John Maylor
John Maylor (1827-1887)
1865 John Maylor, Engineer and Ship Builder, Rio de Janeiro.[1]
1887 Obituary [2]
JOHN MAYLOR was born in Liverpool on 10th June 1827, and served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Fawcett Preston and Co., engineers, Liverpool.
In 1848 he went out to the Brazil as an engineer in the Brazilian steam frigate "Dom Affonco."
He was soon afterwards appointed engineer in charge of the marine arsenal at Rio de Janeiro, and in 1853 succeeded Mr. F. C. Miers as engineer to the Ponta d' Area Iron Works, one of the largest engineering and shipbuilding establishments in South America.
In January 1858 he joined Messrs. J. and F. Miers in their extensive engineering and shipbuilding works at Rio de Janeiro; and on the retirement of his partners in 1862 carried on the business with continued success in connection with Mr. A. G. de Mattos till 1871, when he returned to England, and settled at Churton near Chester, where his death took place on 5th November 1887, at the age of sixty.
During his residence in Brazil he received many marks of favour and approval from the Emperor, who invested him with the Order of the Rose in recognition of his services to the government.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1865.
1888 Obituary [3]
JOHN MAYLOR was born in Liverpool on the 10th June 1827, and died at Churston, near Chester, on the 5th November 1887. He served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Fawcett Preston & Co., engineers, Liverpool.
In 1848 he went out to the Brazils as an engineer in the Brazilian steam frigate Does Affonco. He was soon afterwards appointed engineer in charge of the marine arsenal at Rio de Janeiro, and in 1853 he succeeded Mr. F. C. Miers as engineer to the Ponta d'Area Iron Works, one of the largest engineering and shipbuilding establishments in South America.
In January 1858 he joined Messrs. J. & F. Miers in their extensive engineering and shipbuilding works at Rio de Janeiro; and on the retirement of his partners in 1862 carried on the business with Mr. A. G. de Mattes till 1871, when he returned to England. During his residence in Brazil he received several marks of favour from the Emperor, who invested him with the order of the Rose in recognition of his services.
He became a member of the Iron and Steel Institute in 1872. He was also a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.