Charles Wheeler
Charles Wheeler ( -1934)
1934/35 Obituary [1]
Charles Wheeler was originally a Member of The Cycle Engineers' Institute when it was established in Birmingham, and on the formation of the present Institution in London in 1906 he became a Member of Council, in which capacity he served until 1923, when he was elected a Vice- President, only resigning that office in 1929 owing to ill-health.
As Engineer to the Stores Dept. of the General Post Office he was responsible for the establishment of mechanical transport in the Post Office and during the War he organised the American Spare Parts Depot of the M.T., R.A.S.C., in London, with the rank of Major. He also accomplished a vast amount of work for the Industry, particularly in connexion with standardization, acting as Chairman of the Nomenclature Committee of the British Engineering Standards Association.
He died on 25th September, 1934.