The Engineer 1894/03/23
1894 March 23rd PDF
Main Subjects
- Carnot and Modern Heat - Oliver Lodge, (No. IX), p237.
- Editorial, p247.
- New Naval Programme
- British Armour and Ordnance
- Scotch Miners
- Cordite.
- Electric Traction on Tramways, p252.
- Engines of the HMS Theseus and HMS Royal Arthur, p246, p249 (Illustrated).
- French High Velocity Trial, p249.
- Harbours and Waterways, p243.
- Institution of Naval Architects, p238.
- Legal Intelligence - Parkinson and Others Vs Simon, p252.
- Official Trial of HMS Hornet, p249.
- Parliamentary Notes, p249.
- Royal Commission on the Water Supply of London, p244 (Illustrated).
- Tunnard and Keay's Electric Automatic Fire Alarm, p242 (Illustrated).
- Two Horse Forty Seat Tramcars - Glasgow Corporation Tramways, p239, p242, p243 (Illustrated).
- Water Tube Boilers, p249.
- Water Tube Marine Boilers - J. T. Milton, p250, p251 (Illustrated).