Henry Valpot Francis Valpy
Henry Valpot Francis Valpy (1834-1914)
1914 Obituary [1]
HENRY VALPOT FRANCIS VALPY, born on the 1st May, 1834, died in London on the 26th August, 1914.
He was a pupil and afterwards an assistant to Mr. Thomas Page, the Engineer of Westminster Bridge.
In 1859 he went to Paraguay, and was appointed a Government Engineer. In conjunction with Mr. P. Burrell he carried out railways and other public works, and after the revolution of 1870, Mr. Valpy and Mr. Burrell practised together in Westminster.
In 1886 Mr. Valpy returned to Paraguay on behalf of the Foreign Bondholders, and afterwards carried out works for the Paraguay Central Railway Company. He retired from active practice several years before his death.
Mr. Valpy was elected a Member of The Institution on the 5th May, 1874.