Sidney Stone
Sidney Stone (1854-1921) of Sidney Stone and Co
1922 Obituary [1]
SIDNEY STONE was born at Dereham, Norfolk, on 2nd November 1854, and was apprenticed in the Repair Shops and Running Sheds of the Great Eastern Railway at King's Lynn, followed by a course in the Company's Drawing Office at Stratford.
During the next four years he held several appointments, notably that of Assistant Engineer to the Thames and Channel Steamship Co., when he had entire charge of the maintenance of their fleet of 27 ships; he returned to the Great Eastern Railway Co.'s Drawing Office, in which he remained for 14 years, till his appointment as Assistant General Manager of the Metropolitan Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Birmingham.
In 1903 he founded the firm of Sidney Stone and Co., of which he was Chairman and Managing Director, up to the time of his death on 2nd March 1921, in his sixty-seventh year.
He brought out several devices and improvements in railway rolling stock, and was the author of the work, "Railway Carriages and Wagons, their Design and Construction."
He was elected an Associate Member of this Institution in 1894, and became a Member in 1897.