George Fisher
George Fisher (1809-1891)
1892 Obituary [1]
GEORGE FISHER, whose name was prominently connected with the Taff Vale Railway Company for a period of nearly half a century, was born near Chesterfield, in 1809.
Proceeding at an early age to America, he was engaged on the works of the Erie Canal, where he acquired much varied practical experience.
On returning to England he superintended, in the capacity of Clerk of the Works, the erection of Lord Lisburne’s mansion at Crosswood in Cardiganshire, and was subsequently employed for some time on the harbour works at Aberystwith.
About the year 1841 he joined the staff of Mr. Bush, then Resident Engineer on the construction of the Taff Vale Railway. On the completion of the works he became General Superintendent and Engineer, and from that time his connection with the Company continued uninterruptedly until his death . . . [more]
1891 Obituary [2]