James Henry Apjohn (1845-1914)
1914 Obituary [1]
JAMES HENRY APJOHN, M.A. (Dubl.), born on the 24th April, 1845, at Dublin, died at Hammersmith on the 4th April, 1914.
He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where his father, Dr. James Apjohn, F.R.S., occupied the Chair of Chemistry, and entered the Indian Public Works service in 1868.
He served in Bengal, chiefly in the irrigation branch, until 1901, when he retired with the rank of Chief Engineer. For some years previously he held the appointment of Engineer to the Calcutta Port Commissioners, succeeding the late Mr. W. Duff Bruce in charge of the Kidderpur Docks.
After his retirement he occupied himself with the invention of devices connected with the bulking and packing of tea, and a new gear system for motor-cars. He contributed a Note to the Engineering Conference, 1903, on Dredging, with special reference to rotary cutters.
Mr. Apjohn was elected a Member of The Institution on the 1st April, 1879.