Engineering 1881 Jan-Jun: Index: Letters to the Editor
Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1881 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1881 Jan-Jun Volume
Letters to the Editor
- AIR, Compressed—L. L., 225
- Air, Compressed—Tramways, 198, 225, 305, 462, 643
- Air Compressors—D. Hajnis, 173, 384
- Air Compressors—J. Sturgeon, 279, 356, 591
- Ammonia Engines —H. du Bois, 305
- Ammonia Engines—William J. Silver, 487
- Ammonia Vapour Engines—X., 331
- Amster-Laffon Integrator, The—P. S. Hay. 36
- "Anthracite," The Steam Yacht — Frederick Power, 62
- Barton's Feed-Water Heater—James Barton, 37
- Barton's Feed-Water Heater—J. C., 9
- Batley Boiler Explosion, The—An Old Steam User, 642
- Batley Boiler Explosion, The—Joseph Twibill, 613
- Batteries, Improved Central—George Fawcus, 384
- Boiler Explosions—R. Charles Longridge, 279
- Boilers, Steam Room in—A. C. Pain, 119, 153
- Boilers, Steam Room in—William Sisson, 172
- Bottled Electricity—J. T. B., R.E., 512
- Brakes, Railway—Loco., 419
- Bridges, Straight-Link Suspension —B., 330, 384, 487
- Bridges, Straight-Link Suspension—T. Claxton Fidler, 357, 420
- Bridges, Thames—Kingston, 463
- Bursting of Big Guns—George Fawcus, 119
- " Cellular" Bottom Steamers, Measurement of—Joseph R. Oldham, 62
- Centenary, A Stephenson—Inquirer, 119
- Central Batteries. Improved—George Fawcus, 384
- Coal Mines, The Working of—Harry Olrick, 419
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—" Beta" 252.2 78, 304
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—J. J. Coleman, 278, 513
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—Billy Fair-play, 564
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—George A. Goodwin, 513, 613
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—William Inglis, 252. 305
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—J. K. Kilbourn, 304, 330, 356, 434, 487, 541, 565
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—A. Kirk, 172
- Cold Air, Machines for • Producing—T. B. Lightfoot, 278, 329, 419, 462, 541
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing—Springs, 564
- Compound Engines, The Proportions of Cylinders for—Wm. Ingham, 540
- Compound Locomotives—A . Mallet, 539
- Compound Locomotives—Rudolph Giese, 512, 613
- Compressed Air—L. L. 225
- Compressed Air—Tramways, 198, 225, 305, 462, 643
- Compressors, Air—D. Hajnis, 173, 384
- Compressors, Air—J. Sturgeon, 279, 356, 591
- Conductors, Lightning—J. T. B., R.E., 640, 591, 643
- Conductors, Lightning—Conductor, 564
- Conductors, Lightning—Samuel Vyle, 613, 640, 664, 613
- Corrosion of Iron and Steel, The Relative—David Phillips, 612, 612
- Corrosion of Iron and Steel—Chas. Tookey, 565
- Current Meters—Claude W. Kinder, 173
- Current Meters—H. S. Hele Shaw, 198
- Deering and Morrison's Portable Rivetter—Fred. Deering, 419
- Diplomas for Engineers—M.I.SI.E., 331
- Diplomas for Engineers—J. P., 357
- Diplomas for Engineers—H. S. Hele Shaw, 420
- Dredger, Swing Jib— Walter Robert Kinipple,8 57
- Driving Traction Engines—Traction Engine, 172
- Electric Ignition for Gas Engines—G. A. S., 420
- Electric Light, Scientific Lectures on the Advancement, 330
- Electric Light, Tbe—W. Lyon, 6
- Electric Lighting by Incandescence—M. Radcliffe Ward, 368
- Electric Lights, Regulators for—Philip Walker,2 76
- Electrical Torsion—J. T. 13., 934
- Electricity, Bottled—J. T. B., lt.E., 512
- Engert's smoke-Preventing Apparatus - A. E. Engert, 86
- Engine, The Perkins—J. H., 331
- Engineers, Diplomas for—M.I.M.E., 331
- Engineers, Diplomas for—J. P., 357
- Engineers, Diplomas for — H. S. Hele Shaw,4 20
- Engineers, The Institution of Civil—Institution,8 , 62
- Engineers, The Institution of Civil—A Member,3 6
- Engineers, The Students of the Institution of Civil—Non-Resident Student. 225
- Engineers, The Students of the Institution of Civil—An Outsider, 253
- Engineers, The Students of the Institution of Civil—Spec Bona, 225
- Engineers, The Students of the Institution of Civil—A Sufferer, 198
- Engines, Ammonia—H. du Bois, 305
- Engines, Ammonia—William J. Silver, 487
- Engines, Ammonia Vapour—X., 331
- Engines, Compound, The Proportions of Cylinders fox—Wm. Ingham, 540
- Engines, Traction, in South Africa—W. Morshead,8
- English Railway Carriage of the Future, The— Reginald E. Middleton, 513
- English Railway Carriage of the Future, The progress, 488, 564
- Exhibition in Hungary, A Linen — F. Krapf,4 19
- Exhibition of Milling Machinery, The International—H., 435
- Explosion, The Batley Boiler—An OM Steam User, 642
- Explosion, The Batley Boiler—Joseph Twibill,6 13
- Explosion, The Paddock Boiler—An Engineer,2 25
- Explosion, The Paddock Boiler Sans Pitt&2 52
- Explosion, The Recent Boiler, at Huddersfield— John A. Hopkinson, 252
- Explosions, Boiler-11. Charles Longridge, 279
- Express Locomotive, American—M.I.M.E., 357
- Feed-Water Heater, Barton's--James Barton,3 7
- Feed-Water Heater, Barton's—J. C., 9
- Fire Engine Trials, The liarlskronl—Merryweather and Sons, 565
- Fire Engines, Steam, in the North of England— W. Page. 463
- Fired Cartridge Cases, Utilising—Richard Morris,2 81
- Fired Cartridge Cases, Utilising—W. Wedding,2 25
- Firing Heavy Ordnance by Electricity—George Fawcus, 541
- Foot Lathes, Treadle Motion for—L. F. Lyne,3 58
- French Navy, Steel in the—B. H. Thwaite, F.C.S.,4 31
- Fusing Disc, The Reese—Jacob Reese, 384
- Gamgee Zero Motor, The—H. L., 435
- Gas Engine, The Otto—Crossley Brothers, 385
- Gas Engines, Elecrr:c Ignition for - G. A.S., 420
- Gilding and Bronzing of Iron Surfaces, The—George It. Tweedie, F.C.S., 513
- Grain Cargoes, Hatchways for—George Fawcus, 613
- Guns, Bursting of Big—George Fawcus, 119
- Harbour, Wick—J. Watt Sandeman, 385
- Harvesting Machinery" — Ernest Samuelson, 153
- Hatchways for Grain Cargoes—George Fawcus, 613
- Heat and Power, Transmission of—Harry Olrick, 153, 276
- Heating Surface in Steam Boilers—Thomas H. Williams, 5
- Hobson's Bay, The Torpedo Accident at—Centurion, 434, 486
- Huddersfield, The Recent Boiler Explosion at—John A. Hopkinson, 252
- Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Steel—Fan, 262
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The—Institution, 8, 62
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The—A Member, 36
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The Students of the—An Outsider, 253
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The Students of the—Non-Resident Student, 225
- Institution of Civil Engineers, the Students of the —Spec Bona, 225
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The Students of the—A Sufferer, 198
- Integrating Machine, A New—C. V. Boys, 565
- Integrator, The Amsler-Laffon--P. S. Hay, 3G
- Inventions by Workmen—F. W. G., 62
- Iron Ships, The Plating of—Robert T. Napier, 173
- Iron and Steel, Corrosion of - Chas. Tookey, 56.5
- Iron and Steel, The Relative Corrosion of—David Phillips, 512, 612
- Iron and Steel, The Quality of—M. v. R., 513
- Iron Surfaces, The Gilding and Bronzing of —George. R. Tweedie, F.C.S., 513
- Karlskrona Fire Engine Trials, The —Merry weather and Sons, 565
- Light, The Electric— W. Lyon, 5
- Lighting, Electric, by Incandescence—M. Radcliffe \Yard, 358
- Lightning Conductors—J. T. B., R.E., 540, 591, 643
- Lightning Conductors— Conductor, 564
- Lightning Conductors—Samuel Vyle, 513, 540, 564, 613
- Linen Exhibition in Hungary, A—F. Krapf, 419
- Linford v. Otto—Charles I. Eyre, 357, 435
- "Livadia," The Steel Boilers of the —Rob. Rune-berg, 434
- Local Education of Naval Architects, The—Z., 419
- Locomotive, American, Express—M.I.M.E., 357
- Locomotives, Compound—A. Mallet, 539
- Locomotives, Compound—Rudolph Ziese, 512, 613
- Machine, A New Integrating—C. V. Boys, 565
- Machine for Producing Cold Air—" Beta," 252, 278, 304
- " Machinery, Harvestiog"—Ernest Samuelson, 153
- Machines for introducing Cold Air—J. J. Coleman, 278, 513
- Machines for Producing Cold Air—Billy Fair-play, 564
- Machines for Producing Cold Air—George. A. Goodwin, 513, 613
- Machines for Producing Cold Air—William Inglis, 252, 305
- Machines for Producing Cold Air—J. K. Kilbourn,3 04, 330, 356, 434, 487, 541, 565
- Machines for Producing Coal Air—A. Kirk, 172
- Machines for Producing Cold Air—T. B. Lightfoot. 278, 329, 919, 462, 541
- Machines for Producing Cold Air—Springs, 564
- Marks, Trade, in the United States—Haseltine, Lake, and Co., 357
- Measurement of " Cellular" Bottom Steamers— Joseph R. Oldham. 62
- Meters, Current—Claude W. Kinder, 173
- Meters. Current—H. S. Hele Shaw, 198
- Milling Machinery, The International Exhibition of—H., 435
- Mine Ventilators—C. N. C., 278
- Mine Ventilators—Natural Circulation, 152, 225,3 05, 385
- Mine Ventilators—Among the Coals, 278
- Mine Ventilators—One of the Eight, 119, 174, 278,3 31, 419
- Mine Ventilators —Furnace, 162
- Mine Ventilators—One of Three, 224
- Motor, The Zero—J. K. Kilbourn, 462
- Native Steel—A. K. Huntington, 613
- Naval Architects, The Local Education of—Z., 419
- " New Theory of the Steam Engine, A"—R, J.,3 05
- " New Theory of the steam Engine, A"—Denny Lane, 278
- New Zealand Railways—John Carruthers. 541
- Nijni-Novgorod Pumping Engine, The—George Mallison, 6
- Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Steel—Fan, 252
- Notes in South Africa —P. France, 327, 488
- Ordnance, Firing Heavy, by Electricity—George Fawcus, 541
- Otto Gas Engine, The—Crossley Brothers, 385
- Otto v. Linford—Charles 1. Eyre, 357, 435
- Packing. Steam—Indestructible Packing Company, 81
- Packing, Steam—Piston Rod, 62
- Paddock Boiler Explosion, The—An Engine:.%2 25
- Paddock Boiler Explosion, The—Sans Pitid, 252
- Patents—W. B., 198
- Patents—George Barker, 37
- Patents—Henry S. Copland, C.E., 9
- Patents—F. C. Coxhead, 8
- Patents—J. Angelo lea,hie, 8
- Patents—Reginald E. Middleton, 37
- Patents—W. H. Northcott, 91
- Patents —Arthur Paget, 37, 119
- Patents—A Patentee, 8
- Patents—Hans Renold, 119
- Patents—A Solicitor, 8
- Patents—H. J. T., 643
- Patents—Ralph Hart Tweddell,
- Perkins Engine, 1 he—J. H., 331
- Perkins System, Slow Progress of the—Novice,6 3
- Photophone, The—Molera and Cebrian, 3.58
- " Physical Phenomena, On Some"— W. J. Millar,1 52
- " Physical Phenomena, On Some"—Robert H. Smith, 91, 173
- Plating of Iron Ships, The—Robert T. Napier,1 73
- Pressures, Wind—G. J. Turner, 565
- Propulsion, Screw—Charles Hall, A.M.I.C.E. and M.I.N.A., 435
- Pumping Engines, The Nijni-Novgorod—George Mallison, 6
- Quality of Iron and Steel, The—M. v. R., 513
- Railway Brakes —Loco., 419
- Railway Carriage of the Future, The English—Reginald E. Middleton, 513
- Railway Carriage of the Future, The English—Progress, 488, 564
- Railway Rates—A, 434
- Railways, New Zealand—John Carruthers, 541
- Reese Fusing Disc, The—Jacob Reese, 381
- Refuse from Abattoirs, Utilising—Canada, 331
- Regulators for Electric Lights—Philip Walker,2 75
- Relation of Power to Speed in Steamships, The —F. B. Edmonds. 35
- Relation of Power to Speed in Steamships, The—Robert Mansel, 5
- Rivet Holes in Steel Plates—William Sisson, 358, 463, 643
- Rivet Holes in Steel Plates—Vulcan, 305, 419, 564
- Rivetted Joints, Strength of—Lavington E. Fletcher, 540
- Rivetter, Deering and Morrison's Portable—Fred. Deering, 419
- Scientific Lectures on the Electric Light—Advancement, 330
- Screw Propulsion—Charles Hall, AM.I.C.E. and M.I.N.A., 435
- Slow Progress of the Perkins System, The—Novice, 63
- Smoke Preventing Apparatus, Engert's—A. C. Engert, 36
- South Africa, Notes in—P. France, 327, 488
- South Esk River Viaduct, The—Suum Cuique, 62
- Speed of Steam Vessels, The—Shipbuilder, 5 Steam Boilers, Heating Surface in—Thomas H. Williams, 5
- " Steam Engine, A New Theory of the"—R. J., 305
- Steam Fire Engines in the North of England—W. Page, 463
- Steam Packing—Indestructible Packing Company, 91
- Steam Packing—Piston Rod, G2
- Steam Room in Boilers—A. C. Pain, 119, 153
- Steam Room in Boilers—William Sisson, 172
- Steam Yacht " Anthracite," The—Frederick Power, 62
- Steam Yachts—H., 305
- Steam Yachts—Howard Ryder, 36, 120
- Steam Yachts—A Puzzled Yachtsman, 5
- Steam Yachts—G. S. Young, 63
- Steamships, The Relation of Power to Speed In—F. B. Edmonds, 35
- Steamships, The Relation of Power to Speed in—Robert Mansel, 5
- Steel Boilers of the " Livadia," The—Rob. Runeberg, 434
- Steel in the French Navy— B. H. Thwaite, F.C.S., 434
- Steel, Native —A. K. Huntington. 613
- Steel Plates, Rivet Holes in—William Sisson, 358, 463, 643
- Steel Plates, Rivet Holes in—Vulcan, 305, 419, 564
- Stephenson Centenary, A—Inquirer, 119
- Straight-Link Suspension Bridges—B., 330, 384, 487
- Straight-Link Suspension Bridges,—T. Claxton Fidler, 357, 420
- Strength of Rivetted Joints — Lavington E. Fletcher, 540
- Swing Jib Dredger—Walter Robert Hinipple, 357
- Thames Bridges—Kingston, 463
- Theory of the Steam Engine, A New—Denny Lane, 278
- Tidal Power, Utilisation of—Arthur Oates, 564
- Torpedo Accident at Hobson's Bay, The—Centurion, 434, 486
- Torsion, Electrical—J. 1'. B., 434
- Towage on Canals, Wire Rope—M. Eyth, 330
- Traction Engines, Driving—Traction Engine, 172
- Traction Engines in South Africa—W. Morshead, 8
- Trade Marks in the United States—Haseltine, Lake, and Co., 357
- Transmission of Heat and Power—Harry Olrick, 153, 276
- Treadle Motion for Foot Lathes—L. F. Lyne, 358
- Utilisation of Tidal Power—Arthur Oates, 564
- Utilising Fired Cartridge Cases—Richard Morris, 281
- Utilising Fired Cartridge Cases—W. Wedding, 225
- Utilising Refuse from Abattoirs—Canada, 331
- Ventilators, Mine—Among the Coals, 278
- Ventilators, Mine—C. N. C., 278
- Ventilators, Mine—Furnace, 152
- Ventilators, Mine—Natural Circulation, 152, 225, 3 05, 385
- Ventilators, Mine—One of the Eight, 119, 174, 2 78, 331. 419
- Ventilators, Mine—One of Three, 224
- Vessels, Steam, The Speed of—Shipbuilder, 5
- Viaduct, The South Esk River—Suum Cuique 62
- Wiek Harbour—J. Watt Sandeman, 385
- Wind Pressures—G. J. Turner, 665
- Wire Rope Towage on Canals—M. E‘th, 330
- Working of Coal Mines, The— Harry Olrick,4 19
- Workmen, Inventions by—F. W. G., 62
- Yachts, Steam—H., 3045
- Yachts, Steam—Howard Ryder. 36, 120
- Yachts, Steam—A Puzzled Yachtsman, 5
- Yachts, Steam—G. S. Young, 63
- Zero Motor, The—J. K. Kilbourn, 462
- Zero Motor, The Gamgee—H. L., 435
See Also
Sources of Information