Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,975 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Charles Jarrott and Letts

From Graces Guide
January 1903.
January 1903.
February 1903.
February 1903. De Dietrich carriages.
February 1903. De Dietrich carriages.
October 1903.
December 1903.
May 1904.
February 1905.
February 1905.
February 1905.
February 1905.
September 1905.
September 1905.
September 1905.
September 1905.
September 1905.
March 1906.
May 1906.
July 1906.
November 1906.
November 1906.
November 1906.
December 1906.
December 1906.
February 1907.
March 1907.
April 1907.
April 1907.
April 1907.
April 1907.
September 1908. Sizaire.
November 1909.
May 1913.
January 1920.
January 1920.
January 1920.
June 1923. Bugatti.

of 45 Great Marlborough Street, Regent Street, London, W

For Crossley, Sizaire, De Dietrich, Dodge Brothers and Oldsmobile cars.

1902 Company established by Charles Jarrott and William Malmsbury Letts.

1903 Incorporated as a limited company in June.

1904 The name 'Letts' is added to the business

1906 Agents for De Dietrich and Crossley

1909 Charles Jarrott retired.

1913-1917 For a list of the models and prices for Bugatti, De Dietrich and Dodge Brothers see the 1917 Red Book

1913-1917 For a list of the models and prices see the 1917 Red Book

1914 Motor car manufacturers. Representatives and agents for the Crossley, de Dietrich and Sizaire cars. [1]. Directors W. M. Letts and Sir Kenneth Crossley

1915 Selling the "Clark" engine

See Also


Sources of Information