Howard Lloyd
1837 Born in Poole, son of Isaac Lloyd and his wife Mary[1], a "cadet branch of the well known Birmingham family"[2]
1851 Living in Bristol with his parents and siblings John S Lloyd, 19, Edward R Lloyd, 16, Hannah M Lloyd, 10[3]
1861 An accountant living with his uncle Robert Howard[4]
1862 Joined the Lloyd's bank
1871 Bank Manager of Kings Norton, Worcs, with his wife Mariabella[5]
1881 Bank manager, of Kings Norton, with wife and children Cecil Lloyd 10, John Elliot Howard Lloyd 9, Arabella Lloyd 7, Godfrey Howard Lloyd 6, Cyril Edward Lloyd 4, Robert Howard Lloyd 1, and an unnamed infant[6]
1889 General manager of Lloyds, Barnetts and Bosanquets Bank of Birmingham when it merged with the Birmingham Joint Stock Bank, and the Worcester City and County Banking Co Ltd; the name of the bank was shortened to Lloyds Bank Ltd[7]
Became general manager of the bank after it became a public company
1901 Banker (General Manager), in Kings Norton, with his wife and children Howard, 32, a solicitor, Cecil Ambrose, 30, manufacturer of wrought iron tubes, Mariabella 27, Sylvanus, 20, and Dorothy 19[8]
1902 retired from his position at general manager; joined the board of the bank.
1920 Death at Bromsgrove