Matthew Townsend Sale
Colonel Matthew Townsend Sale (1841-1913)
1913 Obituary [1]
COLONEL MATTHEW TOWNSEND SALE, C.M.G., was born on 29th July, 1841.
He was educated at Rugby School and also privately. He obtained a commission in the Royal Engineers in 1861, and in 1864-5 served in the Bhutan campaign. In 1875 he was sent on a special mission to the West Coast of Africa.
In 1879 he was British Commissioner for the demarcation of the Montenegrin frontier.
During the years 1882-3 he was in command of the Royal Engineers at Newport, Isle of Wight, and in the latter year was appointed Instructor of Field Works at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham, a post which he held until 1887.
From 1887 to 1906 he was Superintendent of Building Works at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.
He retired in 1906, and from 1908 lived at Ramsgate, where he died on 30th August, 1913.
He joined the Institution in 1873 as an Associate, and was elected a Member in 1889.