Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,926 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Frederick Howard

From Graces Guide

of James and Frederick Howard of Bedford

c1828 Born at Bedford,the son of John Howard and his wife Elizabeth

1851 Living at High Street, Bedford (age 23 born Bedford), Partner with brother, unmarried. With his brother James Howard and family. [1]

1861 Living at 24 Potter Street, Bedford (age 33 born Bedford), Agricultural Implement Manufacturer, number of hands employed returned by partner. With wife Elizabeth (age 35 born Cople, Bedfordshire) and children Helen (age 9), Agnes A. (age 8), Mary E. (age 6), John H. (age 5) and Madeline (age 2). Three servants. [2]

1871 Living at 26 Potter Street, Bedford (age 43 born Bedford), J.P. for Bedford. Agricultural Engineer and employer with my brother James Howard M.P. for Bedford who is my partner in the Britannia Iron Works, 616 men and boys, and at the Britannia Farms, Bedford 40 men and boys as Agricultural Labourers. With wife Elizabeth (age 45 born Cople) and children Helen (age 19), Agnes Adeline (age 18), Madeline (age 12), Clara (age 9), Kate Alexandra (age 8) and Grace Evelyn (age 6). Three servants. [3]

1881 Living at 13 Potter Street, Bedford (age 53 born Bedford), Agricultural Implement Manufacturer employing 600 men and 50 boys. With daughters Madeline (age 22), Clare (age 19) and Kate A. (age 18). Four servants [4]

1891 Living at 17 Cardington Road, Bedford (age 63 born Bedford), Agricultural Implement Maker. With Elizabeth (age 67 born Cople) and children Kate Alex. (age 28) and Grace Eveline (age 26). Four servants. [5] Note: At the next house 15 Cardington Road is John Howard Howard (age 35 born Bedford), Agricultural Implement Maker with his wife from Argentina and children

1901 Living at 17 Cardington Road, Bedford (age 73 born Bedford), Agricultural Engineer and Employer. Living with wife Elizabeth (age 77) and daughter Kate A. (age 38). Six servants. [6] Note: At the next house 15 Cardington Road is John Howard Howard and family

1915 Sir Frederick Howard, of Bedford, died; probate to John Howard Howard, engineer, and James Rollason[7]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. 1851 Census
  2. 1861 Census
  3. 1871 Census
  4. 1881 Census
  5. 1891 census
  6. 1901 Census
  7. National Probate Calendar