Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,993 pages of information and 245,961 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Emlyn Engineering Works

From Graces Guide

Works at Newport, Mon., and Gloucester

Charles David Phillips took extensive premises at Newport, known as the Emlyn and Central Engineering Works, together with works at Gloucester, and subsequently added branches in London and Cardiff.

Newport Works carried out repairs of all kinds to locomotives, engines, boilers, etc., and manufactured hauling engines, saw-benches, mortar mills, foundry core ovens, etc.

By 1912, the Engineering Works and Foundry have been concentrated at Newport, closing the works at Gloucester and the branches in London and Cardiff.

1922 Alfred Danks Ltd., a Gloucester engineering firm, purchased the local Emlyn Works and closed the Kingsholm Foundry.

1929 Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co took over Danks

1930 Gloucester Foundry Ltd. was set up to run the Emlyn Works; Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co had a large interest in this firm.

Location of Newport Foundry: The foundry was located in the heart of Newport. For location, seen item 4 on Map 1 in Newport Engineering Works - Location Map

See Also


Sources of Information