John Jefferies
John Robert Jefferies
c1840 Born at Great Barford, Bedfordshire
1856 October. Joins the Orwell works of Ransomes and Sims as an apprentice.
Married Mary, youngest daughter of James Allen Ransome
1871 Living at St Helen Lodge, Ipswich (age 30 born Great Barford), Agricultural Engineer. With wife Mary A. (age 32) and children William A. (age 4), Mary (age 2). Three servants. [1]
1871 Birth of son Harold Sellis Jefferies
1880 Around this time the name of the firm was changed to Ransomes, Head and Jefferies and presumably John Jefferies became a partner
1881 Living at St Helen Lodge, Ipswich (age 40 born Great Barford), Engineer and Iron Founder. With wife Mary A. (age 42) and children Mary (age 12), Harold S. (age 9), Elizabeth L. (age 7) and Marguarite (age 5). Four servants. [2]
1884 One of the managers of the agricultural engineers Ransomes, Head and Jefferies who became shareholders in the new company Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies formed to acquire the previous business.
1886 On the death of Robert Charles Ransome, Jefferies became joint chairman with James Edward Ransome of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies.
1891 Living at St Helen's Lodge, St. Helen's Street, Ipswich (age 50 born Great Barford), Ironfounder mechanical Engineer. With wife Mary Ann (age 52) and children Mary (age 22), Harold (age 19), Apprentice Engineer, Elizabeth L. (age 17) and Marguarite (age 15). Four servants. [3]
1900 Died age 60. Of St. Helen's Lodge, St. Helens (Ipswich). A native of Great Barford, Bedfordshire. Joined the Orwell Works on October 1856 as an apprentice. In 1884 he became one of the Managing Directors. He leaves a widow, three daughters and a son, Harold S. Jeffries. [4]