Engineering 1881 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index
Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1881 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1881 Jan-Jun Volume
- ABOLITION of Lighthouse Dues, Proposed, 229
- Accidents, American Railway, 206
- Act. Boiler Explosions. 181, The, 171
- Actinic Balance. The, 495
- Action of the Radiophone, The, 281
- Adams's Flushing Syphon, 514
- Address of the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 79
- African, South, Diamond Mines, 506
- Ahroecker's Compound Engine for Aeronautical Purposes. 458
- Air, Cold, Machines for Producing, 112, 194, 221
- Air Compressing. 116, 170, 249
- Air Compressor, Owen's, 481
- Air Compressors for the Arlberg Tunnel, 114
- Algiers, Railways in. 70
- Alloys of manganese, The, 543
- Altnanacka, Technical Pocket. 177
- Alta I calla Railway, Statistics of the, for 1878, 97
- Amalgamations, Railway, 573
- American Bessemer Product, 206
- American Express Locomotive. 333
- American Locomotive, The Fontaine, 274
- American Needle, The, 364
- American Railroad Construction, 98
- Analysis, London Water, 463
- Anderson's Patent Bill, 617
- Angus's Reversible Tool Holder, 39
- Antecedents of the Photophono, The, 1, 42, 204, 258, 401
- Anthracite Coal Breaker, 119
- Anthracite Coalfields of Pennsylvania, The ; Mineral Fuel in the United States, 29, 135, 217, 271, 348, 451, 5.58, 631
- "Anthracite," Yacht, Perkins' Compound Engines of the, 4
- Arbitration in the United States, Industrial, 3G1
- Arches, Th., Theory of. 557, 606, 631
- Architecture. Naval Progress in, 93
- Armour Plates, Trial of, 124
- Artificial Seasoning of Timber, 495
- Arts. The Society of, 44
- Assurance, Sanitary, 71
- " Assyrian Monarch," 8.s. Compound Engines and Boilers of the. 481, 539, 585, 641
- Atlantic Cables. New. 14, 9;
- Atmospheric Pressure at London. 493
- Aurora Borealis and Telegraph Cables, The, 285
- Automatic Vacuum Brakes, 617. 628
- Aylesbury's Doub:e Band Saw, 332
- Ayrton and Perry's Portable Dead-Beat Galvanometer, 640
- Balance, The Actinic, 495
- Balance, A Thermal, 45
- Band Saw, Aylesbury's Double, 832
- Barometers, Public, 571
- Batley and Paddock Boiler Explosions, The, 177, 197, 200, 204, 598
- Battle of Rickmansworth, The, 491
- Becke's Horizontal Condensing Engine, 7
- Belting, Paper, 494
- Ben Nevis, The Observatory on, 643
- Bergish-Markiache Railway, Composite Carriage for the, 4
- Bessemer Product. American, 206
- Bessemer Steel and Steel Rails in the United
- States, The Manufacture of, 477, 536
- Bessemer Steel in the United States, 206
- Bessemer Steelmaking in the United States, 417
- Bidwell's Telephotograph, 257
- Bilbao Harbour, Bruce and Batho's Dredger for, 506
- Bill Legislation. Private, 13, 520, 546, 569, 595, 647
- Bill, Mr. Anderson's Patent, 617
- Bills ih Committee, 546
- Bills Private, for Session 1881, 13
- Blackburn and Over-Darwen Tramway, The, 561
- Blast Furnaces, American, 259
- Blue Colour of the Sky, The. 339
- Blundells' " Waterwitch" Pump, 61
- Blythe's System for Preserving Railway Sleepers, 114
- Boats. Torpedo, 469
- Boiler, Cottew's Marine, 274
- Boiler and Engine Inspection, 646
- Boiler and Engine Insurance, 515
- Boiler Explosion at Barrow, The, 648
- Boiler Explosion at Loughborough. The, 226
- Boiler Explosion, The Maidstone, 98 418
- Boiler Explosion at the Wheal Eliza Mine, The, 125
- Boiler Explosions Act, 1881, The. 171
- Boiler Explosions. The Batley and Paddock, 177, 197. 200, 204. 598
- Boiler Explosions ; Circular from the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 146
- Boiler Explosions, D mlestic,
- Boiler Explosions, Legislation re, 496
- Boiler Explosions; Mr. Marten's Models. 572
- Boiler Explosions in 1880; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 2.54
- Boiler Inspection ; Report of Mr. J. Waugh, 177
- Boiler Insurance and Inspection ; Meeting of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company. 37
- Boiler, Piedbceuf's Combined Tubular and Lancashire. 352
- Boiler Trials, The Dusseldorf Exhibition, 529
- Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders, The, 514
- Boilers and Compound Oscillating Engines for the Steamships " Prinses Marie" and " Prinses Elisabeth " 65, 119, 170. 218
- Boilers with Fox's Corrugated Flues. 610
- Boilers of the "Livadia," The Steel, 376, 585
- Boilers, Steel, in France, 596
- Boilers, Water-Tube, at Dusseldorf, 642
- Boudet's Microphone, 176
- Boxes, Griffin's Tin, 470
- Boyle's System of Ventilation, 71
- Brake, The Westinghouse, 70
- Brakes, Automatic Vacuum, 617, 628
- brat, es, Continuous, Conference of Railway Engineers on, 461, 465
- Brakes, Continuous. on Freight Trains, 546
- Breaking of Tyres. 124
- Bridge, The Chaudiere; Canadian Railways, 374
- Bridge over the Douro at Oporto, The New, 150
- Bridge, Foot, over the Seine at Palmy, 148
- Bridge, The Forth. 206, 469
- Bridge or Tunnel ? 517
- Bridges, Girder, 242
- Bridges on the Napier and Manawatu Railway, 5.2.2
- Bridges, The New Thames, 439
- Bridges, Straight Link Suspension, 297, 373,
- British Association of Gas Managers, The, 621
- British Association Meeting, The, 620
- Brockie's Electric Lamp, 93
- Broken Crankshaft, Repairing a, with Wire Rope, 561
- Broken Stone, Testing, 286
- Bronze, Manganese, '229
- Bronzes, The Strongest of the, 339
- Brown s Engines for Steam Launches, 34
- Brush Electric Light, The, 71, 285
- Brush System of Electric Lighting, The, 55, 83, 123
- Brush System, The; Electric Light in the City, 337
- Bucknill's Instrument for Testing Electrical Resistances, 590
- Burners, Recent Gas, 466
- CaMe Towage on Canals, 287
- Cables for the East River Bridge, The, 98
- Cables, New, 206
- Cables, New Atlantic, 14,97
- Cables, Submarine Telegraph, Laying and Repairing, 250
- Cables, Telegraph, and the Aurora Borealis, 285
- Cad'at's Lubricator, 566
- California, The Treatment of Gold Quartz in, 246, 323, 403, 632, 605
- Caloric Pumping Engine, Ericsson's Duplex, 382
- Cambridge, Engineering at, 417
- Canada Central Railway; Canadian Railways, 136, 190, 244
- Canada, Public Works in, 440
- Canada Central, 136, 190, 244
- Chaudibre Bridge, 874
- Hamilton and North-Western, 581
- St. Lawrence and Ottawa, 58
- Canal de l'Est, The Grand, 176
- Canal, The Panama Ship, and Railway, 43, 207, 257, 326. 392. 517, 597
- Capital Expenditure on Railways. 469
- Carbolic Acid. The Diffusibility of, 206
- Carbon Reophotas, 442
- Carboniser and Destructor, Fryer's, 59
- Carnelley's Hot Ice, 620
- Carriage, Composite ; Bergish-Markische Railway, 4
- Carriage of Mails and Parcels, The, 547
- Carriages. Warming Railway, 96
- Cartridges, Fired, Morris's Apparatus for Utilising, 147
- Case, An Important Disclaimer, 187
- Cast Iron, The Physical Properties of, 478
- Cast-Iron Wheels, Webb's; London and North-Western Railway, 590
- Cell. A New Photo-Electric, 44
- Celluloid, 597
- Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of George Stephenson, The. 124. 259, 593
- Central Station for London, A New, 312
- Characteristics, Lighthouse, 206, 224
- Charges, Railway, 415
- Charts, Statistical, 286
- Chillies. Michel, 248
- Chaudi6re Bridge; Canadian Railways, 374
- Chicago Stock-Yards, 124
- China, The Telegraph in, 311
- Circular from the Manchester Steam Users' Association ; Boiler Explosions, 146
- City, The Electric Light in the, 335
- City and Guilds of London Institute, The, 98
- "City of Rome." Launch of the, 615
- Classification of Patents, 97
- Cleveland, Notes from, 9, 37, 72, 100, 120, 148, 171, 202, 232, 253, 282, 31:3, 334, 360, 894, 425, 450, 464, 489. 516, 549, 567, 592, 614, 651
- Clocks in Paris, Pneumatic, 521
- Clocks, Pneumatic, 635
- Clyde Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1880, 32. 65. 141
- Clyde Steamers. Two New. 649
- Coal Breaker, Anthracite, 119
- Coal, Deep Winning of, 61
- Coal Mines, Electric Lighting in, 621
- Coal. The Spontaneous Ignition of, 620
- Coast Warner, A Submarine, 495
- Coating of Metals, 393
- Cold Air, Machines for Producing, 112, 194, 221
- Cold Storage, 393
- College, The London University, Engineering Laboratory at the, 68, 177
- College of Science and Arts, The Glasgow, 521
- Colliery Explosions in 1880, 150
- Columns, Wrought-Iron, The Strength of, 339
- Combined Tubular and Lancashire Boiler, Piedbosurs, 352
- Committee, Bills in, 546
- Composite Carriage ; Bergisb-Markische Railway, 4
- Compound Condensing Engine, Ehrhardt and Sebmor's, 88
- Compound Engine for Aeronautical Purposes, Ahrbecker's, 468
- Compound Engine Trial at Oak Mill, Farnworth, 166
- Compound Engines and Boilers of the s.e. " Assyrian Monarch," 481, 539, 585, 641
- Compound Engines (Perkins' System) of the Yacht " Anthracite," 4
- Compound Locomotives, 95
- Compound Marine Engine, Young's, 280
- Compound Non-Condensing Engines, 311
- Compound Oscillating Engines and Boilers for the Steamships " Prinses Marie" and "Prinses Elisabeth," 65, 119, 170, 218
- Compressing Air, 116, 170, 249
- Compression, Heating Effects due to, 547
- Compressor, Owen's Air, 484
- Compressors, Air, for the Arlberg Tunnel, 114
- Condenser, A Speaking, 45
- Condensers, New Method of Comparing, 229
- Condensing Engine, Becke's Horizontal, 7
- Condensing Engine, Horizontal, with Automatic Expansion Gear, 401
- Conductivity and Stress, Electric, 572
- Conductor. Lightning, 495
- Conjugate Power Curves of Steam Vessels, 27
- Consolidation or Railway Stocks, 494
- Constant Water Supply in London, 417
- Construction of the Photophone, The, 96
- Constructive Materials, Testing, 339
- Continuous Brakes, Conference of Railway Engineers on 461, 465
- Continuous Brakes on Freight Trains, 546
- Contractors' Congress Au International, 521
- Convention, A Patent, 227
- Conversazione of the institution of Civil Engineers, The, 573
- Conversazione of Telegraph Engineers, The, 88S
- Cooke and Mylchreest's Screw Propeller, 172
- Copper Mine and Works, The bIaibera ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 189
- Copper and Tin Trades in the United Kingdom The. 15
- Corliss Engine, Trial of a, 347
- Corrosion of Iron and Mild Steel, The, 313
- Corrosion of Iron and Steel, The, 467
- Corrugated Flues, Boilers with Fox's, 610
- Cottew's Marine Boiler, 274
- Crankshaft, Repairing a Broken, with Wire Rope, 561
- Crankshafts, On the Strength of, 431
- "Cry of Tin. The." 49.5
- Crusher, Hall's Stone and Ore, 566
- Crystals, Electric Absorption of, 546
- Cunard Mail Ship " Servia," Launch of the, 224
- Current Railway Legislation, 595
- Curves of Steam Vessels, On tho Conjugate Power, 27
- Cylinders for Compound Locomotives, 444
- Daily Weather Reports, 125
- Dale's Pumping Engines at the Richmond Water Works, 65
- Dalzell Steel Works, Motherwell, N.B., 215
- Day, Summers and Co's Engines of the Yacht " Wanderer," 444
- Days, Dickens's Dictionary of, 44
- Dead-Beat Galvanometer, Portable, 640
- Deep-Sea Exploration, 178
- Deep Winning of Coal, 61
- Deering and Morrison's Portable Rivetter, 383
- Definition of " Work," The, 864
- Density of Fluid Metals, The, 178
- Departure in (Iasmaking, A New. 274
- Depth Gauge, Sir William Thomson's New, 3
- Destructor and Carboniser, Fryer's. 69
- Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel, The, 479
- Diamond Mines, South African, 506
- " Diary and Text-Book, The Gas Engineer's," 44
- Dickens's Dictionary of Days, 44
- Diffusibility of Carbolic Acid, The, 206
- Direction, Railway, 521
- Directory for 1880-81, Street's Indian and Colonist Mercantile, 71
- Disc, The Reese Fusing, 178, 260
- Disclaimer Case, An implrtant, 187
- Discovery, Palteological, 229
- Distillation and Electricity, 811
- Docks, Milford Haven, 81
- Docks, Sunderland, New Sea Lock for, 256,106, 359, 413, 452
- Docks, Sutton Bridge, 620, 649
- Dockyard Extension Works, The Portsmouth, 161, 179
- Dr. De la Rue's Electrical Researches, 122
- Dr. Joule's Papers. 176
- Dotne•tic Boiler Explosions, 98
- Dominion or Canada, The Future of the, 177
- Double Band Saw, Aylesbury's, 332
- Douro at Oporto, The New Bridge over the, 150
- Drawing Wire, 310
- Dredger for Bilbao Harbour, Bruce and Batho's, 506
- Dredger, Hopper, for Riga Harbour, 384
- Dredger, Rennie's Swing Jib, for British Guiana 306
- Dry Fogs, Mr. Aitken on, 151
- Duplex Caloric Pumping Engine, Ericsson's, 382
- Dusseldorf Exhibition Boiler Trials, The, 529
- Dusseldorf, Water-Tube Boilers at, 642
- Dust and toog, 15
- Dynamite Litigation, The, 465
- Dynamo-Electric Current, Telegraphing by the, 286
- Dynamo-Machine and Rolling Stock, The, 893
- Dynamometer, A Transmission, 579
- Early Clyde Steamers, 125
- Earthquake Action in Scotland and Ireland, 393
- Earthwork, The Lateral Pressure of, 355
- East River Bridge, The Cables for the, 98
- Ebonite, Radiation through. 392
- Ebonite, The Refractive Index of, 620
- Economical Advantages of Steel Shipbuilding, Tho. 467, 482
- Eddystone Lighthouse, The, 520
- Education, Local, of Naval Architects, The, 387
- Education, Technical, 469
- " Efficiency of a Tandem Engine, The," 228, 2S6
- Egypt, Irrigation in, 520
- Ehrhardt and Sehmer's Compound Condensing Engine, 88
- Eighty-Ton Sheer Legs 194
- Electric Absorption of Crystals, 546
- Electric Conductivity, Effects of Strain on, 259
- Electric Conductivity of Heated Gases, The, 547
- Electric Conductivity and Stress, 572
- Electric Exhibition, The Paris International, 15, 150, 206, 259, 647
- Electric Fire fell-Tale, An, 15, 218
- Electric Illumination by Incandescence, The Maxim System of, 618
- Electric Lamp, Brockie's, 93
- Electric Lamp, Krizik's, 514
- Electric Lamp, Mackenz ie's, 38
- Electric Lamp, A New, 70
- Electric Lamp, Swan's, 303
- Electric Light, The, 494
- Electric Light, The Brush, 71, 285
- Electric Light in the City, The, 335
- Electric Light, Edison's, 124
- Electric Light, Flashing Signals by the, 176
- Electric Light, Joel's, 597
- Electric Light, Maxim's, 569
- Electric Light in New York, The, 14
- Electric Light at the Post-Office, The, 494
- Electric Light in Warfare, The, 492
- Electric Lighting, 43, 97, 572
- Electric Lighting, The Brush System of, 5.5, 83, 123
- Electric Lighting in Coal Mines, 621
- Electric Lighting by Incandescence, 261
- Electric Power, 547
- Electric Probe, Trouve's, 260
- Electric Tides, 175
- Electrical Experiment, Hall's, 572
- Electrical Machine, Voss's Induction, 567
- Electrical Researches, Dr. De la Rue's, 122
- Electrical Resistances, Captain Bucknill*s Instrument for Testing, 590
- Electrical Thermometer, An, 311
- Electrical Torsion, 387
- Electricity and Distillation, 311
- Electricity, The Future of, 339.
- Electricity and Gas as Heating Agents, 187
- Electricity, Stored-up, 469, 518, 560, 638
- Electricity and Wool Spinning, 311
- Electro-Endoscope, The, 516
- Electrolysis, Thermal, 417
- Electromotive Force, Measuring, 177
- Emigration to the United States, 230
- Energy, Radiant, Upon the Production of Sound by, 416, 481, 514, 550
- Engert's Smoke Preventing Apparatus, 7
- Engine. Ahz•becker's Compound, for Aeronautical Purposes, 458
- Engine, Becke's Horizontal Condensing, 7
- Engine and Boiler Inspection, 646
- Engine and Boiler insurance, 545
- Engine, Corliss, Trial of a, 347'
- Engine, Ehrhardt and Sehmer's Compound Condensing, 88
- Engine, Ericsson's Duplex Caloric Pumping, 382
- Engine, Horizontal Condensing, with Automatic
- Expansion Gear, by the Socidte Anonyme de Marcinelle et Couillet, 404
- Engine, Hornsby and Sons' Six-Horse Traction, 34
- Engine, Man, and Pumping Machinery, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's, 281
- Engine, The Perkins, 12
- Engine, Portable Winding, 301
- Engine, Ryder's Hot-Air, 458
- Engine, The Straight Line, 300
- " Engine, Tandem, The Efficiency of a," 228. 2S6
- Engine Trial, Compound, at Oak Mill, Farnworth, 166
- Engine, Young's Compound Marine, 280
- Engineering at Cambridge, 417
- Engineering Laboratory at the University College, London, 68, 177
- Engineering, Marine, and Clyde Shipbuilding, 1880, 32, 65, 141
- Engineering, Telegraphic, in 1880, 11
- Engineers, The American Society of Civil, 43
- Address of the President, 79
- Conversazione, 573
- On Deep Winning of Coal in South Wales, by Thomas Forster Brown and George Frederick Adams, 61
- On the Portsmouth Dockyard Extension Works, by Charles Colson, 161
- On the Temporary Works and Plant at the Portsmouth Dockyard Extension, by O. II, Meyer, 179
- On the Weight and Limiting Dimensions of Girder Bridges, by 11. am Ende, 242
- On the Tide Gauge, Tidal Harmonic Analyser, and Tide Predicter, by Sir William Thomson, 274
- On the Comparative Endurance of Iron and Mild Steel when Exposed to Corrosive Influences, by D, Phillips, 313
- On the Actual Lateral Pressure of Earthwork, by B. Baker, 355
- On the Relative Value of Tidal and Upland Waters in Maintaining Rivers, Estuaries, and Harbours, by Walter R. Browne, 463
- On Torpedo Boats and Light Yachts for High-Speed Steam Navigation, by John Isaac Thornycroft, 485
- On the Production of Paraffin and Paraffin Oils, by R. Henry Brunton, 565
- Students of the Institution, The, 648
- On the Various Modes of Transmitting Power to a Distance, by Arthur Achard, 86, 112, 115, 143
- On Harvesting Machinery, by E. Samuelson, 112, 302, 326
- On Machines for Producing Cold Air, by J. B. Lightfoot, 112, 194, 221
- On the Farquhar Filtering Apparatus, by Henry Chapman, 113, 145
- On Stone-Dressing Machinery, by J. D. Brunton and F. Trier, 275
- On Rivetting, with Special Reference to Ship-work, by Baron Clauzel, 427
- On Results of Experiments on Rivettad Joints made for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, by Professor Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 427, 436, 458, 508, 588
- On Thrashing Machinery, by W. W. Beaumont, 429, 457, 509, 534
- Engineers, Naval, 335
- Engineers, Qualified, 286
- Engineers, Telegraph, The Conversazione of, 388
- Engines, Compound, and Boilers of the s.s Assyrian Monarch," 481, 539, 585, 641
- Engines, Compound Non-Condensing, 311
- Engines, Compound (Perkins' System) of the Yacht " Anthracite," 4
- Engines, Compound Oscillating, and Boilers for the Steamships " Prinses Marie" and " Prinses Elisabeth," 65, 119, 170, 218
- Engines, Compound, of the Yacht " Wanderer,"
- Messrs. Day, Summers, and Co.'s, 444
- Engines, Dale's Pumping, at the Richmond Water Works, 65
- Engines. High and Low Service Pumping, at the St. Louis Water Works, U.S.A., 143, 200
- Engines, Steam Fire, in the North of Europe, 425
- Engines for Steam Launch. Brown's, 34
- Ericsson's Duplex Caloric Pumping Engine, 882
- Estimates, Naval, for 1881, The, 173, 309
- Exhibition, The Dusseldorf, Boiler Trials at, 529
- Exhibition in Glasgow, Leather Trades, 628
- Exhibition, A Japinese, 364
- Exhibition of Milliug Machinery, The International, 338, 363, 390, 417, 430, 468, 494, 519, 571
- Exhibition c Woollen Manufactures, International, 596
- Experiment, Mr. Stroh's, 124
- Exploration, Deep Sea, 178
- Explosion, Boiler, at Barrow, The, 648
- Explosion, Boiler, at Loughborough, 226
- Explosion, Boiler, at Maidstone, VS, 418
- Explosion, Boiler, at the Wheal Eliza Mine, 125
- Explosions Act, 1881, The Boiler, 171
- Explosions, Boiler, The Batley and Paddock, 177, 197, 200, 204, 598
- Explosions, Boiler; Circular from the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 146
- Explosions, Boiler, Legislation re, 406
- Explosions, Boiler; Mr. Marten's Models, 572
- Explosions, Boiler, in 1880 ; Repo:t of Mr. E. B. Marten, 254
- Explosions, Colliery, in 1880, 150
- Explosions, Domestic Boiler, 98
- Express Locomotive, Amex jean, 333
- Eyes, Localising by the, 392
- Eyesight of Railway Men, The, 441
- Factory Inspection, 41
- Fall of Root at Leicester, 621
- Faraday Lecture, The, 392
- Farm ?limp, A German, 7
- Farquhar Filtering Apparatus, The, 113, 145
- Faure's Secondary Battery, 649
- Field Telegraphs, Military, 570
- Filbert-Street Extension of Pennsylvania Railroad, The, 555
- Filtering Apparatus, The Farquhar, 113, 145
- Fire-Engines, Steam, in the Norta of Europe, 425
- Fire Tell-Tale, An Electric, 15, 218
- Firedamp, 228
- Firedamp and the Microphone, 417
- Fired Cartridges, Morris's Apparatus for Utilising, 147
- Firedoor and Furnace Front, Henderson's, 412
- Fires, London ; Annual Report, 99
- Fishery Harbours, 645
- Flashing Signals by Electric Light, 176
- Flooding the Shotts, 621
- Flues, Fox's Corrugated, Boilers with, 610
- Fluid Metals, The Density of, 178
- Flushing Syphon, Adams's, 514
- Fog and Dust, 15
- Fogs, Dry, Mr. Aitken on, 151
- Fontaine Locomotive, The, 274
- Foot Bridge over the Seine at Pussy, 148
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 16, 54, 72, 87, 133, 215, 269, 296, 321, 346, 371, 400, 504, 580, 604, 629
- Foreign Technical Literature, 151, 178, 207, 231, 261, 287, 312, 365, 393, 413, 442, 495, 522, 548, 574, 598, 650
- Forth Bridge, The, 206, 469
- France, The Thomas-Gilchrist Steel Process in, 230
- Franco-Spanish Central Pyrenean Railway, The, 285
- Freight Charges on American Railways, 45
- French Arsenals, Mild Steel in, 407, 448
- French International Electrical Exhibition, The, 15, 150, 206, 259, 647
- French Navy, Steel in the, 415
- French Railways, 71
- French Treaty, The, and the Iron Trade, 638
- Fryer's Destructor and Carboniser, 59
- Furnace Front and Firedoor, Henderson's, 412
- Furnaces, American Blast, 259
- Fusing Disc, The Reese, 178, 260
- Future of the Dominion of Canada, The, 177
- Future of Electricity, The, 339
- Galvanometer, Ayrton and Perry's Portable Dead-Beat, 640
- Galvanometer Scale, An Improved, 442
- Gamgee Zero-Motor, The, 418
- Gas Burners, Recent, 466
- Gas, Compressed, for Lighting Buoys, 648
- Gas and Electricity as Heating Agents, 187
- Gas Engine Litigation, The, 31], 338
- Gas Engineer's Diary and Text-Book," The, 44
- Gas Managers, The British Association of, 621
- Gas Supply for Heating and Illuminating, 639
- Gases and Radiant Heat, 176
- Gasmaking, A New Departure in, 274
- Gauge Grinding Machine, Taylor and Challen's, 226
- Gauge, Sir William Thomson's New Depth, 3
- Gauges, Tide, 274
- Gear, Automatic Expansion, Horizontal Condensing Engine with, 404
- Gear, Smith's Signal Locking, 61
- Geology of Mount Etna, The, 124
- Geology of New Zealand, The, 573
- German Farm Pump, A, 7
- German Rahway Tariffs, 440
- German Trade with Russia, 649
- Girder Bridges, 242
- Glasgow, Leather Trades Exhibition in, 628
- Glasgow Naval Exhibition, Lectures at the, 45
- Glasgow, Telephone Progress in, 15, 418
- God and Platinum in Russia, 163
- Gold Quartz in California, The Treatment of, 246, 22:3, 403, 532, 605
- Goods Locomotive Details, Webb's ; London and North-Western Railway, 92
- Gower-Bell Telephone, The, 44
- Grain-Milling Trade, The, 230
- Grand Canal de l'Est, The, 176
- Gray's Harmonic Telegraph, 230
- Great Northern Working Expenses, The, 547
- Griffin's Tin Boxes, 470
- Gun, The. Hotchkiss Revolving, 124
- Half-Year, The Railway, 597
- Hall's Electrical Experiment, 572
- Hall's Stone and Ore Crusher. 566
- Hamilton and North-Western Railway; Canadian Railways, 581
- Harbour, Bilbao, Bruce and Batho's Dredger for, 506
- Harbour Improvements, Quebec, 248
- Harbour, Milford Haven, 81
- Harbour, New York, Removing Obstructions in, 151
- Harbour, Riga, Hopper Dredger for, 384
- Harbour Works, The Wick, 365
- Harbours, Fishery, 645
- Hardening of Steel, The, 646
- Harmonic Telegraph. Gray s, 230
- Harvest Year-Book, The, 124
- Harvesting Machinery, 112, 302, 326
- Hastie's Hydraulic Pumps with Variable Stroke, 366
- Hathorn, Davey and Co's Pumping Machinery and Man Engine, 281
- Hawks, Crawshay and Co's Compound Engines (Perkins' System) of the Yacht " Anthracite," 4
- Hawks, Crawshay, and Sons' Dredger (Batho and Bruce's System) for Bilbao Harbour, 506
- Head. Mr. John, 547
- Heat, The Mechanical Theory of, 24
- Heat, Radiant, and Gases, 176
- Heat Regulator for High Temperatures, A, 71
- Heat Regulator, A Photo-Electric 44
- Heated Gases, The Electric Conductivity of, 547
- Heating Agents, Gas and Electricity as, 187
- Heating Buildings, Steam Pipes for, 125
- Heating Effects due to Compression, 547
- Heating and Illuminating, Gas Supply for, 63)
- Henderson, Mr. William, 90
- Henderson's Firedoor and Furnace Front. 412
- H.M.S. " Polyphemus," Launch of, 622, 646
- Herreshoff Torpedo Boats, The, 260
- Herz Telephone, The, 285
- High and Low Service Pumping Engines at the St. Louis Water Works, U.S.A., 143, 200
- High-Speed Straight Line Engine, 300
- High Temperatures, The Strength of Iron at, 109
- Holes, Rivet, in Steel Plates, 283
- Hopper Dredger for Riga Harbour, 384
- Hornsby and Sons' Six-Horse Traction Engine, 34
- Hornsby and Sons' Turnwrest Kent Plough, GO
- Horizontal Condensing Engine with Automatic Expansion Gear, 404
- Horizontal Condensing Engine, Becke's, 7
- Hot-Air Engine, Ryder's, 458
- Hot Ice, Carnelley's, 620
- Hotchkiss Revolving Gun, The, 124
- Hudson River Tunnel, The, 588
- Hulls, Steel, and Steel-Faced Armour, 352
- Hydraulic Machinery for Steel Works .,478
- Hydraulic Pumps with Variable Stroke, Hastie's 366
- Hydrogen and Carbonic Oxide in Iron and Steel, 479
- Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Steel and Iron, 203
- Illuminating and Heating. Gas Supply for, 639
- Important Disclaimer Case, An, 187
- Improvements, Quebec Harbour, 248
- Incandescence, The Maxim System of Electric
- Illumination by, 618
- Induction Electrical Machine, Voss's, 567
- Industrial Arbitration in the United States, 361
- Industry in Prussia, The Society for the Promotion of, 260
- Inspection, Boiler ; Report of Mr. John Waugh 177
- Inspection, Engine and Boiler, 646
- Inspection, Factory, 41
- Institute of Hoboken, The Stevens, 597
- Institute of Scotland, The Mining, 515
- Instrument for Testing Electrical Resistances Captain Bucknill's, 590
- Insurance, Engine and Boiler, 545
- Insurance and Inspection, Boiler; Meeting of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, 37
- Integrating Machine, A New, 505
- International Contractors' Congress, An, 521
- International Exhibition of Milling Machinery, The, 338, 363, 390.417, 430, 468, 494, 519, 571
- International Exhibition, The Paris Electric, 15, 1.50, 206. 259, 647
- International Exhibition of Woollen Manufactures. 596
- Iron at High Temperatures, The Strength of, 109
- Iron and Mild Steel, The Corrosion of, 313
- Iron, Pig, Sliding Scale Prices, 95
- Iron Shipbuilders and Boilermakers, The, 544
- Iron Shipbuilding in Brisbane, 176
- Iron and Steel, 1 he Corrosion of, 467
- Iron and Steel, The Determination of Oxygen in, 479
- Iron and Steel, Hydrogen and Carbonic Oxide in, 479
- Iron and Steel, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in, 203
- Iron and Steel Imports, American, 312
- On the Relative Corrosion of Iron and Steel, by W. Parker, 467
- On the Economical Advantages of Steel Shipig, by W. Denny, 467, 482
- On the Manufacture of Steel and Steel Plates in Russ a, by Sergius Kern, 468
- On Iron and Steel Permanent Way, by R. Price Williams, 477
- On the Manufacture of Bessemer Steel and Steel Rails in the United states, by Captain W. It. Jones, 477, 536
- On the Physical Properties of Cast Iron, by Charles Markham, 478
- On Hydraulic Machinery for Steel Works, by Michael Scott, 478
- On the Preservation and Ornamentation of Iron Surfaces, by George Bower, 478
- On Hydrogen and Carbonic Oxide in Iron and Steel, by John Parry, 479
- On a New Method for the Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel, by Alexander E. Tucker, 479
- Iron and Steel Permanent Way, 477
- Iron and Steel Permanent Way, Webb's ; London and North-Western Railway, 5
- Iron in the Sun, 442
- Iron Surfaces, The Preservation and Ornamentation of, 478
- Iron Trade and the French Treaty, Tbe. 638
- Iron Trade, The Northern Manufactured, 46
- Iron Trade, 1880, The Scotch, 94
- Iron Works, The Phoenix, Rhenish Prussia, 139
- Iron Works, The Rhymney, 612
- Ironfounders' Society Report, The, 618
- Irrigation in Egypt, 520
- Isle of Wight, Sea View Suspension Pier at, 609
- Isthmian Ship Railway, The, 392
- Italian Railway Commission, The, 392
- Italy, Rail and Tramways in, 43
- Jamieson, Prof. Andrew, on the Photophone, 295
- Jamin, M. J., on Firedamp, 228
- Japanese Exhibition, A, 364
- Maibera Copper Mine and Works, 189
- Omodane Works, The, 82
- Jenkins Punch, The, 463
- Jib Dredger, Rennie's Swing, for British Guiana, 306
- Joel's Electric Light, 597
- Joints, Rivetted, 427, 436, 458, 508, 588
- Kapunda and North-West Bend Railway, Tank Locomotive for the, 615
- Kent Plough, Hornsby and Sons' Turnwrest,
- Krizik's Electric Lamp, 514
- Laboratory, Engineering, at the University College, London, 68, 177
- Lamb, Mr. Andrew, 393
- Lamp, Brockie's Electric, 93
- Lamp, Krizik's Electric. 514
- Lamp, Mackenzie's Electric, 38
- Lamp, A New Electric, 70
- Lamp, Swan's Electric, 306
- Lancashire and Tubular Boiler, Piedboeut's Combined, 352
- Large Extinct Reptiles in a Belgian Coal Mine
- Lateral Pressure of Earthwork, The, 355 Launch of the " City of Rom .," 615
- Launch of the Cunard Mail Ship " Servia," 224
- Launch Engines, Brown's Steam, 34
- Launch of H.M.8 " Polyphemus," 622, 646
- Laws, The Patent, 149
- Laying and Repairing Submarine Telegraph Cables, 250
- Leadville, Colorado, The Mineral Wealth of, 441
- Leather Traci, s Exhibition in Glasgow, G28
- Lecture, The Faraday, 392
- Lectures at the Glssgow Naval Exhibition, 45
- Lectures. The Royal institution, 15, 417
- Lectureship, Proposed, on Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 443
- " L'Electricien," 620
- Legislation re Boiler Explosions. 406
- L°gislation, Current Railway, 595
- Legislation, Private Bill, 13, 520, 516, 569, 595, 647
- Legs, Eighty-Ton Sheer, 194
- Leicester. Fall of Roof at, 621
- Library, The Ronalde, 15
- Library. A Technical, for London, 71
- Life in Meteorites. 177
- Life-Saving Apparatus, Rocket. 310
- Light, The Brush Electric, 71, 285
- Light, Edison's Electric, 124
- Light, The Electric, 494
- Light, The Electric, in the City, 335
- Light, The Electric, Flashing Signals by, 176
- Light, The Electric in New York, 14
- Light, The Electric, at the Post-Office, 494
- Light, The Electric in Warfare, 492
- Light, Joel's Electric. 597
- Light, Maxim's Electric, 569
- Light. The Velocity of, 573
- Light Yachts and Torpedo Boats, 485
- Lighthouse Characteristics, 206, 224
- Lighthouse Dues, Proposed Abolition of, 229
- Lighthouse, The Eddystone, 523
- Lighthouse, The Sandy Island, 44
- Lighting Buoys, Compressed Gas for, 648
- Lighting, Electric, 43. 97. 572
- Lighting, Electric, The Brush System of, 55, 83, 123, 285
- Lighting by Incandescence, Electric, 261
- Lightning Conductor, 495
- Lightning Photographs, 229
- " Lightning," The Torpedo Boat, 648
- L'Institut Nations'. 71
- List of Materials, Price, 26, 54, 80, 108. 134, 162,
- Mi. 216, 270, 296, 322, 346, 372. 426, 504, 580, 630
- Literature, Foreign Technical, 151. 178, 207. 231, 261, 287, 312, 365, 393, 413, 4 k2, 495, 522, 548,574, 5s8, 651)
- Litigation, The Dynamite, 465
- Litigation. The Gas Engine. 311, 338
- Lic adia,," The Steel Boilers of the, 376. 585
- Loral Education of Naval Architects, The, 387
- Local's;ng by the Eyes, 392
- Locking Gear. Smith's Signal. 61
- Locomotive, American Express. 333
- Locomotive Details, Webb's Goods; London and North-Western Railway, 92
- Locomotive, The Fontaine, 274
- Locomotive, Sharp, Stewart and Co's Ten-Wheeled Tank, 39
- Locomotive, Tank, for the Kapunda and North-West Bend Railway, 615
- Locomotive, Tank; North London Railway, 3S3
- Locomotives, Compound, 95
- Locomotives. Compound, Cylinders for, 444
- Loftus and Whitby Railway, The, 469
- London, Atmospheric Pressure at, 493
- London Fires ; Annual Report of, 99
- London Institute, The City and Guilds of, 98
- London and North-Western Railway, Webb's Cast-Iron Wheels for the, 590
- London and North-Western Railway, Webb's
- Iron and Steel Permanent Way for the, 5
- London and North-Western Railway, Webb's Standard Safety Valves for the, 454
- London, Tilbury, and Southend Railway, Ten-Wheeled Tank Locomotive for the, 39
- London Water Analysis. 363
- London Water Supply, The, 98, 417
- London Water Works and the Frost, The, 230
- Loughborough, The Boiler Explosion at, 226
- Lubricator, Cadiat's, 566
- McDougall's Mechanical Stoker, 280
- Machine, A New Integrating, 505
- Machine, Taylor and Challen's Gauge Grinding, 226
- Machine Tools in Shipyards, Improved, 470
- Machine, Voss's Induction Electrical, 567
- Machinery, Harvesting. 112, 302, 326
- Machinery, Hydraulic. for Steel Works, 478
- Machinery, Milling, The International Exhibition of, 338, 363, 390, 417, 430, 468, 494, 519, 571
- Machinery, Pumping, and Man Engine, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's, 281
- Machinery, Stone-Dressing, 275
- Machinery, Thrashirig, 429, 457, 509, 534
- Machines for Producing Cold Air, 112, 194, 221
- Mackenzie's Electric Lamp. 33
- Magnetic Thermoscope, A, 311
- Dlaibera Copper Mme and Works, The ; Japanese
- Metallurgical Processes, 189
- Maidstone Boiler Exp:osion The, 98, 418
- Mails and Parcels, The Carriage of, 547
- Mallet's Cylinders for Compound Locomotives, 444
- Manchester and Sheffield Railway, The, 621
- Manganese, The Alloys of, 543
- Manganese Bronze, 220
- Manufacture of Bessemer Steel and Steel Rails in the United States, 477, 536
- Manufacture of Steel Hates in RUHR* The, 463
- Manufactured Iron Trade, he Northern, 46
- Marine Boiler, Cottew's, 274
- Marine Engine, Young's Compound, 28)
- Marine Engineering and Clyde Shipbuilding, 1880. 32, 65, 141
- Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture,
- Proposed Lectureship on, 443
- Marten's Repot on Boiler Explosions in 1830, 254
- Materials, Price List of, 26, 54, 80, 108, 134, 162, 188, 210, 270, '296, 322, 346 372, 426, 580, 630
- Maxim System of Electric Illumination by Incandescence, The, 509,618
- Meacock and Ward's Self-Closing Tap, 514
- Measuring Electromotive Force, 177
- Mechanical Refrigeration, 243
- Mechanical Theory of Heat, The, 24
- Meeting of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, 37
- Meeting of the British Association, 620
- Mercadier's Thermophone, 572
- Merchant Ships, The Stability of, 353
- Metal Cables, Transmission by, 494
- Metals, Coating of, 393
- Meteorites. Lire in, 177
- Meteorological Society, The, 108
- Method of Comparing Condensers, New, 229
- Metropolitan Railway Land Operations, 495
- Microphone, Boudet's, 176
- Microphone and Firedamp, The, 417
- Microphonic Time, 206
- Midland Railway Extensions, 521
- Mild Steel in French Arsenals, 407, 148
- Milford Htven Docks, 81
- Military Field Telegraphs, 570
- Milling Machinery, The International Exhibition of, 333, 363, 393, 417, 430,468,494. 519, 571
- Anthracite Mining in Pennsylvania, 29, 135, 217, 271, 318 451. 558,631
- Mineral Wealth of Leadville, Colorado, The, 441
- Mines, South African Diamond, 506
- Mining Institute of Scotland, The, 515
- Molecular Music. 494
- Monte Penna Wire Ropeway, The, 165
- Morris's Apparatus for Utilising Fired Cartridges, 147
- Mount Etna. The Geology of, 124
- Mountain. The Puy de Dome, 97
- Music, Molecular, 494
- Napier and Manawatu Railway, Bridges on the, 522
- Napier_ an I Sons' Steel Steamer " Parisian," Trial of. 214
- On the " Almit ante Brown," Argentine Cased Corvette, and the Effect of Steel Hulls and Steel-Faced Armour on future War Ships, by J. D. A. Samuda, 352
- On the Stability of Certain Merchant Siii;,s, by W, II. White, 353
- On the Peculiarities of Behaviour of Steel Plates Supplied for the Boilers of the Imperial Russian Yacht " Livadiu,," by W. Parker, 376
- On Twenty Minutes on the Increased Use of Steel in Shipbuilding awl Marine Engineering, by John R. Itavenbill, 386, 406
- On the Use of Mild Steel for the Construction of the Hulls of Ships in the Arsenals of tho French Navy, by M. Marc Berrier Fontaine, 407. 4-18
- On Waves raised by Paddle Steamers, and their Positions Relatively to the Wheels, by James Hamilton, 410
- On Strength of Crankshafts, by J. T. Milton, 431
- On the Rolling of Ships, by W. H. White, 451, 501
- On Shipbuilding a Thousand Years Ago, by Colin Archer, 562
- On the Russian Imperial Yacht " Livadia," by Captain E. Goulaeff, 585
- Report of the Deputation of Council to the Opening of the Glasgow Naval and Marine Engineering Exhibition, 91
- Naval Architects, The Local Education of, 387
- Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Proposed Lectureship on, 443
- Naval Architecture, Progress in, 93
- Naval Engineers, 335
- Naval Exhibition, Glasgow, Lectures at the, 45
- Navigation, The River Weaver, 97
- Navy in 1881, The, 175, 309
- Navy, The French, Steel in, 415
- Needle, The American. 364
- New Zealand, The Geology of, 573
- New Zealand Railways, '1 he, 33, 141
- Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Steel and Iron, 203
- North-London Railway, Tank Locomotive for the, 383
- Northern Manufactured Iron Trade, The,
- Actinic Balance, The, 495
- American Blast Furnaces, 259
- American Society of Civil Engineers, The, 4:J
- Armour Plates, Trial of, 124
- Atlantic Cables, The New, 14, 97
- Bessemer Product, American, 206
- Bessemer Steel in the United States, 206
- Bessemer Steelmaking in the United States, 417
- Blue Colour of the Sky, The, 339
- Boiler Explosion at Barrow. The, 648
- Boiler Explosion at the Wheal Eliza Mine, The, 125
- Boiler Explosions ; Mr. Marten's Models, 572
- Boiler Explosions at Paddock and Batley, Th.:, 177, 598
- Boiler Inspection, 177
- Boudet's Microphone, 176
- Iir.Lke The Westinghouse, 70
- Brakes, Continuous, on Freight Ti ains, 546
- Bridge over the Douro at Oporto, The New, 150
- British Association, The. 620
- Bronzes. The Strongest of the, 339
- Brush Electric Light, The, 71, 285
- Cable Towage on Canals, 287
- Cables for the East River Bridge, The, 98
- Cables, New, 206
- Cables, New Atlantic, 14. 97
- Capital Expenditure on Railways, 469
- Carbolic Acid, The Diffusibility of, 206
- Carbon Reophotes, 442
- Carnelley's Hot Ice, 620
- Carri'ge of Mails and Parcels, The, 547
- Celluloid, 597
- City and Guilds of London Institute, The, 98
- Classification of Patents, 97
- Coast Warner, X Submarine, 495
- Coating of Metals, 393
- Cold Storage, 393
- Compound Non-Condensing Engines, 311
- Condensers, New Method of Comparing, 229
- Consolidation of R iilway Stocks, 494
- Constant Water Supply of London, 98, 417
- Contractors' Congress. An International, 521
- Conversazione of the Institution of Civil Engineers, The, 573
- " Cry of Tin, The," 495
- Deep-Sea Exploration, 178
- Density of Fluid Metals. The, 178
- Dickens's Dictionary of Days, 44
- Dr. Joule's Papers, 176
- Domestic Boiler Explosions. 98
- Dominion of Canada, The Future of the, 177
- Dry Fogs, Mr. Aitken on, 151
- Dust and Fog, 15
- Dynamci. Machine and Rolling Stock, The, 393
- Early Steam Navigation, A Relic of, 150
- Earthquake Action in Scotland and Ireland, 893
- Eddystone Lighthouse, The, 520
- Electric Absorption of Crystabi, 546
- Electric Conductivity, Effects of Strains on, 259
- Electric Conductivity of Heat d Gases, The, 547
- Electric Conductivity and Stress, 572
- Electric Fire Tell-Tale, An, 15
- Electric Lamp, A New, 70
- Electric Light, The, 494
- Electric Light, Edison's, 124
- Electric Light, Joel's, 597
- Electric Light in New York, The, 14
- Electric Light at the Post-Office, The, 494
- Electric Lighting, 43, 97 572
- Electric Lighting in Coal Mines, 621
- Electric Lighting by Incandescence, 261
- Electric Power, 547
- Electric Probe, Trouv(Fs, 260
- Electrical Exhibition, The French International. 15, 150, 206, 259, 647
- Electrical Thermometer, An. 31.1
- Electricity and Distillation, 311
- Electricity, he Future of, 339
- Electricity and Wool Spinning, 311
- Electro-Endoscope, The, 546
- Emigration to the United States, 230
- Engine, Efficiency of a Tandem, 286
- Engineering at Cambridge. 417
- Engineers, The Institution of Civil, 573
- Eyesight of Railway Men, The, 411
- Fall of Roof at Leicester, 621
- Faraday Lecture, The, 892
- Faure's Secondary Battery, 649
- Flashing Signals by Electric Light, 176
- Flooding the Shotts. 621
- Forth Bridge, The, 206, 469
- Franco-Spanish Central Pyrenean Railway, The, 285
- Freight Charges on American Railways, 45
- Fusing Disc, The Reese, 178, 260
- Galvanometer Scale, An Improved, 442
- Gamgee Zero-Motor, The, 418
- Gas Engine Litigation, The, 311
- " Gas Engineer's Diary and Text-Book," The, 44
- Gas Managers, British Association of, G21
- Geology of New Zealand, The 673
- German Trade with Russia, 649
- Glasgow College of Science and Arts, The, 521
- Grain-Milling Trade, The, 280
- Grand Canal do l'Est, The, 176
- Gray's Harmonic Telegraph, 230
- Great Northern Working Expenses, The, 547
- Hall's Electrical Experiment. 572
- Harvest Year-Book, The, 124
- Heat R.-gulator for High Temperatures, A, 71
- Heating Buildings, Steam Pipes for, 125
- Heating Effects due to Cornpressilin, 5
- Herreshoff Torpedo Boats, The, 260
- Hotchkiss Revolving 'Ulla, The, 124
- Indian and Colonial Mereanti:e Directory fur 1860-81, Street's, 71
- International Electric Exhibition, The, 15, 150, 206. 259, 647
- Iron Shipbuilding in Brisbane, 176
- Iron and Steel Imports, Amei jean, 312
- Iron in the Sun, 442
- Irrigation in Egypt, 520
- Isthmian Ship Railway, The, 392
- Italian Rahway Coluraissiou, The, 392
- Japanese Exhibition, A, 364
- Lamb, Mr. Andrew, 393
- Leadville, Colorado, 441
- Lectures at the Glasgow Naval Exhibition, 4.5
- Lectures, The Royal Institution, 15, 417
- " L'Electricien," 620
- Library for London, A Technical, 71
- Library, The Ronalds, 15
- Life in Meteorites, 177
- Lighthouse Characteristics, 206
- Lighthouse Dues. Proposed Abolition of, 229
- Lighting Buoys, Compressed Gas for, 648
- Lightning Conductor, 495,
- Lightning Photographs, 229
- L'Institut National, 71
- Localising by the Eyes, 392
- Loftus and Whitby Railway, The, 469
- London Fires, 99
- London University College. 177
- London Water Supply, 98, 417
- London Water Works and the Frost, 230
- Machine Tools in Shipyards, Improved, 470
- Maidstone Boiler Explosion, The, 98, 418
- Manchester and Sheffield Railway, The, 621
- Manganese Bronze, 229
- Meaburing Electromotive Force, 177
- Metropolitan Railway Land Operations, 495
- Microphone and Firedamp, The, 417
- Microphonic Time, 206
- Midland Railway Extensions, 521 -
- Molecular Music, 494
- Mount Etna, Geology of, 124
- Naval Architects, The Institution of, 264, 648
- Needle, The American, 364
- New York Harbour, Removing Obstructions in, 151
- Observatory on Ben Nevis, The, 618
- Obm and J.," Values of the, 441 Optogram, The, 546
- PalceIlogical Discovery. 229
- Panama Ship Cabal and Railway, The, 43, 207, 392, 547, 1,97
- Paper Belting, 494
- Passengers and Train Miles, 597
- Pease, Mr. Henry, 596
- Phosphorescence, 520
- Photo-Elentric Cell, A New, 44
- Photo-Electric Heat Regulator, A, 44
- Photophone an i Thermophone, The, 442
- Pickering and Seamer Railway, The, 59&
- Pneumatic Clocks in Paris, 521
- Police Telephones, 521
- Prague, The Stephenson Centennial at, 621
- Pressure on Thermometer Tubes, Effects of, 418
- Promotion of Industry In Prussia, The Society for the, 260
- Punching Steel Plates, 311
- Qualified Engineers, 286
- Radiation through Ebonite, 392
- Radiophony, 811
- Railroad Construction, American, 98
- Railway Accidents, American, 206
- Railway Amalgamations, 573
- Railway Direction, 521
- Railway Half-Year, The. 597
- Railway Material for India, Shipment of, 170
- Railway, A Transaustralian, ;J:12
- Railways in Algiers, 70
- Railways, French, 70
- Refractive Index of Ebonite, The, 620
- Reptiles, Largo Extinct, in a Belgian Coal Mine, 311
- River Weaver Navigation, The, 97
- Roundabout Telegraphing, 176
- Royal Institution, The, 15, 41.7
- Sandy Island Lighthouse, The, 94
- Sanitary Assurance, 71
- Seasoning of Timber, Artificial, 495
- Ship Railway and Canal, The Proposed Panama, 43, 207, 392, 547, 597
- Society of Arts, The, 44
- Speaking Condenser, A. 45
- Spennymoor Railway, The Projected„ 648
- Spontaneous Ignition of Coal, The, 620
- Station for London, A New Central, 312
- Statistical Charts, 286
- Statistics of the Alta Italia Railway for 1878, 97
- Steamers, Early Clyde, 12
- Steel Boilers in France, 596
- Steel, Effect of Temperature on, 364
- Steel Plates in Ruesia, 647
- Steel Process, The Thomas-Gilchrist, in France, 230
- Steel Shipbuilding in Russia, 125
- Stephenson Centenary, The, 124, 259, 621
- Stevens Institute or Hoboken, The, 597
- Stock-Yards, Chicago, 124
- Storing Electricity, 469
- Strength of Wrought Iron Columns, The, 339
- Struh's Experiment, 124
- Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers, The, 648
- Subterranean Telegraph Cables, 28J
- Sutton Bridge Docks, 620, 619
- " Tandem Engine The Efficiency of a," 286
- Technical Education, 469
- Technical Pocket Almanacks, 177
- Telegraph in China, The, 311.
- Telegraphic Progress, 151
- Telegraphing by the Dynamo-Electric Current, '286
- Teleohone, The, 229
- Telephone, The Gower-Bell, 44
- Telephone, The Flerz, 285
- Telephone Progress in Glasgow, 15, 418
- Telepho:iic Perturbations, 442
- Tenting Broken Stone, 286
- Testing (Instructive blaterials, 339
- Thermal Balance, A, 45
- Thermal Electrolysis, 417
- Thermograph, A New, 521
- Thermometer Tubes, Effects of Pressure on, 418
- Thermometers, Verification of, 97
- Thermophone; Mercadier's, 572
- Thermoscope, A Magnetic, 311
- Thomas-Gilchrist Steel Process in France, The, 230
- Tin and Copper Trades of the United Kingdom, The,'15
- Torpedo Boat " Lightning," The, 648
- Torpedo Boats; 469
- Transmission by Metal Cables, 494
- Tunnelling the Simplon and M9nt Blanc, 417
- Tyres, Breaking of, 124
- University College, London, 177
- Utilising Solar Heat in Paris, 45
- Values of the Ohm and "J.," The, 441 Velocity of Light, The, 573
- Ventilation, Boyle's System of, 71 Venus. The Forthcoming Transit of, 43 Vibration and Pain, 442
- Water-tight Resistance Coil, A, 621
- Weather. The, 1881. 151, 260, 364, 470, 598
- Weather Reports, Daily, 125
- Wick Harbour Works, 365
- Wind Velocity, 43
- " Work" The Definition of, 364
- Notes from Cleveland, 9, 37, 72, 100, 120, 148, 171, 2d2, 232, 253, 282, 313, 334, 36C, 394, 423, 450, 464, 489, 516, 549 567, 592. 614, 651
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 16, 54, 72, 87, 133, 215, 269, 296, 321, 346, 371, 400, 580, 604, 629
- Notes from the North, 9, 40. 66. 99, 120, 153, 174, 199, 232, '251, 282, 308, 334, 360, 385, 414, 438, 464, 490, 516, 548, 568, 592, 616, 651
- Notes, Parliamentary, 520
- Notes from the South-West, 9, 40, 63, 94, 120, 154, 180, 199, 232, 261, 282, 308, 331, 3.56, 381, 425, 443, 464, 490, 516, 549, 568, 591, 616, 650
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 16, 46, 66, 99, 117, 154, 174, 207, '232, 253. 282, 308, 331, 394, 426, 450, 470, 490, 515, 541, 567, 592, 622, 643
- Oak Mill, Furnworth, Compound Engine Trial at, 166
- OBITUARY: (Moved to separate index)
- Observatory on Ben Nevis, The, 648
- Obstructions in New York Barbour, Removing, 151
- Ohm and "J.," The Values of the, 441
- Oils, Paraffin, and Paraffin, 565
- Omodane Works, The; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 82
- Optogram, The, 546
- Ore and Stone Crusher, Hall's, 566
- Ottawa and St. Lawrence Railway, The ; Canadian Railway s, 58
- Otto Gas Engine Litigation. The. 311, 333
- Over-Darwen and Blackburn Tramway, The, 561
- Owen's Air Compressor, 484
- Owen and Dyson's Railway Wheels, 93
- Paddle Steamers, The Waves of, 410
- Paddock and Batley, The Boiler Explosions at, 177, 197, 200, 204, 598
- Pain and Vibration, 442
- Palteological Discovery, 229
- Panama Ship Canal and Railway, The, 43, 207, 257, 326, 392, 547, 597
- Paper Belting, 494
- Papers, Dr. Joule's, 176
- Paraffin and Paraffin Oils, 565
- Parts International Electrical Exhibition, The, 15, 150, 206, 259, 647
- Paris Inst tut National. 71
- " Parisian," Steel Steamer, Trial of the, 224
- Parliament, Private Bills in, 13, 520, 546, 569, 595, 647
- Parliamentary Notes, 520
- Passengers and Train Miles, 597
- Patent Bill, Mr. Anderson's, 617
- Patent Convention, A, 227
- Patent Laws, The, 149
- Patent Record, 16, 46, 72. 100. 126, 154, 180, 208, 233, 262, 268, 314, 340, 367, 395, 421, 445, 471, 497, 523, 551, 575, 599, 623 652
- Patents, Classification of, 97
- Pease, Mr, Henry, 596
- Pent. sylvania Railroad, The Filbert-Street Extension of the. 555
- Perkins Engine, The. 12
- Perkins' Engines of the Yacht " Anthracite," 4
- Permanent Way, Iron and Steel, 477
- Permanent Way, Webb's Iron and Steel; London and North-Western Railway, 5
- Perturbations. Telephonic, 942
- Phoenix Iron Works. Rhenish Prussia, The, 139
- Phosphorescence. 520
- Photo-Electric Cell, A New, 44
- Photo-Electric Heat Regulator, A, 44
- Photographs, Lightning, '229
- Photophone, Dr. Andrew Jamieson on the, 29:5
- Photophone, 1 he Antecedents of the, 1, 42, 204, 258, 401
- Photophone, The Construction of the, 96
- Photophone and Thermophone, The, 442
- Physical Phenomena, On some, 69
- Physical Properties of Cast Iron, The, 478
- Pickering and Seamer Railway, The, 596
- Piedboauf's Combined Tubular and Lancashire Boiler, 352
- Pier, Sea View Suspension, Isle of Wight, 609
- Pig Iron Sliding Scale Prices, 95
- Plates, Steel, Rivet Holes in, 283
- Plates, Steel, in Russia, 647
- Platinum and Gold in Russia, 163
- Plough, Hornsby and Sons' Turnwrest Kent, 60
- Pneumatic Clocks, 635
- Pneumatic Clocks in Paris, 521
- Pneumatic Sewerage System, The Shone, 612
- Police Telephones, 621
- " Polyphemus," H.M.S., Launch of. 622, 646
- Portable Rivetter, Deering and Morrison's, 383
- Portable Winding Engine, 301
- Portsmouth Dockyard Extension Works, 161, 179
- Power Curves of Steam Vessels, On the Conjugate, 27
- Power, Electric, 547
- Power of Rails, The Wearing, 220
- Power, Transmission of, to a Distance, 86, 112, 11.5, 143
- Prague, The Stephenson Centennial at, 621
- Preservation and Ornamentation of Iron Surfaces, The. 478
- Preserving Railway Sleepers, Blythe's System for, 114
- President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Address of the, 79
- Pressure, Atmospheric, at London, 49:3
- Pressure on Thermometer Tubes, Effects of, 418
- Preventing Smoke, Engert's Apparatus for, 7
- Price List of Materials. 26. 54. 80. 108, 131, 162, 188, 216, 270, 296, 322, 346, 372, 426, 556, 580, 630
- " Prinses Marie" and " Prinses Elisabeth," Steamships, Compound Oscillating Engines and Boilers for the, 65, 119, 170, 218
- Private Bill Legislation, 13, 520, 546, 569, 595, 647
- Private Bills for Session 1881, 13
- Production of Sound by Radiant Energy, Upon the, 416, 481, 514, 550
- Progress in Naval Archi ecture, 93
- Propeller, Screw, Cooke and Mylchreest's, 172
- Provincial Sanitation, 361
- Public Barometers, 571
- Public Works in Canada, 440
- Pump, Blundells' " Waterwitch," 61
- Pump. A German Farm. 7
- Pumping Engine, Ericsson's Duplex Caloric, 382
- Pumping Engines, High and Low Service, at the St. Louis Water Works, U.S.A., 143, '200
- Pumping Engines at the Richmond Water Works, Dale's, 65
- Pumping Machinery and Man Engine, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's. 2i1
- Pumps, Hastie's Hydraulic, with Variable Stroke, 366
- Punch. The Jenkins, 463
- Punching Steel Plates, 311
- Puy de Dome, The, 97
- Qualified Engineers, 286
- Quartz, Gold, in California, The Treatment of, 246, 323 403, 5:32, 605
- Quebec Harbour Improvements, 248
- Radiant Energy, Upon the Production of Sound by, 416, 481, 514, 550
- Radiant Heat and Gases, 176
- Radiation through Ebonite, 392
- Radiophone, The Action of the, 281
- Radiophony, 311
- Rail and Tramways in Italy, 43
- Railroad Construction. American, 98
- Railroad, Pennsylvania, The Filbert-Street Extension of the, 555
- Rails, The Wearing Power of, 220
- Railway Accidents, Americ Ln, 206
- Railway Amalgamations, 573
- Railway, The Bergish-Markische, Composite Carriage for, 4
- Railway Carriages, Warming, 96
- Railway Commission, The Italian, 392
- Railway Direction, 521
- Railway Engineers. Conference of, on Continuous Brakes, 461. 465
- Railway Extensions, Midland, 521
- Railway, The Franco-Spanish Central Pyrenean, 2S5
- Railway Half-Year, The, 597
- Railway, The Hamilton and North-Western; Canadian Railways, 581
- Railway Land Operations, Metropolitan, 495
- Railway Legislation, Current 595
- Railway, The Loftus and Whitby. 469
- Railway, The London and North-Western, Webb's Cast Iron Wheels for the. 590
- Rail way, The London and North-Western, Webb's Iron and Steel Permanent Way for the, 5
- Railway, The London and North-Western, Webb's Standard Safety Valves for the, 454
- Railway. The London, Tilbury, and Southend, Ten-Wheeled Tank Locomotive for, 39
- Railway, The Manchester and Sheffield. 621.
- Railway Material for India. The Shipment of, 470
- Railway Men, The Eyesight of, 441
- Railway, The Napier and Manawatu, Bridges on, 522
- Railway, The North London, Tatik Locomotive for. 38:3
- Railway, The Panama Ship and Canal, 43, 207, 257. 326. 392, 547. 597
- Railway, The Pickering and Seamer. 596
- Railway, Projected, The Spennymoor, 648
- Railway Rates. 415
- Railway. The St. Lawrence and Ottawa; Canadian Railways, 58
- Railway Sleepers, Blythe's System for Preserving, 114
- Railway Stocks, Consolidation of, 491
- Railway Tariffs, German, 440
- Railway, A Transaustralian, 392
- Railway Wheels, Owen and Dyson's, 93
- Railways in Algiers, 70
- Railways, American, Freight Charges on, 45
- Railways, Capital Expenditure on, 469
- Railways in 1880, 41
- Railways, French, 71
- Railways, The New Zealand, 33, 141
- Recent Gas Burners, 466
- Reese Fusing Disc, The, 178, 260
- Refractive Index of Ebonite, The, 620
- Refrigeration, Mechanical, 243
- Regulator for High Temperatures, A Heat, 71
- Regulator, A Photo-Electric, 44
- Relic of Early Steam Navigation, A, 150
- Removing Obstructions in New York Harbour, 151
- Rennie's Swing Jib Dredger for British Guiana, 306
- Reophotes, Carbon, 442
- Repairing a Broken Crankshaft with Wire Rope, 561
- Repairing and Laying Submarine Telegraph Cables, 250
- Report, Annual, on London Fires, 99
- Report of Deputation of the Institution of Naval Architects on the Glasgow Marine Exhibition, 91
- Report of Lieutenant Lyle on Life-Saving
- Rockets, 310
- Report of the Ironfounders' Society, 618
- Report of Mr. E. B. Marten on Boiler Explosions in 1880, 251
- Report of Mr. John Waugh on the Batley Boiler Explosion, 200
- Report of Mr. John Waugh on Boiler Inspection, 177
- Reports of the Weather, 1881, 151, 260, 364, 470, 598
- Reptiles, Large Extinct, in a Belgian Coal Mine, 311
- Researches, Dr. Da la Rue's Electrical, 122
- Resistance Coil, A Water-tight, 621
- Reversible Tool Holder, Angus's, 38
- Rhenish Prussia, The Phoenix Iron Works at, 139
- Rhymney Iron Works, 612
- Richmond Water Works, Dale's Pumping Engines at the, 65
- Rickmansworth, The Battle of, 491
- Riga Harbour, Hopper Dredger for, 381
- River Hudson Tunnel, The, 583
- River Seine at l'assy, Foot Bridge over the, 148
- River 'l Names New Bridges, The, 439
- River Weaver Navigation, The, 97
- Rivet Holes in Steel Plates, 283
- Rivetted Joints, 427. 436, 458, 508, 588
- Rivetter, Deering and Morrison's Portable, 383
- Rocket Life-Saving Apparatus, 310
- Rolling of Sailing Ships, On the, 4:54, 501
- Rolling Stock ant the Dynamo-Machine, 393
- Rolls, Three-High. 611
- Ronald$ Library, The, 15
- Rope Towage, Wire, 370
- Ropeway Wire, The Monte Penns, 165
- Roundabout Telegraphing, 176
- Royal Institution Lectures, The, 15, 417
- Russia, Gold and Platinum in, 163
- Russia, Steel Shipbuilding in. 125
- Russian Imperial Yacht Li vadia„" The, 376, 585
- Ryder's Hot-Air Engine, 458
- Safety Valves, Webb's Standard ; London and North-Western Railway, 454
- Sailing Ships, On the Rolling of, 454, 501
- St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway; The Canadian Railways, e58
- Sandy Island Lighthouse, The, 44
- Sanitary Assurance, 71
- Sanitary Summary, 1880, 121.
- Sanitation, Provincial, 361
- Saw, Aylesbury's Double-Band, 332
- Scale, An Improved Galvanometer, 442
- Science and Arts, The Glasgow College of, 521
- Science Summary for 1880, 67
- Scotch Iron Trade, 1880, The, 94
- Scotland and Ireland, Earthquake Action in, 393
- Scotland, The Mining Institute of, 515
- Screw Propeller, Cooke and Mylchreest's, 172
- Sea Lock fur Sunderland Docks, New, 256, 306, 359, 413, 452
- Sea View, Suspension Pier, Isle of Wight, 609
- Seasoning of Timber, Artificial, 495
- Secondary Battery, Faure's, 649
- Seine at Passy, Foot-Bridge over the, 148
- Self-Closing Tap, Meacoek and Ward's, 514
- " Servia," Cunard Mail Ship, Launch of the, 224
- Session 1831, Private Bills fur, 13
- Sharp, Stewart, and Company's Ten-Wheeled Tank Locomotive, 39
- Sheer Legs, Eighty-Ton, 194
- Ship Canal and Railway, The Panama, 43, 207, 257, 326, 392, 547 597
- Shipbuilders, Iron, and Boilermakers, The, 544
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1880, Clyde, 32, 65, 141
- Shipbuilding, Iron, in Brisbane, 176
- Shipbuilding a Thousand Years Ago, 562
- Shipbuilding. The Use (if Steel in, 380, 406
- Shipment of Railway Material fur India, The, 470
- Shipyar.7s, Improved Tools in, 470
- Shone Pneumatic Sewerage System, The, 612
- Shotts, Flooding the, 621
- Siemens System, The ; Electric Light iu the City, 336
- Signal Locking Gear, Smith's, 61
- Signals, Flashing, by Electric Light, 176
- Simplon and Mont Blanc, Tunnelling the, 417
- Sir William Thomson's New Depth Gauge, 3
- Six-Horse Traction Engine, Hornsby and Sons', 34
- Sky. The Blue Colour of the, 339
- Sleepers, Railway, Blythe's System for Preserving 114
- Sliding Scale Prices, Pig Iron, 95
- Smoke Preventing Apparatus, Engert's, 7
- Society of Arts, The, 44
- Society of Civil Engineers, The American, 43
- Society, The Ironfounders,' Report of, 618
- Society, The Meteorological, 108
- Society for the Promotion of industry in Prussia, The, 260
- Solar Heat in Paris, Utilising, 45
- Some Physical Phenomena, On, 69
- Sound by Radiant Energy, Upon the Production of, 416, 481, 514, 550
- South African Diamond Mines, 506
- South-West, Notes from the, 9, 40, 63, 94, 120, 154, 180, 199, 232, 261, 282, 308, 331, 356, 381, 425, 443, 464, 490, 516, 549, 568, 591, 616, 650
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 16, 46, 66, 99, 117, 154, 174, 207, 232, 253, 282, 308, 331, 391,426, 450 470, 490, 515, 541, 567, 592, 622, 643
- Speaking Condenser, A, 45
- Spennymoor Railway, The Projected, 648
- Spontaneous Ignition of Coal, The. 620
- Stability of Merchant Ships, The, 353
- Station for London, A New Central, 312
- Statistical Charts, 286
- Statistics of the Alta Italia. Railway for 1878, 97
- Steam Engine Lubricator, Cadiat's, 566
- Steam Fire Engines in the North of Europe, 425
- Steam Launch, Brown's Engines for, 34
- Steam Navigation, A Relic of Early, 150
- Steam Pipes for Heating Buildings, 125
- Steam Tramcar, Thomas's, 585
- Steam Vessels, On the Conjugate Power Curvas of, 27
- Steamer, " City of Rome," Launch of the, 615
- Steamers, Clyde, Two New, 649
- Steamers, Early Clyde, 125
- Steamship " As -yt ian Monarch," Compound Engines and Boilers of the, 481, 539, 585, 641
- Steamships " Prinses Marie" and " Prinses Elisabeth," Compound Oscillating Engines and Boilers for the, 65, 119, 170, 218
- Steel, Bessemer, in the United States, 206, 477 536
- Steel Boilers in France, 596
- Steel Boilers of the " Livadia," The, 376, 585
- Steel, Effect of Temperature on, 364
- Steel in the French Navy, 415
- Steel, The Hardening of, 646
- Steel Hulls and Steel-Faced Armour, 352
- Steel and Iron, The Conversion of, 467
- Steel and Iron, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in, 203
- Steel and Iron Imports, American, 312
- Steel and Iron Permanent Way, Webb's ; London and North-Western Railway, 5
- Steel, Mild, in French Arsenals, 407, 448
- Steel and Mild Iron, The Corrosion of, 313
- Steel Plates, The Manufacture of, is Russia,, 468
- Steel Plates, Punching, 311
- Steel Plates in Russia, 647
- Steel Plates, Rivet Holes in, 283
- Steel Shipbuilding, The Economical Advantages of, 467, 482
- Steel Shipbuilding in Russia, 125
- Steel Steamer " Parisian," Trial of the, 224
- Steel Works, The Dalzell, Motherwell, N.B., 215
- Steel Works, Hydraulic Machinery for, 478
- Steelmaking, Bessemer, in the United States, 417
- Stephenson Centenary, The, 124. 239, 593, 621
- Stevens Institute of Hoboken, The, 597
- Stock-Yards, Chicago. 124
- Stoker, McDougall's Mechanical, 280
- Stone-Dressing Machinery, 275
- Stone and Ore Crusher, Hall's, 566
- Storage, Cold, 393
- Stored-up Electricity, 469, 518, 560, 638
- Straight Line Engine, The, 300
- Straight-Link Suspension Bridges, 297, 373, 681
- Strain on Electric Conductivity, Effects of, 259
- Street's Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory for 1880-81, 71
- Strength of Crankshafts, On, 431
- Strength of Iron at High Temperatures, The, 109
- Strength of Wrought-Iron Columns, The, 339
- Stroh's Experiment, 124
- Strongest of the Bronzes, The, 339
- Students of the Institution of Civil Engineers The, 648
- Stuffing-Boxes, Yarrow and Co's, 280
- Submarine Coast Warner, A, 495
- Submarine Telegraph Cables, Laying and Repairing, 250
- Subterranean Telegraph Cables, 286
- Summary, Sanitary, 1880, 121
- Summary, Science, for 1880, 67
- Sunderland Docks, New Sea Lock for, 256, 306, 359, 413, 452
- Sun, Iron in the, 442
- Sutton Bridge Docks, 620, 649
- Swan's Electric Lamp, 306
- Swing Jib Dredger for British Guiana, Ronnie's, 3U6
- Syphon, Adams's Flushiog, 514 1.
- Tandem Engine, The Efficiency of a," 228, 286
- Tank Locomotive for the Kapunda and North-West Bend Railway, 615
- Tank Locomotive; North London Railway, 3S3
- Tap, Me4cock and Ward's Self-Closing, 514
- Tariffs, German Railway, 440
- Taylor and Challen's (huge Grinding Machine 226
- Technical Education, 469
- Technical Library for London, A, 71
- Technical Literature, Foreign, 151, 178, 207, 231, 261, 287, 312, 365, 393, 413, 442, 495, 522, 548, 574, 598, 650
- Technical Pocket Almanacks, 177
- Telegraph Cables and the Aurora Borealis, 285
- Telegraph Cables, Submarine, Laying and Repairing, 250
- Telegraph Cables, Subterranean, 286
- Telegraph in China, The, 311
- Telegraph Engineers, The Conversazione of, 388
- Telegraph, Gray's Harmonic, 230
- Telegraphic Engineering in 1880, 11
- Telegraphic Progress, 151
- Telegraphing by the Dynamo-Electric Current, 286
- Telegraphing, Roundabout, 176
- Telegraphs, Military Field, 570
- Telephone, The, '2'2&
- Telephone, The Gower-Bell, 44
- Telephone, The Herz, 285
- Telephone Progress iu Glasgow, 15, 418
- Telephones, Police, 521
- Telephonic Perturbations, 442
- Telephotograph, The, 257
- Tell-Tale, Fire, An Electrical, l5, 218
- Temperature, The Effect of. on Steel, 364
- Temperatures, High The Strength of Iron at, 109
- Ten-Wheeled Tank Locomotive, Sharp, Stewart, and Company's, 39
- Testing Broken Stone, 286
- Testing Constructive Materials, 339
- Testing Electrical Resistances, Captain Bucknill's Instrument for, 590
- Thames Bridges, The New, 439
- Theory of Arches. The, 557, 606, 634
- Theory of Heat, The Mechanical, 24
- Thermal Balance, A, 45
- Thermal Electrolysis, 417
- Thermograph, A New, 521
- Thermometer, An Electrical, 311
- Thermometer Tubes, Effects of Pressure on, 418
- Thermometers, Verification of, 97
- Therm ophone, Al ercadier's, 572
- Thermophone and Photophone, The, 442
- Thermoscope, A Magnetic, 311
- Thomas-Gilchrist Steel Process in France, The, 230
- Thomas's Steam Tramcar, 585
- Thomson, Sir William's, New Depth Gauge, 3
- Thrashing Machinery, 429, 457, 509, 534
- Three-High Rolls, 614
- Tidal and Upland Waters, 463
- Tide Gauges, 274
- Tides, Electric, 175
- Timber, Artificial Seasoning of, 495
- Time, Microphonic, '206
- Thne, The Pneumatic Distribution of, G35
- Tin Boxes, Griffin's, 470
- Tin and Copper Trades in the United Kingdom, The, 15
- "Tin, The Cry of," 495
- Tool Holder, Angus's Reversible, 38
- Torpedo Boat, " Lightning," The, 648
- Torpedo Botts, 46d
- Torpedo Boas, The Herreshoff, 260
- Torpedo Boats and Light Yachts, 485
- Torsion, Electrical, 387
- Towage on Canals, Cable, 287
- Towage, Wite Rope, 370
- Traction Engine, lIornsby and Sons' Six-Horse, 34
- Trade, The Grain-Milling, 230
- Trade with Russia, German, 649
- Traffic Receipts in 1850, Rdilway, 41
- Train Miles and Passengers, 597
- Tramcar, Thomas's steam, 585
- Tramway, The Blackburn and Over-Darwen, 561
- Tramways and Riilw Lys in Italy, 43
- Transit of Venus, The Forthcoming, 43
- Tra,nsaustraliau Railway, A, 392
- Transmission Dynamometer, A, 579
- Transmission by Metal Cables, 494
- Transmission of Power to a Distance, 86, 112, 115, 143
- Treatment of Gold Quartz in California, The, 246, 323, 403, 532, 605
- Treaty, The French, and the Iron Trade, 638
- Trial of Armour Plates, 124
- Trial of a Compound Engine at Oak Mill, Farnworth, 166
- Trial of a Corliss Engine, 347
- Trial of the Steel Steamer " Parisian," 224
- Trials of Boilers at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 529
- Trouves Electric Probe, 260
- Tubular and Lancashire Boiler, Piedboeurs Combined, 352
- Tunnel, The Arlberg, Air Compressors for, 114
- Tunnel or Bridge? 517
- Tunnel. The Hudson River, 588
- Tunnelling the Simplon and Mont Blanc, 417
- Turnwrest Kent Plough, Hornsby and Sons', GO Tyres, Breaking of, 124
- United States, Emigration to the, 230
- United States, Industrial Arbitration in the, 361
- University College, London, Engineering Laboratory at the, 68, 177
- Upland and Tidal Waters, 463
- Use of Steel in Shipbuilding, 1 he, 380, 406
- Utilising Fired Cartridges, Morris's Apparatus for, 147
- Utilising Solar Heat in Paris, 45
- Vacuum Brakes, Automatic, 617, 628
- Values of the Ohm and " J.," The, 441
- Valves, Webb's Standard Safety; London and North-Western Railway, 4b4
- Variable Stroke, Hastie's Hydraulic Pumps with, 366
- Velocity of Light, The, 573
- Velocity of Wind, The, 43
- Ventilation, Boyle's System of, 71
- Venus, The Forthcoming Transit of, 43
- Verification of Thermometers, 97
- Vibration and Pain, 442
- " Vietoria," Tug, Cottow's Marine Boiler fitted to the, 274
- Voss's Induction Electrical Machine, 567
- " Wanderer," Yacht, Engines of the, 444
- Warfare, The Electric Light in, 492
- Warming Railway Carriages, 96
- Water Analysis, London, 363
- Water Supply, The London, 98, 417
- Water-tight Resistance Coil, A, 621
- Water-Tube Boilers at Dusseldorf, 642
- Water Works, The London, and the Frost, 230
- Water Worlo, Richmond, Dale's Pumping Engines at the, 65
- Water Works, St, Louis, U.S.A.. High and Low
- Service Pumping Engines at the, 143, 200
- Waters, Tidal and Upland, 463
- " Waterwitch" Pump, Blundells', 61
- Waugh's Report on the Batley Boiler Explosion, 200
- Waves of Paddle Steamers, The, 410
- Wearing Power of Rails, The, 220
- Weather, 1881, The, 151,260, 364, 4-0, 598
- Weather Reports, Daily, 125
- Webb's Cast-Iron Wheels; London and North-Western Railway, 590
- Webb's Goo is Lo :omotive Details ; London and
- North-Western Railway, 92
- Webb's Iron and Steel Permanent Way ; London and North-Western Railway, 5
- Webb's Standard Safety Valves; London and North-Western Railway, 454
- Weems, Mr. John, 548
- Westinghouse, Brake, The, 70
- Wheal Eliza &line, The Voiler Explosion at, 125
- Wheels, Owen and Dyson's Rail% ay, 93
- Wick Harbour Works, 365
- Wind Velocity, 43
- Wintling Engine, Portable, 301
- Wire-Drawing, 310
- Wire Rope, Repairing a Broken Crankshaft with, 561
- Wire Rope Towage, 370
- Wire Ropeway, The Monte Penns, 165
- Wool Spinning and Electricity, 311
- Woollen Manufactures, International Exhibition of, 596
- Work," The Definition of. 364
- Working Expenses, The Great Northern, 547
- works in Canada, Public, 440
- Works, The Omodane ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 82
- Works, The Rhymney Iron, 612
- Yacht " Anthracite," Perkins' Compound Engines of the. 4
- Yacht " Livadia," The Russian Imperial, 585
- Yacht " Wanderer," Engines of the, 444
- Yarrow and Company's Stuffing-Boxes, 230
- Year-Book, The Harvest, 124
- Young's Compound Marine Engine, 2S0
- Zero-Motor, The Gamgee, 418
See Also
Sources of Information