Richmond and Chandler
of Victoria Works, Salford, and then Globe Works, Southall Street, Salford, Manchester. Agricultural and Bakers' Engineers
See also Richmond and Chandler: Early Catalogue
1834 Business established - ... Richmond and Henry Chandler
1848 'By Messrs. Richmond and Chandler, of Salford:— Chaff machines (four different sorts), capable of being worked by hand, steam, or water power. Bean and oat mill. Linseed mill. Oil cake mills. Patent sack holder. This important implement holds up a sack with its mouth stretched wide open, perfectly firm and steady. Prize vegetable washer, No. 1, for washing any kinds of roots, is constructed with rack and pinion, so that the cylinder containing the vegetables may be raised out of the water and emptied with ease. Turnip cutter. machine for slicing turnips, potatoes', mangolds, carrots, &c. Improved churn, to meet the requirements of gentlemen who want a portable churn to make butter for private use—To Richmond and Chandler, for portable steaming apparatus, the Society's medal. The apparatus is in a convenient form, the grand feature of which is this arrangement of the boiler, which is so constructed that no ray of heat can pass off without the water receiving it.'[1]
1862 Manufactured patent disintegrator mill for Carrs Disintegrators
1863 Listed as Agricultural Implement Manufacturers. Also shows that Henry Chandler lived at The Grove, Eccles, and Francis Richmond lived at 76 Apsley Terrace, Waterloo Road, Strangeways. Richmond was listed as an agricultural implement manufacturer (Richmond and Chandler) and ironmonger (F. W. and T. Richmond - furnishing ironmongers, whitesmiths and bell hangers, 1 & 3 Victoria Bridge Street and 3 Chapel St Salford). Richmond & Chandler's premises were at Miller Street, Salford.[2]
1866 Horse-food preparing machine [3]
1873 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership between the undersigned, Henry Chandler, Francis Richmond, William Richmond, Thomas Richmond, and James Gadsby Richmond, in the trade or business of Agricultural Implement Makers, at Salford, in the county of Lancaster, and elsewhere, under the firm of Richmond and Chandler, was dissolved, by mutual consent, as on and from the 30th day of June, 1872; and in future the business will be carried on by the said Henry Chandler and James Gadsby Richmond, under the firm of Richmond and Chandler...'[4]
1879 Listed in Slater's Directory of Manchester & Salford, 1879 (Part 2) as agricultural implement manufacturers, makers of agricultural machinery, churns, washing, wringing and mangling machines, iron fencing and palisading. Their address was Victoria Works, Miller Street, Greengate, Salford. This was adjacent to and below Victoria railway station's 'engine house', and would have been demolished when the Exchange Station was built.
1894 June. Royal Agricultural Society's Show. Chaff cutter with riddle; oat bruiser with splitter and rubber combined [5]
1896 Incorporated as a Limited Company
c.1899 It can be seen from Goad's Insurance Plans for Manchester (Sheet 46), c.1899, that the new factory was compact and self-contained. 'Kite-shaped' in plan, with an enclosed courtyard, it was bounded by Southall Street, Carnarvon Street, Wood Street (now Cheviot Street) and by N. Jacobson’s Clarence Hat Works. The office entrance, on Southall Street, faced the entrance to Strangeways Prison. The basic structures remain, including the office frontage, which still has the initials 'R&C' in masonry above the door. The entrance for vehicles was from Wood Street. We can see from Goad’s plan that the buildings facing Wood Street, approximately 250 ft long, included the machine shops, packing room, paint shop, mess room, smithy and pattern shop. Halfway along this building was a 90 ft high chimney which served a steam engine’s horizontal boiler. Another steam engine, with a vertical boiler, was in an annexe facing the yard, and connected to the foundry (whose back wall was shared with the hat factory). Other rooms shown on the plan included offices, showroom, store rooms, timber store, fitting shop, paint shop
1899 Exhibited at the 1899 Royal Agricultural Show.
1922 Specialities: chaff cutters, corn crushers, grinding mills, dough mixers, etc.
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Wednesday 20 September 1848
- ↑ Slater's Directory of Manchester and Salford, 1863
- ↑ The Engineer of 8th June 1866 p410
- ↑ The London Gazette Publication date:25 April 1873 Issue:23970 Page:2100
- ↑ The Engineer of 29th June 1894 p562