Evelyn Hugh John Boscawen
Evelyn Hugh John Boscawen (Viscount Falmouth) (1887-1962)
1962 Obituary [1]
The Rt Hon. Viscount Falmouth, B.A. (Member), died on 18th February.
He was born in 1887 and was educated at Eton and Cambridge University. He served his apprenticeship with the Metropolitan Carriage and Wagon Co., Birmingham, and Baku Waterworks in Imperial Russia.
During the 1914-18 war, he was an Officer in the Coldstream Guards and later he served with the Royal Flying Corps at Rouen. After the war he was appointed a Director of Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
From 1925-32 he was Chairman of Industrial Steels, Sheffield, and then Manager of the English Steel Corporation of Sheffield. He became Chairman of the National Gas and Oil Engine Co. in 1933.
He was on a great many Government Committees concerned with fuel research, including the Committee on Oil from Coal, of which he was Chairman. His other public appointments included membership of the Executive Committee of the National Physical Laboratory and of the Advisory Council of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the Presidency of the British Internal Combustion Engine Association and in 1941 he joined the Engineering Advisory Committee set up by the Government. Recently he was a Director of Crossley Bros Ltd, and a member of the Metropolitan Water Board.
He became a member of this Institution in 1936. He was also a Hon. Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers and Hon. Treasurer of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. He was given an Honorary Fellowship of the Imperial College of Science and Technology and, in 1945, was elected Manager of the Royal Institution.
Lord Falmouth was a staunch supporter of this Institution and will be known to many members through his regular attendance at Institution functions, particularly Summer Meetings.
1962 Obituary [2]