Frederic William Barker
Frederic William Barker (1862-1900)
1900 Obituary [1]
FREDERIC WILLIAM BARKER was born in London on 18th February 1862, and was educated at private academies.
Having developed a talent for drawing and designing, he became chief draughtsman at the ago of twenty to Messrs. John King, heating and ventilating engineers of Liverpool, and in 1886 was appointed their manager. During this period he superintended the installation of the boating and ventilation arrangements at the Liverpool University College with its Tate Library and the Jubilee Tower at Liverpool, and at other important buildings.
In 1891 he invented a tubular automatic exhaust ventilator and an improved radiator, both of which were adopted by the firm and proved highly successful.
In 1891 he wont to London, whore he started business on his own account as ventilating and consulting engineer, and invented and introduced new designs and improvements in various ventilating appliances.
After a very short illness he died at his residence at Chiswick, London, on 9th February 1900, in his thirty-eighth year.
He became an Associate Member of this Institution in 1893.