The Engineer 1890/05/30
1890 May 30th PDF
Main Subjects
- 150-Tons Ice Making Plant Linde Systems, p437, p443 (Illustrated).
- Abstracts of Consular and Diplomatic Reports, p438.
- Death, p441.
- Editorial, p441.
- How Fast Can a Locomotive Run
- Navy and Its Guns
- Machinery Rating and the Engineering Trades
- Will of Thomas Savery
- Lead Mining Industry
- Explosives and Water.
- Hartz Tube Welding Machine, p434.
- Improvement of the Thames, p434.
- Letters to the Editor, p435.
- Nalder and Nalder - Malt Screening Machines, p436 (Illustrated).
- New Line a Plymouth, p444 (Illustrated).
- Russian Volunteer Fleet, p438.
- True Form of the Admiralty Coefficients Formulae - Robert Mansel, p433.
- Waygood's Lift Gear, p436 (Illustrated).
- Wood's Automatic Back-Pressure Relief Valve, p436.
- Yarrow and Co - British Gunboats for the Zambesi and Shire Rivers, p440, p445 (Illustrated).