The Engineer 1901/06/14
1901 June 14th PDF
- Contents, p623.
Main Subjects
- American Locomotives in England - Charles Rous-Marten, p618.
- Armour Plate Manufacture in Germany, p626.
- Brighton Tramways, p613.
- D' Auria Air Compressor, p629.
- Death, p623.
- Development of the Mode of Ignition in Small Arms and Artillery, (No. II), p628.
- Dockyard Notes, p626.
- Editorial, p623.
- Manufacturer on British Trade
- Analysis by Experts
- Trade Outlook.
- Express Engine, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, p619.
- Flow of Water in Channels and Pipes, p613.
- Gate Machinery for the Mersey Docks, p619, p620 (Illustrated).
- Incorporated Gas Institute, p624.
- T. Ormiston Paterson, President.
- India Rubber and Its Sources of Supply, (No. II), p615.
- Labour Troubles, p624.
- Letters to the Editor, p627.
- Mechanical Traction in Paris, (No. III), p614, p621 (Illustrated).
- Patent Cylinders for Single Acting Ram Pumps, p619 (Illustrated).
- Prevention of Accidents on Electric Tramways, p629.
- Railway Coal Contracts, p620.
- Sandon Engine Works, p625 (Illustrated).
- South African Wagons, p629 (Illustrated).
- Steam Engines at the Glasgow Exhibition, (No. III), p612, p617 (Illustrated).
- Water Power Developments in France, p616 (Illustrated).
- Workmen's Compensation Act, p618.