The Engineer 1902 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous
Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1902 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ABEL, Sir Frederick, 255
Accidents, Explosions, and Fines.
- Central Electric Supply Company, Marylebone, Collapse of a Staging, (420)
- Chemical Explosions, Some Recent, 42
- Crane Collapse at Messrs. Goodwin and Basby’s Iron Foundry, (303)
- Domestic Oil Lamps in London, (211)
- Earthquake Shocks in Portugal and Italy. (137)
- Earthquake Shocks in South California, (135)
- Engine Accidents, United States, (614)
- Fall of Roof, Clydach Vale, (268)
- Flooding of Dock at Chatham, (185)
- Flooding of Union Colliery, Forest of Dean, (268)
- Lift Accident on the East Hill, Hastings, (303)
- Motor Accident, M. H. Deutsch Seriously Injured,(137)
- Motor Car Accident Narrowly Averted, General Sir E. Wood and his Staff, (185)
- Motor Car Accident near Rearsby, in Leicester¬shire, (185)
- Petroleum Spirit on Waste, Cleaning Gas Engine with, a Man Killed whilst, (257)
- Tay Bridge, Men Blown from the, whilst Paint- | iog it, (280)
- Winding, Tirpentwys, (382)
- Winding, Treharris No. 1,Ocean P.t, (482), (552)
- Explosions, Boiler, United States, (614)
- Boiler, Melyn Tin-plate Works, (198)
- Abertysswg Colliery, (316)
- Colliery, Abertwysog, (268)
- Colliery, Wollongong, Australia, J (288)
- Gunpowder Works, Waltham, (589)
- Nobel's Dynamite Factory, (355)
- Powder, in a Mine, Uah, (137)
- Stalybridge, from an Economiser, (107)
- Fires, Bridge between New York and Brooklyn ' Damaged by, (469)
- Drury-lane, (185)
- Engineering Works of Messrs. Goddard, Massey and Warner, (11)
- Loss of the United States and Canada in First Half of 1901-1902, (162)
- Palmer's Shipbuilding Works, (85)
- Tramway Depót, Barrow-in-Furness,(11)
- ACID Waste, Lye District, Treatment of. (576)
- Aerial Navigation, Mr. Spencer’s Flying Machine, (303), (395)
- Aë.-onautics and War, 440
- Africa, South, from an Engineer’s Point of View, 61, 93. 247, 275. 293, 319, 341, 389, 415, 433, 535, 539, 557, 579, 605
- Agricultural Development, Wells Drilled by the Cape Government, (395)
- Implements in Turkey, Opening for, (257)
- Machines, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 29, 30
- Machinery at Odessa, Demand for, and American Competition, (328)
- Machinery in Russia, English, j American, and German, 262
- Air Compressor, Electrically-driven, Reavell and Co., 620
- Air Compressors, Quadruple Two-stage, 182
- Air Respirable in Closed Places, Apparatus for Rendering, (328)
- Airship. Mr. Stanley Spencer’s Second Trip, (395)
- Airship for the War-office, Construction of Dr. 1 Barton’s, (257)
- Alcohol as a Source of Motive Power, Prof. Bahrend’s Experiments, (303)
- Alcohol without Re-distillation, A German Appa¬ratus for Producing Fine, (162)
- A’ien Immigrants Arrived in the United Kingdom during September 1901 and 1902, (395)
- Allison, Mr Henry Thomas, (48)
- Alloy for Lining Bearings, Crank-pin Bushes, &c., (280)
- Almanacs and Diaries, 600, 624
- Aluminium Alloys, Electric Conductivity of, as Affected by the London Atmo¬sphere, Prof. E. Wilson, 301 and Nickel in Russia, Increasing Use of, (257)
- Production of, (616)
- for Sharpening Cutlery, Use of, (469)
- Weight and Cost, Compared to other Metals, (614)
- America for Draughtsmen, 266
- American Agricultural Manufacturers' Combina¬tion, (211)
- Competition, Mr. J. S. Jeans rn, (600); Mr. W. J. Cudworth on, (624)
- Competition and Mr. Mosely’s Scheme, | 214
- Competition in South Africa, (211)
- Contractor late again, The, (496), (499)
- Cup Challenge, The, 391
- Dollars into English Pounds, Table for Converting, (211)
- Enterprise Frustrated at Marseilles, (Hl)
- Enterprise in England, 15
- Industries, 523
- Invasion, The, 619
- Methods, and those who go from England and make Comparisons between them and English, (624)
- Trade, (15)
- Trusts, Mr. G. Roberts’ Suggestion as to bow the United States Government should Seek to Control, (280)
- Analysis by Rote. 393
- Anchor Chains, 50-Toa, (35)
- Aneroid Barometers, The Royal Meteorological Society and, (111)
Appointments and Resignations: Appointments:
- Brickwell, Mr. A. J., (519)
- Carpenter, Mr. R. Forbes, (544)
- Conaty, Mr. Geo., (211)
- Cousins. Mr. Edmund, (395)
- Dolly, Mr. T., (328)
- Dunn, Mr. Matthew, (150)
- Eyre, Mr. F. A., (257)
- Gooday, Lieut.-Colonel J. F. S., (137)
- Hendrie, Mr. David, (469)
- Hobson, Mr. J. A., Master Cutler of Sheffield, (197)
- Hughes, Colonel, (221)
- Jepson, Mr. W. A., (469)
- Jones, Lieut.-Col. A. S., Manager of Sewage Works in the Aidershot District, (61)
- Macaulay. Mr. F. W„ (552)
- Mastin, Mr. A. B., (395)
- Pagan, Mr. Wm., (454)
- Pitman, Mr. E. F., (454)
- Ransome, Mr. James, (565)
- Richards, Mr. A. E., (328)
- Rose, Dr. T. Kirke, (589)
- Smith, Commander Hamilton P., (455)
- Tatlow, Mr. W., (89)
- White, Mr. A. J., (601)
- Winter, Mr. Geo., (359)
- Worsdell, Mr. H., to the Great Central, (71), (137)
- Resignations:
- , Cock, Mr. Henry, (328)
- G»le, Mr. Jas. M„ (596)
- Mugliston, Mr W. L., (469)
- Webb, Mr. F. W., 523
Armour Plating:
- Delivered at the United States Shipyards, 1901, ! (496)
- Hardening the Surface of, Lieut. Davis’ Process for, (137)
- Mill Order by the Japanese Government, (61), (71)
- Orders for the Armour Plate for the Dominion, the King Edward VII., and the Common¬wealth, (11). (21), 65. (221)
- ARBITRATION, Compulsory, 259
- Arbitration, Failure of Compulsory, 14
- Arch Construction with Three Points, Charac¬teristic, (211)
- Artesian Wells, Cape Colony, (303) Arthur Stoker, The, 478
- Ash Washing Machine, 281
Association, American Tramway:
- (622)
Association, British-see British Association
Association of Engineers, Leeds:
- Inaugural Address by the President, Mr. G. W. I Blackburn, 358
- Motor Cars, Use and Speed of, Opening Address by the President, Mr. Geo. W. | Blackburn, 358
- Steel, High-speed Cutting, Mr. J. Miley, (440)
- Visit to the Works of Messrs. Ruston, Proctor and Co., Limited, (172)
Association of Engineers, Manchester: Annual General Meeting, (600)
- Engineering Workshops, Design, and Construction of Modern, Mr. J. H. Humphreys, 575
- Mechanical Boiler Draught. Modern Production of, Mr. W. L. Sutc iffe, 530
- Milling Cutters, Design and Manufacture of, Mr. S. N. Brayshaw, 429
- Programme for Opaning Meeting, (337)
- Visit to the British Westinghouse Works, 379
- Water Hammer Action in Steam Pipes, Mr. C. E. Blromeyer on the Cause of, (481)
Association, Incorporated Municipal Electrical:
- Annual Convention, (15), 27
- Correct Type of Engine for Large Generation I Stations, Mr. A. A. Day, 37
- Double-current Generators and their Applica¬tion, Mr. Ruthven-Murray, 27
- High-tension Continuous-current Systems, Mr. 1 A. S. Barnard, 28
- Inaugural Address, Mr. Rider’s, 27
Association, Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic :
- Adoption of Report: Resolutions Carried, (39)
Association, Municipal Electrical:
- Board of Trade Regulations relative to Series Incandescent Lighting at 500 Volts, Amendment Desired to, (35)
- Correct Type of Engine for Large Generating Stations, Mr. A. A. Day, 53
- Eartbiog Notes, re, Mr. H. Faraday Proctor, 53
- Relative Advantages of Two and Three-wire 1 Distribution, Mr. F. C. Snell, 53
- Steam Turbines, Mr. S. E. Fedden, 53
Association, National Free Labour:
- Tenth Annual Congress, 367
Association, The Nation Industrial:
- (619)
Association, Yorkshire Miners
- Annual Report, Mr. Benjamin Pickard, 523
Association of Waterworks Engi¬neers, British:
- Annual General Meeting, The Seventh, 70
- Domestic Filtration, Dr. Joseph Priestley, 115
- Electrolysis in Water Pipas, Mr. W. H. i Humphreys, 115
- Inaugural Address of President, Mr. Fred. Griffith, 80
- Pumps, App'ication of Suspended Steam, to the Sinking of Deep Shafts, Mr. W. Price Abell, 80
- Seventh Winter Meeting, and Papers to be Raad at, (477) I
- Standardisation of Water Fittings, Mr. R. S. Lloyd, 80
- Turbine-driven Pumps at Windsor Corporation Waterworks, Mr. Christopher Sainty, 115
- Turbine Pumping Plant, Guildford Corporation Waterworks, Mr. C. G. Mason, 115
- Visits to the Blackbrook Reservoir of the Laughborough Waterworks and to the Northampton Waterworks, 115
- Watar Power Pumping Plant, Reading Water¬works, Mr. A. T. Walker, 115
- Water Supplies, On Rural, Messrs. Jas. Dew¬hurst and H. G. Keywood, 80
- AS3UAN Dam and the Assiout Weir, (137), 558, 559, 563, 580, 617, 618 (Supplement, December ( 19M, 1902)
- Atmosphere of the House of Commons, The, (233)
- Atmospheric Discharges, Apparatus for Auto¬matically Registering, (11)
- Australia, New Route to, 180
- Automatic Machines for Sale of Postage Stamps, Berlin Railway Stations, (280)
- Automatic Stokers, 14
- Automatic X-Ray Machine on the Penny-in-the < Slot System, (303)
- Axles, Collinge Carriage, 477, 500, 573
- Ayris, Mr. John, 476
- BALLOON to CroBs the Sahara, 217
- Balloon with Interior Keel, Navigable, M. Torres on, (257)
- Balloon, Mr. Santos Dumont’s New, (280)
- Barcelona, Shipbuilding Industry, Falling-off in Value of Exports from, Opening for a Manu¬factory of Screws for Woodwork, (85)
- Barlow, Mr. W. H., (519)
- Barrow, Mr. Jas., (328), (338)
- Bass Rock and the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, (519)
- Bauxite Exports from Marseilles, (185)
- Bauxite, Largely used by Electrolytic Works, i (233)
- Bauxite of Three Kinds Produced in Franc?, (443)
- Bedworth Drainage and Sewage Disposal Scheme, 502
- Belfast, Libraries for, Mr. A. Carnegie’s Gift, (443)
- Belgian Royal Commission on Rivers Pollution, 493
- Bell Rock Lighthouse, The, 159
- Beloe, Mr. Cnas. Henry, 189
- Ben Nevis Observatory, 142
- Bicyclist's Speed Record, (35)
- Billet Mill, New American, 550
- Australian Water and Drainage, (280)
- Charing Cross, Easton, and Hampstead ; and the Great Northern and City, (111)
- Coventry to Arley Railway Line, (496)
- London County Council’s Subways and Tram¬ways, (85)
- London United Electric Railways, 399
- London Water, London County Council Opposes the, (544)
- Passed through House of Lords, (589)
- Patent-office Buildings, Extension of, (544)
- Piccadilly, City, and North-Eastern Railway, 399
- Railway, Bristol to London; Londonand Brighton Electric Express; North-Eastern; Lancashire and Yorkshire; Great Northern ; Midland and Great Central; Derbyshire, (544)
- Regulation of the Supply of Water-gas and other Poisonous Gases, (372)
- Thames Steamboat Service, London County I Council, (544)
- Wolverhampton Corporation Water, (170)
- BILSTON Sewerage Scheme, (530)
- Birmingham City Arcades Scheme, Completion of, k530)
- Bitterfeld Chemical Works, 229, 234
- Blackband, Lanarkshire, (280)
- Blast Furnaces in Belgium in Operation, (395), (496)
- Blast Furnace Construction, Jno. L. Stevenson, (Supplement, October 10th, 1902), 248, 249, 322, 323, 347, 386, 387, 474. 475
- Blast Furnace, Irondale, Washington, Opened, (395)
- Blast Furnace, Large Charcoal, at Vares, in Bosnia, (395)
- Board of Trade Returns for July, (185)
- Boardite, (455), 501
- Demand for, in the British Columbian Mining 1 Camp*, (519)
- Explosions Acts, Report upon the Working of, (614)
- Explosions—see Accidents
- Feed Pumps for, J. Evans and Co., 7, 8
- Flash, by J. S. V. Bickford, 514, 538, 585
- Flash, John Johnston, 573
- Flash, David Smith, 585
- Flash, for Steam Launch, 311
- Industry, German, 446
- Locomotive, with Cylindrical Fire-box, Lan¬cashire and Yorkshire Railway, Mr. H. A. Hoy (Supplement, August 15th, 1902), 165
- Mineral Oil in, 194 I Navy, 38, 63, 141
- Ohio State, Licence Law Amendment as to Boilers and Unlicensed Engineers, (211)
- Petroleum for, 241
- Point in the Design of, 282
- Regulations as to Siza of, to be Operated by Unlicensed Engineers, (211)
- Scale Prevention and Steam Jacket*, 241
- Solignac, Mr. W. H. Booth on the, 302
- Water-tube, the Stirling Bailer Company, Limited, 127
- Yarrow, for the Dutch Navy, (35)
- BOOKS and Students, 164
- Booth and Bros., Limited, Joseph, Sums collected for three Reservists in their Employ, (355)
- Bore-holes in South Africa, 389
- Boring and Planing Machine, Horizontal, Messrs Ward, Haggas and Smith, 168
- Bradford Exports to the United States, (137
- Branfoot, Mr. Wm., (505)
- Brass Foundry Ash-washing Machine, Messrs. E H. Birley and Co., 284
- Breakwater, Concrete, U.S.A., (46)
- Bricklaying Machine, 309
- Brick-making Machine, Glazed, Messrs. Pullan an Mann, 66
- Brick-making Process, A New, 452
- Barrow and Walney Island, Proposed, (614)
- Bascule at Chicago, New Form of, (46), (420)
- Breydon Railway, 476
- Brooklyn, Moving Platforms Worked by Electricity Projected for, (61)
- Building, Characteristic Arch, with Three Points, Patented in Germany, (211)
- California, Santa Anna River Railway, (496)
- Canal, over the River Lippe, 34, 44
- Clyde, The Widest Railway Crossing of any River, (280)
- Construction, Modern Practice in, Mr. J. R. Orr, 515
- Cross Girders, Support of the Ends of, 609
- Experiments on Railway and Raad, 3
- Forth, (565)
- Fonr-track Double-deck, U.S.A,, Pennsylvania Railway, (622)
- Impact Fatigue in Railway, 465
- Kew, 300, 304, (328), 423
- La Rochelle, with a Suspended Running Carrier,
- London, Widening of, 426. 542, 596, 597
- Maidenhead, Abolition of Tolls, &c., (589)
- Mawddach Estuary, at Barmouth, for the Cam¬brian Railway Company, 171
- Mayence Railway, Reconstruction of, 314, 318, 349
- Mississippi, Great Cantilever Railway Bridge over the, (565)
- Newcastle. New, 171, 227
- Newport, Transporter, (482)
- Pennsylvania, Railway Masonry, 308
- Plate Girder Bascule, over the Milwaukee River, (196)
- Pontoon System used by the French, (355)
- Railway and Road, Experiments on, 3
- Severn, at Iron Bridge, The First Iron, Built in England, a Portion Gives Way, (233)
- Steel Arch and Stone Arch, United States, 621
- Steel, over the Seine, for the Metropolitan Railway, (61)
- Strand, at the Bottom of Wellington-street, (443)
- Summerbill and Trenton, U.S.A., 308
- Sydney, North Shore, Tenders for, 210, (222), (317)
- Tyne, at Newcastle, High-level Railway for the North Eastern, 171, 227
- Uganda Railway, 513
- Vauxhall, 476, 522
- Works, 148
- BRITANNIA Works at Middlesbrough, Re-con¬struction of, (150)
British Association:
- Addressee, by Prof. R. H. Smith, 459, 485
- Address of Prof. Jas. Dewar, Ioaugural 234 287
- Address ^by Prof. John Perry, 302, 813, 335,
- Admiralty Water-tube Boiler Committee, Résumé of Report, 302
- Boiler, Solignac, Mr. W. H. Booth, 302
- Dynamo, Making of a, Mr. H. A. Mavor, 302
- Electrical Conductivity of Certain Aluminium Alloys as Affected by London Atmosphere Prof. E. Wilson, 301
- Engineering Work, Importance of Minor Details in, Mr. M. Holroyd Smith, 301
- Engineers. Training of, Prof. Perry, 302, 313, 335, 357j (527)
- Gas Engine Explosions. Mr. H. E. Wimperis and Prof. Perry on, 802, 854
- Gas Engines, Recent Progress in Large, Mr. H. A. Humphrey, 277
- In’ftnt^RBD8e finder, Prof G®o. Forbes on This, 302
- Ireland, Rainfall of, Dr. H. R. Mills, and Water Power of, Mr. F. J. Dick, 278 Levelling Staff, Direct-reducing, Mr. C. W. Herdman, 278
- Ocean Currents, Direction and Velocity of Material-bearing, Mr. R. G. Allanson-Winn, Resistance of Road Vehicles to Traction, Prof. Hele-Shaw, 277
- Sledges, Regular Undulations Produced in a Road by the Uss, Dr. Vaughan Cornish, 278
- Smoke, Prevention of, Mr. J. S. Raworth, 302
- Smokeless Combustion of Bituminous Fuels, Mr. W. H. Booth, 302
- Specific Utilisation of Materials in Dynamo Design, Professor S. P. Thompson, 301
- Steam Turbine, Hon. C. A. Parsons, 277
- Telepbone, Future of, in the United Kingdom, Mr. J. E. Kingsbury, 301
- Working Model of all Station’s Express Trains, Mr. J. Brown, 278
- Workshop, Science of the, Mr. W. Taylor, 301
- BRITISH Exports to Italy, (268)
- British North Borneo, Principal Imports of Trade of, (137)
- British Trade and American Methods, 500
- British Trade in Switzerland, Falling off of, (565), (580) '
- Brotherhood, Mr. Peter, 375
- Brown and Co., John. Amalgamation with Thos. Firth and Sons, 428
- Buildings, Portable, 41
- Bailding, Sky-scraper, New York, Twenty Storeys High, (162)
- Burmah, for, becoming the Sole Trade Route to Yunnan, Opportunity for, (111)
- Bushey Physical Laboratory, Machinery and Scientific Apparatus at, (111)
- CABLES to the North, Subterranean, 468
- Callipers, Pipe, 284
- Campanile of St. Mark’s, The Fallen, 142
- Canada, Postil Revenue and Expenditure, (565)
- Canadian Trade, a Record for, (111)
- Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean, Pro¬jected, (565)
- Birmingham, (442)
- Chicago Drainage, Dam at Ioliet, (233)
- Corinth Maritime, Accounts for the Year, (395)
- Danube, between Tulcha and Sulina, (395)
- Dortmund-Ems, Traffic, (35)
- Erie, (361), (589)
- Inter-Oceanic, The Proposed, 1, 78
- Leipzig with the Elbe, Project for Connecting. (280)
- Manchester Ship, Death of Mr. A. H. Whit¬worth, Secretary of, (233); His Successor, (257); Progress of, (525) ; Revenue for October, (525); Traffic Returns, (420), (614) Michigan, Lake Superior Power Company's. (162)
- Netherton, (442)
- North Sea and Baltic, Returns, (35), (372);
- September Traffic, (443)
- Panama, Question of the Legality of the French Company’s Rights to, (443)
- Soo, C mada, 394, 500
- Suez, Returns, (11), (233); Maximum Draught for Ships using, (233)
- Teddingtou to the English Channel, Projected, (565)
- Viborg, Projected, (211)
- Wolverhampton, 66
- CARNEGIE, Mr. A., Freedom of Perth Presented to, ('280) '
- Carnegie, Mr. Andrew, Offer to the Leicester Free Library Committee, (11)
- Castings, Malleable, 501
- Catalogues, 19, 72, 94, 120, 223, 245, 291, 339, 406, 428, 452, 504, 530, 552, 554, 602, 624
- Cement Works at Grays, 45
- Chain Stud, the Heaviest ever Made in Stafford¬shire, (372)
- Chemical Industry in Germany, (111) Chemical Works at Bitterfeld, 2*29, 234 Chemistry in Germany, 331
- Chicago Drainage Canal, Use of Water Power Developed by the, (233)
- Chili, Opening for British Capital in, (233)
- Chinese, Business Integrity of the, (469)
- Chinese Population, (257)
- Chippenham Sewerage Sjheme, Sanction to Borrow 4:12,000, (11)
- Clapham, Mr. Wm., (289)
- Clay and Products of Clay in the United States, Total Value of, (211)
- Clock Dials, Illuminating, Sir W. H. Bailey’s , Method, (315)
- Clock, E'ectrically-lighted, (315), (552)
- Cloth workers' Scholarship and Free Studentships, (355)
- Clyde Trust, New Works, 263
- American Strike, (359), (360), 375
- Australia, (328)
- Baluchistan, Output at Kbost, in, (185)
- Bohemia, Brown Coal Industry, (211)
- British, Found to be Cheaper than German by German Manufacturers, (162)
- Caucasus, Output of, (185)
- China, (35)
- ('.iking, One Ton of Gravity and Heat of Burnt Gas given off in the Process, (328) Coaling Facilities at Glasgow, (196)
- Colorado State, Inexhaustible Supply, (395)
- Cutting by Machinery, Mr. A. D. Mitton on, (575)
- Cutting Machinery, Lancashire, (35)
- Donetz District, Steps towards Improving the Industry, (420)
- Dusts, the Most Inflammable and Dangerous, (614)
- Dust for Blasting in Mines, Use of, (211)
- European Russia, Last Year’s Output of, (61)
- Ferghana Territory, Deposits Disco ver cl Last Year, (111)
- French and Foreign. Map of France Showing J Consumption of, (111)
- German, Sent to France, (614)
- Hardening of Prices and Present Outlook, 360
- Immersion of, as a Meansof Preserving Calorific Properties of, (443), 451
- Imparts from United Kingdom to Germany for Manufacture of Coke, (185)
- Indian Output, (565)
- Ireland, (35)
- Kherson, Discovery of an Extensive Field, (185)
- Locomotive, 57
- Manchester City Council’s Contracts for Supply of, (61)
- Menai Straits, Borings on Both Sides of the, (Ul)
- Mined in France Annually, (469)
- Mining Accidents, United States, 1901, (355)
- New South Wales, (35)
- Oils as Fuel, Relative Cost of, (137)
- Ontario, Search for, in, (469)
- Owners and the South Wales Miners’ Federa¬tion, 91, 140, 145
- President Roosevelt and, 397
- Pulverised, for Power Plants, Mr. F. G. Gasche on, (519)
- Pulverising Plant, Indianapali», (420)
- Queensland, 1901, Output, (162)
- Raw. Scotch Blast Furnaces Working with, , (280)
- Russia s Asiatic Output, 228
- Siberian, 523
- Sinkings near Worksop, The Wigan Coal and Iron Company, (288)
- Staffordshire, Discovery of New Field, (328)
- Storage of Steam, Admiralty Chemist to Report on the Question, 451
- Storing and Handling Plant, The Lowell Gas Company, United States, (46)
- Strikes, 425
- Strike, Pennsylvania, Anthracite, (61). (72)
- Strike in the United States, 351, (359), (360), 375
- Swedish Metal and, 215
- Trade, A Bird’s-eye View of the, 282
- Trade of British Columbia. Effected by Increas¬ing Use of Oil as Fuel, (233)
- Trade Crisis, Mr. D. A. Thomas on the Approaching, 316
- Trinidad, (280)
- Turkish, Quoted by London Agent’, (544)
- Tyne Shipments if, for Half year, (61)
- United States Production, (372)
- Ural Region, Oatput of, (61), (162)
- Waste, German Machinery tor Making Briquettes out of. (614)
- Welsh Contracts, 573
- Welsh, at Dartmouth, Bunkering, 574
- Westphalia, (11)
- Westphalian, Supplied to France, (111)
- World’s Production io 1901, (372), (468)
- Yorkshire and Belgian Coalfields, Presumably Connected, (355)
- COKE, Imported into France, and Exported from. (395)
- Coke Ovens, By-product, Messrs. Bolckow, r Vaughan and Co., (623)
- Cold Storage, Dr. Linde on, (417)
- Collinge Carriage Axles, 477, 500, 573
- Colonial Markets (set “Too Good,” 500), 473
- Colorado Desert, Heat of the, (185)
- Commercial Treaty, Germany, United States, and Japan, (395)
- Concrete Breakwater, Buffalo, U.S.A., (46)
- Concrete in a Cross-cut in a German Colliery. Use of, (565)
- Condensers, Surface, Isaac Storey and Sons, Limited, (429)
- Condensing by Evaporation, (622)
- Consuls and Commerce, (378)
- Advice to Engineers, and Probable Prices of, 188, 260
- Mines in R Rumania, (257)
- Stay-making Machines, Alfred Herbert and Co., 9
- Total Production of, in all Parts of the World, (61)
- COREA, Exploitation for Gold in, (162)
- Cornell University, 466, 470
- Coronation Festivities, Westminster, Engineer’s Report on Cost of Erecting Stands, (85)
- Coronation Honours, 10
- Corrupt Works’ Management, Mr. T. Good and, 213
- Cotton Seed Oil, (504)
- Coventry, Municipal R ites, (395)
- Crane, 5-Ton Electric Foundry, Ransomes and Rapier, Limited, 83
- Crane, Goliath, Stothert and Pitt, 286
- Crane, 3-Ton Locomotive, Jessop and Appleby Bros.. Limited, 239
- Craven Bros., Limited, New Works at Reddish. (97)
- Croker, Mr., His Suspension and its Cause, (185)
- Croll, Mr. Geo., Presentation to, (266)
- Crystal Palace, Visitors, Receipts, Expenditure,
- Cuba, Imports of Machinery and Metal into, from United States, the United Kingdom, and Ger¬many, (469)
- Curve, Location of a Circular, 241
- Cut, A Heavy, 144
- Cutters, Milling, Mr. S. N. Brayshaw on, 429
- Cycle Shows, The, 518
- Cycles for Sontb Africa, 43
- DAIRY Implements, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 31
- Dam, Another High Earth, United States, (454)
- Assuan—we Assuan Regulating, United States, (456)
- A Huge Earth, United States of America, (244)
- Derby Technical College, Evening Classes for Engineer Apprentices, (443)
- Destructor Plants for Bahia to Patents of W. Price Abell, (443)
- Dewar, Prof. Jas., His Address at the British Association, 264, 287
- Die Head, Automatic, Wharton’s Patent, 332
- Disc Grinder, 20in, C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co., 192, 193
- Disc Grinder, Roberts Bros., 217
- Diving Boll and Barge for the Admiralty, (280)
- Diving Bell at Wilhelmshaven, Holzmann and Co.’s Huge, (111)
- Diving Machine for Locating the Wreck of the Rio de Janeiro, (395)
- Chatham, New Dock Works Flooded, (185)
- Dalny, Two Dry, in Course of Construction at, (469)
- Dunkirk, Extension of. (589)
- Floating, Building at Kiel for Kiao-cbau, (496)
- Floating Dry, for the Philippines, (233)
- Floating, for Durban, C. S. Swan and Hunter, Limited, 134, 136, (257), 515
- Floating, La Rochelle, (35)
- Graving, London and South-Western Railway, at Southampton, (85)
- Humber Commercial, Grimsby, 168
- Keyham, Extension, (185)
- London and India, The Chairman of, on the Trade of London, &c., (395)
- London, Their Area, (544)
- Mersey Ducks and Harbour, Sand Removed from, and Cost of Dredging, (211)
- Novelty in Dry Docking, (456)
- i Pembroke, Pension Awarded to Chief Con¬structor at, (328)
- Seabam Harbour, (171)
- Severn Dry Dock Scheme, (544)
- Swansea, New Deep-water Lock at the, (328)
Dockyard Notes:
- Above-water Tubes, 286
- Achilles, Name Changed to Hibernia, 394
- Admiral O’Neill, of the United States Navy, The Latest Toing said about Him, 286
- "Admiralty Return,” The Last, 283
- Ajax for Sale, Old Battleship, 237
- Albemarle Ready for her Trials, 547
- American Battleships, Names of the New, 325
- American Dynamite Cruiser Vesuvius, The, 237
- Amethyst and Topaz, Additional Data of, 547
- Arethusa to be used as a Gunnery Tender or Struck off the List, 499
- Aretbusa to be Relieved by the Thein, 499
- Argentine Armoured Cruiser San Mitra Launched under her New Name of Rividavia, 451
- Argentine Cruisers, Turkey Proposes Buying the Two Italian-built, 261
- Ariadne Sailed for the North American Station, Replaces the Crescent, 34
- Armour Plates for the Three First-class Battle¬ships, 65
- Armour for the Six New Cruisers, Mr. Arnold Forster’s Reply to Sir C. Dilke, 451
- Austrian Battleship Babenbergto be Launched, 237, 325, 353
- Barfleur to have One Mast only, 588
- Barham Replaced by the Intrepid in the Mediterranean, 426
- Battenberg, Commodore H.S.H. Prince Louis of, His Appointment, 426
- Battleship Exterminators, The Inventor of, 286
- Battleships, Names of the New American, 325
- Battleships, Names of the New British, 325
- Battleship, a New, 142
- Bedford, Fitting for Liquid Fuel Experiments, 547
- Bedford and other Ships of the Essex Class, Larger Propellers for, 142
- Belleisle, Adventures of some Newspaper Corre¬spondents on Visiting the, 65; Fresh Series of Trials, 376
- Belleisle Exporiments, Programme for the Next, 307
- Belleville Boilers, The Canopus and, 561
- Boilers in the French Navy, The State of, 564
- British Submarines, Colour of, 237 ; Sufferings of Crews od, 261
- Calliope to Leave Portsmouth for her next Cruise, 391
- Canopus Goes Hopelessly Wrong, 564
- Canopus in Trouble with her Bellevilles, 376
- Centurion, Progress on the, 65
- Centurion, Reconstruction of, 394
- Centurion to have One Mast only, 588
- Channel Fleet, Roturn of, 547
- Chilean Battleships, The Two New, and Report that One is to be Taken Over by Argentina, 65, 181
- Circe, The Torpedo Gunboat, 15
- Classification of Ships and the Official Service Report at Portsmouth, 181
- Coaling Vessels Fitted with Temperleys, 236
- Commissioned Ships, War Value of Newly, 376
- Crease, Major-General Sir J.,Crusade in Favour of Battleships with Armoured Bottoms, 286, 311
- Crescent at Portsmouth, Arrival of the, 108
- Cruiser of the Duke of Edinburgh Class, A New, 547
- Cruiser to Replace the Cornwall, Reported Name of the, 426
- Destroyers, The 27-Knot, 376 Dostroyer Zephyr Aground, 525, 547 Dockyard Repairs, 476
- “Dotter,” Capt. P. Scott’s Invention, 91
- “ Dragons ” Supplied to th3 Russian Fleet, 353
- Drake, Speed Trial Results. 325
- Duke of Edinburgh Class, The, 564
- Duncan, Successful Steam Trials, 426
- Empress of India made Rear-Admiral’s Flagship in the Home Fleet, 367
- Europa, Successful Trials, 108
- Excursion Steamers at the Review, 215
- Exmouth, her Trills, 547
- Fighting Tops Fitted to the Encounter and the Challenger, 286, 353
- Fire Extinguishers, Testing cf Patent, 367
- Flora to Replace the Old Pbieton, 499
- French Armoured Cruiser Jeanne d’Arc, 237
- French Battleship Charles Martel, Change of Rig, 261
- French Battleship République, 237
- French Battleship Soffren, 261
- French Cruiser Jurien de la Gravière, Trials of, 476
- French Flag-ship “Rsbenzorg” Laun:hed, The 376
- French Fleet, Next Year’s Arrangements, 547
- French Mediterranean Fleet to be Demobilised, 426
- French Newspapers on a British Admiralty 1 Order, 281
- French Submarines from Cherbourg to Brest, 142
- French Submarine Manceuvres off Cherbourg, 426
- French Submarines, Swing-out Dropping Gear of, 426
- French Torpedo Boat 84, Attached to the Ecole ' Nava’e, Brest, 476
- French Torpedo Boat No. 108, 588, 610
- Galatea, Cruiser, Replaced by the Dido, in the Home Squadron, 610
- German Battleship Braunschweig, 610
- German Battleships. Five of the H Type, 237
- German Battleship Kaisar Friedrich III., 15
- German Battleships H and J, Rumours as to the Names, 307
- German Battleship Wettin, Trials of, 451
- German Battleship Wittekbach Aground, 610
- German and British Warships, The Vni'.ed Service Magazine, 91
- Garman Critics on the French Navy, 215 d
- German Naval and Military Manoeuvres Com¬bined, 261
- German Nymphe, The, at Portsmouth, 215 h
- German Wittekbach Type, Ships of the, 237
- Good Hope, Interest in the, Painted Grey, 451, 525
- Gossamer, The Champion Torpedo Gunboat of the Navy, 588
- Greek Battleship Psara, 261
- Grey Paint in Portsmouth Dockyard, Spread of, 394
- Grey Warships of England, The, 353
- Gueydon, Trial Results of, 476
- Guns, 122-Ton, Bought from Krupp by the ’ Boers, Reappearance of, 15
- Guns Painted in the Three Primary C'jlours, 353, (355)
- Holland’s Naval Annual, 307
- Hood, Shooting Record of, 108
- i Hyacinth Minerva Derby, Another, 547
- Inflexible, Glatton, and Neptune Removed from the Effective List, 286 r Japan, New Battleships and Cruisers for, 353
- Japanese Cruiser Takasago, High Topmast put for Wireless Telegraphy, 142 a Japanese Destroyer Asahiho at Portsmonth, 65
- Japanese Fiasco at Queenstown, 215
- Journalism and the Navy, as Connected with » the Téméraire, 451
- Kent, The, out on a Trial, 564
- Khaki Discarded for German Torpedo Craft, 525
- King Edward VII., Launch Fixed for June, 325
- Latona the ” Mother Ship” to the Submarines, 261
- Majestic to be Replaced by the Duncan in the Channel Fleet, 588
- Maxims Removed from our Warships, 476 e
- Mediterranean and Channel Fleet Manwuvres, 261
- Mexico, Four Destroyers Ordered, 15
- Military Masts, The New Cruisers not to have, 286, 353
- Montagu, Her Trials, 547
- Naval Efficiency, Crusade for, 286
- Naval Gunnery, 231, 353
- Naval Inefficiency, Another Proof of Our. 237
- Naval Review, Tne Daily Press on the, 181, 215
- Naval Review, Photographs of, 261 ; Public Interest in the Abortive, 34; Particulars regarding, 142
- Naval Review, The, Spithead, 34, 65, 142, s 166
- Ocean, Shooting Record of the, 108
- Officers who have Come Back to England in the Japanese Ships at Spithead, 166
- Painting Grey of British Warship), The, 353, 367
- a Periscope Fitted to British Submarines, 325, (355)
- Polyphemus, The, 525
- Portsmouth Harbour, Gasoline on Fire in, 588
- Portuguese Ironclad, Vasco da Gama. 451
- Race between the Japanese Cruiser Kasaji and the American Craft, 166
- Royal Duckyardsmen, Grievances and the, 286
- Royal Naval Engineer College of Keyham, Direct Control of, 108
- Royal Sovereign at Portsmouth, The, 65
- Russian Battleship, Alexander II., 547
- Osliabia, Trials, 525
- Pobieda, 15
- Cruiser Aurora, her Trials, 588
- Bayan, Trials, 525
- Bogatyr’s Trials, 261 J
- Novik on her Way to the Far East, 426
- Otchakoff, 353
- Pamiat Azova, Reconstruction of, 325
- Fleet, T*1® “ -Dragons ” Supplied to the, Fleet at Portland, 525, 547
- Squadron in the Far East, Ships to Reinforce the, 499
- Torpedo Boats Turn Out to be New Destroyers, The. 353 307
- Navigation from a, Warship Nikolai I.Senttothe Mediter¬ranean, 307
- St. George to be Replaced by the Good Hope as Flagship of the Cruiser Squadron, 376
- Scout Class of Cruisers, 499
- Scouts, Names of the Four 25-Knot, 588
- Storage of Steam Coal, Question of the, 451
- Submarine of the Holland Type, German Naval Authorities’ Experiment with, 261
- Submarine No. 1, Trials in the Irish Sea, 394
- Submarine No. 2, Trial at Barrow, (85), 91
- Submarines No. 2 and 3 at Portsmouth, 215
- Submarine No. 3 in Dry Dock, her Gay Colouring, 394
- Sultan Painted Grey, The, 394
- Surly’s Trials with Liquid Fuel, 367
- Swedish Battleship, a New, 525
- Swedish Destroyer Mode, 108, 261
- Swing-out Dropping Gear of the French Sab- marines, 426
- Tactical Exercises, The, 34
- Terrible to be Refitted at Clydebank, 325
- Torpedo Boats 52, 53, and 55 to be Fitted with , Water-tube Boilers, 451
- Torpedo Craft, The Equipment of, 376
- Torpedo Tubes from Destroyers, Removal and Replacing of, 610
- Turbine Destroyer Velox, 547
- Turkey’s Refusal to allow Russian Torpedo Boats to Pass the Dardanelles, 237
- United States Battleship Illinois, 15
- Battleship Louisiana to be Built at Newport News, 451, 525
- Battleship Maine’s Trials, 261
- Cruiser Brooklyn brings over the Body of the late Lord I’aunccfote, 34
- Cruiser Dosmoines, Launch of, 325
- Cruiser Galveston, Launch of, 325
- Fleet, Caribbean Division of the, 376
- Submarine of the Lake Type, the Protector, 517
- Navy, Reported Discontent in, 547
- New Jersey Type, some Altera¬tions made iu, 525
- Victory Decorated on Trafalgar Day, 394
- DOCK Gate, Messrs. E Finch and Co., Limited, (68)
- Does it Pay ! (Splendid Machinery in some of the Leading Works in Germany), 399
- Dorman, Long and Co., Limited, Annual Report, (505)
- Drawing Desk, Adjustable, Messrs. B. and S. Massey, 440
- Drawing Instrument, A New American, 170
- Drainage, Pneumatic, A French Method, Com¬pleted at Stansted, (303)
- Dredge, Hydraulic, At Work in Like St. Peter, between Montreal and Quebec, (137)
- Dredging the Suez Canal, (137)
- Drill, Portable Electric, O. Borend and Co., Limited, 181
- Drilling Machine Rail, Niles Tool Works Com¬pany, 312
- Dunu, Mr. Ralph, (98)
- Durban, New Town Hall, Designs Invited iu Eng¬land, (519)
- Durr Liquid Fuel Apparatus, The, 105
- Dust Collector, The Tornado, 146
- Destructors, 285
- Laying with Oil, (328)
- Laying with Oil, Farnborough-road, (420)
- Laying by Tar Sprinkling, (316), (315)
- Nuisance, A Cure for the, (233)
- EARTHQUAKES and Volcanic Eruptions, South- East Russia, Results of, in the Black and Caspian Seas, (162)
- Economiser, Explosion from an, 107
- Egg Shells, Tests as to Power required to Break, (328)
- Air Compressor, Reavell and Co., Limited, 620
- Alternator and Engine, Multiphase, 524
- Alternator, 1000-Kilowatt, Messrs. Johnsen and Phillips (xv., xvi., Supplement, December 12f/<, 1902)
- Alternator, Two-phase Inductor, Brush Com¬pany, Limited (ix., xi., Supplement, December \2tk, 1902)
- Anemometers, Pressure, Priz-s for, Offered by German Government, (61)
- Association, Papers read at the Municipal, on Steam Turbines, on the Type of Engines for Large Generating Stations, and on Earthing, 53
- Battery, Bells, and Wire, for Enabling Police to Check Speed of Auto-cars, East Sussex, (162)
- Canary Islands, Petroleum and Coal Imports, (61)
- Canyon Ferry, 50,000-Volt Transmission Plant, 255
- Cauveri Falls, Power Transmission, 114 Combination, a Garman, 592
- Commutator Grinder (Supplement, December 12tk, 1902, xiii.)
- Conductivity of Air, R.cent Experiments on the, (137)
- Conductivity of Aluminium Alloys, as Affected by London Atmosphere, Prof. E. Wilson, on, 301
- Coral Fishing in Sardinian Waters, (61)
- Crane, Ransomes and Rapier, 83
- Current Price of, in Grimsby, Reduced to Private Consumers, (162)
- Device for Cutting Steel, (162)
- Discharge, Mechanical Phenomena of the, M. I. Semonow, (185)
- Drill, Portable, O. Berend and Co., Limited, 184
- Drills at the Quarry of the Aken American Portland Cement Works, (137)
- Dynamo Design, Specific Utilisation of Materials in. Prof. S. P. Thompson on, 301
- Electrolysis, Mr. A. Larsen on the Means of Diminishing, (496)
- Electrolysis of Iron Pipes in Boston, Double¬trolley System Advocated for the Electric Railways, (211)
- Electroscopes, Distance at which they can be Discharged by Candle Flames, (111)
- Electro-technical Apparatus and Machines in Russia, Demand for, (257)
- Energy, Westinghouse Integrating Wattmeter for Measuring; Approved by Board of Trade, (355)
- Engineering Supplement, i.-xvi., December \2lh, 1902
- Equipment of a Mine Shaft, U.S.A., (338)
- Ferranti, Limited, Multiphase Alternator and Engine, 524
- Fire Pump Used in Rouen, (565)
- Generating Plant at Niagara, New, 136
- Plant, Wolverhampton Exhibition, 116
- Station, Projected for Kwala Lumper. Seianger Straits Settle¬ment, (162)
- and Supply Stations, Yoker and Hamilton, on the Clyde, British Westinghouse Company, (372)
- Generators, Double Current, and their Applica¬tion, Mr. Ruthven-Murray on, 27
- Generators, 800-Kilowatt, Crompton and Co., Limited, 120
- Goliath Crane (vi., ix , Supplement, December 12z/<)
- Hawaiian Islands, Exports from, (61)
- Heating, for the Versailles Electric Railway Carriages, (372)
- High-tension Continuous-current Systems, Mr. A. S. Barnard on, 28
- High-tension Appliances (xiii, Supplement, December \2th)
- House at St. Maurice, 461, 464
- Interlocking System, U.S.A., (622)
- Inventions in Germany, Patents Taken Out or, (61)
- Lamp Bracket for Works, F. Wall work and Co., 57
- Liusanne Receiving Station, 516, 518
- Letter Stamping Machines, The Columbia, Ordered by the General Post-office Authori¬ties, (317)
- Mechanical Stoker, The Hodgkinson, at the Liverpool Electric Supply Stations, 598 Method of Di (covering Metallic Veins Under¬ground, (162)
- Mine Firing Apparatus (i., iii., Supplement, December \2th)
- Motor Construction (xiv., Supplement, December
- Niagara Falls Power Company, Power House No. 2, (485)
- Niagara Falls Power Installations, (469), (485), (565)
- Nitrate Works in Chili, 1901, (61)
- Omnibuses, (43)
- Paralleling of Alternating-current Gcnerattra, 196
- Patents Taken out in Germany for Electrical Inventions, 1900, (61)
- Petroleum and Coal Imports into the Canary Islands, (61)
- Picture Telegraph, American Patent, (43)
- Pile Driver, Mr. J. Garvie, 261
- Pile Driver and Derrick, Chicago, (35)
- Ploughs Imported into Uruguay, (61)
- Postal Service for Rome, Projected, (280)
- Potentiometer, The Crompton (xiii., Supple¬ment, December 12(A)
- Potentiometer, Mr. J. W. Peck on the, (554)
- Power, Application of, for the Iron and Steel Industries, Mr. Selby-Bigge, 252 Generation, Steam Turbines lor, Mr. S. E. Fedden on, (257)
- Installation, Vancouver Co.’s, (162)
- at Linwood Paper Mills, 58, 59
- in Locomotive Shops, by an American (196)
- Plant, 194, 218
- Burnley, (328)
- Canadian, 143, (257)
- Philadelphia Company’s Plans, (85)
- Pulverised Fuel for, (519)
- in Steel Works, Herr F. Kylberg on, 252
- Susquehanna River, Proposed, (162)
- Station, Birmingham University, de Laval Steam Turbine. (614)
- Station, New, Ipswich, (162)
- Station, New, Niagara Gorge, (469), (485), (565)
- Stations, Newcastle, Mr. W. D. Hur ter and Mr. W. B. Woodhouse on, 106 Supply, San Francisco, (85) Trammission, Cauveri Falls, 114
- to the Interior of Mines, Mr. T. L. Galloway on, (539)
- Lines in Peru, Probable Demand for, (11)
- and Supply io Switzer¬land, 296, 297, 366, 370, 371, 409, 452, 461, 464, 516, 518 Pamp, Three-throw, 117
- Pumping Plant for Sydney, Messrs. Mather and Platt (xvi., Supplement, December 12M) Pumps, Frank Pearn and Co., Limited, 375, 377
- Quantity, A New Unit of, Described by Mr. A. H. Cowles, (372)
- Rice Mill, Siam, (61)
- Rubber Grinding Machines (xii., Supplement, December 12M)
- Signal Cabin at Crewe, 548, 550
- Signal Service Men in the United States Army, Serious Lack of Electricians, (395)
- Stations, Gas Engines for (iv., Supplement, December \2th) ' > IP
- Steam Turbine Unit for Electric Generating Purposes, The Largest Claimed by Americans, Storage Battery, Mr. Elison’s New, Five Motor Cars to Test it, (589)
- Supply, Calcutta, Multipolar Generators, 120
- Hastings, 610
- Henley, Overhead Wires Sanctioned by Board of Trade, (162)
- Undertakings in the United Kingdom, Board of Trade Returns, (303)
- Switches, 593
- Switzerland, Electric Power and Transmission Supply in, 296, 366, 370, 409, 452, 461, 464, 516, 518
- Tidal Indicator for Passing Ships at Cuxhaven, (61)
- Traction <•. Steam, 110, 218, 265
- Trade Prospects, 558
- Tramways (see also Tramways), 569
- Transformers The Largest Manufactured, (328)
- Typewriter, (443)
- Undertakings, 473
- Undertakings, Oppcsition to, 294
- Undertakings, The Purchase of, 596
- Uruguay, Ploughs Imported Last Year into, (61)
- Valve, A New, Invented by M. Nodon, (303)
- Water Power Plant, including a Tunnel, Idaho on the Snake River, (185)
- Water Power Plant (32.000 K lowatts), Sault St. Marie, Michigan, (544)
- Westinghouse Works, New, U.S.A., 550 Works, British Westinghouse Company’s, (505)
Electric Engineering- Supplement, December 12th, 1902:
- Introduction, Commutator Grinder, Messrs. Ferranti L'mited, XL, xiii.
- Crompton Potentiometer, xiii.
- Design of Continuous - current Generators (Illustrated), viii.
- Electric Goliath Crane (Illustrated), vl, ix.
- Electric Tram Trucks, ix.
- Electric Tramway Motor, The Brush Standard, xiii.
- Gas Engines for Electric Stations, by G. H. Baillie (Illustrated), iv.
- High-tension Appliances, Messrs. Ferranti Limited, xiii.
- Horndean Light Railways (Illustrated), iii., viii.
- I/verpool Overhead Railway (Illustrated) ii., iii., vii.
- Motor Construction. Messrs. Siemens Brothers and Co. Limited (Illustrated), xiv., xv.
- Plant for Testing Cables at High Pressures, by Stuart A. Russell, ix.
- Present Position and Prospects of Electrical Engineering, i., ii.
- Pumping Plant for Sydney, Messrs. Mather and Platt, Limited (Illustrated), xvi.
- Rubber Grinding Machines, Messrs. Dick, Kerr and Co., xi, xii.
- Submarine Mines (Illustrated), ii., iii.
- Three-phase Alternator, Messrs. Johnson and Phillips (Illustrated), xvi.
- Tramcar Controllers, Messrs. Dick, Kerr and Co., x.
- Two-pbase Inductor Alternator, Brush Elec¬trical Engineering Company, ix., xi.
Electric Light:
- Clock Dials, Illuminating with, Sir W. H. Bailey’s Method, (315), (552)
- Cost of, Westbourne-terrace, Substitution of, by Incandescent Borners, (443)
- Elect on tbe Eyes Lass Injurious than other Forms of Artificial Light, (303)
- Flashing L:ghthouse Light, Mr. J. R. Wig¬ham’s, (302)
- Gyrometers. Electrical-lighted, (552)
- Hastings, (614)
- Llanelly, New Dock, (316)
- Peru, Demand for, 11
- New York, (111)
- Port Elizabeth, (496) and Power Station, Newcastle and District, Mr. W. D. Hunter on, 106
- and Power throughout Chatham Dockyard. (137)
- Rsvolving Light, Dunkirk, (233)
- Russia, Revision of the Tariff Doties in Installing, (302)
- Salford Lighting Plant, 595
- Series Incandescent Lighting at 500
- Volts and the Board of Trade Regulations, (35)
- Switzerland, Water Power, 595
- Sydney, New South Wales, Central Station, 123
- Tien-Tsin, (61)
- Decomposition of Water by, Messrs. D. L. Chapham’s and F. A. Lidbury’s Experiments, (519)
- Effect of, on Plant Life, Mr. V. G. Heber’s Experiments on, (614)
- Leotore3 on, at the Chelmsford Works, 354
- and Legislation, 60
- Measured and Accounted for, and Number of Consumers, Manchester, (85)
- Moving Platforms Operated by, for Brooklyn Bridge, (61)
- Peru, Demand for, (11)
- Railway Signalling by, 501
- Supply in the City, Mr. A. A. Voysey on the Progress in, (85)
- Supply Undertakings in the United Kingdom, Board of Trade Returns, (303)
- Transmitted 173 Miles over Aluminium Wires, California, (395)
- Use of, in Russia, for Distribution of Motive Power, (257)
- Water Power for Generating, called in Italy “ White Coal,” (85)
- Water Power for Generation of, in Russia, (257)
- ELMORE Plant for the Concentration of Ores by Oil, 216
- Emigrants, Prospects of, 19
- Engineer, The (from the Spectator), J. H. K. Adkin, 65
- Eitbetics, 477, 500, 550
- as a Profession, 236, 311
- Canada and the United States, Prof. Goodman on,(104)
- Discussions, 446
- Electrical, Some Limits in Heavy, Mr. Swin¬burne’s Address, 564
- Experimental Naval, United States, 546
- Massachusetts Institute, Boston, Degree of Dr. of Engineering to be Conferred by, (614)
- Price, Mr. John, On Civic Engineering Progress. (4)
- Schemes on Foot at La Rochollo, Important, (35)
- Smart Piece of, (442)
- Standards Committee, The, 592, 593
- Supplement, Eleotric—see Electric Engineering Supplement Trades, The Garman Metallurgical and, 422
- Trade and Technical Eduoation, 117
- Works, Irlam, Royles, Limited, 16, 17
- Workshops, Design and Construction of Modern, Mr. J. H. Humphreys, 575
- Branch of the Navy, Lieut. Carlyon Bellairs, 437
- Commercial, 422
- Deoline of British, 241, 285
- Education and Training of, Prof. Perry, 302, 313, 335, (527)
- Evening Classes for Young, at Derby Technical College, (143)
- Health of, 391
- Navy, 144, 311
- South Africa from the Point of View of an, 64, 93, 247, 276, 293, 319, 341, 415, 535, 557, 579, 605
- Training of, at an American University, by F. Fayant, 466, 468, 470
- Balanced High speed Steam, Bever, Borling and Co., Limited, 116
- Blast, for the Barrow Hematite Steel Company, (443)
- Butler's Compound Gas, Clarke, Chapman and Co., 571, 572
- Compound Road Locomotive, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 502
- Demand for, in British Columbian Mining Camps, (519)
- Diesel Oil, II. Ade Clark, (585)
- Economy, Some Recent Experiments in, Pro¬fessor R. L. Weighton on, (139), 147
- Fire and Pumping, Compound, Merryweather and Sons, 571
- Fitted with Trip Valve Gear, Speed of, 208
- Gas, for Electric Stations (iv., Supplement, December 12M)
- Explosions of, Mr. H. E. Wimperis on, 354
- 500 Horse-power Horizontal Tandem, The Premier Gas Engine Company, Limited, 109
- for Generating Stations, 37, 68, 88
- Heat Balance in, 354, 376, 404, 425, 412, (465)
- Recent Progress in Large, Mr. H. A. Humphrey, 277
- Romarkable Installation of, in Philadelphia, (257)
- The Stcckport, for Direct-coupling to a Dynamo, J. E. H. Andrew and Co., Limited, 315
- Three cylinder Compound, Clarke, Chap¬man and Co., Mr. Butler’s Patent, 571, 572
- 200 Brake Horse-power, of the Double-¬cylinder Type, J. E, H. Andrew and Co., Limited, (97)
- Using Blast Furnace, First Example of, in the United States, (211)
- Glasgow Tramway Traction (Supplement, Decem¬ber 5th, 1902), 306, 333, 536
- Goodfellow, High-speed, 499
- Hauling, Clayton and Shuttlewortb, 502
- Heat Balance in the Gas, 351, 376, 404, 4'25, 442. (465), 497
- Internal Combustion, for Motor Cars, Mr. F. G. Heseldin on, (511)
- Locomotive—see Railways, Locomotives
- —Oil, Diesel, 191
- Oil, Diirr, Portable, 193
- ” Oil, Girder Type, Campbell Gas Engine Com¬pany, 262
- Oil, Increasing Demand for in Palestine for Irrigation Purposes,(61)
- Oscillating Paddle, 46
- Paddle Steamer, Lady Tyler’s, R. and W. Hawthorne, 272, 273
- Petrol, Complete Combustion Rarely Attained in Cylinders of M. Sorel’s Experiments, (589)
- Petrol, for Tramways, 68
- Pumping, Trent Valley Pumping Station, 295
- Reheaters, 139, 194, 241
- Relays and Governors, by Arthur Rigg, 364
- Scale Prevention and Steam Jackets, 241
- Semi-portable Compound, and Boiler with Superheater Attached, (111)
- Steam, for Generating Stations, 37, 68
- Steering, Harrison Engine Company, Limited, (358)
- Stokers, Automatic, 14
- Superheated Steam in a 4500 horse-power Engine in the Lincoln Power Station, Boston,
- Tandem Compound Condensing Pumping, Haniel and Lueg, 202, 203
- Traction, Call for in South Africa, (614)
- Traction, in the United States, (454)
- Tramway Traction, Glasgow, 596
- Twin Tandem Compound Condensing Winding, Düsseldorf Exhibition, Gutehoffaungsbütte Oberhausen, 154, 155
- Vertical Cross Compound (4500 Horse-power Use of Superheated Steam in a, (233)
- Wind, for Pumping Purposes, (285)
- Winding, for the Harpen Mining Company, Prince Rudolph Ironworks Company, Dusseldorf Exhibition, 176
- ENGLISH and American Machinery, 144
- English Methods, 477
- European Customs Tariffs, 236
- Earopsan Mails to Japan, Russian Ambassador's Proposal as to the Route, (469)
- Exports, Increased, 569
- Automobile Club of France, (443)
- Automobiles at Hamburg International, (85)
- Cape Town, British and Colonial, at, (61), (211)
- Cork International, (372)
- Cycle Shows, the Stanley and the National, 518
- Duiseldorf, Mining at, 75, 154, 176, 202, 271, (395); Iron and Steel Institute at, 170, 225 250, 252, 313
- Engineering, Machinery, Hardware, and Allied Trades, Crystal Palace International, (360)
- Fire, Forthcoming International, (372)
- Glasgow, Surplus Revenue from, (443), (544)
- International Tramways and Light Railways, 7
- Japanese Industrial, The Fifth, (589)
- Sanitary Science, Manchester, (267)
- Wolverhampton, Boiler Feed Pumps, 7; Close, (372); Entrance Gates, 94 ; Financial Loss, (469); Generating Plant. 116; Machinery (454); Visitors to, (233), (280)
- Fuse Time, for Armour-piercing Projectiles General Crozier's Invention, (211)
- Gunpowder, Black, The Oldest of all Explosives, (589)
- Gunpowder, A New, 501
- Smokeless Powder, (589)
- Torpedo, The New, 616
- FAIRBANKS Company’s Table for Converting American Dollars into English Pounds, (211)
- Fan, Mine Ventilating, 145
- Faraday Club, The, (526)
- Faviell, Mr. W. F., (35)
- Fell, John Barraclougb, 394
- Ferro-concrete Construction, Hennebique System, (355)
- File-cutting Industry, The, 375
- Files, Sand Blast Sharpened, 256
- Fires—tee Accidents
- Fira Engine, Floating, for the Manchester Ship Canal and Docks, 171
- Fire Ladder, Telescopic, 81, 82
- Fire, Protection of Buildings from, Mr. G. Pringle on, (540)
- Fleming, Mr. Tho.»., (527)
- Fog Signalling, 153
- Fog Signals, Coast, 18, 69, 95
- Foot-plates of Locomotives, On the, 373
- Force of the Sea, 549
- Formosa, South, Irrigation Insufficient, (11)
- Fothergill Prize, The, (15)
- Flying Machine, Prof. Graham Bell’s, (355)
- France, Import and Export Returns, (280)
- Free Trade and Protection, 68
- Free Zones Advocated in France, Creation of, (519)
- French General Imports and Exports, Value of, 1901-1902, (519)
- French Naval Manccuvres, 179
- Froude Water Dynamometer, The, (7)—tee also page 616, Vol. xciii.
- Fuel Briquettes in Germany, Manufactories of, (420)
- Furnaces, Blast, Designing and Equipment of, by Jno. L. Stevenson (Supplement, October MM, 1902), 218, 321, 347,386, 474
- Blast, in Great Britain, (420)
- Blast, Scotch, Dimensions and Output, (280)
- in Blast in United States, Statistics, (211)
- Blast—see also Blast Furnaces
- for Laboratories, Electric Resistance Magnesia Crucible, Mr. H. M. Howe on,(35)
- Mr. J. T. Sbadforth’s Patent, (22)
- The Talbot Open-hearth, (565)
- Furness, Sir Christopher, on Industrial Part¬nership, 65
- GARDEN Cities, 163, 218, 241, 285
- Acetylene Generators, Construction of, 449
- Acetylene, for Lightingthe S:. Lawrence Route, (589)
- Acetylene, Mixed with Oxygen, Favourable Results in Signalling with, (420)
- Burnt, Given Off by One Ton of Coal in Coking, (328)
- Department, Manchester City Council, Coal Contracts Made by, (61)
- Ether Air, 239
- Incandescent Mantles, Construction of, G. Buhlmann’s Patent, 263
- Lighting, Future of, Prof. V. B. Lewes on, (589)
- Mond, as a Motive Power, Messrs. Cochrane and Co.’s Works, (233)
- Mond, Plant at Farnley, 494
- Natural, in England, 312, (426)
- Natural, United States Production of, in 1901, (355), (420)
- Oxygen-Acetylene Burner, M. Fouche’s, (35)
- Theory of the Incandescent Burner, 239
- Wasted per Day in American Cities, (395)
- Wood, Mexico, (35)
- Works Extension, Wigan, (262)
- GATES and Lamp Standard, Wolverhampton Exhibition, 94
- German Customs Dues on Machinery Increased, 131
- General Foreign Trade from January to End of October, 1902, (544)
- Industrial Conditions, Some, 518
- Tariff, The New, 610
- Technical Lexicon, Progress of the, (303)
- Trade Crisis, 498
- Germany, Imports and Exports, (211)
- Germany’s South African Trade, 45
- Gibson, Mr. David, (571) Gillman, Mr. Henry, (576)
- Gilpin, Mr. Bernard, (428)
- Girders, Support of the Ends of Croes, 609
- Glaciers, Boring Through, (233)
- Glasgow, The Art Galleries, (308)
- Glasgow's Main Drainage and Sewage Operations, 324, (519)
- Glass Colouring by Penetration, A French Method of, (§5)
- Glazed Brick-making Machine, Messrs. Pullan and Mann, 66
- Gloucester Refuse Destructor, Opening Ceremony, (345)
- Gold Exploitation in Corea, (162)
- Gold Production of New South Wales, (589)
- Gold Yield of Victoria, (185)
- Goliath Crane, Stothert and Pitt, 286
- Government Laboratory, Work of the, (241)
- Graphite in America, Manufacture of Artificial, (187)
- Graphite, Crystalline, United States Production of. (187)
- Grinding Machines, Heavy, 425, 426
- Gun Trade and Education, The, 237
- HAGUE, Mr. Ernest, (570)
- Hamilton, Mr. Robert, (532)
- Hammer, The Massev Pneumatic Power, 24C— tee also page 298, Vol. xciii.
Harbours and Waterways:
- Avod, Navigation of the, (574)
- Bayonne, Improvement of the Port, (11)
- Boulogne, Breakwater in the Port of, (162)
- Bremen, Project of Construction, Large Har¬bour and Canal Accommodation, (185)
- Canals—see Canals
- Capetown Harbour, Plan of, 276
- Clyde, Improvement of the, 423, (469), 473
- Clyde, The River. (614)
- Copenhagen, Oil Tanks in the Free Harbour of, (619)
- Cronstadt, Twenty Steel Lighters for, (364)
- CaxbaveD, Leased by the Hamburg-American Packet Company, (11)
- Emden Harbour, New Sea Lock, (303)
- France, Free Ports in, (372)
- French Ports, Works to be Carried out in, (162)
- Germany, Map of the Waterways of, 129
- Hakodate, (280)
- Hull, the River, (614)
- Hartlepool, Deepening and Widening the Channel, (406)
- Heysham, 67
- Improvements at Port Colborne, C tnada, (46)
- Japan, Muroran and Hakodate, (280)
- Leipzig with the Elbe, Project for Connecting, (280)
- L’anelly, (602)
- Madras Harbour Improvements, (589)
- Manila Harbour, Improvement of, (185)
- Mersey Bar and Channels of Approach to Liverpool, 45
- Mexican, 238
- Muroran, Japan, (280)
- Nagasaki, (280)
- Naples Harbour Works, Progress of, (211)
- Newcastle Quay Extension, (328)
- Nice Harbour Extension, (35)
- Para Harbour Improvements, (519)
- Peterhead, 394
- Poit of London and the Thames, 125, 153, 186 ,
- St. Petersburg, Inadequacy of the Port, (257)
- Southampton Harbour, Cost of Deepaning, „ (372)
- Southampton Water, Proposed Deepening of, (443)
- Southampton Water Works, (589)
- Table Bay Harbour, 275
- Tehuantepec, 238
- Thames, Deepening the Channel, (469)
- Thames, Dr. Warre’s Motion respecting the Non-tidal Portion of, (544)
- Thames, near Gravesend, Scheme for Dam and Locks across the, (544)
- Troon, The Ayrshire Port of, (541)
- Vera Cruz, (85)
- Zululand Coast, Mr. Cathcart Methven on Pos¬sible Ports on, (519)
- HEAT Balance in the Gas Engine, 354, 376, 404, 425, 442, 465, 497
- Heat Evolved or Absorbed when a Liquid is Brought in Contact with a Solid, Mr. G. J. Parks, (48)
- Heating Buildings with Exhaust Steam, (519)
- Hennebique System of Ferro-concrete Construction, (355)
- Hickman, Mr. A. W., (220), (233)
- Hood, Mr. Archibald, 417
- Horses in New York, Decrease in the Number, (372)
- Hydraulic Engineer, Cape Town, (477)
- Hydrographical Surveys, Recent, 145
- Hysteresis Tester, The Standards in Ewing’s, 194
- ICE in New York, Output of Manufactured, (11)
- Ilges, Herr, His Apparatus for Producing Fine Spirit without Re-distillation, (162)
- Impact and Fatigue in Railway Bridges, by J. Graham, 465
- Tmray, Mr. John, 417
- India-rubber Culture in Hawaii, (35)
- Induced Air Current, 549
- Industrial Partnership, Sir C. Furness on, 65
Institute and Club, Aeronautical:
- Airship Disasters and the Factor of Safety, Mr. O. C. Field, 501
- Monthly Meetings, (288), (367)
- More Punctuality in the Time of its Meetings Desirable, (144)
- Papers Read on July 4tb by Mr. C. Zimmermann and Mr. Alex. Adams, (48)
- Parachute with Flapping Wings, Mr. P. L. Senecal, 367
Institute of Engineers, Dundee:
- Engineering Workshops, Experimental Re¬search in, Prof. J. T. Nicolson, 547
Institute, Iron and Steel:
- Electrical Plant in Steel Works, Herr F. Kylberg, 252
- Electric Power, Application of, for the Iron and Steel Industries, Mr. Sslby-Bigge, 252
- I Iron and Steel at the Diisseldorf Exhibition, Prof. H. Wedding, 250, 313
- Meeting at Diisreldorf, Cook’s Arrangements for, (122)
- Pig Iron in Germany since 1880, Progress and Manufacture of, Herr W. Brugmann, 250, 265
- Programme for the DiiMeldorf Meeting, 170, 225
- Saar and Luxemburg Excursions, 346
- Steel Annealing of Low Carbon, Mild, Herr E. j Heyn, 250
- Steel, Compression of, by Wire-drawing during Solidi6cation in the Ingot Mould, Mons. A. Harmit, 251
- Steel Works Practice in Germany since 1880, Progress in, Herr R. M. Daelen, 250, 621
Institute of Marine Engineers:
- Conversazione and Ball, (502)
- Date of Meeting and Subject to be Discussed, (303)
Institute of Mining;, Civil, and Me¬chanical Engineers, The Midland:
- Annual Gathering, (469)
Institute, The Northampton:
- Syllabus of, (257)
- Institute,North Staffordshire Mining:
- English Mining and Mining Engineering, Mr. A. M. Henshaw, (405)
Institute, The Sanitary:
- Preliminary Programme of the Nineteenth Congress, 67, (211)
- Sessional Meeting, Discussion on Drain Testing, (496)
Institute, Staffordshire Iron and Steel:
- navgural Address, Describing the Splendid Machinery in Some of the Leading Works in Germany. ‘ ‘ Does it Pay ? ’’ (399)
Institution of Civil Engineers:
- Awards, (375)
- Birmingham Association of Students, Visit to Paris, 123
- Electric Tramways, C. Hopkinson, 503
- Gathering at Capetown, 306
- High-speed Electrical Generating Plant, T. H. Minshall, 584
- Jennings, Mr. Jas., Death of, (268)
- List of Successful Candidates in the October Examination, 501
- Presidential Address of Mr. J. C. Hawkshaw, 451
- Student’s Meeting, Erection of Steel Bridges, Sheffield Extension of the London and North- Western Railway, Mr. A. Reynolds, 584
Institution of Electrical Engineers:
- Appointment of Mr. Tatlow as Mr. F. Gill’s Successor, (89)
- Conversazione, Annual Dinner and, (15), (593)
- Inaugural Address by Mr. Swinburne, (515), 547, 564
Institution of Engineer’s and Ship¬builders, N.E. Coast:
- Gold Medal Awarded to Mr. D. B. Morison, (544)
Institution of Engineers and Ship¬builders in Scotland:
- First General Meeting, 452
- Steam Torbines, with Special Reference to the De Laval Type of Turbine, Mr. K. Anderson, 540, 542
Institution of Junior Engineers:
- Automatic Railway Coupling, A New, Mr. A. T. Swaine, 622
- Opening of the Summer Meeting, Programme of Visits and Excursions, 107
- Planimeter, The, Mr. W. J. Tennant, 622
- Visit to the American Exhibition, Crystal Palace, (42)
- Visit to the Headquartsrs of the Electrical Engineers, R.E., (451)
- Visit to the London Bridge Widening Works, 426
Institution of Mechanical Engineers:
- Autumn Session, First Meeting, 390
- Cylindrical Steam-distributing Valves to Loco¬motives, Application of, Mr. Walter M. Smith
- Electric Light and Power Station, Newcastle and District, Mr. W. D. Hunter, 106
- Electric Supply Power Station at Neptune Bank, Newcastle, Mr. W. B. Woodhouse, 106
- Excursions, 132, 158
- Graduates’ Association:—
- Opaning Meeting of. Construction, Lighting, and Ventilation of Cotton Mills, Mr. F. Wilkinson, 571
- Notes on the Locomotive, by Mr. Jas. Mac- gregor, (168)
- Liquid Fuel for Steamships, Mr. Edwin L. O.-de, 104, 140
- Mechanical Appliances in Mines, Mr, R. H. Wainford, 158
- Oil Motor Cars of 1902, Capt. C. C. Longridge, 390, 402, 403, 427, 436, 453, (476), 478, 503, ,515
- Pumping Plant for Condensing Water, Mr. C. Hopkinson, 106
- Steam Engine Economy, Some Experiments on, Prof. R. L. Weighton, 147
- Summer Meeting, Outline Programme, 60
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy:
- Ore in Sight, Mr. J. D. Kendall, 339
- Programme of Twelfth Session, Awards, (222)
Institution of Naval Architects:
- Annual Meeting, the Next, (515)
- Martell Scholarship in Naval Architecture Awarded to Mr. L. Woollard, (211)
- INTERMEDIATE3, Ships that are Battle¬ships or Cruisers, according to the Needs i of the Moment, 88
- Ireland, Rainfall of, and Water Power of, 278
- Amount of Copper that can be Alloyed with, ' when Carbon is Present iD, (35)
- Austrian and Hungarian “Cartel,” (519)
- Belgian, for Beirut, (61)
- Belgian Output, (151)
- Carbon in, How it Affects the Amount of Copper that can be Alloyed with it, (35)
- Cleveland, Exports of, Pig, September, October, (455)
- Corner, Pig, (3/6), 425
- Direct Extraction of, from the Ore, Mons. Hernoult’s Process for, (111)
- Foundries, Consolidation of American Malleable, (233)
- German Exports, 159
- German, Export Bounties cn, 546
- German Exports to Russia, (185)
- Japan's White Elephant, The lronfoundry at Wakamatsn, 528
- Manganese, South Russia, (185)
- Mesabi, United States, (519)
- Middlesbrough, Exports to America of Pig, (85)
- Minnesota Mines, Nationality of the Men Employed, (420)
- Oro Deposits in New South Wales, Varieties of, in the Irkutsk District, Discovery of, (185)
- Output, Lake Superior, (137)
- Production, 1901, (61)
- in South Wales, The Most Extensive Deposit of, (185)
- Pig, 307, (395)
- Canadian, (451)
- Corner in, (376), 404
- Germany, Output, (150), (151)
- in Germany, Progress of, Herr W. Brug¬mann on, 250, 265
- Make of, in tbe First Half of 1902, 1901, and 1900, (420)
- New South Wales, (137)
- Price of, Mr. Waterhouse’s Official Return, (531)
- Rings, 20ft. Diameter, Weight 8 Tons each, from Düsseldorf, (496)
- Russia, Production of Raw, (328)
- Russia, South, Production of, (614)
- Russian Trade, Crisis in the, (482)
- Scotland, Firms, Works, &c., Employed in the Manufacture of Malleable, (280)
- Silicon Lost by, in Passing through a Cupola, (35)
- Sold to tbe United States, (71)
- Spain, Ore Deposit at Almobaja, (565)
- and Steel Manufacture, Great Opening at Urichow, for Articles of, (111)
- and Steel. Manufacture in India, (151)
- Sweden, Vadsii, Great Veins of, (211) Syndicate, Russian, (469)
- Trade, Combination in the, 65, (241)
- Trust, Reported Russian, 524
- United States in First Half of 1901, 1902, (211)
- United States, Weekly Output, (35)
- Uniting Ordinary Cast, (372)
- Works, Coatbam, Reconstruct by Meisrs. Walker, Maynard and Co., (289)
- Works, Estimate, 474
- Works, Past and Present, Carron and other, Falkirk, 438
- IRRAWADDY, Abnormal Rise of the, (185)
- Irrigation of South Africa, 114
- Irrigation System in Colorado, (622)
- JAPAN, Imports into, by Way of Nagasaki, 347 ; and Preponderance of British Manufac¬tures and Metals, (355)
- Japan, Kobe, 1901, Total Trade of, (519)
- Japan’s Metallic Resources, (519)
- Japan’s White Elephant, 528
- Japan, Writing and Drawing with Both Hands, (328)
- Jennings, Mr. Jas , (268)
- Joining Timber, (460)
- KEW Bridge, New, 300, 301
- Kimberley Mines, Black Labour in, 535, 539
- Krupp Family, The (with Portrait of Alfred Krupp), 541
- Krupp, Herr Frederick Alfred, 514
- KrupPg W°rk8’ ^““berof Persons Employed in,
- LABELS for Luggage, Mr. Cros’ Grotesque, (162)
- Laboratory, A Commercial, America, 196
Labour Questions, Strikes, and Trade Disputes:
- Board of Trade Memorandum for the Labour (Jasetle, (280)
- British Steel Makers’ Society, Stop Week agreed upon in December and Three next Months, (600)
- Coalowners’ Association, Meeting Results in a Truce, (506)
- Coalowners and the South Wales Miners’ Federation, 91, 118, 145
- Colliery Disputes, Denaby and Cadeby, (315); Wynnstay, North Wales, (456)
- Colville and Sons, Messrs., Sheriff Davidson’s Award in the Case of, (150)
- Commission, Labour, Mr. A. Moseley’s, 370
- Compulsory Arbitration in Labour Disputes, Question of, at the Trades Union Congress, 259 6
- Economical Production of Work, Suggestions Invited by Vickers, Sons and Maxim, (872)
- Engineering Employers’ Federation, Provisional Agreement between the Amalgamated Society of Engineers and, (280)
- Failure of Compulsory Arbitration, 14
- Federated Workshops of the Premium Bonus System, Restrictions to the Working in. Removed, (280)
- German Trade Crisis, 498
- Government Dockyards, Petitions for Improved
- Conditions of Work and Higher Wages, (303)
- Industrial Arbitration in New Zealand, 188
- Ironworkers’ Wages, 331
- Joiners in the Wear Shipyards, Wages Reduction, Umpire’s Award, (544)
- Labour Commisssion, Mr. A. Moseley’s, 370
- Labour Department of Board of Trade, Report on State of Employment in October, 496
- Moor Works, Men Thrown out of Employment by Closing of, (355)
- Moseley, Mr. Alfred, His Labour Commission, 370
- New South Wales, Government Return showing Number of Persons Employed in Different Industries in, (454)
- North-East Coast Shipbuilders and Wages Questions, (372) (381), (455). (505)
- North and East Lancashire Statistics, (35)
- Piece-work and the Premium System, 873
- Piece-work Principle, Goods Station Work on the, at Cologne, (372)
- Russian Workmen, Training of, 114
- Scotch Miners, Wages Reduction, (303)
- Sliding Scale, Ending of the, (22)
- Sliding Scale, Sir W. T. Lewis and the, (406), (464)
- Strike, Anthracite, New 'i ork, (431)
- Anthracite Coal, in Pennsylvania, (61), (72)
- Barry, (430)
- in the Britannia Metal Trades, 141
- Llanelly, (382) and Lock-outs in 1901, 256
- and Lock-outs in Germany, 1901, (126)
- Machinists on the UnionPacific Railway, (11)
- Members of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, (85)
- Miners’, The Staveley Coal and Iron Company’s Action, in consequence of, (211), (221)
- Miners’, West Virginia, (263)
- Mond Nickel Company, (280), (303), (316), (430)
- Pit Lads’, 214
- in the United States, The Coal, 351, (353), (360), (456)
- Swansea Valley, Serious Troubles Threatened, (280)
- Taff Vale Case, The, 615
- Tin-plate Workers, American, Proposed Rebate £ in Wages, (233), (245); Reduction Accepted, (456)
- Trade and Education, 114
- Unions Called upon to Support Penrhyn Quarrymen, (420)
- Union Case, an Important, 140
- Union Litigation, more, 448
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Limited, and the Economical Production of Work, (372)
- Wages of Employés of the United States Steel Corporation raised, (11)
- War-office Scheme for Employing Time- expired Soldiers and Men, (565)
- Westinghouse Company and the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, The Friction between the, (600)
- Woolwich Arsenal, Workmen Discharged from, (•280)
- LACKAWANNA Steel and Iron Company, Plant at Buffalo, (99)
- Lackenbury Ironworks,Middlesbrough, Purchased by Sir C. Furness, (222)
- Ladles, 16-Ton Slag, U.S.A., (46)
- Lake Nyassa, Curious Point in Connection with, (162)
- Lake Nyassa, Records of the Levels of, (185)
- Lakes, Wind Effects upon, 250
- Lamps, Safety, Ark’s, (211)
- Lanarkshire, Blackband, (280)
- Lince, Lieut. G. F., Book on the Formation of Miniature Rifle Clubs, (395)
- Late Again, the American Contractor, (496), 499
- Lathe and Boring Machines, Jas. Spencer and Co., 448, 449
- Double Back-geared, Thos. Ryder and Son, 308
- Friction Driven, 549
- Tool-rcom, W. H. Astbury, 502
- Launches and Trial Trips, (11), 48, 68, 99, 148, 198, 223, 244, 269, 317, 380,428, 404, 504, 530, 574, 624
- Lead Pot and Heater for Use with Petroleum, Fletcher, Russell and Co.’s Patent, (337)
- Admiralty Scheme, The, 567
- American Shipping Enterprise, 38
- Arbitration, Compulsory, 259
- Atlantic Steam Shipping Trade, 329
- Atoms, The Sizs of (Mr. II. O. Ridout’s Paper), 522
- Automatic Stokers, 14
- Boilers for the Navy, 38, 63
- Boilers, A Point in the Design of, 282
- Books and Students, 164
- Canadian Railway Expansion, 306
- Coal, President Roosevelt and, 397
- Coal Strike in the United States, 351
- Colonial Markets, 473 (see Too Good, 500)
- Commercial Engineer, The, 422
- Corrupt Works Management, 213
- Cruisers, Mr. Watts’, 498
- Discussion, some Aspects of a (Capt. Long- ridge’s Paper), 522
- Electrical Trade Prospects, 568
- Engineering Discussions, 446
- Engineering as a Livelihood. 236
- Engineering Standards Committee, The, 592
- Engineering Trades, German Metallurgical and, 422
- Engines for Generating Stations, 88
- Failure of Compulsory Arbitration, 11
- Finland’s Industries, 307
- Fly-wheels, Heavy, 568
- Foot-plate, On the, 373
- French Navy, The, 471
- French Ship Design, The Genius of, 259
- French Submersibles, The, 397
- Garden Cities, 163
- German Boiler Industry, 446
- Electrical Combination, 592
- Iron, Export Bounties on, 546
- Metallurgical and Engineering Trades, The, 422
- Trade Crisis, 498
- Glasgow Tramway Engines, 306
- Guns, High Command of, 113
- Heat Balance iD the Gas Engine, 497
- Industrial Arbitration, 188
- Institution of Civil Engineers in Cape Colony, 306
- " Intermediates,” Ships that are either Battle¬ships or Cruisers, 88
- Interpretation of Facte (the Screw Propeller Question), 305
- Liquid Fuel for Steamships, 140
- Liquid Fuel for Warships, 472
- Locomotives for India, 187, 421
- Locomotives, Single, 616
- Locomotives, Suburban, 398
- Motor Car Legislation, 281
- Motor Car Problem, The, 374
- Municipal Enterprise, 830
- Naval Engineering, Experimental, 546
- Naval Gunnery and its Improvement, 281, (353)
- Permanent Way, Repair of, 214
- Piece-work and the Premium System, 373
- Port of London, 187
- Preferentialism, its Scope and its Importance. 87
- Premium System, The, 235
- President R losevelt and Coal, 397
- Progress Profits, 352
- Railway Accidents in the United States, 13, 445
- Railway Economy, 213
- Railway Management, 591
- Re-beaters, 139
- Science of Business, Sir W. Preece on the, 521
- South Africa from an Engineer's Point of View, 64
- Steam Engines for Generating Staticns, 37
- Steel, some Peculiarities of, 471
- Submarine Warfare, 329
- Suburban Traffic, 113
- Taff Vale Case, 615
- Tnrift in Design, 163
- Torpedo, The New, 616
- Trade Union Case, Important, 140
- Trade of the United States, 260
- Transport, 64
- Wagon Question, The, 235
- War Uses of Fast Merchantmen, The, 352
- Warship Building in the United States, 545
- Watts’ Cruisers, 498
- American Enterprise in England, 15
- Aniline Dyes and Technical Education, 65
- Boilers, Navy, 140
- Chemistry in Germany, 331
- Clyde, Improvement of the, 423
- Clyde and the New Cunarders, The, 353, 473
- Clyde Shipbuilding, Six Months', 15
- Coal, 282
- Coal Strike, The American, 375
- Copper, 188, 261
- Cunard Liners. The New, 353, 473, 592
- Does it Pay ? 399
- Electric Tramways, 569
- Electrical Undertakings, 473
- European Customs Tariffs, 236
- Fight for a Principle, A, 140
- Foreigners and the Russian Navy, 188
- French Traffic and the Simplon, 417
- Gun Trade and Education, The, 237
- Increased Exports, 569
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, 547
- Iron Trade, Combination in the, 65
- Ironworkers’ Wages, 331
- Irrigation of South Africa, 114
- Japanese Shipping Subsidies, 15
- Late Again, The American Contractor, 499
- Locomotives for India, 65
- London Tube Railways, 65
- Manchester School of Technology, 374
- Mosely, Mr., His Scheme, 214
- Motor Car for Military Purposes, The, 237
- Municipal Trading, 89
- Ordnance Factory Management, 114
- Pig Iron, 307
- Pit Lads' Strikes, 214
- Railway across Canada, New, 522
- Railway Companies and the Carriage of Petrol, The, 423
- Railways in the East, 89
- Ribble, The River, 65
- Russian Workmen, Training of, 114
- Steel ! What is, 282
- Structural Strength of Torpedo-boat Destroyers, 164
- Trade and Education, 114
- Turbine Propulsion for Ships of Commerce, 164
- Tube Schemes, Collapse of Rival, 399
- Vanxhall Bridge, New, 522
- Westward to the Orient, 569
- LEES, T. R., Machine Tools, (47)
Legal Intelligence:
- Attorney-General v. The Corporation of Bourne¬mouth. 89
- Dublin United Tramways Company, Limited, Fitzgerald re Tramway Track Sanding, 562
- Glamorgan Coal Company and others <•. The South Wales Miners’ Federation and others, 91,140, 145
- Mining Prosecution Case at Aberdare, 172
- Taff Vale Case, The, 615
- LEICESTERSHIRE, Census for, (565)
- Leicester Public Works, Loan and Debt, (544)
- Levelling Staff, Direct Reducing, Mr. C. W. Herdman, 278
Letters to the Editor:
- America for Draughtsmen, Ingenisro, 266
- American Invasion, The, Crossley Bros., Limited, 619
- Battleships, Defenceless, J. F. Crease, 311
- Belleisle, H.M.S., and Steering Gear, J. J., 194
- Boardite Railway Wheels, D., 501
- Boilers for Locomotives, Fred. H. Cridland, 68
- Boilers, Flash, John Johnston, 573; John S. V. Bickford. 585 ; David Smith, 585
- Boiler for Steam Launch, Flash, B. C. and Co., 311
- British Trade and American Methods, J. B., 500
- Cables to the North, Subterranean, Writer of the Articles, 527
- Channel Passenger Service, The, Jas. Casey, 285
- Coals and Strikes, W., 425
- Collinge Carriage Axle, Chas. T. Crowden, 500 ; Fifth Wheel, 477 ; R. B. P., 573
- Cycles for South Africa, D. Leechman, 43
- Decline of the British Engineer, S. A. H., 241, 285
- Derailment of Trains, Bull Head, 241; John Riekie, 810; J. R. A. D., 527
- Diesel Engine, H. Ade Clark, 585
- Dinner to Mr. Brown, R. O. Wynne-Roberts, 442
- Dust Destructors, Jas. B. Alliott, 285
- Electric Omnibuses, R. E. Crompton, 43
- Electric Power Plant, Motodrive, 194; Geo. T. Pardoe, 218
- Electric Railways, Single-phase, Geipel and Lange, 573 ; J. W. Hall, 619
- Electric <•. Steam Traction, Correspondent, 265
- Electric r. Steam Traction, and Train Resist¬ance, United States Railways. 218
- Engine, Two-cycle Internal Combustion, F. Lister, 527
- Engineering .-Eithetics, M. Inst. Mecb. E., 500; J. Sinclair Fairfax, 477, 500 ; Sidney Wat¬son, 550
- Engineering as a Profession, J. H. K., 311 Engineers in the Navy, Chas. Clarke, 144 English and American Machinery, C. T. Sutton, 144
- English Methods, Geo. Peak and Co., Limited, John Kendal), 477
- Force of the Sea. Frank Latham, 550
- Free Trade and Protection, Cobdenite, 68
- Friction Driving for Heavy Machine Tools, J. M. Barnay, 549
- Funnels in Warships, Protection of, F. Strick¬land, 43
- Garden Cities, J. E. Stevenson, 218, 285
- Garden City Project, The, Evacustes A. Phip- son, 241
- German v. English Steel, H. J. Skelton, 43
- Glasgow Tramway Engines, B. J., 333
- Gordon Bennett Motor Car Race, S. F. Edge, 93
- Heat Balance in the Gas Engine, Geo. C. Cooper, 442, (465); B. T. U., 376, 425 ; D. H. D., 425; H. E. Wimperis, 354, 404
- Heavy Cut, A, Dean, Smith and Grace, Limited, 144
- Hydraulic Engineer, Cape Town, Jos. Newey, 477
- Hysteresis Tester, Standards in Ewing’s, J. H. Ewing, 194
- Induced Air Currents, C. A. 549
- Industrial Association, The National, T. Nicol Jenkin, 619 j
- Injection Water Pump3, Geo. Fletcher and Co. (pro C. T. Clackson), 43 j
- Liqu’d Fuel for Warships, Edwin N. Henwood,
- Liquid Fuel for Yachts, J. S. V. Bickford, 376 ; r Edwin N. Henwood, 476
- Location of a Circular Curve, Luis Julio Blanco, r 241
- Locomotives for Canada, W. B. Thompson, 477
- Locomotives for India (for J. Birch and Co., Limited), J. W. Bennett, 285 ; Briton, 442 ; Locomotive Manufacturer, 311 ; Arthur M. Terry, 311
- Locomotive Wheels, Crescent-shaped, Balances of, J. Parry, 619
- L. and N.W.R. Co.’s Engine CbarleB Dickens, No. 955, 218
- Malleable Castings, C. W., 501
- Mineral Oil in Boilers, Perry F. Nursey, 194; Thos. Weir, 241 1
- Motor Car Legislation, Alfred J. Allen, 310 ; J. S. V. Bickford, 310 ; R. E. Crompton, 477, 501, 527, 573 ; M. D., 333 ; Norman D. Mac¬donald, 501 573 ; P. M., 527 ; Peter Oil, 333 ; A. Terret, 527, 585
- Monkey or Ram ? C. J. Appleby, 333 ; J. D., 311 ; Perry F. Nursey, 285, 333; S. J. P. Thearle, 311
- Naval Engineers, Engineer, 311
- Packing Machinery for Export, Beta, 68
- Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, Edw. Evans and Co., 266 ; Provincial Patent Agent, 425
- Patents, International Protection of, Concerned, 403
- Patent Law Amendment, J. W. G., 68
- Perry, Professor, His Address, Beechwood, 527 ; R. E. Crompton, 585
- Petrol Engines for Tramways, N. D. Mac¬donald, 68
- Petroleum for Boilers, Thomas Weir, 241
- Pig Iron Corner, Charging Bel), 425; W. H., 376 ; Midlands, 403
- Propeller Efficiency, John Batey, 376
- Rail Ring Tractor, Chas. T. Crowden, 442
- Railway Accidents in the United States, H. B. Ferguson, 550 ; H. Raynar Wilson, 217
- Railway Companies and Owners’ Risk, The, Ironfounder, 333
- Re-beaters, American Engineer, 241 ; J. A. Ewing, 285; Albert Cnas. Pain, 241; John Riekie, 194, 241
- Resistance of Immersed Bodies, C. C. Mason, 573
- Scale Prevention and Steam Jackets, Beech¬wood, 241
- Screw Propulsion, J. Batey, 476
- Sowage Treatment, Natural and Artificial, Alf. S. Jones, 620
- Soo Canal, The, S. S. M., 500
- Steam, R. H. Martin, 43, 144 ; B. T. U., 93
- Steam Engines for Generating Stations, S. Z. de Ferranti, 68
- Steam Generator for Locomotive Service, C. H. Fox, 626
- Steam Ploughirg in South Africa, Alexander Dalrymple, 93; Jas. Robinson, 144
- Steamship Propulsion, Robt. Manse), 194
- Steering Gear, Rudder, 144
- Steering Gear, H.M.S. Belleisle and, J. J., 194
- Subterranean Cables to the North, G. Nisbett, 500; G. Sutton, 500
- Too Good, Geo. T. Pardoe, 500
- Travel in Air, J. D. Fullerton, 93
- United States Steel Trust, Ferro Caril, 310
- University College in the University of London, Incorporation of, R9ay, Brassey, and Rich. Farrant, 477
- Valve Diagram, Reuleanx, W. Keith Beard, 403
- Valve Gear of Locomotive Engines, John Riekie, 68
- Wagon Qaestion, The, J. D. Twinberrow, 266
- Warning to Manufacturers, Patents. 311
- Water Supply, Water Engineer, 442
- Well Boring in South Africa, R. E. Crompton, 573
- Wellington-street Viaduct, The, Ernest Bene¬dict, 527
- Welsh Coal Contracts, Wm. Beal and Co., 573
- Workshop Management, Pattern-shop, 68
Letters from our own Correspon¬dents:
- America, Engineering Notes from, 46, 148, 170, 210, 2667338, 454, 621
- America, Notes from, 22. 72, 99, 151, 199, 223, 245, 268, 291, 316, 361, 382, 406, 431, 456, 483, 532, 554, 576, 602
- Australia, Notes from, 198, 288, 317, 454, 622
- England, North of, 21, 47, 71, 98, 121, 149, 171, 197, 221, 244, 267, 289, 315, 337, 359, 381, 405, 429, 455, 481, 505, 531, 553, 575, 601, 623
- Germany, 19, 49, 72, 98, 122, 151, 172, 198, 222, 245, 268, 290, 316, 338, 360, 382, 407, 430, 457, 482, 506, 532, 554, 602, 624
- Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birming¬ham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 21, 47, 70, 97, 121, 148, 170, 196, 220, 243, 266, 288, 314, 336, 358, 380, 405, 428, 454, 480, 504, 530, 552, 574, 600, 623
- Lancashire, 21. 47, 70, 97, 121, 149, 170, 196,
- 243, 267, 289, 314, 336, 358, 380, 405, 428, 454, 480, 504, 530, 552, 574, 600, 623
- Newport Harbour Commissioners’ Weekly Trade Reports. 22, 48, 72. 122, 151, 170, 198, 222, 268, 290, 316, 338, 360, 382, 406, 430, 456, 482, 506. 532, 554, 576, 602
- Scotland, 22, 48, 71, 98, 122, 150, 171, 197,
- 244, 268, 290, 315, 337, 360, 381, 406 430, 455, 482, 505, 531, 553, 575, 601, 624
- Sheffield, 21, 47, 71, 97, 121, 149, 171, 197, 221, 243, 267, 289, 337. 359, 381, 405, 429 455, 481, 505, 531, 553, 575, 601
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 22, 48, 72, 98, 122, 150, 172, 198, 222, 244, 268, 290, 316, 338, 360, 381, 406, 430, 455, 482, 506, 531, 553, 576, 601
- LIGHT, Velocity of, Experiments at the Nice Observatory to Re-determine, (589)
- Lighthouse, The Bell Rock, 159
- Lighthouse Towers, United States, Strengthen¬ing, (266)
- Lighting—see Electric Light and Gas
- Lignite in Germany, Power from, 229
- Lignolite, A New Material for Flooring, (581)
- Liquid Air, M. Geo. Claude’s Production of, (496)
- Air, Density of, (111)
- Air, Machine for Production of, (85)
- Fuel for Warships, 472, 476 for Steamships, 104, 140
- for Steamships, Mr. E. L. Orde on, 104 for Yachts, 376
- Imported into Ceylon, Regulations Respecting, (262)
Literature :
- N.B.—Figures in brackets refer to Books Received and Short Notices.
- Accountants’ Library, Vol. xiv., Engineers’ and Shipbuilders’ Accounts, Francis G. Burton, (528)
- Aerial Navigation, Practical Hand-book on the Construction of Dirigible Balloons, Aë.-ostats, Aeroplanes, Aëromotors, Fred Walker, (189)
- Aerial Navigation, Travels in Space, A History of, E. Seton Valentine and F. L. Tomlinson, with an Introduction by Sir Hiram Maxim, (288)
- Aero dynamics, Experiments in, S. P. Langley, (288)
- Aids to the Analysis and Assay of Ores, Metals, Faels, &c., J. Jas. Morgan, (417)
- Alternating-current Machines, being the Second Vol. of Dynamo Electric Machinery, S. Shel¬don and S. Mason, (39)
- American Industrial Conditions and Competi¬tion, Edited by J. Stephen Jeans, (39)
- American Invasion, The, Sir Christopher Fur¬ness, (39)
- American Invaders, The, F. A. Mackenzie, (189)
- Arbitration, Redress by. H. Foulks Lynch, (528)
- Arts and Handicrafts, Useful, Planned by Chas. G. Leland, (569)
- Automobile, its Construction and Management, Translated from Gérard Lavergne’s Manuel Ttéoretique et Pratique de 1’Automobile sur Route, (256), 399
- Bank of England, Story of the, Henry Warren, (547)
- Beige Récueil des Travaux Techniques du Génie de l’Arméa, (256)
- Belgique Annales des Travaux Publics de Cin- quante-Neuvième Armée, Deuxiëme Série, Tome vii., (417)
- Builders Prices, How to Estimate, John T. Rea, (547)
- Business Encyclopedia and Legal Adviser, W. S. M. Knight, (189), (569)
- Chauffeur Mecanicien et du Propriétaire d’Ap- pareils a Vapour, Manuel du, H. Matthieu, 39
- Cbimique Minérale, La Grand Industrie, E. Sorel, (39)
- Circular Slide Rule, G. L. S nitb, (84)
- Coal Cutting by Machinery in America, A. S. E. Ackermann, (288)
- Coalfields of Scotland, R. W. Dron, (417)
- Collieries, Digest of Statutory Laws relating to the Management and Rating of, H. B. Hans Hamilton and Urquhart A. Forbes, (189)
- Country Gentlemen’s Estate Book, 1902, Edited by Wm. Broomhall, (39)
- Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold and its Practical Application on the Witwaters- rand Goldfield and Elsewhere, M. Eissler, (288)
- Dampfkessel Die, Lehr und Handbuch, F. Tetzner, (400)
- Diagrams of Mean Velocity of Uniform Motion of Water in Open Channels, Based on the Formula of Ganguillet and Kutter, Irving P. Church, (39)
- Differential Calculus for Beginners, Alf. Lodge, (331)
- Directory of Railway Officials, 1902, Universal, (189)
- Doubly in Crown Service : Life Story of Colin Watson, by K. T. Watson, (141)
- Drawing, Manual of, C. E. Coolidge, (547)
- Durham College of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne,
- Calendar, Session 1902-1903, (288)
- Electric Traction, Six Lectures Delivered n March, 1902, J. W. Mears, (288)
- Electric Wiring : Primer for the Use of Wire- mon and Students, W. C. ClintoD, (111)
- Electrical Catechism : 533
- Plain Answers to 533
- Practical Questions about Electrical Appa¬ratus, Compiled from Po<rer, (141)
- Electrical Engineering, Elements of, Tyson Sowell, (331), (399) ’
- Electrical Installations of Electric Light, Power Traction, and Industrial Electrical Machinery, Rankin Kennedy, (288)
- Electrical and Magnetic Calculations, A, A. Atkinson, (238)
- Electrical Motor Installations: Hook for Factory Owners, F. J. A. Matthews, (399)
- Electro-chemistry, Text-book of, Svante Arrhenius, (256)
- Electro-mechanische Konstructions Eleniente, Skizzen beransgegeben von Dr. G. K'iugen- berg,(399)
- Electro-plating and Electro refining of Metals, New Edition of A. Watt’s “ Electro-deposi¬tion, ’ revised by Arnold Philip, (331), (399)
- Encyclopedia Britannica, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth of the New, 39, 84, 166, 375, 417
- Engineers’ Electrical Pocket-book for 1903, Practical, (547)
- Engines, Modern Gas and Oil, by Fred. Grover, (84)
- Englishwoman's Year-Book and Directory, 1903, Emily Janes, (611)
- Excavations and Embankments, Tables for Calculating the Cubic Contents of, John R. Hudson, (288)
- Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institu¬tion of Civil Engineers, Vols. 47 and 48, Parts I. and IL, (166)
- Factory Accounts: Their Principles and Practice, Hand-book for Accountants and Manufacturers, Emile Garcke and J. M. Fells, (501)
- Finsbury Technical Manuals, Gas and Petroleum Engines, Manual for Students and Engineers, Wm. Robinson, (473)
- Fire Brigade, The Decay of London’s, A Plea for Public Safety, by Phoenix, (375)
- Fowler’s Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-book for 1903, (447)
- French Commercial Correspondence, 283
- Galvanic Batteries, G. R. Bottone, (331), (399)
- Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines, Up-to-date Book on Explosive, Motor Power for Stationary, Marine, and Vehicle Motor Power, Gardner D. Hiscox, (547)
- Gas and Water by Companies and Local Autho¬rities, Acts Relating to Supply of, Compiled by J. Reeson, (400)
- Gasworks Directory and Statistics, 1S023, (447) Geometry, Foundations of, David Hilbert, Translation by E. J. Townsend, (288)
- Garman, Commercial, Gustav Hein and Michel Becker, (399)
- Gold Mining, Practical, Tts Commercial Aspects, Wm. S. Welton. (400)
- Great Eastern Railway Company's Tourist Guide to the Continent, Edited by Percy Lindley, (166)
- Hard Woods, West Australian, and their Use for Street Paving, Engineering, and other Purposes, Hon. H. Bruce Lefrcy, (84)
- Heating and Ventilating Buildings, Kolla C. Carpenter, (447)
- Heavy Goods Transport on Common Roads, Bramah J. Diplock, (417)
- Hydraulic Mining, Part III., Revised and Enlarged, Capt. C. C. Longridge, (166)
- Ingenieurs Taschenbuch, harausregebon vom Akademiscben Verein Hii’.te (473)
- Institution of Junior Engineers, Record of Transactions, Vol. xi., Edited by W. T. Dunn, (84)
- Institution of Naval Architects, Transactions of, Vol. xliv., Edited by R. W. Dana, (331)
- Iron Foundry Practice, Modern, Part I., Foundry Equipment, Materials Used, and Procetses Followed, Gao. Bale, (258)
- Lead Smelting, Malvern Wells Isles, (528)
- Light Railway Construction, R. M. Parkinson, (331)
- Liverpool Engineering Society, Transactions of, Vol. xxiii., Edited by R. C. F. Annett, (375)
- London’s Fire Brigade, Decay of, Pcoeaix, (375), (547)
- Machine Design, E ements of, Part II , W. C. Unwin, (331)
- Machines, Materials of, Albert W. Smith, ('288) Maps: Their Use and Construction, G. Jas. Morrison, (547)
- Mathematics, First Stage, Edited by Wm. Briggs, (84)
- Mathematics (Higher) for Students of Chemistry and Physics, with Special Reference to Prac¬tical Work, J. W. Mellor, (84)
- “ Mechanical World ” Pocket Diary and Year¬book for 1903, (417)
- Mechanics, Elementary Applied, T. Alexander, 611
- Mechanics, Elementary Manual on Applied, Andrew Jamieson, (501)
- Mechanics of Engineering, Vol. II., A. Jay Dubois, (39), 166
- Mechanical. Theoretical, Applied, and Experi¬mental, W. W. F. Pullen, (417)
- Mensuration, Elementary, Plane, end Solid, R. W. K. Edwards, (417)
- Metalliferous Mines, Machinery for, Practical Treat’s n for Mining Engineers, Metallurgists, and Managers of Mines, E. H. Davies, (288)
- Metallography : Introduction to the Study of the Structures of Metals, chielly by the Aid of the Microscope, Arthur II. Hiorns, (288)
- Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, Outline of the, A. H. Sexton, (331) .
- Mineralogy: Introduction to the Scientific Study of Minerals, Henry A. Miers, (528)
- Mines, Report of tbo Bureau of, Toronto, (331)
- Mining Manual for 1892, Walter R. Skinner, (189)
- Motor Cars and the Application of Mechanical Power to Road Vehicles, Rhys Jenkins, (528)
- Motor Cycles and How to Manage Them, A. J. Wilson, (39) .
- Municipal Engineering and Sanitation, M. N. Baker, (141)
- Municipal Year-book, 1902, Edited by M. N. Baker, (166)
- Naval Architects’ and Shipbuilders' Pocket¬book of Formulas, Rules, and Tables, and Marine Engineers' and Surveyors' Hand-book of Reference, Clement Mackrow, (288)
- Navigation sous Marino ?i Travers les Siècles, Lieut, de Vaissean Maurice Delpeuch, 283
- Newport Chamber of Commerce, Incorporated, Report of the Executive Committee for 1901,
- P» ie Assanierung von. Bearbeitet von Dr. T. Weyl, 581
- Pattern Drawing and Design, John Carroll, (81)
- Photography, The Watkins Manual of Exposure and Development, A. Watkins, (39)
- Physics, Text-book of, Properties of Matter, J. II. Poynting and J. J. Thomson, (417) 509
- Pont-y-Pridd, History of, being an Investiga¬tion of the Stability of the Arch, W. Bulke'ey Coventry, (189)
- Post-office London Directory for 1903, (611)
- Power Gas Plant, Alf. Wilson, (399)
- Pumps, Notes on the Construction and Working of, E. C. R. Marks, (39)
- Rérines, 1'Industrie des, Elmond Roba té (288)
- Ritle Clubs, Working Men's, Lieut.-General F. Lance on, (395)
- Roofs and Bridges, Text-book on, Part III., Mansfield Merrimanand H. S. Jacoby, 283
- Round the Harn Before the Mast, A. Basil Lubbock, (611)
- Boyal Navy List, No. 100, (417)
- Ruesias, All the, Henry Norman, 84
- Schiffsmascbinen und Kessel, Berechnnng u. Konstrukticn der, von Dr. G. Bauer, (417)
- Seamanship, Manual of Elementary, D. Wilson Barker, (501)
- Sewage Treatment. Natural and Artificial, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Jones and H. A. Roechling, 581
- Ships, All the World's Fighting (Fifth Year), F. T. Jane, (84)
- Siberian Railway, Guide to the Great, Eogl's'i Translation, by Miss Kukol-Yasnopolsky, 84
- Siderology : The Science of Iren, Vol. I., The Constitution of Iron and Slags, Hanns Freiherr von Juptner (84), 189
- Smithsonian Institution, Annals of the Astro- physical Observatory of the, VoL I., S. P. Langley, (611)
- Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 1259, (331)
- Steam Engines, Stationary, Their Care and Management, Practical Hand-book for Men in Charge, Chas. Hurst, (547)
- Steam Heating and Ventilation, W. S. Monroe, (39)
- Steam and the Steam Engine, Andrew Jamie¬son, (501)
- Steam Turbine, The, Robt. M. Neilson, (166)
- Steel Works Materials, Analysis of, H. Brearley and F. Ibbotson, (331), 547
- Street Railway Engineers, Hand-book for, H. B. Andrews, (39)
- Submarine Warfare—Past, Present, and Future, Herbart C. Fyfe, (84), 141
- Surveying, as Practised by Civil Engineers and Surveyors, John Whitelaw, jun., (375)
- Surveying, Treatise on, Compiled by R. E Middleton, O. Chadwick, J. du T. Bogle, Part II., (331), 473
- Tables for Obtainining Horizontal Distances and Differences of Level from Stadia Read¬ings, Computed by Alf. Noble and W. T. Casgrain, (141)
- University College, Bristol, Calendar for the Session 1902-1903, (288)
- Wiirmekraft maschinen, Grundlagon der Theorie und des Baues der, von Alf. Musil; Zugleich Autorisirte Deutsche Ansgabe des Werken, The Steam and other Heat Engines, J. A. Ewing, (189)
- Waterworks Law as Applied to Small Under¬takings, Percy Griffith, (84)
- Wechselstromtechnik, Herausgegebsn von E. Arnold ; Erster Band Theorie der Wechsel- strome und Transformatoren, J. L. la Cour, (400)
- Who's Who ? 1903, Annual Biographical Dictionary, Edited by A. and C. Black, (611)
- “ Work," Illustrated Weekly Journal for Me¬chanics, Vol. xxiii., (331)
- Year-book of the Scientific and Learned Socie¬ties of Great Britain and Ireland, Edited by Chas. Griffin and Co., Limited, (547)
- LLOYD and Lloyd, Limited, with A. and J. Stewart and Metzies, Limited, Amalgamation of, (544)
- Loans for all Local Authorities, Outstanding, (544)
- Local Government Board's Blue-book, Outstand¬ing Loans according to, (544)
- Locomotives—see Railway Locomotives
- Log Frame, Centre-driven, Messrs. John Pickles and Son, 146
- London Bridge— sec Bridges
- London County Council Fire Brigade, Petrol Tractors for, (544)
- London County Council’s Scheme for the Pur¬chase of Site ia the Adelphi. (395)
- London County Council and Underground Rail¬ways, (468)
- London, Trade of, Chairman of the London and India Docks on, (395)
- Loom, Northrop Automatic. (257), (443)
- Lubricators, Sight-feed, Ilartcliffe, Lee and Malkin, (221)
Machine Tools:
- Bar Sawing-off Machine, Messrs. Carter and Wright, 90
- Belfort, 4, 54, 55, 104
- Boring and Planing Machine. Horizontal, Messrs. Ward, Haggas and Smith, 168
- C‘>pper Stay-making Machines, Alf. Herbert, Limited, 9
- Clioker-crushiDg Machine, T. R. Lees, (47)
- Drilling Machines, Double-geared, with Tap¬ping Arrangement and Balanced Slide, T. R. Lees, (47)
- Friction Driving for Heavy, 549
- Heavy Grinding Machine, Landis Tool Company, 426
- Lathe and Boring Machines, Jas. Spence and Co., 448, 449
- Lathe, Tool-room, W. II. Astbury, 502
- Log Saw Frame, Centre-driven, Messrs. John Pickles and Son, 146
- Planing Machine, Messrs. C. Radman and Co., 146
- Planing Machine. Horizontal, Boring, and, Messrs. Ward, Ilaggas and Smith, 168
- Planing Macbiae, with Swivelling Cross Slide, Hnlse and Co., Limited, 238
- Riil Drilling Machine, Niles Tool Works Com¬pany, 312
- Universal, 42
- MACHINERY, English and American, 144
- Machinery Exports for September, Board of Trade Returns, (372)
- Machinery, Increased German Customs Dues on, 131
- Machinery at Work, Apparatus for Bringing to a Stand, (328)
- Machines Imported into Germany, Proportions Purchased from United Kingdom, United States, &j., (85)
- Macpbenoi, Mr. A. S.. (328)
- Magnetic Tee Square. (465)
- Malleable Castings, 501
- Manchester, Bacteriological Sewage Works, (282)
- Manchester School of Technology, 374, (552)
- Manganese Ores Imported into United State', 1900-1901, (162)
- Manganese, Production of, 196
- Manufacturing Plant, New, U.S.A., (622)
- Maps, East African Railways, 492
- Glasgow’s Man Drainage and Sewage Treatment, 324
- The Waterways of Germany, 129
- Marseilles as a Traffic Centre, Importance of, and Trade of, (111)
- Martel), Benjamin, 60
- Martell Scholarship in Naval Architecture Awarded to Mr. L. Woollard, (211)
- Mechanical Boiler Draught. Modern Production of, Mr. W. L. Sutcliffe, (530)
- Mechanical Phenomena of the Electric Discharge, M. Jules Semenow on. (185)
- Mechanical Stoker, The Hodgkinson, 598
- Meldrum Bros., Limited, New Works, (267)
- Melting Point of Quartz, Granite, &c., (328)
- Mercury in South Russia. (185)
- Metal Mixer, Large, (530)
- Metallic Packing, Redford’s Patent, (243)
- Metallurgical Trust, Russian, 493
- Meteorological Science, Parliamentary Grant to Committee to Inquire into Its Administration, (589)
- Mexican Roads, Repair of, (185)
- Mica, California, (382)
- Mica, Sheet, Total Production of, in United States, (162)
- Mill, New American Billet, 550
- Mill, Steel Cone Paint, Messrs. Follows and Bate, 528
- Milling Cutters, Mr. S. N. Brayshaw on, 429
- Mine Timber against Rot, Experiments with Preservatives of, (420)
- Mine Ventilator Fan, 145
- Mineral Oil in Boilers, 194, 241
- Mineral Production in India, (565)
- Miners’ Phthisis, 375
- Mines, School of, Reported Foundation of, in China, (420)
- Mining in Columbia, Rapid Growth of (233)
- Congress at Butte, Montana, (185)
- in Cuba, (233)
- at the Düsseldorf Exhibition, 75,154, 176, 202
- Mombasa, 491 1
- Monkey or Ram '285, 311, 333
- More Haste less Speed, (456)
- Mosely, Mr., His Scheme, 214
- Motors, Optical Method of Observing Synchron¬ism in the Speed of Two, (111)
Motor Vehicles:
- Accident to M. Deutsch, (137)
- Adjustable Steering Columns for, (544)
- Alcohol Motor Algrin, (614)
- Autocar, Mr. Balfour on an, and the Policeman on a Cycle, (85)
- Autocars for Gorman East Africa, (61)
- Automobile Club of England, Annual Run, (443), ] (469); Awards, (353); Damage Done to Roads by Automobiles, (257), (303); Prizo Offered for Invention to Prevent Side Slip, (443); Total Value of Cars Entered lor Trial, (280) ; Trials, 228,325; Journal on the Position of Automobilism in 1920, (303) Club of France, Exhibition of, (443)
- for Japanese Mail Service, (217)
- Journey through European and
- Asiatic Russia, Herr A. Kirch- j hoi’s, (11)
- Laws, Massachusetts, (61)
- in Marseilles, Number of, (328)
- Number of Permits Granted in Paris for Driving, (61)
- Service between Dunkirk and Ostend, (469)
- Show, New York, (355)
- Brightmcre Steam Lorry, The, 129, 130, 131
- Buenos Ayres, Use of, in, (355)
- Cars on the Canadian Pacific, (185)
- Davel< parents io France, 587
- for his Msjesty’s Mai. 8, (233)
- for Military Purposes, 237 .
- Problem, 374
- with Rollers io Place of Wheels for Polar Expedition, (328)
- Works, Some, 569, 512, 520
- Collinge Carriage Axles, 477, 500
- Cyclist Summoned, and Summons Dismissed in Default of Legal Evidence, (443)
- Damage Done to Roids by, (257), (303)
- Danish Legislation, (519)
- Delivery Vans, Trial of, (614)
- Driver Fined, Carlisle, (469)
- Driver Fined for Furious Driving, (269)
- Electric, in America, (420)
- Engines for, Mr. F. G. Heseldiu on Internal Combustion, (541)
France, Taxes Paid on, in 1901, (355)
- French Industrial Cars, 536, 543. 560
- French, Working Cost of some Heavy, (85)
- Gordon Bennett Motor Car Race, 29, 93
- Hamburg, International Exhibition of, (85)
- Imports and Exports of, for October, (519)
- Industrial, in France, 536, 543, 560
- Jenatzy’s 100 Horse-power Car, Ingenious Device used on, (544)
- Legislation, 281, 310, 333. 374, (420), 485, 501, 519, 527, (565), (573). (574), 585
- Legislation, Danish, (519)
- Lister Engine, 527
- Lorry. Steam-driven, Dr. A. W. Brightmore's Designs, 129, 130, 131
- Mail Service in Ceylon, (35)
- Massachusetts. Laws, (61)
- Maudslay 20 Horse-power Car Ordered by Mr F. W. Webb, (355)
- Merc ides Car (Illustrated), 36
- Morocco, The Sultan of, and, (3C0)
- Mors Racing Car (Illustrated), 29
- Napier Car (Illustrated), 36
- Number in Johannesburg, (519)
- Oil, for Farmers, 239
- Oil Motor Cars of 1902, Capt. C. C. Longridge, 402, 403, 427, 436, 453, 478, 503, 515, 522, 526, 551
- Omnibuses for London, (544)
- Panhard Car (Illustrated), 36
- Pari’, Number of, (61)
- Paris Show, 587
- Paris-Vienna Motor Car Race, 28, 36, 75, 93
- Petrol Motor Cars, Patent Carburetter for, (61)
- Petrol Tractor for the London County Counc Fire Brigade, (544)
- Prize Offered for a Device to Enable Paraffin Fuel to be used on Existing Petrol Care, (420)
- Problem, The, 374
- Rail RiDg Tractor, 442
- Record Run of a Steam-propelled Carriage Built by a Harvard Student, (280)
- Registered Numbers for, (565)
- Registration of, 39
- Renault Voiturette (Illustrated), 36
- Road Resistance Dynamometer, 278
- Road Resistance Recorder, 277
- Serpollet Steam Racing Car (Illustrated), 29
- Side-slip Difficulty, Solution Discovered, (589)
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, (255)
- Special Highway for, between Ostend and Paris, Projected, (355)
- Speed Indicator for, (355)
- Speed Records Made by, (211)
- Speed Regulations, Necessity for Authorised Printed Copies of, (443)
- Steel Tracks for, in New York, (162)
- Thornycroft Motor Wagon Works, 509, 512, 520
- Tiras for, 90
- Tires for, Result of Tests for, Carried Out in America, (420)
- Toledo Car, The Latest Type of, (496)
- Tractor for Agricultural Purposes, Mr. Albone, 239
- Tractors for Military Purposes, Competition for, (257)
- Two-cycle Internal Combustion Engine, The L:8ter, 527
- Use and Speed of, Mr. Geo. W. Blackburn, 358
- Verb, “To Automobile," (303)
- Wage ns, Question of Raising the Tare Limit of, (496)
- Wagons Wanted in South Africa, (11)
- White Steam Car, The, (257)
- MUNICIPAL Trading, 89
- Municipal Rates, Coventry, (395)
- Municipal Enterprise, 330
- Municipal Trading, Discussion on, (519;
- NAGASAKI, The Mitsn Bishi Dockyard and Engine Works at, (280)
- Nagasaki, Waterworks of, (280)
- Nagasaki, Value of Foreign Trade of. (280)
- Naphtha, Export of Russian, Tank Wagons with Interchangeable Axles, (496)
- Nautical Training School at Portishead, Scheme for, (328)
- Naval Congress, Ninth International, 6, 40, 52, 80, 103
- Engineer Appointments, 6, 72, 100, 143, 166, 244, 339, 375, 406, 457, 487, 528, 574, 588, 624
- Engineer Officers, 70
- Gunnery and its Improvement, 281
- Matters—sec Shipping News and Ships Newcombe, Mr. Wm. Lister, (443)
- New Zealand, Failure of Compulsory Arbitration, 14
- Nickel Industry in the United States, The, (11)
- Nile Flood this Year, Probably the Lowest ever Known, (137)
- Nitrate Works in Chili, (137)
- Nivens, Mr. Thoe., 218
- Noisy Work after Nightfal', A Philadelphia Court's Decision Respecting, (162)
- Northrop Automatic Loom, Practical Tost of. (443)
Obituary :
- Abel, Sir Fred., 255
- Allison, Mr. Henry, (48)
- Ayris, Mr. John. 476
- Barlow, Mr. W. H., (519)
- Barrow, Mr. James, (328). (338)
- Beloe, Mr. Chas. Henry, 189
- Branfoot, Mr. Wm., (505)
- Brotherhood, Mr. Peter, 375
- Clapham, Mr. Wm., (289)
- Dunn, Mr. Ralph, (98)
- Faviell, Mr. W. F., (35), 66
- Fell, Mr. John Barraclough, 9
- Fleming, Mr. Thos., (527)
- Gibson, Mr. David, (571)
- Gillman, Mr. Henry, (576)
- Gilman, Mr. C. C., (137)
- Gilpin, Mr. Bernard, 428
- Hague, Mr. Ernest, (570)
- Hamilton, Mr. Robt., (532)
- Hood, Mr. Archibald, 417
- Hickman, Mr. A. W., (220),(233)
- Imray, Mr. John, 417
- Jennings, Mr. James, (268)
- Krupp, Friedrich Alfred, 514, 541
- Macpherson, Mr. Alexander Sinclair, (328)
- Mallalieu, Mr. Henry, (22)
- Martell, Mr. Benjamin, 60
- Newcombe, Mr. Wm. Lister, (443)
- Nivens, Mr. Thos., 218
- Oates, Mr. Sam., (68)
- Palmer, Mr. Edward, (221)
- Parker, Henry Albert, 166
- Pearson, Mr. Joseph H., Value of his Estate, (121)
- Pilkington, Mr. Jas., (395)
- Platt, Mr. Sam., (268)
- Purkess, Mr. Jas., (589)
- Rees, Mr., (382)
- Randel, Mr. Hamilton, 307
- Richardson, Mr. Joseph, (337)
- Roberts-Austen, Sir Wm. Chandler, 514
- Short, Mr. Sydney Howe, 417
- Simons, Mr. Wm., 417
- Smith, Mr. Thos., (315)
- Steel, Mr. Frank, (280)
- Swiss Railway King. Guyer-Zeller, (496)
- Townsend, Mr. J. E., (531)
- Walker, Ebenezer, (242)
- Watts, Mr. E. H., (72)
- Weitzer, Mr. John (the Styrian Ironmaster), (407)
- Whitworth, Mr. A H.. (233)
- Wrey, Mr. G. B. S., (280)
- OBSERVATORIES, Ben Nevis and Fort William, (519)
- Oil and Coal as Fuel, Relative Cost of, (137)
- Cotton Seed, (504)
- Dust Laying with, (233), (328) (420)
- Oil Field, Tne Beaumont, U.S.A., (589)
- Fuel for Naval Purposes Cannot Compete with Coal, (420)
- Fue1 on the Pacific Coast, Effect on the Coal Trade of British Columbia, of Increasing Use of, (233),
- Fuel for Tea Drying, Experiments in Ceylon, (565)
- Fuel in Warships, 486
- Fuel Testing House, The United States Nava), 619
- Fuel, United States Navy, (137), 472, 476, 619
- Imports of, into the United Kingdom, (185)
- Industry, The Echigo, (233)
- in Mexico, (323)
- Wells, Texas, (233)
- Orange River Colony, Total Value of Exports from, 1901, 1902), (162)
- Ordnance:
- Belgian Guns Marked with English Names, (565)
- Factory Management, 114
- Gun Carriage, 12in. Disappearing. Tested at the Midvale Steel Works, United States, (496)
- High Command of, 113
- Increase in the Energy of, (519)
- Painted in the Three Primary Colours, (353), (355)
- Quick-firing, New Type adopted by Bel¬gium, (565)
- Sights, Dr. Common’s, Captain P. Scott on, (519)
- Trade Meeting, Birmingham, (565)
- Pneumatic, at Sandy Hook, Costly Instal¬lation of, Abandoned, (111)
- Survey, Progress of the, 238
- ORES, by Oil, Concentration of, 216
- Shipments from Minnesota, (589)
- in Sight, Mr. J. D. Kendall, 338
- Sizing Apparatus, 552
- Ottawa, Ontario, Trade and Navigation Repoit, (589)
- Ottawa River, Horse-power of the, (162)
- Oxide of Copper and Nickel, Resistance to Action of Sea Water and Air of, (211)
- PACKING Machinery for Export, 68
- Page’s Magazine, (20)
- Paint Mill, Steel Cone, Messrs. Follows and Bate, 528
- Palmer, Mr. Edward, (221)
- Parcel Post Service, Important Extension, (207)
- Parker, Henry Albert, 166
- Patents, American Statistics, (85)
- Designs, and Trade Marks, 266, 425
- Disputes in Germany, Petition for a
- Competent Authority to Settle, (111)
- Granted in Germany, Statistics of, (85)
- International Protection of, 369, 403
- Law Amendment, 68
- Law Amendment Bill, 1902, 228
- Law, A Question of, 593
- Law Reform, 25
- Office, The, (606)
- Office, Assistant Examiners in the, Open Competitive Examinations, (614)
- Office, The Indian, Number of Applica¬tions for Protection Lodged at, 1901, (61)
- Office Library, Sectional Catalogues of Works of Reference, (355)
Patents, Selected American :
- Air Compressor and Cooler, A. P. Ostergren, 246
- Alarm for Automatic Tanks, Audible Low-water, G. E. Whitney, 556
- Anchor, J. Eynon, 318
- Blast Furnaces, Apparatus for Controlling Iron in, L. Lincoln, 74
- Boiler, C. F. Lape, 318
- R. L. Morgan, 50
- Locomotive, C. W. Newton, 152
- Steam, Keeler and Fildes, 124
- Steam, G. Raissle, 340
- Boiler, Steam, A. Spencer, 381
- Water-tube Steam, C. B Rearick, 318
- Burners, Incandescent, for Oil Lamps, McFar¬lane and Sterne, 24
- Cable into a Conduit, Means for Inserting, L. J. Bergdoll, 408.
- Carburetting Device, C. A. Hamilton, 578
- Coke Loading, Wellman, Seaver, and Morgan, 458
- Coke Oven, R. D. Martin, 24
- Conveyor and Guide for Rolling Mills, T. V. Allis, 556
- Cooling Cement, Clinker, &c., C. L. Galschiot, 270
- Cooling and Cleansing Blast-furnace Gasee, B. H. Thwaite, 24
- Coupling for Rolling Mill Shafts, J. R. George and V. E. Edwards, 100
- Cylindrical Cores, Machine for Making, G. J. Hoskins, 340
- Dynamos from Car Axles, Means for Driving, J. L. Creeveling, 74
- Economiser, W. H. Vernon, 246
- Electrically-propelled Vehicle for Single-rail Elevated Railways. F. B. Behr, 626
- Elevator for Cinder Pits, W. Robertson, 362
- Engine Bearing and Adjusting, Means Therefor, C. Robinson, 74
- Compensating High-duty Compound, G. de Laval and G. P. Aborn, 50
- Gas Impact, L. Wilson, 604
- Internal Combustion, P. Burt. 362
- Internal Combustion, W. J. Robb, 604
- Pressure, F. J. Hull, 484 and Valve, Compound, S. M. Vauclain, 270
- Feeding and Heating Metal Plates, T. V. Allis, 556
- Fire-arm, O. C. Cullen, 362
- Fuel-feeding Mechanism for Furnaces, Burger and Williams, 200
- Furnace for Heating Billets, C. H. Morgan, 200
- Furnace for Heating Ingots, V. E. Edwards and P. B. Morgan, 100
- Furnace, Refrigeratory, Puddling, or Boiling, W. Kent, 292
- Gas Producer, E. J. Doff, 408
- Gas Purifier Grid, C. R. Faben, jun., 604
- Glass Manufacture, A. Voelker, 534
- Grate Bar for Forced Blast Furnaces, Borger and Williams, 408
- Gon Carriage, K. Deinlein, 626
- Gun Mounting, R. T. Branksron, 292
- Hammer, Pneumatic, M. A. Yeatley, 224
- Hardening Rotary Cuttei s, II. L:eoert, 458
- Heating Capacity of Combustibles, Determining the, S. W. Parr, 626
- Heating Furnace for Coiled Bundles, Hunt and Ahlen, 578
- Linoleum Cutters, F. L. Tripp, 432
- Liquid Meter. S. Bouchet, 503
- Locomotive, S. M. Vauclaio, 340
- Mill for Rolling Seamless Tabes, Robbins, Bye, and Jones, 152
- Mono Railway, L. Baecher, 292
- Motor Car Frame, G. R. Bandix, 340
- Motors, Cooling Explosive, T. Myer-<, 174
- Moulds and Cores, Making, H. C. Lambert, 432
- Mowing Machines, Automobile, Ellis and Stewart, 458
- Pigs from their Moulds, Ejecting, E. E. Slick, 124
- Pipe Coupling, A. Barr, 50
- Piston for Gas and other Motors, H. E. Ebbs, 626
- Piston Valve, W. Heston, 362
- Polishing Too), Pneumatic, J. W. Birkenstock, 1C0
- Pulp and Papermaking, H. Parker, 200
- Ram, C. C. Wentworth, 408 Rangefinder, J. Neilson, 626
- Ratchet Wrench, W. T. Garrett, 24
- Riveting Machine, W. S. Mckinney, 24
- R:d-coiling Apparatus, Lamarter and Wallace, 224
- Roller Bearer for Crank Shafts or the like, G. H. Reynolds, 74
- Roller, Land, C. K. Longenecker, 578
- Screw-cutting Tool, J. J. Burke, 578
- Screw Propeller, C. A. Parsons, 626
- Separating Grease from Steam, W. J. Baker, 152
- Severing Bolts, Rivets, &c., F. A. Carter, 174
- Shifting Device for Piers, &c., Baldwin and Sundb, 626
- Spring Hanger for Under-hung Locomotive Springs, H. A. Gillis, 50
- Stay Bolts, G. O. Gridley, 578
- Stud-setting and Extracting Tool, L. H. Morgan, Superheater, Steam, J. Howden, 432
- Tires, Vehicle, W. McCausland, 534
- Track Sander, N. B. Lodge, 152
- Track-sanding Device, J. H. Walters, 124
- Turbine, Axial Flow, N. S. Bök and T. R. Robsabm, 384
- Turbine, Continuous-combustion, M. Beck, 556
- Turbine, Elastic Fluid, C. G. Curlis, 626
- Turret, Drilling, Milling, and Tapping, A. D. Quint, 270
- Valve, C. W. Hunt, 508
- Valve, Water-cooled, H, E Ebbs, 484
- War Vessel, H. Maxim, 292
- Washing Apparatus for Railway or Tramway Carriages, C. A. Wheeler, 318
- Water Purifying, A. Gray, 432
- Welding L:nks, W. Serimgeour, jun., and J. Bunte, 152
- Winding for Electrical Machines, E. J. Lamme, 124
- Windlass and Capstan, J. R. Andrews, 340
- PEARSON, Mr. Joseph H., Value of his Estate, (121)
- Pease and Partners, Limited, Profits Reported for Year ending June, 1902, (122)
- Peat Coke, Canada and the United States, 89
- Peat Fuel, Electrical Manufacture of, in Norway, (420)
- Peat Gas as Fuel, at Steel Works in Sweden, Use of, (469)
- Pennsylvania (W.), Notes on a Visit to, 552
- Perry, Prof. John, His Address at the British Association, 313
- Perth, Freedom of, Presented to Mr. A, Carnegie, (280), (355)
- Peru, Electricity for Lighting and other Purposes Wanted in, (11)
- Peru, Refuse Destructors Wanted in, (11)
- Petrol, Railway Restrictions on Carriage of, and Stock of, Laid in by the King, (420)
- Petroleum, Average Price in United States, (162)
- Briquettes in France, (188)
- Production ia the United States, (185)
- Refuse as Fuel, Use of, in R Rumania, (303)
- Semi-solid, for Fuel, (11)
- Trade, Russian, Reduction of Railway Freights, (469)
- Physical Laboratory, Bushey, Fitting up of, (111)
- Piecework and the Premium System, 373
- Pier at Locust Point. Baltimore, (137)
- Pilcher, Mr. 0. A., Presentation to, (111)
- Pilkington, Mr. James, (395)
- Pipe Callipers, Mr. Fuhrman Clarke, 284
- Pipe, Cast Iron, in the United States, Standard Specifications for, (454)
- Pipes, Steam, The Cause of Water Hammer Action in, (481)
- Pi .ton Ring Hammer, Automatic, The Davy
- Robertson Engineering Company, 67
- Piston Valves for Locomotives, 167, 169
- Planing Machine, Messrs. Hulse and Co., Limited, 238
- Planing Machine, Messrs. C. Redman and Sons, 146
- Plate Dant Straightener, Ship, Mr. F. Wilson, 67 Platt, Mr. Sam, (268)
- Pneumatic Tires, A French Firm on the most Effective Air Pressure for, (111)
- Pneumatic Tools ia the Navy, 41
- Pollution of Rivers, 369
- Port of London and the Thames, 125, 153
- Portable Buildings. 41
- Portland Cement Works, Edieon, (46)
- Portland Cement Work, Painting of, (395)
- Postal Service from China vid Siberian and Russian Railways, (469)
- Postage Stamps, Automatic Machines for Sale of, at Berlin Railway Stations, (280)
- Preferentialism, its Scope and its Importance, 87
- Premium System, 235
- Presentation, Mr. C. E. Chrimes, (345)
- Presentation to Mr. Henry Cochrane, (381)
- Preservatives of Mine Timber against Rot, (420)
- Pressure Indicator, Mr. J. E. Petave’s, 344
- Progress v. Profits, 352
- Propeller Efficiency, 376
- Propeller Shaft, Repairing a, 404
- Pulley, Built-up, 583
- Pumps, Application to the Sinking of Deep Shafts of Suspended Steam, 80
- Boiler Feed, Joseph Evans and Co., 7, 8
- Electrically-driven, F. Pearn and Co., 375, 377
- High Lift Centrifugal, Market for, at Johannesburg, (519)
- Injection Water, 43 Screw, Mr. H. Jones, 142
- Pumping Machinery at the Penrhyn Quarries, 184
- Plant for Condensing Water, Mr. C. Hopkinson on, 106
- Plant, Gas Engine, American, (338)
- QUEENSLAND, 1901, Silver and Lead Produc¬tion. (137)
- Quick Work, Ocean Colliery, South Wales, (482), 552
- RAIL Ring Tractor, 442
Railway: Railway Accidents : British Railways: Electric Railways: Foreign Railways: Light Rail¬ways: Locomotives: Railway News, Various: Permanent Way: Rolling Stock: Railway Accidents:
- Airdrie, Derailment, (589)
- America, April, May, and June, 1901, (469)
- Apparatus for Preventing Collisions, Invented by H. Pfirmann and Dr. M. Wendorf, (519)
- Caledonian, Bannockburn Station, (303)
- Derailment of Trains, Board of Trade Reports, 241
- France, Arleux, near Douai, (328)
- Glasgow and South-Western, Gorbals Station, (355)
- Great Western, Bristol, (280)
- Great Western, Westbourne Park Station, (303)
- Great Western and Great Central, Collapse of Tunnel, near Loudwater, (257)
- Guatemala, Lines Ir.jared by Floods, (185)
- Indian, in 1901,(355)
- Indian, Landslip on tne G.I.P., (137); Torrential Rain in the Nilgiris and Damage done, (185)
- Indian Mail Train, between Madras and Bom¬bay, (280)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Explosion ia a Tunnel, (185)
- Mountain and Lake Railway, near Gloversville, (35)
- Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean, Pontarlier, (233)
- Piusria, Pamphlet concerning Causes of Railway Accidents to be distributed amongst the Officials, (496)
- Railway Employment, Prevention of Accidents Act, (196)
- Russia, Commission to Investigate the Causes of the Frequent Collisions on, (614)
- Somerset and Dorset Railway, near Glaston¬bury, (85)
- South-Eastern and Chatham, near Chislehurst, 7, (589)
- Uganda Railway, 491, 512, 570, 612
- United Kingdom and United States, 1901,
- Number of Passengers Killed and Injured, (420)
- United States, 13, 35, (85), 185, 217, 257, 395, 445, 491, 550, 614
- Chicago and Alton Railway, (257)
- United States, Number of Accidents in, due to Unprotected Crossings, (85)
- South Carolina and Georgia Extension, (35)
Railways, British, Colonial, and Indian:
- Aberystwyth, Devil’s Bilge Completed, (496)
- African, Central South, Rolling Stock for, (280
- African, East, Map Showing, 492
- African, South, 103, (111), 160, 161, 162,378, ) (536)
- African, Trans, 108
- Africa, West, Gold Coast, Coomassie Extension, (544)
- African, Uganda, 491, 512 570, 612
- African, Zululand, Opened for Traffic, 93
- Australia, A New Route to. 180
- Australian, Adelaide-Port Darwin, (162)
- South, Earnings, Expenditure, and
- Mileage in North and South Provinces, (355)
- South, ProjectedLinefrom Adelaide to Port Darwin, (355)
- South, Projected Transcontinental, (519), (614)
- Bristol to London, Projected, (192). (544), (565)
- British Columbia, New Mileage, (11)
- British South African Company’s Schemes for Rhodesia, (565)
- Bulawayo and Salisbury, (372)
- Burma, Pegu to Syr.'am and Dalia to Dedaye, (395)
- Burma, Traffic Earnings, (137)
- Caledonian, Accounts of, (257)
- Caledonian, Thirteen Lines of Rails Across the Clyde, (280)
- Cambrian, (150)
- Cambrian, First-class Free Pass for Five Years, (518)
- Canada, An All-through Route, 523, (565)
- Canada, Grand Trunk, New Double Track of, (395)
- Canadian Extension, 306
- Canadian, Governmental and Municipal Subsi¬dies to, (61)
- Canadian Pacific, Financial Report, (257) ; Imperial Limited Train Service Inaugurated, (61); Motor Cars on, (185); Wheat Transport on, (544)
- Cape to Cairo, 108, 160, 161, 208, (372), (565)
- Malmsbury to Picquetberg Opened, (496) b Natal, (162)
- Government Railways, Washouts on the, 3z town to Beira, (328)
- Ceylon, Colombo to Avissawella, (469)
- Derbyshire, Proposed New Line, (544)
- Egypt, Cape to Cairo, 108, 160, 161, 203, (372)
- Glasgow and South-Western, Accounts of, (257)
- Great Central, July, Accelerated Services, (11);
- Financial Returns, (111); Appointment of Mr. Worsdel), (137), (195)
- Electric Automatic Fog-signal¬ling, (589)
- Re-instatement of Reservists (372)
- Great Eastern, Increased Punctuality of Ser¬vice, (544)
- Great Northern, Mr. Eustace Barrows ap¬pointed Secretary, (372)
- New Locomotive Erecting Shop, (137)
- Pick-up Water Troughs at Bawtry, (355)
- Great Western, Cheltenham to Honeybourne, Projected Line, (66)
- Improvements in South Devon, 345, 356
- Third - class Season and Scholar’s Tickets, (469)
- Wat«r Tanks between Reading and Newbury, (496)
- Works at Swindon, The New, 325, (Supplement, October r 3rd and 17th. 1902), 375
- Hull and Barnsley Extension, 182, (211)
- Indian, Earnings (303)
- East, Annual General Meeting, New Rolling Stock and Locomotives, (11)
- Eastern Bengal State, (336) Frontier, Quetta Nushki, (303)
- Gas Lighting on, (257); New Section
- of the Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian, (185)
- Great Indian Peninsular Company Desires to Obtain Coalfields of its own,(589); Mileage of DoubleTrack, (589)
- Important Changes in Staff of the Great Indian Peninsular, (120) I)
- Important Development of, said to be in Contemplation, (85)
- Indian Coal Burnt in 1901 by, (137)
- Mileage, 1901, (328), (443)
- Mileage Controlled by the Madras il Government, (589)
- Nilgiri, Successful Working of, (35)
- North-Western State, Jech Doab Line (496)
- North-Western, Tunnel Inspector Imported from England, (137)
- Number of Employés on, (328)
- Nashki Railway Survey Office Closed, (137)
- Report on, for 1901, (257); Returns for Quarter ending July 30tb, (185);
- Speed on, (185)
- Through Connection on the Broad Gauge between Ceylon and Northern
- India under Consideration, (280)
- Lancashire, Derbyshire and East Coast, Accounts of, (257)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Good Earnings of the Goods Trains, (395)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North-Western, Fleet Jointly Owned by (370), (381), (395)
- London, Brighton and South Coast and West of France, Conference between, (496)
- London, Brighton and South Coast, Widening 5,
- of Line, 16, (443)
- London, Chatham and Dover, Financial Ruturns, (111)
- London, City and South, (111)
- London District Railway, (31), (96), (110), (111)
- London and North-Western, Birmingham to London in 1 hour 55 min., by C. Rous- Marten, 142
- Increase in the Revenue of, (177)
- and Lancashire and York¬shire, Fleet Jointly . Owned by, (370), (381), (395)
- Long Run, 307 Mr. W. A. Jepson Appointed Mice.-al Manager, («?)
- in Negotiation with Belfast Steamship Company for Purchase, (355)
- New Goods Sta¬tion, Wol¬verhampton, (280)
- Royal Train, (589)
- Signalling by Electricity, 501
- London and South-Western, New Salisbury Station, (376)
- Pneumatic Sig¬nalling on, 598
- Retirement and Election of Directors, (372)
- London Underground, 96, 110
- London, Whitechapel and Bow, 94
- Metropolitan District, (31)
- Metropolitan, Financial Returns, (111)
- Midland, Acquires the Northern Counties of Ireland, (333), (355)
- Coventry to Arley, Proposed Line, (496), (574)
- Decentralisation in the Goods Depart¬ment, (443)
- Fast Run between Leeds and Carlisle, 375
- New Schemes, (544)
- Scheme for Placing Buxton on the, (519)
- Seventieth Anniversary of the Oldest Portion of, (77)
- Splendid Run on, (257)
- and Great Northern, Yarmouth and Lowestoft Direct, 333
- and South-Western, Death of Mr. Jas. Parkess, (589)
- Natal, Doubling Main Line, (303)
- Natal, Durban to Ladysmith, (469)
- New South Wales, Annual and Quarterly Reports, (11), 448
- Earnings and Expendi¬ture, (622)
- Mileage Open for Traliio, September 30th, 1901, 1902, (614)
- Traffic, Receipts, Ex¬penditure, (288)
- New Zealand, 229 ; Earnings and Expenditure, (290) ; Mileage, (420)
- North-Eastern, Auto-car Trains on the, 620 Conference at Darlington, (328) and Electric Equipment, (122), (189), (197), (430)
- General Manager and leading Officials’ Inspection Tours io the United States, (303), (355)
- Motor Cars on, (443), (469), (481), 620
- Locomotives, New Eight - wheeled Coupled, 429, 430
- Oil Fuel Experiments on, (395), (406), (443)
- Old-age Pension Scheme, (443)
- Resignation of Sir J. W. Pease, Successor, Viscount Ridley, (328)
- Sunderland and the Hartle- pools Branch Opened, (372)
- Rhodesian, Sam to be Expended, (565)
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay, (150)
- Royal Trains (Supplement, December ‘23th, 1902), (589), 612
- South African—see African
- Sierra Leone, (872) Sirhowy and Rhymney Valley, Proposed, (496)
- South-Eastern and Chatham, Acceleration of Service from Paris to Lon¬don, (448) Ch isl e hurst Tunnel, (280)
- New Express Engines, (290)
- Winter Express Afternoon Continental Service, (395)
- Sntton-in-Ashfleld to Mansfield-Woodhouse, (544)
- Taff Vale, Proposals for Next Seision, (499)
- Uganda, 491, 499, 512, (565), 570, 584 ; Acci¬dents on, 566,570; American Contractor Late Again, (496); Cost of, (589); Embankments, 591; Financial Returns, (35); Viaducts, 612, 613
- Underground, London County Council and, 468
- United Kingdom, Mileage, Capital and Ex¬penditure, Receipts, Traffic, (185), (443), (496)
- Victorian, Government Proposals to make a General Reduction in Rates of Pay, (288)
- Yarmouth and Lowestoft, 333, (353)
- Yorkshire Dales, (170)
Railways, Electric
- American, Goods Traffic on, (97)
- Berlin, Shallow Underground, (211)
- Boston Elevated, (420)
- Canada, Mileage of, in. (35)
- Central London, from Bank to Twickenham for 6d., (Ill), (211)
- Central London, Ventilation of, (372); Resig¬nation of Mr. P. W. D’Alton. (499); Retiretirement of Mr. Aldington, (589)
- Chicago Elevated, Moving. (266)
- City and South London, (111), (257), (614)
- Cleveland and Detroit, Trolley Lines Strung over Railway Tracks, (395)
- Cleveland, Elyria, and Western Railway, Use of Steam Turbines Decided on for Driving Generators, (35)
- Crewe System of Electric Railway Signalling, 548, 550
- Dayton, Covington, and Piqua, 240
- Elberfeld Suspension, 385, 413, 435, 441, 488
- Germany, Wannsee, near Berlin, Potsdam and Gross Lichterfeld, (372)
- Gerona, Vich, and Amer, (35)
- Goods Traffic on, in America, (97)
- High Peak, (614)
- Italy, Adriatic System, Two New Lines, (257)
- Lake Como, (280)
- Liverpool Overhead. (162), 519 (iii., vii., Supple¬ment, December 12tk, 1902)
- Landon Tube, 65, 96, (111), (468)
- Manchester and Liverpool, (211)
- Motor, Variable-speed, American, 596
- Mersey Tunnel, (211), (257)
- Metropolitan, Electric Equipment, (111), 473
- Mexican, Electrification of a Section, (137)
- New York Subway, New Power House, (4k0)
- North-Eastern, Electric Traction on Certain Portions of, (122), (430)
- Paris Metropolitan, (328)
- Paris, (162) ; Strike of the Employés, (233)
- Pennsylvania, Pittsburg and Pitcairn, (257)
- Russia, Western Frontier of. (280)
- St. Louis Exhibition, Third Rail, (443)
- St. Petersburg and the Imatra Falls, Finland, (162)
- St. Petersburg and Lake Ladoga, (328)
- Schemes in Europe, 364
- Single-phase, 573, 619
- Sondrio-Colico-Chiavenna, (280)
- Third Rails for, 552 lube Schemes, Collapse of Rival, 399
- United States, (303)
- United States. Washington, Baltimore, Anna¬polis, (355), (454)
Railways, Foreign:
- Africa, Congo Free State, Progress of Work, (233)
- Dahomey, West, (328)
- French Guinea, Line to Connect Conakry with the Niger, (184)
- German East, Usambara Line, (303)
- Gold Coast, Coomassie Extension, (514)
- Tam's, Mileage and Gauge, (544)
- American, Brazil, Great Western of, Lighting Stations with Alcohol, (137)
- Cuba, Sinta Clara to Santiago da Cuba, (565)
- Mexican Central, Hidalgo, North Extension, (11)
- Coahuila and Pacific, (233)
- Eiperatzi and Vera Cruz to be Worked by Elec¬tricity, (137)
- Four Lines Entering Vera Cruz, (111)
- National, Change of Gauge, (61). (443) (565)
- National and Central, Rivalry between, (61)
- Projected Line between Minaca and Temosacbic, (61)
- Viesca and Mazapil, (328)
- Tehuantepec, 238
- New Mileage, 89
- Oil Pipe Lines, (151)
- Pacific Coast, Costa Rica from San Joié to the, (496)
- Pacific Coast, Oil as Locomotive Fuel, Huge Oil Storage Tanks, (496)
- Peru, Guaqui to La Paz, (35); Pro¬jected Line to the Amazon Basin, (-35)
- Report on the Working of, Lieut - Col. W. V. Constable, 195, 220, 242, 287, 335, 357, 379, 404, 428, 529, 551
- Uruguay, Mileage of Lines, (61)
- Venezuelan, Maracaibo to Pesiji, (137)
- see also United States Austrian, Total Mileage, (233)
- Belgian State, Length of, (328)
- Borneo, New Line, (162)
- Chinese, (178)
- Corea, Seoul to FusaD, Broad Gauge, (211)
- Eastern, Cholera Panic on, (192)
- The Eastern, Closing of the Eastern Asiatic Coasting Trade to Non¬ Russian Vessels, (519)
- The Eastern, Effect on the Trade of Manchuria, (35)
- Eastern, Passenger Traffic on, (301)
- The Eastern to be Subsidised by Russia, (11)
- Eastern Railway, Through Passenger Tickets to be Issued, (395), (469)
- Eastern, Through Service between Dalny and Railway Systems of Russia and Europe, (395)
- Formosa, Mileage, (185)
- Formosa, Gauge and Cost of Con¬struction, (211); South Formosa Completed, (211)
- Manchurian, Accelerated Service, (35); Unsatisfactory Condition of, a Sur¬prise to M. Witte, 540 The Shantung, 282
- Yokohama and Hachioji, Projected Line, (233)
- France, Northern of, Loss caused by the Coal Strike, (614); Its Engines to Run to Liège, (614)
- France, Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Ex¬tension to Chamonix, (176)
- France-Italian Line. Projected, 447
- French, Dahomey, (233)
- French, The Orleans, in Paris, Electric Haulage on, (162)
- French, Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean, Doubling Portion of the Line, (162)
- German, Berlin Elevated and Underground, Traffic on, (395)
- Elberfeld Suspension, 385, 413, 435, 441, 448
- Electric Lighting on, (11)
- Loeschwitz, Suspended Rope, 413, 435,
- Prussian State, Extensions and Costof, (187)
- Prussian State, Lines to be Purchased oy, (395)
- Prussian State, Reduction of Fares, (162)
- Shantung, The, 282
- Italian, Projected New Line to Turin, (137)
- Japanese, (185)
- Japanese, Completion of the San-yo Line, (137)
- Japanese State, Passenger Fares Raised, (129)
- Malay States, Federated, Extemion Mileage (303)
- Persia, 89
- Russian, (376), 400, (427)
- Alexandropol to Erivan, (589)
- Russo-American. A, 143
- Russian, Amur Railway, Construction of, 168
- Astrakhan Branch of the Ural Rail¬way, (35)
- Circular Liue Round Moscow, (185)
- Crimean Line Proposed, (565)
- Direct Service between Moscow and Port Arthur, (185)
- Experiments with Acetylene Lighting on,(185)
- Finnish State, (111)
- Foreign and Russian Locomotives Running on, (257)
- in the bands of Private Companies and others, Number of Employés on, (11)
- Mileage in Operation, (372)
- Moscow andKieff, Shortening of Line, (233)
- Nicolas, Memorial Chapel to Mark its Fiftieth Anniversary, (519)
- Orenburg-Tasbkend, (185), (303)
- Poli-h, Kalisch-Lodz, (328)
- Project for Connection with Finland by Raiway Bridge over the Neva, (185)
- Projected Lines, 162, 257, 280, (565)
- St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk, (137)
- St. Petersburg and Warsaw, Locomo¬tives on,(565)
- Siberia, Branch Line from Omsk to Trumen, (61)
- Siberian, Heavier Permanent Way for, (185)
- S;betian Postal Service from Tientsin to Liverpool, (355)
- Siberian, Project to Connect with the System of European Russia, (544)
- Siberian, Report of the International Sleeping Car Company at the Paris Conference, (469)
- Siberian, Robbery on, (152)
- South-Western, Through Service from Warsaw to Odessa, (257)
- Tomsk to Tasbkend, English and Russian Syndicate, (111). (185)
- Warsaw and Kalish Line, (35)
- Spain, Barcelona Extension, (111)
- Guatemala City, El Rancho to, (137)
- Guatemala, Lines Injured by Floods, (185)
- Guatemala, Los Altos and Los Cocales Lines, (162)
- Vasco Castellano from Madrid to Bilbao, (395)
- Sweden, Boras to Alvesta, (420)
- Electrification of Government Lines, (544)
- Opening of a New Line, (229)
- The Osoten Line, (280)
- Swiss, Jungfrau, Death of Guyer-Zeller, the Proprietor of, (496)
- Swiss, Simplon, 4, 101, 177, 186, 204, 205, 411, 414, 418, 606
- Turkey, Beiruth-Damascus, High Rates for Goods, (61)
- Black Sea Directly to Poti, (544)
- Hedjaz Line from Damascus to Mecca, (61)
- United States, Atchison Railway System, Heavy Earthworks, (210)
- Baltimore and Ohio, Changes in the Character of the Road Projected, (280)
- Burlington, Wheels in Service on, (35)
- Chicago, Garfield Park Line, Clever Piece of Engineering on, (162)
- Chicago and North-Western, Des Moines Steel Viaduct, 392
- Grand Trunk, Doubling the, (210)
- Great Northern, Average Train Loads, (519)
- Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Fast Run on, (614)
- Manhattan, Traffic on, (257)
- Mileage, and when Built, (61), (469)
- Missouri Pacific, Railway Car¬riage and Locomotive Works, (94)
- New Lines Projected, (162)
- New York Centra), Efforts to Secure a Shorter Entrance into Pittsburg, (172)
- New York Centra), Fast Run of the Twentieth Century Limited,” (61)
- New York, Ontario, and Wes¬tern Railway, Double Track¬ing of, (247)
- Panama, 343
- Pennsylvanian, Engineering Feat at New Brunswick, 162
- Pennsylvanian, Fast Runs, (61), (111)
- Pennsylvania, Masonry Bridges
- United States, Pennsylvanian, New Train Yard, (85)
- Pennsylvania, Rebates on Fares for Lateness of Trains, (61), (518)
- Pennsylvania, Tonnage of Rails Ordered for 1903, (111)
- Pennsylvania, Wages Advance, (565)
- Pennsylvanian, will Enter New York by the Hudson River Tunnel, (172)
- Pittsburg to Lake Erie, (496)
- Pittsburg, Niles, and Western, (483)
- Statistics of, 493 Western and South-Western Extensions, (554)
Railways, Light:
- Aberystwyth to Devil’s Bridge, (496)
- Ashley to Burton, (519)
- Belgium, (420)
- Claverton and Camerton, North Somerset, (35)
- France, Hondschoote and Bray-Dunes, Ac., in Morbiban, (85)
- France, Retouremer and the Schlocht, (85)
- France, Royat-les-Bains and Puy-de-Dume, (61)
- Gloucester, Applications for, (35)
- Great Centra), Grimsby, Stallingborougb, Coates, and Immingham, (544)
- Harrow, (443)
- High Peak District, Macclesfield to Buxton, (544)
- Holland, (420)
- Horndean (iii., viii., Supplement, December 12th, 1902)
- Leighton Buzzard, Harlington, and Hitchin, (372)
- Middleton, (565)
- Orders Confirmed by Board of Trade, (35), (372), (519), (565)
- Orders, Decrease in Applications for, (11)
- Warrington to Northwich, (519)
- Wigan, Pemberton and Asbton-in-Makerficld (519)
- Worthing, (141)
Railway Locomotives:
- American Company, First Annual Report, (328)
- Construction, by an American Engi¬neer, 25, 128
- Design, Prof. Goss on the Possibilities of, (443)
- Failure of Serve Tubes in, (544)
- Locomotive Company, Atlantic Type of, Constructed for the Big Four Line, (469)
- Ancient, Hetton Railway, 57
- Baldwin Works, Capacity a Week, (469)
- Baldwin Works, Experiments with Oil as Loco¬motive Fuel, (496)
- Bearings, Alloy Used by the Prussian Shops for, (85)
- Belfort Works, 4, 54, 103, 105
- Benzine, Used in a Mine, (211)
- Bogie Express, Five New, for the South-Eastern and Chatham, (290)
- Boilers for, F. H. Cridland’s Latter, 68
- Boiler with Cylindrical Fire-box, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Mr. H. A. Hoy (Supplement, August 15th, 1902), 165
- B ston and Maine Railway Company, Fifty Locomotives Changed to Burn Coke, (211)
- British, for Canada, (360), (477)
- Building, United States, (196)
- Coal, 57
- Coke Burning, in America, (211)
- Compound, Its Future in America, (355)
- Compound, Norwegian State, 391, 396
- Compressed Air, Simplon Tunnel Works, 299
- Condemned in East India, (469)
- Consolidation, Norwegian State, 525
- Consolidation, with Large Boilers, for the Norwegian State Railways, Winterthur, (614)
- Construction of a First-dais French, 4, 54 103 105
- Cylindrical Furnaces for, 320
- Driving, 373
- Eight-coupled, Lancashire and Yorkshire Rail- 19O2’)M165F’ A' H°y ^SujlPlr"‘ent’ A u9u,t 15M< Eight-wheel Coupled, on the North-Eastern. (429), (430)
- Electric Headlight for, (328)
- Electric, The Two Largest in the World, (233)
- English and American, Sir Alf. Hickman on, (456)
- Express Compound, Austrian State Railways, Herr Karl Gölsdorf, 253, 258
- Express, Great Central Railway, Mr. J. G. Robinson (Supplement, July 4th, 1902), 20 Footplate, On the, 373
- Four-cylinder Compound Mineral, London and North-Western Railway, Mr. F. W. Webb 62, 66
- Four-cylinder Petrol, Ordered by the North- Eastern Railway Company, (455)
- Four-wheeled Coupled Passenger, Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland. Mr. E Cusack, 76, 77, 79
- French, Construction of a First-class, 4, 54,103 105
- Geared, Weighing Nearly 180 Tons, Built for the El Paso and Rock Island Railway, (61)
- German Import and Export of, (85)
- Goods, Cape Government Railways, Neilson. Reid and Co., 231, 232
- Goods, Eight-coupled Heavy, Lancashire and Yorkshire, Messrs. J. A. F. Aspinall and H. A. Hoy, 112, 120
- Goods and Tank, for the East Indian, (11)
- Goods, for India, 187, 219, 237, 235, 311, 421 442, (553) ’ ’
- Kobe Workshops, Cost of Eight and Six¬wheeled Coupled Tender and Tank, (544)
- Large Geared, of the Shay Type, (148)
- London and North-Western, “Charles Dickens” Completes its Two-millionth Mile, (211), 218
- Loidonand North-Western, “Charles Dickens,” the American Engineering News on its Performance, (355)
- Narrow-gauge Goods, Cape Government Rail¬ways, Mr. H. Beatty, (Supplements, September 5th and 19th, 1902), 283
- Narrow-gauge, Unusually Large, Mexican Southern,(162)
- New York Central, Naw Tandem Compound, Work Dane by, (211)
- North-Eastern, (602)
- Northern Pacific, Twenty-cm 11 Battleship,” (536)
- Oil Burning, North-Eastern Railway Company, (395), (406), (443)
- Oil Burning, on the South Pacific, (519)
- Oil Burning, Texas, (395)
- Oldest Working, in the World, 57
- Orders for, Placed with Borsig, for India, 65
- Order, the Largest Single ever Given out for, Placed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railway with an American Company, (61)
- Orders for Twelve, Placed by the Graat Southern and Western of Ireland with an English Firm on account of Strike, (85)
- Piston Valves for, 167, 169
- Russian and Foreign-built, Running on Russian Railways, (257)
- St. Petersburg and Warsaw Line, (565)
- Sbay Gaared, United States, (266)
- Shops, Electric Power in, (196)
- Shop, Largo, United States, 621
- Single, 616
- Six-coupled Tank, Wraxham, Mold, and Connah’s Quay, Mr. F. Willans (Suppl inent, November 21rf, 1902), 495
- Six-coupled Twelve-wheeled American, (266)
- for South Africa, Messrs. Neilson, Reid and Co., (553)
- Suburban, 398
- Tank, for the Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr Railway, Avonside Engine Company, 32’, 327
- Tank, Six-coupled (The Donderland), for Norway, Messrs. Kerr, Stuart and Co., Limited (Supplement, October 31st, 1902), 416, 419, 442
- Types, Scientific Classification of, 331
- United States, Increase of, Freight Carried and Ton Mileage between 1897 and 1901, (550)
- United States, New Works and Capital In¬vested, (266) (280)
- United States, Traction Engines and, (454)
- Valve Gaar of, John Riekie’s Letter on, 68
- Vienna Workshops Reduction in the Number of Employés, (544)
- Water Arch in the Fire-box of, Experiments with, (372)
- Wheels, Crescent-shaped Balances of, 619
- Works, American, (148)
Railway News, Various:
- Acetylene Lighting of Railway Stations, London, Brighton and South Coast, and London and South-Western, (211)
- Aerial Railway for Transport of Ore, in South America, (137)
- Africa, Lake Kisale towards Rhodesian, Capt. Jacques Charged with Survey of Frontier, (420)
- Africa, West, Construction in, (417)
- Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, Decrease in Number of Members, (11) ; Annual Congress of Delegates, (355); Mem¬bership of, (614)
- Amalgamation of Belfast and Northern Counties with the Midland Company, (333), (355)
- Amalgamations under Discussion, (316)
- American Methods of Train Working, Mr. Wilson Worsdell on, (531)
- American Railway Managers in England, “The Boot on the other Leg,” (582)
- American, Report on the Working of, Lieut- Col. W. V. Constable, 195, 220, 242, 287, 335, 357, 379, 404, 428, 480, 551
- Australia, A New Route to, by Stafford Ran¬some, 180
- Australian, Railway Commissioners Appointed for Seven Years, (395)
- Austrian Locomotive Engineers’ Union, (589)
- Automatic Couplings, Controversy as to the Use of, (420)
- Auto-cars, North-Eastern Railway Company, (443), (469), (481)
- Automatic Porterage of Luggage, Orleans Rail¬way Station, Paris, (519)
- Automatic Railway Coupling, Mr. A. T. Swaine on a New, (622)
- Automobile Riilway Communication, Paris,
- Birmiogham to London in One Hour Fifty-five Minutes, by Chas. Rous-Marten, 142
- British and French Train Services, by Chas. Rous-Marten, 181. 201, 459, 538, 561
- Chinese Imperial Railway Board, Mr. E Cousins Appointed Representative of the Bondholders, (395)
- Chislehurst Tunnels, (443)
- Club, (524)
- Club, The, Visit to the Guildford Running Sheds, (210)
- Coal Charges Reduced by the Great Central and North-Eastern, (221)
- Companies and Owners’ Risk, 309, 333
- Construction in West Africa, (417)
- Crewe, Reception at, of Lieut. Davenport and Crewe Men from South Africa, (137)
- Derailments of Trains, 241, 310
- Dust Laying with Oil on, (233)
- Dust Laying with Rock O.l on Paris Suburban Lines, (162)
- Economy, 213
- Electric Headlight for Locomotives, (328)
- Engineering, Clever Bit of, on a Chicago Line, (162)
- Engineering Feat at New Brunswick, (162)
- Escalator ” in New York, (395)
- Express Parcel Service on the Metropolitan District Riilway, (372)
- Express Suisse, A New “ Train de Luxe," Ostend to Coire, (85)
- Ferries, Cross-Channel Triin, Deputation to Investigate, (496)
- Fog Signalling, (153), 310
- Forged Passenger Tickets for Use on the Trans- Caucasus Railway, (519)
- French Railway Companies, Six Principal, Length of Line Worked in 1900 by, (85)
- German, I’aEsenger Traffic on, (316)
- German Railway Crossings, Negligence on the Part of the Women Tending the, (614)
- German Railways, Electric Lighting Experiments, (11)
- Gilman, Mr. Chas. C., Death of, (137)
- Gooday, Lieut.-Col. F. S., Appointment of, by the Secretary of War, (137)
- Goods Station Work on the Piecework Principle at Cologne, (372)
- Great Western. Prize Offered by Sir J. Wilkin¬son for an Essay on the Wagon Problem, (496)
- Great Western, Widening of Lines and Station Improvements, (221)
- Hudson and Manhattan Railway Company to Build a Tunnel in Jersey City, (395)
- India, Classified List of Locomotive and Carriage Officers in, (280)
- London and India Dock Company and the Rail¬way Companies' Mutual Concessions in the Interests of Heavy Traffic, (415)
- London and North-Western, Station Improve¬ments, (221)
- Louisville and Nashville Car Shops, Reconstruc¬tion of, (233)
- Malay States, Penang to Singapore, 181
- Moving Stairway in New York, (395)
- New York Central and River Hudson Railway, Fast Run on, (137)
- North-Eastern, Carriage Compartments with Cine Armchairs, (519); Old Age Pensions Scheme, (519)
- North-Eastern, New Electric “Hall” Signalling System, (233)
- North London, Passenger Traffic and Receipts and Expenses on, (162)
- Oil for Laying Dust on, Use of, (233)
- Oil Fuel for Locomotives, Experiments with, (3P5), (443)
- Oil Fuel, Locomotives Burning, ia Texas, (395); Value of, as Compared with .Coal, Formula Giving, (496)
- Oil Fuel for Locomotives, Southern Pacific Railway, (496); Huge Storage Tanks, (496)
- Old Age Pension Scheme, North-Eastern Rail¬way, (519)
- Owners’ R'sk, The Railway Companies and, 309
- Paris Municipal Metropolitan, (61)
- Passenger Traffic Returns for 1838 and 1900, (85)
- Pennsylvania Railway, Advance in Freight Rates, (589)
- Petrol, The Railway Companies and the Car¬riage of, (420), 423
- Premiums Granted to Trainmen in Belgium for Punctual Arrival, (372)
- Prussia, Proposed Abolition of Fourth Classes, (589)
- Railway Club, Visit to the St. Albans Running Shed, (111)
- Extension from Serembam to Kuala Gemas, 181
- Mail Service, Annual Report of, (589)
- Management, 591
- Rates, The Question of, 220, (266)
- Railwaymen's Congress, Financial Affairs of, (372)
- Railways and Traders, (415)
- Rates Campaign, The, 220, (266)
- Rebates on the Fares, System of, when Trains aro Late, (519)
- Rope Incline Railway, United States of America, (622)
- Russia, Honeymoon Cars, (589)
- Russia's Protest against the Anglo-Chinese Railway Agreement to be Withdrawn, (61)
- Russian Railways, Number of Employés on, (11)
- Russian Railway Orders, 400
- Russian Railway Schools, (519)
- Salisbury Station, The New, (376)
- Signalling, Automatic and Power, London and South-Western Railway. (233) in Belgium, Adoption of the Up¬wardly-inclined Semaphore Arm, (395)
- Block, American. 596 by Electricity, 501
- Fog, (153), 310
- The “Hall" Electric System, North-Eastern Railway, (233)
- Pneumatic, on the London and South-Western, 598
- Simplon Tunnel, The, 4, 101,177, 186,204, 205, 411, 414, 418
- Snow Ploughs for Russian State Railways, - (372)
- South-Eastern, Issue of New Capita), (614)
- Steel Viaduct, The Des Moines, United States, 392
- Suburban Traffic, 113
- Swindon Works, The Newt Supplements, October 3rd and Ylth, 1902), 325
- Switchback Centrifugal Railway, Inventor of the, Sir W. H. Bailey on, (487)
- Taff Vale Case, The. 615
- Telephoning, (35), 148
- Tientsin to Liverpool by the Trans-Siberian, Time taken by Letters from, (355)
- Total Length of, Open for Traffic in Europe on January 1st, 1902 and 1901, (614)
- Train Telephones, United States, (35)
- Tube Schemes, Collapse of Rival, 399
- Tunnels, Cbislehurst, (443)
- Tunnel from Cray Reservoir in connection with Swansea Waterworks, (496)
- Tunnel in Jersey City to Connect Two Termini, (395)
- United Kingdom, Traffic, Receipts, Mileage, 1901, (183)
- United States, Another Huge Railway Com¬bination in, (280)
- United States, Comparisons in Railroad Equip¬ments of Cars and Locomotives between 1897 and 1901, (550)
- United States Railways, Statistics of, 493
- Wages, Scale of, and Hours of Work on the Caledonian and North British Systems, (420)
- Washouts on the Cape Government Railways, 378
- Water Arch in Fire - box of Locomotive, Experiments on the Montana Central with, (372)
- Wireless Telegraphy on the Grand Trunk Rail¬way, Experiments with, (420)
- Wood Fuel on Rarsian Lines to be Discontinued in favour of Coal, (420)
- Wood Fuel on United States Lines, Locomotives Changed to Burn, (420)
- Woredell, Mr. H. Appointment of, (137)
- Yorke, Col. H. A., Sent by Board of Trade to America to Report on Working of Lines, (211)
Railways, Permanent Way:
- Pile Drivers, U.S.A., (622)
- Proposed Rail Convention, Germany, England, and Belgium, (191)
- Quick Renewal of, 363
- Repair of, 214
- Steel, for American Railways, (469)
- Steel Rails for Wagon Roads, American, (46)
- Steel, Victorian Government ask for Tenders for, (85)
Railways, Rolling Stock:
- Additional, for the East Indian Railway, (11)
- American, for the Monongahela Connecting Railway, (199)
- American Railway Carriage and Wagon Works, (210)
- Autocar Trains on the North-Eastern, 620
- Central South African, Order placed in England for, (280)
- Dining Cars to hold Thirty-six People, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, (233)
- Great Northern, New Breakfast and Lunoheon Cars, (589)
- Indian, East Bengal State, Orders for, (336)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Wagons to Carry 30 Tons, (395)
- Mansell Railway Wheels, “Boardite” for the Centres, (455)
- New, Great Western Railway of Ireland, 76, 77. 79
- North-Eastern, New Form of Compartment, furnished with Cane Armchairs, (519)
- Prussian State Contracts, (614)
- Royal Train (Supplement, December 26th, 1902), i (589), 612
- Russia, Honeymoon Cars, (589)
- St. Petersburg and Warsaw, Non-inflammable, to be Fired at Eydtkiihnen, (565)
- Siberian Railway, (372)
- Sleeping Car, Rhodesian Railway Company, 108
- South Africa, Government Orders for, (544), (553)
- Brake Levers on both Sides of Wagons, Pro¬posed Rule with respect to (469)
- Sudan Railway, 208, 209
- United States, Increase of Passenger and Freight Cars between 1897 and 1901, (550)
- Wagons, Cattle or Sheep, Mr. W. Theodore
- Lucy, Argentine Railways, 401, 402 Goods, to Carry 30 Tons, Lancashire and Yorkshire, (395) High-capacity Bogie, Midland Rail¬way, Leeds Forge Company, 31, 499
- Pressed Steel, The American Car and Foundry Company, (97)
- Problem, Prize Offered by Sir J. Wilkinson for the best Essay on, (496)
- Question, The, 235, 266
- Tank, with Interchangeable Axles, for Transport of Russian Naphtha, (496)
- 32-Ton Hrpper, New South Wales Government Railways, (505)
- Wheels, Boardite, (455), 501
- Wheel Centres, Manufacturedin Boardite, (455)
- RAINFALL, British Central African Protectorate, (162)
- near Darjeeling, Terrific, (420)
- June, (11)
- August, Less than Supposed, (303)
- during November, (614)
- at Hampton, (280)
- at Surat, (185)
- Rates, Revolt against Rising, (378)
- Reavell Air Compressor, The, 182
- Refrigerating Installations on the Cedric, (355)
- Refuse at the Destructors, Value and Use made of, (469)
- Destructor, Gloucester, (345)
- Mr. W. F. Goodrich on, (469)
- with Offices, Wolverhampton, Proposed, (395)
- Plant at Walker-on-Tyne, (565)
- Ra-beaters, 139, 194, 241, 285
- Rendel, Mr. Hamilton, 307
- Resistance of Immersed Bodies, C. C. Mason, 573
- Rice-cleaning Plant, Want of a, (10)
- Richardson, Mr. Joseph, (337)
- Rifle Attachment Worked by Compressed Air, (162)
- R-fle Clubs, Lieut.-General F. Lance on Miniature, (395)
- Rifle, New Magazine, 493
- Rivers, Pollution of, 369
- Rivers Pollution, Belgian Royal Commission on, 493
- Riveting Machine, Grip, Allen Pneumatic Machine Company, 596
- Road Maintenance and Road Maintenance Effi¬ciency, Cost of, W. Worby Beaumont, 386
- Roberts-Austen, Sir Wm. Chandler, 514
- Robinson, Prof. Henry, Elected “Prof. Emeritus,” 114
- Rolling Black Plate, Machinery for, at Pittsburg, (211)
- Rooang Volcano, (211)
- Rope, Remarkable Coil of Inter-stranded Cotton¬driving, Wm. Kenyon and Sons, (420)
- Ropner, Col., Knighted, (482)
- Royal Agricultural Society’s Show :
- Annual Report of the Society, (589)
- Bale Opener, Richmond and Chandler (Ulus.), 30, 31
- Brick and Tile-making Machinery, Pallan and Mann, Swinney BroB., Limited, Mr. R. Scholefield, 31
- Dairy Implements, 31
- Date and Place of Show, 1903, Prizes, (589)
- Drill, Corn, Root Pulper, Mr. J. Murch, 30
- Drill, Swede and Mangold, Mr. Jas. Coultas, 30
- Engines, Steam, 31
- Harvesting Potatoes, Mr. Jas. Ball, 30
- Hydrolifter, H. P. Saunderson and Co., Limited, 31
- Members Elected, New, (542)
- Motor Vehicles, Heavy, Foden’s, Mann’s, and the Yorkshire Steam Motor Company’s, 30
- Oil Engines, R. Cundall and Sons, Limited, and the Robey-Saurer (Illus.), 30
- Royal Agricultural Society’s Show (ronh’n W€cZ) 5
- Seed Harrows, Ogle and Son, 30
- Swath Turner, Blackstone and Co., Limited, 30
- Well-sinking Frame, Hardy Patent Pick Com¬pany, Limited (Ilins.), 29, 30
- Wind Motors, 31
Royal Institution:
- Lecture Arrangements before Eister, (571)
- Lectures, Christmas, Prof. H. S. Hele-Shaw, («2)
- Monthly Meetings, (43), (451)
Royal Meteorological Society:
- Readings of Aneroid Barometers not Accepted by the Society from its Observers, (ill) Royal Naval Engineering College, Key ham, Control of, (85)
Royal Philosophical Society of Glas¬gow :
- Celebration of Centenary, (443)
Royal Society:
- Alloys of the Gold-Silver Series, by Sir W. C. B Roberts-Austen and Mr. T. K. Rose, (589)
- Royles’ Engineering Works, Irlam, 16, 17
- Russia’s Export Trade, Development of, (211)
- Russian Grain Export Returns, (257)
- Russian Metallurgical Trust, 493
- Russian Trade with the Persian Gulf, Subsidy to Develop, (61)
- Russian Workmen, Training of, 114
- Russo-Japanese Association, The Rumoured, (280)
- Ruston, Proctor and Co., Limited, Messrs., Annual Dinner, (570)
- SAFETY Lamps, Ark’s, (211)
- Salt Works, Sardinia, Improvements Effected in, (35)
- Samples Taken into Switzerland by German, French, and British Travellers, (565) Sand Blast Sharpened Files. 256
- Schapler Fire Escape, The, 81, 82
- Scboler Suction Dredge, Nicolaus, (257)
- Screw Gauges, International System of, Adopted , in the French Navy, (111)
- Screw Propulsion, 477
- Screw Pump, Mr. H. Jones, 142
- Seismographs, How the Records are Made in, (111)
- Separator, Fletcher’s Patent, (337)
- Sewage, Bacterial Treatment of, New Zealand, (454)
- Sewers, Concrete and Expanded Metal, Penn¬sylvania, (257)
- Sewerage System of London, Area and Population Served by, (469)
- Sewage Treatment, Natural and Artificial, 620
- Sewage Works, Manchester, 282
- Sheffield, Smoke Consumption Bye-laws, (35)
- Sheffield University College, New Building, Scheme, (211)
- Shipley Sewage Disposal, (15)
Shipping Accidents:
- Boating Accident on the Tyne, (85)
- Brighton Queen on the Rocks off Hasting’, (137)
- Collision off the Elbe, 119
- Destroyer Zephyr Aground, (525), 547
- French Submarine Le Francais, Explosion on Board, (257)
- Hamburg-American Company's S.S Deutsch¬land, Starboard Engine Disabled, (614)
- Hamburg - American Liner First Bismarck Breaks her Starboard Thrust Shaft, (211) H.M.S. Kent, (496)
- Rio de Janeiro, Diving Machine for Locating the Wreck of, (395)
- Statistical Summary of Vessels Totally Lost, Condemned, &o , during 1901, (303)
- Sultan, s s., German East Africa L:ne, 401
- Torpedo B oat Destroyer Fairy, (589)
Shipping News, Various, British and Foreign:
- Admiralty, Decision regarding Completion for Sea of Ships Built by Private Firms, (257)
- Order affecting the Torpedo Fleet, (355)
- Asks Private Shipbuilders to Ten¬der for New Class of Battleship, (395)
- Request for Shipwrights and Mechanics to Volunteer for Work at the Cape, (233) Scheme of Reforms, 567
- Scheme with regard to the Use of a Part of the Osborne Grounds, ’ (565)
- America Cup Challenge, The, 391
- Anchor, Stockless, The Largest, ever made, (395)
- Antwerp, Vessels Entering the Port of, during Nine Months of 1902, (372)
- A’suAu Dam and Assiout Weir (Supplement, December 19tl<, 1902), 558, 559, 563, 580
- Atlantic Passengers Landed at New York in , One Day, Largest Number, (233)
- Atlantic Steam Shipping Trade, 329
- Avonmoutb, Bristol, and Boston, U.S.A., Line of Steamers between, (328)
- British Battleships Painted Grey, 307
- British India Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Twin-screw s.s. Yamuna Launched on the Wear, (496)
- British, Sir John Glover’s Paper on the Tonnage Statistics for 1891-1900, 31
- Canada and South Africa, Steamship Service between, (395)
- Chili’s Attempts to Sell her Warships, 307 Clyde and the New Cunarders, The, 353 Conference at Ostend of German and British Representatives of Steamship Lines Running to the Plate, (303)
- Consolidation of Shipyards on the Great Lakes, Rumoured from Cleveland, (85)
- Canard Company and the Government. 325, 352, 353
- English Vessels Launched in June, (11)
- Enterprise, American, 38
- French Naval Manoeuvres, 41, 179
- French Navy, The, 471
- German Manoeuvres, Naval and Military Com¬bined, 261
- German Navy, The, (136)
- Germany, Shipping Supplied by Foreign Builders to, (872)
- Japan, (443)
- Japan, Naval Expansion Programme, (355)
- Japanese Shipping Subsidies, 15
- Khaki Discarded for German Torpedo Craft. 525
- Lingham Timber and Trading Company’s Line of Steamers, (443)
- Liquid Fuel for Steamships, 104, 140
- Liquid Fuel for Warships, 472, 476, 486, 549
- Liquid Fuel for Yachts, (376)
- Manchester and Boston, Establishment of a Regular Service between, (372), (496)
- Marseilles a Port of Call for Thirty-six Shipping Companies, (111)
- Mediterranean and Channel Fleet Manoeuvres, 261
- Mexican Gulf Ports and Delagoa Bay, Service between, (443)
- Naval Engineers, 144, 311
- Naval Review, Photographs of, 261; Special Trains to Southampton, 183
- Naval War Game Soc , Portsmouth, Remark¬able Action in the Naval War Game, 400 Navigation Congress, The Ninth International, 6, 40, 52, 80, 103, 129
- Navy, Stokers for the, (565), (614)
- Normand, Mr. J. A., on the Strength of very Rapid Vessels, 326
- Ocean Carrying Trade between New York and Europe, Tonnage of the Largest Steamships Employed Thirty Years Ago and now in,
- Odessa and the Persian Gulf, Service of Boats between, (328)
- Official Returns of Shipping Supplied to Ger¬many, (372)
- Oil Fuel in the United States Navy, 472, 476
- Oil as Fuel in Warships, 472, 476, 486, 549
- Oldest Ship in the World, the Anita, Sold at Teneriffe, to be Broken up, (137)
- Portsmouth, Workmen and Wages, (565)
- Propeller Efficiency, (376)
- Propeller Shaft, Repairing a, 404
- Protection of Funnels in Warships, 43
- Refrigerating Installations on the Cedric, (355)
- Russian Visitors, Our, 525
- San Francisco and Hilo, Hawaii, Steam Service between, (35)
- Screw Propellers, The Admiralty’s Instructions with regard to Testing Efficiency of, 305
- Seamen Employed on Sea-going Vessels, Par¬liamentary Roturn, (344)
- Shipping Subsidies, 193
- South African Service, Organisation of a Special. (395), (443), (496)
- Speed of Canal Steamers, (189)
- Speed Record, American, (303)
- Steamship Propulsion, 194
- Steering Gear ? 144
- Strength of Very Rapid Vessels, M. J. A. Nor¬mand on the, 326
- Submarine Warfare, 329
- Submarines, “Handy Ones,”on British, daring the Recent Trials, (233)
- Tonnage of Vessels Entered at Ports in the United Kingdom, (185), (233)
- Tonnage of Vessels using New South Wales Ports, 1901, (233)
- Trade of Newport, (256)
- United States Fleet Mamcuvres Projected for Next Winter, (185)
- Navy Estimates, (395)
- Navy, Oil Fuel Tests, Unofficial Data, (303)
- Policy with regard to Relative Importance of Battery Power and Speed, (496)
- War Uses of Fast Merchantmen, The, 352, 353
Ships: Battleships, British:
- Ajax to be Sold, (233), 237 Albemarle, Cost of the, (372)
- to be Prepared for her Steam Trials, (519)
- Ready for Trial, 547
- Belleisle, Experimental Hatchway and Screen on, 65
- Gunnery Experiments with, (61), 133, 135, 138
- Programme for Next Experi¬ments, 307
- Steering Gear, 194
- Belloropbon, (469)
- Canopus, Trouble with hor Belleville Boilers, 376, 561
- Centurion, 65, 394
- Dominion, Progress of, (21)
- Duncan, (426)
- Eight New, Cost of the, (372)
- Exmoutb, (358), 547
- Good Hope, The, (353) (525)
- Hood, (443), (469), (565)
- Howe to be Re-fitted at Jarrow-on-Tyne, (137)
- Decision respecting, (614)
- Inflexible, Glatton, and Neptune Re¬moved from tho Effective List, (286)
- King Edward V1L, Armour for, (221)
- Launch of, 325 Material Worked into Hull of, (280)
- Time of Completion for Sea, (372)
- Majestic, (588) Maori, 325
- Mars, Her Boilers to be Adapted to Liquid Fuel, (372)
- Montague, Speed Trials, (283), (358), 547
- New Zealand, 825
- Royal Sovereign, 65
- Russell, (496)
Battleships, Foreign
- American, Eight New, 160, (185)
- Austrian, Babenberg, 237, 325, 353, 444, 447
- Chilian, (21), 65, (162), 307
- French, Charles Marte), 261
- Bépnblique, (233), 237 255, 259
- Suffren, 237, 261
- German, Braunschweig, 594, 610, (614)
- Five of the H Class, 237
- Kaiser Friedrich III., 15
- Wettin, 451
- Wittelsbach, 610
- Wittelsbach Class, 237
- Zachringen, 83, 86
- Greek, Psara, 261
- Japan, Four New, (353)
- Portuguese, Vasco di Gama, 451
- Russian, Alexander II., 547
- Nikolai I., 307
- Oleg, First Keel Plate Laid, (85)
- Orel, Launched, (85)
- Osliabia, 525
- Plawa, (443)
- I’obieda, 15, 525
- Swedish, of the Aera Type, Projected, Turkish, Contract with the Ansaldo Shipbuilding Yard at Genoa for Im¬provement of, (111)
- United States, Connecticut, Electric Equipment of, 207, 212, 325, (496), (614)
- Eight New, 160,(185) Illinois, 15
- Louisiana, 207, 212, 325, 451
- Louisiana Type, Pro¬jected, 525
- Maine, Speed Trials, (211), 261, (280)
Cruisers. British:
- Achilles, HerName Changed to Hibernia. 394
- Amethyst, (496), 547 Antrim, Armour for, (221) Arethusa, 499
- Aurora, to be Re-fitted at John Brown and Co.’s Works, (137)
- Barham, (426)
- Bedford, Steam Trials, (II); to be Fitted with Larger Propellers, (137), 142; Fitting for Liquid Fuel, 547
- Berwick, Launch of, 302, (303)
- Bonaventure, (544)
- Challenger, 286, 353
- Cornwall Launched, (420)
- Cumberland, 588, (589)
- Donegal, Launch of, 261
- Drake, Speed Trial, 325, (328)
- Drake Class, Four Mighty "Armoured. of the, (290)
- Duke of Edinburgh Class, A New, 547,
- Duke of Edinburgh Class, New Cruiser of, (443); Mr. Watte, 498
- Eleven New, Cost of the, (372), (443)
- Encounter, 286, 353
- Euryalus, 501
- First and Third-class, Ordered by the Admiralty, (544)
- Flora, 499
- Galatea, (610)
- Hyacinth, Competitive Trials with the Minerva, (469), (547); Leaky Feed Pumps, (211)
- Inconstant, Project for Converting her into a Permanent Training Ship. (565)
- Intrepid, (426), 353
- Kent, (589)
- King Alfred, Speed Trials, (358)
- Medusa, 353
- Minerva, Propellers of, (211)
- Niobo, (544)
- Phreton, 499
- Scout Class of Small, 499
- Spartiate, Steam Trials, (61)
- Subsidised Mercantile, 593
- Suffolk, (589)
- Terrible, Speed Trials, 194, 325
- Topaz, (496), 547
- Watts’ Class of, 499
Cruisers, Foreign:
- American, Vesuvius, 237
- Argentine, General Rica and Genera Mitra, Turkey Proposes Buying, 261
- Argentine, Rividavia, 451
- French, Chateau-Renault, Speed Trials (Hl)
- Jeanno d’Arc, 237
- Jurien de la Gravière, 476
- Kleber, 332, 334
- German, Arkona, (162)
- Frauenlob, (162) "J,” (162)
- Italian, Carlo Alberto, Wireless Telegraphy, (111), (496)
- Japan, Several New, (353)
- Japanese, Takassgo, 142
- Russian, Askold, 10, 12
- Aurora, 588 Bayan, (525)
- Bogatyr, 261, 525
- A New Fast, (185)
- Novik, (426), (525)
- Pamiat Azova, 325
- United States, Baltimore, (614)
- Desmoines, 325, (355);
- Galyeston, 325
- Tennessee and Washing¬ton (Supplement,Novem¬ber Uth, 1902), 468, (495)
- Vesuvius, (395)
Torpedo Craft, Destroyers, Gunboats, dec.
British :
- Scouts, Four Ordered, Their Names, (443), 588
- Scouts, Tenders Accepted by the Ad¬miralty for Construction of, (420)
- Sloop Merlin, Trials of, (469), (496)
- Submarines, Admiralty’s Experiments with, (303), (355)
- at Barrow, Experiments with, (85), 91
- Al, Trials of, (233)
- Nos. 1 and 3, 394
- No. 2, Trial of, (211), 215
- Hazard, 261
- Latona, 261, (588)
- Launch of the Sixth, Built by Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, (47)
- Painted Green, British, 237
- Periscopes Fitted to, 325, (355)
- Three More, (589)
- Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Fairy, (589)
- Wolf, Tests at Portsmouth, (565)
- Zephyr Aground, (525), 547
- Nine Now, (280), 376
- Nos. 109 and 110 Launched, (85), (257)
- Strength of, to be Tested at Portsmouth, (519)
- Structural Strength of, 164
- Surly, Experi¬ments with Liquid Fuel, 307
- Torpedo Boats to be Fitted with Water¬tube Boilers, 451
- Torpedo Fleet, Important Admiralty Order affecting the, (355)
- Torpedo Gunboat Circe, (15)
- Gossamer, 194, (358), (588)
- Niger, (358) Tarbine Destroyer Velox, 547
Torpedo Craft, Destroyers, Gunboats, &c.
- French Submarines, 329. 397
- Torpedo Boat, No. 84,
- Attached to the Ecole Navale, Brest, 476
- Torpedo Boat, No. 108, The “ Mystery” of the, (588), (610)
- German Point of View, Submarines from the, 502
- Submarine of the Holland Type, 261
- Torpedo Boats to be Painted Brown-grey Khaki, 91
- Mexico, Four Destroyers Ordered, 15
- Swedish Torpedo Boat Destroyer Mode Launched from Yarrow’s Works, (85), 108, 261
- United States Submarine Boats Adder and Mocassin Trials, (496), (519), 582
- United States Submarine Torpedo Boat Ihe Protector, New Type of, (544), 547,562
Mercantile, Passenger, and other. British :
- Atlantic Liners, The New, 325, 352’ 368
- Atlantic Liner City of Rome, Her Melan¬choly End, 415
- Bristol and South African Ports, Regular Steamship Service between, (496)
- Canada to South Africa, Monthly Service of Steamers, (239)
- Canadian Fast Mail Service between this Country and the Dominion, (111)
- Channel Steamers, High-speed, 433
- Cross - Channel Passenger Steamship Services, 230, 272, 279, (285)
- Cflnard Company and the Government, The, 325, 352, 368, (505)
- Liners, New, 136, 157, 473, 496, (505), (589), 592
- Liner Campania, (11), (395)
- Liner Carpatbia, 136
- Liner Ivernia, (233)
- Liner Lucania, (395)
- Denny and Brothers, Wm., Turbine Steamers for London, Brighton and South Coast and South-Eastern and Chatham Railways, (355)
- Duke of Connaught, John Brown and Co., Limited, for the Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North- Western Railway Companies, (395)
- Ferry Steamers for Trains, Denmark, (496)
- Great Eastern Railway Company, Chan¬nel Steamers of the, 272, 279
- Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North-Western Railway Com¬panies’ Fleet, (370), (381), (395)
- Lifeboats under Charge of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, (443)
- Lyssgbts, Limited, Steamship Service between Bristol and South African Porte, (496)
- Manchester and Boston, Steamship Service between, (372), (496)
- Melville, Elder, Dempster Liner, Steam¬ship Service between Canada and South Africa, (395)
- Ontarian, Allan Brothers, Steamship Service between Canada and South Africa, (395)
- Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Launch of the Victoria for tbe, (150)
- Paddle Steamer, Lady Tyler, Engines or R. and E. Hawthorne, 272, 273, 279
- Passenger and Cargo Steamer for the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. (370)
- Prince Steamship Company, the Tudor Prince, the African Prince, and Two Others, for New York and South African Service, (614)
- Shallow Draught Steamer, Messrs. Yarrow and Co., 190
- Steamboat ? The First, 143
- Steam Tugs for Colombo Port, (11)
- Turbine Propulsion for Ships of Com¬merce, 164
- Steamer for London, Brighton, and South Coast, Wm. Denny and Brothers, (355)
- Steamer for South-Eastern and Chatham, Wm. Denny and Brothers, (355)
- Steam Yacht b, (420), 424
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Steamer for Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, (370), (381)
- Yacht, Emerald Turbine Steam, A. Stephen and Sons, Limited, (420), 424
- Liquid Fuel for, (376), 476
- Shamrock IIL, Denny Brothers, 391, (395)
- Victoria and Albert, (395)
- Yamuna, for the British India Steam Navigation Company, Sir Jas. Laing, Limited, (496)
Mercantile, Passenger, and other. Foreign:
- American Liner SL Paul, (211)
- American Seven-masted Schooner, 612
- American Steam Yacht Arrow, Speed Record, (303)
- Austrian-Lloyd, Direct Line of Cargo Steamers, Trieste to Durban, (11)
- Danish Steamer, with Screw Placed Amidships, (565)
- French Steamer, 7000-Ton, for the Com¬pagnie Havraise, Soclété des Forges et Chantiers, (355)
- German Emperor's New Yacht, Meteor IIL, 172
- Hamburg-American Company’s Steam¬ship Deutschland Disabled, (614)
- Hamburg-American Liner Fiirst Bis¬marck, Breaks her Starboard Thrust Shaft, (211)
- Italian Company Project a Passenger and Cargo Service between Odessa and Naples, (137)
- Norddeutscher Lloyd Steamer, Grosser Kurlii ret, the Largest to GoTbroughtbe . Suez Canal, (420)
- Norddeutscber Lloyd Steamer Saale, Fate of the, (162)
- Russian Danube Steamship Company about to be Disbanded, (565)
- Russian Icebreaker Yermak to be Fitted with Stronger Screws, (11)
- Russian Icebreaker Yermak to be Enrolled as a Vessel of the Imperial Navy, (443)
- Scholer Suction Dredge, Tho, (257)
- Seven-masted Schoener Launched in Massachusetts, (85)
- United States Lake Survey, Catamarans foi^tbe, (185)
Shipbuilding, British and Colonial. Naval and Mercantile:
- Aberdeen Line of Messrs. G. Thompson and Co., Two Large Steamers for, with the Aberdeen Clipper Bow, (150)
- Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Government Work Secured, (553)
- Battleship Placed with Messrs. John Brown and Co., (315)
- Belfast, Record in its History, (443)
- Clydebank, Experimental Tank, Messrs. J,
- Brown and Co., Limited, (242)
- Clydebank Shipbuilding Firm, New Tanks for Ship Model Experiments, (585)
- Clyde, Nava), 549
- and the New Canardera, The, 353
- Six Months’, 15 ; Daring September (328), (338); During October, (443)
- Trust, New Works, 263
- Yards, Short Time in, (547)
- Continental Competition, (505)
- Depression of the Trade, (303). 315, (337), (481), (505), (553), (565), (601), (623)
- Dovonport Dockyard, Pressure of Work at. (137)
- Deckyard Repairs, 476
- Elswick and Walker Shipyards, Fifty Years’ Work at the, 620
- English, for Germany, (372)
- English, in June, August, September, October, November, (11), (233), (372), (469), (544)
- Interests of Canada, Protection of the, (469)
- Irvine Shipbuilding and Dry Docks Company, Orders Secured, (553)
- Lloyd's Register of, (85). (372)
- Naval, on the Clyde, 549
- Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Launch of the Victoria for, (150)
- Palmer Shipbuilding Company’s Works, Fire at, (85); Thirty-seventh Annual Report of the Directors, (315)
- Palmer Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Government Work on Hand, (553)
- Plate Dent Straightener, Mr. F. Wilson's, 67
- Pneumatic Tools in the Navy, 41
- Propeller Efficiency, (376)
- Scotch, during June, August, September, October, November, (11), (257), (372), (469), (544)
- Screw Propulsion, (476)
- Ships Built for the Navy by Private Firms, The Admiralty’s Decision respecting, (257)
- Slackness and Depression Greater than since 1886, (601), (623)
- Sunderland Yards, Unemployed in the, (565)
- United Kingdom on June 30th last, Warships and other, under Construction in, (85)
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Extensions to their Works at Barrow, (544)
- Warships and Machinery Building in England, _ Progress of, 606
- Yacht, Shamrock III., Denny Bros., 391, (395)
Shipbuilding, Naval and Mercantile, Foreign:
- Barcelona, (85)
- Black Sea or the Azoff under Russian Manage¬ment with German Capital, (233)
- Emden, (372)
- Floating Machine Shop Built on a Scow, for Repairing Ships, (496)
- French Ship Design, The Genius of, 259
- French, Statistics of, (496)
- German on the Black Sea, under Russian Man- B agement, (233)
- German, The Financial Results of, 323
- Germania Shipyard at Kiel, Slackness of Work, „ (443)
- Italy, for Turkey, (111)
- Russian Navy, Foreigners and the, 188
- Russia, Scheme for the Payment of Bounties £ for, (290)
- United States, (46), (111), (185)
- Lake Survey Catamarans, under Construction for, by the Jenks Company, (185)
- New Trust, (185)
- New Works, (266)
- September Returns, (395)
- Warship, 545
- Vulcan Company, Stettin, Gift of Land at Cuxhaven to, (328)
- SUORT, Mr. Sidney Howe, 417
- Siberia, North, Expedition to Explore, in the Interests of Trade, (372)
- Sibley College, 467, 470
- Signalling, Fog, 18, 69, 95, 153
- Signals, Coast Fog, N. G. Gedge on, 18, 69, 95 ’
- Silver and Lead, Production o’, Queensland, 1901, (137)
- Simons, Mr. Wm., 417
- Simplon Tunnel and its Construction, 4. 101,177, 186, 204, 205, 411, 414, 418, (589), 607
- Sky-scraper Building, New York, Remarkable, (162)
- Slow-combustion Stoves and M. E. Zola’s Death, , (328)
- Smithfield Show, The, (544), 569
- Smoke Nuisance in Sheffield, (35)
- Smoke Prevention, Mr. J. S. Raworth, 302
- Smokeless Consumption of Bituminous Fuels, Mr. W. H. Booth on, 302 '
- Snow-plongb, New Kind of, (11)
Society of Arts:
- Atoms, Size of, Mr. H. O. Ridout, 522
- Fothergill Prize, (15), (606)
- Gas Lighting, Professor B. V. Lewes on the Future of, (589)
- Meetings, Papers, and Lectures before Christ¬mas, (482)
- Silver Medal, Papers for which it has been Awarded, (42)
Society, Bath and West and Southern Counties:
- Extension of Area, (443)
- Medals to be Offered for Driving Mowing and Reaping Machines by Mechanical Power, (443)
- Meeting of the Show Dates Committee, (96)
Society, Boilermakers*:
- Monthly Report—Trade Outlook not so Bad, (589)
Society, Civil and Mechanical En¬gineers’:
- Coast Fog Signals, N. G. Gedye, 18
Society, Crystal Palace Engineering:
- Wilson Premium Awarded to C. S. Dowell, (624)
Society, East London Technical Col¬lege Engineering:
- Protection of Bail dings from Fire, Mr. G. PriDgle, (540)
Society, Edinburgh Students’ Engi¬neering:
- American Notes, Principal Laurie, (493)
Society of Engineers:
- Conversazione, 549
- Forty-eighth Annual General Meeting, Mr. P. Griffiths in the Chair, 570
- Hennebique System of Ferro-concrete Con¬struction, M. Augustus de Rohan Galbraith, (355)
Society of Engineers, The Amalgamated :
- Commission Sent by Mr. Mosely to the United States, (405)
- Drastic Action of the Executive, (355)
- Latter from Mr. Geo. N. Barnes, 523
- Provisional Agreement with the Engineering Employers’ Federation, 280, 289
- Trade Union Candidates on behalf of the Society to Contest Seats in Parliament, (395)
Society, Glasgow Technical College Scientific:
- Potentiometer, Mr. J. W. Peck, (554)
Society, Glasgow University Engineering:
- Annual Dinner, (620)
- Bridge Construction, Modern Practice in, Mr. J. R. Orr on, 515
- Opening Meeting, Dr. Caird’s Address, (460)
- Transmission of Power to the Interior of Mites, Mr. T. L. Galloway, (569)
Society, King’s College Engineering:
- Annual Dinner, (561)
Society, Liverpool Engineering:
- Date of Dinner, (622)
Society, Manchester Geological:
- Coal-cutting by Machinery, Mr. A. Dury Mitton, (575)
Society, Manchester Literary and Philosophical
- Switchback Centrifugal Railway, Inventor of the, Sir W. H. Bailey on, (487)
Society of Model Engineers:
- Visit to the Rigby Works of Messrs. Willans and Robinson, Limited, (98)
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders:
- 255
Society, Physical:
- Atoms, Size of, Mr. H. 0. Ridout, 522
Society of Railway Servants, The Amalgamated:
- Annual Meeting of Delegates and Mr. R. Bell’s r Report, (355)
- Decrease in Number of Members, (11)
Society, Yorkshire College Engineer¬ing:
- Diesel Oil Engine, H. Ade Clark, 585
- t Engineering in Canada and the United States, Prof. Goodman, (404)
- .Engines for Motor Cars, Internal Combustion, Mr. F. G. Heseldio, (541)
- B Metallic Packing, Mr. A. McSwiney, (502)
- Traverse Surveying, Some Considerations on Prof. Thompson, (451)
- SOUTH AFRICA, Cycles for, 45
- from an Engineer’s Point of ’ View, 64, 93, 225, 247, 275,
- 293, 319, 341, 389, 415. 433, 535, 539, 557, 579, 605
- Germany’s Trade with, 45
- Irrigation of, 114
- Spain, Cotton Spinning and Weaving Machinery >n> (Hl)
- Speeds of Toothed Wheels, Greatest, (35)
- Stamford, Roman Remains Discovered at, (257)
- Starch-making in Damascus, (137)
- Steam, 43, 93, 144
- Steam, Exhaust, Economical Use of, (519)
- Steam Ploughing in South Africa, 93, 144
- Allis-Andrews System, The, (456)
- Annealing of Low Carbon Mild, Herr E. Heyn, 250
- Austrian and Hungarian, “Cartel,” (519)
- A. W. Cutting, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whit¬worth and Co.’s own Brand, (149)
- - Belgian for Bierut, (61)
- Compression of, by Wiredrawing during n Solidification in the Ingot Mould, M. A. Har- mit, 251
- Converters, Acid-lined, Replaced by the Basic n Process, (328)
- Cutlery, Prof. Arnold on, (280), 282
- Deterioration of, from Vibration, 271
- Direct Production of, from Ore, Mons. Her- S noult's Process, (111)
- Dome, A Large, (378)
- Effect of Re-heating on the Coarse Structure of Overheated, K. F. Giiransson, 599
- Foreign Trade in, September, (359)
- German v. English, 43
- German Exports to Russia, (185)
- Harmit Ingot Pres3, The, 252
- High-speed Cutting, The Use of, Mr. Miley on, (440)
- High-speed Tool, New Process, Bismarck Furnace, Silesia, (544)
- Industries, Iron and, Application of Electric Power for, Mr. Selby Bigge on, 252
- Iron and, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, Prof. H. Wedding, 250
- Local Case Hardening for Articles of, (61) Manufacture, Output, and Profits in, 276
- Open-hearth, in Great Britain, in First Half of 1902 and 1901, Make of, (420)
- Output, Pittsburg, Talbot Open-hearth ' Furnace, (565)
- Peculiarities of, 471
- Plants and Enlargements in, West Pennsyl¬vania, (532)
- Plant, Mahoning Valley, United States, (72)
- Rail Combination, Reported Formation of, (288)
- Rail Mills in Soo Region, Closed for Lack ot Work, (565)
- Tempering, when Hardened by Overstrain, (11)
- Testing High-speed Tool, (149)
- Tool, for Government Arsenals, to be Supp'ied by a Sheffield Firm, (420)
- Tracks for Auto Cars in New York, (102)
- Trade, Sir Chas. M’Laren on the Gloomy Oat¬look, (315)
- Trust, American, Wages and Turnover, (238)
- Trust, Another Huge American, (565)
- Trust and Pig Iron Furnaces, Reported Friction between, (11)
- Trust, Rumoured British, 172
- Trust, The United States, 311
- United States Corporation, Output, (451)
- Vanadium, Introduced into France by an American Engineer, (61)
- What is Steel ? 402
- Professor Arnold on, (280), 282
- Wheelways for Wagon Roads, (46)
- Workers, Scottish, and Improved Machinery, Works, American, (210)
- Dorman, Long and Co.’s, New, (601)
- Output of German, (328)
- Practice in Germany, Progress in, by R. M. Daelen, 621
- The Rheiniecbe, 271
- STEERING Gear, 144
- Stoker, The Arthur, 478
- Stoker, Automatic, 14
- Street Hygiene, The International Committee of (354)
- Strikes—see Labour Questions, Strikes, io.
- Structural Costs, 56, 125, 175, 226
- Structural Strength of Torpedo Boat Destroyers, 164
- Stud Chain in one Length, The Heaviest ever made in Staffordshire, (372)
- Submarine Cables, Lines Possessed by Germany, (85)
- Suburban Traffic, (111)
- Superheated and Saturated Steam, Relative Con¬sumption per Brake Horse-power Hour of, (496)
- Superheater, Test of a, 19
- Blast Furnace Construction, Mr. Jno. Steven¬son, October 10th, 1902
- Electric Eogineering, i.—xvi., December 12tb, 1902
- Electric Power Station, Linwood Paper Mills, D. Bruce, Peebles and Co., July 18th, 1902
- Great Western Railway Company's Works at Swindon, October 17th, 1902
- Locomotive Boiler with Cylindrical Fire-box, Lancashire and Yorkshire Rail¬way, Mr. F. A. Hoy, August 15th, 1902
- Express Passenger, Great Central, Mr. J. G, Robinson, July 4th, 1902
- Narrow-gauge Goods, Cape Government Railways, Mr. H. Beatty, September 5th and 19th, 1902
- Six-coupled Mineral Tank, Kerr, Stuart and Co., Limited, October 31st, 1902
- Six-coupled Tank, Wrexham, Mold, and Connah’s Quay Rail¬way, Mr. F. Willans, November 21st, 1902
- Nile Irrigation Works, Great Dam at AssuAn, December 19th, 1902
- Royal Train, London, Brighton, and South Coast, December 26tb, 1902
- Swindon Railway Works, The New, October 3rd and 17th, 1902
- Tramway Traction Engine, Pinkston Power Station, Glasgow, D. Stawart and Co., Limited, December 5th, 1902
- United States Navy, Armoured Cruisers Ten¬nessee and Washington, November 14tb, 1902
- SWEDISH Metal and Coal, 215
- Switzerland, British, German, and French Trade with, Compared, (565)
- Synchronism in the Speeds of Two Motors, Optical Method of Observing, (111)
- TALC Production in the United Stated, (85)
- Tangiere, Roads between Fez, Engineer Sent by Sultan to Inspect, (162)
- Tanks for Ship Model Experiments, New, (585)
- Tar Sprinkling on Roads, Antwerp, (316)
- Targets, Alteration in the Size of, The Council of the National Rifle Association’s Decision re¬specting, (565)
- Tariff, The New German, 610
- Tarring of Roads, (316), (355)
- Taxes at the Cape, (589)
- Teak Logs obtained in Burma Forests, (137)
- Technical College Buildings at Glasgow, New, ) 170
- Committees, Number and Composition of, in England and Wales, (519)
- Lexicon, German, (303)
- American Pacific, Construction Assured, (565)
- Land and Submarine, Mileage Statistics or, (328)
- Line from Asmarah to Addis-Abeba, (233)
- Octuplex System of Typographic, Tested in Germany, (303)
- Pacific Cable, Long Section Laid, (404)
- Ship Telegraphs, The Largest ever Made, (382)
- Subterranean to the North, (469), 500, 527
- Underground Connecting London with Scot¬land, (469), 500
- Wenchow to. be Connected with the Outside World by, (185)
- Wireless, Breakdown of, during Naval Manoeuvres, in the Mediterranean, (420)
- on the Campania, (11)
- on the Carlo Alberto, (111), (496)
- England and Canada, Successful, 610
- Finding Longitude by the Aid of, (137)
- Finland, Russia’s Restrictions, (35)
- in the German Navy, (589)
- on the Grand Trunk Railway, Ex¬periments with, (420)
- Marconi, (111), (142), 307, (496)
- Sweden, (11)
- United States Warships, (19)
- Berlin, (111)
- Brighton Municipal, (420), (614)
- Cardiff and Newport, Underground, (162)
- Chicago, Automatic, 550
- Denmark and Germany, New, (372)
- Glasgow, Area of, (35)
- Hull, Municipal, (469)
- Paris, Charges, (614)
- Petersburg and Moscow, (519)
- San Francisco, (420)
- San Francisco, The Chinese, (35)
- Scarborough, (61)
- Swansea’s Municipal (280), (614)
- Sweden, (280)
- Tunbridge Wells Municipal, (85), (469)
- TELEPHONE Cables to the North, Subter¬ranean, 468
- Telephone Company, The National, Subscribers are to ba Enabled to have Telegrams Trans¬mitted to them, (61)
- Telephony, Future of, in the United Kingdom, Mr. J. E. Kingsbury on, 301
- Telephony, Wireless, between two German Towns, (211)
- Telephone Wires, Tunnel for, between Minnea¬polis and St Paul, (162)
- Telephoning, Railway, (148)
- Engineering, to be Invited by the Birmingham City Council, (552)
- Floating Dry Dock for the Philippines, (233)
- Netherlands Ministers of Colonies will Receive Tendersatthe Hague for Supplies, as follows, (519)
- Sydney Bridge, (210), (222)
- TEREDO, Damage done to Timber by the, (496) Thames Conservancy, The, 20
- Thames—see Water Supply
- Thorpe, Dr. T. E., His Report of the Work of the Government Laboratory, (241)
- Thrift in Design, 163
- Timber, Damage Done by the Teredo to, (496) Timber Joining, (460)
- Tin Deposits in the Cape York Region of Alaska, (185)
- Tin into the United States, Total Imports of, (185)
- Tin-plate Company, The American, and the Welsh Manufacturers, (420)
- Tin-plate Manufacture, United States, 170 Tin-plates, Price of, (519)
- Tipton Mines, Drainage, 325
- ‘‘Too Good”—see Colonial Markets, 473, 500
- Tornado Dust Collector, 146
- Townsend, Mr. J. E., (531)
- Trade and Business Announcements, 22, 49, 72, 98, 123, 151, 172, 199, 223, 245, 269, 291, 317, 339, 361, 382, 430, 456, 182, 506, 532, 554, 576, 602, 624
- Depression and "Going Away” Clubs, (233)
- Disputes—see Labour Questions, Strikes, &c.
- in the East, (338)
- and Education, 114
- of the Empire, 156
- Germany’s South African, 45
- Returns for July, Board of, (185)
- Secrets and French Law Concerning, (35)
Tramways, Electric and other:
- Allahabad, (420)
- Auckland, New Zealand, (137)
- Bangkok, (280)
- Barcelona and Harta, (111)
- Barrow, (136)
- Barrow-in-Furness, Fire at the Depót, (11)
- Belgium, (420)
- Berlin, Mileage of, (211)
- Birmingham, (469)
- Birmingham City, Mr. Conaty’s Appointment to,(211)
- Bombay, (35), (137)
- Bradford, Official Statement of Receipts, kc., (355)
- Brisbane, (162)
- Burmah, (420), (428)
- By-laws with Regard to Excess Tram Passengers, Leeds Corporation, (469)
- Cardiff, Electric Equipment of, (35)
- Devonport, Accident on, (328)
- Engines, Glasgow, 306, 323
- Exeter, (137), (162), (280)
- Exhibition, International, 7
- Glasgow, (257), (303), (420), 596, (614)
- Glasgow, Engines for, D. Stewart and Co., 306, 333, 536, 583, 596
- Glasgow, Fatal Accidents on, (211), (257)
- Harrow, (443)
- Hastings, (614)
- Holland, (420)
- Hopkinson, Mr. C., on Electric, 503
- Hove, Ratepayers’ Opposition, (303)
- Huddersfield, Accident, (11)
- Lancashire, S., (85)
- Lancaster Corporation, (137)
- Leicester, (429)
- Liverpool, (162)
- Liverpool, Scheme for Transit of Merchandise Over, (496)
- Landon, South, The London County Council. (519)
- Landon, North, 584
- Landon, Schemes for, 20, (85)
- London United, Extension of, (233), 332, (469)
- Lowestoft, Belgian Rails for, (137)
- Madras, on the Mono-rail System, (303)
- Maidstone with Chatham and Gravesend, (3951
- Mandalay, (420), (428)
- Mileage of, Taken over by the London County Council, (519)
- Motor, Brush Standard, (xi., xiii., Supplement. December 12th, 1902)
- Newcastle, (111)
- Now South Wales, Annual Report, 448
- New South Wales, Mileage Open for Traffic, September 30th, 1901, 1902, (614)
- New York, Fumes from the Storage Batteries a Nuisance to Passengers, (355)
- Portland City and Oregon, Telephones in the Cars, (35)
- Rubber-grinding Machines, (xii., Supplement, December 12M, 1902)
- Rothesay, 218
- Russian, (257)
- St. Petersburg and Moscow, (233)
- Salford Tramway and Lighting Plant, 595
- Sheffield, Letter-boxes Attached to the Cars (328)
- Thames Embankment, (85)
- Tien-Tsin, (61)
- Track Sanding, 562
- Tramcar Controllers, Messrs. Dick, Kerr, Limited, (xii., Supplement, December. 12th 1902) ’
- Tramcars, Derailment of, 527
- Tyneside, Gosforth to North Shields, (328)
- United States, Philadelphia, Tramcar Transfer Table and Lift, Brill Company’s Works (210)
- Willesden, Cost of Proposed, (35)
- Wolverhampton, Col. von Donop’s Inspection (280)
- Tree, 51ft. in Diameter, California, (185)
- Trusts, How they Work (from the German Export Recur), 40b
- Trust, Russian Iron, Reported, 524
- Trust, Russian Metallurgical, 493
- Tunnel to Connect Two Lakes. Two Mile Rock, (162)
- Simplon, 4, 101, 177, 186, 204, 205, 411, 414, 418, 589, 607
- under the Clyde, Projected, (257)
- under the Thames, The New, (108), (137)
- Turbine Propulsion for Ships of Commerce, 164
- Turbines, Marine Steam, Parson’s System, (574)
- Steam, Mr. K. Anderson on, (540)
- Steam, Hon. C. A. Parsons on, 277
- Steam, for Electric Power Generation, Mr. G. E. Fedden on, (257)
- Turkey, Agricultural Implements Wanted for, (257)
- Tuyeres, Vacuum on Foster’s System, (614)
- Tynemouth Pier, 132, 133
- Typewriter, A Pocket, (162)
- UGANDA, Prospects of, (328)
- Uganda Railway—»rz Railways, British, &c. United Kingdom, Trade Returns for July, (185);
- Oil Imports into, (185)
- United States Consul at Sheffield, (31)
- Export Trade, Decline in, (233)
- Government Investigations of Steam Pollution, &c., (257)
- Oil Fuel instead of Coal for the Navy, (137); Production of Crystalline Graphite io, (137); Lieut. Davis’ Process for Harden¬ing Armour Plates, (137)
- Trade of the, 260
- University College, London, Incorporation of, in the University of London, 477
- Uralite, 165
- VALVE Diagram, Reuleanx, 403
- Viaducts across the Seine, for the Paris Metro¬politan Railway, Steel, (61)
- Viaduct, The Wellington-street, 527
- Victorian Government's London Mining Representative Recalled, (280)
- Volcanic Dust in Berlin, Supposed Presence of, (35)
- V olcanic Dust, Specimens of, (46)
- Volcano, Rooang, (211)
- Volcanoes and the Inter-oceanic Canal, 2, 3,
- Vulcanite. Best Speed for Maohining, (85)
- Vulcan Works, Wolverhampton, Enlargement of, (530)
- WAGES—see Labour Questions, Strikes, &c. Wagon Question, The, 235
- Walker, Ebenezer, 212
- Warning to Manufacturers, 311
- Water Dynamometer, The Froude, (7)—seep. 616, j Vol. xciii.
- Water-hammer Aotion in Steam Pipes, The Cause of, (481)
Water Supply:
- Assouan Dam, Closing of the Sluices, to Fill the Reservoirs, (395)
- Assouan Dam and Assiout Weir, 55, 580
- Australia, Water and Drainage Bill, (280)
- Boston, Electrolysis of Iron Pipes, and Remedy ; Suggested, (211)
- Burley Waterworks, (22)
- Cairo, Closing of the Sluices of the Assouan Dam to Fill the Reservoirs, (395)
- Cape Colony, Artesian Wells Drilled by Govern¬ment, (303), (395)
- Caton Waterworks Arbitration, (85)
- Chicago, Foul Condition of, (257) ; Water I Waste in, (614)
- Church Stretton, Shropshire, (428)
- Columbus, Ohio, Special Instrument showing Nightly Waste, (355)
- Coolgardie, (622)
- Dover, (355), (565)
- Edinburgh, The New Waterworks, 319 ; Diffi¬culties at, (376)
- Fittings, on the Standardisation of, Mr. R. S. Lloyd, 80
- Formosa, South, Irrigation Insufficient, (11)
- Glasgow, Mr. J. Gale and the, (596)
- Guildford Corporation Waterworks, Mr. C. G. Mason on the Turbine Pumping Plant, 115
- High-pressure Salt Water Mains in Phila¬delphia for Fire Extinguishing, (61)
- Holland, Purification of, by Ozonised Air, (443)
- Lincoln, (257)
- Littlehampton, New Works Opened, (469)
- London, (589)
- Loughborough, New Waterworks, 32, 33, 34, 115
- Madeley, Salop, Opening of Now Works, (420)
- Metropolitan, (35), (303), (395), (443), (589)
- Mexico, Prize Offered by the State for Making Artesian Well, (211)
- Nagasaki, (280)
- Paris, 460
- Pekin Waterworks, (8) ; Permanent, Jerusalem, (61)
- Philadelphia, Gas Engine Pumping Plant, (338)
- Pollution of Rivers, 369
- Port Talbot, (316)
- Reading Waterworks, Mr. A. T. Walker on the Water Power Pumping Plant, 115
- Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley. (544)
- Rural, Messrs. Jas. Dewhurst and H. G. Key¬wood, 80
- Seoul in Corea, (257)
- Shimonoseki, (185)
- Sydney Waterworks, Pumping Plant for Mestre. Mather and Platt (xvi., Electrical Supplement, December 12tk, 1902)
- Tangiers, (162)
- Torquay, Rusting of Mains and Results, (233)
- United States Government Investigations of Stream Pollution, &c., (257)
- Waste, Special Instrument Showing Nightly, (355)
- Water Engineer on, 442
- Windsor Corporation Waterworks, Mr. C. Sainty on the Tarbine-driven Pampy, 115
- Wolverhampton, (170), (544)
- WEARDALE Steel, Coal, and Coke Company, Accounts of, (315)
- Webb, Mr. F. W., His Resignation, (182), 523
- Weitzer, Mr. John, The Styrian Ironmaster, (407)
- Well Boring in South Africa, 388, 573 Westward to the Orient, 569
- Whitworth, Mr. A. H., (233)
- Whitworth Scholarships, The, 240
- Wilkinson, Mr. Geo., Presentation to, (328)
- Wind Effects upon Lakes, 250
- Wind Pressure, Measuring, Competition at the Deutsche Seewarte, Hamburg, for the Best Contrivance for, (565)
- Winnipeg, Small-pox Hospital and the City’s Ice Supply, (211)
- Wire Trade, United States, Condition of, (35) Wolverhampton, Canals and, 66
- Wood as Fuel on North Carolina Railways to be Discontinued, (420)
- Wood as Fuel on Russian Railways to be Discon¬tinued, Use of, (420)
- Woods, The Lightest and the Heaviest, Specific Gravity of, (162)
- Wood Paving Blocks from New South Wales, (372)
- Wood Paving in Paris, (280)
- Worcester Porcelain, Date of the First Manu¬factory of, (11)
- Workmen’s Compensation Acts, Cases under, (211)
- Workshop Drawing Class, A, 183
- Workshop Management, Some Aspects of, 1, 51, 68, 101, 154, 201, 249, 293, 342
- Workshop Methods, American c. British, (243)
- Workshops, Swindon, The New Railway (Supple¬ment, October 3rd, 1902), 325
- 11 World’s Fair,” Manchester the next Site, (35)
See Also
Sources of Information