Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Robert Lucas Chance

From Graces Guide

Robert Lucas Chance (1791-1865), glass merchant and later of Chance Brothers and Co

He was a nephew of John Robert Lucas, a proprietor of Nailsea glassworks. In 1805 Lucas took out a patent relating to improvements in flat glass production.[1]

1810. Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership lately subsisting between William Chance, Edward Homer, and Robert Lucas Chance, of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, Factors, trading under the Firm of Chance, Homer, and Chance, was dissolved by mutual Consent ...'[2]

1811 Married at Babcary, Somerset, to Louisa Homer

1814 Mentioned. Robert Lucas Chance of Bristol, Merchant.[3]

1820 Mentioned. Evan Rees and Robert Lucas Chance, Paul's Wharf, London, Window Glass Merchants.[4]

1822 Partnership dissolved. '...Partnership lately subsisting between Robert Lucas Chance and Joseph Dixon, of Paul's-Wharf, in the City of London, Merchants, is this Jay dissolved by mutual consent.— Robert Lucas Chance is to pay and receive all debts due from and to the said Partnership ...'[5]

1824 Robert Lucas Chance bought the glassworks of the British Crown Glass Co in Spon Lane, makers of blown window glass.

1841 Robert Chance 55, Glass manufacturer, living in Lady Wood, with Louisa Chance 50, Maria Chance 35, Mary Chance 27, Caroline Chance 21, Frank Chance 14, John Chance 13[6]

1851 Robert Lucas Chance 68, glass and chemical manufacturer, employing 1600 men, lived in Ladywood with Louise Chance 63, Caroline Chance 31, John H Chance 23, and his sister Maria Chance 47[7]

1861 Living at Perivale Street, Lady Wood, Birmingham: Robert Lucas Chance (age 70 born Birmingham), Glass and Alkali (number of hands employed ... by another member of the firm) and Brick maker, 40 (?) men, 13 boys, 19 women, 27 girls. With his wife Louisa Chance (age 73 born Birmingham). Also six servants, three visitors and a boarder, Francis C. Fultin, provided for by R. L. Chance.[8]

1865 March 7th. Died, manufacturer of glass, acid and alkalis[9]

1865 July 13th. Probate granted to Frank Chance and John Homer Chance. Robert Lucas Chance, late of Summerfield House, Birmingham, manufacturer of Glass Acids and Alkalies who died at Northfleet, Kent

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 'Pilkington Brothers and the Glass Industry' by T. C. Barker, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1960
  2. The London Gazette Publication date:10 April 1810 Issue:16360 Page:552
  3. Worcester Journal - Thursday 14 July 1814
  4. Leeds Intelligencer - Monday 13 March 1820
  5. The London Gazette Publication date:31 August 1822 Issue:17848 Page:1428
  6. 1841 census
  7. 1851 census
  8. 1861 Census
  9. National Probate calendar