John Seddon
John Seddon (1816-1891)
1864 John Seddon, Engineer, King Street, Wigan.[1]
1891 October 3rd.[2]
1891 Obituary [3]
JOHN SEDDON was born at Westhoughton, near Bolton, on 3rd May 1816, and served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Hargreaves of Bolton, mainly on the old Bolton and Kenyon Railway.
From there he went to London, and was appointed a carriage and wagon superintendent on the London Brighton and South Coast Railway, which situation he left to take charge of the railway carriage works of Messrs. Finch and Willey, of Liverpool.
In 1851 he went to Wigan, and became agent for Lancashire, Wales, and Scotland, on behalf of the Metropolitan Railway Carriage and Wagon Co.
In 1874 he initiated the Wigan Wagon Works; and he was also a director of the Ince Hall Rolling Mills Co.
For some years he was a member of the Wigan Town Council, and in 1885 was placed on the commission of the peace.
Having been in failing health for some time, in returning recently from Harrogate he had to be taken to his son's residence at Hindley, near Wigan, where he died on 3rd October 1891, in the seventy-sixth year of his ago.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1864.