The Engineer 1901/02/01
- Contents, p119.
Main Subjects
- 1900 Paris Exhibition - Express Engine, Saxony State Railway, p112 (Illustrated).
- Boiler Explosions on France, p111.
- Continental Notes, p126.
- Death, p119.
- Martha, wife of Charles Ferdinand Vignoles.
- Dockyard Notes, p121.
- Early Submarine Warfare, p109.
- David Bushnell, of Saybrook, Connecticut
- Editorial, p119.
- Trusts
- Specifications
- Custom of Trade
- Russian Railway Projects in Persia.
- Engineering Details at the 1901 Crystal Palace Exhibition, (No. I), p108.
- Fencing of Machinery, p124.
- Fire Extinguishing Apparatus, p118.
- North Eastern Marine Engineering Co
- Mr Clayton
- Colonel P. Watts of Elswick
- Mr Carter of Elswick
- Mr Walker of the Tyne Commission
- Mr T. Adams of Aberdeen
- Mr J. B. Adams of Newcastle
- Mr Phillips of Lloyd's
- Mr Bone
- Mr Myles-Harrison.
- Mr A. C. Adams
- Ganz System of Electric Traction, p114.
- Institution of Junior Engineers, p126.
- Iron and Steel Institute, p116.
- Iron Trade Prospects, p118.
- Labour Troubles, p121.
- Letters to the Editor, p122, p125.
- Locomotive Exhibits at Vincennes - Charles Rous-Marten, (No. IV), p107.
- Machine Tools Trade in the West of Scotland, p116.
- New Road From Enzeli to Teheran, p110.
- North Shore Bridge, Sydney, p125.
- Progress of Warship Building on the Clyde, p111.
- Red Star Liner Vaderland, p116, p117 (Illustrated).
- Some Machine Tools, p124 (Illustrated).