The Engineer 1902 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations
Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1902 Jan-Jun: Index
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List of Names
- AMERICA, Concrete Sleepers in, 429
- American Bridge-erecting Crane, 340
- Electric and Compressed Air Locomo¬tives, 313
- Locomotive Construction, 477,478, 623, 624
- Locomotive, Four-cylinder Bilanced Compound, 452, 453
- Locomotive, Ten-wheelsCoupled Goods, A. T. and S. F. Railway, 234, 235
- Locomotives, Modern, 356, 357
- Spark Arrester, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, 246
- Three-cylinder Traction Engine for Cuba, 44
- Transporter Bridge, 412
- Asplen, Mr. Bernard, Road Scarifier, 291
- Asquith, Mr. W., Electrically - driven Boring Machine (vi., Supplement., June 13<A, 1902)
- August Belmont Coal Ship, Fitted with the Dodge ' Coal-diecharging Gear, 580
- Avonmouth Dock, Steam Navvy for, Ruston, Proctor and Co., 212; Plan of, 233
- BAJAC, M. A., Cabla.laying Plough, 439
- Banki Oil Engine, Messrs. Ganz and Co., 277, 285
- Bannatine-Allason, Col. R., Repairing Worn-out Guns on Service, 45
- Barker and Spink, Bering Bar with Adjustable Cutters, 172
- Barton Air Ship, The, 392
- Battersea Park-road, Renewing a Bridge over, Mr. J. C. Inglis, 543, 544
- Becker Electric Furnace, 160
- Bedford, H.M. First-class Cruiser, 605
- Benrather Maschinen Fabrik, Electric Motor Crabs, 69
- Electrically-worked Dock¬yard Cranes, 410, 414, 418
- Bermuda, Floating Dock for, C. S. Swan and Hunter, Limited, 161
- Bermuda Dock, Self-docking of, C. S. Swan and Hunter, 589
- Birch and Co., G., Automatic Gear-cutting Machine, 368
- Birkenhead Docks, Pumping Plant for the Walla¬sey Dock {Supplement, January \Oth, 1902), 34, 36
- Blake’s Improved Multitubular Vertical Boiler, 112
- Bolton Corporation, Electric Generators for, The English Electric Manufacturing Company, Limited, 86, 87
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, Six-Coupled Tank Engine (Supplement, June 21th, 1902), 629
- Bramwell, Sir Frederick J., Bust of, 111
- British North Borneo, Railway Enterprise in, 634, 535, 538
- Buckton and Co., Limited, Joshua, Planing and BoriDg Machine, Horizontal Radial Drilling Machine, Bloom Shears, Double Table Planer, (viii., iz., x., Supplement, June 13M, 1902) Buokton and Co., Limited, Joshua, Tram Riil
- Drilling Machine, 427, 430
- Bushay House Physical Laboratory, 89
- Butler and Co., J., Drills and Crank-Turning Lathes fvi., vit., Supplement, June 13<A, 1902)
- CAPETOWN, Vertical Compound Engines for
- Electric Supply of, Ferranti, Limited, 456, 457
- Cauveri Falls, Electrical Power Transmission, 554, 555, 562, 576, 677,578, 581
- Chatham, Electric Tramways, Map, 602
- Chicago and North-Western Railway, Ten-wheel Locomotive, 581
- Clyde Passenger Turbine Steamer, Queen Alexan¬dra, 534
- Cohen, Professor Ernest, Corrosion of Condenser Tubes and Sea Water Conductors, 469
- Colombo Harbour, Ceylon, 355
- Compagnie de Chemins de Fer Departmontaux, Duplex Tank Locomotive, Society Suisse, 512
- Cowell, Mr. W. B., and Mr. J. Kemp Welch, Oil Gas Producing Plant, 518
- Craven Brothers, Limited, Locomotive Shop Machine Tools, 567, 568
- Cross-Channel Passenger Steamships (Supplement, A^ril 4th, 1902), 180,181,189, 309,330, 381,608,
- Crowden, Mr. C. T., Light Petrol Motor, 520
- Cruvellier, M., Surface Contact Tramway System, 588
- Crystal Palace Motor Car Show, 6 Horse-power Horizontal Tandem Petrol Motor, 6 Horse¬power Pick Voiturette, 185,
- Ellis 3-Ton Steam Wagon, 186
- Canard Liner Etruria, Repairing of, 558, 559
- DARLINGandSellers, Limited, Boringand Milling Machines (i., ii., Supplement, June 18lh, 1902)
- Darling and Sellers, Limited, lOin. Double Tier Bed Lathe, 360, 364
- Dean, Smith and Grace, Limited, 16in. Lathe for High-spsed Steel (iii., Supplement, June 18lh, 1902)
- Da Michele Steering Gear, The, 440
- Denison and Son, Sam., India-rubber Testers, 339
- Diesel Oil Engine, The New, 528, 529
- Dixon and Co., Sir Raylton, Single Deck Cargo Steamer, 9
- Dodge Coal Discharging Gear, 580
- Dudbridge Ironworks, Limited, 16 Horse power Oil Engine, 297
- Duluth, U.S.A., Transporter Bridge at, 442
- EASTERN Railway of France, Six-coupled Express Locomotive, M. L. Salomon (Supple¬ment, January 24th, 1902)
- Egyptian State Railways, Experimental Loco¬motives, 137, 140
- Elswick, Naval Mounting in Hooded Barbette, 12in., 378, 379
- Emlyn Engineering Works, Gloucester, 542, 543
- FAIRLIE Engines, Burma Railway Company, The Vulcan Foundry Company, Limited (Supplement, May 16(A, 1902), 491, 492
- Fletcher and Co., Geo., Locomotive-type Boiler for a Sugar Factory, Crystalliser, Juice Heater, Superheater, 625, 628
- Fletcher and Co., Geo., Steam Pumping Engine, 612
- Florida, United States, Dredger and Snag-boat, 81, 96
- Foden, Sons and Co., Limited, Motor Wagon in Difficulties, 11
- France, Industrial Motor Cars in: Chaboche Steam Van, Peugeot Postal Wagon, Martini Lorry, Delahay Petrol Lorry, Turgan-Foy Steam Lorry, De Dietrich Petrol Lorry, 204, 205, 209
- France, Motor Car Trials in, 434, 451
- Fremantle Harbour, Map of, 547
- French Battleship Courbet, 353
- Requin, Reconstructed, 288
- Suffren, The New, 460, 465
- French Oil Engine Road Rollers, 296
- Froude Dynamometer, The, 616
- Furness Railway, Four-coupled Express Loco¬motive, Mr. W. F. Pettigrew (Supplements, February 14th, April 28th, 1902)
- GATHMANN Torpedo Shell, 58. 64
- Garman Quiok-fire 15-Pounder Field Gun, 480, 481, 482
- Great Western Railway, Roath Docks Bridge, Mr. J. C. Inglis, 94
- Greenhithe, J. C. Johnson and Co.’s Cement Works, 131, 133
- HARDIE, Water-tube Boiler, 468
- Hardie, Gordon H., Valve Gear for Stern-wheel Steamers, 148
- Hardy Patent Piok Company, Limited, Two Con¬tractors Appliances, 136
- Henrichenburg Canal Lift, Power-house, 7 H.M. Patent-office, Southampton buildings, 38, 39
- H.M.S. Prince George Class, Interior of Barbette. 379
- H.M.S. Queen, 242
- Herbert, Limited, Alf,, Electrically-driven Hexa¬gon Lathe, 292, 293
- Holborn Electric Furnace, 160
- Holt Waterworks Engine-room, 146
- Hotchkiss Boiler Scummer, The, 70
- Hulse and Co., Machine Tools for Locomotive Works, 332
- INDIAN-NETHERLANDS Railway, Java, Com¬pound Narrow-gauge Locomotive, Mr. B. A. Gratama, 14
- Indian-Netherlands Railway, Java, Compound Tank Locomotive, Mr. B. A. Gratama, 159
- Inter-oceanic Canal, Proposed, 530, 531, 608
- Islington Motor Car Exhibition, 406, 407, 408
- JAPANESE Battleship Mika,a, 31, 35
- Joy’s Proposed Locomotive, 396
- Japanese Cruisers Niitaka and Tshushima, New, 85, 90
- KENDAL and Gent’s Electrically-driven Portable Machine Tools, 118, 119, 120
- Krupp Armour, A New, 483, 484
- Kunng Gai, Ferry Steamer, for Sydney Harbour, 61
- LANCASTER, H.M. First-class Cruiser, 336
- La Touche, J. N. D., Vibration in Tube Railways, 245
- Leng, Sir Wm. Christopher, 220
- Leviathan, H.M.S., 415
- Lister and Co., R. A., Milk Pumps, 566
- Liverpool Overhead Railway, Three-car Train, 284
- Lockwood and Carlisle, Piston Ring, 98
- London and South-Western Railway, Automatic Block Signalling, 536
- Lowmoor Company, Limited, Boiler Drilling Machine, FlaDge Drilling Machine (x., xi., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Luxembourg, Arched Bridge at, 431
- MASSEY Pneumatic Power Hammer, The, 298
- Mavor and Coulson, Limited, Electrically-worked Coal-cutting Machine, 243
- Melville, Rear-Admiral G. W., 570
- Mercedes, Steam Collier, Northumberland Ship¬building Company, Limited, 40
- Merryweather and Sons, Limited, Fire-float for Fiume Harbour, 341
- Meyer Liquid Fuel Furnace, The, 283
- Miley’s Machine Tool Company, Limited, 8Jin. Lathe with Special Headstcck (iv., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Mordey-Fricker Electricity Meter, The, 546
- Mort’s Dock and Engineering Company, Ferry Steamer Kuring Gai for Sydney Harbour, 61
- Motor Traction Company, Limited, Holden’s Petrol Motor Bicycle, 333, 334
- Muir and Co., Limited, Wm., Special Machine Tools, 196, 197
- Mumford, Mr. A. G., Water-tube Boilers for First-class Torpedo Boats, 145
- NICARAGUA Canal, Sections and Proposed Route, 425
- Nicaragua Canal, Surveying for, 479, 486
- Niles Tool Works Company, Circular Milling Machine, 317
- Noble and Lund, Shafting Lathe, 69
- Northampton Harbour Board, Electric Jib Crane, Stothert and Pitt, Limited, 23
- North - Eastern Railway, Eight-coupled Coal Engine (Supplement, June 6th, 1902)
- North-Eastern Railway, Mineral Wagon, 510
- Northern of France, Double - bogie Side-tank Locomotive, M. G. Du Bousquet, 281
- Nottingham and Rstford Railway, Map of, 632
- O’CONNOR, C. Y., Mr., 383
- Orcutt, Mr. H. F. L., Modern Machine Methods, 122,123
- Orient Steam Navigation Company’s New Lines Orontes, Launching Cradle, Balanoed Rudder, 494
- Oswald, Mr. W., Cast Iron Mixers for Steel Works, 465
- PARIS Motor Car Exhibition, Darrocq et Cie.’s, Charron Girardot et Voigt’s, Dacauville's, and Peugeot’s Carriages, 3.
- Petersburg, St., Palace Bridge, 416
- Petter and Sons, Jas. B., Self-propelling Portable Oil Engine, 144
- Pittsburg Waterworks, 188
- RATEAU, M., High-speed Centrifugal Fans and Pumps, 230
- Rieder Engraving Machine, The, 363
- Roath Dock Bridge, Great Western Railway, (Supplement, February 28lh, 1902), 208, 210
- Roberts’ Tool Holder, 358
- RobeyandCo., Limited, Triple-expansion Electric Light and Power Engine, 613, 614
- Robinson, Mr. A. H., Cable Drum Wagon, 521
- Rosser, Mr. A. G., Differential Lock Nut, 36
- Rush worth and Co., Planing and Fluting Machine, and Multiple Punching Machine (xii., Supple¬ment, June 13fA, 1902)
- Russian Battleship Pobieda, 213, 218
- Russo’s Navipendulum, 330
- SAINT Petersburg Palace Bridge, 416
- Scott and Mountain, Limited, Multipolar Electric Generator, 627
- Shackleton and Flather’s Patent Return Steam Trap, 331
- Shore and Michigan State Railway, Eight-coupled Goods Engine, 403, 404
- Shoreditch, New Electric Generating Station, 601
- Section of Boiler House, 603
- Siemens and Halske, Ozoniser for Water Sterilisa¬tion, 68
- Simms, Mr. F. R., Self-propelled War Car, 368
- Smith, G. F., Drilling Machines, 592
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railways, Coal Elevators at Slade’s Green, 503
- Steveneon, Mr. Jno. L., Non-crucible Blast Furnace, 72
- Stothert and Pitt, Limited, 3-Ton Electric Jib Crane, 656
- Strangfiorden, Norway, Peat Fuel Works, 633
- Sussex, Ironmaking in, Old Tilt Hammer Head and Anvil, 11
- Symington as a Pioneer in Steam Navigation, 829
- TAITE and Carlton, Rivet Furnace, 286 ,
- Tangye Tool and Electric Company, Details of Large Boring Machine (Supplement, April 18th, i 1902), 393
- Téméraire, British Battleship, 88 ,
- Temperley Coaling Gear, 170
- Tibbenham, Mr. L. J., Cartenograph, 580
- Trans-Australian Railway, Map of, 423
- Tucker Stop Valve, Hayward-Tyler and Co., 40
- UNITED States Battleships, Nos. 13 to 17, Sur¬face Condenser for, 351 ; Triple-expansion Engines (Supplements, February 14th, March 28th, 1902)
- United States Dredger and Snag-boat Florida, 81, 96
- VERITY’S Flexible Coupling, 117
- Vulcan Foundry, Newton-le-Willows, 106, 107, 108, 110, 114
- WALLASEY Dock, Pumping Plant (Supplement, January 10M, 1902), 34, 36
- Warburton, F. J., Note3 on Steam Turbines, 149
- Ward8end Steel Works, Sheffield, Rolling Mill Engine, Mr. Gso. Sellers, 438
- Waterloo and City Railway, E ectric Looomotive, 60
- Watson, Laidlaw and Co., Water-driven Centri¬fugal for Cuba, 33
- Watts and McNaught’s Steam Engine Indicators, 238
- Webster and Bonnett, Double Boring Mill, 604, 605
- West Hydraulic Eogineering Company, Shell Banding Machine, 10
- West Indian Sugar Industry, Water-driven Centrifugal for Cuba, 33
- White Star Liner Athonic, Harland and Wolff, 165
- Wilkinson and Sons, G., Double Boring Machine, 464
- Wilkinson and Sons, G., Rack-cutting, Boring and Milling Machines, and Nut-turning Ma¬chine (iv., v., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Wilkinson and Sons, G., Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 221
- Wimshurst, Holb'ck and Co., Limited, Eleotrical Wharf Cranes, 516, 517
- Winnard and Bodford, Patent Electrically- driven Pulley Block, 297
- Wollaston Water Softener, The, 173
- Wood, John and Edward, Triple-expansion Roll¬ing Mill Engine, 55, 57
- YORKSHIRE Machine Tools, Some (Supplement, June 13<A. 1902)
- Younger, Mr. A. Scot*, On Propeller Shaft Bear¬ings, 320
Subject Matter
- AIR Ship, The Barton, 392
- Armour, New Krupp, 483, 484
- Automatic Block Signalling, London and South-Western Railway, 536
- BARBETTE, Interior of, H.M.S. Prince George Class, 379
- Bicycle, Petrol Motor, Captain Holden’s, 333. 334
- Bloom Shears, J. Bnckton and Co., Limited (vii., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Boilor, Multitubular Vertical, Mr. Jas. Blake, 112
- Boiler Scummer, The Hotchkiss, 70
- Boiler, Water-tube, The Hardie, 468
- Boilers, Water-tube, for First-class Torpedo Boat, Mr. A. G. Mumford, 145
- BoriDg Bar with Adjustable Cutters, Barker and Spink, 172
- Machine, Double, Wilkinson and Sons, 464
- Machine, Electrically-driven, Mr. W. Asquith (vi., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Machine, Large, Tangye Tool and Electric Company, Limited (Supplement, April 18th, 1902), 393
- Mill, Double, Webster and Bennett, 604, 605
- Boring and Milling Machines, Darling and Ssllers, Limited (i., ii., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Bridge, Arched, at Luxemburg, 431
- Bridge, Palace, at St. Petersburg, 416
- Bridge Renewal, Railway, Battersea Park-road, 543. 544
- Bridge, Roath Dock, Great Western Railway, Mr. J. C. Inglis (Supplement, February 28th, 1902), 94, 208, 210
- Briige, Transporter, Duluth, U.S.A , 442
- CABLE LAYING Plough, M. A. Bajac, 439
- Canal, Nicaragua, Sections and Proposed Route, 425
- Canal, Nicaragua, Surveying for, 479. 485
- Canal, Proposed Inter-oceanic, 425, 479, 486, 530, 531, 608
- Cartenograph, Mr. L. J. Tibbenham, 580
- Cement Works, Greenhithe, J. C. Johnson and Co., Limited, 131,133
- Centrifugal, Water-driven, for Cuba, West Indian Sugar Industry, Watson, Laidlaw and Co., 33
- Coal Discharging Gear, The Dodge, 580
- Coal Elevators at Slade’s Green, South-Eastern and Chatham Railways, 503
- Coaling Gear, Temperley, 170
- Contractor’s Appliances. Two, Hardy Patent Pick Company, Limited, 136
- Corrosion of Condenser Tubes and Sea Water Conductors, 419
- Coupling, Flexible, Mr. Verity, 117
- Crane, American Bridge Erecting, 340
- Crane, Electric Jib, Stothert and Pitt, Limited, Northampton Harbour Board, 23, 636
- Cranes, Electrical Wharf, Wimshurst, Hollick and Co., 516, 517
- Cranes, Eleotrically-worked Dockyard, Benrather Maschinen Fabrik, 410, 414, 418
- DOCK, Floating, for Bermuda, C. S. Swan and Hunter, Limited, 161, 589
- Dynamometer, The Froude, 616
- Drilling, Horizontal Ridial, J. Backtonand Co., Limited (viii., Supplement, June 13th, 1902) Drilling Machines, G. F. Smith, 592
- Boiler, Lowmoor Company, Limited (xi., Supplement, June 13tk, 1902)
- Flange, Lowmoor Company, Limited (x., Supplement, June 13th, 1902) Tram Rail, Joshua Backton and Co., Limited, 427, 430
- Drills, J. Butler and Co. (vi., vii., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- ELECTRIC Furnaces, The Becker and the Holborn, 160
- Generating Station, Shoreditch, Saction of Boiler House, 601, 603
- Generators for the Bolton Corporation, The English Electric Manufacturing Company, Limited, 86, 87
- Generator, Multipolar, Scott and Moun¬tain, 627
- Motor Crabs, Benrather Mascliinen Fabrik, 69
- Power Transmission, Cauveri Falls, Mysore, 554, 555,562, 576,577,578,584
- Ships’ Lift at Henrichenburg, 7
- Electrically Driven Portable Machine Tools, Kendal and Gent, 118, 119, 120 Electrically Worked Coal Cutting Machine, Mavor and Coulson, Limited, 243 Electricity Meter, Tbe Mordey-Fricker, 546
- Engine, American Three-cylinder Traction, for Cuba, 44
- Electric Light and Power, Robey and Co., Limited, 614
- New Diesel, 528, 529, 530
- Oil, 16 Horse-power, Dudbridge Iron¬works, Limited, 297
- Oil, The Banki, Ganz and Co., 277, 285
- Rolling Mill, Wardsend Steel Works, Sheffield, Mr. Geo. Sellers, 438
- Self-propelling Portable Oil, Jas. B. Petter and Sons, 144
- Steam Pumping, Geo. Fletcher and Co., 612
- Triple-expansion Rolling Mill, J. and E. Wood, 55, 57
- Triple-expansion, United States Battle¬ships, Nos. 13 to 17 (Supplements, Feb¬ruary 14th, March 28th, 1902)
- Vertical Compound, for Electric Supply of Capetown, Ferranti Limited, 456, 457
- Eogicesring Works, Gloucester, The Emlyn, 542, 543
- Engraving Maoaine, Rieder, 363
- Explosives, Gathmann Torpedo Shell, 58, 64
- FANS and Pumps, High-speed Centrifugal, M. Rateau, 230
- Fire float for Fiume Harbour, Merryweather and Sons, Limited, 341
- Foundry, Vulcan, 106, 107, 108, 110, 114
- Furnaces, Electric, The Becker and the Holborn, 160
- Liquid Fuel, The Meyer, 283 Non-crucible Blast, Mr. Jno. L. Stevenson, 72
- Oil Fuel Rivet-heating, Taite and Carlton, 236
- GEAR-CUTTING Machine, Automatic, G. Birch and Co., 368
- HAMMER, The Massey Pneumatic Power, 298
- Hammer Head and Anvil, Old Tilt, 11
- Harbour, Colombo, 355
- Harbour, Fremantle, 547
- INDIA-RUBBER Testers, Sam. Denison and Son, 339
- Indicators, Watt’s and McNaught’s Steam Engine, 238
- LATHE, Crank-turning, J. Butler and Co. (vii., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- 8^'n., with Special Headstock, Miley’s Machine Tool Company, Limited (iv., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Lathe, Electrically - driven, Alf. Herbert, Limited, 292, 293
- Shafting, Noble and Lund. 69 16in., for High-speed Steel, Dean, Smith and Grace, Limited (iii., Sup¬plement, June 13 th, 1902)
- 10in. Double-tier Bed, Darling and Sellers, Limited, 360, 364
- Lock-nut, Differential, Mr. A. G. Rosser, 36
- Locomotive, American Four-cylinder Balanced Compound, 452, 453
- American Modern, 356, 357
- Compound Narrow-gauge, Mr. B. A. Gratama, Indian-Netherlands Railway, Java, 14 Compound Tank, Indian-Nether¬lands Railway, Java, Mr. B. A. Gratama, 159
- Construction, American, 477, 478, 623, 624
- Double-bogie Side-tank, Northern of France, M. G. Du Bousquet, 281
- Duplex Tank, Compagnie de Chemins de Fer Départementaux Soc. Suisse, 512
- Eight-coupled Coal, North-Eastern Railway (Supplement, June 6th, 1902)
- Eight-coupled Goods, Shore and Michigan States Railway, 403, 404
- Electric, Water b a and City Railway, 60
- Electrie and Compressed Air, American, 313
- Experimental, Egyptian State Railways, 137, 140
- Fairlie, Burma Railway Company, The Vulcan Foundry Company, Limited (Supplement, May 16l/t, 1902), 491, 492
- Four - coupled Express, Furness Railway, Mr. W. F. Pettigrew
- (Supplements, February 14th and April 28th, 1902) Joy s Proposed, 366 S
- ix-coupled Express, Eastern Rail¬
- way of France, M. L. Salomon
- (Supplement, January 24th, 1902) Six-coupled Tank, Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway (Sup¬
- plement, June 27th, 1902), 629 Ton-wheel, Chicago and North-
- Western Railway, 581 Ten-wheels Coupled Goods, A.T. and S.F, Railway, U.S.A., 234, 235
- MACHINE Methods, Modern, Mr. H. F. L. Orcutt, 122, 123
- Machine Tools, Electrically-driven Portable, Kendal and Gent, 118, 119, 120
- Locomotive Shop, Craven Bros , Limited, 567, 568
- Locomotive Works, Hulse and Co., 332
- Some Yorkshire (Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Special, Wm. Muir and Co., Limited, 195, 197
- Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, G. Wilkinson and Sons, 221
- Map of Chatham Electric Tramways, 602
- Fremantle Harbour, 547
- Nottingham and Retford Railway, 632
- Trans-Australian Railway, 423
- Milling Machine, Circular, Niles Tool Works Company, 317
- Mixers for Steel Works, Cast Iron, Mr. W. Oswald, 465
- Motor Car3, Crystal Palace Show, 185, 185
- Industrial. French, 204. 205, 209
- Islington Exhibition, 406, 407, 408
- Paris Exhibition, Charron Girardot et Vo’gt's, Darrocq et Cie.’s, Decau- ville's and Peugeot’s, 3
- Trials in France, 454, 451
- Motor, Light Petrol, M. C. T. Crowden, 520
- Motor Wagon in Difficulties, Foden, Sons and Co., Limited, 11
- NAVAL Mounting in Hooded Barbette, 12in. Els¬wick, 378, 379
- Navipendulum, Russo’s, 330
- OIL Gas-producing Plant, Mr. W. B. Cowe'.l and Mr. J. Kemp Welch, 518
- Ordnance, German, Quiok-fire 15Pounder Field Gun, 480, 481, 482
- Ozone for Water Sterilisation, Siemens and Halske’s Experimental Plant, 68
- PATENT-OFFICE, Sonthamplon-buildings, Sir John Taylor, 38, 39
- Peat Fuel Work., Strangfiorden, Norway, 633
- Piston Ring, Lockwood and Car.isle, 98
- Planer, Double Table, J. Buckton and Co. (x., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Planing and Boring Machine, J. Buckton and Co., Limited (ix., Supplement, June 13tht 1902)
- Planing and Fluting Machine, Rush worth and Co. (xii., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Pneumatic Tires, Early, 68
- Portrait, Sir Fred. J. Bramwell, 111
- Sir Wm. Caristopher Leng, 220
- Rear-Admiral 6. W. Melville, 570
- Mr. C. Y. O’Connor, 383
- Propeller Shaft Bearings, Mr. A. Scott Younger on, 320
- Pul'ey Block, Electrically-driven, Winnard and Bedford Patent, 297
- ! Pumping Plant for Wallasey Dock, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Limited (Supplement, January 10th, 1902), 34, 36
- Pumps, Milk, R. A. Lister and Co., 566
- Punching Machine, Multiple, Rushworth and Co. (xii., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- RACK-CUTTING, Boring and Milling Machines, and Nut-turning Machine, G. Wilkinson and Sons (iv., v., Supplement, June 13th, 1902)
- Railway Enterprise, British North Borneo, 534, 535, 538
- Railway, Map of Trans-Australian, 423
- Repairing Worn-out Guns on Service, Col. R. BanDatine-AllasoD, 45
- Road Rollers, French Oil Engioe, 296
- Read Scarifier, Mr, Bernard Asplen, 291
- SHELL Banding Machine, West Hydraulic Engi¬neering Co., 10
- Battleships, British :—
- Leviathan, 415
- Queen, 242
- Téméraire, 88
- Foreign :—
- French, Courbet, 353
- Requin, 288
- SuffreD, 460, 465
- Japanese, Mikasa, 31, 35
- Russian, Pobieda, 213, 218
- Cruisers, British :—
- Bedford, First-class, 505
- Lancaster, First-class, 336
- Japanese, Niitaka, 85, 90
- Tshushima, 85, 90
- Mercantile and Passenger, British Cargo Steamer, Single Deck, Sir R. Dixon
- and Co., 9
- Collier, Steam, Mercedep, The Northumber¬land Shipbuilding Co., Limited, 40
- Cross-Channel Passenger s.s. Services, Paddle and Screw Steamers, 309, 380, 381, 384, 385, 508, 509
- Cross-Channel Passenger s.s. The Arundel, (Supplement, April 4th, 1902), 180, 181, 189
- Ferry Steamer, Kuring Gai, British-Austra¬lian, 61
- Liner, Cunard, Etruria, 558, 559
- Liner, Orient, Orontes, Launching Cradle,
- Balanced Rudder, 494
- Liner, White Star, Athenic, 165
- Passenger Turbine Steamer, Clyde, 534
- Mercantile, Passenger, and other, Foreign:—
- Dredger and Snag-boat Florida, United States, 81, 96
- Spark Arrester, American, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, 246
- Steam Navigation, W. SymiDgton a3 a Pioneer in, 329
- Steam Navvy for Avonmouth Dock, RustoD, Proctor and Co., 212
- Steel, Spontaneous Fracture of, 570
- Steering Gear, The De Miche'.e, 440
- Stop Valve, The Tucker, Hayward-Tyler and Co., 4Ö
- Sugar Factory Plant, Geo. Fletcher and Co.. 625, i 628
- Sugar Industry, West Indian, Water-driven Cen¬trifugal for Cuba, 33
- Surface Condenser for Nos. 13 to 17, U.S.A. Battleships, 351
- TOOL Holder, Roberts, 358
- Tram, Three-car, Liverpool Overhead Railway,
- Tramway System, Surface-contact, M. Cruvellier, j 588
- Trap, Return Steam, Shackleton and Flather’s Patent, 331
- Turbines, Steam, F. J. Warburton’s Notes on, 149
- VALVE Gear for Stern-wheel Steamers, H. Gordon Hardie, 148
- V24r5tiOn “ T<lbe Railway8’ J> N- D- La Touche,
- WAGON, Cable Drum, Mr. A. H. Robinson, 521
- Wagon, Mineral, North-Eastern Railway, 510
- War Car, Self-propelled, Mr. F. R. Simms, 368
- Water Softener, The Wollaston, 173
- Water Sterilising Installation, Tne Marliniken- felde, 68
- Waterworks Engine-room, Holt, 146
- Waterworks, Pittsburg, 188