Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 165,122 pages of information and 246,492 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Christian Frederick Budenberg

From Graces Guide

Christian Frederick Budenberg (1864-1941)

1886 of Schaffer and Budenberg

c.1889 Became manager of the Schaffer and Budenberg business

1902 Managing director of the company when it was incorporated

An enthusiastic motorist, by 1914 he had owned a number of automobiles, the first being a 1905 Renault

1918 purchased all the issued shares. The Company became the Budenberg Gauge Co. [1]

1942 Obituary [2]

CHRISTIAN FREDERICK BUDENBERG was a member of the Institution for over half a century, having been elected a Graduate in 1886 and transferred to Membership in 1894. During the whole of his long career he was connected with the manufacture of instruments, and was chairman of Budenberg Gauge Company, Ltd., at the time of his death, which occurred in his seventy-eighth year on 12th November 1941.

He was born in Manchester in 1864 and received his technical education at Owens College, whence he graduated in honours in engineering in 1883, in which year he was awarded the engineering essay prize. During his long vacations he gained experience in the engineering shops of Messrs. Schaffer and Budenberg, pressure gauge manufacturers, at Magdeburg, and also in those of Messrs. Robert Harlow, of Stockport. He then served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Gresham and Craven, of Salford, during 1883-4.

Subsequently he was articled to Mr. Lloyd Wise, M.I.Mech.E., patent agent. In 1886 at the early age of twenty-two he joined the staff of the journal Industries as sub-editor and at the age of twenty-three he became secretary of the engineering section of the British Association. In the following year he returned to Messrs. Schaffer and Budenberg at their works at Buckau, and in January 1889 the firm appointed him as their representative in England.

His connection with the firm thus lasted for nearly fifty years, first under the title of Messrs. Schaffer and Budenberg, for whom he occupied the post of manager and subsequently managing director; and later, on the formation of the successor firm (Budenberg Gauge Company, Ltd.) of which he became chairman and managing director. Mr. Budenberg was well known in the engineering world for his specialized knowledge in his own branch of engineering and for his influence on the design and methods of the manufacture of the numerous instruments made by his firm.

1941 Obituary [3]

See Also


Sources of Information