme, The, 169
- French Navy Estimates for 1904, The Draft, (658)
- French, at San Francisco Doubled since 1901, (595)
- German Naval Authorities Decide to Experi¬ment with the Steam Turbine, (342)
- German Navy, Official Statistics, (292)
- Possesses no Submarines, (649)
- Protected Searchlights in, 221
- Sailor Phrases for, 339
- Garman Shipping Companies, 394
- Jane War Game Adopted in the United States, 550
- Measuring Velocity of Ships at Sea, M. Guyon's Suggestion, (571)
- Naval Strengths of Great Britain and Germany, Table Drawn up by the Emperor showing,
- New 1/ork Shipping Returns, (519)
- North German Lloyd Steamers Calling at Plymouth, Increase in the Number of, (65)
- Passenger Traffic to New York, 1902, All Records Broken, (118)
- Russia, Scheme for the Rapid Increase of the, (218)
- Russian Naval Experts’ Special Commission, Reports as to the Beet Type of Warships, (842)
- Russian Society of Naval Engineers, Question as to the Most Suitable Boilers for the New Warships, (342)
- Russian Views on Submarine Warfare, 495
- Transatlantic Passenger Traffic at Boston, In¬crease in, (496)
- Turkish Navy, Reconstruction of the, 339
- United States, Boiler Inspection, (352)
- Naval Appropriation Bill, (218) Navy, (237)
- Nav^. Civil Eogineers in the, Navy, Increase of the Civil Engineer Corps, (367)
- Navy, Increase in Size of Battle¬ships, (194)
- Navy, Target Practice in, (367)
- Useful Fleet, **k la Framjaise,” M. Camille Pelletan’s, 293
Battleships, British:
- Agamemnon, 70, 99
- Albemarle, (91)
- Belleisle, 8, 46, 148, 166, 197, 499, (653)
- Canopus, 8
- Centurion, G22, 631
- Commonwealth, (25), 499, 518, 520, 550, 551
- Devastation, (70), (653)
- Dominion, (25)
- Duncan, (443), 452
- Europa, 321
- Exmouth, 8, (571), 575
- Formidable, Mr. Arnold White on the Bad Shooting of the Turret Guns, (519)
- Goliath, 8
- Good Hope, 599
- Hannibal, (621)
- Hindustan, Armour for, (153), (174), (292), (301)
- Howe, (70)
- King Alfred, 550
- King Edward VII., (25), (218), (315), (391)
- Mars, (194), (621)
- Montague, (342)
- New Zealand, (40), 158, 166, 168, 174, 391
- Prince of Wales, (25)
- Queen, (25)
- Royal Oak, The “ Scott Dotter ” Fitted to, (519)
- Russell, 148, (241), (267)
- 8partiate, 148, 321
- Thunderer, (70)
Battleships, Foreign:
- Argentine, Moreno, and Rividavia, (97)
- Austrian, Arpad, (571)
- Chilian, Constitucion, 72, (78), 90, 92, (97), 166
- Chilian, Libertad, 72, (77), (97), 166
- Frenoh, Devastation, 594
- Jeanne d’Arc, 550
- Six New, (367); Suffren, (621)
- German, “J” and “ K," named Elsats and Loth ringen, 575
- Wetten, Result of Trials, 166
- Wittelsbaob, Result of Trials, 166
- Italian, Benedetto Brin, 389, 392
- Duca degli Abruzzi, (70), 214
- Ducad* Aosta, (70), 214
- Duca di Genova, (70), 214
- Marc Antonio Colonna, (391)
- Neapoli, 214 Roma, (70), (214)
- Turkish, Messoudiyeh, 70, 71
- United States, Iowa, 473
- Maine, 194, 473, 599
- Maine, Alabama, Con¬necticut, Battery Power of, (194)
- Tenders for Three, Called for by the United States Navy Department, (471); Two 13,000-Ton, (418)
- Rjesian, 16,000-Ton, New, 214; Tsarc- vitoh, 271
Cruisers, British:
- Amethyst, 70
- Antrim, (25)
- Ariadne, 384 ; Gunner Rowe holds the World’s Record for Naval Gunnery, (384)
- Astriea, 214
- Australia, 214
- Bedford, (292)
- Berwick, (595)
- Blaok Prince, 69
- County Class, (25)
- Crescent, 214
- Diamond, 70
- Donegal (621)
- Drake, The, 46, 477
- Drakes, Failure of the, 67
- Edgar, 214
- Encounter, (545)
- Endymion, 214
- Euryalus, 46, (443)
- Gem Class, The, 70
- Grafton, 214, (292)
- Hawke, 214
- Hermes, Boiler Experiments on, (118), 214, (342)
- Hyacinth, Belleville Boilers Tested, (118); Repair of Machinery, (267)
- Iris, (575)
- King Alfred, 321
- Lancaster, Steam Trials of, (315)
- Leviathan, (519)
- Medea, Diirr Water-tube Boiler Tests, (118), 321 ; Overhauling of her Boilers, 390,(545)
- Medusa, 321
- Melampus, (653)
- Mercury, (575)
- Minerva, Scotch Boilers Tested, (118); Returns from Escort Duty to the King, (452) Speed Trials, 477 ; Joins the Cruiser Squadron, (575
- Minerva and Hyacinth, Trials between, (40), (65), (113), (118), 148, 196, (267)
- Monmoutb, Ill-luck Attending the Trials, 166,(168)
- New, of the Duke of Edinburgh Class, (545)
- Royal Arthur, 214
- St. George, 214
- Sutlej, Speed Trials, 477
- Sapphire, 70
- Spartan, Serious Defects to be Remedied,
- Suffolk (County Class), 72
- Theseus, 214
- Topaz, 70
- Venus, (452), 477
Cruisers, Foreign:
- American, Vesuvius, 46
- Argentine, Moreno, 247, 271
- French, Catinat, Responsible Official Censured, (218)
- D'Entrecasteaux, 550
- Goeydon, 594
- Leon Gambetta, 550
- German, Amazone, 594
- German, Friedrich Karl, 70
- Russian, Aurora, Engine Trials, (545)
- Bayan, at Portsmouth, 495 Nachimoff, 321
- Spanish, Cardenal Cisneros, 570, 572
- Swedish, Fylgia, 124
- United States, Armoured, 223
- Chattanooga, (292)
- Chicago, 70
- Philadelphia, 70
- Tennessee, (199)
- Washington, (199)
Torpedo Craft, Destroyers, Gunboats, Snouts.
- Scouts, Adventure, Forward, Sentinel, Pathfinder, Not to be Standardised. (292)
- Scouts, Names Altered, 46
- Sloop, Cadmus, (391), (443)
- Clio, (292)
- Dido, Offered for Sale (211)
- Submarine Boat, A 2, Launched, (377), (505)
- Eighth Holland, Launched, (496)
- Nos. 4 and 2, (416), (418)
- Messrs. Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, (137), 148, (153), (545)
- Torpedo Boat Destroyer, Arab, 46
- Arun, (443) Eden, (65), (286), (321)
- Erne, (91)
- Essex, 594 Itchen, (288), (292)
- Jason, (550), (571)
- No. 113, Speed Trials, (649)
- Snapper, (267)
- Surly, (391) Thornycroft, 46
- Velox, Trial, (496)
- Wolf, Trials, (194), (292)
- Surface and Jet Condensers for. Isaac Storey & Sons, Limited, (377)
- Torpedo Gunboat Salamander, (65)
- Turbine Destroyer Velox, Steam Trials of. (241)
- Turbine Destroyer Eden, (65), (286), (321)
Torpedo Craft, Destroyers, Gunboats, Scouts.
- American Destroyer Goldsborougb, (70)
- American Gunboat Dubuque, (70)
- American Gunboat Paducah, (70)
- French and Amerioan Submarines, Trial Results, (443)
- French Submarines, Le Yacld on, (519)
- A New, (118)
- M. Jacob's Invention, (168)
- German Gunboat Eber, (649)
- Russian Torpedo Destroyer with Naphtha Engine, (443)
- United States Monitor, Nevada, Speed Trial, 166
- United States, Submarines in, 294
Mercantile, Passenger, and Various. British:
- Caledonian Paddle Steamer, Duchess of Fife, 591
- Canadian Boat Eareka, Fin Brakes of, (194)
- Cadrio, (218)
- Channel Steamer Brighton (Turbine), Denny and Bros., (621)
- Channel Steamer Colleen Bawn, (633)
- Channel Steamer Queen, The New Tur¬bine, Denny and Bros., (367), 614, (621)
- Clyde Passenger Steamer, Captain J. Williamson on the Rise and Progress of the, (73)
- Cunard Liner Etruria, (267)
- Cunarders, The New, (595)
- Discovery, Offered for Sale, (241)
- Dominion Liner, Columbus, Accident during the Launch, (241)
- Great Eastern Railway Company’s Steamer Brussels, Messrs. Gourlay Brothers, (Supplement, January 9tk, (1903), 34, 35, (74)
- Launch, Composite Steam, Edward Hayes, 266
- Launch, Pleasure, Buildiüg at Tagg’s for the King, (315)
- Oil-carrying Steamer Narragansett, Messrs. Scott and Co., 198, 500
- Orient Pacific Liner Orontes, Fairfield Company, Limited (Supplement, January 23rd, 1903), 85
- P. and O., Moldavia, Largest yet Built. (342)
- Royal Yacht, Telescopio Masts Fitted to the, 477
- Searisbrook, Sale of the, (154)
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway's New Turbine Steamer, (367), 614, (621)
- Steam Lifeboat Lady Forrest, Messrs. S. White and Co., 576
- Steamship Service from London to New¬castle, (342)
- Turbine Channel Steamers, (194), (367), (614), (621), (633) "
- Yacht, Royal, 477
- Yaoht, Shamrock HI., (218)
- Yacht, Steam, for Nigeria, (252)
Mercantile, Passenger, and Various. Foreign:
- American, New, Liners for the Pacific. 566
- American Steel and Wire Company’s Steel Ships, the Largest Afloat on the Lakes, (649)
- French Transatlantic Liner as Floating Hotel at Dublin during the Auto¬mobile Week, (471)
- German Ice-breakorfor Königsberg,(471)
- Norddeutscher Lloyd Kaiser Wilhelm II., (168); Firet Trip, (345), (418)
- Norddeutsoher Lloyd Zeiten. (842)
- Steam Tug Roland, the Largest Afloat, (634)
- Russian Eist-Asian Steamship Company, First Steamer to Leave Odessa, (168)
- Russian Ice-breaker Ermack, Mr. A. Gulstonon the Voyages of the, 152
- Ice-breakers, Three New, (498)
- Training Ship Ocean, 5, 99 United States Dredger. Hydraulic Suc¬tion, U.S.A., (555)
- Monitor Nevada, (4u) Pittsburg Steamship Company’s Steal Ship, I. L. Duluth, (649)
- Young America, ’ a Floating School, 291, 295
- Siloxicon and Egyptianissd Clay, Mr. E. G. Acheson's Patents, (418), 452
- Simplon Tunnel and its Construction, 30, 56, (241)
- Slip of Belts, The, by J. Stormontb, 335
- Smith and Coventry's Extensions of Works, (456)
- Smoke Consumer, The Wilskemp, 480
- Snow in New York, Machine for Removing and Disposing of, (40)
- Soap Imported into Egypt, (144)
- Soaring Plane by a Short Method, The, 552
Society of Arts:
- Arrangements for Wednesdays after Eastor, (338)
- Priza Offered for the best Dust-arresting Respirator, 479
Society, Bath and West and Southern Counties:
- Exhibition at Bristol, Particulars as to, (146)
- of Prizas in Implement Saotioa, Motion Lost, (433)
- Record Entries for Bristol Meeting, (391)
Society of Chemical Industry :
- Memorandum on the Improvement of the Means of Internal Communication, 201
Society of Civil Engineers, American:
- Award of the John Fritz Medal, (65)
Society Civil and Mechanical Engi¬neers :
- Bailers, Choice of Steam, Mr. C. E. Stromeyer, 555
- Indicating, High-speed Steam Euginea, A. Marshall Arter, 249
Society, Edinburgh Students’ Engi¬neering:
- Visit t a Broxbaurn Oil Works, (286)
Society, Electro-Chemists and Metal¬lurgists :
- Inauguration, (159)
Society of Engineers:
- Award of Premiums fcr 1902, 150
- Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. J. P. Barber, 150
- Road Traffic in and near Large Cities, Mr. W. W. Beaumont, 266
Society of Engineers, The Amalga¬mated :
- Fifty-second Annual Report, 449
- Monthly Reports, (277), (595)
- Quarterly Report, (168)
- Society of Experimental Engineers: Producer Gas, and Compound Gas Engines, Mr. Geo. C. Douglas, 197
Society, Glasgow Technical College Scientific:
- Gas Engine, Recent Developments in the, Prof. Hudson Beare, (61)
Society, Glasgow University Engi¬neering :
- Annual Business Meeting, (276)
- Clyde Passenger Steamer, Rise and Progress of the, Capt. J. Williamson on, (73)
Society, Manchester Geological:
- Coal Cutting by Machinery Discussed, (178)
- Underground Water Supplies, Mr. Wm. Pixton,
Society, Manchester Literary and Philosophical
- Hawksbee’s Law, Mr. C. L. Barnes' Expeii- ' ments Depending on, (18)
- Society, Physical:
- Extra Meeting, Prof. Rutherford on Radio-active Processes, (575)
- Special Meeting, (552)
Society, The Röntgen:
- Annual General Meeting, (653)
- Society, Steam Enginemakers’: Secretary’s Report, 288
Society, Yorkshire College Engineering:
- Centrifugal Pump Tests, Mr. J. H. Slater. (146)
- Modern Development of the Gas Engine. Mr A. V. Coster, (248)
- Sloan, Mr. R. J. J., His Account of American Engineering Shops, (297)
- SOLID Rings on Solid Pistons, 123
- South Africa, The Engineer Sends Special Correspondent to, (104)
- from an Engineer’s Point of View, 55, 81, 107, 133, 157, 183, 207, 231, 257, 281, 305
- 407, 461, 487, 498
- Exjports and Imports for 1902,
- Machinery for, 52
- Notes, 374, 395. 515, 580, 659
- Railway Men, 385, 388
- Spark Arresters (Supplement, June 12th, 1903)
- Specifications Filed 1902, Number of, (595)
- Spodumene in America, (194)
- Sponge Industry, United States, (218)
- “ Spongograph,” New Metallic Packing, (599)
- Spray Surface Condenser, A, (481)
- Stacking Machines (Supplement, June 12M, 1903)
- Staines Reserviors, 585-588, 593, 596
- Standardisation, 145
- Standards (Committee, The, (567)
- Stanger, Mr. W. Harry, 197
- Steam, Curves Representing Adiabili; Expan¬sion of, 358
- Jacket Research, 657
- Specific Heat of, 323
- Speed of, (519)
- Superheated, 99,123,149,172,186,199, 222, 323, 866, (545)
- Trap, Granger’s, 390
- Turbine in Amorica, 272
- Turbines, Curtis, 499, (504)
- Turbines in Use in the World, Total Aggregate Power of, (496)
- American Magnetic, for Belfast, (418)
- Production, 212
- Production of Open-hearth, 470
- Bessemer, United States Output, (342)
- Case-hardened Acid, for Petrol Engine Valves, (471)
- Castings, New Moulding Process for, Mr. Baldt'8, (144)
- Crushed, and Steel Emery, M. M. Kann, 530
- Export Trade, (77)
- German, in England, (244)
- Garman, Imported into Wales, (26), (77)
- Girders, Rolled, 209
- Hardening, Antiquity of the Practice, (40)
- High-speed Cutting, 423
- High-speed Tool, 119
- Jessop Steel Works, U.S.A., (482)
- Lackawanna Steel Company, Gas Blowing Engines for, (144)
- Large Casting of, in America, (418)
- Lining for Shafts, United States, (102)
- Making Plant, Cadiz, Spain, (142)
- Nickel, Temporary and Permanent Changes in, Mr. C. E. Guilleaume, (218)
- Nickel. Variations in the Modulus of Elasticity in, Mr. C. E. Guilleaume, (257)
- Open-hearth, American, 470
- Protection of Iron and, 552
- Road, Laid ia New York, by the Automobile Club of America, (40)
- Sections, Standard, Mr. A. C. Walker on, (282)
- So-called, Mr. A. E. Outerbridge on, 47
- Spontaneous Reduction of the Amount of Carbon in, M. G. Belloc on, (267)
- Structure of High-speed, E. L. Rhead on, 331
- Structure of High-spaed, 399
- Tons of, that Fly Away in Dust Yearly from the Railways, (649)
- Tons of Rolled, to be Used in Building Victoria Falls Bridge, (649)
- Vanadium Added to, Results, (18)
- Wheelway for Streets, New York, (178)
- Works Improvements, U.S.A., (482), (504)
- Works, Japanese Government, (118)
- Works Monterey, Mexico, 401
- Works, Rochester, 555
- Works, Toe Standard, U.S.A., (178)
- STEREOSCOPE for X-ray Work, New Form of, , (62i)
- Stephenson and Co., Limited, Report for 1902, . (404)
- Stephenson and Co., Messrs. R., New Engine Works, Darlington, (203)
- Stokes, Sir George Gabriel, 148
- Stokes, Sir G. G., Proposed Memorial to, (519)
- Stone Exported from Cherbourg, (471)
- Storage Bins of Re-inforced Concrete. U.S.A., 223
- Straw Burners (Supplement, June 12th, 1903)
- Straw Mixed with Clay Adds to the Tensile Strength of Clay, (621)
- Subsidences, Dover and Motherwell, (571), 577
- Sulphate of Ammonia, Production in Canada of. (649)
- Sulphur and Arsenic Fumes from Smelters, In¬jury done to Agricultural Industries by, (118)
- Superheated Steam, Tests made with Belgian Engine using, (545)
- Superheated Steam, Use of, Prof. Ewing on, 186
- Superheated Steam—tee alto Steam
- Superheating, 99. 123, 149, 172, 186, 199, 2’2 247, 248, 251, 323, 366, (545)
- Superheating by Wire Drawing, 451
- British Agricultural Machinery for the Colonies, June 12th, 1903.
- British Machinery in Canada, xv., June 12tb, 1903
- British Machinery for South Africa, xvi., June 12th, 1903
- Clayton and Sbuttleworth's Thrashing Machines, iii., iv., June 12th, 1903
- Crushing Mill, xvi., June 12th, 1903 Cultivators, The Ipswich, xv., June 12th, 1903
- Fowler’s Rock Lifting Steam Cultivator, xiiL, xiv., June 12th, 1903
- Garrett's Spark Arrester, xiv., xv., June 12th, 1903
- Garrett’s Straw Burner, xiv., June 12th, 1903 Garrett’s Thrashing Machines, ii., June 12th, 1903
- Harrieon, McGregor and Co., Limited, Mow¬ing and Reaping Machines, vii., viii., ix., June 12th, 1903
- Hornsby and Sons, Limited, Horse Ploughs, xii., June l'2ch, 1903
- Hornsby and Sons, Limited, Mowing and Reaping Machines, vii., ix., Juno 12th,
- Horse Rake, Star, xv., June 12th, 1903 Howard, Messrs. J. and F., Horse Ploughs, x., xl, June 12th, 1903
- Marshal), Sons and Co., Limited, Stacking Machines, v., June 12th, 1903
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Limited, Thrashing Machines, iii., June 12th, 1903
- Mowing and Reaping Machines, viL—ix., June 12th, 1903
- Ploughs, ix.—xiL, June 12th, 1903 Potato Digger, xv., June 12th, 1903 Ransome. Sims and Jefferies, Cultivator, xv„ June 12tb, 1903
- Ransome, Sims and Jefferies, Messrs., Ploughs, x., June 12th, 1903; Potato Digger, xv., June 12tb, 1903 ; Horserake, xv., June 12th, 1903
- Robey and Co.'s Stacking Machines, v., vii., June 12 th, 1903
- Robey's Straw Barner, xv., June 12tb, 1903
- Ruston and Proctor’s Thrashing Machines, L, it, June 12tb, 1903
- Smaller Implement», xv., xvi., Jane 12tb, 1903
- Spark Arresters, xiv., xv., Jane 12tb, 1903
- Stacking Machines, v., vii., Supplement, June 12th, 1903
- Steam Cultivation, xi., xii., xiii., xiv., xv., June 12th, 1903
- Straw Barners, xiv., xv., June 12tb, 1903
- Thrashing Machine, The, L, vii., Supplement, Jane 12th, 1903
- Turner’s Crushing Mill, xvi., Jane 12th, 1903
- Engines, Compound Blowing, Priors Lee Blast Furnaces, The Lilleshall Company, Limited, February 13tb, 1903, and March 20th
- Of the Great Eastern Railway Company’s Steamer Brussels, Messrs Gourlay Bros., January 9tb, 1903
- Of the Orient-Pacific Liner Orontes, 5000 Horse-power Quadruple-expan¬sion, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Limited, January 23rd, 1903
- For Superheated Steam, 800 Horse¬power Tandem Compound, Easton and Company, Limited, January 30th, 1903
- Three Cylinder Compound, 5000 Horse¬power), Sulzer Bros., April 24th, 1903
- Lathe Turret, 5in. Flat, H. W. Ward and Co., April 3rd, 1903
- Locomotive, Electric Goods, Valtellina Rail¬way, Gacz and Co., February 20cb, 1903
- Express, Midland Railway, Mr. Sam. Johnstone, March 13th, 1903
- Express Passenger, South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, February 27th, 1903
- Four-wheels Coupled Compound Express, Western of France, M. Clerault, May 15th, 1903
- Suburban Tank, Great Eastern, Mr. Jas. Holden, February 1 6th, 1903
- Swan, Haater and Wigham Richardson, Limited, Amalgamation, Arranged, (661)
- TANK for Naval Architectural Experiments, 538, 567
- Tariffs, Daty, Russian and German, on Grain and Manufactured Goods, (218)
- Tasker, Mr. R. C.. (522)
- Tauril, Messrs. Ktihn and Co., (151)
- Technical College, Glasgow, 523
- Education in London, Expenditure on, High Schools, German, (571)
- Instruction in Electric Traction in South London, (223)
- Technolexicon, The, 498
- Cape to Cairo Line, (391)
- Denmark, (621)
- International Telegraph Conference, 475
- Mileage in Mexico, (144)
- Spark, in Germany, (292)
- Wireless, Across the Atlantic, (194)
- Aidershot and H.M.S. Vernon, (65)
- Cornwall and Royal Inst., (595)
- Doverand Calais Steamers Nord and Pas de Calais, (292)
- Experiments on the Hoogbly, (168)
- France, Regulations Respecting, (218)
- German Autumn Manoeuvres, (194), (391)
- Italy and America, (218)
- Marconi, the First News Message from New York, (342)
- Iceland and North Scotland, (418)
- Navy, (315)
- at Pekin, (621)
- Sweeping Assertion made by Mr. Marconi at the General Meeting of his Company, (342)
- Mr. E. A. N. Pochin on, 630
- Newfoundland and Cape La Hogue, Prof. Braun’s Discovery with Regard to, (118)
- Prof. J. A. Fleming on, 215, 271, 288, 311
- Russian Marine Stations for, to be Increased, (595)
- Slaby-Arco System, United States, (443)
- Tests by the United States Navy, (418)
- Between Two Moving Trains, M. Content's Device, 216
- Brighton, (13)
- Dalcoath Copper Mine, (144)
- Denmark, (621)
- Experiments with, on an Italian Warship. (391)
- Extendible and Portable, on Bavarian State Railways, (118)
- Facilitating Long-distance, Dr. Pupin’s Method of, (194)
- First Application of, in England, (144)
- Glasgow, (65), (621)
- London and Brussels, London and Antwerp. (78), (595)
- London Service, Expenditure on, (443)
- Paris and Rome, (40)
- Police in Vienna Furnished with Portable Tele¬phone Instruments, (168)
- Postal System of, ia London, Results of Firet Year’s Working, (315)
- Spread of, in Great Bri'ain, (471)
- TELLURIUM on Brass, Mr. E. S. Sperry’s Ex¬periments to Ascertain Effect of, (218)
- Temperatore for the Year, (595)
- Bridge Riilway n Luanda, (91)
- Japanese, 321
- New South Wales, for a Generating Set of 1500 Kilowatts for Tramway Power Station, (595)
- Ten Years' Atlantic Mail Passenger Service, asked by the Canadian Government, (267)
- TESTING Material under Compression, (391)
- Thames, Proposed Subway at Woolwich under, («21)
- Theoretical Science, 473
- Thermodynamic Function and Entropy, Rankine’s, 210
- Thomas, Mr. Wm., (266)
- Thorium, Price of, (595)
- Thrashing Machines (Supplement, June 12th, 1903)
- Thunderstorm in London, Effect on Telephone Switchboards, (621)
- Tidal Waves, Seaquakes, and Storm Waves, W. H. Wheeler, 381
- Tide Predicting Machine, to be Removed to the Bushey Laboratory, (315)
- Tide Tables for Indian Ports, National Physical Laboratory Takes over the Work, (443)
- Timber, Pit, 95
- Preserving Works, An American, 352
- Storm-felled, 501, 527
- Trade with British Colonies, Norway’s, (144)
- Trading Company in Corea, Russian, (5S0)
- Tin, in Alaska, (418)
- in Cape Colony, (374)
- Plates in the. Uni ted States, 602
- Recovery Works in Germany, (621)
- Tipton Drainage Scheme, The, (353)
- Tools, Catting Angles of, Mr. H. F. Donaldson, 95, 101, 128
- Torquay Town Council, Sheep Farming and Colt Breeding a Fruitful Revenue to, (315)
- Traction Engines - Engines
- American, Reaction in, 548
- Australian Porte, 1900, 1901, (228)
- Belgian, German, (443)
- British, with South Africa, 38
- Royal Commission to Inauire into the Subject of Trade Disputes and Combinations, (571)
- Stettin, (571)
- Trade and Business Announcements, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 154, 180, 204, 228, 254, 278, 302, 328, 354, 378, 404, 428, 458, 482, 532, 558, 582, 634, 662
- Trading, Municipal, 590
Tramways, Electric and other:
- Acid Fumes in Storage Battery Cars in New York, (471)
- Aërial, U.S.A., (503)
- American Notes on Europsan, (504)
- Aston,(604)
- Bath, (241)
- Belfast, (168), (221)
- Birmingham, (218), (226), (315), (367), (458), (496), (504), (545)
- Blackburn, Additional Services, (496)
- Bombay, (571)
- Bournemouth, Slotted Conduit System on, (65)
- Brighton, Financial Statement, (571)
- British Industry Active. (144)
- Barnley Municipal, (443)
- Cardiff, (302)
- Copenhagen. (621)
- D. r 'ngton, (505
- Darby, (471)
- Detroit, (514)
- Dublin and Slane, 312
- Dunedin City, (519)
- Emergency Cars for Electric, 542
- England and Wales. Mileage, Traffic, Expendi¬ture, Receipts, (218)
- Exeter, (267)
- Folkestone, (144)
- German Cities Owning their own Electric Street, (519)
- Glasgow, Collision, (571); Traffic Statistics, (600)
- Glasgow Corporation, (418)
- Horses, Sale of Tramcar, (496)
- Hungary, Underground Collection System, (316)
- Ilford, (292)
- Illinois, (545)
- Lancaster, (91)
- Leeds City, Automatic Point Adjuster, 551; Profit Made during Past Year, (621)
- Leicester, (519)
- Length of, Controlled by the British Electric Traction Company, (40)
- Lisbon, (91)
- Liverpool, (13), (168)
- Liverpool and Manchester, (342)
- London County Conncil, (391)
- Electric Extensions, 538 ; Insufficient Headroom Allowed by Bridges on,
- United, Extension to Hampton Court, (342)
- United Tramways Power Station, Chis¬wick, 564, 568, 569; Whitsuntide Traffic on, (571)
- Lorain Tramway Equipment, 421, (479)
- Manchester Corporation, (367)
- Driver Fined, (168)
- Electric Traction Completed, (342); Reduction of Hours and Increase of Wages, (13); Steps taken to Increase the Speed on, (391)
- and Salford, (168), (496)
- Manila, (144)
- Mexico, (418)
- Mileage Open in England, America, France, Belgium, (218)
- " Spongograph,” New Metallic Packing, (599)
- Spray Surface Condenser, A, (481)
- Stacking Machines (Supplement, June 12/A, 1903)
- Staines Reserviors, 585-588, 593, 596
- Standardisation, 145
- Standards (Committee, The, (567)
- Stanger, Mr. W. Harry, 197
- Steam, Curves Representing Adiabati: Expan¬sion of, 358
- Jacket Research, 657
- Specific Heat of, 323
- Speed of, (519)
- Superheated, 99,123,149,172,186, 199, 222, 323, 366, (545)
- Trap, Granger's, 390
- Turbine in America, 272
- Turbines, Curtis, 499, (504)
- Turbiaes in Use in tbe World, Total Aggregate Power of, (496)
- American Magnetic, for Belfast, (418)
- Production, 212
- Production of Open-hearth, 470
- Bessemer, United States Output, (342)
- Case-hardened Acid, for Petrol Engine Valves, 471
- Castings, New Moulding Process for, Mr. Baldt's, (144)
- Crushed, and Steel Emery, M. M. Kann, 530
- Export Trade, (77)
- German, in England, (244)
- Garman, Imported into Wales, (26), (77)
- Girders, Rolled, 209
- Hardening, Antiquity of the Practice, (40)
- High-speed Cutting, 423
- High-speed Tool, 119
- Jessop Steel Works, U.S.A., (482)
- Lackawanna Steel Company, Gas Blowing Engines for, (144)
- Large Casting of, in America, (418)
- Lining for Shafts, United States, (102)
- Making Plant, Cadiz, Spain, (142)
- Nickel, Temporary and Permanent Changes in, Mr. C. E. Guilleaume, (218)
- Nickel. Variations in the Modulus of Elasticity in, Mr. C. E. Guilleaume, (237)
- Open-hearth, American, 470
- Protection of Iron and, 552
- Road, Laid ia New York, by the Automobile Club of America, (40)
- Sections, Standard, Mr. A. C. Walker on, (282)
- So-called, Mr. A. E. Outerbridge on, 47
- Spontaneous Reduction of the Amount of Carbon in, M. G. Belloc on. (267)
- Structure of High-speed, E. L. Rhead on, 331
- Structure of High-speed, 399
- Tons of, that Fly Away in Dust Yearly from tbe Railways, (649)
- Tons of Rolled, to be Used in Building Victoria Falls Bridge, (649)
- Vanadium Added to, Results, (18)
- Wheelway for Streets, New York, (178)
- Works Improvements, U.S.A., (482), (504)
- Works, Japanese Government, (118)
- Works Monterey, Mexico, 401
- Works, Rochester, 555
- Works, Tne Standard, U.S.A., (178)
- STEREOSCOPE for X-ray Work, New Form of, , («21)
- Stephenson and Co., Limited, Report for 1902, (404)
- Stephenson and Co., Messrs. R., New Engine Works, Darlington, (203)
- Stokes, Sir George Gabriel, 143
- Stokes, Sir G. G., Proposed Memorial to, (519)
- Stone Exported from Cherbourg, (471)
- Storage Bins of Re-inforced Concrete. U.S.A., 223
- Straw Barners (Supplement, June 12th, 1903)
- Straw Mixed with Clay Adds to the Tensile Strength of Clay, (621)
- Subsidences, Doverand Motherwell, (571), 577
- Sulphate of Ammonia, Production in Canada of, (649)
- Sulphur and Arsenic Fumes from Smelters, In¬jury done to Agricultural Industries by, (118)
- Superheated Steam, Tests made with Belgian Engine using, (545)
- Superheated Steam, Use of, Prof. Ewing on, 186
- Superheated Steam— tee alto Steam
- Superheating, 99. 123, 149, 172, 186, 199, 222 247, 248, 251, 323, 366, (545)
- Superheating by Wire Drawing, 451
- British Agricultural Machinery for the Colonies, June 12th, 1903.
- British Machinery in Canada, xv., Jane 12tb, 1903
- British Machinery for South Africa, xvi., Jane 12th, 1903
- Clayton and Sbuttleworth's Thrashing Machines, iii., iv., Jane 12th, 1903
- Crushing Mill, xvi., June 12tb, 1903 Cultivators, The Ipswich, xv., June 12tb, 1903
- Fowler's Rock Lifting Steam Cultivator, xiii., xiv., June 12th, 1903
- Garrett's Spark Arrester, xiv., xv., Jane 12th, 1903
- Garrett's Straw Burner, xiv., June 12tb, 1903
- Garrett's Thrashing Machines, ii., June 12th, 1903
- Harrison, McGregor and Co., Limited, Mow¬ing and Reaping Machine, vii., viii., ix., June 12th, 1903
- Hornsby and Sons, Limited, Horse Ploughs, xii., June 12th, 1903
- Hornsby and Sons, Limited, Mowing and Reaping Machines, vii., ix., Jane 12tb, 1903
- Horse Rake, Star, xv., June 12tb, 1903
- Howard, Messrs. J. and F., Horse Ploughs, x., xl, Jane 12th, 1903
- Marshal), Sons and Co., Limited, Stacking Machines, v., Jane 12th, 1903
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Limited, Thrashing Machines, iii., Jane 12th, 1903
- Mowing and Reaping Machines, viL—ix., June 12th, 1903
- Ploughs, ix.—xii., Jane 12th, 1903
- Potato Digger, xv., Jane 12th, 1903
- Ransome. Sims and Jefferies, Cultivator, xv.. June 12tb, 1903
- Rinsome, Sims and Jefferies, Messrs., Ploughs, x., June 12th, 1903; Potato Digger, xv., June 12th, 1903 ; Horserake, xv., June 12th, 1903
- Robey and Co.'s Stacking Machines, v., vii., 1 June 12th, 1903
- Robey's Straw Rurner, xv., June 12th, 1903 r. Ruston and Proctor's Thrashing Machines, it, June 12th, 1903
- Smaller Implement», xv., xvi., June 12:b, 1903
- Spark Arresters, xiv., xv., June 12tb, 1903
- Stacking Machines, v., vii., Supplement, Jane 12th, 1903
- Steam Cultivation, xi., xii., xiii., xiv., xv., June 12th, 1903
- Straw Barners, xiv., xv., June 12tb, 1903
- Thrashing Machine, The, L, vii., Supplement, Jane 12tb, 1903
- Turner's Crashing Mill, xvi., Jane 12th, 1903
- Engines, Compound Blowing, Priors Lee Blast Furnaces, The Lilleshall Company, Limited, February 13th, 1903, and - March 20th
- 0/ the Great Eastern Railway - Company’s Steamer Brussels, Messrs Gourlay Bros., January 9th, 1903
- Of tbe Orient-Pacific Liner Orontes, • 5000 Horse-power Quadruple-expan¬sion, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Limited, January 23rd, 1903
- For Superheated Steam, 800 Horse¬power Tandem Compound, Exson and Company, Limited, January 30th, 1903
- Three Cylinder Compound, 5000 Horse¬power, Sulzer Bros., April 24th, 1903
- Lathe Turret, 5in. Flat, H. W. Ward and Co., April 3rd, 1903
- Locomotive, Electric Goods, Valtellina Rail¬way, Ganz and Co., February 20ch, 1903
- Express, Midland Railway, Mr. Sam. Johnstone, March 13th, 1903
- Express Passenger, South-Eastern < and Chatham Railway, February 27tb, 1903
- Four-wheels Coupled Compound Express, Western of France, M. ’ Cleranlt, May 15tb, 1903
- Suburban Tank, Great Eastern, Mr. Jas. Holden, February 6tb, 1903
- Swan, Hunter and Wigbam Richardson, Limited, Amalgamation, Arranged, (661)
- TANK for Naval Architectural Experiments, 538, 567
- Tariffs, Daty, Russian and German, on Grain and Manufactured Goods, (218)
- Tasker, Mr. R. C.. (522)
- Tauril, Messrs. Kiibn and Co., (151)
- Technical College, Glisgow, 523
- Education in London, Expenditure on, High Schools, German, (571)
- Instruction in Electric Traction in South London, (223)
- Technolexicon, The, 498
- Cape to Cairo Line, (391)
- Denmark, (621)
- International Telegraph Conference, 475
- Mileage in Mexico, (144)
- Spark, in Germany, (292)
- Wireless, Across the Atlantic, (194)
- Aidershot and H.M.S. Vernon, (65)
- Cornwall and Royal Inst., (595)
- Doverand Calais Steamers Nord and Pas de Calais, (292)
- Experiments on tbe Hooghly, (168)
- France, Regulations Raspacting, (218)
- German Autumn Manoeuvres, (194), (391)
- Italy and America, (218)
- Marconi, the First News Message from New York, (342)
- Iceland and North Scotland, (418)
- Navy, (315)
- at Pekin, (621)
- Sweeping Assertion made by Mr. Marconi at the General Meeting of his Company, (342)
- Mr. E. A. N. Pochin on, 630
- Newfoundland and Cape La Hogue, (226)
- Prof. Braun’s Discovery with Regard to, (118)
- Prof. J. A. Fleming on, 215, 271, 288, 311
- Russian Marine Stations for, to be increased, (595)
- Blaby-Arco System, United States, (443)
- Tests by the United States Navy, (418)
- Between Two Moving Trains, M. Contact's Device, 216
- Brighton, (13)
- Dalcoath Copper Mine, (144)
- Denmark, (621)
- Experiments with, on an Italian Warship, (391)
- Extendible and Portable, on Bavarian State Railways, (118)
- Facilitating Long-distance, Dr. Papin’s Method of, (194)
- First Application of, in England, (144)
- Glasgow, (65), (621)
- London and Brussels, London and Antwerp. (78), (595)
- London Service, Expenditure on, (443)
- Paris and Rome, (40)
- Police in Vienna Furnished with Portable Tele¬phone Instruments, (168)
- Postal System of, in London, Results of Firet Year’s Working, (315)
- Spread of, in Great Bri'ain, (471)
- TELLURIUM on Brass, Mr. E. S. Sperry’s Ex¬periments to Ascertain Effect of, (218)
- Temperature for the Year, (595)
- Bridge Railway n Luanda, (91)
- Japanese, 321
- New South Wales, for a Generating Set of 1500 Kilowatts for Tramway Power Station, (595)
- Ten Years’ Atlantic Mail Passengor Service, asked by the Canadian Government, (267)
- TESTING Material under Compression, (391)
- Thames, Proposed Subway at Woolwich under, (621)
- Theoretical Science, 473
- Thermodynamic Function and Entropy, Rankine’s, 210
- Thomas, Mr. Wm., (266)
- Thorium, Price of, (595)
- Thrashing Machines (Supplement, June 12th, 1903) Thunderstorm in London, Effect on Telephone Switchboards, (621)
- Tidal Waves, Seaquakes, and Storm Waves, W. H. Wheeler, 381
- Tide Predicting Machine, to be Removed to the, Bushey Laboratory, (315) ,
- Tide Tables for Indian Ports, National Physical, Laboratory Takes over the World (443) ,
- limber, Pit, 95 ,
- Preserving Works, An American, 352
- Storm-felled, 501, 527
- Trade with British Colonies, Norway’s, (144)
- Trading Company in Corea, Russian, , (590)
- Tin, in Alaska, (418)
- in Cape Colony, (374)
- Plates in the,United States, 602
- Recovery Works in Germany, (621)
- Tipton Drainage Scheme, Toe, (353)
- Tools, Cutting Angles of, Mr. H. F. Donaldson, 95, 101, 128
- Torquay Town Council, Sheep Farming and Colt Breeding a Fruitful Revenue to, (315)
- Traction Engines—see Engines
- American, Reaction in, 548
- Australian Ports, 1900, 1901, (228)
- BdgiaD, German, (443)
- British, with South Africa, 38
- Royal Commission to Inauire into the Subject of Trade Deputes and Combinations, (571)
- Stettin, (571)
- Trade and Business Announcements, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 154, 180, 204, 228, 254, 278, 302, 328, 354, 378, 404, 428, 458, 482, 532, 558, 582, 634, 662
- Trading, Municipal, 590
Tramways, Electric and other:
- Acid Fames in Storage Battery Cars in New York, (471)
- Aërial, U.S.A., (503)
- American Notes on European, (504)
- AstoD,(604)
- Bath, (241)
- Belfast, (168), (221)
- Birmingham, (218), (226), (315), (367), (458), (496), (504), (545)
- Blackbarn, Additional Services, (496)
- Bombay, (571)
- Bournemouth, Slotted Conduit System on, (65)
- Brighton, Financial Statement, (571)
- British Industry Active, (144)
- Barnley Municipal, (443)
- Cardiff, (302) Copenhagen. (621)
- D.r ngton, (505
- Darby, (471)
- Detroit, (514)
- Dublin and S.’ane, 312
- Dunedin City, (519)
- Emergency Cars for Electric, 542
- England and Wales. Mileage, Traffic, Expendi¬ture, Receipts, (218)
- Exeter, (267)
- Folkestone, (144)
- German Citiee Owning their own Electric Street, (519)
- Glasgow, Collision, (571) ; Traffic Statistica, (600)
- Glasgow Corporation, (418)
- Horses, Sale of Tramcar, (496)
- Hungary, Underground Collection System, (315)
- Ilford, (292)
- Illinois, (545)
- Lancaster, (91)
- Leeds City, Automatic Point Adjuster, 551 ; Profit Made during Past Year, (621)
- Leicester, (519)
- Length of, Controlled by the British Electric Traction Company, (40)
- Lisbon, (91)
- Liverpool, (13), (168)
- Liverpool and Manchester, (342)
- London County Council, (391)
- Electric Extensions, 538 ; Insufficient Headroom Allowed by Bridges on, uffl , Extension to Hampton Court, (342)
- United Tramways Power Station, Chis¬wick, 564, 568, 569; Whitsuntide Traffic on, (571)
- Lorain Tramway Equipment, 421, (479)
- Manchester Corporation, (367)
- Driver Fined, (168) Electric Traction Completed, (342); Reduction of Hours and Increase of Wages, (13); Steps taken to Increase the Speed on, (391)
- and Salford, (168), (496)
- Manila, (144)
- Mexico, (418)
- Mileage Open in England, America, France, Belgium, (218)
- Municipal, in tbe United Kingdom, (391)
- Netherlands, (218)
- New South Wales, (13). (595), (621)
- New York and Philadelphia, Long Run through, (611)
- New York Suburban, 499
- Paris, 215, (315)
- Rochester, Chatham, Gravesend Abandoned (144)
- Rothosay, 224
- Rottingdean and Brighton, (649)
- St. Petersburg, 370, 395
- Sheffield, Report, (595)
- Southampton, (545)
- Slot, (378); Slot Line Trams in Vienna, (391)
- Spain, Bilbao to Durango, (528)
- Staffordshire and Worcestershire, (418)
- Steam Motor Cars for Street, (194)
- Stewart, Turner and Dixon's Automatic Tram¬way Point Controller, 551
- Tokyo Strest Railway and Foreign Capital. 290
- TootiDg and Westminster, 493, 494, 495, 502
- U.S.A., Aërial, (503)
- U.S.A., Connecticut, (418)
- Vienna, Slot Line, (391)
- Washington, Experiments with McAllister System of Collecting Mails on Cars, (571) Wolverhampton, 421, 523, (604)
- Worcester, (319), (418)
- TRANSMISSION GEAR, Right Angle, 265
- Tredegar Iron and Steel Works, Future of, (223)
- Trusts, Arithmetical Calculation, (40)
- Trusts, German, (40), (496)
- Tunnel, Ohio, (532)
- Tunnel, Simplon—tee Simplon
- Tannelling, The Freezing Process for, (594)
- Tunnelling, Submarine, U.S.A., (555)
- Turbine, Steam, U.S.A., 223, 272
- Steam, Used for Compressing Air, (218)
- 540 Horse-power, Cumberland Mills, Portland, Maine, (292)
- Turbines, Messrs. Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Limited, (557)
- Turbines, T. M. Voith’s, (558)
- Turkey, Certificates of Origin Required in respect of Foreign Imports into, (118)
- Turner, Mr. G. H , (515)
- UMBRELLAS, Automatic Machine for Supply of, (267)
- Uniform Time Adopted in South Africa, (367)
- United States, Domestic Trade of, 1902, (519)
- Geological Survey, Systematic 'Study of Underground Waters, (342)
- Louisiana Purchase, Souvenir Gold Dollars Commemorating the, (97)
- Safety Valve Area Required by the, (65)
- Uee Up and Buy More, 94
- VALVE, Combined Rednciog and Safety, Rayle’s, Limited, 376
- Valves, Foster’s Stop, 422
- Valve, Steam Pump, Holden and Brooke, Limited, (377)
- Vanadium to Steel, Result of Adding, (13)
- Venice Campanile, First Stone Laid, (443)
- Ventilation of Factories, Government Paper on, 37
- Ventilation of Factories and " Tubes,” 43
- Vereinder Thomasphosphatfabriken, Compotition Instituted by, (241)
- Viaduct, Paderno, 382, 441, 463, 464
- Viaduct over the Viaur, (194), 216, 217
- Vladivostock, Government Workshops, Ma¬chinery, and Apparatus for, (342)
- WAR Material, 21
- Warren, Professor W. H., on Comparative Strength and Elasticity of Mortars and
- Cements, (267)
- Washing London Streets, Water Used Last Year in, (471)
Water Supply:
- Average Daily, from the Thames, (144)
- Birmingham’s Elan Valley Scheme, (530); Boston, (40)
- Cawnpore, (649)
- Chicago, (595), (649)
- Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie Goldfields, (118)
- Coolgardie Waterworks, Opening of the, 263
- Deep Well Bores, Wallasey, (22)
- Essex, (18)
- Hydraulic Injector Hydrants for Increasing Pressure on the Ordinary Water Supply when Used for Fire Extinguishing. Mr L , H. Lewis, (77)
- Indian Irrigation Works, (13)
- Leader on, 20
- London, (273), (292), (621)
- London, Sir W. Crookes’ and Professor Dewar's e Report, (443)
- London Streets, Watering, (471)
- London Water Board, The, 197
- Madeley, Gas Power Plant, 147
- Measuring Flow of Water in Pipes, Herr Hentze s Apparatus for, (292)
- Metropolitan, January, 1903, February (292), (367)
- Appointment of Mr. Terry, (556)
- New York,(13
- Oldham Scheme, Rejection of the. (496)
- Sheffield Waterworks, Mr. W. Terry on the (History of, 152 ; Total Income of, (595)
- Shrewsbury, (18), (50), 612. 613
- Staines Reservoirs, 586, 588, 593
- United States of America Daily Consumption, in Towne, (40); Meters to Check Waste, , (315), (367)
- Water Gauge, Ilulburd Engineering Company, WaterWheel, (458)
- WATER Tower at the Westinghouse Works, Manchester, 363, 364, 365
- Water-wheel Governors, Woodward, (378)
- Watt, James, Andrew Carnegie, Gift for a Memorial to, 45
- Weirs in India, Notes, 562
- Westminster Clock, Automatic Signals from the, (621)
- White, Sir W. H., Dinner to, 839
- Wilkinson, Mr., (634)
- Williams, Captain B., (203)
- Williog’s Press Guide, (148)
- Wilskemp Smoke Consumer, The, 480
- Wind, Force of the, 248, 296
- Windmill Trials, (477)
- Windmill Trials, Tho Royal Agricultural Society’s, 431, 440
- Wind Pressure, 324
- Wind Pressures, Recorded, 416
- Windsor, Site of the New Refuse Dastruotor at, (571)
- Wire-rope Haulage in Mines, U.S A., (102)
- Witwatorsrand, The Deep Level Problem of the, 415
- Wood, Non-inflammable, Experiments in Ports¬mouth Dockyard, (40)
- Wood-pulp Industry, Canada, The, (545)
- Woods, Mr. Edward (with Portrait), 625
Workmen’s Compensation Act:
- Amendment Bill, Proposed, (144)
- Holden, William v. John Aleop, 272
- Insurance Companies and the, 271
- Manchester, J. F. Power and Co. Summoned for Failing to Fence Mill Gearing by which Apprentice was Killed, (91)
- Manchester, Unsuccessful Action for Damages for Loss of Two Fingers, (13)
- WORKS, New, in Lancashire, (25)
- YARROW and Co.’s Works at Poplar, 611, 626
- Yorkshire College, Commercial Education at, (40)
- ZEPPELIN'S Navigable Air-ship at Constance (418)
- Zifta Barrage, The, (267)
See Also
Sources of Information