Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,322 pages of information and 246,083 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Neath Green Foundry

From Graces Guide

1785. Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership between Mary Guest and John Guest, of Neath Green Foundry in the County of Glamorgan, was, on the 13th Instant, mutually dissolved and all Persons who are indebted to the said Partnership are hereby desired to pay the same to the said John Guest; and all Persons who have any demands on the said Partnership are likewise desired to send an Account thereof to the said John Guest, at Dowlais Furnace in the said County, that they may be paid. They also beg Leave to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that the Business of the said Foundry will in future be carried on by the said John Guest...'[1]

See Also


Sources of Information