Roderick Morrison
Roderick Morrison (1858-1931)
1931 Obituary[1]
"The Late Mr. Roderick Morrison.— We regret to record the death on September 6, at his home, Lewis House, Grand Parade, Leigh-on-Sea, of Mr. Roderick Morrison, late Marine Superintendent of Messrs. The New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited, Leadenhall-street, London, E.C.3, and of Messrs. The Federal Steam Navigation Company, Limited, Fenchuroh-avenue, London, E.C.3. Mr. Morrison was born in 1858, and, in 1872, at the age of 14, entered upon a six years’ apprenticeship in marine engineering at the Finnieston Engine Works, Glasgow, of Messrs. J. and J. Thompson and Company. Soon after completing his apprenticeship, he went to sea, and after six years’ service, and having gained a first-class Board of Trade certificate, became chief engineer. He served a further twelve years in this capacity, and in 1897 was made Superintending Engineer of the Federal Steamship Company, Limited, now the Federal Steam Navigation Company, Limited. He eventually became Marine Superintendent of this Company, and also of the New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited. Mr. Morrison, who was an honorary engineer-commander in the Royal Naval Reserve, was for many years a member of the Institute of Marine Engineers, and was elected a member of the Institution of Naval Architects in 1907."