Kitson and Hewitson
Kitson and Hewitson formerly Kitson, Thompson and Hewitson of Leeds
1858 Took this name under William Watson Hewitson and James Kitson
Built some ploughing engines for John Fowler before John Fowler and Co had established their factory [1]
1858 The Monk Bridge Iron Co was amalgamated with the Airedale Foundry.
1860 Shown as Kitson, Hewitson and Co of Monk Bridge Iron Co at an inquest into the death of an employee[2]
1860 Shown as Kitson and Hewitson of Airedale Ironworks [3]
1861 Employing 1,100 men [4]
1861 July. Leed's trial of steam ploughing. Fowlers steam cultivator of 12 hp ploughed and scarified four acres in four hours. It is made by Kitson and Hewitson [5]
1863 William Hewitson died and the company became Kitson and Co