Morrison Construction
of Edinburgh, building contractors
1989 MBO from Charter Consolidated. The management also took on and turned around 2 unsuccessful Charter civil engineering businesses - Shand and Bigs Wall[1]
1990 One of 3 contenders for the contract to build a proposed bridge to Skye; the others were Miller Construction and Trafalgar House[2]
1991 of Shand House, Letchworth, Herts[3]
1991 The only British firm to win contracts in the first round for repairing services in Kuwait[4]
1995 The family floated the company but still retained a majority stake in it[5]
1995 Name changed to Morrison Construction Group PLC
1996 The company had won the tenth largest amount of Lottery-funded construction work[6]
1997 Morrison Construction Ltd, Morrison Shand Construction Ltd and Shand Construction Ltd were all defendants in a legal action[7]
2000 Acquired by Anglian Water Group
2001 Renamed Morrison Ltd
2006 Acquired by Galliford Try