Engineering 1904 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index
Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1904 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1904 Jul-Dec Volume
General Index
- ACCIDENT to Bridge over the Forth at Alloa, 606
- Accidents ou Electric Railways, 235, 828
Accidents. Railway :
- American Accidents (Railway, &c.), 185, 437
- American Railroad Fatalities, 670
- Derailment at Talycafn,
- Hen Valley Light Railway, Dewsbury Collision, 128
- Live Rail Fatalities, 285, 823
Accumulators. See Electric
- Acetylides, Double, 961
- "Achilles," H.M.S., 651
- Acid Open-Hearth Manipulation, 623
- Acts of Parliament. See Legol
- Adams, The late Mr. William, 210
- Admiralty Committee on Design of Warships, 00
- Admiralty and the Navy Programme, 407. See 10, 651
- Admiralty Problems. See Navy and warships
- Admiralty Reform, 825
- Admiralty Steel Impact Tests, 701, 728, 765. See also Microscopic Observations and Heat Treatment
- Aerial Cableways; Brake Horse-Power of Haulage Plant, 466
- Aerial Wire Ropeway, 503
- Aero-Plane. Development of the, 401
- "Africa," Austrian T. -S.S., Engines, Boilers, &c., 55, 309, 371
- Africa. See also South Afrka
- African, Central Smith, Locomotive, Passenger, for Railway, 13
- Ageing of Dynamo Iron Sheets, 25
Agricultural Society, Royal :
- Awards, 25
- Conclusion and Receipts, 25
- Dairy Appliances, 23
- Finance, 509, 552, 720
- Implements, 23
- Miscellaneous, 24
- Oil-Engines, 24
- Windmills and Pumps, 21
- Air and Barometric Pressure, Electric Conductivity of, 368
- Air-Blast for Furnaces, Dry, 656, 661
- Air-Brake, Christensen (National Electric Company), 784
- Air-Brake and Steam-Pipe (Westinghouse), 414
- Air-Circulation and Pressure Temperature over
- the South Atlantic, 400
- Air, Compressed, and Pneumatic Tools in Engineering Works, 233
- Air-Compressors (Alley and Maclellan, Limited, Glasgow), 781
- Air-Compressor and Engine, Reavell's, 113
- Air-Compressor, 'Oster, 606
- Air - Compressor at Portsmouth Dockyard (Brotherhood), 148
- Air in the New York Subway, 865
- Air-Pumps, Separate, Weir's, 423
- Air in Relation to Boiler Feeds, 486
- Air and Steam-Pipe Automatic Coupling, Westinghouse, 414
- Air Temperature in Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones
- at the Blue Hill Observatory, 401
- Aix-les-Bains, Radioactivity of the Hot Springs of, 365
- Alarm, Electrical Temperature, 333
- Alkali Trades, 87
- Alkyl Derivatives of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium, 459
- Alley and Maclellan Air Compressors, 781
- Allgemeine Electricitats - Gesellschaft Steam-Turbine Construction, 231, 329
- Allis - Chalmers-Bullock Company's Exhibit at the St. Louis Exhibition, 807
- Alloa, Accident to Bridge over the Forth, 606
- Alloys, Aluminium, Electrical Conductivity of, as Affected by Exposure to London Atmosphere, and a Note on their Micro-Structure, 33
- Alloys of the Copper-Tin Series, 459
- Alloys, Iron, Electric and Thermal Conductivities of, 397
- Alloys, Magnetic, not Containing Iron, 412. See 303
- Alloys, Production of Magnetic, from Non-Magnetic Metals, 308. See 68, 412
- Alpine Tunnel Ventilation, 642, 799
- Alternating Stresses on Structural Steel, 307. See 871 and Impact Tests
- Alternators. See Electric
- Aluminium Alloys, Electrical Conductivity of, as
- Affected by Exposure to London Atmosphere, and a Note on their Micro-Structure, 333
- Amendment of the Electric Lighting Acts, 126
- Amerieft. F'ee 4189 United Stgteo
- American Copper Production, 653
- American Engineering Congress at St. Louis, 31, 568, 600, 610. See Engineering Congress and Iron and Steel Institute and Electrical Engineers
- American Iron Export Revival, 123
- American Iron and Steel Production, 155
- American Iron Trade for 1903, 2.48, 756
- American Lake Ore Steamers, 620
- American Lead and Zinc, 546
- American Locomotive Practice, 569
- American Locomotives, 745. See St. Louis Exhibition and Locomotive
- American Machine-Tools. See Machine-Tools
- American Manganese Production, 513
- American Mica Production,412
- American Passenger-Elevators, 603
- American Railroad Construction, 125
- American Railway Organisation, 311
- American Sewage Disposal, 601
- American Shipping,Decay of, 862
- American Steel an the Tariff, 8.6
- American Steel Trust, 580
- American Steel and Wire Company, 713
- American Steel Works, Details of P:actice, 328, 59, 391, 428. See also Works
- American Telegraphy, 60
- American Tunnel Ventilation, 642, 799
- American Visit. See Iron and Steel Institute, Civil Engineers, Electrical Engineers, and Engineering Congress
- American Water Supply, Purification of, 531
- " Amethyst's " Trials with Turbine, 639, 719. See 423, 499, and LETTERS, 466, 749
- Ammonia, Decomposition and Synthesis of, 459
- Ammonia Manufacture, 585
- Ammonia Recovery in Chemical Industry, 662
- Ammonium Salts and Metals, Reactions Between, 461
- Amorpho:Is and Crystalline States, Relation Between, as Disclosed by the Surface Flow of
Solids, 459, 474.. See 281, 829
- Analogies, Physical, 755
- Anal) sis, Harmonic, Rapid Method of Approximate, X71
- Anatomy of Bridge-Work, 670, 773, 811
- Ancient Tilting-Hammer, 96
- Andrews's Gas-Engine, 797. See LETTERS
- Andrews, Thomas, on Microscopic Observations of Naval Accidents, 737, 778, 810. See Impact Tests
- Annealing and Strain, Effects of, 9
- Annuals. See LITERATURE
- Annuals and Year-Books, 866
- Anomalous Dispersion, Kundt's Law of Direction in, 368
- Antarctic Expedition, 796
- Anthracite, Origin of, 110
- Antimony. See Metal Price Diagrams
- " Antrim, 'Midland Railway Company's Steamer, 23
- Antwerp Petroleum Explosion, 315, 513. See LETTER, 621
- Apparatus, New, for Producing Magnetic Fields of Force, 397
- Applied Science, Introduction to (Measurement and Calculation and Nomenclature), 744
- Apprenticeship. See Technical Education and Training
- Arbitrators' Fees, 344
- Arc, The Electric, 315, 878
- Arc Lamp. See Electric
- Arcs between Cooled Electrodes, 315
- Archangel, Mineral Wealth of, 724
- Argentine Railway Progress, 519
- Armament of Ships. See Warships
- Armatures, Distribution of Magnetic Induction in Multi-Polar, 301
- Armoured Concrete Bridge, 582
- Armoured Concrete Structures, 315, 350, 569
- Armoured Ships. See Warships
- Armstrong and Day's Water-Tube Boiler, 820
- Army Field Artillery and the Russo-Japanese War, 545, 791, 900
- Arsenic in the Body and in the Kidneys, 461
- Artesian Well at Heysham Harbour, 295 •
- Artificial Gutta-Percha Cables, 89
- Artificial Waterways, 601
- Artillery, Field, for the British Army, 900. See 15, 791
- Artillery. See also Guns
- Ash, Coal, 348
- Asphalt in the Indian Terri Cory, 261
- Astronomy Papers at the British Association, 99, 442
- Astronomy, Problems of, 443
- Atlantic Shipping Trust, 156
- Atlantic, South, Pressure Temperature and Air Circulation over the, 400
- " Atlantic " Type Locomotive, 745. See St. Lola Exhibition
- Atmosphere, Ionisation of, 396
- Atmospheric Pressure, Fluctuations in, 859
- Atmospheric Radioactivity, 666
- Atoms, Combination of, to have the Properties of Polonium and Radium, 365
- Australian Bridge Competition, 61.8
- Australian Commonwealth Patent Act, 96, 433
- Australian Federal Trade-Marks, 283, 576
- Australian Leather Trade, 516
- Australian Railways, Queensland, 756 ; New South Wales, 617 ; New Zealand, 441 ; Victorian Railways, 827
- Australian Siderites, 461
- Australian Timber, 866
- Austrian Lloyd's Liner, Twin-Screw, " Africa,'
- Engines, Boilers, &o., 255, 309, 371.
- Auto-Cars. See Motor-Cars ant Set/-Propellezl Cars
- Automatic Boiler Feed, Brooke's, 711
- Automatic Coupling for Shafts, The " Ten ix," 14. See also Clutch
- Automatic Regenerative Control for Tramcars, 161
- Automatic Rifles, Rexer and Halle, 115
- Automatic Saw-Sharpening Machine, 679
- Automobile Battery of Schneider-Canet Howitzers, 715
- Automobiles. See Motor-Cars
- Auxiliary Power Yacht " Mollihawk II.," with Oil-Engine, 466
- Axle Lathe, Heavy Double, 538
- Azimuth and Range-Finder, 583
- Babcock and Wilcox Weer-Tube Boiler, H.M.S. " Hermes," 345. See 187, 192, 263
- Bacterial Treatment of London Sewage, Experimental, 74
- Bacterial Treatment of Sewage, 601, 897
- Bagnall and Price's Valve Gear, 339
- Bahr-el-Gebel Irrigation Scheme, 222, 301, 476
- Baikal, Lake, Railway, 687
- Ballonet Balloons, 126
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ; Consolidation Type Locomotive at the St. Louis Exhibition, 811
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Locomotive, 745
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ; Mallet Articulated Locomotive, 178
- Bar-Dredging, Ocean, 611
- Bar Rolling-Mill Plants, Wire-Rod and, 855
- Barometric Depression, Unsymmetrical Distribution of Rainfall about the Path of the, 400
- Barometric Pressure, Fluctuations in, 859
- Barometric See-Saw and Rainfall, Short Period, 00
- Barrage of the River Thames, Proposed, 333
- Barrow's Boring-Machine for Steam-Turbine Casings, 659
- Batteries. See Electric
- Battery, Howitzer, 715
- Battery, Semi-Globular Naval, 791
- Battleships. See Warships
- Baxter's Steam Capstan and Windlass, 499
- Beach Travel and Harbours, 531. See 240, 641, 699
- Beardmore's New Works at Dalmuir, 455
- Beardmore's Works at Parkhead ; Machine-Tools, 81.
- Beare, Professor T. H., on Timber, its Strength and How to Test it, 783
- Bearings for Bridge Girders, 670, 773, 844
- Beds, Foundry, 418
- Belfast Gas Driven Power-Stations, 835
- Belgian John Cockerill Company, 612
- Belgian Locomotive ; Schmidt Smoke - Tube Steam-Superheater, 858
- Bell, Arthur L., on Tacheometry ; A Comparison of Systems, 528
- Bell, Bart., The late Sir Isaac Lowthian, 863
- Belleville Boilers in Warships ; Committee's Report, 187, 192. See Water-Tube
- Belt-Fabric Stitching-Machine, Hyatt, 79
- Ben Nevis, Meteorological Observations on, 400
- Bench, Link-Motion, for the Technical College, Finsbury, 48
- Bench-Vice, Taylor's " Instanter," 716
- Bending Moments and Shearing Forces of Japanese Warships, 224
- Berth, Shipbuilding, at Beardmore's Works, 455
- Bessbrook Factory ; Tests of Power-Plant, 146, 65, 196
- Bethlehem Company ; Range and Azimuth Finder, 586
- Bethlehem Steel Company's Works, 709
- " Big Four Route " Locomotive, 327, 361, 398. See Erratum, 480
- Billinton, The late R. J., 658
- Bilston Boiler Explosion, 321.
- Birmingham Corporation Water Works, 103
- " 1)14cic Prince?" 11.g.S.1 051
- * Blast-Furnace Gas-Engines. See Engines, Gas
- Blast-Furnace Gas, Theisen's Washer for, 78, 383
- Blast for Furnaces, Coolers for Dry Air, 036, 661
- Bleaching-Powder Trade, 87
- Block, Electric Pulley, 869
- Blowing-Engines. See Enyines, Blowing
- Blue Hill Observatory, Air Temperature in
- Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones at the, 401
- Blue Print Producing Apparatus, 171
- Board, Drawing, Patschke's, 182
- Board of Trade and Boiler Explosions. See Boiler
- Board of Trade on Rates of Wages, 253
- Board of Trade's Regulations as to Electric
- Supply, 2S2
- Boat Trials, Motor, 157, 191, 218
- Boats. See Launches ; Yachts
- Boilers, Austrian Lloyd T.-S.S. " Africa," 255, 09, 371
- Boiler, Cochran Donkey, 93
- Boiler Explosion at Bilston, 321
- Boiler Explosions, Board of Trade and, 210, 248
- Boiler Explosion near Cambridge, 523
- Boiler Explosion at Cork, 148
- Boiler Explosions, Oldbury, 240, 213
- Boiler Explosion at Wigan, 283
- Boiler Explosion near Winchester, 485
- Boiler Failures, 280
- Boiler-Feed, Brooke's Automatic, 714
- Boiler Feed-Water Purification, 531
- Boiler Feed-Water Regulator, Mumford and
- Anthony, 242
- Boiler-Feeds, Air in Rel ttion to, 486
- Boiler Furnaces, Welded, 286
- Boiler-Leakage and Non-Conducting Coatings, 39
- Boilers of Locomotives. See Locomotives
- Boilers, Maintenance of, 833
- Boiler, Navy. See Warship3 and Water-Tube
- Boilers
- Boiler Temperature Gas Emission Curve, 486
- Bailers, Thermo-Circulator for Steam, 489
- Boiler-Tubes, 467
- Boilers, Water-Tube. See Water-Tube Boilers
- Boiling Points and Molecular Weights, Properties
- of Mixtures, 443
- Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian Railway, 831
- Bore-Hole and Pumps at Heysham Harbour, 295
- Boring-Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Borsig's Locomotive, State Passenger, for Portuguese Railway, 111, 150
- Boston Subway, 602
- Bottling Machinery at Brewers' Exhibition, 547
- Box-Wrapping Machine, Forgrove, 287
- Bracing of Bridges, 814. See also 670 and 773
- Brake, Christensen, Air (National Electric Company), 784
- Brake-Coupling, Westinghouse Automatic Air
- and Steam-Pipe, 414
- Brake Horse-Power of Haulage Plant, 468
- Branches, Projecting, 412
- Bra 520 haw's Salt-Bath Steel-Hardening Furnace,
- Brazil Manganese Production, 513
- Brazing Steel, Solders for, 575. See LETTER., 621
- Breaker, Rock and Ore, 572
- Breaking Ropes in Testing-Machine, 503
- Breakwater Construction, Folkestone Harbour, 37
- Breakwaters at Heysham Harbour, 139. See LETTER, 283
- Brewers' Exhibition, 517
- Bridge Accident on the Forth at Alloa, 606
- Bridges, Anatomy of, 670, 773, 841
- Bridges for Birmingham Aqueduct, 103
- Bridge Competition, Australian, 618
- Bridges, Concrete Steel, 569
- Bridge, Ferro-Concrete (Hennebique System) at
- Purfleet, 582
- Bridges, Live Loads on, 641
- Bridges, New York East River, 678
- Bridge Reconstruction on the Great Western
- Railway at Stoke Canon, 658
- Bridge over the River Swale, Scherzer, 657
- Bridges for Roads and Railroads, 611
- Bridge, Sf•herzer,Litt, 713. See 657
- Bridges, Steel, 121
- Bridges on the Tokio Metropolitan Railway, 637
- Bridge over the Wear at Sunderland, 515
- Bridgework, Anatomy of, 670, 773, 814
- Brillio Automobile, with Schneider-Canet Du
- Bocage Battery, 715
- Brine-Coolers for Dry-Air Blast for Furnaces, 636, 61
British Aesociation:
- 47, 251, 269, 290, 291, 301, 332, 336, 364 96, 399, 442, 413, 458
- Opening Proceedings, 247
- Presidential Address, by the Right non. A J. Balfour, 247
- Lectures, 26Q
- Engineering Section, 251, 269, 301, 332
- Presidential Address, by the Hon. C. A.
- Parsons, on Turbines and Patent Problems, 261, 269
- Presentation of the Gold Medal of the
- Society of German Engineers to Mr.
- Parsons, 271
- The Origin of Sand Ripples, Lecture, by Mrs. Ayrton, 271
- Flame Temperature in Internal-Combustion
- Motors, by E. Dugald Clerk, 272
- Specific Beat of Gases at High Tempera.
- tures, by Professor II. B. Dixon, 272
- Exhaust-Gas Calorimetry, by Professor B.
- Hopkinson, 272, 290
- Receiver Drop in Compound Engine, by J.
- W. Hayward, 273
- Superheated Stearn ; by A. H. Peale, 273
- Electricity from Water-Power, by A. A.
- Campbell Swinton, 273
- Use of Electricity on the North-Eastern
- Railway, by C. II. Merz and W. McLellan, 76
- Energy Losses in Magnetising Iron, by
- W. M. Mordey and A. G. Hansard, 277
- Hopkinson Test as Applied to Induction
- Motors, by Dr. W. E. Sumpner and R.
- W. Weeks, 301
- The Distribution of Magnetic Induction in
- Multipolar Armatures, by Dr. W. M.
- Thornton, 301
- Large Bulb Incandescent Electric Lamps as
- Secondary Standards of Light, by Professor J. A. Fleming, 301
- Some Investigations on the Ten CandlePower Harcourt Pentane Lamp made at
- the National Physical Laboratory, by
- Clifford C. Paterson, 291, 301
- Mersey Tides ; Committee's Report, 304
- The Control of the Nile, by Major Sir Hanbury Brown, 304. See 476
- Universal Testing-Machine of 300 Tons for
- Full-Size Members of Structures, by J.
- H. Wicksteed, 305, 321. See 211, 503,
- The Effect of Rapidly Alternating Stresses
- on Structural Steels, by Professor J. 0. Arnold, 307
- The Production of Magnetic Alloys from
- Non-Magnetic Metals, by R. A. Hadfield, 08. See 58, 412
- Mechanical Properties of Iron at very Low
- Temperatures, by R. A. Hadfield, 308
- Side-Shp in Motor-Cars, by Horace Darwin
- and C. V. Burton, 332, 352. See LETTERS, 81, 433
- An Electrical Temperature Alarm, by
- Horace Darwin, 333
- Electrical Conductivity of Certain Aluminium Alloys as Affected by Exposure to
- London Atmosphere, and a Note on their
- Micro-Structure, by Professor Ernest Wilson, 333
- Proposed Barrage of the River Thames, by
- James Casey, 333
- Testing of Alternate-Current Motors by
- Continuous Current, by William Cramp, 33
- Action of Lightning Strokes on Buildings,
- by Killingworth Hedges, 333
- The Physical and Chemical Sections, 336, 364, 96
- Presidential Address to Section A, by Professor Horace Lamb, 336
- Does the Ether Move with the Earth or
- Not? by Professor W. Wien, of Wurzburg, 37
- A Modification of Fitzgerald's Model of the
- Ether, by J. Butler-Burke, 337
- Tangential Stress Produced by the Oblique
- Impact of Light, by Professor J. H. Poynting, 364
- Radiation in the Solar System, by Professor
- Po) nting, 364
- Reaction of Radiation on a Moving Electron,
- by Professor M. Abraham, 364
- The Relation of Röntgen Rays to Ordinary
- Light, by Professor Larmor, 364
- Standards of Wave-Lengths, by Professor H.
- Kayser, 364
- Radioactivity of Ordinary Matter, by Professor J. J. Thomson, 364
- Radioactivity of the Hot Springs of Aix-lesbains, by Dr. G. A. Blanc, 365
- Plan of Combination of Atoms to have the
- Properties of Polonium and Radium, by
- Lord Kelvin, 365
- A Volatile Product of Radium Emanation,
- by Dr. C. D. Whetham, 365
- Changes Produced by the # Raye, by Sir
- William Ramsay, 365
- Radium and Oxidation in Presence of Iron,
- by Professor H. H. Fenton, 365
- The Bearing of Colour Phenomena Presented
- by Radium Ccmpounds, by W. Ackroyd, 65
- N Rays ; discussion opened by Professor 0.
- Lummer, 365
- Diffraction of Röntgen Rays, by Dr. Wind, 66. See LETTER, 467
- The Separation of the Finest Lines of the
- Spectrum, by Dr. 0. Lummer, 366
- Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium Vapours,
- by Professor R. W. Wood, 367
- Kundt's Law of Direction in Anomalous
- Dispersion, by Professor Larmor, 368
- Diffraction Process of Colour Photography,
- by Professor Wood, 368
- Reststrahlen and the Optical Qualities of
- Metal, by Professor H. Rubens, 368
- Electric Conductivity of Air and Barometric
- Pressure, by John Don, 368
- The Ionisation of the Atmosphere, by Professor A. Schuster, 396
- Electrical Conductivity of Flames, by Dr.
- H. A. Wilson, 396
- Electrical Properties of Hot Bodies, by Dr.
- A. W. Richardson, 396
- Magnetic Double Refraction of Colloidal Iron
- hydrate, by Dr. A, D, Denning, 39Q
- Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Nickel
- at High Temperatures, by Professor Cargill Knott, 396
- New Apparatus for Producing Magnetic
- Fields of Force, by Professor Marcus Hartog, 397
- Electric and Thermal Conductivities of Iron
- Alloys, by Professor W. F. Barrett and
- R. A. Hadfield, 397
- Propagation of Electric Waves along Spiral
- Wires. Measuring Wave-Lengths Used in
- Wireless Telegraphy, by Professor J. A.
- Fleming, 397
- Eddy Current Losses in Three-Phase Cablc
- Sheaths, by M. B. Field, 397
- The Construction of Practical Standards for
- Electrical Measurements ; Committee's Report, by Dr. Glazebrook, 397
- Experimental Verification of Newton's
- Second Law, by W. D. Eggar, 397
- The Kinetic, Theory Determination of the
- Size of Molecules, by J. H. Jeans, 397
- Grindley's Experiments on Steam and the
- Ether Pressure Theory, by J. Macfarlane
- Gray, 397
- Thermal-Dilatation of Compressed Hydrogen,
- by Dr. Witkowski, 398
- Recent Work of the National Physical
- Laboratory, by Dr. R. T. Glazebrook, 398
- Cosmical Physics and Astronomy, 399, 442
- The Meteorology of India and the British
- Empire ; Presidential Address, by Sir John Eliot, 399
- Uniformity of Meteorological Units, by Dr. W. N. Shaw, 400
- The Theory of Correlation applied to Meteorology, by Miss F. E. Cave, 400
- The Short-Period Barometric See•Saw and
- Rainfall, by Dr. W. J. S. Lockyer, 400
- Pressure, Temperature, and Air Circulation over the South Atlantic, by Commander Campbell Hepworth, 400
- Unsymmetrical Distribution of Rainfall
- about the Path of the Barometric Depression, by Dr. H. R. Mill, 400
- Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis in 903, by Dr. Buchan, 400
- Underground Temperature ; Committee's
- Report, by Professor Everett, 400
- Seismological Investigations ; Committee's
- Report, by John Milne, 400
- Kite Experiments in the Mediterranean, by
- Teisserenc de Bort, 400
- Report of the Kites Committee, by Dr. Shaw, 01
- Air Temperature in Cyclones and AntiCyclones at the Blue Hill Observatory, by
- A. Laurence Rotch, 401
- Development of the Aero-Plane, by Major
- Baden-Powell, 401
- Sun-Spots and Polar Aurora, by Professor
- Kr. Birkeland, 442
- Relation between Sun-Spot Minimum and
- the Following Maximum, by Mr. Angot, 42
- The Spectra of Sun-Spots, by Rev. A. L.
- Cortie, 442
- The Spectro-Heliograph of the Solar Physics
- Observatory at South Kensington, by Dr.
- W. J. S. Lockyer, 443
- Problems of Astronomy, by Sir David Gill, 43
- The Masses of the Stars, by Dr. H. N.
- Russell, 443
- Temperature of the Stars, by Sir Norman
- Lockyer, 443
- Criteria on Stellar Temperatures, by H. F.
- Newall 443
- Chemical Section, 443, 458
- Boiling Points and Molecular Weights •, Properties of Mixtures ; Presidential Address,
- by Professor Sydney Young, 443
- Energy of Water and Steam at High Temperatures, by Professor C. Dieterici, 444
- Opalescence in the Neighbourhood of Critical States, by Dr. F. G. Donnan, 444
- Crystal Structure and Chemical Constitution, by Professor Paul Groth, 444
- Formation of Salts in Solution, especially
- among Tautomeric Compounds, by Professor Briihl, 458
- Alloys of the Copper-Tin Series, by C. T.
- Heycock and F. H. Neville, 459
- Relation between the Crystalline and Amorphous States as Disclosed by the Surface
- Flow of Solids, by G. T. Beilby, 459, 474
- Alkyl Derivatives of Sulphur, Selenium, and
- Tellurium, by Dr. A. Scott, 459
- Change of Conductivity in Solutions during
- Chemical Reaction, by P. V. Bevan, 459
- The Velocity of Osmosis, Solubility and the
- Theory of Narcosis, by Professor I. Traube, 59
- Precipitations of Silver Chromate in Gelatine, by Professor Traube, 459
- Dynamic Isomerism, by Dr. T. M. LoVry, 59
- The Stereo-Chemistry of Nitrogen ; Discussion Opened by H. 0. Jones, 459
- Constitution of Phthalein Salts, by Professor
- Richard Meyer, 459
- Decomposition and Synthesis of Ammonia,
- by Dr. E. P. Perman and G. A. S. Atkinson, 469
- The Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Contact with Hot Surfaces, by Dr. W. A. Bone
- and Mr. R. V. Wheeler, 460
- On Active Chlorine, by C. H. Burgess and
- Mr. D. L. Chapman, 461
- Reactions between Ammonium Salts and
- Metals, by Professor W. R. E. Hodgkinson and Mr. A. H. Coote, 461
- Double Acetylides, by Major A. E. Edwards and Professor Hodgkinson' 461
- Arsenic in the Body and in the Kidneys, by W. Thomson, 461
- Australian Siderites, by Professor A. Liversidge, 461
- Sulphur Lines in Spark Spectra of Minerals, by Comte A, de Orpimmont,
- New Low-Temperature Phenomena and their
- Scientific Application, by Sir James Dewar, 62
- Ripple Marks and Sand Dunes, by Professor
- G. H. Darwin, 462
- Palaeontological Discoveries of the Rocky
- Mountains, by Professor H. Fairfield Osborn, 462
- Concluding Remarks, 462
- British Iron and Steel Production, 155
- British Patents Act, 419. See also Patents
- British Patents and Inventions, 206
- British Patents Rules, 789, 861
- British Railway Construction, 417
- British Railways, 316, 376, 448. See also Railways
- British Railways, Zone System on, 283
- British Telegraph System, 340
- British Warships. See Warships
- British Westinghouse Electric Company ; Mond Gas Electric Power Station at Heysham Harbour, 295
- Brooks Locomotives. See Locomotives
- Brooke's Automatic Boiler-Feed, 714
- Brown's Sheffield Hydraulic Press Shops, 644
- Buckton's 300-Ton Testing-Machine, 211, 305, 21, 503. See LETTERS, 211
- Budapest Fire Congress, 222, 411 Buenos Ayres Railway Progress, 519
- Buildings, Action of Lightning Strokes on, 333
- Building Act, Amendment to London, 687
- Building Construction and Concrete Steel, 569
- Building Construction, Record in, 315
- Building Material; Fire-Resistance Standards, 191
- Building Materials, Fictitious Fireproof, 439
- Buildings of Steel, 121, 130, 569
- Buildings, Tall Office, New York, 130
- "Bullfinch," Microscopic Observations on Accident to Engines of, 737, 778, 810. See Impact
- Tests
- Burner, Kermode's Liquid-Fuel, 338. See 859
- Burton, C. V., and Darwin, Horace, on SideSlip in Motor-Cars, 332, 352. See LETTERS, 381, 33
- Business and Science in Training, 769
- Cabinet Factory, Singer's ; Record in Building
- Construction, 315
- Cables of Artificial Gutta-Percha, 89
- Cable Companies, Submarine, 164, 692
- Cable Sheaths, Eddy-Current Losses in, 397
- Cables, Submarine, 692
- Cable, Telegraphic, Current Retardation, 871
- Cable-Testing Device, 495
- Cableway; Brake-Horse-Power of Haulage Plant, 66
- Cableway, White's, 503
- Caisson Design for Dry Docks, 449. See LETTER, 39
- Calcium Carbide as a Resistance Material, 516
- Calculation in Applied Science, 744
- Calorific Power, Relation of, to Illuminating Gas, 60
- Calorimetry, Exhaust-Gas, 272, 290
- Cambrian Railway, Corridor Carriage for, 819
- Cambridge Boiler Explosion, 523
- Camden Coke Company's Works, 712
- Campbell, H. H., on The Influence of Carbon, Phosphorus, Manganese, and Sulphur, on the
- Tensile Strength of Open - Hearth Steel, 674, 95, 732
- Campbell, Hugh, on Gas-Engines for Central Stations, 835
- Canada, Fisheries-Protecting Cruiser for, 261
- Canada, Labour in, 59
- Canada, Patent Law, 608
- Canadian Fisheries Cruiser and Lightships, 251
- Canadian Locomotive for Prince Edward Island Railway, 44
- Canadian Railways, 630
- Canadian Sand-Pump Dredger, 556
- Canals, 600
- Canal, Chicago Drainage, 42
- Candle-Power of Electric Lamps, Determination
- of Mean,Spherical, 765. See 301 andPhotometry
- Canet-Schneider Du Bocage Automobile Battery, 15
- Capstan Lathes. See Machine-Tools
- Capstan, Steam, and Windlass, Baxter's, 499
- Car-Coupling, Westinghouse Automatic Air and
- Steam-Pipe, 414
- Car, Dining, for the Great Western Railway, 319.
- See LETTER, 381
- Cars, Motor. See Motor-Cars and Self-Propelled
- Oar-Truck (Brill), with Motor and Brake Equipment (Westinghouse), 598. See also Truck
- Carlingford Granite Works ; Aerial Wire Ropeway, 503
- Carnegie Steel Works, 713
- " Caronia," New Cunard Liner (Brown), 91
- Carriages. See Motor-Cars, Railways, and
- Tramways
- Carriage-Building, Woodworking Machinery for, 88
- Carriage, Bogie, for Liverpool and Southport
- Electric Railway, 468
- Carriage, Corridor, for Cambrian Railway, 819
- Carriages, Railway, Self-Propelled, for United
- States, 348
- Carriage, Saloon, for South-Eastern and Chatham
- Railway, 573
- Carriage, Self - Propelled. See Motor-Cars and
- Self-Propelled
- Cast Iron, Strength, Composition, and Specification of, 9
- Casting Type, Early Methods of, 491
- Castings, Methods of Making Beds for, 418
- Castings, " Mitis," 381, 433
- Catalogues, 66, 96, 128, 162, 200, 292, 356, 413, 62, 483, 519, 560, 596, 621, 699, 910. See PARAGRAPH INDEX for list of firms
- Cells, Standard, 878
- Cellulose Industry in Scandinavia, 619
- Cement and Concrete, 669
- Cement in Southern Russia, 412
- Cement, Tests of, 644
- Central South African Railway, Passenger Locomotive for, 13
- Central Stations. See Electric and Power
- Centrifugal Pump and 2000 Horse-Power Alternator (Westinghouse), 59S
- Cesspool-PNbauster1 Irticupw(Merrywothe9,727
- Chain-Blocks, Electric, Lacy Hulbert, 869
- Charging-Machines for Gas Retorts, 721
- Chassis. See Motor-Cars
- Chemical Composition, Influence of, on Strength of Steel, 674, 695, 732
- Chemical Constitution and Crystal Structure, 44
- Chemical, Electro-, Series of the Metals, 877
- Chemical Fire-Engine, Self-Propelled (Wolseley), 51
- Chemical Industry, Invention in, 652
- Chemical Papers at the British Association, 336, 64, 396, 443, 458
- Chemical Reaction, Change of Conductivity in
- Solutions during, 459
- Chemical Trade, Position in Heavy, 87
- Chemical Treatment of Sewage, 897
- Chemistry of Electro-Plating, 878
- Chemistry of Explosive Mixtures, 442
- Chemistry ; Phase-Rule and its Applications, 741
- Chemistry ; Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, 76
- Chicago Drainage Canal, 42
- Chicago, Electric Distribution at, 39
- Chicago, Lewis Institute at, 41
- Chicago Tunnel Scheme, 12
- China ; Hong Kong Trade, 384
- China Railway Six-Coupled Locomotive, 431.
- See Erratum, 471
- China, Railways and Mines in, 579
- China, Richest Province in, 760
- China, Trade in, in 1903, 551
- China, Trade Marks in, 350, 621
- China ; Trade of Tientsin, 830
- Chinese Coal and Railway Development, 899
- Chlorine, Active, 461
- Christensen Air-Brake (National Electric Company), 784
- Chromate, Silver, and Gelatine, Precipitations of, 459
- Chrome-Vanadium Steel, Heat Treatment of, 46, 871, 903, 904. See Impact Tests and Erratum, 903
- Churchward, C. J., on Locomotive Testing in England, 9. See LETTER, 59
- Circulation of Air and Pressure Temperature over the South Atlantic, 400
- Circulator, Thermo-, for Steam Boilers, 488
Civil Engineers, Institution of :
- Visit to America, 125. See Engineering
- Congress at St. Louis
- Presidential Address, by Sir G. L. Molesworth, on The Engineer in India, 614
- Coast Erosion, by A. E. Carey, 699
- Erosion on the Holderness Coast of Yorkshire, by E. R. Matthews, 699
- Distribution of Electrical Energy, by John F. C. Snell, 761
- Clarkson Steam Motor-Omnibus, 381, 483
- Clero Pulverising-Machine, 606
- Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis
- Railroad Locomotive, 327, 361, 396. See Erratum., 480
- Cleveland Iron. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Cleveland and North Counties Notes, 16, 50, 83, 18, 52, 185, 215, 244, 284, 316, 340, 372, 404, 36, 70, 606, 42, 576, 612, 649, 682, 726, 752, 87, 22, 867, 95
- Clutch, Coil, for Reversing-Gear, 820
- Clutch, Holden Magnetic, 750
- Clutch, Tenax Automatic, for Shafts, 714
- Clydebank Shipyard ; Boring-Machine for SteamTurbine, 659
- Coal, Anthracite, Origin of, 110
- Coal Ash, 348
- Cool Consumption of Belleville Boilers on H.M.S."Terrible," 686
- Coal Consumption and Turbine Machinery, 678, 89, 719. See 423, 499, and LETTERS, 466, 749.
- See also Turbines
- Coal-Conveyors ; Gas Exhibition, 721
- Coal-Gas. See Gas
- Coal and Iron in New South Wales, 344
- Coal and Iron in America, 248. See 756
- Coal-Mining Machines in the United States, 222
- Coal Production in Japan, 436
- Coal and Railway Developments, Chinese, 899
- Coal-Whip, Electric, 869
- Coaling Warships at Sea, 818
- Coast-Defence buns, 572
- Coast Erosion, 699. See 240, 531
- Cochran Donkey Boiler, 93
- Cockerill Company, 612
- Coherer Action, 877
- Coil-Clutch Reversing-Gear for Rolling-Mills, 20
- Coke, Camden, Company's Works, 712
- Coke-Oven Gas and Tar as Fuel, 477
- Cole Four-Cylinder Balanced Compound Locomotive for the New York Central and Hudson
- River Railroad, 530
- Coliseum, London, 782
- College. See Technical
- Colliery Exhibition, International, 21
- Collimator, Gyroscopic, 66
- Collision. See also Accidents, Railway
- Collision between Ship and Bridge at Alloa, 606
- Colloidal Iron Hydrate, Magnetic Double Refraction of, 396
- Colonial and Foreign Notes, 185
- Colonial Railways. See Australian Railways
- " Colorado," United States Armoured Cruiser, 12, 818
- Colour Phenomena Presented by Radium Compounds, Bearing of, 365
- Colour Photography, Diffraction Process of, 368
- Columns of Railway Station at Heysham Harbour, 235
- Combination of Atoms to have the Properties of
- Polonium and Radium, 365
- Combine. See Trusts
- Commission, Fire Service ; Visit to Central
- Europe, 222, 411
- Commissions, Secret, 552
- Committee on Design of Warships, 900
- Commonwealth," H.M.S., Trials of, 26
- Company Laws. See Legal
- Company Names, Proprietary Right in, 547
- Compensation Act, Workmen's, 219, 410
- Compensation Act, Workmen's, Cases in, 189
- V9mpetition1 A9stmliqn 8rid5e7 IN§
- Compound Engines. See Engines
- Compounds, Explosive, Chemistry of, 442
- Compound Locomotives. See Locomotives
- Compressed Air and Pneumatic Tools in Engineering Works, 233
- Compressor, Air, and Oil-Engine, Direct-Coupled
- (Reavell), 113
- Compressor, Air, for Portsmouth Dockyard
- (Brotherhood), 148
- Compressors, Air (Alley and Maclellan', 781
- Compressor, Air (Koster), 606
- Concentration Plant, Ore, 464
- Concrete-Block Setting at Folkestone Harbour, 7
- Concrete and Building Construction, 315
- Concrete and Cement, 569
- Concrete and Concrete Steel, 569
- Concrete, Ferro-, Bowstring Bridge (Hennebique
- System) at Purfleet, 582
- Concrete and Iron, 350
- Condensation Nuclei, 877
- Condenser, Vacuum Intensifier (Parsons), 499
- Condensers, Maintenance of Marine, 853
- Condensing Machinery, 783
- Conditions of Warship Trials, 615. See 607
- Conduction and Convection, Heat Losses from
- Glowing Filaments by, 657
- Conductivities, Electric and Thermal, of Iron
- Alloys, 397
- Conductivity. See also Electric
- Conductivity, Electric, of Air and Barometric
- Pressure, 368
- Conductivity, Electric, of Gases, 666
- Conductivity, Electrical, of Certain Aluminium
- Alloys, as Affected by Exposure to London
- Atmosphere, and a Note on their Micro-Structure, 333
- Conductivity of Flames, Electrical, 398
- Conductivity in Solutions during Chemical Reaction, Change of, 459
- Conduit versus Overhead Tramway Construction ;
- Local Veto, 653
- Confidence of Employers, 474. See LETTER, 539
- Congress, Engineering, at St. Louis, 531, 568, 600, 10. See Engineering Congress, iron and Steel
- Institute, and Electrical gngineers
- Congress, Fire, at Budapest, 222, 411
- Congress, International, of Navigation, 114
- Congress, Trades Union, 375
- " Connecticut," United States Battleship, 678, 834
- Connecting-Rod and Shaft, Wear of, 479
- Connecting-Rods, Observations on Accidents to, 37, 778, 810. See Impact Tests
- Consolidation Type Locomotives, 745, 811.
- See St. Louis Exhibition and Locomotive
- Constitution, Chemical, and Crystal Structure, 44. See 333
- Construction of Buildings, Record in, 315
- Construction of Practical Standards for Electrical Measurements, 397
- Construction of Tall Office Buildings, New York, 30
- Constructional Material, Tests of, 611. See 191, 39
- Consumption of Iron and Steel, The World's, 155
- Contract Restrictive Covenant, 86, 791
- Contracts, Navy, and the Royal Dockyards, 440. See 407
- Control of the Nile, 304. See 222, 476
- Controlling Devices for Engine?, 539. See
- Governors
- Convention, International Patent, 576
- Cooler for Dry-Air Blast for Furnaces, 656, 661
- Copper-Mining in Peru, 834
- Copper Ore Deposits at Kara-Dagh, 780
- Copper Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Copper Production in America, 653
- Copper Supplies, 160
- Copper and Tin, 504
- Copper-Tin Series, Alloys of the, 459
- Cork Boiler Explosion, 148
- Cork, 500-Kilowatt Curtis Turbine Set for, 678
- Corliss Winding-Engines for Kalgoorlie, Western
- Australia, 857
- Cornwall Royal Polytechnic Society, 292
- Correlation, Theory of, Applied to Meteorology, 00
- Corridor Carriage for the Cambrian Railway, 819
- Cosmical Physics Papers at the British Association, 399, 442
- Cost of Power, Water versus Steam, in the
- British Isles, 843
- Costs of Opposition in Electric Schemes, 160
- Cost of Production, 685
- Costs, Workshop, 75
- Cotton Mules, Safety Appliances for, 740
- Coupling. See also Clutch
- Coupling for Shafts, The " Tenax " Automatic, 14
- Coupling, Westinghouse Automatic Air and
- Steam Pipe, 414
- Coverings, Boiler Non-Conducting, 539
- Cowlyd Water Works, 478
- Crab for Electric Travelling Crane, 713. See
- Cranes
- Crabtree, J. H., on Recent Safety Appliances for
- Cotton-Mules, 740
- Cramp Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 711
- Cranes. See also Electri;
- Crane, 150-Ton, at Beardmore's New Works, 455
- Crane, Electric Coal-Whip, 869
- Crane, Electric, 50-Ton, at Southampton Docks, 10
- Crane, Travelling, Crab for Electric, 713
- Crane, Travelling, 60-Ton, 857
- Crane, Wharf, &c., Electric, at Heysham Harbour, 295
- Crank-Shaft Impact Tests, 701, 728, 765. See also
- Microscopic Observations and Heat Treatment
- Crank-Shaft, Wear of, 479
- Criteria on Stellar Temperatures, 443 •
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Cruisers with Turbines and Engines Compared, 9, 719. See 423, 499. See LET l'ER8, 465, 749
- Crushing-Machine, Clero Ore, 106
- Crushing Mach.nery, Hadfield's Ore, 572
- Crystals and the Phenomenon of Luminous Rings, 801
- Crystal Structure and Chemical Constitution, 444
- Crystalline and Amorphous States, Relation
- between, as Disclosed by the Surface Flow of
- Solids, 459, 474. See 281, 8.9
- Crystalline Structure of Metals. See MicroPhotograph8
- Crystalline Structure of Steel (Solid Bodies), 281, 59, 474, 829
- Cunard Steamer " Caronia" (Brown), 91
- Cunningham, Brysson, on the Modernisation of
- Ancient Docks, 881
- Current Retardation, Telegraphic Cable, 871
- Curtis Steam-Turbine, 97, 171, 202, 679
- Cycle Show, Stanley, 722
- Cycles of Gas-Turbines, 564, 590
- Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones, Air Temperature in, at the Blue Hill Observatory, 401
- Cylinder Covers of Gas-Engines, Strength of, 55
- Cylinder Foundations for Folkestone Harbour 7
- Dairy Machinery, 23
- Dalby, W. E., on Link-Motion Bench, 48
- Dalmuir Shipbuilding Works, 445
- Dam, Proposed, for Thames, 333
- Dams for Birmingham Reservoirs, 103
- Dams, Rolling, 600
- Darwin, Horace, and Burton, C. V., on " SideSlip in Motor-Cars," 332, 332. See LETTERS, 81, 433
- Davy's High-Speed Hydraulic Forging-Presses, 14
- Day, Summers, Water-Tube Boiler, 820
- Decay of American Shipping, 862
- Decking for Bridges. See Bridges
- Decomposition and Synthesis of Ammonia, 459
- Density and Flow of Metals, 459, 474, 829. See also Micro-Photographs
- Depreciation and Glasgow Telephones, 86, 157. See LETTERS
- Depreciation and Sinking Funds See Municipal
- Derailment. See Accidents, Railway
- Design and Function of Warships, 651, 792, 825, 00
- Design of Graving Docks, 449, 644, 881. See
- LETTER, 539
- Design of Warships, Committee on, 900. See
- also 407, 440, 651, 792,825
- Destroyers. See Warsips
- Destroyer 'sEngine Connecting-Rods; Microscopic
- Observations on Accidents, 737, 778, 810. See
- Impact Tests
- Destroyers, Speed and Strength of, 53, 114, 898
- Destructors, ReNse, for Works and Hospital
- Use, 856
- " Deutschland," German Battleship (Krupp), 761
- Dewsbury Light Railway Collision, 128
- Diagram of Metal Prices, 60, 194, 318, 480, 622, 62, 902
- " Diamond," with Reciprocating Engines versus
- Turbine Cruisers, 689, 719. See 423, 499. See
- LETTERS, 466, 749
- Difficulties in Getting on, 769
- Diffraction Process of Colour Photography, 368
- Diffraction of Röntgen Rays, 366. See LETTER, 67
- Diffusers, Lamp, 425
- Dining-Oar for the Great Western Railway, 319.
- See LETTER, 381
- Direct United States Cable Company, 164
- Directories. See LITERATURE
- Disentegrating Machine. See Crushing Ma
- Dispersion, Anomalous, Kundt's Law of Direction in, 368
- Dispersion, Anomalous, of Sodium Vapours, 367
- Displacement, Sub-Division of Weights in Ships',
- SL9
- Disposal of Municipal Refuse, 641
- Disposal of Sewage, 60], 897
- Distribution of Magnetic Induction in Multipolar
- Armatures, 301
- Distribution of our Naval Force, 825
- Doble Needle Regulating-Nozzle, 522
- Dock at Beardmore's New Works, 455
- Docks, Dry, 614
- Dock Dues and Ships' Tonnage, 20
- Dock Engineering, 206
- Dock, Graving, Design, 449, 881
- Docks, Midland Railway Company's, at Heysham, 39, 201, 235, 295. See 233
- Docks, Modernisation of, 831
- Dock at Swansea, New, 162
- Dock Work in New York, 641
- Dockyards, Royal, and Navy Contracts, 440.
- See 407
- "Dominion," H.M. First-Class Battleship, 607.
- See 615
- "Donegal." See Midland Railway Company's
- Steamer
- Donkey Boiler, Cochran, 93
- Double Refraction under Mechanical Stress and
- the Neutral Zone, 618
- Dover Harbour, 531
- Drainage Canal, Chicago, 42
- Drawing-Board, Patschke's, 182
- Dredger, Hydraulic, " J. Israel Tarte," 655
- Dredgers, 641
- Drill-Grinding Machine, 485. See Tool-Grinding
- Drilling-Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Driving by Rope, 194
- Drop-Valve Engines, 749. See Erratum, 786
- Dry-Air Blast for Furnaces, 656, 661
- Dry-Dock Design, 449, 644, 881. See LETTER, 39
- Dry Docks, 449, 644, 881
- Du Bocage Automobile Battery, SchneiderCanet, 715
- Dublin Electric Lighting, 890
- Dues, Dock, and Ships' Tonnage, 20
- " Dufferin," Indian Troopship, 379, 890
- Durban Harbour and Prospects of Natal, 313.
- See LETTERS, 381
- Diirr Water-Tube Boiler for H.SI.S " Medusa," 63. See 187, 192, 345
- Dutch Waterways, 600
- Dynamic Isomerism, 459
- Dynamo. See Electric
- Dynamometer Experiments with Tool Steels, 9, 9, 62
- Earth ; Does the Ether Move IA ith the Earth or not? 337
- Earth Radioactivity, 666
- Earthquake Investigations, 400
- East India Railway, 831
- Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Company, 692
- Eastern Telegraph Company, 164, 692
- Economics, Electrical Railway, 491
- Economy of Steam-Turbines in Cruisers, 639, 719.
- See 423, 499 ; LETTERS 466, 749
- Eddy-Current Losses in Three-Phase. CableSheaths, 397
- Edinburgh Exhibition, 796
- Edison Company, New York, Generating Station of, 678
- Edison Electric Exhibits at St. Louis, C05
- Edison Storage Battery, 1
- Education of Electrical Engineers, 769
- Education, Engineering, 614
- Effect of Torpedoes on Japan Mail Steamship
- " Sado Maru," 468
- Effects of War on Japanese Shipping, 830
- Efficiency, Potential, of Prime Movers, 256
- Egypt, United States, and Hawaii, Irrigation in, 72
- Egyptian Irrigation, 304. See 222, 476, 616, 897
- Elan Valley Reservoirs, 103
- Elasticity and Resistance of Materials of Engineering, 176
- Elasticity and Strength of Metals, 473
Electric : See also Electrical Engineers, Physical Society, and British Association
- Accumulator, Edison, 1
- Air, Electric Conductivity of, 368
- Alternator and Centrifugal, 2000 HorsePower, Pump (Westinghouse), 598
- Alternator, A High Frequency, 871
- Alternator, 1500-Kilowatt (National Company), 669
- Alternating Current Propagation along
- Telephone Cable, 66
- Alternating-Current System, Voltage-Regulation in, 135, 199, 258
- Alternators, Design of, 135, 193, 258
- Aluminium Alloys, Conductivity, 333
- American Practice,510
- American Telegraphy, 60
- Arc, The Electric, 878
- Arc Lamps at Dublin, 893
- Arcs between Cooled Electrodes, 315
- Armatures, Destruction of Magnetic Induction, 301
- Automatic Feeder Regulator, 495
- Automatic Regenerative Control for TramCars, 161
- Brake, Electro-Magnetic, 703
- Brill Truck, Motor and Brake Equipment
- (Westinghouse), 598
- British Telegraph System, 340
- Cable-Testing Device, 495
- Cables of Artificial Gutta-Percha, 89
- Carriage, Motor Bogie, 468
- Cells, Standard, 878
- Central Stations with Gas-Engines, 835
- Chain-Blocks, Lacy-Hulbert, 869
- Clutch, Magnetic, 703
- Coal-Whip, 869. See 713
- Coherer Action, 877
- Compensated Motor Railway Equipment,
- Schenectady Railway, 775. See 202, 534, 23
- Condensers for High-Tension Discharges, 865
- Conductivity of Flames, 396
- Conductivity of Iron and Alloys, 333, 397
- Conductivity of Air and Barometric Pressure, 368
- Congress at St. Louis Exhibition. See Electrical Engineers
- Controllers for Motors, 703
- Crab for Travelling Crane, 713. See 869
- Crane at Heysham Harbour, 295
- Crane, 50-Ton, 210
- Crane, 60-Ton Travelling, 857
- Cranes, 150-Ton, at Beardmore's Yard, 455
- Diffusers, Lamp, 425
- Distribution at Chicago, 39
- Distribution of Energy, 761
- Distribution System, Polycyclic, 282
- Dynamo Sheets, Ageing of, 25
- Dynamos. See Alternators and Generators
- Eddy Currents in Cable Sheaths, 397
- Edison Exhibits at St. Louis Exhibition, 605.
- See 678
- Edison Storage Battery, 1
- Electrical Instruments, Exhibition of, 765
- Electr:cal Power, 563
- Electrician's Practical Manual, 495
- Electro-Magnetic Machinery, 886
- Electro-Plating, The Chemistry of, 878
- Electrolytic Conduction, 666
- Elevator. See Hoist
- Energy, Electric Distribution of, 761. See
- also Power
- Exhibition at Shoredit3h, 551
- Exhibition at St. Louis, 69, 107. See also
- St. Louis
- Experimental Work at the Reichsanstalt, 176
- Factory Supply ; Board of Trade Rules, 282
- Falling Telegraph Wires (Legal), 159
- Feeder-Regulator, Automatic, 495
- Field, Revolving, of 400-Kilowatt TurboGenerator (Westinghouse), 527
- Flames, Conductivity of, 396 •
- Furnaces, Calcium Carbide as a Resistance
- Material, 516
- Furnaces and Industrial Application, 886
- Galvanometer, Fibre, 620
- Gases, Conductivity of, 666
- General Electric Company's Exhibit at the St.
- Louis Exhibition, 237, 268, 299, 368, 426, 495
- General Electric Company's Works, Schenectady, 171, 202
- Generating Sets, Curtis Turbine (General
- Electric Company), 202. See 171
- Generators, A.E.-G. Turbine, 231, 329
- Generator, 2000-Kilowatt, and Compound
- Engine (Westinghouse), 79
- Generator (Crocker-Wheeler Company), 639
- Generator and Governing Appliance (AllisChalmers Bullock Company), 807
- Generator, Motor, 163, 268
- German Pocket-Book, 144
- Governor and Synchronising Motor for 000-Kilowatt Steam-Turbines (General
- Electric Company), 202. See 171
- * Electric-continued.
- Harmonic Analysis, Rapid Method of Approximate, 871
- Heaters ; Calcium Carbide as a Resistance
- Material, 516
- High-Frequency Currents, Physiological
- Effects of, 441
- High-Tension Currents, Direct, 379
- Hoist at Heysham Harbour (Waygood), 293
- hot Bodies, Electrical Properties of, 393
- Ignition of Motor-Cars, 796
- Ionisation of Atmosphere, 396
- Ionisation by Collision, The Theory of, 877
- Lamps, 291, 301, 425. See also Arc
- Lamps, Edison, 605
- Lamps, Heat Losses from Glowing Filaments
- by Conduction and Convection, 657
- Lamps, Incandescent and Arc, Determining
- Candle-Power, 765
- Lifts. See Hoists
- Lighting Acts Amendment, 126
- Lighting Dublin, 890 .
- Lighting Schemes in Parliament, 769
- .Locomotive, Goods, North-Eastern Railway, 04
- Locomotive Motors, 495
- Locomotives, Mining, 495
- Magnetic Alloys without Iron, 58, 308, 412
- Magnetic Clutch, IIolden, 750
- Magnetic Effect of Moving Charges, 666
- Magnetic Field, New Apparatus for, 397
- Magnetic Flux in Tooth-Core Armatures, 755
- Magnetic Hysteresis with Frequency, Investigation and Variations of, 765
- Magnetic Induction in Multipolar Armatures, 301
- Magnetic Properties of Nickel at High Temperatures, 396
- Magnetic Refraction of Colloidal Bodies, 396
- Magnetic Testing of Iron, 828
- Magnetisation of Wires under Torsion, 515
- Magnetising Iron, Losses in, 277, 828
- Magnetism, Elementary Text-Book, 463
- Metals, Electro-Chemical Series of the, 877
- Mine Locomotives, 495
- Mining Machinery, 21
- Motor, Compensated, for Schenectady Railway (General Electric Company), 775. See 02, 534, 623
- Motor Generator (Mather and Platt), 163
- Motor Generator Sets, 268
- Motors, Railway, 495
- Motors, Railway, for Single-Phase Alternating Current (Oerlikon), 623. See 202, 534, 75
- Motors, Single-Phase Current, 531, 623, 775
- Motor Switches, 495
- Motors, Testing, with Alternating Current, 33. See 79
- Motors, Tests of Induction, 301
- Municipal Undertakings, 15, 25, 67, 59, 86, 22, 160, 760
- Municipalities and Cost of Opposition, 160
- Niagara Power Supply, 512
- Nickel, Electric and Magnetic Properties of, 96
- Phase, Measurement of Differences of, 804
- Power Installation, Montlucon Water, 162
- Power-Plant Failures, 280
- Power-Stations in America, 510. See Water
- Power
- Power-Stations with Gas-Engines, 835
- Power-Station, General Electric Company's
- Works, 205
- Power-Station, Mond Gas, Heysham Harbour, 295
- Power-Station of the New York Edison Company, 678
- Power-Station of the New York Rapid
- Transit Subway, 676
- Power Station, Schneider's Works, 887
- Projectors, 425
- Pump-Driving for High-Speed Presses, 644
- Pyrometer, Telescope, 724
- Radioactivity of the Atmosphere and the
- Earth, 666
- Railway Accidents, 828
- Railway Compensated Motor System, Schenectady Railway, 775. See 534, 623
- Railway Economics, 494, 568
- Railway, London Metropolitan, 829
- Railway Motors, 202, 495, 634, 599, 623, 75
- Railway Motor Results (Westinghouse), 598
- Railway Motors for Single-Phase. Alternating Current, 202, 534, 623, 775
- Railway, North-Eastern, 276, 504
- Railways, Trespassers on, 26
- Railways in Germany, 650
- Railways, Russian, 478
- Raworth's Automatic Regenerative Control
- for Tram-Cars, 161
- Regulation, Voltage, in Alternating-Current
- Systems, 135, 199, 258
- Relays, Time-Limit, 495
- Schneider's Electric Works, 887
- Single-Phase Alternating-Current Railway
- Motors, 202, 534, 623, 776
- Solenoid, Magnetic Cushion, 703
- Sprague - General Electric Train - Control
- System, 368
- St. Louis Exhibition. See St. Louts
- Standardisation, 221, 397, 878
- State Telephones, 281. See 86, 157, and
- Storage-Battery, Edison, 1
- Submarine Cables, C6, 89, 397, 495, 692, 871.
- See 164, 692
- Supply Regulations, Board of Trade, 282
- Switches (General Electric Company), 776
- Telautograph (Gray', 747
- Telegraph, 60, 169, 164, 313, 340, 397, 692 47, 829, 871, 877. See Glasgow
- Telegraph, Pollak-Virag Writing, 829
- Telegraphs, Submarine, 161, 692
- Tele7graphic Cable Current Retardation, 1
- Telegraphy and Telephony, Simultaneous, 78
- Telegraphy, Wireless, Wave Lengths in, 396
- Telephones, 15, 59, 86, 123, 157, 281, 313. See
- Lurnms
- * Eleetrie—continued.
- Telephone Cable, Propagation of Alternating
- Current Along, 66
- Temperature Alarm, 333
- Testing of Motors, 73, 301, 333
- Text-Book of Electricity and Magnetism, 463
- Therapeutic Agents, 578
- Third Rail, 621, C58
- Traction in America, 510
- Traction Commission, St. Louis Exhibition, 40
- Traction Motors, Single-Phase Current, 534,
- See 775
- Traction in Russia, 478 '
- Traction on the Schenectady Railway
- (General Electric Company), 171, 202, 775
- Traction System, Single-Phase, Oerlikon, 23
- Train - Control System, Sprague-General
- Electric, 368
- Train Control, Westinghouse Multiple Unit, 1
- Tram-Cars, kutomatic Regenerative Control for, 161
- Tramway Construction, Overhead versus
- Conduit, Local Veto, 653
- Tramways in Germany, 161
- Tramways, Glasgow, 122
- Tramways, London, 57, 402, 410
- Tramway Running Powers, 25, 55, 760
- Tramway Schemes in Parliament, 723, 758
- Tramway Track Work, Cast-Steel, 402, 410
- Transformers, Elihu Thompson's Constant
- Current, 299
- Transformers, 268, 299
- Transformer, Schenectady Railway, 775
- Transit Subway, New York Rapid, 675
- Truck, Brill, with Compensated Motor,
- Schenectady Railway, 775
- Truck, Motor-Carriage, 463
- Turbine, Steam, Tests, 679
- Turbo-Alternator, Metropolitan Railway, 829
- Units, International, 878
- Voltage-Regulation in Alternating•Current
- Systems, 135, 199, 258
- Voltameter, The Silver, 873
- Water-Power, Electricity from, 273, 843
- Water-Power Installation, Montlucon, 162
- Wave-Lengths, Electric and Thermal, 878
- Wave-Lengths in Wireless Telegraphy, 396
- Westinghouse Manufacturing Company's
- Works, East Pittsburg, 712
- Wireless Telegraphy ; Measuring WaveLengths, 396
- Wireless Telegraphy, Present State of, 877
- Wires and Cables ; General Electric Company, 171, 205
- Wires under Torsion, Magnetisation of, 615
- Electrical Conductivity of Certain Aluminium Alloys as Affected by Exposure to London Atmosphere, and a Note on their Microstructure, 333. See 397
- Electrical Conductivity of Flames, 396
Electrical Engineers' Congress at St. Louis:
- Impressions of Electrical Engineering in America, 510
- Power-Stations in America, 510
- Traction, Electric, in America, 510
- Niagara Power Supply, 512
- Visit to New York, 514
- On the Different Methods and Sy steins of
- using Alternating Current in Electric
- Railway Motors, by B. J. Arnold, 534
- Excursions, 584
- Abstracts of Some Papers, by Dr. M. F.
- O'Reilly, 666, 877
- The Magnetic Effect of Moving Charges, 666
- Radioactivity of the Atmosphere and the Earth, 666
- Electrical Conductivity of Gases, 666
- Electrolytic Conduction, 666
- The Electro-Chemical Series of the Metals, 77
- On the Theory of Ionisation by Collision, 877
- Condensation Nuclei, 877
- The 877Spectra of Gases at High Temperatures,
- Present State of Wireless Telegraphy, 877
- Coherer Action, 877
- Thermal and Electric Wave-Lengths, 78
- Therapeutic Agents, 878
- The Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, 878
- Standard Cells, 878
- Silver Voltameter, 878
- Photometry, 878.
- International Electric Units, 878
- Standardisation, 878
- The Electric Arc, 878
- Simultaneous Telegraphy and Telephony, 878
- Chemistry of Electro-Plating, 878
- Electrical Engineer's Impressions of America, An, 510
Electrical Engineers, Institution of:
- Presidential Address, by Alexander Siemens,
- on the Cost of Production, 685
- Application of Stream Theory to the Investigation of the Magnetic Flux Distribution
- in Toothed-Core Armatures, by Professor
- Hele-Shaw, Dr. Hay, and P. H. Powell, 755
- Some Difficulties in Getting on, by J. Swinburne ; Address to Students, 769
- Studiei in Magnetic Testing, by G. F. C.
- Searle, 828
- Electrical Engineers' Training, 769
- Electrical, Ironmongery, and Hardware Trades' Exhibition, 125
- Electrical Machinery, Standardisation of, 221, 78
- Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Nickel at
- High Temperatures, 890
- Electrical Measurements. See Measurements
- Electrical Papers at the British Association. See
- British Association
- Electrical Power versus Steam, 568
- Electrical Properties of Hot Bodies, 396
- Electrical Temperature Alarm, 333
- Electrical Waves, Propagation of, Along Spiral
- Wires • Measuring Wave-Lengths Used in Wireless Telegraphy, 397
- Electrician's Practical Manual, 495
- * Electricity and Magnetism, Elementary TextBook 04, 463
- Electricity Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, 74
- Electricity, Use of, on the North-Eastern Railway, 276, 504
- Electricity from Water Power, 162, 273, 843. See
- also Niagara
- Electricity Works, Schneider's, 887
- Electrification of the Metropolitan Railway, 829
- Electrodes, Arcs between Cooled, 315
- Electron, Reaction of Radiation on a Moving, 64
- Elevators. See Hoists
- Embankments for Birmingham Reservoirs, 103
- Emmet, W. L. R., on The Steam Turbine and Modern Engineering, 97
- "Empire " Spring Wheel, 833
- Employds and Masters' Cases. See Legal
- Employer's Confidence, 474. See LETTER, 639
- Employment of an Engineer, 898
- Enamel, Oil-Proof, 433
- Energy Distribution. See also Power
- Energy Losses in Magnetising Iron, 277, 828
- Energy of Water and Steam at High Temperatures, 444
- Engine, Boiler, and Employers' Liability Insurance Company's Report, 280
- Engine, Compound, and 2000-Kilowatt Generator
- (Westinghouse), 79
- Engines, Componnd, Receiver Drop in, 273
- Engine Connecting-Rod and Crank-Shaft, Wear
- of, 479; Breakage of, 737, 778, 810
- Engine Controlling Devices, 639, 807
- Engines, Drop-Valve, 749. See Erratum, 786
- Engines, Factory, Tests of, 146, 165, 196
- Engine Failures, 280
- Engine, Fire-. See Fire-Engine
- Engines, Gas, 95
- Engines, Gas, at Brewers' Exhibition, 547
- Engine, Gas, Calorimetry of, 272, 290
- Engine, Gas, for Central Stations, 835
- Engine, Gas, Design, 832
- Engine, Gas, Exhibition, International, 721
- Engines, Gas, Failures, 280
- Engine, Gas, 250 H.-P. (J. E. H. Andrew and Co.), 97. See LETTERS
- Engine, Gas, Lister Two-Cycle, 351
- Engine, Gas-Producer, 295
- Engines, Gas ; Strength of Cylinder-Covers, 65
- Engines, Gas, Treatise on, 236
- Engine, Hauling, 8 H.-P., Compound, 13
- Engines, Internal-Combustion. See also Engines,
- Gas, and Engines, Oil, Motor-Cars
- Engines, Internal-Combustion, Flame Temperature of, 272
- Engine, Marine ; Austrian T.-S.S. "Africa," 265, 09, 371
- Engines, Marine; of H.M.S. " Dominion," 607.
- See 615
- Engines, Marine, of Italian Battleship " Regina
- Margherita," 716
- Engines, Marine, of Japanese CruiSer " Kasuga," 40
- Engines, Marine, Maintenance of, 853. See 479
- Engines, Marine, of Midland Railway Company's
- T.-S.S. " Donegal," 423
- Engines, Marine, v. Parsons Turbines ; Midland
- Railway Company's Steamer, 423, 499. Cruisers, 80, 719. See LETTERS, 466, 749
- Engines, Marine. Seo also Turbines
- Engine, Marine, Superheaters, 749
- Engines, Oil, 24, 95
- Engine, Oil, and Air-Compressor (Reavell), 113
- Engine, Oil, Failures, 280
- Engines, Oil, on Launches, 157, 191, 218
- Engine, Oil, Lister Two-Cycle, 351
- Engine, Oil, of Yacht " Mollihawk II.," 466
- Engine, Petrol, Indicator Diagrams of, 68
- Engine, Pumping, at the Odessa Water Works, 27
- Engines, Reciprocating, versus Turbine, 423, 99, 689, 719. See Dorms, 468, 749
- Engines, Steam, Potential Efficiency of, 256
- Engines, Traction, and Heavy Street Traffic, 40
- Engines, Traction, at the Smithfield Show, 791
- Engine Valve-Gear, Bagnall and Price's, 839
- Engines, Winding, Corliss, for Kalgoorlie,
- Western Australia, 857
- Engines, Winding, Valve • Gear for, 286
- Engineer, Employment of, 893
- Engineer, The, in India, 616
- Engineers, Institutions of. See Civil Engineers,
- Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers,
- Naval Architects, Iron and Steel Institute,
- Physical Society, and Society of Arts
- Engineer, Japanese, in War, 343
- Engineer's, Mechanical, Reference-Book, 141
- Engineers, Naval. See also Naval
- Engineers' Training See Education and Training
- Engineers' Visit to America. See Iron and
- Steel Institute, Electrical Engineers' Congress and Engineering Congress
Engineering Congress at St. Loafs, International : 31, 508, 600, 640
- Harbours, 531
- British Harbours, by William Matthews, 31
- Purification of Domestic Waters, by Alan
- Hazan, 531
- Railroad Terminal Stations (three papers),
- by Elmer L. Corthell, New York, W. T.
- Foxlee, London, and Ernest Pontzen,
- Paris, 534
- Mechanical Section, 534, 568
- The Purification of Water for the Production
- of Steam, by James 0. Handy, Pittsburg, 34
- Turbines and Water-Wheels, by Gardner S.
- Williams, 534
- Electrical Power, 668
- The Substitution of Electricity for Steam as
- a Motive Power (two papers), by J. G.
- White and Alexander Siemens, 668
- Electrical Power Generating Stations and
- Transmission, by S. T. Stillwell, 568
- Railway Rolling - Stock (two papers), W.
- Forsyth and Professor E. Sauvage, 569
- Manufacture of Steel (two papers), by William Metcalf and Bradley Stoughton, 569
- The Manufacture of Cement, by It. W.
- Lesley, 569
- Concrete and Concrete Steel (four papers),
- by Edwin Thacher, Captain J. S. Sewell,
- Fr. von Emperger, and Armand Considere, 69
- Ordnance, 572
- Ammunition for Cannon, by Captain Tholes
- L. Ames, 572
- Gun Construction in the United States, by
- Captain Odus 0. Homey, 672
- Sea Coast Gun-Carriage Design and Construction, by Captain E. P. O'Hearn, 672
- Irrigation (five papers), by Elwood Mead, Sir
- Hanbury Brown, J. 1. de Mayier, P. L.
- Salvador, and M. M. O'Shaughnessy, 672
- Waterways, 600
- Rollin°.e' Dams, by K. E. Hilgard, 600
- Dutch Waterways, by A. B. Marinkelle, 00
- Artificial Waterways (four papers), by Captain W. L. Sibert, W. H. Hunter, J. A.
- de Lint, L. F. E. van Hoogenhuyze, and
- A. Chargueraud, 600 .
- Sewage Disposal (two papers), by George W.
- Fuller and M. Bechmann, 601. See 74, 897
- Underground Railways (three papers), by W.
- B. Parsons, Basil Mott, and David Hay
- and L. Biette, 602
- Passenger Elevators, by Thomas E. Brown, 02
- Naval Architecture, by Sir Win. H. White, 01
- Marine Engineering, by W. F. Durand, 601
- The Concurrent Development of Traffic on
- Improved Waterways and on Railroads, by
- E. P. North, 640
- Highway Construction (two papers), by J.
- Owen and Professor G. Forestier, 640
- Deep Foundations, by W. F. Druyvesteyn, 40
- Operation of Mines in France, by E. Gruner, 40
- Dredgers and Dredging, by A. W. Robinson, 41
- Hydraulic Dredging in the Mississippi River,
- by F. B. Maltby, 641
- Dredging Ocean Bars, by Major J. G. Sandford, 611
- Observations on Dockwork in New York
- Harbour, by J. A. Bensel, 641
- Disposal of Municipal Refuse, by Rudolph
- Hering, 641
- Removal of, and Utilisation of, Municipal
- Refuse in French Cities, by P. Tur, 641
- Live Loads for Railway Bridges, by H. W.
- Hodge, 611
- Ventilation of Tunnels (two papers), by C.
- S. Churchill and Francis Fox, 642, 799
- Tests of Materials of Construction (five
- papers), by E. Candlot, L. Bach, W. R.
- Webster, Gaetano Lanza, and W. A. Aiken, 14
- Pumping Machinery (two papers), by Irving
- H. Reynolds and W. M. Venable, 644. See
- Erratum, 683
- Lighthouses and Aids to Navigation (three
- papers), by Lieut.-Colonel D. W. Lockwood, Thomas Matthews, and C. Ribiere, 44
- Dry Docks, 644
- Engineering Education, 814
- Surveying, 614
- Engineering Dock, 206
- Engineering Education. See Education
- Engineering Exhibits at St. Louis Exhibition. See St. Louis Exhibition,
- Engineering, Irrigation, 744
- Engineering, Marine, 604. See Engines, Marine
- Engineering Materials, Elasticity and Resistance of, 176. See also Micro-Photography
- Engineering Papers at the British Association, 69, 301
- Enginee ring Plant on the Hire-Purchase System, 79
- Engineering Schemes in Parliament, 722, 768, 794
- Engineering Works, Compressed Air and Pneumatic Tools in, 233 •
- England, Locomotive Testing in, 9. See LETTER, 9
- Erosion of Coast, 699. See 581
- Ether : Does It Move with the Earth or Not ? 37
- Ether, A Modification of FitzGerald's Model of, 37
- Ether Pressure Theory, Grindley's Experiments on Steam and the, 397
- Exhaust-Gas, Calorimetry of, 272, 290
- Exhaust-Steam Turbines in Steel Works, 796. See Erratum, 831
- Exhauster, Vacuum Cesspool (Merryweather), 27
- Exhibition, Brewers', 647
- Exhibition, Colliery, International, 21
- Exhibition, Electrical, at Shoreditch, 561
- Exhibition, Gas, International, 721
- Exhibition, Ironmongery, Hardware, and Elec.
- trical Trades, 125
- Exhibition, Scots' National, 796
- Exhibition. See also St. Louis
- Exhibition, Smithfield, 791
- Exhibition, Stanley Cycle, 722
- Expedition, Antarctic, 796
- Experimental Bacterial Treatment of London
- Sewage, 74, See 601, 897
- Experiments, Some Recent, at the United
- States Mod. 1 Basin, 815, 838
- Experiments with Lathe-Tool Dynamometer, 9, 9, 62
- Experiments. See also Tests
- Explosion, Petroleum, at Antwerp, 315, 648.
- See LETTER, 621
- Explosions, Boiler. See Boiler Explosions
- Explosive Mixtures, Chemistry of, 442
- Explosives, 672
- Exports. See Trade
- Expo-ition. See Exhibition and St. Louis
- Extensometers, Interference Apparatus for Calibration of, 622
- Factories and Fire-Escapes. See Legal
- Factories Law of Landlord and Tenant, 613
- Factory Act and Hoists, 190
- Factory Cases. See Legal
- Factory Electric Supply; Board of Trade Regulations, 282
- Factory Power-Plant, Tests of, 146, 165, 196
- Failures in Power-Plant, 280
- Falling Telegraph Wires, 159
- Fast-Cutting Steel. See Tool Steel
- Fatigue of Metals, 473. See Micro-Photography
- Feed Apparatus. Brooke's Automatic Boiler, 714
- Feed-Water Purification, 534
- Feed-Water Regulator ; Mumford and Anthony, 42
- Fees, Arbitrator's, 314
- Ferro-Concrete Bowstring Bridge (Hennebique
- System) at Purfleet, 582
- Ferro-Concrete Structures, 315, 350, 589, 582
- Ferrolithic Building Construction, 315
- Fibre Galvanometer, 620 •
- Fictitious Fire-Proof Materials, 439
- Field Artillery for British Army, 545, 791, 900
- Field Artillery and the Russo-Japanese War, 545, 91, DUO
- Fields of Force, New Apparatus for Producing
- Magnetic, 397
- Fielden, Frank, on Compressed-Air and Pneumatic Tools in Engineering Works, 233
- Filaments, Heat Losses from Glowing, by Conduction and Convection, 657
- Filtration of Water Supply, 531
- Finsbury Technical College, Link-Motion Bench
- for, 48
- Fire Brigades in Europe, 411. See 222
- Fire-Engine, Self-Propelled Chemical (Wolseley), 51
- Fire-Engine, Self-Propelled ; Kermode's LiquidFuel System (Merryweather), 338. See 859
- Fire-Escape from Buildings, 687
- Fire, Petroleum, at Antwerp, 315, 548. See
- LETTERS, 621
- Fire Regulations for Theatres, 379. See 222
- Fire Resistance, Standards of, 191, 439
- Fire Service Commission to Central Europe, 222, 11 •
- Fireproof Materials, Fictitious, 439. See 191
- Fisheries, Canadian, and Lightships, 251
- FitzGerald's Model of the Ether, A Modification
- of, 337
- Flame Temperature in Internal - Combustion
- Motors, 272
- Flames, Electrical Conductivity of, 396
- Fleet, Naval. See Warships
- Fleets, Ve-Arrangement of British Naval, 825
- Floors of Bridges, 670, 773, 844
- Flow and Density of Metals, 829. See also
- Micro-Photography
- Flow of Metals, Surface, and Hard and Soft
- State, 474. See 281, 459, 829
- Fog in London, 682, 859
- Folkestone Pier and Harbour Works, 37
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 185
- Foreign Enterprise in Japan, 657
- Foreign Methods of Dealing with the Unemployed, 725
- Forging Presses, High-Speed Hydraulic (Davy,
- Sheffield), 644
- Forgrove Wrapping-Machine, 287
- Formation of Salts in Solution, especially among
- Tautomeric Compounds, 458
- Formosa, Progress in, 478
- Forth Bridge ; Accident at Alloa, 606
- Foundations, Deep Subaqueous, 640
- Foundations, Midland Railway Harbour, 201.
- Founding, Type, Early Methods of, 491
- Foundry Beds, 418
- Fowler's Engineer's Pocket-Book, 782
- Fox, Sir Douglas, on Locomotive Testing in
- England, 9. See LETTER, 59
- France, Alining Operations in, 610
- Freezino•e• Process of Sinking Mine-Shafts, 640
- French Garbage Disposal, 641.
- French Torpedo-Boat with Parsons Turbines
- (Normand), 183
- French Trans-Pyrenean Railway, 319
- Friction of Liquids in Tubes at very Small Velocities, 550
- Friction of Sliding Keyways, 467
- Fuel. See Coal
- Fuel, Gas, and Tar from Coke Ovens, 477
- Fuel, Liquid. See Liquid Fuel
- Function and Design of Cruisers, 651
- Furnaces, Boiler, Maintenance of, 853
- Furnace, Brayshaw's Steel-Hardening, 520
- Furnace, Dry-Air Blast, 656, 661
- Furnace ; Electric. See also Electric
- Furnaces, Electric, Calcium Carbide as d
- sistance Material, 616
- Furnaces, Electric, and their Industrial Application, 886
- Furnace Gas-Engines. See Engines, Gas
- Furnace, Steel, Acid Open-Hearth Manipulation, 28
- Furnaces, Welded Boiler, 288
- Furness Railway, Sandberg "Goliath" Rails on the, 126
- Future of the Steam-Turbine, 719. See 423, 99, 689. See LETTERS, 466, 749
- Galvanometer, Fibre, 620
- Garbage Disposal, 641
- Gas, Blast-Furnace, Theisen's Washer for, 78, 383
- Gas-Engines. See Engines, Gas
- Gas Exhibition, International, 721
- Gas, Relation of Calorific, to Lighting Power, 660
- Gas-Pipe, Mephan Ferguson Lock-Bar, 550
- Gas, Power, Mond, Electric Station, Heysham
- Harbour, 295
- Gas-Power. See also Power
- Gas-Producer for Bituminous Coal, 540. See
- LEirsits, 621, 692
- Gas-Producer, Test of Pierson's Suction, 285
- Gas, Radioactivity of Natural, 282
- Gas Schemes in Parliament, 759
- Gas and Tar from Coke Ovens as Fuel, 477
- Gas Turbine Cycles, 564, 590
- Gas-Washer, Centrifugal, Theisen's, 78, 383
- Gas.Works Practice in Germany, 886
- Gases, Specific Heat of Hot, 272
- Gases7, The Spec' ra o f, at High Temperatures 7
- * Gauge-Glass, Duplex, 621
- Gauge, Parker's Automatic Water, 371
- Gayley, James, on the Application of Dry-Air
- Blast to the Manufacture of Iron, 666, 681
- Gelatine and Silver Chromate, Precipitations of, 59
- General Electric Company's Works, Schenectady, 71, 202
- German Battleship " Deutschland" (Krupp), 761
- German Electric Pocket-Book, 144
- German Electric Railways, 550
- German Electric Tramways, 161
- German Fire Brigades, 411. See 222
- German Iron and Steel Production, 155
- German Naval Architecture Year-Book, 75
- German Reichsanstalt, 173
- German Salvage Steamers, 585
- Gibson's Valve Re-Seating Machine, 621
- Girder Bridges. See Bridges
- Girders of Bridges, 670, 773, 844. See Bridges
- Glasgow, Notes from. See North, Notes from
- Glasgow Telephones and Depreciation, 15, 19, 6, 157. See LETTERS, 123, 281
- Glasgow Tramways, 122
- Glass, Gauge, 371, 621
- Glover, The late Mr. T. Craigie, 96, 114
- Glyda Spring Hub, 481
- Goodman, Professor J., on the Governing of
- Impulse Water-Wheels, 597. See LETTERS, 832
- Governing Devices for Engines, 539
- Governing Impulse Water-Wheels, 597. See
- LETTERS, 832
- Governor for Allis-Chalmers-Bullock Company's
- Electric Plant, 807
- Governor for Turbines, A.E.-G., 231, 329
- Government Telephones, 123, 281. See Glasgow
- Telephones
- Graving Dock Design, 449. See LETTER, 539
- Graving Docks, 644
- Graving Docks, Modernisation of Ancient, 881
- Gray Telautograph, 747. See 829
- Great Central Railway, 448
- Great Central Railway Eight-Coupled Goods
- Locomotive, 693
- Great Central Railway, Express Passenger Locomotive tor, 889
- Great Central Railway Zone System, 283
- Great Northern Railroad, U.S.A., Locomotive, 45, 811
- Great Western Locomotive ; London to Plymouth
- without a stop, 88
- Great Western Railway Bridge, Reconstruction
- of, at Stoke Canon, 658
- Great Western Railway Dining-Car, 319. See
- LETTER, 381
- Grinding-Machine, Drill, 485
- Grinding-Machines, Tool, 5, 72, 268, 429, 566, 633, 08, 814. For details see INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS
- Grindley's Experiments on Steam and the EtherPressure Theory, 397
- Guards for Cotton-Mules, 740
- Guernsey Power-Stations with Gas-Engines, 835
- Gunboats. See Warships
- Gun-Power of Warships, 407, 440, 651, 792, 825, 00
- Guns. See also Warships
- Guns, 572, 715
- Guns ; Automatic Rifles, 115
- Guns, Field, and the Russo-Japanese War, 645, 91, 900
- Guns, Howitzers, 715
- Guns, New, for the Army, 900. See 546, 791
- Gunpowder, Invention of, 379. See LETTER, 413
- Gutta-Percha, Artificial, for Cables, 89
- Gyroscopic Collimator, 66
- Hadfield's Cast-Steel Track-Work, 402, 410
- Hadfield's Rock and Ore-Crushing Machinery, 72
- Halle Self-Loading Rifle, 115
- Hammer, Ancient Tilting, 96
- Hanbury, H. W. ; Central South African Railway Locomotives, 13
- Hanbury, H. W., on Locomotives at St. Louis Exhibition. See Locomotives under St. Louis Exhibition
- Hannoverische Locomotive, with Pielock Superheater, 41, 111
- Harbour, Durban, and Prospects of Natal, 313.
- See LETtER, 381
- Harbour Engineering, 206
- Harbours in England, 531
- Harbour, Heysham, 139, 201, 235, 295, 499. See 83
- Harbour, Madras, 240
- Harbour and Pier Schemes in Parliament, 794
- Harbour and Pier Works, at Folkestone, 37
- Harbour Protection and Beach Travel, 240, 531, 99
- Harbour, Swansea, 162
- Harbour Work, New York, 641
- Harcourt Pentane Lamp, Some Investigations on
- the Ten Candle-Power, made at the National
- Physical Laboratory, 291, 301
- Hardening-Steel Furnace, Brayshaw's Salt-Bath, 20
- Hardware, Ironmongery, and Electrical Trades
- Exhibition, 125
- Hatfield, William H., and McWilliam, Andrew,
- on Acid Open-Hearth Manipulation, 628
- Haulage Plant, 466
- Hauling-Engine, 8 1I.-P. Compound, 13
- Hawaii, Egypt, and United States, Irrigation in, 72
- Heat Losses from Glowing Filaments by Conduction and Convection, 657
- Heat, Mechanical Equivalent of, 878
- Heat Res earth Work at the Reichsanstalt, 173
- Heat, Specific, of Gases at High Temperatures, 72
- Heat - Treatment of Chrome - Vanadium Steel, 46, 871, 903, 904. See Impact Tests and
- Erratum, 903
- Heat Treatment of Steel, Microscopic Observations of, 737, 778, 810
- Heaters, Electric ' • Calcium Carbide as a Resistance Material, 516. •See also 886
- Heating and Ventilating Apparatus for Ships,
- Thermo-Tank, 499
- Hebden Bridge Gas-Driven Station, 835
- Heeling and Rolling of Ships, 15, 194, 241, 881
- Hematite Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Hen Valley Light Railway Collision, 128
- Hennebique Concrete Steel, 569
- Hennebique System ; Ferro-Concrete Bridge at
- Purfleet, 582
- "Hermes," H.M.S., Babcock and Wilcox WaterTube Boiler for, 345. See 187, 192, 263
- Heysham Harbour, 139, 201, 235, 295, 499. See
- LETTER, 283
- High-Frequency Currents, Physiological Effects of, 441
- High-Speed Tool-Steel. See Tool Steel
- Highway Construction, 640
- Hiller, Edward G., on Modern Steam-Power
- Plant, 146, 165, 196
- "Hindustan," Steam Trials of H.M.S., 866
- Hire of Motor-Cars, Legal, 250
- Hire-Purchase System ; Engineering Plant, 279
- H.M.S. See Warships
- Hoist, Electric Coal-Whip, 869
- Hoists, Electric, at Heysham Harbour (Waygood), 295
- Hoists and the Factory Act, 190
- Hoists, Passenger, 603
- Holden Magnetic Clutch, 760
- Holden's Liquid-Fuel Apparatus ; Yacht " Tarantula," 148
- Hong Kong, Trade of, 384
- Hopkinson, B., on the Calorimetry of Exhaust
- Gases, 272, 290
- Hopkinson's Centre-Pressure Stop-Valve, 517
- Hopkinson Test as Applied to Induction Motors, 01
- Horner, Joseph, on Tool-Grinding Machines, 5, 2, 268, 429, 566, 633, 708, 814. For Details see INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS
- Horn's Portable Tachometer, 61
- Hospital and Works, Refuse-Destructors for Use in, 856
- Hot Bodies, Electrical Properties of, 396
- Hours of Labour and Wage Rates, 253
- Howitzers, Schneider-Canet Du Bocage Automobile Battery of, 715
- Hoy's Motor-Bogie, 468
- Hub, Glyda Spring, 481
- Hudson River Tunnels, 678
- Hunt, The late Edmund, 830
- Hyatt Belt-Fabric Stitching-Machine, 79
- Hydrate, Iron, Magnetic Double Refraction of
- Colloidal, 396
- Hydraulic Dredger " J. Israel Tarte," 555
- Hydraulic Dredging on the Mississippi, 641
- Hydraulic Forging Presses, High-Speed (Davy,
- Sheffield), 644
- Hydraulic Power versus Steam Power in the
- British Isles, 843. See also 162, 273
- Hydrogen .and Oxygen, Union of, in Contact
- with Hot Surfaces, 460
- Hydrogen, Thermo-Dilatation of Compressed, 398
- Hygrometer, Sensitive, 622
- Hysteresis, Magnetic, Investigation of Variations of, 765
- Illinois Central Railroad Locomotives (Rogers), 45
- Illinois Steel Works, 13
- Illuminating Gas, Relation of Calorific Power
- to, 660
- Impact Tests of Steel and Iron, 704, 728, 765.
- See also Microscopic Observations and Heat
- Treatment
- Implements, Agricultural, 23. See also Smithfield Show
- Incandescent Lamps. See Electric Lamps
- India and the British Empire, Meteorology of, 99
- India and the Engineer, 616
- Indian Asphalte, 251
- Indian Railway Organisation, 311
- Indian Railway Property, 831
- Indian Students in Japan, 620
- Indian Troopship " Dufferin," 379, 890
- Indicator Diagrams of Petrol Motor, 66
- Induction Motors, Hopkinson Test as Applied
- to, 301
- Induction in Multipolar Armatures, Distribution
- of Magnetic, 301
- Industrial Notes, 27, 61, 93, 128, 163, 195, 223, 55, 287, 320, 351, 383, 416, 447, 481, 517, 653, 87,.625, 659, 693, 727, 763, 797, 833, 870, 901
- Institute, Lewis, at Chicago, 41
- Institutions, Technical. See Civil Engineers,
- Electrical Engineers, Engineering Congress,
- .fton and Steel Institute, Mechanical Engineers, Naval Architects, Physical Society and
- Society of Arts
- Insurance against Unemployed, 725
- Intensity and Velocity of Light, 412
- Interference Apparatus for the Calibration of
- Extensometers, 622
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Engines,
- Gas, and Engines, Oil, and Motor-Cars
- Internal-Combustion Motors, 95
- International Congress of Navigation, 114
- International Engineering Congress at St. Louis,
- See Engineering Congress, Electrical Engineers, and Iron and Steel Institute
- International Patent Convention, 576
- Invention in Chemical Industry, 652
- Invention of Gunpowder, 379. See LETTER, 413
- Inventions. See Patents
- Investigations on the 10-Candle-Power Harcourt
- Pentane Lamp Made at the National Physical
- Laboratory, 291, 301
- Ionisation by Collision, The Theory of, 877
- Ionisation of the Atmosphere, 396
- Iron Alloys, Electric and Thermal Conductivities
- of, 397
- Iron Castings, Methods of Making Beds for, 418
- Iron and Coal in New South Wales, 344
- Iron and Coal Production in America, 248. See 56
- Iron, Composition of. See Micro-Photography
- Iron and Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete
- Iron, Energy Losses in Magnetising, 277, 828
- Iron Export, Revival of American, 123
- Iron Furnace Dry-Air Blast, 656, 661
- Iron Hydrate, Magnetic Double Refraction of
- Colloidal, 396
- Iron at Low Temperatures, Mechanical Properties of, 308
- Iron, Magnetic Testing of, 828
- Iron Output per Head of Population and Waterway Development, 640
- Iron, Presence of Radium and Oxidation in, 366
- Iron and Steel Bridges. See Bridges
- Iron and Steel, Plastic Yielding of, 351, 385
- Iron and Steel Production, The World's, 155. See 48, 766
Iron and Steel Institute :
- Proceedings, Vol. LXV., Review, 348
- Acid Open-Hearth Manipulation, by Andrew
- MoWilliam and William H. Hatfield, 628
- American Meeting, 655, 674, 709 :
- Preliminary Proceedings at New York, 655
- Presidential Address, by Mr. Carnegie, 655
- Bessemer Medal Presented to Mr. Carnegie, 56
- Excursion on the Hudson, 656
- The Reading of Papers, 656, 074, 709
- Next Autumn Meeting and the Succeeding President, 656
- The Annual Dinner, 656
- The Application of Dry-Air Blast to the
- Manufacture of Iron, by James Gayley. 56, 661
- Election of New Members, 657
- The Influence of Carbon, Phosphorus, Man.
- ganese, and Sulphur on the • Tensile
- Strength of Open-Hearth Steel, by H. H.
- Campbell, 674, 695, 732
- Iron and Steel Exhibits at the St. Louis Ex.
- hibition, by Professor H. Bauerman, 674 •
- A West African Smelting-House, by C. V.
- Bellamy, 674
- High-Speed Tool Steels, by J. M. Gledhill, 75. See 9, 29, 62, 349
- The Excursions, 675
- New York Rapid Transit Subway, 675
- The Power-House of the Subway, 676
- New York Navy Yard and Battleships, 677
- Generating Station of the New York Edison
- Company, Waterside, 678
- The Hudson River Tunnels, 678
- New York East River Bridges, 678
- Bethlehem Steel Company's Works, 709
- Cramp Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 11
- The United States Cruiser " Colorado," 712
- The League Island Navy Yard, 712
- The New York Shipbuilding Company, 712
- The Camden Coke Company's Works, 712
- Other Excursions, 712
- Reception by the President of the United
- States, and Excursions at Washington, 712
- Visit to Pittsburg, 712
- Carnegie Steel Works, 712
- Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company's Works, East Pittsburg, 712
- Visit to Cleveland and St. Louis Exhibition, 13
- The American Steel and Wire Company, 713
- Scherzer Lift-Bridge, 713
- Dinner at' Cleveland, 713
- Other Works at Cleveland, 713
- Visit to Buffalo, 713
- Iron and Steel Exhibits at the St. Louis Exhibition, 674. See St. Louis
- Iron Trade for 1903, American, 248, 756. See 155
- Ironclads. See Warships
- Ironmongery, Hardware, and Electrical Trades
- Exhibition, 125
- Irrigation in Egypt, 222, 304, 476, 672
- Irrigation Engineering, 744
- Irrigation of India, 616
- Irrigation, Sewage, 897
- Irrigation in United States, Egypt, and Hawaii, 72
- Isomerism, Dynamic, 459
- "Israel Tarte," Dredger,555
- Italian Battleship " Rgina Margherita," and Engines, 716
- " J. Israel Tarte," Dredger, 555
- Japan in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century, 282
- Japan, Coal Production in, 436
- Japan, Foreign Enterprise in, 657
- Japan, Indian Students in, 620
- Japan Railway Enterprise in Korea and Manchuria, 619, 901
- Japan Railway and Shipping, 124
- Japan-Russian War. See War
- Japan Trade, 159
- Japanese Armoured Cruiser " K asuga," and
- Engines, 540
- Japanese Engineer in War, 343
- Japanese Mail S.S. " Sado Maru," Effect of Torpedoes on, 468
- Japanese Mint, 585
- Japanese Navy, 224, 540. See also War
- Japanese Progress in Formosa, 478
- Japanese Shipbuilding and Shipping, 445
- Japanese Shipping, War Effects on, 830
- Japanese Steamship Company, 477
- Japanese (Tokio) Metropolitan Railway, 637
- Jarrah Timber, 866
- Jet, Adjustable, for Pelton Wheel, 522
- Joiners' Cross-Cut Saw-Bench, 576
- Jude, A., and Seaton, A. E., on Impact Tests, 01, 728, 765. See also Microscopic Observations and Heat Treatment
- Junior Institution of Engineers, 380. See PARAGRAPHS
- Kaffirs, and the Native Problem in South Africa, 83
- Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Corliss WindingEngines for, 857
- Kara-Dagh Copper Deposits, Persia, 780
- "kasuga," Japanese Armoured Cruiser, and Engines, 640
- Kensington, South, Spectro-Heliograph of the
- Solar Physics Observatory at, 443
- Kent Smith, J., on Heat Treatment of
- Chrome-Vanadium Steel, 846, 871, 904. See 03 and Impact Tests. See Erratum, 903
- Kermode's Liquid-Fuel System for Fire-Engine, 38. See 859
- Kerr, 0. V., on The Potential Efficiency of Prime-Movers, 266
- Keyways, Friction of Sliding, 467
- Kidneys, Arsenic in the Body and, 461 ,
- Kinetic Theony-Determination of the Size of
- Molecules, 397
- King's Navy. See Warships
- Kite Experiments in the Mediterranean, 400
- Kites Committee, Report of the, 401
- Korea and Manchurian Railway Enterprise, 619, 00
- Korea, Trade of, 189
- Koster Air-Compressor, 606
- Kundt's Law of Direction in Anomalous Dispersion," 368
- Laboratory, National Physical, Grants to, 688. See Erratum, 717. See 301, 398, 675
- Laboratory Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, 73
- Labour in Canada, 59
- Labour Legislation in France, 191
- Labour Questions. See Industrial Notes and
- Legal
- Lacy-Hulbert Electric Chain-Blocks, 869
- Lake Baikal Railway, 687
- Lake Shipbuilding, United States, 748
- Lamb, Horace, Presidential Address, British
- Association, Physical and Chemical Sections. 36
- Lamp, Harcourt Pentane, Some Investigations on the 10 - Candle Power, made at the National Physical Laboratory, 291, 301
- Lamps. See also Electric and Photometry
- Lamps, Large-Bulb Incandescent Electric, as Secondary Standards of Light, 301
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 448, 468
- Land Boilers. See Boilers and Water-Tube Boilers
- Landing-Stage at Heysham Harbour, 201. See 83
- Landlord and Tenant in Factories, 613
- Lasche, 0., on Steam-Turbine Construction, 231, 29
- Lateral Resistance, The Position of the Centre
- of, 818
- Lathe-Tool, Dynamometer Tests of, 9, 29, 62. See , 675
- Lathes. See Machine-Tools
- Launch Trials, Motor, 167, 191, 218
- Launches and Trial Trips, 34, 47, 100, 127, 161, 96, 229, 264, 292, 309, 354, 388, 413, 480, 522, 52, 585, 630, 666, 700, 734, 762, 804, 840, 868, 03
- Laval Turbine, 85. See also Turbines
- Lead and Zinc, American, 546
- League Island Navy Yard, 712
- Leather Trade, Australian, 516
- Leek and Manifold Light Railway, 21
Legal :
- Amendment of Workmen's Compensation
- Act, 219
- Arbitrators' Fees, 344
- British Patents Act, 409
- Electric Lighting Acts Amendment, 126
- Employer's Confidence, 474. See LETTER, 539
- Employment of an Engineer, 898
- Falling Telegraph Wires, 159
- Hire of Motor-Cars, 250
- Hire-Purchase System, Engineering Plant on the, 279
- Heavy Street Traffic, 440
- Hoists and the Factory Act, 190
- Labour Legislation in France, 191
- Law of Landlord and Tenant, 513
- Master and Servant Cases, 189, 219, 289, 32
- Mersey Dock Bill, 119
- Motor-Car Case, 260
- National Boot and Shoe Operatives' Union
- Case, 627
- Out•Door Relief Bill, 256
- Overcrowding on Underground Railway, 58
- Overhanging Branches, 412
- Patents and Patent Law, 717
- Pilkington v. Massey, 181
- Private Bill Promotion, 649
- Restrictive Covenants, 86, 791
- Sale by Sample, 379
- Secret Commissions, 582
- Servant and Master Cases, 189, 219, 289, 32
- Shop-Hours Bill, 256
- Smoke Nuisance, 441
- Street Obstructions, 90
- Telephone Wayleaves, 313
- Trade Names, 547
- Trespassers on Electric Railways, 26
- Workmen's Compensation Act, 189, 341, 410, 54
- Legislation. See also Legal
- Legislation, Labour, in France, 191
- Lemp Motor-Car Steering-Check, 524
- Lenses, Determining the Curvatures of, 804
- Lenses, Note on the Property of, 622
- Lenses, Photographic, 862
- Letters to the Editor, 15, 59, 95, 114, 149, 194, 40, 283, 318, 350, 380, 413, 433, 466, 603, 539, 76, 621, 668, 692, 748, 832, 866, 891
- Lewis Institute at Chicago, 41
- Life of Robert Napier, 741
- Lifting-Bridge, Scherzer, over the River Swale, 37. See 713
- Light of Different Intensities, Velocity of, 412
- Lights, Navigation, Canadian, 251
- Light, Ordinary, Relation to Röntgen Rays, 64
- Light Railway, Leek and Manifold, 21
- Light, Tangential Stress Produced by the
- Oblique Impact of, 364
- Light, Ultra-Violet, Photo-Micrography with the
- Aid of, 760
- Lighthouses and Aids to Navigation, 644
- Lighthouse at Folkestone Harbour, 37
- Lighthouse at Heysham Harbour, 236
- Lighting, Electric and Gas, Schemes in Parliament, 758
- Lighting Stations. See Electric
- Lightning, Action of, on Buildings, 333
- Link-Motion Bench for the Technical College,
- Finsbury, 48
- Liquid Friction in Tubes at very Small Velocities 50
- Liquid-Fuel Apparatus on Turbine Yacht " Tarantula," 148
- Liquid Fuel and its Combustion, 338, 463
- * Liquid Fuel System, Kermode's, for Fire-Engines, 38. See 859
- Lister Two-Cycle Internal-Combustion Motor, 51
- Literature, 74, 141, 176, 206, 236, 462, 494, 741. 82, 866, 883. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Litigation. See Legal
- Littoral Drift, 531, 699, 8:31
- Liverpool Docks, Modernisation of, 831
- Liverpool and Southport Electric Railway MotorBogie, 468
- Lloyd's List of Shipping Casualties, 251
- Lloyd's Registry for Building Yachts to Classes,
- On the Rules of, 818
- Lloyd's Registry and Experiments, 512. See 58, 17
- Lloyd's Shipbuilding Returns, 58, 512. See 251, 717
- Locomotive, American. See also St. Louis Exhibition
- Locomotive, American, Consolidation Test, 484
- Locomotive, "Atlantic," 745
- Locomotive, Belgian, Schmidt Smoke - Tube
- Steam-Superheater for, 858. See 44, 111
- Locomotive for the " Big Four Route," 327, 361, 96. See Erratum, 480
- Locomotive Builder, The late William Adams, 10
- Locomotive-Building, Smart Piece of, 191
- Locomotive, Cole Four-Cylinder Balanced Compound, for the New York Central and Hudson
- River Railroad, 530
- Locomotive, Compound Express, 41
- Locomotive, Compound Passenger, for Portuguese Railway, 111, 159
- Locomotive, Consolidation, 745, 811
- Locomotive, Eight-Coupled Goods, for Great
- Central Railway, 693
- Locomotive, Electric Goods, for North-Eastern
- Railway, 504
- Locomotive Electric Motors, 495
- Locomotive, Express, for London and SouthWestern Railway, 416
- Locomotive, Express Passenger, for the Great
- Central Railway, 889
- Locomotive, Four-Coupled, for Prince Edward
- Island Railway (Canadian), 44
- Locomotive, Great Central ; Smart Piece of
- Building, 191
- Locomotive,Great Western ; London to Plymouth
- without a Stop, 88
- Locomotive, Hannoverische, with Pielook Superheater, 44, 111
- Locomotive ; Historical Collection at St. Louis, , 44
- Locomotive for the Londonderry and Lough
- Swilly Railway, 277
- Locomotive, Mallet Articulated, 178, 645
- Locomotive, Mining, 495
- Locomotive, " Mogul," 745, 811
- Locomotive, Passenger, for Central South African
- Railway, 13
- Locomotives, Road, and Heavy Street Traffic, 440
- Locomotives, Rogers, at the St. Louis Exhibition.
- See St. Louis, 745, 811
- Locomotive, Sandusky, 745
- Locomotive, Six-Coupled, for the Peking Syndicate Railways, 434. See Erratum, 471
- Locomotives, Superheated Steam, 44, 111, 858
- Locomotive, Ten-Wheeled, 745, 811
- Locomotive-Testing Plants, 9, 69
- Locomotive Traction at High Speeds, Resistance to, 56
- Locomotive Turntable, 70-Ft. American, 393
- Locomotives, United States and French, 569
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway ;
- Reconstruction of Victoria Station, 868
- London Building Act Amendments, 687
- London Coliseum, 782
- London County Council and Local Veto on
- Tramway Construction, 653. See also Municipal, &c.
- London County Council and Smoke, 441
- London County Council Steamboat Service, 581
- London County Council Tramways, 57
- London Fog, 682, 859
- London Metropolitan Railway, Electrification
- of, 829
- London Municipal Trading. See Municipal
- Trading and Tramways
- London and North-Western Railway, 448
- London Post Office Telephones, 123, 281. See
- Glasgow Telephones
- London to Plymouth without a Stop, 88
- London Sewage, Experimental Bacterial Treatment of, 74, (301, 897
- London and South-Western Railway Locomotive, 415
- London Subway, 602
- London Underground Railway Electrification, 29
- London Underground Trains, Overcrowding, 58
- Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway, Locomotive for, 277
- " Londonderry," Midland Railway Company's
- Steamer, 423, 499. See 689, 719, and LETTERS, 66, 749
- Lorries. See Motor-Cara and Wagons "Louisiana," United States Battleship, 834
- Low Temperature Phenomena, New, and their
- Scientific Application, 462
- Luminous Ring Crystals, and the Phenomenon of, 804
- Axle-Lathe, Heavy Double, 538
- Boring and Drilling - Machine, Horizontal
- (Betts), 337
- Boring and Drilling-Machines at the St. Louis
- Exhibition, 538
- Boring-Machine for Gun Ingots, DoubleHeaded, 681
- Boring-Machine for Steam-Turbine Casings, 59
- Boring and Turning-Mill (General Electric
- Company), 171
- Compressed-Air and Pneumatic Tools in Engineering Works, 233
- Cutting-Machine for Cutting off the Ends of
- Gun Ingots, 681
- Drill-Grinding Machine, 485. See also Grinding
- Drilling and Boring • Machine, Horizontal
- (Betts), 337
- * Machine.Tools-continued.
- Drilling and Boring-Machines at the St.
- Louis Exhibition, 538
- Drilling-Machine, Six-Spindle Vertical Wood
- (Pickles, Hebden Bridge), 888
- Grinding Machines, Tool, 5, 72, 268, 429, 586, 33, 708, 814. For Details see INDEX OF
- Hydraulic Forging-Presses (Davy, Sheffield), 44
- Ingot-Cutting Machine, 681
- Joiners' Cross-Cut Saw-Bench, 575
- Lathe, Axle, Double, Heavy, at the St. Louis
- Exhibition, 538
- Lathe-Carrier, " Saltley," 692
- Lathe, Combination Turret (A. Herbert,
- Limited, Coventry), 892
- Lathes by Niles-Bement-Pond Company at
- St. Louis, 538
- Lathe-Tool Dynamometer Experiments, 9, 9, 62. See 349, 675
- Lathes, Turret (Pratt and Whitney), 308
- Lathe, Vertical, 171
- Lathe, Vertical (Betts), 337
- Milling, Boring, and Drilling Machines, 638
- Niles-Bement-Pond Company; Machine-Tools
- at the St. Louis Exhibition, 538
- Planing-Machine (Betts), 337
- Planing-Machine, Electrically-Driven (NilesBement-Pond Company, New York), 538
- Planing-Machine, Large Rotary, 171
- Pneumatic Tools in Engineering Works, 233
- Saw-Bench, Joiners' Cross-Cut, 575
- Saw-Sharpening Machine, Automatic, 679
- Shears for Plates, Rotary, 417
- Slotting-Machine, 15-In. (Betts), 337 .
- Slotting-Machine, Electrically-Driven, 371
- Slotting-Machine, Heavy (Newton), 171
- Tenoning-Machine (Pickles, Hebden-Bridge), 88
- Tool-Grinding Machines, 5, 72, 239, 268, 429,, 66, 633, 708, 814. For details see INDEX OF
- Tool Steel, Dynamometric Tests of, 9, 29, 62..
- See 675
- Turbine-Blade Cutting-Machine, 202
- Turning and Boring Mill (General Electric
- Company), 171
- Valve-Reseating Machine, Gibson's, 521
- Woodworking Machinery for Railway Carriage Building, 888
- Machinery Failures, 280
- Machinery on the Hire-Purchase System, 279
- Machinery, Maintenance of, in Merchant Ships, 53
- Machinery, Pumping, 644. See Erratum, 683
- Machinery at the Smithfield Show, 791
- Machinery, Standardisation of Electrical, 221
- Machinery of Tall Office Buildings, New York, 30
- Machinery, Wear of, 479
- M'Intosh, J. F., on Locomotive - Testing in
- England, 9. See LETTER, 59
- Macdonald, The late J. Allen, 865
- McWilliam, Andrew, and Hatfield, William H.,
- on Acid Open-Hearth Manipulation, 628
- Madras Harbour, 240. See 631, 699
- Madras Railway, 831
- Magnetism See Electric and Physical Society
- and Iron
- Magnetism and Electricity, Elementary TextBook, 463
- Maintenance of Machinery in Merchant Ships, 53
- Mallet Articulated Locomotive, 178, 645
- Manchurian and Korean Railway Enterprise, 19, 901
- Manganese Production, 513
- Manganese Steel for Rock-Breakers, 572
- Manufacture of Ammonia, 585
- Manufacture, Cost of, 685
- Manufacture of Steel, 569. See also Steel
- "Manxman," Midland Railway Company's Steamer, 423, 499. See 689, 719, and LETTERS, 66, 749
- Marine Boilers. See Boilers and Water-Tube Boilers
- Marine Engines. See Engines, Marine
- Marine-Engine Superheaters, 749
- Marine Engineering, 604
- Marine Engineering. See Engines, Marine,
- Naval Architects, and Warships
- Marine Shafts. See Shafts
- Marine Steam-Turbines. See Turbines, Steam,
- Marinoni All-Size and Continuous Set-Off Perfecting Printing-Machine, 433
- Masses of the Stars, 443
- Master and Servant Cases. See Legal
- Material, Standards of Fire-Resistance, 191
- Materials of Construction, Test of, 644
- Materials of Engineering, Elasticity and Resistance of, 176
- Materials, Fictitious Firepfoof, 439
- Matter, Radioactivity of Ordinary, 364
- Measurements in Applied Science,744
- Measurement of Small Differences of Phase, 804
- Measurement of Electric Wave-Lengths, 397
Mechanical Engineers, Institution of :
- The American Visit, by the President, 144
- Design and Test of a Modern Steam-Power
- Plant, by Edward G. Hiller, 146, 165, 196
- A Scientific Investigation into the Possibilities of Gas-Turbines, by R. M. Neilson, 64, 590
- Impact Tests on the Wrought Steels of
- Commerce, by A. E. Seaton and A. Jude, 04, 728, 765. See also Microscopic Observations and Heat Treatment
- Heat Treatment of Chrome - Vanadium
- Steel, by Captain Riall Sankey and J.
- Kent Smith, 846, 871, 903, 904. See Erratum, 903
- Mechanical Engineers ; Joint Meeting at Chicago
- The Effects of Strain and of Annealing, by
- William Campbell, 9
- Cast-Iron, Strength, Composition, and
- Specification of, by W. J. Keep, 9
- Experiments with a Lathe-Tool Dynamometer, by Dr. J. T. Nicolson, 9, 29, 62. See 75
- Road Tests of Consolidation Freight Locomotives, by Professor E. A. Hitchcock, 9
- Locomotive - Testing Plants, by Professor
- W. F. M. Goss, 9
- Locomotive-Testing in England, by G. J.
- Churchward, W. F. Pettigrew, J. F.
- DI'Intosli, Sir Douglas Fox, T. Hurry
- Riches, 9, 28. See LErrEa, 59
- Concluding Proceedings, 12
- Visits and Excursions, 12
- The Chicago Tunnel System, 12
- Illinoie Steel Works, 13
- Electric Distribution at Chicago, 39
- Reception at the Art Institute, 41
- Lewis Institute at Chicago, 41
- Chicago Drainage Canal, 42
- Concert in the Auditorium Theatre, 42
- Reception by Colonel Watson, 42
- Excursion on the Mississippi, 42
- Visit to Cincinnati, 42
- The Power Plant of Tall Office Buildings, by
- James Hollis Wells, 130
- The Steam-Turbine in Modern Engineering,
- by W. L. R. Emmet, 97
- Mechanical Engineers' Reference-Book, 141
- Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, 878
- Mechanical Power and the New Epoch, 236
- Mechanical Properties of Iron at Low Temperatures, 308
- Mechanical Stress and the Neutral Zone, Double
- Refraction, 618
- Mechanics' Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, 73
- "Medea," H.M.S., Yarrow Water-Tube Boiler for, 263. See 187, 192, 345
- Mediterranean, Kite Experiments in the, 400
- "Medusa," H.M.S., Diirr Water-Tube Boiler for, 63. See 187, 192, 345
- Meldrum's Refuse-Destructors for Works and Hospital Use, 856
- Mephan Ferguson Lock-Bar Pipe, 550
- Merchant Ships, Maintenance of Machinery in, 53
- Mergers. See Trusts
- Merryweather's Self - Propelled Fire - Engine ;
- Kermode's Liquid-Fuel System, 337. See 859
- Merryweather's Vacuum Cesspool-Exhauster, 727
- Mersey Dock Dues and Ships' Tonnage, 20
- Mersey Tides, 304
- Metallurgical Furnace, Electric ; Calcium Carbide as a Resistance Material, 516
- Metals. See Steel, Iron, Tin, Copper, Aluminium, Alloys, and Micro-Photography
- Metals and Aminonium Salts, Reactions between, 61
- Metals, Density and Flow of, 474, S29. See 281, 459
- Metals, Fatigue of, 473
- Metal-Price Diagrams, 60, 194, 318, 480, 622, 762, 04
- Metals, Production of Magnetic Alloys from
- Non-Magnetic, 308. See 58, 412
- Metal and Reststrahlen, Optical Qualities of, 368
- Metal, Structure of. See Micro-Photographs
- Metals, Surface Flow and Hard and Soft State in, 474. See 281, 459, 829
- Meteorological Observations on Ben Nevis, 400
- Meteorological Papers at the British Association, 399, 442
Meteorological Society, Royal :
- Meteorological Observing in the Antarctic,
- by Lieut. C. Royds, R.N., 682
- Decrease of Fog in London during Recent
- Years, by F. J. Brodie, 682
- Hurricane in Fiji, January 21 and 22, 1904, by R. L. Holmes, 682
- Discussion on Decrease in Fog in London, 859
- The Study of the Minor Fluctuations in Atmospheric Pressure, by Dr. W. M. Shaw
- and W. H. Dines, 859
- Meteorological Uniti, Uniformity of, 400
- Meteorology of India and the Empire, 399
- Meteorology, The Theory of Correlation Applied to, 400
- Metropolitan.. See also London
- Metropolitan Railway, Electrification of, 829
- Meyer, H. S., on the Voltage Regulation in
- Alternating Current Systems, 135, 199, 258
- Mica Production in United States, 412
- Micrometer, Newall Internal, 414
- Micro-Photographs with the Aid of Ultra-Violet Light, 760
- Micro-Photographs of the Heat Treatment of Chrome-Vanadium Steel, 816, 871, 903, 904. See Erratum, 903
- Micro-Photographs of Impact Tests of Steel, 704, 28, 765
- Micro-Photographs of the Plastic Yielding of
- Iron and Steel, 354, 385
- Micro-Photography of Aluminium, 333
- Micro-Photography Observations on Naval Accidents, 737, 778, 810. See Impact Tests
- Microscopic Observations on Naval Accidents, 37, 778, 810. See Impact Tests
- Midland Railway Company's Steamers and Harbour, 139, 201, 235, 295, 423, 499. See 466, 689, 16, 749, and LETTER, Heysham
- Military Motor Wagons, 56, 716
- Milling-Machine. See Machine-Tools
- Mills, Power in 146, 165, 196
- Mills, Rolling, for Silver Strip, 371
- Mills, Safety Appliances in, 740
- Mine Operations in France, 640
- Mines and Railways in China, 579
- Mineral Industries of New South Wales, 344
- Minerals, Sulphur Lines in Spark Spectra of, 462
- Mineral Wagons, See Wagons
- Mineral Wealth of Archangel, 724
- Mining Locomotives, 495
- Mining Machinery. See Winding and Electric
- Mining Machinery at the Colliery Exhibition, 1
- Mining Machines, Coal, in the United States, 22
- Mining, Peruvian, 314
- Mining and Quarrying, Elements of, 463
- Mining Treatise, 207
- " Minotaur," H.M.S., 651
- Mint, Japanese, 585
- Mirrlees Watson and Co.'s Windlass and Capstan, 499
- * Miscellanea, 17, 51, 91, 119, 153, 181, 215, 215, 85, 317, 341, 373, 405, 437, 471, 507, 543, 577, 13, 649, 683, 717, 753, 787, 823, 859, 895
- Mississippi, Hydraulic Dredging of the, 641
- " Mitis ' Castings, 381, 433
- Model Basin, United States, Some Recent Experiments at the, 815, 838
- Models, Skeleton, of Warships, 249
- Modernisation of Ancient Docks, 881
- Modification of Fitzgerald's Model of the Ether, 37
- " Mogul " Locomotive, 745, 811. See St, Louis
- Exhibition
- Molecular Weights and Boiling Points ; Properties of Mixtures, 413
- Molecules, Kinetic Theory Determination of the Size of, 397
- Moleswortb, Sir G. L., on Engineers in India, 14
- " Mollihawk II.," Auxiliary Power Yacht, with
- Oil-Engines, 466
- Mond Gas Power-Station at Heysham Harbour, 95
- Montlucon Water-Supply and Power Installation, 62
- Motors. See Boat, Electric, Engines, Motor-Cars,
- Steam and Self-Propelled
- Motor-Boat Trials, 157, 191, 218
- Motor-Cars, Electric Ignition, 798
- Motor-Car, " Empire " Spring Wheel, 833
- Motor-Car, " Glyda " Spring Wheel, 481
- Motor-Car, Legal Case, 250
- 'Motor-Cars, Reliability Trials of Small, 377
- Motor-Cars, Side-slip in, 332, 352. See LErms, 81, 433
- Motor•Car Steering-Check Lemp, 524
- Motor Carriage, Steam. See Self-Propelled Cars
- Motor-Cycles at the Stanley Show, 722
- Motor-Driven Battery of Schneider-Canet Howitzers, 716
- Motor-Driven Chemical Fire-Engine (Wolseley), 51
- Motor Fire-Engine, with Liquid Fuel, 338. See 59
- Motors, Induction, Hopkinson Test as Applied to, 01
- Motors, Internal - Combustion, 95. See als6
- Engines, Oil, and Engines, Gas
- Motor, Internal-Combustion, Lister Two-Cycle,
- • 351
- Motor, Oil, of Yacht " Mollihawk II.," 466
- Motor-Omnibus in London, 433. See 381
- Motor-Omnibus, Steam, Clarkson's, 381, 483
- Motor, Petiol, Indicator Diagrams of, 66
- Motors, Testing of Alternate-Current, by Continuous-Current, 333
- Motor Vehicles for Military Purposes, 56, 715
- Motor-Wagons at the Brewers' Exhibition, 547
- Motor-Wagon with Schneider-Oanet du Bocage
- Howitzers, 715
- Moulding Foundry-Beds, 418
- Multiple-Unit Train-Control, Westinghouse, 21
- Mumford and Anthony Feed-Water Regulator, 42 •
- Mumford Water-Tube Boiler, 242
- Municipal Control over Tramway Construction, 63
- Municipal Electric Undertakings, 25
- Municipal, Glasgow, Telephones and Depreciation, 15, 59, 86, 157. See LETTERS
- Municipal Trading and Costs of Opposition, 160
- Municipal Trading ; Thames Steamboat Service,. 81
- Municipal Tramways, Glasgow, 122
- Municipal Tramways, London, 57, 653
- Municipal Tramways and Running Powers, 25, 5, 760
- N Rays, 365
- Nagasaki,Shipbuilding and Shipping in, 445
- Names o Firms in Trade, 547
- Napier, Robert and David, 741
- Napier's Hand and Steam Steering-Gear, 447
- Narcosis, Velocity of Osmosis, Solubility and the Theory of, 459
- Nasmith, Joseph, The late, 823
- Natal Railways and Trade, 313. See LErrEas; 81
- National Physical Laboratory, Grants to, 688. See Erratum, 717
- National Physical Laboratory, Recent Work of, 98, 575. See also Reichsanstalt
- National Physical Laboratory ; Investigations on 0-Candle-Power Harcourt Pentane Lamp, 301, 91
- National Physical Laboratory ; Tests made on
- Solders for Steel Brazing, 575. See LETTER, 21
- Native Problem in South Africa, 883
- Nature of Solid Bodies, 281, 459, 474, 829
- Naval Accidents, Microscopical Observations on, 37, 778, 810. See Impact Tests
NaVal Architects, American Society of New York Meeting, 792
- President's Address, by Rear - Admiral Bowles, 792
- Simple Methods in Warship Design a Necessity, by George W. Dickie, 792
- Semi-Globular Naval Battery, by Anson Phelps Stokes, 794
- Sea-Going Battleships, by Commander W. Hovgaard, 815
- Some Recent Experiments at the United
- States Model Basin, by Naval Constructor
- D. W. Taylor, 815, 838
- Some Further Notes on the Performance of
- the Torpedo-Boats of the United States
- Navy at Sea, by Lieut. L. H. Chandler,, 15
- The United States Armoured Cruiser
- " Colorado," by Assistant Naval Constructor J. M. Powell, 818
- Coaling Warships at Sea, Recent Developments, by Spencer Miller, 818
- Time Allowance for Steam-Yacht Races, by
- Rear-Admiral G. W. Melville, 818
- On the Rules of Lloyd's Registry for Building
- Yachts to Classes, by George Stanbury, 18
- The Position of the Centre of Lateral Resistance, by L. E Bertin, 819
- Subdivision of Weights in Ships' Displacement, by Colonel Nabor Soliani, 819
- Maintenance of Machinery in Merchant
- Ships, by Robert Haig, 853
- Other Papers, 855
- Naval Architects', German, Year-Book, 75
- Naval Architecture, 604
- Naval Battery, Semi-Globular, 794
- Naval Boilers. See Boilers and Water-Tube
- Boilers
- Naval Conditions, 217
- Naval Construction in 1904, 898
- Naval Engineers. See Engineers and Training
- Naval Force, Distribution of, 825
- Naval Guns. See Guns
- Naval Machinery See Warships, and Engines,
- Marine
- Naval Ships. See Warships .
- Navigation, International Congress of, 114
- Navigation, Lighthouses and Aids to, 644
- Navigation Lights, Canadian, 251 •
- Navvy, Steam, 679
- Navy Boiler Committee's Report, 187, 192, 263, 45
- Navy Boilers. See Water-Tube Boilers
- Navy Contracts and the Royal Dockyards, 440.
- See 407, 651, 900
- Navy Estimates, United States, 901
- Navy Programme, Admiralty and, 407. See 440, 51, 900
- Navy, United States, 350, 677, 712, 815, 818, 834, 38, 901
- Navy, United States ; Progress of Building, 350
- Navy Yard and Battleships, New York, 677
- Navy Yard at League Island, 712
- Neilson, R. M., on the Possibilities of Gas-Turbines, 564, 590
- New South Wales Mineral Industries, 314
- New South Wales Railways, 617
- New York.Central and Hudson River Railroad ;
- Cole Four-Cylinder Balanced Compound Locomotive, 530
- New York Dockwork, 641
- New York East River Bridges, 678
- New York Edison Company, Generating Station
- • of, 678 •
- New York Navy Yard and Battleships, 677
- New York Rapid Transit Subway, 675, 676
- New York Shipbuilding Company, 712
- New York Subway Air, 865
- New York Tall Office Buildings, 130
- New York Underground Railway, 602
- New Zealand Railways, 441
- Newall Internal Micrometer, 414
- Newton's Second Law, Experimental Verification of, 397
- Nicholson, Dr. J. T., Experiments on Lathe-Tool
- Dynamometer,9, 29, 62. See 349, 675 •
- Nickel, Electrica and Magnetic Properties of, at High Temperatures, 396
- Nile, Control of, 304. See 222, 476
- Nile Irrigation, 222, 304, 476
- Niles-Bement-Pond Company's Machine-Tools at the St. Louis Exhibition, 538
- Nippon Yusen Kaisha, 477
- Nitrogen, Stereo-Chemistry of, 459 .
- Nomenclature in Applied Science, 741
- Non-Conducting Coatings and Boiler Leakage, 39
- Norddeutscher Lloyd's Steamer " Prinz Eitel Friedrich," 60
- Normand's Torpedo-Boat with Parsons Turbine, 83
- North-Eastern Railway Electric Goods Loco. motive, 504
- North-Eastern Railway, Electricity on, 276 '
- North, Notes from, 16, 50, 82, 118, 152, 184, 214, 44, 284, 316, 340, 372, 404, 436, 470, 506, 542, 76; 612, 648, 682, 725, 752, 786, 822, 894
- Notching Tests of Steel Rails, 89
- Notes. See Cleveland, North, South - West, South Yorkshire, United States, Industrial,
- Foreign, Colonial, and Miscellanea
- Nozzle, Doble Needle Regulating, 522
- Obituary: (Moved to separte index)
- Observatory, Solar Physics, at South Kensington, Spectro-Heliograph of the, 443
- Obstructions, Street, 90
- Ocean Bar Dredging, 641
- Odessa Water Works, Pumping-Engine at, 627
- Oerlikon Railway Motors for Single-Phase Alternating Current, 623 •
- Oil-Engines. See Engines, Oil, Internal-Combustion Engines, Petrol, and Motor-Cars
- Oil Fuel. See Liquid Fuel
- Oil-Proof Enamel, 433
- Oldbury Boiler Explosions, 240, 248
- Omnibus, Clarkson's Steam-Motor, 381, 483
- Opalescence in the Neighbourhood Of Critical States, 444
- Open-Hearth Manipulation, Acid, 628
- Opposition in Electric Schemes, Costs of, 160
- Optical Interference Apparatus for Measurement Tests, 618, 622
- Optical Qualities of Metal and Reststrahlen, 368
- Optics, Photographic, Modern Physics in Relation to, 852
- Ordnance. See also Guns
- Ordnance in United States, 569
- Ore, See Iron Ore
- Ore-Crushing Machine, Clero, 606
- Ore-Crushing Machinery (Hadfield); 572
- Ore-Concentration Plant, 464
- Ore Deposits at Kara-Dagh, 780
- Ore-Steamers on the Great Lakes, 620
- Orenburg-Tashkend Railway, Turkestan, 760
- Organisation, Railway, 311
- Origin of Anthracite, 110
- Origin of Sand Ripples, 271, 462
- Osmosis, Velocity of, Solubility and the Theory of Narcosis, 459
- Overcrowding of the Underground Railway Trains, 58
- Overhanging Tree Branches, 412
- Overhead versus Conduit Tramway Construction ; Local Veto, 653
- Oxidation and Radium in Presence of Iron, 365
- Oxygen and Hydrogen, Union of, in Contact with Hot Surfaces, 460
- Paleontological Discoveries of the Rocky Mountains, 462
- Paper, Cellulose for, 619
- Paris Sewage Disposal, 601
- Parker's Automatic Water-Gauge, 371
- Parkhead Works, Beardmore's, Machine-Tools at, 81
- Parliament. See Legal
- Parliament and the Navy, 217. See also Naval and Navy
- Parliamentary Private Bill Schemes, 722, 758, 94
- Parsons, 0. A., on Turbines and Patent Problems, 251, 269
- Parsons Steam-Turbines in Cruisers, 689, 719. See 423, 499 ; LETTERS, 466, 749, and Turbines
- Parsons Turbines versus Reciprocating Engines ; Midland Railway Company's Steamer, 423, 499.
- See 689, 719 ; LETTERS, 466, 749
- Parsons Vacuum Intensifier, 499
- Passenger Classes of Railways, 376
- Passenger-Elevators, 603
- Patent Act, Australian Commonwealth, 96
- Patents Act, The New British, 350, 409, 692, 789, 61
- Patent Convention, International, 576
- Patents and Inventions, British, 206
- Patent Law, Canadian, 608
- Patent Law Regulations, 350, 409, 692, 789, 861
- Patent Office, Australian Commonwealth, 433
- Patent Problems, 251, 269
- Patent Record, 35, 67, 101, 137, 169, 230, 261, 293 25, 357, 389, 421, 453, 489, 625, 661, 631, 667 01, 735, 771, 805, 841, 879, 911
- Paterson, Clifford C., on Some Investigations on the Ten-Candle-Power Harcourt Pentane Lamp made at the National Physical Laboratory, 301, 91
- Patschke's Drawing-Board, 182
- Pearlitic Forged Steel Impact Tests, 704, 728, 65. See also Microscopic Obsevations and Heat Treatment
- Peking Railways, Six-Coupled Locomotive, 434. See Erratum, 471
- Pelton Water-Wheel, Multiple-Nozzle, 93
- Pelton-Wheel Nozzle, Doble Regulating, 522
- Pelton Wheels, Governing, 599. See LETTERs, 32, and Water-Wheels
- Pennsylvania Railroad Locomotive Test at St. Louis Exhibition, 484
- Pentane, Harcourt, Lamp, Some Investigations on the Ten-Candle-Power, made at the National
- Physical Laboratory, 291, 301
- Performance of the Torpedo-Boats of the United States Navy at Sea, 815
- Persian Copper Deposits, 780
- Peruvian Mining, 314
- Petrol-Cars. See Motor-Cars
- Petrol-Engines. See otor-Cars and Engines, Oil
- Petroleum. See also Engines and Oil
- Petroleum Explosion at Antwerp, 316, 548. See LETTER, 621
- Pettigrew, W. F., on Locomotive Testing in
- England, 9. See LETTER, 59
- Phase-Rule and its Applications, 741
- Photographic Optics, Modern Physics in Relation to, 862
- Photographic Print-Producing Apparatus, 171
- Photographs, Micro-. See Micro-Photography
- Photography, Colour, Diffraction Process of, 68
- Photography by Ultra-Violet Light, 760
- Photometric Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, 176
- Photometry, 878
- Photometry of Electric Lamps, 765
- Photometry ; The Harcourt Pentane Lamp, 291, 01
- Photometry, Standards of Light in,301
- Phthalein Salts, Constitution of, 45
- Physical Analogies, 755
- Physical and Chemical Sections, British Association, 336, 364, 396
Physical Society :
- Projection of the Indicator Diagrams of a
- Petrol-Motor, by Professor H. L. Callendar, 66
- A Model Illustrating the Propagation of an
- Alternating Current along a Telephone
- Cable, and a Simple Theory of the Same, by Professor J. A. Fleming, 66
- Gyroscopic Collimator, by M. E. J. Gheury, 6
- A Note on the Property of Lenses, by Dr. G. E. Allan, 622
- An Interference Apparatus for the Calibration of Extensometers, by John Morrow and E. L. Watkin, 622
- A Sensitive Hygrometer, by Dr. W. M. Thornton, 622
- Measurement of Small Differences of Phase, by Dr. W. E. Sumpner, 804
- Direct Determination of the Curvature of
- Small Lenses, by Dr. C. V. Drysdale, 804.
- Exhibition of Specimens of Crystal Showing
- the Phenomenon of Lurninous Rings, by
- Professor S. P. Thompson, 804
- Rapid Method of Approximate Harmonic
- Analysis, by Professor Thompson, 671
- The Investigation of the Variations of Magnetic Hysteresis with Frequency, by Professor T. R. Lyle, 765
- The Practical Determination of the Mean
- Spherical Candle-Power of Incandescent
- and Arc Lamps, by G. B. Dyke, 765
- Er-chic-1 Inc!ruirents Exhibited by R. W. Paul, 765
- A High-Frequency Alternator, by W. Duddell, 871
- Exhibition of Experiments to Show the Retardation of Cable Electric Currents, by
- Professor W. E. Ayrton, 871
- Physics, Modern, in Relation to Photographic Optics, 862
- Physiological Effects of High-Frequency Currents, 441
- Pielock Superheater for Locomotives, 44, 111
- Pier and Harbour Works at Folkestone, 37
- Pierson Suction-Gas Producer, Test of, 285
- Pig Iron, American, 248, 766
- Pig-Iron Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Pipe, Mephan Ferguson Lock-Bar, 650
- Pipes, Water Friction in, at Small Velocities, 650
- Pitman's Multiple-Nozzle Pelton Water-Wheel, 3
- Planing Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Plastic Yielding of Iron and Steel, 354, 385
- Plates, Rotary Shears for, 417
- Pneumatic. See Air
- Pneumatic Tools in Engineering Works, 233
- Points and Crossings for Conduit Tramways, 402, 10
- Polar Aurorae and Sun-Spots, 402
- Pollak-Virag Writing Telegraph, 829
- Pollution. See River Pollution and Sewage
- Pollution, Rivers, West Riding, 42
- Polonium and Radium, Plan of Combination of
- Atoms to have the Properties of, 365
- Polycyclic Electricity Distribution System, 282
- Polytechnic Society, Royal Cornwall, 292
- Pond Lathe, Electrically-Driven, 538
- Portsmouth Dockyard, Air - Compressor at
- (Brotherhood), 148
- Portuguese State Railway, Compound Passenger
- Locomotive for, 111, 150
- Position of the Centre of Lateral Resistance, 818
- Post Office Telephones, 123, 281. See Glasgow
- Telephones
- Potential Efficiency of Prime Movers, 256
- Power, Calorific, and Illuminating Gas, 660
- Power-Driving by Rope, 194
- Power, Electncal, versus Steam, 668
- Power, Electrical, from Water, 273, 843
- Power-Gas. See also Engines, Gas, and Producers
- Power-Gas Electric Station at Heysham Harbour, 95
- Power-Gas Producers, 540. See LErrEas, 621, 692
- Power, Mechanical, and a New Epoch, 236
- Power Plant. See also Electric
- Power Plant of Tall Office Buildings, 130
- Power-Stations. See Electric
- Power-Stations with Gas-Engines, 835
- Power, Water, versus Steam in the British
- Isles, 843
- Precipitations of 'Silver Chromate and Gelatine, 69
- Premium System, Trade Unions and, 408. See 53
- Presses, High-Speed, Forging, Hydraulic (Davy,
- Sheffield), 644
- Pressure, Fluctuations in Atmospheric, 859
- Pressure Temperature and Air Circulation over
- the South Atlantic, 400
- Pressure of Wind on Roofs, 15
- Printing-Machine, Marinoni All-Size and Continuous Set-Off Perfecting, 433
- " Prinz Eitel Friedrich," Norddeutscher Lloyd
- Steamer, 60
- Private Bill Legislation, 86
- Private Bill Schemes in Parliament, 722, 758, 794
- Producer, Coal Gas, for Bituminous Coal, 540.
- See LErrEas, 621, 692
- Producer Gas, Mond, Electric Station, 295
- Producer, Gas, Test of Pierson's Suction, 285
- Production, Cost of, 685
- Production of Coal, Iron, and Steel in America, 48, 756. See 155
- Production of Iron and Steel, The World's, 165.
- See 248, 756
- Production of Manganese, 513
- Projectors, 425
- Propagation of Electric Waves Along Spiral
- Wires; Measuring Wave-Lengths Used in Wire •
- less Telegraphy, 397
- Propeller Slip, Turbine, and Reciprocating
- Engines, 499. See LETTERS, 406, 749
- Propelling Engines. See Engines, Marine
- Properties, Mechanical, of Iron at Low Temperatures, 308
- Proprietary Right in Trade Names, 647
- Public Authorities. See Municipal Authorities
- Pulley-Block, Electric, 869
- Pulley-Guards for Cotton-Mules, 740
- Pulverising Machines, Clero, 606 ; Hadfield, 572
- Pump, Centrifugal, and 2000 - Horse - Power
- Alternator (Westinghouse), 698
- Pump, Centrifugal, for Hydraulic Dredger, 656
- Pumps, 24
- Pumps, Electrical and Steam, for High-Speed
- Presses, 644
- Pumps, Weir's Separate Air, 423
- Pumping Dredger " J. Israel Tarte," 555
- Pumping-Engine at the Odessa Water Works, 27
- Pumping Machinery, 644. See Erratum, 683
- Purfleet Ferro-Concrete Bridge (Hennebique
- System), 582
- Purification of Domestic Water, 531
- Purification of Water by Sunlight, 26
- Pyrenean Railway, 349
- Pyrometer, Telescope, 724
- Quadruple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Quarrying and Mining, Elements of, 463
- Quay, Deep, Foundations, 640
- Quay Walls at Heysham Harbour, 139, 201, 235.
- See 283
- Queensland Railways and Trade, 756
- Quick•Firing Guns. See Guns
- Quicksilver. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Races, Time Allowance for Steam-Yacht, 818
- Radiation, Reaction of, on a Moving Electron, 64
- Radiation Research Work at the Reichsanstalt, 73
- Radiation, in the Solar System, 361
- Radioactivity of the Hot Springs of Aix-lesBains, 365
- Radioactivity of Natural Gases, 282
- Radioactivity of Ordinary Matter, 364
- Radium Compounds, Colour Phenomena of, 365
- Radium Emanation,Volatile Product of, 365
- Radium and Oxiation in Presence of Iron, 65
- Radium Papers at the British Association, 864
- Radium and Polonium, Plan of Combination of
- Atoms to have the Properties of, 365
- Radius of Action in Cruisers, 689, 719. See 23, 499 ; LETTERS, 466, 749
- Rails, Sandberg " Goliath," on the Furness Railway, 126
- Rail Stresses, 312
- Rail-Testing, 89
- Rail, The Third, 621, 658
- Railroad Freights per Head of Population, 640
- Railroad and Road Bridges, 641. See also Bridges
- Railroad Terminal Stations, 534
- Railroad and Traction Exhibits at Dfisseldorf
- Exhibition, 462
- Railway Accidents ; Derailment at Talycafn, 696
- Railways, Argentine, Progress of, 519
- Railway Auto-Car. See Self-Propelled Car
- Railway, Boston Rapid Transit, 602. See 675
- Railway Brake, Christensen, 784
- Railway Bridge, Stoke Canon, Reconstruction, 58
- Railways, British, 316, 376, 417, 448
- Railways, Canadian, 630
- Railway Car - Coupling, Westinghouse Automatic Air and Steam-Pipe, 414
- Railway-Carriage Building, Woodworking Machinery for, 888
- Railway, Carriage for Cambrian, 819
- Railway, Carriage, Saloon, for South-E*.stern
- and Chatham, 673
- Railway Carriages, Self-Propelled, for the United
- States, 348
- Railway and Coal Developments, Chinese, 899
- Railway Collision at Dewsbury, 128
- Railway Company, Midland. See Midland Railway Company
- Railway Construction, American, 125
- Railway Construction, British, 417
- Railway Dining-Car for the Great Western Railway, 319. See LETTER, 381
- Railway Economics, 316, 448
- Railways, Electric. See Electric
- Railways, Electric, 140
- Railways, Electric, Accidents on, 828
- Railway, Electric, Compensated Motor System,
- Schenectady (General Electric Company), 775
- Railway, Electric, Economics, 494
- Railways, Electric, in Germany, 550
- Railway, Electric, Motor, 495, 699
- Railway, Electric Motors for Single-Phase Alternating Current, 202, 534, 623, 775
- Railway, Electric, Russian, 478
- Railways, Electric, Trespassers on, 26
- Railways, Electrical versus Steam, 568
- Railway Enterprise in Korea and Manchuria, 619, 01
- Railway ; Historical Collection at St. Louis, 6, 44
- Railways in India, 616
- Railways in Korea, 900
- Railway, Lake Baikal, 687
- Railway, Light, Leek and Manifold, 21
- Railway Locomotives. See Locomotives and SelfPropelled Cars
- Railway, Metropolitan, Electrification of, 829
- Railway Mineral Wagons. See Wagons
- Railways and Mines in China, 579
- Railway Motor-Bogie for the Liverpool and
- Southport Electric Railway, 468
- Railway Motors, 202, 495, 534, 599, 775
- Railway ; Multiple-Unit System of Train-Control, 21
- Railways, New South Wales, 617
- Railway, New York Rapid Transit, 675. See 602
- Railways, New Zealand, 441
- Railway, North-Eastern, Use of Electricity on, 76
- Railway Organisation, 811
- Railway, Orenburg-Tashkend, 760
- Railway Property, Indian, 831
- Railways, Queensland, 756
- Railway ; Resistance to Traction, 56
- Railway Rolling-Stock. See also Carriages,
- Wagons, Locomotives, and Self-Propelled Cars
- Railway Rolling-Stock, 569
- Railway, Run on Great Western,88
- Railways, Russian Electric, 47
- Railway Schemes in Parliament, 723, 758
- Railways, Scotch, 483
- Railways and Shipping of Japan, 124
- Railway, Single-Phase, Motors, 202, 534. See 495, 99, 775
- Railways, Spanish, 47
- Railway Stations. See Stations
- Railway, Tokio Metropolitan, 637
- Railway Trackwork, Cast-Steel, 402, 410
- Railways and Trade in Natal,•313. See LETTERS, 81
- Railway Traffic, British, 316, 376, 448
- Railways versus Tramways, 376
- Railway, Trans-Pyrenean, 349
- Railway Turntable, American 70-Ft., 396
- Railways, Underground, 602, 675, 829
- Railways, Victorian, 827
- Railway and Waterway Development, 640
- Rainfall about the Path of the Barometric
- Depression, Unsymmetrical Distribution of, 00
- Rainfall, Short-Period Barometric See-Saw and, 00
- Range and Azimuth Finder, 586
- Rapid Transit Subway, New York, 675. Boston, 2
- Rateau Turbine-Driven Torpedo-Boat, 90
- Rates of Wages and Hours of Labour, 253. See 08
- Raworth's Regenerative Control for Tram-Cars, 61
- Rays, N, 366
- Rays, Changes Produced by the p, 365
- Reaction, Change of Conductivity in Solutions during Chemical, 469
- Reaction of Radiation on a Moving Electron, 64
- Reactions between Ammonium Salts and Metals, 61
- Reavel's Oil-Engine and Air-Compressor, Direct Coupled, 113
- Receiver Drop in Compound Engine, 273
- Reconstruction of the Great Western Railway
- Bridge at Stoke Canon,658
- Reconstruction of Victoria Station, London,
- Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 868
- Refraction, Double, under Mechanical Stress and
- the Neutral Zone, 618. See 622
- Refraction, Magnetic Double, of Colloidal Iron Hydrate, 396
- Refuse-Destructors for Works and Hospital Use, 56
- Refuse-Disposal, Town, 641
- Regenerative Control for Tram-Cars, Automatic, 01
- "Regina Margherita," Italian Battleship, and Engines, 716
- Regulations as to Electric Supply, Board of Trade, 282
- Regulations, Naval, for Warship Trials, 615. See 07
- Reichsanstalt Research Work, 173
- Reinforced Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete
- Relation of Calorific Power to Illuminating Power of Gas, 660
- Relation Between the Crystalline and Amorphous States as Disclosed by the Surface Flow of Solids, 459, 474. See 286, 829
- Relays, Time-Limit, 495
- Reliability Trials of Motor-Boats, 157, 191, 218
- Reliability Trials of Small Motor-Cars, 377
- Relief for the Unemployed, 725
- Report of the Navy Boiler Committee, 187, 192, 63, 345
- Reservoirs, Birmingham Water Works, 103. See also Nile Irrigation
- Residual Product Recovery in Chemical Industry, 652
- Resistance and Elasticity of Materials of Engineering, 176
- Resistance to Locomotive Traction at High Speeds, 56
- Resistance Material, Calcium Carbide as, 516
- Resistance, The Position of the Centre of Lateral, 18
- Restrictive Covenants in Contracts, 86, 791
- Reststrahlen and Optical Qualities of Metal, 368
- Retardation, Telegraphic Cable Current, 871
- Reversing-Gear, Coil-ClutO, for Rolling-Mills, 20
- Revolution-Counter, Horn's, 61
- Rexer Automatic Rifle, 115
- Riches, T. Hurry, on Locomotive Testing in
- England, 9. See LETTER., 59
- Rifles, Rexer and Halle, 115
- Rings, Luminous, Crystals and the Phenomenon
- of, 804
- Ripple Marks and Sand Dunes, 271, 462
- Ristori, E., on Water-Power in British Isles, 843
- River Bridges, New York, 678
- River Pollution, West Riding, 42
- River Swale, Scherzer Bridge, 657
- River Thames, Proposed Barrage of, 333
- River Tunnels, Hudson, 678
- Road Locomotive, 8-Horse-power Compound, 13
- Road Locomotion. See Motor-Cars and Wagons
- Roads and Railroad Bridges, 641. See also
- Bridges
- Road-Roller, Steam, Universal, American, 401
- Road Steam Wagons. See Wagons
- Roadway Construction, 640
- Roberts, David E., on American Steel Works, 328, 59, 391, 428
- Robins, A. G., on London to Plymouth without a
- Stop, 88
- Robinson, A. W., on the Hydraulic Dredger
- " J. Israel Tarte," 555
- Rock and Ore-Crushing Machinery, 572, 606
- Rod Rolling-Mills, Wire, 15
- Rod, Wire, and Bar Rolling-Mill Plants, F55
- Rogers' Locomotives at the St. Louis Exhibition, 45, 811
- Roller Sluice-Gates, 600
- Roller, Steam Road, Universal, American, 401
- Rolling Dams, 600
- Rolling and Heeling of Ships, 15, 191, 241, 381
- Rolling-Mill Plants, Wire, Rod, and Bar, 16, 855
- Rolling-Mills in America, Details of Practice, 328, 59, 391, 428
- Rolling-Mills, Coil-Clutch Reversing-Gear for, 820
- Rolling-Mills for Silver Strip, 371
- Rolling-Mills, Wire-Rod, 15, 855
- Rolling Stock. See Carriages, Wagons, Locomotives, and Self-Propelled
- Rontgen Rays, Diffraction of, 366. See LErrga, 67
- Rontgen Rays to Ordinary Light, Relation of, 64. See also Rays
- Roofs, Wind Effect on, 15
- Rope-Breaking and Testing-Machines, 603
- Rope Drive, 194 Ropeway, Aerial Wire, CO3
- Ropeways ; Brake • Horse - Power of Haulage
- Plant, 466
- Rosenhain, Walter, on Plastic Yielding of Iron
- and Steel, 354, 385
- Rotary Shears for Plates, 417
- Rotterdam Waterways, 600
- Royal Agricultural Society. See Agricultural
- Royal Agricultural Society of England Finance, 09, 552, 720
- Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, 292
- Royal Meteorological Society. See Meteorological
- Rules of Lloyd's Registry for Building Yachts to
- Classes, On the, 818
- Running Powers of Municipal Tramways, 25, 55, 60
- Russia, Cement Production in Southern, 412
- Russia, Electric Traction in, 478
- Russia, Mineral Wealth of Archangel, 724
- Russian Manganese Production, 513
- Russo-Japanese War. See War
- Sa-Sow, Rear-Admiral, on the Japanese Navy, 24
- "Sado Maru," Effect of Torpedoes on Japanese Mail S.S., 468
- Safety Appliances for Cotton-Mules, 740
- Sale by Sample, 379
- Saloon Carriage, South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 673
- "Saltley " Lathe•Carrier, 692
- Salts, Ammonium, and Metals, Reactions Between, 461
- Salts, Formation of, in Solution, especially
- among Tautomeric Compounds, 458
- Salts, Phthalein, Constitution of, 459
- Salvage Steamers, German, 585
- Salvage of Steamship after Torpedo Attack, 68
- Sample, Sale by, 379
- Sand Dunes and Ripple Marks, 271, 462
- Sand-Pump Dredger " J. Israel Tarte," 555
- Sand Ripples, Origin of, 271, 462
- Sand Travel on Beaches, Madras Harbour, 240.
- See Coast Erosion
- Sandberg's " Goliath " Rails on the Furness Railway, 126
- Sankey, Captain Riall, on Heat Treatment of
- Chrome-Vanadium Steel, 846, 871, 903, 904.
- See Impact Tests. See Erratum, 903
- " Sapphire " with Reciprocating Engines versus
- Turbine Cruiser, 689, 719. See 423, 499 ;
- LETTERS, 466, 749
- Saturated and Superheated Steam for Locomotives, 44, 111. See 858
- Saw-Bench, Joiners' Cross-Cut, 675
- Saw-Sharpening Machine, Automatic, 679
- Scandinavian Cellulose Industry, 619
- Schenectady Railway, Electric, Compensated
- Motor System for (General Electric Company), 75. See also Oerlikon
- Scherzer Bridge over the River Swale, 657
- Scherzer Lift-Bridge, 713
- Schmidt Smoke-Tube Steam-Superheater; Belgian
- Locomotive, 858. See 44, 111
- Schneider-Canet du Bocage Automobile Battery, 15
- Schneider's Electricity Works, 887
- Science, Applied, Introduction to (Measurement,
- Calculation and Nomenclature), 744
- Science and Business in Training, 769
- Science, Subsidies to, 688. See Erratum, 717
- Scotch Private Bill Legislation, 86
- Scotch Railway s, 483
- Scots' National Exhibition, 796
- Scouts. See Warships
- Screen, Stone and Ore, 572. See Crushers
- Screw-Cutting Lathe. See Machine-Tools
- Seasoning of Timber, 114
- Seaton, A. E.,
- and Jude, A., on Impact Tests, 04, 728, 765. See also Microscopic Observations and Heat Treatment
- Secret Commissions, 582
- Secrets of an Employer, 474. See LETTER, 539
- Sections, Standard Steel, 883
- Seismological Investigations, 400
- Selenium, Tellurium, and Sulphur, Alkyl Derivatives of, 459
- Self-Propelled Fire-Engine, 338, 751
- Self-Propelled Railway Carriages for the United
- States (Wolseley), 348
- Self-Propelled Vehicles. See Motor-Cars, Wagons,
- and Carriages
- Semi-Globular Naval Battery, 791
- Separation of the Finest Lines of the Spectrum, C6
- Separator, Grease, 196
- Servant and Master Cases. See Legal
- Sewage-Disposal, 601, 897
- Sewage, London, Experimental Bacterial Treat111E nt of, 74, 897
- Sewage, River Pollution, West Riding, 42
- Sewage ; Vacuum Cesspool-Exhauster (Merryweather), 727
- Shaft, Crank, and Connecting-Rod, Wear of, 79
- Shaft ; Sliding Keyways, Friction of, 467
- Shafts, The "Ten ax"Automatic Coupling for, 14. See Clutch
- Sharpening Machine, Automatic Saw, 679
- Shearing Forces and Bending Moments of
- Japanese Warships, 224
- Shears. See Machine-Tools
- Ship's Steam Steering-Gear, 447
- Ships. See also Steamers, Steamships, and
- Warships
- Ships' Displacement, Subdivision of Weights in, 19
- Ships, Heeling and Rolling of, 15, 194, 241, 381
- Ships, Merchant, Maintenance of Machinery in, 53
- Ships' Tonnage and Dock Dues, 20
- Shipbuilding. See Warships and .Naval Architee is
- Shipbuilding Berths at Beardmore's New Works, 55
- Shipbuilding Company, New York, 712
- Shipbuilding Design, 604
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, Cramp's, 11
- Shipbuilding Experiments by Lloyd's, 612. See 8, 717
- Shipbuilding on the Great Lakes, 748
- Shipbuilding and Shipping in Nagasaki, 445
- Shipbuilding Trade, Lloyd's Returns of, 58, 512.
- See 717
- Shipping Casualties and Wrecks, 251
- Shipping, Decay of American, 862
- Shipping, Japanese, War Effects on, 830
- Shipping and Railways in Japan, 124
- Shipping Trust, Atlantic, 156
- Shop Management ; Cost of Production, 685
- Shoreditch Electrical Exhibition, 551
- Shovel, Steam, 679
- Siberian, Lake Baikal, Railway, 687
- Siderites, Australian, 461
- Side-Slip in Motor-Cars, 332, 352. See LETTERS, 81, 433
- Silicon, Elimination of, in Acid Open - Hearth Steel, 628
- Silver Chromate and Gelatine, Precipitations of, 59
- Silver-Mining in Peru, 314
- Silver Strip, Rolling-Mills for, 371
- Silver Voltameter, 878
- Simplicity in Design of Warships, 792
- Singer's Cabinet Factory ; Record Building Construction, 316
- Skeleton Models of Warships, 249
- Sliding Keyways, Friction of, 467
- Slip of Propeller of Reciprocating and TurbineEngine Ships, 499. See LErrERs, 466, 749
- Slotting-Machines. See Machine-T0018
- Sluice-Gates, Roller, 600
- Smelting-House, West African, 674
- Smith, J. A., on Air in Relation to Boiler-Feeds, 86
- Smith, The late William Ford, 782
- Smithfield Show, Machinery at, 791
- Smoke Nuisance, 441
- Smokeless Powder in the United States, 569
- Societies. See Institutions and Royal
Society of Arts:
- Chairman's Address on Subsidies to Science,
- by Sir William Abney, 688. See Erratum, 17
- Sodium Vapours, Anomalous Dispersion of, 367
- Solar Physics Observatory at South Kensington,
- Spectro-Heliograph of, 443
- Solar System, Radiation in, 364
- Solders for Steel Brazing, 576. See LETTER, 621
- Solids, Relation Between the Crystalline and
- Amorphou3 States as Disclosed by the Surface
- Flow of, 281, 459, 474. See 829
- Solubility and the Theory of Narcosis, Velocity of Osmosis, 459
- Soudan Irrigation, 222, 304, 476
- South African Locomotive, 13
- South African Native Problem, 883
- South African Port, Natal, 313. See LErrERs,"381
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway Bridge
- over the River Swale (Scherzer), 657
- South-Eastern and Chatham Railway Saloon Carriage, 573
- South London Tramway Trackwork, Cast Steel
- (Hadfield), 402, 410
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 16, 50, 83, 118, 152, 85, 214, 244, 284, 316, 340, 372, 401, 436, 470, 06, 542, 576, 612, 648, 682, 726, 752, 786, 822, 67,894 a
- South-West, Notes from, 16, 51, 83, 118, 152, 85, 215, 244, 285, 317, 341, 373, 405, 437, 471, 07, 542, 577, 613, 647, 683, 726, 753, 787, 823, 67, 895
- Southampton Dock 50-Ton Electric Crane, 210
- Spanish Manganese Production, 513
- Spanish Railways, 47
- Specific Heat of Gases at High Temperatures, 272
- Specification, Composition and Strength of Cast
- Iron, 9
- Spectra of Gases at High Temperatures, 877
- Spectra of Sun-Spots, 442
- Spectro-Heliograph of the Solar Physics Observatory at South Kensington, 443
- Spectrum, Separation of the Finest Lines of, 366
- Speed Indicator, Horn's, 61
- Speed and Strength of Destroyers, 53, 114, 898
- Spelter Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Spelter Production, 250
- Spinning-Mill, Tests of Power Plant, 146, 165' 196
- Sprague-General Electric Train-Control System, 68
- Solid Bodies, Nature of, 281, 459, 474, 829
- Spring Wheel, Motor, 481, 833
- Springs of Aix-les-Bains, Radioactivity of, 365
- Ssuch)wan, Richest Province of China, 760
- St. Lawrence River Dredger, 655
St. louts Exhibition :
- Allis-Chalmers-Bullock Company's Exhibit, 07
- Alternator, 1500-Kilowatt (National Electric
- Company), 669
- Armature Showing Ventilation (Westinghouse), 563
- Crab for Electric Travelling-Crane, 713
- Crocker-Wheeler Company's Electric Exhibit, 669
- Drill-Grinding Machine, 485
- Edison Electrical Exhibits, 605
- Edison Storage Battery, 1
- Electric Alternators and Motors (Westinghouse), 698
- Electric Control and Supply Company,
- Cleveland, Exhibit of, 703
- Electric Controllers, Clutches and Brakes, 03
- Electric Traction Commission, 140 •
- Electrical Engineers' Visit. See Electrical
- Engineers' Congress
- Electrical Exhibits, 69, 107
- Engine, Compound, and 2000-Kilowatt Generator (Westinghouse), 79
- Engine-Controlling Devices, 539
- Engineering Congress. See Engineering
- Congress
- General Electric Company's Exhibit, 237, 268, 99, 368, 426, 495
- Generator, Electric (Crocker-Wheeler Company), 669
- Hannoverische Locomotive with Pielock
- Superheater, 44, 111. See 858
- Iron and Steel Exhibits, 674
- Iron and Steel Institute Visit. See Iron
- and Steel Institute
- Lathes, Turret (Pratt and Whitney), 308
- Locomotive for the " Big Four Route," 327, 61, 396. See Erratum, 480
- Locomotive, Cole Four-Cylinder Balanced
- Compound, for the New York Central and
- Hudson River Railroad, 530
- Locomotive, Compound Express (Henschel), 4
- Locomotive, Consolidation, Test, 484
- Locomotive, Consolidation Type, Baltimore
- and Ohio Railroad, 745, 811
- Locomotive, Four-Coupled, for Prince
- Edward Island Railway (Canadian), 44
- Locomotive, Great Northern Railroad,
- U.S.A., 811
- Locomotive Historical Collection, 6, 44
- Locomotive, Mallet Articulated (American
- Locomotive Company, Schenectady), 178, 45
- Locomotive, " Mogul." St. Louis SouthWestern Railroad, 811
- Locomotives, Rogers, 745, 811
- Locomotive, Sandusky, 745
- Locomotive-Testing Plant, 69. See 9
- Locomotive Turntable, 70-Ft., American, 396
- Machine-Tool Exhibit by Betts Machine
- Company, Wilmington, 337
- * St. Louts Exhibition - continued.
- Machine-Tools ; Exhibit by Niles-BementPond Company, New York, 538
- Mallet Articulated Locomotive ; Baltimore
- and Ohio Railway, 178, 645
- Motor-Car Steering-Check, Lemp, 524
- Motor-Starting Device (Westinghouse), 563
- National Electric Company's Exhibit, 669
- Niles-Bement-Pond Machine-Tools, 538
- Ore Concentration Plant, 464
- Range and Azimuth Finder, 686
- Road-Roller, Steam Universal, American, 11
- Steam-Shovel, 679
- Tool-Grinding Machines, 239
- Turntable, 70-Ft., American, 396
- Welded Boiler Furnaces, '286
- Westinghouse Company's Exhibit of Electric Motors, 527, 563, 598
- St. Louis, International Engineering Congress at,
- See Engineering Congress, Electrical Engi' neer.% and Iron and Steel Institute
- St. Louis South-Western Railroad Company's
- Locomotive, " Mogul,' at St. Louis Exhibition, 11
- St. Louis South-Western Railroad Locomotive, 45
- Staging for Docks at Heysham Harbour, 201.
- Standard Cells, 878
- Standard Sections, Steel, 883
- Standards for Electrical Measurements, Construction of Practical, 397
- Standards of Fire-Resistance, 191
- Standards of Light, Large-Bulb Incandescent
- Electric Lamps as Secondary, 301. See Photometric
- Standards of Wave-Lengths, 364
- Standardisation, 878
- Standardisation of Electrical Machinery, 221
- Stanley Cycle Show, 722
- Stanley Universal Theodolite, 680
- Stars, Masses of the, 443
- Stars, Temperature of, 443
- State Telephones, 123, 281. See Glasgow Telephones
- Station, Electric. See Electric and Power
- Stations, Railway, Terminal, 534, 868
- Station, Railway, at Heysham Harbour, 235
- Stations of the Tokio Metropolitan Railway, 637
- Station, Victoria, Reconstruction of, London,
- Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 868
- Steam Boilers. See Boilers and Water-Tube Boilers
- Steam Capstan and Windlass, Baxter's, 499
- Steam Consumption of Naval Machinery, 607, 89, 866. See also Steam Trials
- Steam versus Electrical Power, 568. See £43
- Steam-Engines. See Engines
- Steam and the Ether Pressure Theory, Grindley's
- Experiments of, 397
- Steam-Lorries. See Motor-Cars and Wagons
- Steam Motor-Omnibus, Clarkson's, 381, 483
- Steam Motor Vehicles. See also Motor-Cars and
- Self Propelled Cars
- Steam-Pipe and Air-Coupling, Automatic, Westinghouse, 414
- Steam Power versus Water Power in the British
- Isles, 843. See 568
- Steam Production, Cheat), 866, 891
- Steam-Shovel, 679
- Steam Steering-Gear, Napier's, 447 •
- Steam Stop-Valve, Hopkineon's Centre-Pressure, 17.
- Steam, Superheated, 273
- Steam-Superheater, Pielock, for Locomotives, 44, 11
- Steam - Superheater, Schmidt Smoke - Tube
- Belgian Locomotive, 858 •
- Steam-Superheaters. See also Superheaters
- Steam Trials. See also Warships and Launches
- and Trial Trips
- Steam Trials of the Indian Troopship " Dufferin," 890. See 371
- Steam Trials of Warships, Conditions of, 615.
- See 607, S66
- Steam-Turbines. See Turbines
- Steam and Water, Energy of, at High Temperatures, 444
- Steam-Yacht Races, Time Allowance for, 818
- Steamboat Service, Thames, 581
- Steamers. See also Steamships, Ships, and
- Warships
- Steamer, Austrian Lloyd, " Africa ; " Deck
- Plans, Interior Views, and Boilers, 255, 309, 71
- Steamer " Caronia," Cunard (Brown), 91
- Steamers' Engines. See Engines, Marine
- Steamers, Ore, on the Great Lakes, 620
- Steamer " Prinz Eitel Friedrich," Norddeutschet
- Lloyd, 60
- Steamers, Salvage, German, 585
- Steamship, Indian, " Dufferin," 379, 890
- Steamships, Japanese, 477
- Steamship " Sado Maru," Effects of Torpedoes on
- Japanese, 468
- Steamship Service of Midland Railway Company. See Midland Railway Company
- Steel, American, and the Tariff, 826
- Steel Brazing, Solders for, 575. See LETTER, 6'1
- Steel Buildings, Fictitious Fireproof, 439
- Steel, Chrome-Vanadium, Heat Treatment of, 46, 871, 903, 904. See Impact Tests
- Steel Company's, Bethlehem, Steel Works, 709
- Steel, Crsstalline Structure of (Solid Bodies), 281, 59, 474, 829
- Steel, The Effect of Rapid Alternating Stresses
- on Structural, 307
- Steel Furnace ; Acid Open-Hearth Manipulation, 28
- Steel Girders. See Bridges
- Steel-Hardening Furnace, Brayshaw's Salt-Bath, 20
- Steel, Heat Treatment of, Revealed by Microscopic Observations, 737, 778, 816
- Steel, High-Speed Tool, 349, 676. See 29
- Steel Impact Tests, 704, 728, 765. See also Microscopic Observations. See Heat Treatment
- Steel and Iron Exhibits at the St. Louis Exhibition, 674
- Steel and Iron Institute. See Iron and Steel
- Institute
- Steel and Iron, Plastic Yielding of, 354, 385
- * Steel and Iron Production, The World's, 155, 248, 56
- Steel Manganese, 572
- Steel Manufacture, 569
- Steel, Micro-Structure. See Micro-Photographs
- Steel-Pipe, Mephan Ferguson Look-Bar, 550
- Steel Rail Testing, 89
- Steel Standard Sections, 883
- Steel, Structural, 121 833
- Steel Tall Office Buildings, New York, 130
- Steel, Tensile Strength of Open-Hearth, 674, 695, 32
- Steel-Testing Machine, 800•Ton, Buckton, 805, 21. See 211. See Lwrrsits, 503
- Steel, Tests of, 644
- Steel, Tool, 9, 29, 62. See 349, 075
- Steel Trackwork for South London Tramways,
- Cast (Hadfield), 402, 410
- Steel Trade for 1903, American, 756. See 155, 48
- Steel Trust, American, 680
- Steel and Wire Company, American, 713
- Steel Works in America ; Details of Practice, 328, 59, 391, 428
- Steel Works, Carnegie, 712
- Steel Works, Illinois, 13
- Steering-Check, Motor-Car, Lemp, 524
- Steering-Gear, Hand and Steam, Napier's, 447
- Stellar Temperatures, Criteria on, 443
- Stereo-Chemistry of Nitrogen, 459
- Stewart's Thermo-Tank Heating and Ventilating
- Apparatus, 499
- Stitching-Machine, Hyatt's, Belt Fabric, 79
- Stoke Canon Bridge on the Great Western Railway, Reconstruction of, 658
- Stone-Crushers, 572, 606
- Stoney Roller Sluice-Gates, 600
- Stop-Valve, Hopkinson's Centre-Pressure, 517
- Storage-Battery, Edison, 1
- Strain and Annealing, Effects of, 9
- Stream-Line Theory Applied to Magnetic Flux, 55
- Street Building Act, London, 687
- Street Obstructions, 90
- Street Traffic, Heavy, 440
- Strength, Composition and Specification of Cast,
- Iron, 9
- Strength of Cylinder-Covers of Gas-Engines, 55
- Strength and Elasticity of Metals, 473. See
- Micro-Photographs and Crystalline
- Strength and Speed of Destroyers, 53, 111. See
- Strength of Timber, Testing of, 783
- Stress, Mechanical, and the Neutral Zone, Double
- Refraction of, 618. See also Optical
- Stress, Tangential, Produced by the Oblique
- Impact of Light, 361
- Stresses, Rail, 312
- Stresses on Structural Steel, Effect of Rapidly
- Alternating, 307. See also Micro-Photographs
- Strikes, Trade Unions and, 901. See Industrial
- .Notes
- Strokes, Lightning, Action of, on Buildings, 333
- Structural Steel, 121, 883
- Structural Steel, Effect of Rapidly-Alternating
- Stresses on, 307
- Structure, Crystal, and Chemical Constitution, 44
- Structure, Crystalline, of Steel (Solid Bodies), 281, 59, 474, 829
- Structure of Metals, Surface Flow and Hard and
- Soft State in, 281, 474, 829. See 459
- Structure of Steel Metals. See Photo-Micrographs
- Students. See Training and Education
- Students in Japan, Indian, 620 •
- Studs, Impact Tests of Steel, 701, 728, 765. See
- also Microscopic Observations and Heat Treatment
- Subaqueous Foundations, 640
- Subdivision of Weights in Ships' Displacement, 19
- Submarine Telegraph Enterprise, 164, 692
- Subsidies to Science, 633. See Erratum, 717
- Subway Air in New York, 865
- Subway, New York Rapid Transit, 675, 676
- Sulphur Lines in Spark Spectra of Minerals, 462
- Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium, Alkyl Derivatives of, 459
- Sun Print-Producing Apparatus, 171
- Sun-Spot Minimum and the following Maximum,
- Relation between, 442
- Sun-Spots and Polar Aurorae, 402
- Sun-Spots, Spectra of, 442
- Sunderland, Wear Bridge, 515
- Sunlight, Water Purification by, 25
- Superheated Steam, 273
- Superheated Steam, Potential Efficiency of, 256
- Superheater, Belgian Loeomoti ye, Schmidt
- Smoke-Tube Steam, 858
- Superheater, Pielock, for Locomotives, 44, 111
- Superheaters, Marine Engine, 749
- Surface Flow of Solids, Relation between the
- Crystalline and Amorphous States as Disclosed by the, 281, 459, 474, 829
- Surveying, 644
- Surveying (Tacheometry), 528
- Surveying Theodolite, 6S0
- Swale River Bridge, Scherzer, 637
- Swansea New Dock, 162
- Sweetmeats, Forgrove Wrapping - Machine for, 87
- Swinburne, J., on Some Difficulties in Getting on, 769
- Swiss Tunnel Ventilation, 642, 799
- Switches, Motor, 495
- Symbols in Applied Science, 744
- Synthesis and Decomposition of Ammonia, 459
- Tacheometry : A Comparison of Systems, 628
- Tachometer, Horn's Portable, 61
- Tall Building in London, 687
- Tall Office Buildings, New York, 130
- Tangential Stress Produced by the Oblique
- Impact of Light, 364
- Tank Experiments, United States Ship, 815, 838
- Tar and Gas from Coke-Ovens as Fuel, 477
- "Tarantula," Yacht, with Liquid-Fuel Apparatus, 48
- Tariffs and Iron and Steel Production, 165, 826
- Tautomeric Compounds, Formation of Salts in Solution among, 458
- Taylor, D. W., on Some Recent Experiments
- in the United States Model Basin, 838. See 815
- Taylor's " Instanter" Bench-Vice, 715
- Teaching. See Education and Training
- Technical College, Finsbury, Link-Motion Benoh for, 48
- Technical Education. See Education
- Telautograph, Gray Electric, 747
- Telegraph, Wireless, 877. See 397
- Telegraph Cable Companies, 164, 692
- Telegraph System, British, 340
- Telegraph Wayleaves, 313
- Telegraph Wires, Falling, 159
- Telegraph, Writing, Pollak-Virag, 829
- Telegraph, Writing (Telautograph), 747
- Telegraphic Cable-Current Retardation, 871
- Telegraphy, American, 60
- Telegraphy, Wireless, Propagation of Electric
- Waves along Spiral Wires, Measuring Wav
- Lengths Used in, 397. See 877 eTelephones. See also Electric
- Telephones and Depreciation, Glasgow Corporation, 15, 59, 86, 157. See LETTERS
- Telephones, State, 123, 281.
- Telephone Wayleaves, 313
- Telescope Pyrometer 724
- Tellurium, Selenium, and Sulphur, Alkyl Derivatives of, 459
- Temperature of Air in Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones at the Blue Hill Observatory, 401
- Temperature Alarm, Electrical, 333
- Temperature, Flame, in Internal - Combustion
- Motors, 272
- Temperature, Emission Curve, Boiler Gas, 986
- Temperature, Pressure, and Air Circulation over
- the South Atlantic, 400
- Temperatures, Mechanical Properties of Iron at
- Low, 308
- Temperatures, Underground, 400
- Tenant and Landlord in Factories, 513
- " Tenax " Automatic Coupling for Shafts, 714
- Tenders of Locomotives. See Locomotives
- " Tennessee," United States Cruiser, 834
- Tensile Strength of Open-Hearth Steel, 674, 695, 32
- Terminal Stations, Railroad, 534
- "Terrible," Boiler Performance of, on China
- Voyage, 686
- Test of Broken Connecting-Rod, 737, 778, 810
- Tests, Impact, of Steel and Iron, 704, 728, 765.
- See also Microscopic Tests and Heat Treatment
- Test of 400-Kilowatt Westinghouse-Parsons Turbine, Steam, 559
- Tests of Lathe Tools by Dynamometer, 9, i9, 62.
- See 349, 675
- Test-Loads on Pier Gangways, 381
- Tests of Materials of Construction, 644
- Test of a Pierson Suction Gas-Producer, 285
- Tests. See also Trials
- Tests on Solders for Steel Brazing, 675. See
- LETTER, 621
- Testing of Alternate-Current Motors by Continuous Current, 333
- Testing Device, Cable, 495
- Testing ; Double Refraction under Mechanical
- Stress and the Neutral Zone, 018
- Testing Iron at Low Temperatures, 308
- Testing of Iron, Magnetic, 828 •
- Testing Locomotive Plant, 9, 69
- Testing-Machine, 300-Ton Steel (Buckton), 305, 21. See 211. -See LETTERS, 503
- Testing-Machines, Breaking Ropes in, 503
- Testing Plants, Locomotive, 9, 69
- Testing Rails, 89
- Testing Steel by Alternating Stresses, 307. See 71
- Testing Timber, 783
- Testing, Universal, Machine of 300 Tons for FullSize Number of Structures, 305, 321. See 211,
- and LETTER, 603
- Textile ; Safety Appliances for Cotton-Mules, 740
- Thames, Proposed Barrage of River, 333
- Thames Steamboat Service, 581
- Theatre Fire Appliances, 411. See 222 and Fire
- Theatre Fire Regulations, 379. See 222
- Theatre, London Coliseum, 782
- Theisen's Centrifugal Gas-Washer, 78, 383
- Theodolite, Universal, 680
- Therapeutic Agents, 878 •
- Thermal and Electric Conductivities of Iron
- Alloys, 397
- Thermal and Electric Wave-Lengths, 878
- Thermo-Circulator for Steam Boilers,488
- Thermo-Dilatation of Compressed Hydrogen, 398
- Thermo-Tank Heating and Ventilating Apparatus
- for Ships, 499
- Thornley Valve-Gear for Winding-Engines, 286
- Thorpe, W. H., on the Anatomy of Bridgework, 70, 773, 844
- Tides, Mersey, 304
- Tientsin Trade, 830
- Tilting-Hammer, Ancient, 96
- Timber Piles for Submarine Work, 866
- Timber Seasoning, 114
- Timber Staging at Heysham Harbour, 201. See 83
- Timber, Strength and Testing of, 783
- Time Allowance for Steam-Yacht Races, 818
- Tin and Copper, 504
- Tin-Copper Series, Alloys of the, 459
- Tin Prices. See Metal-Price Diagrams
- Tinfoil Wrapping-Machine, Forgrove, 287
- Tokio Metropolitan Railway, 637
- Tonnage, Ships', and Dock Dues, 20
- Tools. See Machine-Tools
- Tool-Grinding Machines, 5, 72, 239, 268, 429, 666, 33, 708, 814. For details, see INDEX or ILLUSTRATIONS
- Tools, Pneumatic, in Engineering Works, 33
- Tool Steel Dynamometric Tests, 9, 29, 62
- Tool Steel, High-Speed, 349
- Tool Steels, High-Speed, 675
- Topaze," with Reciprocating Engines, versus
- Turbine Cruiser, 689, 719. See 423, 499, and
- LETTERS, 466, 746
- Torpedo Attack, Russo-Japanese War, 19
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Warships
- Torpedo-Boats. See Warships
- Torpedo Effects on Japanese Mail S.S. " Sado
- Marti," 468
- Torpedo Warfare? 891
- * Town Refuse Disposal, 641. See 860
- Trackwork for South London Tramways, CastSteel (Hadfield), 402, 410
- Traction, Electric. See Electric Tramways and
- Railways
- Traction, Electric, and the Third Rail, 621, 658
- Traction-Engine, 8-Horse-Power Compound, 13
- Traction-Engines. See also Motor-Cars and
- Wagons
- Traction-Engines and Heavy Street Traffic, 440
- Traction-Engines at the Smithfield Show, 791
- Traction, Locomotive, Resistance to, at High
- Speeds, 66
- Traction, Mechanical. See Motor-Cars, Wagons,
- and Electric
- Trade, Chemical, Position in Heavy, 87
- Trade in China in 1908, 551
- Trade of Hong Kong, 884
- Trade, Iron and Steel, in America, 1903, 248, 756
- Trade of Japan, 159
- Trade of Korea, 189
- Trade-Marks, Australian Federation, 283, 5;0
- Trade-Marks in China, 350, 621
- Trade-Names, 547
- Trade and Railways in Natal, 313. See LETTERS, 81
- Trade with Richest Province in China, 760
- Trade, Shipbuilding ; Lloyd's Returns, 68, 512.
- See 717
- Trade at Tientsin, 830
- Trades Union Annual Report, 901
- Trade Union Laws. See Legal
- Trade Unions. See also Industrial Notes
- Trade Unions and the Premium System, 408
- Trade Unions and the Unemployed, 'i25
- Trades Union Congress, 875
- Traffic, Heavy Street, 440
- Traffic Railways, British, 316, 376
- Train-Control, Multiple-Unit, Westinghouse, 21
- Train.Control System, Sprague-General Electric, 68
- Trains. See also Railways, Locomotives, and SelfPropelled
- Training of Electrical Engineers, 769
- Tramcars. See also Electric Tramways -Tramcars, Automatic Regenerative Control for, 61
- Tramway Construction, Municipal Control over, 653
- Tramways, Electric, 140
- Tramways, Electric, German, 161
- Tramways, Glasgow, 122
- Tramways, London County Council, 57, 402, 410
- Tramways versus Railways, 376
- Tramway Running Powers, 25, 55, 760
- Tramway Schemes in Parliament, 723, 768
- Tramway Track, Cast-Steel, for South London
- Tramways (Hadfield), 402, 410
- Tramways, Tyneside, and Running Powers, 25; 6, 760
- Trans-Pyrenean Railways, 349
- Transmission of Electric Power by the Third
- Rail, 821, 658
- Transmission of Power, See Electric
- Travel of Beaches and Harbours, 240, 531, 699
- Travelling-Crane, 60-Ton, 857
- Travelling-Crane, Crab for Electric, 713
- Treatment, Heat, of Chrome-Vanadium Steel, 46, 871, 903, 904.. See impact Tests and
- Micro•Photographs and Erratum, 904
- Trespassers on Electric Railways, 26
- Trials of Steamers. See Warships and Launches
- and Trial Trips
- Trials of Warships, Conditions of, 615. See 607
- Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Troopship " Dufferin," Indian, 379, 890
- Truck, Motor-Carriage, 468
- Truck for Railway Car (Brill) Motor and Brake
- Equipment (Westinghouse), 598
- Trust, American Steel, 680. See 248, 766
- Trust, Atlantic Shipping, 156
- Tubes, Boiler, 467
- Tubes, Friction of Water in, at Very Small Velocity, 550
- Tubes, Mephan Ferguson Lock-Bar, 550
- Tube Railways See also Tunnels
- Tube Railways, 602
- Tunnel, Boston Subway, 602
- Tunnel, Chicago, Scheme, 12
- Tunnels, Hudson River, 678
- Tunnel Ventilation, 642, 799, 865
- Tunnel Ventilation, New York Subway, 865
- Turbine, Boring-Machine for, Casings, 659
- Turbine-Driven Torpedo-Boat, Yarrow, 90
- Turbines, Exhaust-Steam, Rateau, in Steel Works, 796. See Erratum, 881
- Turbine, Gas, Cycles, 664, 590
- Turbines and Patent Problems, 261, 269
- Turbine, Steam, Construction, Actien Electricitats-Gesellschaft, 231, 329
- Turbine, Steam, Curtis, 97
- Turbine, Steam, Curtis (General Electric Company), 171, 202
- Turbine, Steam, in Destroyers, 53, 114, 898
- Turbine, Steam, Future of, 689, 719. See 423, 99, and LETTERS, 466, 749
- Turbine, Steam, in Modern Engineering, 97
- Turbines, Steam, Parsons, in French TorpedoBoat, 183
- Turbines, Steam, Parsons, versus Reciprocating Engines ; Midland Railway Co.'s Steamers, 23, 499 ; H.M. Cruisers, 689, 719, and LETTERS, 66, 749
- Turbine, Steam, Potential Efficiency of, 266
- Turbine, Steam, Progress, 85, 719
- Turbine, Steam, Tests, 679
- Turbine, Steam, Tests of Westinghouse-Parsons, 59 ; Metropolitan Railway Station, 829
- Turbines, Water, Governing, 697. See LETTERS, 32. See also Water-Wheels
- Turbo-Alternator, Metropolitan Railway, 829
- Turning-Machines. See Machine-Tools
- Turntable, American 70-Ft. Locomotive, 396
- Tyneside Tramways Bill ; Running Powers, 26, 5, 760
- Type-Founding, Early Methods of, 491
- Underground Railways, 602, 829
- Underground Railways. See also Tunnels
- Underground Temperatures, 400
- Underground Trains, Overerowding 58
- Underpinning Dock Walls, 881
- Unemployed, Methods of Dealing with, 725, 901
- Uniformity of Meteorological Units, 400
- Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Contact with Hot Surfaces, 460
- Union, Trades. See Trade Unions, Industrial Notes, Sand Legal
- United States Battleship " Connecticut," 678
- United States, Coal-Mining in, 222
- United States Cruiser "Colorado," 712, 818
- United States, Egypt and Hawaii, Irrigation in, 72
- United States Great Lakes, Shipbuilding on, 748
- United States Model Basin, Some Recent Experiments at, 815, 833
- United States Navy, 834
- United States Navy Estimates, 901
- United States Navy, Progress of Building, 350
- United States Navy; Some Further Notes on the Performance of Torpedo-Boats at Sea, 816
- United States Notes, 16, 90, 126, 149, 181, 222, 40, 283, 404, 468, 502, 542, 574, 610, 681, 717, 48, b20, 858, 902
- United States Trusts. See Trusts
- Units in Applied Science, 744
- Units, Uniformity of Meteorological, 400
- Vacuum Cesspool-Exhauster (Merryweather), 727
- Vacuum Intensifier (Parsons), 499
- Valve Gear, Bagnall and Price's, 339
- Valve Gear for Winding Engines, Thornley, 280
- Valve, Hopkinson's Centre-Pressure Stop, 517
- Valve Motion, Model for, 48
- Valve-Ref eating Machine, Gihsbn's, 621
- Valve Tower at Birmingham Reservoir, 103
- Vanadium-Chrome Steel, Heat Treatment of, 46, 871, 903, 904. See impact Tests and Erratum, 903
- Vapours, Sodium, Anomalous Dispersion of, 367
- Vehicles, Self-Propelled. See Carriages, Motor-Cars, Self-Propelled Cars, and Wagons
- Velocity of Light of Different Intensities, 412
- Velocity of Osmosis, Solubility, and the Theory of Narcosis, 459
- Ventilating and Heating Apparatus for Shit Thermo-Tank, 499
- Ventilation in New York Subway, 865
- Ventilation of Tunnels, 642, 799
- Veto, Local, Overhead versus Conduit Tramway Construction, 653. See also Municipal
- Vice, Bench, Taylor's " Instanter," 715
- Victoria Station, Reconstruction of, London,
- Brighton, and South Coast Railway, 868
- Victorian Railways, 827
- Volatile Product of Radium Emanation, 365
- Voltameter, Silver, 878
- Wage Rates and Hours of Labour, 253
- Wages ; Trade Unions and Premium System, 403
- Wagons, Motor, for Military Purposes, 56
- Wagons, Motor, for Gun Battery, 715
- Wagons, Steam. See Motor-Cars
- War ; Effects on Japanese Shipping., 830
- War ; Effects of Torpedoes on Japanese Mail Steamer, 468
- War, Japanese Engineer in, 843
- War, Russo-Japanese, and Field Artillery, 515, 91, 900
- War, Russo-Japanese ; Torpedo Attack, 19, 468. See 891
- Warehouses and Stores Fire Appliances, 411. See 222
- Warfare, Torpedo, 891
Warships :
- Battleships, Sea-Going, 815
- Boiler Committee Report, 187, 192, 263, 345
- Canadian Fisheries-Protecting Cruiser, 251
- Coaling Warships at Sea, 818
- Committee on Design of, Admiralty, 900
- Design of Warships, 407, 441, 516, 651, 792, 98, 900
- Distribution of British Fleets, 825
- Displacement, Sub-Division of Weights, 819
- Engines of H.M.S. " Dominion," 607. See 15
- Engines, Naval, Microscopic Observations on Accidents, 737, 778, 810. See Impact Tests
- German Battleship " Deutschland" (Krupp), 61
- Gun-Power of Warships, 651. See Design
- H.M.S.S. Launched in 1904, 893
- H.M.S. "Amethyst," with Turbines, versus Ordinary Engine Cruisers, 689, 719. See 23, 499 ; LETTERS, 466, 749
- H.M.SS. " Black Prince," " Achilles," and " Minotaur," 651, 666
- H.M.S. "Blank Prince," Launch of, 651, 666
- H.M.S. "Britannia," Launch of, 867
- H.M.S. " Commonwealth," Trials of, 26
- H.M.S. Destroyers, Speed and Strength of, 3, 114, 868
- H.M.S. " Dominion, 607. See 615
- H.M.S. " Hermes ;" Babcock and Wilcox
- Boiler, 345. See 187, 192, 263
- H.M.S. " Hindustan," Trials of, 866
- H.M.S. "Lord Nelson," 408, 516, 651, 900. See 440
- H.M.S. " Medea, ;" Yarrow Water - Tube Boiler, 263. See 187, 192, 345
- H.M.S. " Medusa ;" Dim. Water-Tube Boiler, 63. See 187, 192, 345
- H.M.S. " Minotaur," 407. See 440
- H.M.S. Steam Trials: "Amethyst," " Topaze," " Sapphire," and " Diamond," 689 ; " Commonwealth," 26 ; " Dominion," 607, 615 ;
- Hindustan, 866. See also Water-Tube Boiler Committee Report
- H.M.S. "Terrible," Belleville Boiler Performance on Tiial of Ship, 686
- H.M.S. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer "Welland " (Yarrow), 49
- H.M.SS. " Topaze," "Sapphire," and " Diamond," with Reciprocating Engines, versus
- Turbine Cruisers, 689, 719. See 423, 499, and LETTERS, 466, 749
- Italian Battleship " Regina Margherita," and Engines, 716
- Japanese Armoured Cruiser " Kasuga," and Engines, 540
- Japanese, Navy, 224. Se9 also IVO
- Launch of " Black Prince," 651, 660 ; " Britannia," 867
- Microscopic Observations on Naval Engine
- Accidents, 737, 778, 810. See Impact Texts
- Naval Conditions, 217
- Navy Contracts and Royal Dockyards, 440. See 407
- Semi-Globular Naval Battery, 794
- Skeleton Models of Warships, 249
- Torpedo Attack ; Russo-Japanese War, 19
- Torpedo-Boat (Yarrow), Rateau Turbine, 90
- Torpedo-Boat No. 293, for French Navy
- (Normand), with Parsons Turbines, 183
- Torpedo Warfare, 19, 468, 891
- Trial Conditions of British Ships, 615. See 617
- Trials. See H.M.S. Steam Trials under Warshjps
- United States Armoured Cruiser " Colorado," 712, 818. See 834
- United States Battleship " Connecticut," 78, 712, 834
- United States Cruiser " Tennessee," 834. See 712, 818
- United States Model-Tank Experiments, 815, 38
- United Stat.18 Navy Construction Programme, 350
- United States Navy Estimates, 901
- United States Navy Yards, 677, 711, 712
- United States Torpedo-Boats at Sea, 815
- Water-Tube Boiler Committee's Report, 187, 192, 263, 345
- Washer, Theisen's, for Blast-FurnaceiGas, 383
- Washer, Theisen's Centrifugal Gas, 78
- Water Consumption of Reciprocating-Engines, 07, 689, 866
- Water Consumption of Turbines in Cruisers, 689, 19. See 423, 4C9, and LETTERS, 466, 749
- Water Friction in Tubes at Very Small Velocity, 550
- Water-Gauge, Parker's Automatic, 371
- Water-Pipe, Mephan Ferguson Lock-Bar, 550
- Water-Power, Electricity from, 162, 273
- Water-Power versus Steam-Power in the British Isles, 843
- Water-Pump. See Pump
- Water Purification, Boiler-Feed, 534
- Water Purification by Sunlight, 25
- Water Schemes in Parliament, 794
- Water and Steam, Energy of, at High Temperatures, 444
- Water Supply at Heysham Harbour, 295
- Water Supply and Power Installation, Montlucon, 62
- Water Supply, Purification of, 631. See also River
- Water-Tube Boiler, Armstrong and Day's, 820
- Water-Tube Boiler, Babcock and Wilcox, H.M.S. " Hermes," 345. See 187, 192, 263
- Water-Tube Boiler, Belleville, in " Terrible," 86
- Water-Tube Boiler Committee's Report, 187, 192, 63, 345
- Water-Tube Boiler, DUrr, H.M.S. "Medusa," 63. See 187, 192, 345
- Water-Tube Boiler, Mumford, 242
- Water-Tube Boilers, Voyage of H.M. S. "Terrible," 86
- Water-Tube Boiler, Yarrow, H.D1.S. " Medea," 63. See 187, 192, 345
- Water-Turbine. See Turbine
- Water-Wheels, Govering, 597. See LETTERS, 32
- Water-Wheels, Govering Impulse, 832
- Water-Wheel, Multiple-Nozzle, Pelton, 93
- Water-Wheels, Potential Efficiency of, 256
- Water-Wheel, Regulating Nozzle for, 622
- Waterways. See also Rivers and Canals
- Waterways, Artificial, 600
- Waterways and Railroad Developments, 640
- Water Works, Birmingham, 103
- Water Works, Cowlyd, 478
- Water Works, Pumping Engine at the Odessa, 27
- Wave-Lengths, Standards of, 364
- Waves and, Beach Travel, 248, 531, 699
- Waves, Propagation of Electric, along Spiral
- Wires ; Measuring Wave-Lengths used in Wireless Telegraphy, 397
- Waves, Size and Periodicity of (Harbours), 531
- Waygood's Electric Hoists at Heysham Harbour, 95
- Wayleaves, Telephone, 313
- Wear Bridge at Sunderland, 515
- Wear of Crank-Shaft and Connecting-Rods, 479
- Web Girders. See Bridges
- Webber, The late Major-General, 445
- Weights, Molecular, and Boiling-Points; Properties of Mixtures, 443
- Weights in Ships' Displacement, Sub-Division of, 19
- Weir, Rolling Dams, 600
- Weir's Separate Air-Pumps, 423
- Welded Boiler-Furnaces, 286, 854
- Well, Artesian, at Heysham Harbour, 295
- " Welland," Torpedo-Boat Destroyer (Yarrow), 9
- Wells, James Hollis, on the Power Plant of Tall Office Buildings, 130
- Welsh Water Works and the London County Council, 478
- West African Smelting-House, 674
- West Riding River Pollution, 42
- West, Thomas D., on Standard and Systematic
- Methods for Making Foundry-Beds, 418
- Western Telegraph Company, Limited, 692
- Westinghouse Automatic Air and Steam Pipe Coupling, 414
- Westinghouse Company's Exhibit at St. Louis Exhibition, 527, 563, 578
- Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company's
- Works, East Pittsburg, 712
- Westinghouse 2000-Kilowatt Compound Engine
- and Generator, 79
- Westinghouse Multiple-Unit Train-Control, 21
- Westinghouse-Parsons Steam-Turbine, Tests of, 59. See Turbines
- Wheat Grown per Acre and Waterway Development, 640
- Wheel, " Empire" Spring, 833
- Wheel, Glyda Spring Hub, 481
- Whip, Coal, Electric, 869
- White's Aerial Wire Ropeway, 503
- Whitworth High-Speed Tool-Steel, 9, 29, 62, 675. See 349
- Wicksteed, J. H., on Universal Testing-Machine
- of 300 Tons for Full-Size Members of Structures, 05, 321. See 211, 305, and LETTER, 503
- Wigan Boiler Explosion, 288
- Winchester, Boiler Explosion near, 485
- Wind Effect on Roofs, 15
- Winding-Engines, Corliss, for Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, 857
- Winding - Engines, Thornley Valve Gear for, 86
- Windlass and Capstan, Steam, Baxter's, 499
- Wind-Mills, 24
- Wire, Aerial Ropeway, 318, 466, 503
- Wires, Falling Telegraph, 159
- Wire-Rod and Bar Rolling-Mill Plants, 855
- Wire-Rod Rolling-Mills, 15
- Wire and Steel Company, American, 713
- Wireless Telegraphy, The Present State of, 877
- Wireless Telegraphy, Propagation of Electric
- Waves along Spiral Wires Measuring Wave Lengths used in, 397
- Wolseley Self-Propelled Chemical Fire-Engine, 51 ; Railway Car, 348
- Woodworking Machinery. See Machine-Tool8
- Woodworking Machinery for Railway Carriage Building, 888
- Workmen's Cases. See Legal
- Workmen's Compensation Act, 410
- Workmen's Compensation Act, Amendment of, 19
- Workmen's Compensation Act Cases, 189
- Workmen's Compensation Cases. See Master and Servant Cases under Legal
- Workmen and Cost of Production, 685
- Allgemeine Electricitats Gesellschaft Steam Turbine Construction, 231, 329
- The American Steel and Wire Company, 713
- American Steel Works Practice, 328, 369, 91, 428
- Beardmore's New Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 455
- Bethlehem Steel Company's Works, 709
- The Camden Coke Company's Works, 712
- Carnegie Steel, 712
- Cramp Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, 11
- General Electric Company's Works, Schenectady, 171, 202
- Illinois Steel Works, 13
- The League Island Navy Yard, 712
- New York Navy Yard and Battleships, 677
- The New York Shipbuilding Company, 712
- Schneider's Electricity Works, 887
- Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company's Works, East Pittsburg, 712
- Works and Hospitals, Refuse-Destructors for Use in, 856
- Works, Steel, Illinois, 13
- Workshop Costs, 75
- Workshop Tools. See Machine-Tools
- Wrapping-Machine, Forgrove, 287
- Wrecks and Shipping Casualties, 251
- Writing Telegraph, 747, 829
- Yacht, Auxiliary Power, " Mollihawk II.," with Oil-Engine, 466
- Yachts, Rules of Lloyd's Registry for Building, 818
- Yacht " Tarantula ;" Liquid-Fuel Apparatus, 148
- Yachts, Time Allowance in Racing, 818
- Yarrow Water-Tx1313 Boiler for H.M.S. "Medea," 63. &Aar,- 192, 345
- Year-Book of Naval Architects in Germany, 75
- Year-Books. See LITERATURE
- Year-Books and Annuals, 782, 866
- Yorkshire Coast Erosion, 240, 531, 699
- Young, Alfred W., on the Design of a Dry Dock, 49. See LETTER, 539
- Zinc and Lead, American, 546
- Zinc, Production of, 260
- Zone System on British Railways, 283
See Also
Sources of Information