Pages in category "Financial"
The following 806 pages are in this category, out of 806 total.
- Abbey National
- Abbey Road Building Society
- Accident Insurance Co
- Adam and Co (of Edinburgh)
- African Banking Corporation
- Agriculturist Cattle Insurance Co
- Aircraft Association
- Albert Insurance and Guarantee Co
- Albion Life Insurance Co
- Samuel Alexander
- Alexanders and Co
- Alliance Assurance Co
- Alliance and Leicester Building Society
- Alliance Bank
- Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Co
- Alliance Building Society
- Alliance Life and Fire Assurance Co
- Alliance Marine Assurance Co
- Alvus Investments and Trading
- American Express
- American Freehold Land Mortgage Co
- Amicable Society
- Anglo French Finance Co
- Anglo-Austrian Bank
- Anglo-Californian Bank
- Anglo-Egyptian Bank
- Anglo-Egyptian Banking Co
- Anglo-South American Bank
- Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment Co
- Arbuthnot, Latham and Co
- Ark Assurance Society of Scotland
- Arlington Motor Finance
- Army, Navy and General Assurance Association
- Assurance Trust Corporation
- Astley
- Astley Industrial Trust
- Asylum Life Office
- Atlas Assurance Co
- Atlas Investment Co
- Australasian Colonial and General Life Assurance and Annuity Co
- Australian Bank of Commerce
- Australian Joint Stock Bank
- Australian Mutual Provident Society
- Autocar Fire and Accident Insurance Co
- Automobile Contract Co
- Aviva
- J. Backhouse and Co
- Jonathan Backhouse and Co
- Baco Motor Products
- A. W. Bain and Sons
- Bank of Africa
- Bank of America
- Bank of Athens
- Bank of Australasia
- Bank of British Columbia
- Bank of British North America
- Bank of British West Africa
- Bank of Deposit
- Bank of Egypt
- Bank of England
- Bank of Liverpool
- Bank of Liverpool and Martins
- Bank of London and South America
- Bank of Montreal
- Bank of New South Wales
- Bank of New Zealand
- Bank of Scotland
- Bank of South Australia
- Bank of Tarapaca and London
- Bank of Victoria
- Bankers Trust Co
- Barclay, Bevan and Bening
- Barclay, Tritton and Bevan
- Barclays Bank
- Baring Brothers and Co
- John and Charles Baring and Co
- John and Francis Baring and Co
- Barnetts, Hoares and Co
- Barnetts, Hoares, Hanbury and Lloyd
- Edward Le Bas Group
- William Bauer and Co
- Beddall, Bradford and Co
- Bedford Co-operative Society
- Bedford Crown Building Society
- Bedford Permanent Building Society
- Bedfordshire Building Society
- Belfast Banking Co
- Robert Benson, Lonsdale and Co
- W. and J. Biggerstaffe
- Birkbeck Bank
- Birmingham and District Investment Motor Omnibus Trust
- Birmingham and Midland Bank
- Birmingham Banking Co
- Birmingham Joint Stock Bank
- Birmingham Midshires
- Bohmische Union Bank, Prague
- Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Co
- Messrs. Bolitho
- W. H. Botsford and Co
- Bowmaker
- Bowmaker (Commercial)
- Bradford District Bank
- Brickmasters' Employers' Liability Association
- Bristol Building and Investment Society
- Britannia Life Assurance Co
- Britannic Assurance Co
- British and Colonial Trust and Assurance Co
- British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co
- British Bank of South America
- British Commercial Insurance Co
- British Credit Trust
- British Crown Assurance Corporation
- British Dominions General Insurance Co
- British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Co
- British Empire Mutual Life Office
- British Engine
- British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co
- British Equitable Central Trust
- British General Insurance Co
- British Law Fire Insurance Co
- British Linen Bank
- British Linen Company Bank
- British Loan and Discount Co
- British Loan and Discount Institute
- British Mutual Bank
- British Nation Life Assurance Association
- British Oak Insurance Co
- British Permanent Benefit Building Society
- British Protector Life Assurance Co
- British Steam Users' Insurance Society
- British Wagon Co
- British, Continental and American Travellers' and General Agency
- Briton Life Association
- Brown Brothers and Co (of New York)
- N. Brown Investments
- Bullough Securities
- Robert Burcham
- George Burrows and Co
- Caledonian Insurance Co
- Cambrian Insurance Co
- Campbell and Lincoln Finance
- Campbell Discount Co
- Canada Life Assurance Co
- Capital and Counties Bank
- Car and General Insurance Corporation
- Car Owners Mutual Assurance Society
- Carriage Insurance Co
- Casualty Insurance Co
- Central and Sheerwood
- Central Bank of London
- Century Insurance Co
- CGA Insurance Brokers
- Chalmers, Guthrie and Co
- Robert Chambers and Co
- Charing-Cross Bank
- Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China
- Chartered Mercantile Bank
- Chartered Trust
- Charterhouse Group
- Cheltenham and Gloucestershire Benefit and Loan Society
- Cheque Bank
- Child and Co
- Christy, Lloyd and Co
- Church of England Life and Fire Assurance Institution
- City Bank
- City of Glasgow Life Assurance Co
- City of London Building Society
- City of London Fire Assurance Co
- City of London Life Assurance Society
- Clergy Mutual Assurance Society
- Clerical, Medical and General Life Assurance Society
- Cleveleys Investment Trust
- Close Brothers
- Clydesdale Bank
- Clydesdale Banking Co
- Co-operative Insurance Society
- Co-operative Permanent Building Society
- Cocks, Biddulph and Co
- Colonial Bank
- Colonial Bank of New Zealand
- Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Co
- Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd of Australia
- Commercial and Financial Agency
- Commercial and General Life Assurance, Annuity and Family Endowment and Loan Association
- Commercial Bank
- Commercial Bank of Scotland
- Commercial Banking Company of Sydney
- Commercial Life Assurance Co of Scotland
- Commercial Mutual Motor Insurance Co
- Commercial Union Assurance Co
- Commissioners of Excise
- Company Developments
- Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris
- Confederation Life Association
- Conservative Land Society
- Consolidated Bank
- Cornhill Insurance
- Corporation of the London Assurance
- County Bank
- County Fire Office
- County Fire Office and Provident Life Office
- County of Gloucester Loan Society
- Coutts and Co
- Cox and Co (of London)
- Crawshay, Bailey and Co
- Credit Lyonnais
- Crompton, Evans and Co
- Croucher Reoch and Partners
- Crown House
- Crown Life Assurance Co
- Crusader Motor Policies
- Cunliffe, Brooks and Co
- Cunliffes, Brooks and Co
- Davies Investments
- Davis, Abrahams and Co
- Charles R. Davis and Co
- Dawson Brothers (Shipping)
- Defence (Insurance)
- Defender Fire and Life Insurance Co
- Delhi and London Bank
- Deutsch-Asiatische Bank
- Deutsche Bank
- Devon House Finance Co
- Dingley and Co
- District Bank
- District Fire Office
- Doughty Hanson and Co
- Dreadnought Policies
- Dresdner Bank
- Eagle Insurance Co
- Eagle Life Assurance Co
- Eagle Star and British Dominions Insurance Co
- Eagle Star Insurance Co
- East of England Monetary Association
- Ecclesiastical Insurance Office
- Economic Life Assurance Society
- Edinburgh Assurance Co
- Edinburgh Life Assurance Co
- Edinburgh Life Office
- Edward de Stein and Co
- Electric and General Industrial Trusts
- Electric and General Investment Co
- Electric Light Insurance and Maintenance Co
- Electrical and General Investment Co
- Electrical and Industrial Securities
- Emperor Life and Fire Assurance Society
- Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation
- Engine, Boiler and Employers' Liability Insurance Co
- English and Foreign Life Assurance Co
- English and Irish Church and University Life Assurance Society
- English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association
- English Bank of Rio de Janerio
- English Bank of the River Plate
- English Insurance Co
- English, Scottish and Australian Bank
- English, Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank
- Equitable Assurance Society
- Equitable Bank
- Equitable Life Assurance Society
- Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
- Equitable Loan Company of Scotland
- Equitable Reversionary Interest Society
- Equity and Law Life Assurance Society
- Equity Credit Co
- Essex and Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society
- European Assurance Society
- European Co
- Excess Insurance Co
- Experience Life Assurance Co
- Export Credit Guarantee Department
- Family Endowment Society
- Farmers and Graziers' Mutual Cattle Assurance Association
- Farmers Land Purchase Co
- Farrow's Bank
- Federal Consolidated Investments
- Finance Corporation for Industry
- Fine Art and General Insurance Co
- James Fisher and Sons
- Robert Fleming and Co
- Ford Motor Credit Co
- Forward Trust
- Forward Trust (Finance)
- Forward Trust Group
- Fox, Fowler and Co
- Freame Bank
- Frederick Burt and Co
- Freemasons' and General Life Assurance
- Friends Provident Institution
- Frizzell Financial Services
- Frizzell Life and Financial Planning
- G. A. C. International
- Garland and Flexman
- Gateway Building Society
- General Accident and Guarantee Company
- General Accident Assurance Corporation
- General Accident Insurance Co
- General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corporation
- General Financial Bank
- General Guarantee Corporation
- General Life and Fire Assurance Co
- General Reversionary and Investment Co
- Globe Insurance
- Glyn, Mills and Co
- Glynn, Mills, Currie and Co
- Goslings and Sharpe
- Grace Brothers
- Grace Brothers and Co
- Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance Co
- Great International Plate Glass Insurance and Cleaning Co
- Gresham Life Assurance Society
- Gresham Life Office
- John Grey (Insurance)
- Grindlay, Groom and Co
- Grovewood Securities
- Guarantee Society
- Guardian Assurance Co
- Guardian Assurance Group
- Guardian Bank, Dublin
- Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co
- Guardian Plate Glass Insurance Co
- Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance
- Guernsey Banking Co
- Halifax Building Society
- Halifax Equitable Building Society
- Hambro Life
- Hambros
- Hambros Bank
- Hanbury, Lloyds and Co
- Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Assurance Society
- Hannan, Samuel and Co
- Hardcastle, Cross and Co
- Harold Townend
- Hastings and Thanet Building Society
- Helbert, Wagg and Co
- Heywood Brothers and Co
- Benjamin Heywood and Co
- Hicks, Muse, Tate and Furst
- Hill Samuel
- Martin Hirschberg
- Hoare Govett
- Hodge Finance
- Holmwood and Holmwood
- Holt and Co (of London)
- Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
- John Horn and Son
- Horse and Carriage Insurance Co
- John Houlden
- William Hurst
- Imperial Bank
- Imperial Bank of Persia
- Imperial Fire Insurance Co
- Imperial Insurance Co
- Imperial Life Insurance Co
- Frank Impey and Co
- Incorporated Law Society
- Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation
- Insurance Engineers
- International Bank of London
- International Life Assurance Society
- International Machinery Corporation
- Investors in Industry
- Invincible Policies
- Irish Catholic Church Property Insurance Co
- Irish National Insurance Co
- Irish United Assurance Co
- Isle of Man Bank
- Lambton and Co
- Lamson Investments
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank
- Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance
- Lancashire Insurance Co
- Laurentide Financial Trust
- Law Accident and Contingency Insurance Society
- Law Accident Insurance Co
- Law Accident Insurance Society
- Law Guarantee and Trust Society
- Law Life Assurance Society
- Law Reversionary Interest Society
- Law Union and Rock Insurance Co
- Lazard Brothers and Co
- William Le Lacheur and Son
- Leeds and Holbeck Building Society
- Leeds and Yorkshire Fire and Life Assurance Co
- Leeds Permanent Building Society
- Legal and Commercial Life Assurance Co
- Legal and General
- Legal and General Assurance Society
- Legal and General Life Assurance Co
- Leicester Building Society
- Leicestershire Banking Co
- Leyland and Bullins
- Licenses and General Insurance Co
- Life Association of Scotland
- Life Society
- Lincolnshire General Finance Co
- Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co
- Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Co
- Liverpool Marine and General Insurance Co
- Lloyds and Scottish Finance
- Lloyds Bank
- Local Government Guarantee Society
- Lombank
- Lombard Banking
- Lombard Marcroft
- Lombard North Central
- London Assurance
- London and Brazilian Bank
- London and County Banking Co
- London and Eastern Banking Corporation
- London and Lancashire Insurance Co
- London and Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Co
- London and Lancashire Life and General Assurance Association
- London and Lancashire Life Assurance Co
- London and Liverpool and General Mercantile Agency Office
- London and Manchester Assurance Co
- London and Middlesex Bank
- London and Midland Insurance Co
- London and Northern Securities
- London and Provincial Bank
- London and Provincial Law Assurance Society
- London and River Plate Bank
- London and San Francisco Bank
- London and Scottish Assurance Co
- London and South Western Bank
- London and Westminster Bank
- London and Yorkshire Bank
- London Assurance Corporation
- London Bank of Australia
- London Bank of Mexico and South America
- London Chartered Bank of Australia
- London City and Midland Bank
- London County and Westminster Bank
- London Guarantee and Accident Co
- London Joint City and Midland Bank
- London Joint Stock Bank
- London Life Association
- London Merchant Securities
- London Metal Exchange
- London Mutual Boiler Insurance Co
- London Plate-Glass Insurance Co
- London Property Investment Trust
- London Reversionary Interest Society
- London, Edinburgh and Dublin Life Assurance Co
- London, Paris and American Bank
- Lowe, Vere, Williams and Jennings
- M. and G. Group
- William T. Mahy
- Manchester and County Bank
- Manchester and Salford Bank
- Manchester Boiler Assurance Co
- Manchester Fire Assurance Co
- Manchester Steam Users Association
- Ludovic Mann and Co
- Manufacturers Life Insurance Co
- Manufacturers Life Insurance Company of Canada
- Marine and General Mutual Life
- Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society
- Marine Insurance Co
- Martins Bank
- Masonic and General Life Assurance Co
- Matheson and Co
- McClelland, Ker and Co
- McLaren Dick and Co
- Medical Sickness Annuity and Life Assurance Society
- Medical, Invalid and General Life Assurance Co
- Mercantile and General Reinsurance Co
- Mercantile Credit Co
- Mercantile Guarantee and Assurance Co
- Mercantile Life Assurance Association
- Merchant Banking Company of London
- Merchant's and Tradesman's Mutual Life Assurance Society
- Merchants Marine Insurance Co
- Metropolitan Bank (of England and Wales)
- Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co
- Metropolitan Life Assurance Society
- Middlesex Fire Office
- Midland Bank
- Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Co
- Midland Counties Insurance Co
- Midland Counties Motor Finance Co
- Milford, Snow and Co
- Minerva Life Assurance Co
- A. Mitchelson and Co
- Montagu and Samuel
- J. S. Morgan and Co
- J. Mortlock and Co
- Motor Cycle Insurance
- Motor Insurance Co
- Motor Trader Finance
- Motor Union Insurance Co
- Motor-Car Insurance Co
- Municipal Mutual Insurance
- Mutual Automobile Insurance Association
- Mutual Boiler Insurance Co
- Mutual Finance
- Mutual Fire and Accident Co
- Mutual Fire Assurance Corporation
- Mutual Life Association of Australasia
- Mutual Life Assurance Society
- Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
- Mutual Loan Fund Association
- Mutual Permanent Mortgage and Investment Society
- Mutual Protection Association
- National Alliance Insurance Co
- National and Vulcan Engineering Insurance Group
- National Assurance Company of Ireland
- National Bank
- National Bank of Australasia
- National Bank of Commerce, New York
- National Bank of Egypt
- National Bank of India
- National Bank of New Zealand
- National Bank of Scotland
- National Bank of the S. A. Republic
- National Benefit Assurance Co
- National Boiler and General Insurance Co
- National Boiler Insurance Co
- National Building Society
- National Commercial Bank of Scotland
- National Cycle and Motor-Car Insurance Co
- National Discount Co
- National Employers Mutual General Insurance Association
- National Fire and Life Insurance Company of Scotland
- National Fire Insurance Corporation
- National Guarantee and Suretyship Association
- National Insurance and Guarantee Corp
- National Life Assurance Society
- National Loan Fund Life Assurance Society
- National Mutual Life Association of Australasia
- National Mutual Life Assurance Society
- National Provident Institution
- National Provincial and Union Bank of England
- National Provincial Bank
- National Provincial Bank of England
- National Provincial Life Office
- National Provincial Permanent Benefit Building Society
- National Relief Fund
- National Reversionary Investment Co
- National Savings Committee
- National Savings' Bank Association
- National Westminster Bank
- NatWest
- Navigators and General Insurance Co
- New London and Brazilian Bank
- New York Life Insurance Co
- Norman Frizzell and Partners
- North and South Insurance Corporation
- North and South Wales Bank
- North British and Mercantile Insurance Co
- North British Insurance Co
- North British Life Insurance Co
- North Central Finance
- North Central Wagon and Finance Co
- North of England Fire and Life Insurance
- North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association
- North of Scotland Fire and Life Assurance Co
- North West Securities
- Northampton Building Society
- Northamptonshire Union Bank
- Northern Assurance Co
- Norwich and Norfolk Bank
- Norwich and Norfolk Temperance and General Permanent Benefit Building Society
- Norwich and Peterborough Building Society
- Norwich Building Society
- Norwich Equitable Fire Assurance Society
- Norwich Union
- Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society
- Norwich Union Fire Office
- Norwich Union Life Insurance Society
- Norwich Union Mutual Life Office
- Norwich Union Societies
- Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Banking Co
- Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Fire and Life Assurance
- NWS Bank
- Pacific Insurance Company of Sydney
- Palatine Insurance Co
- Palladium Life Assurance Society
- Parr's Bank
- Leslie Parsons and Co
- Pearl Assurance Co
- J. and J. W. Pease
- Pelican and British Empire Life Office
- Pelican Life Insurance Co
- Pelican Life Office
- Perry's Original Bankrupt and Insolvent Registry Office
- Petroleum Storage and Finance Corporation
- Phoenix Assurance Co
- Phoenix Fire Office
- Pinnock Finance Co
- Plasmec
- Poppleton, Appleby and Turner
- Portman Chapel Temperance Building Society
- Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co
- Premier Motor Policies
- Prescott, Dimsdale, Cave, Tugwell and Co
- Principality Building Society
- Professional Life Assurance Co
- Profits and Income Insurance Co
- Promoter Life Assurance and Annuity Co
- Property Protection Society
- Protector Endowment, Loan and Annuity Co
- Protector Life Association
- Protestant Dissenters' and General Fire and Life Assurance Co
- Provident Accident and Guarantee Co
- Provident Accident and White Cross Insurance Co
- Provident Clerk's Mutual Life Assurance Association
- Provident Clerks' and General Guarantee and Accident Co
- Provident Life Office
- Provident Mutual Life Assurance Association
- Provident Permanent Building Society
- Provincial Bank of Ireland
- Provincial Insurance Co
- Prudential Assurance Co
- Prutec
- Railway Assurance Co
- Railway Benevolent Institution
- Railway Passengers Assurance Co
- Ralli International
- Ransom, Bouverie and Co
- Red Cross Motor Car Policy
- Red-Cross Indemnity Association
- Refuge Assurance Co
- Reliance Mutual Life Assurance Society
- Reliance Permanent Building Society
- Reversionary Interest Society
- Richards and Co (of Langollen)
- J. H. and T. Richardson
- RL Autoguard Extended Warranties
- Road Transport and General Insurance Co
- Robinson South African Banking Co
- Robson Rhodes
- Rock Life Assurance Co
- Rodocanachi, Sons and Co
- N. M. Rothschild and Sons
- Royal Insurance Co
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Royal Exchange Assurance
- Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation
- Royal Farmers and General Fire, Life and Hail Insurance Co
- Royal Farmers and General Insurance Co
- Royal Farmers Insurance Co
- Royal Life Assurance Society
- Royal London Mutual Insurance Society
- Royal Unity Annuity Office
- Clement Royds and Co
- A. Ruffer and Sons
- Samuel Montagu and Co
- M. Samuel and Co
- William Sanders and Sons
- Savage, Sussens and Co
- Save and Prosper Group
- J. Henry Schroder Wagg and Co
- J. Henry Schroder and Co
- Schroders
- Scientific and Electronic Industries Trust
- Scott Paper (U.K.)
- Scottish Accident Insurance Co
- Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society
- Scottish Automobile and General
- Scottish Commercial Insurance Co
- Scottish Employers Liability and General Insurance Co
- Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society
- Scottish Imperial Insurance Co
- Scottish Imperial Life Assurance Co
- Scottish Insurance Corporation
- Scottish Life Assurance and Guarantee Association
- Scottish Life Assurance Co
- Scottish Midland Guarantee Trust
- Scottish Plate Glass Insurance Co
- Scottish Provident Institution
- Scottish Provincial Assurance Co
- Scottish Union and National Insurance Co
- Scottish Union Fire and Life Insurance Co
- Scottish Widows
- Scottish Widows Fund
- Selection Trust
- Sheffield Banking Co
- Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield Fire and Life Insurance Co
- Shield Factors
- Shilson, Coode and Co
- Slater, Walker Securities
- Solsgirth Investment Trust
- Solvency Mutual Guarantee Co
- South Australian Co
- Sovereign Life Assurance Co
- Spey Investments
- R. M. Stallard and Co
- Standard Bank of British South Africa
- Standard Bank of South Africa
- Standard Life Assurance Co
- Standard of England Life Assurance
- Star Assurance Society
- State Assurance Co
- State Fire Insurance Co
- State Fire, Plate-Glass and Accidental Insurance Co
- Steam Boiler Assurance Co
- Sterling Guarantee Trust
- Sterling Industrial Securities
- Sterling Motor Finance
- Stern Brothers
- Straits Insurance Co
- Stuartson (Insurance)
- Stuckey's Banking Co
- Sun Alliance Insurance Group
- Sun Fire Office
- Sun Insurance
- Sun Insurance Office (Fire)
- Sun Life Assurance Society
- U. S. Savings Bonds
- UDT International Finance
- Ulster Bank
- Union Assurance Society
- Union Bank of Australia
- Union Bank of London
- Union Bank of Scotland
- Union Building and Investment Society
- Union Insurance Society of Canton
- Union Loan and Discount Co
- Union of London and Smiths Bank
- Union Transport Finance
- United British Insurance Co
- United Commercial Bank
- United Dominions Trust
- United Motor and General Insurance Co
- United Motor Finance Corporation
- United Service and General Life Assurance and Guarantee Association
- Universal Life Assurance Society
- Wagon Finance
- Walker Moate and Co
- Warrington Loan Office
- Waterloo, Life, Education, Casualty and Self-Reliance Assurance Co
- George Watson and Gill
- Thomas Watson
- Wesleyan and General Assurance Society
- Wessex Finance Corporation
- West Middlesex Assurance Co
- West of England Fire and Life Insurance Co
- West of Scotland Guarantee Association
- West Yorkshire Bank
- Westbourne Park Building Society
- Western Accident Co
- Western Credit
- Western Provident Association
- Westminster and General Life Office
- Westminster Bank
- Westminster Fire Office
- A. W. Weyman and Partners
- White and Shaxson
- White Cross Insurance Association
- White Cross Insurance Co
- Whittington Life Assurance Co
- Williams and Glyn's Bank
- Williams Deacon and Manchester and Salford Bank
- Williams Deacon's Bank
- Williams, Deacon and Co
- Wood Mackenzie
- Woolwich Equitable Building Society
- Woolwich Property Services
- Worcester City and County Bank