Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 166,728 pages of information and 246,593 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Hugo Sack

From Graces Guide

Hugo Sack ( -1909)

1909 Obituary [1]

HUGO SACK died suddenly on June 23, 1909, at Offdilln, near Dusseldorf. He was born at Loeben, near Liitzen, Saxony, in 1860, where his father, Rudolf Sack, owned an estate. In 1863 his family moved to Leipzig, where his father founded an engineering works for the manufacture of agricultural machinery, in which his son Hugo, after completing his school education, gained his first practical experience as an engineer. He then went through a course of technical study at Mittweida and at the Karlsruhe Technical High School.

In 1882 he returned to his father's works, leaving them again soon after, however, to take up work in Westphalia and the Rhine province. He was subsequently commissioned by a British firm to erect a wire-drawing plant in Spain, near Bilbao, of which he continued for a year to act as manager.

On returning to Germany, he founded, in 1891, the engineering works of Sack and Kiesselbach at Rath, near Dusseldorf, which, under the skilful management of himself and his partner, soon developed into the important undertaking now so well known under that name.

In 1899 he resigned the management of these works and founded at Rath the firm of Sack, Limited, to the development of which, to the end of his life, the whole of his activities were devoted. Here he found great scope for his remarkable talent as an engineer, and ample opportunity to realise his inventive genius in the construction of machinery of all kinds, and more especially rolling-mills.

Among other inventions he was successful in perfecting the construction of the Sach mill, a universal rolling-mill on lines proposed by him as far back as the 'eighties, for parallel girders with wide flanges. A description of his universal mill and of its operation is contained in a paper read by him before the Iron and Steel Institute in 1889.

He was elected a member of the Iron and Steel Institute in 1894.

See Also


Sources of Information