Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,981 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

J. Culverwell

From Graces Guide
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Steam engine at Westonzoyland Museum before restoration to running order
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Engine at Westonzoyland Museum restored to running condition
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Wood-turning lathe
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Culverwell winch at Blake Museum, Bridgwater
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1907 advert
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Culverwell manhole cover in Bridgwater

James Culverwell & Co., Bridgwater Iron Foundry, Eastover, Bridgwater, Somerset

1881 Presumably the business of James Culverwell, continued after the death of W. E. Murch of Murch and Culverwell.

Brass and iron founders, makers of clay-working machinery, stationary steam engines, pumps, weighbridges, cranes, gears, and other engineering products; boiler repairs.

The cast iron railings for the footbridge at Bridgwater railway station bear the name 'J Culverwell & Co'

Horizontal stationary steam engine, c.1890s? on display at Westonzoyland Museum, Somerset. The engine was formerly employed at Burnham Brewery (Burnham-on-Sea).

Waterwheel for Holford Tannery, 1892 (built in conjunction with Charles Sellick of Fiddington, whose name is also cast on the rim of the wheel).

A lathe found near Chepstow has 'J Culverwell & Co - Engineers - Bridgewater' cast into the legs, and has a brass plate marked with Culverwell's Plant ID number. It seems that this had been made as a treadle lathe by Culverwell, and at some point modified by fitting a heavy duty headstock and tailstock for power drive. See photo. The lathe has since been restored and presented to Westonzoyland Museum, where it is on display.

A short history of J. Culverwell, the Bridgwater Iron Foundry, and sometime owners Edward Murch and Robert Spence, was written by Brian J Murless and published by Westonzoyland Museum in 'Condensation', the magazine of the Westonzoyland Engine Trust, Issue 1, 2010. From this we learn that James Culverwell's earliest connection with the foundry was 1881, and that the business had closed by 1910.

See Also


Sources of Information