Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,971 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

George Iden

From Graces Guide
George Iden (1847-1929)

George Iden (1847-1929)

1847 Born at Preston, Lancs, the son of Walter Iden, a Millwright, and his wife Catherine

1851 Living at Hollingworth, Cheshire: Walter Iden (age 27 born Preston, Lancs), a Millwright. With his wife Catherine Iden (age 25 born Preston, Lancs) and their children Richard Iden (age 5 born Preston, Lancs), George Iden (age 4 born Preston, Lancs), and Sarah Gregor (age Iden 1 born Hollingworth).[1]

1872 Married Lettice Flitcroft

1872 Moved to Brighton

1874 Birth of son Walter Iden

1875 Birth of daughter Selina

1881 Living at 30 Ditchling Rise, Preston, Sussex: George Iden (age 34 born Preston, Lancs), Foreman of Engine Fitters. With his wife Lettice Iden (age 33 born Manchester) and their children Walter Iden (age 7 born Preston) and Selina F. Iden (age 6 born Preston).[2]

1891 Living at 30 Ditchling Rise, Preston, Brighton: George Iden (age 43 born Preston, Lancs), Mechanical Engineer, Foreman. With his wife Lettice Iden (age 42 born Bradford, Lands.) and their daughter Selina Iden (age 16 born Preston, Sussex).[3]

1896 Moved to Coventry

1897 Works Manager of the Motor Manufacturing Co

1898 Director of the London Steam Omnibus Co and late of the Locomotive Department of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.[4]

1899 Patent. Driving gear for motor vehicles.[5]

1900 Appointed Works Manager of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway [6]

Founder of Iden Car Co of Coventry.

1901 Living at Hopedale, Dalton Road, Coventry: George Iden (age 53 born Preston), Mechanical Engineer. Works Manager and Employer. With his wife Lettice Iden (age 52 born Bradford, Lancs.) and their children Walter J. Iden (age 28 born Brighton), Mechanical Engineer and Employer; and Selina F. Iden (age 27 born Brighton). One servant.[7]

1904 IDEN; George, M.I.M.E., Hopedale, Spencer Park, Coventry. Cars: 8, 10, and 20 h.p., M. M. Co's. Has driven 20,000 mile. Is one of the pioneers of the Motor industry, and a mechanical engineer of very extensive experience. Was manager of the Motor Manufacturing Co.'s works at Coventry from 1898 to December, 1903. Great successes have been achieved by the cars and motor cycles made to his design, his 8 h.p. Voiturette having obtained gold medals in the 1,000 miles' Reliability Trials two years in succession. Believes that if the new Act is reasonably and fairly administered, the demand for motor-cars will be so great that every firm undertaking them will have plenty of work, providing they make a reliable car. Is a strong believer in every part of a car being manufactured on the premises. Clubs: Country and County, Midland Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I. [8]

1905 Company wound up. '...the Motor Manufacturing Co Limited. Notice is hereby given, that by an Order made by the High Court of Justice upon the application of Harold de Vaux Brougham, the Official Receiver and Provisional Liquidator of the above named Company, and dated the 1st day of February, 1905, it was ordered that the following persons be appointed a committee of inspection to act with the Official Receiver as Provisional Liquidator of the said Company, namely:— Ernest Albert Stephens, of Regent House, Alma-street, Coventry, in the county of Warwick (holding a General Power of Attorney from the Clipper Tyre Company Limited); George Iden, of Hopedale, Spencer Park, Coventry aforesaid; Charles William Gray, of 1, Stanhope-street, Boston-road, London (holding a General Power of Attorney from R. Harrison and Sons Limited); David Jackson, of 29, Carlton-road, Putney, London; and William Orton Attree, of 48, Clissold-road, Stoke Newington, London....'[9]

1906 Company wound up. '...debts or claims, and the names and addresses of their Solicitors (if any) to George Iden, of the Iden Motor Car Company Limited, Paik Side, Coventry, the Liquidator of the said Company...'[10]

1908 Moved to Folkestone

1911 Living at High Cliffe, 5 Radnor Bridge Road, Folkestone: George Iden (age 64 born Preston), Mechanical Engineer Motor Manufacture, Consulting Engineer and Employer. With his wife (married 39 years with two children) Lettice Iden (age 63 born Manchester).[11]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1851 Census
  2. 1891 Census
  3. 1891 Census
  4. Pall Mall Gazette - Wednesday 13 July 1898
  5. The Autocar 1899/02/18
  6. The Times, Tuesday, Feb 27, 1900
  7. 1901 Census
  8. Motoring Annual and Motorist’s Year Book 1904
  9. [1] [2] Gazette Issue 27768 published on the 24 February 1905. Page 15 of 100
  10. [3] Gazette Issue 27897 published on the 23 March 1906. Page 43 of 100
  11. 1911 Census
  • Motoring Annual and Motorist’s Year Book 1903