Charles Johnston
Charles Johnston (1877-1907)
1907 Obituary [1]
. . . he was articled to A. M. Fowler, civil engineer, who was at the time engaged on the Stockport sewage disposal scheme. . . spent some time with Mr. Peter Pierce, and then accepted the post of assistant engineer in the construction of the Tiverton Waterworks. When this work was finished he obtained a post with the Leicester Town Council, afterwards being appointed engineering assistant to the Westminster City Council, . . . [more]
1907 Obituary [2]
CHARLES JOHNSTON, youngest son of Mr. J. W. Johnston, solicitor, of Stockport and Teddington, was born on the 23rd October, 1877.
Educated at Reigate Grammar School, he served a pupilage to the late Mr. A. M. Fowler, by whom he was employed on the Stockport sewerage scheme and other works.
Subsequently he was engaged under the Tiverton and Leicester Corporations, chiefly on sanitary work, and as an engineering assistant to J. W. Bradley, City Engineer of Westminster.
In 1902 he obtained an appointment in the Indian Public Works Department, and proceeding to India in November of that year, he was posted to the Begari canals an assistant engineer. His performance of the duties allotted to him was satisfactory in every respect, and on two occasions he was specially conlmended by the Indian Government for his promptitude and resource in dealing with flood-breaches in dams under his charge. The promise thus given of a successful professional career was destined, however, to remain unfulfilled.
Whilst on a duck-shooting expedition in the neighbourhood of Jacobabad, he met an untimely death by drowning in the Sind Dhoro, on the 8th February, 1907. He was in his thirtieth year.
Mr. Johnston was elected an Associate Member of The Institution on the 13th January, 1903.