The Engineer 1881/05/20
1881 May 20th PDF
Main Subjects
- 1881 Milling Exhibition, p368 (III)(Illustrated).
- Completon of the Eddystone Lighthouse, p370.
- Editorial, p373.
- Forth Bridge
- Low Temperature Heat Engines
- Electrical Railroads
- Drilling in Mines by Machinery
- Railway Rates in South Staffordshire
- Fare Registering and Ticket Punching Apparatus, p370.
- Hall-Marking in Switzerland, p366.
- Institution of Civil Engineers - Torpedo Boats and Light Yachts for High Speed Steam Navigation, p366 (Names Listed).
- Iron and Steel Institute, p363.
- Lincoln and Spalding Railway, p367.
- Meeting of Sanitary Engineers, p366.
- Proposed New Bridge over the Douro, p364 (II)(Illustrated).
- Saw Gumming Machine, p370.
- Scamell and Colyer - New Brewery, p372, p375 (Illustrated).
- Zimmerman's Valve Gear, p376 (Illustrated).