John L. Sardy
John L. Sardy (c1860-1912)
of Motor Car Works, 8 Saracen's Chambers, Snow Hill, London.
Sold the products of the Steam Vehicle Company of America
Produced the Saracen Steamer.
c1896 R. E. Dietz Co opened a Sales Office at 29 Shoe Lane & 7 Farringdon Ave., London, E.C. England, headed by John L. Sardy
John L Sardy was engaged by the R.E. Dietz Company to circumnavigate the globe in 1894 to increase the export part of the business. Some of the places he visited include: Honolulu, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin in New Zealand, Tasmania, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Batavia, Java, Singapore, Madras, Calcutta, Bombay, Chain, Japan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama, Vancouver, Montreal. On his second trip around the world, he re-visited the places on his first trip and also visited: Manilla, Saigon, Penang, Rangoon, Perth (in Western Australia,) and Suva (in the Fiji Islands.) The combined mileage was nearly 82,000 miles, and without any mishap. [1]
1901 Living at 10 Hanover Square, London (age 41), an American merchant. Living with his wife Etta L. (age 32), also an American citizen. [2]
1911 Living at 40 Flat, 2 Clements Inn, Strand: John L. Sardy (age 51 born USA), American Manufacturers Agent. With his wife Etta L. Sardy (age 41 born USA).[3]