Desmond Marriott Finny
Desmond Marriott Finny (1906-1941)
1941 Obituary [1]
Captain DESMOND MARRIOTT FINNY, M.C., R.A.S.C., was born in 1906 and educated at Dulwich College from 1919 to 1925, when he went to Sandhurst for a year. After attending courses in mechanical transport at the R.A.S.C. Training Centre, Aldershot, he served his apprenticeship with Messrs. J. I. Thornycroft and Company, Basingstoke.
In 1934 he was appointed workshop officer to one of the companies of the R.A.S.C. in York and later in Jerusalem, where he was responsible for the supervision and maintenance of vehicles in the Western Desert. He was an inspector of armaments (Tanks Department) during 1938-9, and supervised the production of tanks, until the outbreak of war. He proceeded to France in September 1939, where he was responsible for the supervision and maintenance of large numbers of vehicles.
He returned to England in January 1940, and from that time until his death he was engaged on staff duties. Captain Finny, whose untimely death as the result of an accident occurred in July 1940, was elected a Graduate of the Institution in 1933, and was transferred to Associate Membership in 1938.