Francis A. Bolton
Francis Alfred Bolton
c.1866 Born in Oakamoor son of Alfred S. Bolton
1901 Alfred S. Bolton 74, J.P., lived in Oakamoor with Rebecca D Bolton 68, Rebecca Freda Bolton 44, Beatrice Bolton 40, Francis A Bolton 35, copper smelter, working on own account, and visitors George Clark 33, electrical engineer, and Annie Heywood 40[1]
1904 BOLTON, Francis A., J.P., Moor Court, Oakamoor, North Staffordshire. Car: 14 h.p. Daimler; has owned two Daimler cars previously. Total distance travelled since becoming a motorist: 20,000 miles. Hobbies Shooting, golf, photography. Is a good friend of motorists, and has entertained many at his pleasant country seat. Acted as road steward (with car) in the 1903 Gordon Bennett Race. Has toured all over Scotland, Ireland, and the greater part of England and Wales with his Daimlers. Clubs: Midland Automobile, Derby and District Automobile, A.C.G.B. & I. [2]
1911 J. P., County Alderman, also Director Of Copper Manufacturing Company[3]
1919 'Mr. Bolton is lord of the manor Cheadle Grange, and owns a considerable amount of property round Cheadle and Oakamoor. As a landowner, he takes the deepest interest in all matters appertaining to his estate. He is always accessible his tenants, and has their welfare much at heart. He is wellknown sportsman, and before the war did a good deal of shooting both in his own county and the North of Scotland. He is a keen golfer, and ad a motorist likes to remember that his experiences date from the days when it was first permitted drive a car on English roads without a man walking in front carrying a red flag. In the earlier days he took a great interest in motor competitions, and took part in many the principal motor races. Mr. Bolton married in 1917 Gladys Mary Butts, youngest daughter the late Alfred Howell, and has one daughter.'[4]
1951 died in Stafford[5]
See detailed article at Motor Sport Magazine