John Jenkin
John Jenkin (1845-1913)
1913 Obituary [1]
JOHN JENKIN was born in 1845, and entered the service of the Electric and International Telegraph Company in 1858.
He was transferred to the Post Office in 1870, being appointed as assistant to Mr. Shaw, Divisional Engineer.
On the re-organization in 1878, when the old "divisions" were mapped out into "districts," he was appointed a relief superintending engineer, but shortly afterwards became stationed at Cambridge in permanent charge of the Eastern District. This district, extending roughly from Lincoln to the Thames, remained in his charge until his retirement in the autumn of 1909.
He formed one of the few remaining links between the Post Office and the old telegraph companies, and was the last of the original officers of his rank to leave the service. He died at Cambridge, after a long illness, on 11th March, 1913.
He was elected an Associate of the Institution in 1872, and was transferred to the class of Members in 1877.