Elmfield Hotel, St. David's Hill, Exeter
Elmfield Hotel, St. David's Hill, Exeter
1861 'BANFIELD'S ELM-FIELD INN, COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, opposite the Railway Station, St. David's, Exeter, is now opened, and the Proprietor trusts that his establishment will deserve the patronage of all classes. By moderate charges, he hopes to command a liberal share of support'[1]
1881 Resident is Edwin Banfield
1889 Listed. Edwin Banfield.[2]
1902 Resident is Sarah Sumner, the niece of Edwin Banfield
1910 Resident is James Middleton.[3]
1923 Resident is James Middleton
1935 Resident is James Middleton - Elmfield Commercial Hotel
1939 Albert Cross (born 1912), Licensed Hotel Manager.[4]
1939 Listed in directory. Albert Leonard Cross.[5]
1955 Listed. Mrs. K. E. Trim.[6]
1957 Became the Jolly Porter