Norman Maughan Taylor
Norman Maughan Taylor (1868-1896)
1896 Obituary [1]
NORMAN MAUGHAN TAYLOR, the youngest son of Mr. G. Noble Taylor, Chairman of the Madras Railway Company, was born at Simla on the 17th July, 1868, and was educated privately in England and in Germany.
In 1888, after two years’ training at the Crystal Palace School of Engineering and at the City and Guilds of London Institute, he was for a few months on the Great Southern of Spain Railway.
He was then for about a year under Mr. Harold Abernethy on the Runcorn section of the Manchester Ship Canal.
In October, 1889, he was sent by Mr. James Livesey to Mexico, where he acted as an Assistant Engineer under Mr. Henry Parkes on the Mexican Southern Railway until its completion in 1893, when he returned to England.
In the autumn of the same year he went to India and was employed on the survey of the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway Company’s projected line from Rutlam to Agra.
In September, 1895, Mr. Taylor was attacked by pleuro-pneumonia. A long and painful illness followed which he bore with courage and patience. He was brought home from India in the following April in a deplorably weak state and on the 22nd of May, 1896, he died at his father’s house in London. He was regarded by those under whom he served as a promising young engineer and his memory is warmly cherished by all who knew him.
Mr. Taylor was elected an Associate Member on the 4th of December, 1894.