Category:Deaths 1950-1959
Pages in category "Deaths 1950-1959"
The following 2,737 pages are in this category, out of 2,737 total.
- Vernon Charles Abbott
- Charles Reginald Abbott
- Thomas Bertrand Abell
- Charles Antony Ablett
- Alfred Seabold Eli Ackermann
- Frederick Albert Stepney Acres
- John Lockhead Adam
- William Fairweather Adam
- Charles Henry Adams
- Henry Charles Adams
- Sydney Adams (1868-1950)
- Reginald Barton Adamson
- John Duncan Adie
- Edwin George Adlam
- Rai Bahadur P. R. Agarwal
- William Alexander Agnew
- Edwin Airey
- Alexander Aitken
- John Arthur Aiton
- Wallace Alan Akers
- Edgar Alcock
- James Robert Alexander
- Joseph George Alexander
- Walter Alexander (1879-1959)
- William Alexander (1874-1954)
- James Fogge Allan
- W. L. Allardyce
- Harry Allcock
- Frank William Allen
- Clarence Edgar Allen
- Herbert Stanley Allen
- John Tamlyn Allen
- Richard William Allen
- Thomas Allen (1877-1954)
- George Edward Allin
- Gilbert Fox Allom
- G. W. Allott
- James Rayney Leach Allott
- Thomas Fielding Altham
- Richard Amberton
- Maurice Edward Anderson
- Robert Eric Anderson
- Alexander Anderson (1872-1955)
- Alan Garrett Anderson
- Athol Lancelot Anderson
- David Anderson
- Frederick Carleton Anderson
- John Anderson (1882-1958)
- John Henry Anderson
- Leonard Andrews
- William George Andrews
- William Forrest Angus
- Arthur Stanley Angwin
- Horace Marler Anning
- Harold Falkner Anns
- Frederick William Anstice
- Alessandro Anzani
- Frank Albert Applebee
- William Marton Appleton
- Ernest Albert Archer
- J. C. Arkless
- Harry Ramsden Armitage
- A. E. Armstrong
- C. T. S. Arnett
- Erland Arter
- Reginald M. Ascott
- Victor Stapleton Ashby
- James Ashton
- Sidney Antrobus Ashton
- Robert Chadwick Ashworth
- Arthur Atherton
- William Henry Atherton
- J. T. Atkinson
- John Dekeyne Atkinson
- Robert Atkinson (1883-1952)
- Reginald Charles Atkinson
- Thomas Atock
- Frederick William Attock
- William Henry Austen
- John Austin
- Harry Austin
- John Frederick Avila
- Frederic Alfred Aykroyd
- Amos Ayre
- Frank Ayton
- Harry Richard Backhouse
- Reginald Bacon
- L. A. Baddeley
- D. S. Baddeley
- William Badger (1869-1952)
- Ralph Kirkby Bagnall-Wild
- James Henry Bailey
- Richard William Bailey
- G. H. Baillee
- Granville Hugh Baillie
- John William Baillie
- Frederick William Bain
- Labruchere Hillyer Bainbridge-Bell
- Frank Lambert Baines
- John Baird (1896-1959)
- W. Arthur Baird
- Walter Gordon Baird
- William Frederick Burgoyne Baird
- George Baker (1879-1954)
- Robert Baker
- Arthur Chantrey Baker
- John H. Baker
- Arthur Balfour
- W. H. Ballantyne
- Henry Bernard Bamford
- Cyril Joseph Bamford
- D. H. Bangham
- Charles Olden Bannister
- Percy Everett Banting
- Richard Fuller Barber
- Walter Leonard Barber
- George Bargate
- Eric Gordon Barker
- Frank Edgar Barker
- Harold Barker
- Harold William Barker
- John Henry Barker
- Llewellyn Hedmondt Barker
- Charles Thomas Barlow
- W. J. Barlow
- Thomas Morgan Barlow
- Hugh Richie Barn
- George Barnard (1863-1952)
- Edward Lionel Barnes
- Walter A. Barnett
- Walter George Barnett
- Edward Barnfather
- Vincent Barningham
- James Barr (c1884-1952)
- George Barr
- Samuel Henry Egerton Barraclough
- Ambrose Barrett
- William James Bevins Barrett
- James Dominick Barry
- Charles Bartlett
- Frank George Barton
- John Storey Barwick
- Wenman Joseph Bassett-Lowke
- Henry Alfred Bate
- Frederick Winfried LaTrobe-Bateman
- Denis Bates
- John T. Batey
- Cyril Batho
- Duncan Forrest Bauchop
- Gustav Bauer-Schlichtegroll
- Walther Bauersfeld
- Henry Baume
- Arthur Baxter
- John McFarlane Baxter
- P. Baxter
- Peter Baxter
- John McFarland Baxter
- Robert Glover Baxter
- George Anson Bayley
- James William Bayliss
- John Clayton Beadle
- Alexander Thomas Bean
- William Henry Bean
- Angus Beaton
- Arthur Gregory Beaumont
- Clive Walter Beckenham
- William Thomas Clifford Beckett
- Francis Oliver Beckett
- Richard William Bedford
- Noel Phillips Bedson
- Alfred Beebee (1873-1952)
- Orlando George R. Beere
- George Beharrell
- Nicholas Timothy Belaiew
- William Robert Beldam
- Arthur Langtry Bell
- Ernest Albert Seymour Bell
- William Thomas Bell
- Thomas Bell (1865-1952)
- Thomas Bell (1902-1954)
- William Bell (1884-1957)
- Franklin Joseph Bellamy
- George S. Bellamy
- Albert Victor Bellemy
- Giuseppe Belluzzo
- William Edwin Benbow
- Francis Edward Benest
- Joseph Dudley Benjafield
- Ernest Benn
- Graham Townsend Bennett
- Frederic Stanley Bennett
- Francis Albert Bennett
- Peter Frederick Blaker Bennett
- Stephen Augustus Bennett
- Harold William Bennett
- William Alfred Bennett
- George Bennie (1891-1957)
- Hugh Osbourne Bennie
- John Reid Bennie
- H. V. Benns
- John Charles Bent
- Harry Bentham
- Eugen Benz
- Arthur Edgar Beresford
- Albert Ernest Beresford
- Rowland Broughton Berkeley
- Algernon Edward Berriman
- Arthur Francis Berry
- William Ewert Berry
- Walter Charles Bersey
- Percy Walter Bertlin
- William Robertson Johnston Bertram
- Sanchez Besa
- Alfred Thomas Best
- Frank Powell Best
- Arthur Vere Bettington
- Siegfried Bettmann
- Samuel Beverley
- Fakirjee Edulji Bharucha
- James Bibby (1878-1956)
- Oscar Leonard Bickford
- F. W. Bickle
- Lionel Bigg-Wither
- Courtenay Bigger
- Theodore James Biggs
- Lawson Butzkopfski Billinton
- John Bilsland (1885-1950)
- Arthur Harold Birchall
- Frederick Albert Bircher
- Frederick Dudley Bird
- Frederick Francis Percival Bisacre
- Percy William Bischoff
- Walter Frederick Bishop
- William Avery Bishop
- James Webb Bispham
- Hans Henrik Blache
- Dudley Otis Black
- Alfred Brown Ernest Blackburn
- Harold Blackburn
- Vivian Gaskell Blackburn
- Hubert Oscar Blackford
- Atholl Blair
- John Lucian Blake
- Robert Arnold Blakeborough
- Fred Blanchford
- Maurice George Bland
- Charles William John Blick
- William Ewart Blizard
- Thomas Pridmore Bloor
- Thomas William Blumfield
- Arthur F. Bock
- Cyril Leslie Bodvan-Griffith
- Robert Albany Boger
- Roger Montague Boger
- Ernest William Bohle
- Francis A. Bolton
- Francis Bonallack
- Francis Willoughby Bond
- Albert Edward Bone
- Victor William Bone
- John Boneham
- Albert John Bonnella
- Ian Malcolm Bonhan-Carter
- Henry Albert Bonner
- James Hastings Bonnyman
- Harold Percy Boot
- Simon Booth
- Hubert Cecil Booth
- William Borrowman
- Gabrielle Margaret Ariana Borthwick
- Henry John Bostock
- John Edward Bostock
- Henri Pierre Maxime Bouasse
- E. M. W. Boughton
- Pierre Eugene Alfred Bouillin
- Hugh Bourne
- Albert William Bowden
- H. L. Bowen
- John Poland Bowen
- Mervyn Cole Bowen
- Alexander Bowman
- Harold Leslie Boyce
- Edgar Clifton Boyce
- Archibald John Boyd
- Robert James Boyd
- Alan Reginald Boyle
- Evelyn Boys
- Charles E. M. Brackenbury
- Francis Whitwell Brackett
- Edward Errol Gaunt Bradbury
- Edwin Henry Bradley
- Joseph Bradley (c1892-1955)
- Cuthbert Hermon Bradley
- John Bradley (1891-1952)
- Arthur Percy Bradley
- Ewart Bradshaw
- James Kendrick Bradshaw
- John Arthur Bradwell
- Thomas Fletcher Braime
- Vivian James Foxton Brain
- Albert Ernest Griffin Braithwaite
- John Samuel Stratford Brame
- Albert Brammer
- Arthur Brampton
- Francis Herbert Bramwell
- Eric Anthony Charles Branczik
- Harry Brand
- Harry Francis Brand
- D. J. O. Brandt
- George Bransby-Williams
- Edward Ernest Bray
- Shipley Neave Brayshaw
- Maurice William Brayshay
- Charles Louis Breeden
- Louis Charles Breguet
- David Alexander Bremner
- Charles Bressey
- Harold Russell Brett
- Norman Cressy Bridge
- Robert Fenwick Brigham
- L. K. Brindley
- Charles Sadler Bristow
- Edward John James Britton
- Henry Winterbottom Broadbent
- Herbert Alfred Broadbent
- E. S. Broadhead
- Harry Edgar Broadsmith
- John Longmuir Penman Brodie
- Francis George Brodribb
- John Aldhelm Raikes Bromage
- Ernest Brook
- Ernest Telford Brook
- George Bernhard Brook
- Charles Berjew Brooke (1868-1951)
- Edward Henry Brooke
- L. Brooke
- Saville Aubrey Brooke
- Henry Robert Moore Brooke-Popham
- Joseph Rowe Brooking
- Walter Brookins
- Boultbee Brooks
- Harry Skeet Broom
- Harold Hodgkinson Broughton
- David Barrington Brow
- Archie Scott Brown
- Donald Brown (d.1953)
- Edwin George Brown
- Alan Montagu Yeats Brown
- Alexander Brown (1883-1951)
- Donald M. Brown
- George William Brown (1884-1951)
- Herbert Brown (1879-1951)
- James Edward Brown
- John Steven Brown
- Robert Dunlop Brown
- Robert Henry Brown
- Bernard Frederick Browne
- Denis Robert Howe Browne
- Robert Walton Browne
- David Brownlie
- Robert Fernie Dunlop Bruce
- William Henry Bruerton
- Adolf Brunner
- James Kempe Brydges
- H. G. Bryett
- Frank Buchanan
- Edward Clarke Buck
- James Frank Buckingham
- Arthur Edward Buckley
- Hubert Maitland Budgett
- Ivor Bueb
- Ignatius Bulfin
- Quinton H. Bullard
- Charles Henry Bulleid
- Harold Birdsall Bullingham
- Alfred William Ernest Bullmore
- Percy Charles Bullock
- Julius Hendrik Otto Bunge
- Sidney Clarence Bunn
- Walter Beckwith Burford
- Cuthbert John Burgoyne
- Lewis Alexander Burn
- Robert Burn
- Alfred Burner
- Frederic Colin Burstall
- Geoffrey Duke Burton
- Geoffrey Burton
- S. H. Busch
- Frederick Charles Bush
- Percy Butler (1896-1953)
- Percy Butler
- Robert William Buttemer
- Benjamin Butters
- Edward Stanley Byng
- Evan Lovell Widrington Byrne
- Gustave Caillois
- James Caird (d.1954)
- C. W. Cairns
- Allan Caldwell
- James Callander
- Ernest Alderson Calvert
- Alexander Augustus Frederick William Alfred George Cambridge
- Edmund Cameron
- James Cameron (c1878-1955)
- William Spottiswoode Cameron
- William Craig Cameron
- Frederick James Camm
- A. Campbell
- John Isdale Campbell
- Robert Archibald Campbell
- Harold Edward Joscelyn Camps
- James William Candelin
- Leopold Ernest Stratford George Canning
- Ronald Portman Cannon
- John Robert Caoul
- John Edward Capper
- Rudolf Caracciola
- John Traill Cargill
- Charles Augustus Carlow
- Robert Hampton Carlaw
- Herbert Stirling Carnegie
- Albert John Carnt
- Edward Marlay De Laune Carolin
- Arthur Carpmael
- Raymond Carpmael
- Herbert Carr-Walker
- John Liddle Carr
- William Cochran Carr
- William Moncrieff Carr
- Laurence Hudson Ashdown Carr
- Joseph Ernest Cecil Carrick
- Charles George Carrothers
- William Henderson Carslaw
- Hans Carsten
- Joseph James Carter
- Thomas Carter
- Francis George Howard Carter
- Frederick William Carter
- George John Cassie
- William Eames Caton
- Hugh Cecil
- Verner Russell Chadwick
- Gerald Edward Chadwyck-Healey
- Alfred Philip Chalkley
- Walter Bernard Challen
- Thomas Wightman Chalmers
- Charles Harold Champion
- Laurence Champney
- Noel Raymond Chandler
- Dean Chandler
- John Chandler
- Lincoln Chandler
- Samuel Christopher Chapman
- Wilfrid Dinsey Chapman
- Arthur John Chappell
- James Ronald Edmondston Charles
- Robert Blackett Charlton
- Lionel Evelyn Oswald Charlton
- Clement Joseph Charnock
- Ronald Louis Charteris
- Herbert Chatley
- Alfred Chatterton
- Henry Joseph Chaytor
- George Chelioti
- E. V. Cheney
- Arthur Sydney Chew
- Charles William Daniel Chinery
- J. P. Chittenden
- John Denham Christie
- Frank Christy
- Harold Winthrop Clapp
- James Henry Havelock Clark
- William Ewart Gladstone Clark
- Edmund Graham Clark
- George Ernest Clark
- Alan William Scott Clarke
- George William Clarke
- Cyril Charles Claxton
- Charles Rupert Clay
- William Henry Christy Clay
- Arthur Ludlow Clayden
- Howard Clayton-Wright (1887-1958)
- Walter Cecil Clemens
- Raymond George Herbert Clements
- Raymond George Hubert Clements
- Fred Clements
- Clarence Arthur Clench
- Harold Cliffe
- Walton Cliffe
- Sidney Clifford (1874-1955)
- Edgar Stanley Close
- Henry Alwyn Close
- Frederic Horton Clough
- Charles R. Clutson
- Harold Sandford Clutterbuck
- Albert Frederick Coates
- John Cobb
- C. F. Cogswell
- Robert Waley Cohen
- Harold Nugent Colam
- John Albert Cole
- Francis Morley Colebrook
- D'Alton Corry Coleman
- Charles Benjamin Collett
- Charles Richard Collier
- Richard Hugh Collingham
- John Maris Benjamin Collings
- Peter John Collins
- Victor Alfred Collins
- William Collins (c1897-1955)
- William Collins
- George R. Collinson
- Francis Edward Collinson
- Karl Taylor Compton
- J. J. Conlan
- Arthur Douglas Constable
- William Windley Constantine
- George Robert Graham Conway
- Ernest Knox Conyngham
- Gilbert Cook
- Henry Rex Cook
- Stanley Smith Cook
- Walter Henry Cooke
- Herbert Coope
- Henry Coope
- Ashton Burton Cooper
- George Moxon Cooper
- L. B. Cooper
- Richard Francis Cooper
- Thomas Cooper (d.1954)
- Vivian Bolton Douglas Cooper
- Walter Roylands Cooper
- Arthur Philip Coote
- Frank Granger Coppin
- Philip Grosvenor Corin
- Frederick John Cornish
- Haldane Gwilt Cotsworth
- Joseph William Cottee
- Albert Player Isaac Cotterell
- A. P. I. Cotterell
- Frederick Peter Cottey
- James Riley Coultas
- John Coupland
- Richard Joseph Walsh Cousins
- Theodore Coventry
- Robert Henry Coverley
- Leonard John Cow
- George Middleton Cowan
- Percy John Cowan
- Arthur Langdale Coward
- Frederick John Cowlin
- Ernest Frank Guelph Cox
- Harry Jasper Cox
- Herbert Henry Cox
- John Wade Coxeter
- Edward Herbert Cozens-Hardy
- Herbert Foxton Craggs
- Robert Craig
- John Craig
- William John Crampton
- Alfred Henry Cranmer
- Harold Thomas Creasy
- James Charles Crebbin
- William Francis Henry Creber
- Frederick George Creed
- John Lionel Cridlan
- Stafford Cripps
- Walter William Crips
- Cyril Murton Croft
- Frank Croft
- Stanley Croft
- Alban Crofts
- Thomas Albert Ashton Crompton
- Dudley Stuart Kays Crosbie
- Edward James Crosier
- James Cross (1905-1853)
- Francis Patrick Irwin Crossley
- Kenneth Crossley
- Thomas Frederick Crossling
- Walter William Crosweller
- John William Fisher Crouch
- John Francis Crowley
- Austin Crowther
- James Arnold Crowther
- Frederick Charles Croxford
- Andrew Cruikshank
- John Arthur Thomas Crump
- Herbert Cruse
- Herbert Augustus Culham
- Edward Alexander Cullen
- Alfred Edwin Culley
- William Frederick Cully
- Percy Emerson Culverhouse
- Jack Armand Cuningham
- Harry Cunningham
- J. E. G. Cunningham
- Brysson Cunningham
- David Elder Cunningham
- John Curran (1886-1950)
- Charles Gordon Curtis
- Henry Edward Cusack
- James Gibson Cuthbert
- Henry Albert Cutler
- Eustace Tennyson D'Eyncourt
- Harry Dain
- John Dall
- John Dalton (1889-1959)
- Robert Washington Dana
- J. Danek
- Leslie Henry Daniel
- John Stuart Daniels
- Frederic Lionel Daniels
- Joseph Lionel Daniels
- Frederick Gustavus Danielsen
- John William Danielsen
- Patrick Danielsson
- Leonard Cecil Dark
- Bernard D'Olier Darley
- A. E. Darlington
- George Richard Sutton Darroch
- Francis Henry Davey
- Alfred Vincent Davidge
- David Johnston Davidson
- William Burgess Davidson
- Albert W. Davies
- Arthur Davies
- Ernest Henry Davies
- Harry Davies
- Carl Raymond Davis
- Clement Frederick Davis
- Harvey Nathaniel Davis
- Sidney James Davis
- Ewart Gordon Davis
- William Kidd Davis
- J. B. Davy
- Charles F. Dawes
- Henry Alfred Dawson
- W. Dawson (d.1953)
- J. G. Day
- Charles Henry Day
- Henry James Deacon
- Arthur Deakin
- Albert Deakin
- George Dean (d.1955)
- Robert Arthur Deans
- Richard Banner Deeley
- Harry Delacombe
- Gerald Dempsey
- Thomas Denman
- George Rawling Denney
- George Pollard Dennis
- John McAusland Denny (1887-1959)
- Maurice Edward Denny
- Charles Hastings Dent
- Charles Ramsden Denton
- Leonard Dodd Derry
- Cecil Henry Desch
- E. Robert Desoutter
- Marcel Desoutter
- Wallace Charles Devereux
- Harold Ewin Dew
- James Walter Henry Dew
- M. J. M. Dewar
- Michael Bruce Urquhart Dewar
- John Macpherson Dick
- Hugo Alexander Dickie
- Alfred Harold Dickinson
- Henry Winram Dickinson
- John Askew Dickinson
- Thomas Dickinson (d.1952)
- John Harvey Dickson
- John Michael Dickson
- William Dieterichs
- John Henderson Dinwoodie
- Edward Wilson Dixon
- Harold Leslie Dixon
- William Dixon (1889-1959)
- William John Dixon
- Frederick William Dixon
- Herbert Treadwin Dobbs
- Joseph Henry Dobson
- Fred Fisher Docking
- Stanley Reynolds Docking
- Ernest Victor Dodd
- Peter Doig
- Jacques Adolphe Domenet
- R. S. Donald
- David Donaldson
- Thornycroft Donaldson
- Sydney Bryan Donkin
- Thomas Huddart Donking
- Harold Evelyn Dolphin
- Arthur J. Dorman
- John E. Dorman
- George Purves Douglas
- John Douglas (d.1953)
- Charles Edward Douglas
- Herbert Dowell
- William Doxford (1882-1953)
- William F. Drake
- George Drewett
- James Sidney Drewry
- John Armstrong Drexel
- Camille Dreyfus
- David Drummond
- Francis Edson Drury
- Arthur Du Cros
- Francis Maurice Gustavus Du-Plat-Taylor
- Walter Duckitt
- J. F. Duff
- John Francis Duff
- Edward James Duff
- W. N. Duffy
- Francis William Dugdale
- William Duguid
- John Robertson Duigan
- Andrew Duncan
- Andrew Rae Duncan
- Bernard Arthur Duncan
- James Brownlie Duncan
- Malcolm Wallace Duncan
- Alfred Dunhill (1872-1959)
- Louis Vandalle Dunlop
- Samuel Harrison Dunlop
- Clarence Dunn
- Gano Dunn
- Lewis Arthur Durant
- Arthur Duray
- William Frederick Durand
- William Allwood Dutton
- Charles Dutton (1869-1958)
- Charles Henry Dutton
- Robert Spencer Dyball
- Arthur Reginald Dyer
- Edmund Robert Dymond
- Ian Cecil Easton
- Hugo Eckener
- Thomas Lydwell Eckersley
- Edward James Edgar
- Francis Edgar Long
- James Edmund Edgecombe
- Courtenay Harold W. Edmonds
- Charles Humphrey Kingsman Edmonds
- Reginald Jos Edmonds
- Edmund Basil Wedmore
- Christopher Frederick Edwards
- John Edwards (1880-1950)
- Hubert Wingfield Egerton
- Maurice Egerton
- Albert Einstein
- Edward Franklyn Elliot
- James Duncan Elliot
- John Wilson Elliott
- Ernest Sidney Elliott
- Herbert Edward Ellis
- Horace Victor Ellis
- Somers Howe Ellis
- Henrietta Christabel Ellis
- Thomas Ellis (2)
- William Thomas Ellison (1866-1953)
- George Ellison (1873-1955)
- William Thomas Ellison
- Ernest Robert Elliston
- James Edwin Ellor
- Christopher George Robert Elsdon
- Arthur John Hawes Elverson
- Luigi Emanueli
- Edwin Cheere Emmett
- Anthony Gordon Engelbach
- Arthur Guy Enock
- Albert Edward Erickson
- Per Englebert Erikson
- Robert Esnault-Pelterie
- A. Dudley Evans
- Edward Arthur Evans
- Howard Evans
- Jack Evans
- Kenneth Horsfall Evans
- Kenneth Richard Evans
- Walter Harry Evans
- William Edward Evans
- Alexander Havelock Evans
- Cecil Hugh Silvester Evans
- Charles Walter Eve
- John Leonard Eve
- Francis Over Everard
- L. K. Everitt
- Alfred Ewing (1882-1950)
- Oscar Faber
- Enrico Facchino
- Arthur Rees Fairbairn
- Charles Richard Fairey
- Bryan Charles Fairfax
- Geoffrey Ferdinand Falk
- Walter Paul Frederick Fanghanel
- Henry Farman
- John Frederick Farquharson
- Henry Frank Ward Farquharson
- Manley Farrer
- George Faulkner (2)
- Henry Glover Faull
- Evelyn Fawssett
- Sam Fay
- Neville Alexander Thomas Nix Feary
- John Featherstone
- Ernest Arthur Hunter Fell
- Gordon Rattray Fenton
- William Oliver Fenwick
- Daniel M. Ferguson
- Hamish Ferguson
- Allan Ferguson
- Hugh Boscawen Fergusson
- Lewis Leigh Fermor
- Walter Inglis Ferrar
- Albert Cecil Fewtrell
- Edward George Fiegehen
- Frank Berry Fielding
- Harry Bruce Fielding
- Robert Balderston Fife
- Rupert James Finch
- George Fincken
- James Duffus Findlay
- William Firth (1882-1958)
- Richard Bertram Fishenden
- John Carew Fisher
- Joseph William Fisher
- T. Fitzgerald
- Thomas Fitzgerald (d.1954)
- Fitzroy Hamilton Niall Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe
- Herbert Walter Fitzsimons
- Fred Flanders
- Harold Fortescue Flannery
- Leslie Neave Flatt
- Leslie Neeve Flatt
- Lawrence Gordon Fletcher
- Alan Eastwood Fletcher
- Albert Fletcher
- George Herbert Fletcher
- Edward Flogdell
- Vincenzo Florio
- Ernest Hubert Flower
- Edwin Richard Foden
- Ernst Foerster
- Laurence Francis Fogarty
- George Edward Folkes
- Henry Philip Folland
- Ernest Hone Ford
- J. Ford
- John Ford (c1869-1953)
- Joseph Manning Ford
- Frank Forrest
- John Archibald Forrester
- Bengt Erik Gustaf Forsling
- Ernest Alfred Forward
- Ewart Frederick Foster
- Howard Foulds
- William Ainslie Foulis
- Edwin Fox (1884- )
- Edmund John Fox
- Geoffrey Edwin Foxwell
- Peirson Frank
- Pierson Frank
- Reginald Alexander Frank
- Thomas Peirson Frank
- William Walter Franklin
- Rosalind Franklin
- Francis Fraser
- James Johnstone Fraser
- George Wellington Ronald Freebody
- Paul Freedman
- Stanley Baines Freeman
- Sterry Baines Freeman
- Ralph Freeman
- Wilfrid Rhodes Freeman
- George French
- James French (c1867-1954)
- James Weir French
- William French (1884-1955)
- Francis Aylmer Frost
- Rikard Frost
- T. G. Frost
- Charles Burgess Fry
- Charles Leslie Fry
- Eric Rosewarne Fry
- Lawrence Fry
- Angus Robertson Fulton
- William Marter Furniss
- William Marter Burne Furniss
- William Francis Furse
- Arthur George Gadd
- Richard Westley Gale
- George Galloway
- William George Galloway
- Athelstan Norman Gardiner
- Alfred Charles Gardner
- Alfred Thomas Goldie Gardner
- Charles Albert Gardner
- Douglas S. Gardner
- Francis Gardner
- Joseph Gardner
- Charles George Garrard
- Charles Riley Garrard
- Frank Garrett
- William Garthwaite
- Leopold Garvagh
- Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
- Henry Vernon Gash
- Percy Tillson Gask
- Holbrook Gaskell (1878-1951)
- William George Gass
- Edward Arthur Gass
- Walter Henry Gaunt
- Richard William Lewis Gawn
- Francis Garth Brown Gemmell
- Edward James George
- Edward Robert George
- Arthur Edward George
- William Thomas George (1884- )
- Frederick Herman Gerard
- George Henry German
- Claude Dixon Gibb
- Alexander Gibb
- Alistair Monteith Gibb
- Maurice Sylvester Gibb
- Henry John Gibbons
- William Frederick Gibbons
- Robert Claud Gibbs
- Samuel Cameron Gibson
- Arnold Hartley Gibson
- George Francis Gibson
- John Neville Giddings
- Arthur Vernon Gifkins
- Thomas Charles Gilbert
- William Gilbert (1892-1955)
- Thomas Peter Brome Giles
- Frank Gill
- Hubert Alexander Gill
- Morris Hathaway Gill
- Horace Wadsworth Gillett
- Robert MacPherson Gillies
- Robert McPherson Gillies
- Harry Gilpin
- Martin Gimson
- Albert Harry Ginman
- George John Gladman
- Allen Edward Gladwyn
- Arthur Graham Glasgow
- A. H. Glasspole
- Arthur Henry Gledhill
- Michael Joseph Gleeson
- Sydney Elliot Glendenning
- Vivian Ford Gloag
- Arthur Stanley Glover
- Edward Charlton Glover
- Frederick Glover
- George Tertius Glover
- Alfred Glynne Lobley
- Oscar Theodor Gnosspelius
- Joseph Holland Goddard
- William Cory Goddard
- Herbert Stephen Goldsmith
- Thomas Edward Goldup
- Lawrence Golightly
- Arthur Allan Gomme
- Alan Paul Good
- Percy Good
- C. A. Goodall
- Frank Sidney Boxall Goodchild
- Rupert John Goodman-Crouch
- William Goodyear
- Andrew Howard Gordon
- Kenneth Gordon
- George Gorton II
- George MacAdam Goudie
- William Eric Gough
- Herbert Thomas Gould
- Harold John Frederick Gourley
- John Henry Gourley
- William Henry Gowing
- William Sebastian Graff-Baker
- James Parmley Graham
- James Thompson Graham
- Claude Grahame-White
- Gordon Grainger
- Frederick Grant
- Allan John Grant
- Albert Edward Gray
- Andrew Gray (1873-1953)
- Henry Mulleneux Grayson
- Frederick Alfred Greaves
- Richard Henry Greaves
- Alan Barcham Green
- Clifford Green
- Henry John Green
- Edward William Green
- Francis William Green
- Robert Leonard Green
- C. E. Greener
- Charles Erichsen Drew Greenhalgh
- John Henry Maitland Greenly
- Ernest Greenwood
- Robert Greenwood
- Richard Gregory
- David Greig (1865-1952)
- Francis William Greig
- Charles Grey Grey
- Hugh Wordsworth Grey
- William Oliver Grey
- Nicholas Denis Greyling
- Arthur George Grice
- Hew McInnes Grierson
- John Griffith-Jones
- Hugh Griffiths
- Roosevelt Griffiths
- Thomas Leonard Griffiths
- William Thomas Griffiths
- Cecil Grimshawe
- Harold Grinsted
- W. G. Groocock
- Alfred Maurice Grose
- Hugh Grosvenor (1879-1953)
- Frederick Grover
- Wellington Ernest Groves
- William Ernest Grundy
- Halvor Grytnes
- George Nevill Guest
- James John Guest
- Paul Gueterbock
- Algernon Lee Guinness
- Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian
- Geoffrey Merton Gullick
- N. Gunn
- Harold John Frederick Gurlay
- Frank Gurney
- Percy John Gutgemann
- E. A. Guthrie
- James Taylor Guthrie
- William Ewart Guy
- Henry Lewis Guy
- Nevile Gwyn Gwynne
- Adolph Louis Haas
- Norman Haddon
- Arthur Edward Hadley
- Walter Hadley
- Johan Willem Jacob Baron van Haersolte Van Haerst
- Harry Vercoe Haight
- Cecil Harry Hainsworth
- William Thomson Halcrow
- Philip Haldin
- Charles Edward Bennett Hale
- Frank Bernard Halford
- James Pitcairn Halket
- Alfred Weedon Hall
- Charles Leavers Hall
- Edley Hall
- J. J. Hall
- J. V. Hall
- Lionel Cuthbert Hall
- Alfred Henry Hall
- Ernest B. Hall
- Percy Burnett Hall
- Sidney Zaleski Hall
- James Percy Hallam
- Paul Sison Ham
- Herbert Hamer
- Robert Lockhart Hamilton
- Ernest John Hamlin
- Roy Hesseltine Hammett
- Bertram Charles Hammond
- Thomas William Hammond
- James Alexander Hamp
- John Sidney Hampton
- Albert E. Hancock
- Edward John Hancock
- Albert John Woodgate Hancock
- George Handasyde
- George Alexander Hankins
- William Hanneford-Smith
- Daniel Hanson
- John Ramsey Hanton
- Ralph Samuel Harborne
- John Alfred Hardie
- Charles Richard Harding
- Edward John Hardy
- Harry Hargreaves (1874-1954)
- William Hargreaves (1880-1950)
- Harry Harley
- John Harley Harley-Mason
- Rowland George Harman
- Felix Harmer
- Alfred Harris
- Eric William Harris
- F. H. B. Harris
- Lawrence Ernest Harris
- Robert William Leslie Harris
- Thomas Emlyn Harris
- Frederick Pool Harris
- Clement Philip Harrison
- E. Harrison (d.1954)
- James W. Harrison
- Robert Norman Harrison
- Sidney Hartley
- Frank Hartt
- E. Matthew Harvey
- William Aitken Haslam
- Caroline Harriet Haslett
- Charles Augustus Haspel
- Frederick Winning Hassard-Short
- J. W. Hasselkus
- Ernest Henry Hermann Hassler
- Joseph Reginald Haswell
- Llewellyn Hatch
- Samuel Gilmour Haughton
- Charles John Hawkes
- Hervey Carleton Hawkins
- Hervey Carlton Hawkins
- Douglas Digby Hawley
- John Michael Hawthorn
- William Hawthorne (1878-1957)
- Wade Hampton Hayes
- Harry Curwen Hazel
- R. L. K. Hazell
- Robert Lufkin Keable Hazell
- Ambrose Heal
- Henry Leonard Heathcote
- William Henry Heaton
- George Hedley
- Riddle Hedley
- Edward Owen Hefford
- Roy Hellyer
- Victor Hemery
- Alfred Bernard Hemmings
- Ernest Hemus
- David Henderson (1884-1954)
- R. Henderson
- Basil Balfour Henderson
- James Blacklock Henderson
- John Alexander Henderson
- Hubert Decimus Henry
- Henry Newton Knights
- George Peregrine Henzell
- Herbert Raikes Hepworth
- Arthur Herbert Hepworth
- Gerald Oscar Herbert
- Alfred Herbert (1866-1957)
- Robert Osler Herford
- Edward Herington
- Charles Adrian Maitland Heriot
- Ernest A. Herring
- Roger Gaskell Hetherington
- Edward Hewer
- Edward Ringwood Hewitt
- William Hewitt
- Roland Blyth Heys
- S. H. Heywood (c1869-1954)
- Thomas Edward Hett Heywood
- Sidney Harper Heywood
- Frank Hibbert
- Frederick Hickey
- John B. Hickman
- John Burfield Hickman
- Samuel Hiddleston
- Thomas Charles Reginald Higgins
- Gerald Whitehouse Higgs-Walker
- J. W. Higgs Walker
- P. Maurice Hill
- Geoffrey Terence Roland Hill
- Roderic Maxwell Hill
- Harold Hillier
- Albert Charles Hills
- William Hinchcliffe
- Agnes Muriel Hind
- Edward Townsend Hippisley
- Baynton Hippisley
- Edward Hirst
- William Hislop
- Arthur Lincolne Hitchcock-Spencer
- Charles Faunce Hitchins
- Henry Hoad
- Edward Ernest Hoadley
- Aubrey Thomas Hobbs
- Jonathan Edward Hodgkin
- John Edmund Hodgson
- Richard Bowness Hodgson
- Richard Broom Hodgson
- George Charles Hodsdon
- J. Hogan
- Barclay Hogarth
- John Mackintosh Hogg
- Thomas Henry Hogg
- Charles Anthony Holbrow
- F. S. Holder
- John Alexander Holder
- Ernest Fitzherbert Holdsworth
- James Spencer Hollings
- Harold J. Hollingsbee
- Henry T. Holloway
- Stanley Ralph Holloway
- G. J. Hollyer
- Arthur Treve Holman
- Harold Frederick Holman
- A. Campbell Holmes
- Wilfred Trafford Holyoake
- Ernst Homberger
- Kotaro Honda
- A. W. Honeyman
- Edward Maclaren Hood
- William Hood (1893-1953)
- Lyddon Charnock Hookins
- Herbert Ross Hooper
- Frank Hope-Jones
- Edmund Charles Hopkins
- K. R. Hopkirk
- Lydston Granville Hornsted
- William Miles Horsfall
- William Owen Horsnaill
- Herbert Houlding
- Hubert Stanley Houldsworth
- Leslie Haywood Hounsfield
- Benjamin Henry Hovey
- Osbert John Radclyffe Howarth
- Joseph Howell (1882-1951)
- Cyril Cuttle Howis
- Richard Joseph Howley
- George Eric Howorth
- H. Hamilton Hoyer
- Alfred Ernest Hudd
- Maurice Hudlass
- Ferdinand Hudleston
- Oswald Freeman Hudson
- Robert Hudson (d.1952)
- Walter Skelton Hudson
- Austin Uvedale Morgan Hudson
- Stanley Walter Hughes
- William Charles Hughes
- Aubrey Everard Hughes
- Percy Arthur Hughes
- Montague Hughman
- James Hugill
- Robert Smith Huie
- Herbert Charles Edward Hulands
- Frances Reginald Hull
- Edward Wyndham Hulme
- Frederick William Hulse
- George Humphrey
- Herbert Alfred Humphrey
- Guy Howard Humphreys
- Herbert Septimus Humphreys
- Albert Humphries
- Frank Humphris
- Edward Leslie Hunter
- Thomas Briggs Hunter
- Philip Vassar Hunter
- Charles Corry Hurford
- James Edgar Hurst
- James Louis Hurst
- Thomas Massie Hutchinson
- David Hutton
- David N. Hutton
- George Watkins Hutton
- John Ernest Hutton
- Joseph William Ibberson
- William Markley Iliff
- Hubert George Illingworth
- Georges Camille Imbault
- Pierre Elliot Inchbald
- Arthur Edward Ingham
- Cyril James Inglis
- James Denny Inglis
- Charles Edward Inglis
- Percy B. Ingoldsby
- Edgar Llewellyn Ingram
- George Richard Inshaw
- Philip Denis Ionides
- Horace Montague Ireland
- John Hannell Irvin
- James Colquhoun Irvine
- John Samuel Irving
- Adolf William Isenthal
- Gavin Heynes Jack
- James Robertson Jack
- Charles William Jackson
- Gerald Hart Jackson
- W. C. Jackson
- A. H. M. Jacob
- Harrison Jacques
- Claude Jago
- Alfred James (c1877-1954)
- David James
- Henry Howard James
- William Gilbert James
- Alexander Hope Jameson
- William Jamieson
- Maurice Janes
- Edward Albert Jarmain
- John Jarvis
- Edward Jefferson
- Vivian Grey Toope Jeffery
- Rupert Jeffkins
- William Rees Jeffreys
- George Jendrassik
- Bernard Maxwell Jenkin
- Rhys Jenkins
- Thomas Alexander Norris Jenkins
- Walter Jenkins
- Geoffrey Bowman Jenkins
- Bertram Henry Sheffield Jennings
- Fred Jerman
- Sigvald Johannesson
- Cosmo Johns
- Basil Stratford Johnson
- Edward Harry Johnson
- Herbert Henry Johnson
- John Henry Johnson (1879-1950)
- Reginald Arthur Johnson
- Robert Stewart Johnson
- Burdett Robert Johnson
- Percy Stuart Johnson
- A. Johnston-Smith
- Frank Johnston
- Arthur Henry Johnstone
- Albert Edward Jones (1879-1954)
- C. W. Jones
- C. W. Jones (d.1954)
- Frank Harding Jones
- Hambrook Russell Jones
- I. J. Jones
- Norman F. Jones
- Percy Muir Jones
- Robert Jones
- Thomas Ewart Jones
- Bernard Mouat Jones
- Hinton Jones
- Francis Joseph
- Edward Lionel Joseph
- Bertram Charles Joy
- Sydney Arthur Joyce
- Gustaf Adolf Juhlin
- Charles Robert Julian
- James Cryle Junor
- Jan Kacirek
- Egbertus Dingeman Kalis
- Henry Kapferer
- Frank Kayser
- Henry Houghton Keal
- A. Maitland F. Keddie
- Alexander Keiller
- Walter Kellett
- George Leslie Kelley
- Robert Kelso
- John Robert Kemp
- Herbert John Kemp
- James William Kendall
- Elizabeth M. Kennedy
- Thomas Sinclair Kennedy
- John Macfarlane Kennedy
- Frank Kenning
- George Kenning (1880-1956)
- Stephenson H. Kent
- Wilfred Francis Kent
- William Kerr (1872-1959)
- William Kerr
- Alfred Thomas John Kersey
- Charles F. Kettering
- James William Kidd
- Octavius Gethard Kiernaunder
- A. A. Kift
- Samuel Lesley Kilbourn
- Hew Ross Kilner
- Ernest Gerald King
- John King (1872-1952)
- Henry James Hubert King
- Edward Kingcome
- John Kingcome
- Arnold Kinnings
- Frank Howard Kirby
- Alan Kirk
- Harold Lister Kirke
- Cyril Reginald Sutton Kirkpatrick
- John George Kirkup
- Roland Dudley Kitson
- Thomas Knight (1883-1958)
- Frank Clements Knowles
- Guy John Fenton Knowles
- Charles Lazur Kottler
- J. Baptist Kramer
- John Baptist Kramer
- William Mandeville L'Estrange
- John William Lake
- Arthur James Lamb
- John Lamb
- George Ewart Lambert
- John Lambert
- Samuel Herbert Lambshead
- Edward John Spiller Lamport
- Wilfrid Drake Lancaster
- Hans Landstad
- Herbert William Lane
- Arthur Alexander Dashwood Lang
- Franz Lang
- Lewis Raymond Langmead
- Charles Edward Larard
- William James Larke
- Ernest Latham (1885-1950)
- George Layton
- Theodor Laufer
- John Herbert Lavender
- John Henry Wales Laverick
- Edward Fulton Law
- Eardley Haydon Lawford
- James Gunson Lawn
- Edgar William Lawrence
- Thomas Lawrie
- Andrew Cowper Lawson
- Ronald Lawson
- Colin Laycock
- Joseph Frederick Laycock
- Charles Le Maistre
- Frederick Charles Lea
- James Edward Lea
- James Thomas Lea
- Henry Hardwick Leader
- R. G. Leaf
- Edward W. Bilyard Leake
- Frederick William Leam
- Herbert Arthur Lingard
- Percy Ledgard
- Percy Gilbert Ledger
- Hugh Ledward
- Arthur Neale Lee
- Harry Stanley Lee
- Horace Pelham Lee
- Alfred Fraser Lee
- Albert Edward Leek
- Pierre-Joseph Leemans
- Robert Arthur Leeming
- Hugh Percival Thomson Lefroy
- Arthur Watson Legat
- Reginald Francis Legge
- Charles Theodore Lehmann
- John Leigh
- Percy Arthur Rupert Leith
- Percival Arthur Rupert Leith
- Ernest John Hutchings Lemon
- Ernest William Lennard
- John Edward Lennard-Jones
- Wroth Periam Christopher Lethbridge
- William Malesbury Letts
- John Victor Levett
- Henry Swift Levick
- George Levy
- Lawrence Levy
- Andrew Williams Jopp Lewis
- Joseph Lewis (d.1954)
- Lionel Daniel Lewis
- Howard Stanley Overton Lewis
- Lewis Holme Lewis
- Stuart Lewis-Evans
- Arthur James Leyland
- George Duthie Leys
- H. W. Liddiard
- Emil Hermann Liebert
- Henry Anton Liebert
- Charles Lillicrap (c1863-1954)
- Walter Peacock Lilwall
- Herbert Harold Lincoln
- Herman Peter Thygesen Lind
- Frederick Alexander Lindemann
- Edwin Thomas Linscot
- Harold John Lintott
- Ernest Walter Stanford Lintott
- Sydney Lister
- Thomas Furniss Lister
- George Anslow Lister
- James Lithgow
- Trevor John Livesey
- Arthur Harold Lloyd
- Ethel Locke King
- Cedric Phillips Lockton
- Francis Hamilton Lockwood
- Thomas Lockwood-Bunce
- William Alfred Lockyer
- William Logan (c1882-1952)
- George Nicholas Loggin
- George Vladimir Lomonssoff
- Harry Wilson Long
- Frank Lonsdale
- Lord Lonsdale
- Havelock Lonsdale
- John De Looze
- Arthur Lord
- William John Lord
- William Lorimer (1876-1954)
- Frederick George Loring
- John Louden
- William Ramsay Lough
- Henry Croxton Loving
- A. C. Low
- John B. Low
- John Campbell Low (1884-1955)
- Archibald Montgomery Low
- Gordon Steuart Low
- William Lowe Lowe-Brown
- Harold Loxton
- Roman Lubanski
- Ralph Lucas (1876-1955)
- James Burton Luckett
- Ernest Pike Lucking
- Tom Gallon Lumb
- Charles Hope Lumley
- Percival Andre Lundberg
- Alfred Lawrence Lunn
- George Harry Lunt
- Francis Martin Luther
- Francis Lydall
- William Myers Lydall
- Alexander Lyell
- George Trotter Lynam
- Cyril John Lyth
- Oswyn George William Gifford Lywood
- Guy Mabey
- Donald Macadie
- Duncan MacArthur
- William Allen Macartney
- Thomas Babington Macauley
- Edward MacColl
- Roy Bruce Avey MacCurdy
- Edward Terence MacDermot
- Murdoch MacDonald
- Norman Doran Macdonald
- Robert Cowan Macdonald
- Charles MacFarlane
- Robert MacGregor
- John Eric Mackay
- C. J. T. Mackie
- James Mackie
- Robert David Mackintosh
- Hubert Alfred Mackrill
- James Edward MacLaren
- Joseph Paton Maclay
- Francis William Maclean
- Hugh Pattison Macmillan
- John MacQueen
- Edmunds Frank Mactaggart
- Joseph Robert Magee
- Gustav Magnel
- Gustave Magnel
- Gustave Paul Robert Magnel
- Jagdish Chandra Mahindra
- Harold Cragg Makepeace
- William Henry Makepeace
- Pierre de Malglaive
- William Malham
- Joseph Mallagh
- Claud Mallett
- Edward Mallett
- Christopher Edwin Arthur Hewitson Malley
- C. A. Malone
- John Fox Jennens Malone
- Herbert Charles Maltby
- J. Mann
- James Hutchinson Mann
- Harold Cornwallis Mann
- Frank Mansfield
- James McDonald Manson
- Benjamin Mantle
- Herbert Thomas Wickham Manwaring
- A. E. Margolis
- Karl E. Markau
- A. D. Markland
- Lionel S. Marks
- Henry Marles
- Thomas Bruce Marriott
- David Barrie Marrs
- Charles Henry Marsden
- William Marsh (1876-1955)
- Leslie Benjamin Marshall
- Richard Marshall (b.1870)
- Giffard Le Quesne Martel
- Henry Thorpe Martin
- James Vernon Martin
- Karl Hamlen Martin
- Samuel Martin
- Glenn Luther Martin
- George William Martin
- Percy Martin
- Gaston Madeley Martineau
- Francis Leigh Martineau
- Georg Masing
- William Cuthill Mason
- Mr. Masser-Horniman
- Harold Fletcher Massey
- Oswald Francis Massingberd-Mundy
- Frederick Hill Masters
- W. Mathews
- William Mathews (c1868-1954)
- James Stanley Mathias
- Arthur Llewellyn Mathieson
- R. H. Matthews
- Ronald Wilfred Matthews
- Wilfrid Joseph Matthews
- Joseph Maudslay (d.1954)
- William Maurice
- Eric Ingram Mavor
- John Bridie Mavor
- Wilfred Gibson Maw
- John Herbert St. Hill Mawdsley
- Herbert Percy Maxted
- Francis Maxwell
- John Maxwell Scott-Maxwell
- Thomas Joseph May
- Victor Leonard May
- Otto Mayer
- James George Mayne
- Robert Hobart Mayo
- Christopher Mark Mayson
- Gustavus McAlpine
- W. H. McAlpine
- William McAuslan
- Francis Kennedy McClean
- John McConway
- J. K. McCraith
- Christopher McCready
- Charles McDermid
- John McDonald (d.1955)
- Daniel Harrison Macdonell
- Alexander Weddell McGhee
- James Black McGillivray
- Curtis McGraw
- J. McGregor
- James McGregor (1878-1953)
- David Wilson McGuffie
- Malcolm Gordon John McHaffie
- George Mcildowie
- Arthur John White McIntosh
- Arthur John Whyte McIntosh
- John McIntyre
- Robert Ferrier McKay
- Robert Ferrier Mckay
- James Alexander McKee
- Thomas McKenzie (c1892-1954)
- Archibald McKinstey
- Archibald McKinstry
- Douglas Craig McLagan
- Charles Northrup McLaren
- Henry Duncan McLaren
- William McLean (d.1952)
- Alistair Mcleod
- Alistair McLeod
- Oscar S. Mclnery
- Leslie McMichael (1884-1951)
- Archibald McMurdo
- Thomas McMurray
- Basil Flexman McMurtrie
- Francis Archibald McNab
- Hector McNeill
- Richard Cowie McPhee
- Christian Frederick Mebes
- William Meek
- Edward Henry Van Meeteren
- Eric Christopher Stanley Megaw
- Roy Frederick Alexander Meldrum
- Alexander Lawson Mellanby
- Alexander Leopold Mellor
- Leonard Mellor
- Henry Greg Melly
- Jules Menken
- Holberry Mensforth
- Holberry Mensworth
- Richard Meredith
- Frederick Warren Merriam
- Louis John Le Mesurier
- John Ayton Metcalf
- Richard David Metcalfe
- Lionel Seymour Metford
- Arthur Herbert Meysey-Thompson
- Anthony George Maldon Michell
- Frederick Charles Michell
- Henry William Michelmore
- David Kinloch Michie
- Walter Mickelburgh (1858-1951)
- Edward Robert Micklem
- Nathaniel Micklem
- Cades Alfred Middleton-Smith
- Harold Edward Midgley
- G. H. Miles
- George Herbert Miles (d.1955)
- Horace Albert Miles
- Percy Miley
- Arnold John Miley
- Alexander Millar
- James Henry Millen
- John Fletcher Miller (1883-1953)
- N. H. Miller
- William Aitken Miller
- Robert Andrews Millikan
- Ernest Millington
- Frederick Leighton Victor Mills
- Frederick Mills
- H. C. Mills
- Willie Mills (d.1955)
- William Henry George Mills
- James Milne (1883-1958)
- Tom Milner
- George Clement Milnes
- Ernest Minors
- George Porteous Mitchell
- William Anthony Michell
- Archibald Charles Mitchell
- Herbert Mobbs
- Arthur Noel Mobbs
- Trygve Mohn
- James Drummond Moir
- Arrol Moir
- Walter Henderson Molesworth
- Henry Bridges Molesworth
- James Allan Mollison
- Leon Molon
- Edward Langlois Montagnon
- Edward Langois Montagnon
- John Russell Montague
- Sydney Alfred Montgomery
- W. H. Moore
- W. H. Moore (c1879-1954)
- Herbert Brooks Moorshead
- Francis Colin Moorwood
- Eusebio Morales
- Edgar Llewellyn Morcom
- Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan
- Andrew McArthur Morison
- Edward Fitzgerald Moroney
- Humphrey Alan Walter Morrice
- F. Oscar Morris
- John Morgan Morris
- Cyril Clarke Boville Morris
- J. T. MacGregor-Morris
- Arnold Morrison
- John George Morrison
- Walter Francis Morrogh
- Ernest William Moser
- Alexander Mosses (2)
- Edward Septimus George De La Motte
- Alan Henry Lawrence Mount
- Alan Mount
- Louis Frederic Mountfort
- Magnus Mowat
- William Arthur Moyers
- Bangalore Gurusamy Appadurai Mudaliar
- James Frank William Mudford
- W. M. Mullins
- Alfred Holley Mundey
- Eric Percival Muntz
- Samuel Lees Murgatroyd
- Frank Murgatroyd
- Frank Murphy (1889-1955)
- Guy Leslie Murray
- Eric Mackay Murray
- Elizabeth Murrison
- Robert Stribley Murt
- E. B. Muscroft
- John William Simpson Mustart
- Albert Mycoe
- Eric Stuart Myers
- J. W. Napier
- Frederick Disney Gordon Napier
- John Stewart Napier
- J. E. Nash
- George Howard Nash
- Alec Nathan
- Joseph Naylor (1871-1955)
- William Neall
- Franz Zur Nedden
- Cyril Armitage Needham
- Robert Alexander Neill
- Arthur Collinson Nesfield
- Christopher George Nevatt
- Norman Neville
- A. P. Newall
- James Newall (1860-1950)
- James George Newey (1873-1950)
- B. E. R. Newlands
- Charles Percy Newman
- Howard Clement Newman
- Reginald William Newman
- William Arthur Newman
- Frank Newman
- Leonard Owen Newton
- S. Guy Newton
- Stephen Guy Newton
- Charles Herbert Nicholas
- Herbert John Nichols
- C. E. Nicholson
- Charles Nicholson
- Henry Nimmo
- A. M. Niven
- Walter William Nobbs
- Gordon Noble
- Leslie Hall Noble
- Norman Spurgeon
- George Frederick Alexander Norman
- Joseph Edward Norris
- Arthur Percival Nuell
- Charles Herbert Nunn
- Mervyn O'Gorman
- Francis Edmund Jury Ockenden
- Maurice Albion Ockenden
- Leonard Victor Odendaal
- William Ogilvie
- George Oldham
- John Douglas Olding
- Adam Nicholls Oliver
- William Onyon
- William John Orange
- John Geoffrey Rowe Orchard
- R. W. Orchard
- Reginald Thomas Orme
- George Holt Ormerod
- Janette Mary Ormsby
- John Orr
- S. D. Orr
- Albert Orton
- Samuel Eric Osborn
- Samuel Osborn (1864-1952)
- Frederic Marmaduke Osborn
- Greville Francis Helgate Osman
- Henry Oswald
- Walter Thomas Ottway
- Percy Macewan Otway
- F. C. Outram
- Anthony Blair Owen
- John Wortley Owen
- Ralph Hill Owen
- Reginald Sankey Owen
- Henry John Wilson Oxlade
- Arthur Matthews Paddon
- Philip Aylmer Wreford Paddon
- Harry Fisher Page
- Arthur Ronald Page
- Richard Arthur Surtees Paget
- Harry Pagett
- E. G. Pallot
- Herbert Davis Palmer
- John Paramor
- William McDonald Park
- C. H. Parker
- C. J. Parker
- Frederick Herbert Parker
- Harry Parker
- Leslie Preston Parker
- William Bayley Parker
- William Parker (1878-1959)
- Arthur Parkes
- John Denman Parkes
- Frederick Michael Parkin
- Joseph Parkin
- William George Parkyn
- Walter Rudolph Parnall
- Ernest Vincent Pannell
- Hugh Lloyd Parry
- James Melvill Rowan Parry
- Geoffry Lawrence Parsons
- Harvey Kelvin Parsons
- Harry Parsons
- Rachel Parsons
- John Henry Partridge
- James Richard Patching
- Alfred John Paten
- George Mcleod Paterson
- James Paterson
- James David Paterson
- William Paterson
- Robert Harold Scott Patterson
- Victor Alexander Patterson
- John Coleridge Patteson
- Lawrence Arthur Pattinson
- William Joseph Paulin
- John Frankland Payne-Gallwey
- Joseph Payton
- James Peacock
- Joseph Frank Peacock
- Arthur Peake Jones
- William John Peall
- William Findlay Pearce
- Harold Walker Pearn
- Stewart Durand Pears
- Langdon Pearse
- Richard William Pearse
- Alfred Octavius Pearson
- John Barrington Pearson
- Robert Cecil Pearson
- Charles Dearne Pearson
- Frank Peasgood
- Heber Isaac Pedley
- Arthur Charlesworth Peebles
- Frederick Peel
- Francis Egerton Pegler
- Loughnan St. Lawrence Pendred
- Arthur George Pendrell
- Bertie Howard Penn
- Frederick Gaston Penny
- Charles Penrose (1886-1958)
- Walter Reeve Pepper
- Arthur Henry Peppercorn
- Charles Broadbent Perkins
- Geoffrey Temple Perkins
- John Shirley Steele Perkins
- W. R. Perkins
- William George Arthur Perring
- Percival Lea Dewhurst Perry
- W. H. Peters
- James Arthur Peters
- Neil James Peters
- Charles Petiet
- William Petrie (1867-1951)
- Ernest Petter
- Percival Waddams Petter
- James M'Farquhar Petters
- W. Littlejohn Philip
- William Littlejohn Philip
- Anton Frederick Philips
- Anton Frederik Philips
- Charles Phillips (1873-1950)
- Ralegh Phillpotts
- Ransom Pickard
- John Henry Pick
- William James Picken
- Myram Picker (1880-1950)
- William Brown Pickering
- Francis Norman Pickett
- Frederick Pickworth
- Robert Cecil Pierce
- Norman Augustus Victor Piercy
- Stephen Joseph Pigott
- Richard Bertram Pilcher
- Gilbert Cecil Pillinger
- William Henry Pilmour
- Frederick George Augustus Pinckney
- Edward Pincott
- Winifred Martha Pink
- Charles Pinkham
- D. R. A. Pistor
- George Ernest Pitts
- William Edward Plaister
- Frank Platt
- James Herbert Pocock
- Robert Pohl
- Herbert Vincent Pointon
- Francis Clarke Polden
- Felix John Clewett Pole
- Arthur Pollitt
- Beaumont Pontifex
- John Poole (1869-1952)
- Frederic Pooley
- Edward Auguste Hubert de Poorter
- Philip Cosby Pope
- Charles Robert Egerton Pope
- Cyril Poppleton
- Fred Barron Popplewell
- Ferdinand Porsche
- Adrian Benson Porter
- Eustace William Porter
- Jasper Mally Porter
- Robert Cornell Portway
- John Portwine
- William Howard Hinton Powell
- William Howard Winton Powell
- Augustus Harry Power
- Frederick Danvers Power
- Frederick Arthur Power
- Frederick Roffey Power
- Gerard Patrick Power
- Henry Waymouth Prance
- Ludwig Prandtl
- Philip Louis Pratley
- Arthur Henry Preece
- William Hilary Prendergast
- Waldo Ridley Prentice
- Charles Henry Beeston Prescott-Westcar
- George Frederic Preston (1872-1953)
- John Alfred Prestwich
- Daisy Bertha Addis Price
- Owen Alfred Price
- Francis Greville Prideaux
- Walter John Pring
- Alexander Pringle
- Ernest Hamilton Pringle
- James Scott Pringle
- Leonard Hanmer Pritchard
- O. M. Proudlock-Dunbar
- Ernest Charles Prudence
- Dudley Pryke
- Esca William Puckert
- George Pugsley
- William Leonard Pullen
- Victor Edward Pullin
- Sydney Nelson Purchase
- John Purrett
- Frederick Walter Purse
- Thomas Fortune Purves
- Leslie Pyke
- James Radley
- Ernest Arnold Radnall
- Ernest Walter Rainer
- Thomas Alfred Rainey
- Orlando Ralls
- Shirley Brooks Ralston
- George Stanley Ramage
- Alexander Guilliland Ramage
- Niels Edward Rambush
- Carl Ramsauer
- Arthur Ramsbottom
- James Voase Rank
- Alexander Oliver Rankine
- William Stuart Rashleigh
- George Ratcliffe (c1904-1955)
- Stanley George Rattee
- William Henry Raven
- Leonard Curtis Rawlence
- William Rawlings
- William Robert Rawlings
- A. E. Rayner
- Frederick Phillips Raynham
- J. R. Rea
- James Russell Rea
- John William Herbert Rea
- C. M. Read
- Thomas Sabine Read
- George Sturrock Reade
- Mary Evelyn Readhead
- W. Reardon-Smith
- John Westmoreland Record
- H. G. Redfern
- Arnold Redler
- Richard Augustine Studdert Redmayne
- Walter James Rees
- Lionel Wilmot Brabazon Rees
- Joseph Newell Reeson
- Alfred Herman Reeve
- Frederick Harold Reeves
- Hugh Quentin Alleyne Reeves
- Charles Blackball Reid
- Herbert Cartwright Reid
- W. D. Reid
- John Wilson Reid
- H. A. Reveirs
- Rex Nichols
- John Pickworth Reynolds
- Arthur Kenrick Rhoden
- Charles Joseph Rhodes
- Samuel Coley Rhodes
- George Henry Rice
- Montague Keith Rice-Oxley
- Bertram Darell Richards
- George Richards (1869-1951)
- W. G. Richards
- Arthur Windsor Richards
- Gordon Richards
- Archibald Read Richardson
- Owen Richardson
- Philip Wigham Richardson
- Percy Richardson
- James Hepburn Rickie
- William George Riddell
- John Hall Rider
- Arthur Ridge-Jones
- Thomas Kenneth Gordon Ridley
- N. D. Ridsdale
- Henry Rigby
- Calverley Edwin Riley
- Henry Riley
- Stanley Riley
- Thomas Sharp Riley
- Victor Riley
- George G. Rimington
- Louis Ripley
- Edgar Gower Ritchie
- James Martin Ritchie
- Marriott Claude Ritchie
- John Anthony Sydney Ritson
- Derrick Gower Ritson
- Henry Robb (1876-1951)
- John Glover Robb
- Robert Blackburn
- Cecil Henry Roberts
- David Evan Roberts
- Samuel Roberts (1882-1955)
- Stanley Coryton Hugh Roberts
- Thomas Alec Maxwell Roberts
- William Alva Roberts
- Percy Roper Roberts
- William Sterling Roberts
- John Robertson (c1870-1952)
- Edmund Digby Maxwell Robertson
- Albert Victor Robinson
- Isaac Vincent Robinson
- Rex Robinson
- Frederick Augustus Robinson
- Philip Seymour Robinson
- John T. Robson
- George Robson (1879-1951)
- David Garfield Rodger
- James Rodger (c1877-1952)
- John Wilfred Rodger
- Alliott Verdon-Roe
- Francis Heron Rogers
- Henry Schofield Rogers
- John Rogers
- Frederick Reginald Rogers
- Samuel Romilly Roget
- Bertie Alexander Rolfe
- Robert Thatcher Rolfe
- William Arthur Rollason
- Maurice Rollo
- George Harold Rome
- M. W. Ronayne
- V. R. Rook
- Ernest E. Rooke
- Thomas Rooke
- William Rootes, (Senior)
- John Russell Rose
- Gerald Rhodes Rosevere
- Andrzej Rosner
- Alexander Ross-Hume
- George Frederick Ross
- Hugh Munro Ross
- John Alexander Ross
- Alfred Ernest Le Rossignol
- Giuseppe Rota
- George Alexander Rotinoff
- Thomas Rowatt
- Henry Snowden Rowell
- Arthur John Rowledge
- Arthur Albert Rowse
- Harold Royce
- Thomas Royden
- John Meredith Rubury
- Harold Rudgard
- Carlo Biscaretti Di Ruffia
- Roberto Biscaretti de Ruffia
- Philip Runciman
- Charles Frank Rundall
- Arthur Russell
- Thomas Forster Rutledge
- Mervyn Frederick Ryan
- George Albert Ryder
- Harold Alfred Ryder
- Albert Edwin Ryeland
- Fritz Sabel
- Leon Safrazyan
- Frank Sainsbury
- John Benjamin Sainsbury
- William John Cecil Redford Salmon
- Arthur James Lucas Salmons
- John Maitland Salusbury-Trelawny
- Frank Samuel
- Felix James Samuely
- Edward Sandeman
- Harold William Sanders
- John O. Sanders
- Malcolm Stuart Sandford
- Nicholas Sandor
- John Arthur Saner
- C. E. P. Sankey
- Edward Washbourn Sargeant
- Cyril John Sarjeant
- Rowland Glave Saunders
- John Jules Sautter
- Geoffrey Savage
- Leopold Halliday Savile
- Herbert William Saxby
- William Harley Saxton
- Sydney Sayer
- Edmund Sayers
- Josiah Sayers
- Henry John Scale
- James William Schmidt
- Charles Lionel Schwind
- Arthur Bruce Scorer
- Colin Cunningham Scott
- Hubert Scott-Paine
- Keith Stanley Malcolm Scott
- William Anderson Scott
- William Leslie Scott
- Harry Hodge Scott
- Samuel McAdam Scott
- Arthur Scrivener (1897-1954)
- Walter Henry Seal
- George Frederick Charles Searle
- John Edward Sears
- Thomas Hardman Seaton
- Thomas Henry Sebag-Montefiore
- Eric Seddon
- Charles William Segrave
- Oscar Carl Selbach
- Arthur William Selby
- Arthur Edwin Sellers
- Frederick M. Selson
- Rudolph Selz (d.1950)
- George Senior
- Herbert Martin Setchell
- Ivan Robert Sewell
- Oscar Ernest Seyd
- Horace Shankland
- James K. Shanks
- Arthur Thomas Shardlow
- Ernest Edward Sharp
- Herman Shaw
- David Wilson Shaw
- Harold Edward Sheardown
- Clifford Dommett Sheldon
- R. T. Shepherd
- Reginald Vernon Shepherd
- Herbert Gurney Sheppard
- Thomas Yeo Sherwell
- Bernard William Shilson
- Frank Walter Shilstone
- Harry Shoosmith
- Francis Short
- John Davenport Siddeley
- Reginald Alfred Siddons
- Herbert Alfred Sieveking
- Frederick Sigrist
- Edward John Silcock
- Frederick William Simpson
- James Simpson (c1899-1953)
- Stephen Simpson (1869-1954)
- Thomas Harold Simpson
- Thomas Stobart Simpson
- Joseph Fitzallan Simpson
- Alan Sinclair
- Walrond Arthur Frank Sinclair
- Mararaja of Tikari
- Arthur Henry Sippe
- Reginald William Skelton
- George Arthur Skentelbery
- Frederick George Skinner
- Thomas Carlyle Skinner
- John Henry Smeddle
- John Bertram Marsden Smedley
- Andrew Smillie
- George Smillie
- Alfred Ernest Smith (1868-1951)
- Aubrey Beckinton Smith
- Edgar Charles Smith
- Ewen H. Smith
- Frederick Stretton Smith
- George G. Smith
- George Geoffrey Smith
- Hinsdale Smith
- James Satchell Smith
- James Smith (1888-1957)
- Keith Smith
- Robert Arthur Smith
- W. Morris Smith
- William Henry Smith (1874-1956)
- William Verdon Smith
- Allan Gordon Smith
- Alfred Smith (1887-1950)
- Dempster Smith
- Edward Shrapnell Smith
- Frederick Augustine Smith
- Herbert Edmund Smith
- Horace Percival Smith
- Joseph Smith (1897-1956)
- Stanley Livingston Smith
- Stanley Parker Smith
- Thomas Harold Smith
- Edward Watson-Smyth
- William Paterson Snedden
- Henry William Snowball
- Wright Snowden
- Ethel Snowden
- Richard Talbot Snowden-Smith
- George Edgar Snoxell
- Frederick Soddy
- Maurice Solomon
- James Edward Southcombe
- Edward Frank Spanner
- James Welton Sparke
- Charles Albert Spence
- Christopher John Spencer
- Frank William Spencer
- John George Thomas Spry
- Christopher Edward Spurgeon
- Leonard Rupert Staddon
- Charles Henry Stafford
- Frank Rutland Stagg
- Richard Stanfield
- Robert Crooks Stanley
- James Edward Starkie
- Sydney George Starling
- John Grice Statter
- Edward John Stead
- Charles Slater Stead
- Ernest Walter Steadman
- Bertram Pemberton Stedall
- Hugh John Harry Stedman
- Gerald Steel
- John Eric Steel
- Clive Selwyn Steele
- William Jones Steele
- William Robert Steele
- Ernest Wilson Steele
- Edwin Charles Steer
- Charles Herbert Stephenson
- Richard Henry Stephenson
- Robert Louis Symington Stephenson-Peach
- Louis Saul Sterling
- Alexander William Steven
- Kenneth Maurice Steven
- George Stevens
- Harold Stevens
- Theodore Stevens
- William Stevens (c1894-1953)
- Edwin Charles Stevens
- Joseph Stevens, Junior
- William Stevens
- Bert Stevenson
- Charles A. Stevenson
- Henry Steward
- Charles John Stewart
- Herbert William Stewart
- Percy Malcolm Stewart
- Frederick Charles Stewart
- George Alexander Stewart
- James Arthur Stiff
- William Joseph Still
- Hugh Morton Stobart
- Henry Gervas Stobart
- Herbert Fitton Stockdale
- Richard Rapier Stokes
- Francis William Stokes
- Cecil Charles William Stoodley
- Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes
- Luigi Storero
- John Stanley Storey
- John Storey
- William Storrie
- George Stow
- Harold Joseph Stowell
- Herbert Blin Stoyle
- Reginald Edward Stradling
- Laurance Hugh Strain
- Arthur Street
- Harold Vezey Strong
- John Russell Struthers
- Rupert Alexander Struthers
- Dudley Stuart
- Maurice Eyre Persse Studdart
- Arthur John Sturgeon
- Frederick William Sully
- Roland James Sully
- Hans Sulzer
- Robert Sulzer
- Arthur Percy Summerfield
- Orlando Sumner
- George Geoffrey Sumner
- Chauncey Hugh Sumners
- Gilbert Surtees
- Thomas Desmond Sutcliffe
- Arthur Munro Sutherland
- Martin George Sutherland
- Sydney Temple Swaby
- Ernest Wilfred Swales
- John Kirby Swales
- George Martin Swan
- Frank Swift
- James Swinburne
- Ernest Swinton
- Alan John Sykes
- Adrian Francis Sykes
- Frederick Hugh Sykes
- Frank Henry Sykes
- Walter Symes
- Samuel Tagg
- Geoffrey Charles Brindlay Taite
- John Frederick Ward Tamplin
- Richard Lionel Tanner
- Robert Greenwood Tarran
- Bateman Brown Tarring
- Frederick Nicholas Glover Taylor
- Herbert Edward Taylor (c1883-1954)
- Maurice Harold Taylor
- Walter Ludlow Taylor
- Wilfred Henry Taylor
- Charles Russell Taylor
- Charlie Taylor
- Frank Sherwood Taylor
- George Henry Taylor
- John Percy Taylor
- Wilford Henry Taylor
- John Charles Telford
- Aidan Joseph Tempest
- Frederick Charles Temple
- Thomas John Wembridge Templeman
- William John Tennant
- Eustace Henry William Tennyson d'Eyncourt
- John Terrace
- Basil Joseph Terrell
- Charles Thackray
- Robert Absalom Thom
- Bertram Thomas (c1867-1953)
- John Harold Thomas
- Thomas Rose (1865-1953)
- Hubert Robert Thomas
- Margaret Haig Thomas
- Theodore Thomas
- David Halton Thomson
- Henry Edgar Thompson
- John Henry Thompson
- Michael Stephen Thompson
- Robert Norman Thompson
- Sydney Thompson
- Vincent Thompson
- William Thompson (c1867-1953)
- Alan Boulton Thompson
- Edward Thompson
- Norman Arthur Thompson
- Stephen John Thompson
- William John Thompson (1871-1959)
- Francis Vernon Thomson
- Thomas Thomson
- J. Albert Thomson
- Robert Greig Thomson
- WallaceThorneycroft
- Bernard Martin Thornton
- Brian Mundell Thornton
- Blanche Coules Thornycroft
- Oliver Thornycroft
- Tom Thornycroft
- Wilfred Bertram Thorpe
- Edgar Charles Thrupp
- George Thurston
- Frederick George Ticehurst
- John Wilbur Tierney
- Harry Tilling
- Frank Lee Tingle
- William Henry Tinney
- Harold Arnold Tippetts
- Ernest William Tipple
- John Dodds Titler
- Henry Tizard
- Benjamin Edward Todhunter
- W. T. Tolhurst
- Tom Makemson
- Reginald Howard Tonkin
- William Alfred Tookey
- Frederick John Toone
- H. J. Tortise
- Harold Bertram Tostevin
- John MauriceTowler
- William Town
- Charles Ralph Townsend
- Alfred Trafford
- Maurice Travailleur
- Charles Frederick Harland Tredgold
- Hugh Trenchard
- Vernon Anthony Trier
- Herbert Alker Tripp
- C. F. Trippe
- Charles Frederick Trippe
- Robert Arthur True
- Claude Ambrose Philip Truman
- William Thomas Fawdon Trunchion
- Guy Marcus Trundle
- Thomas William Townsend Tuckey
- Henry Maurice Surtees Tuckwell
- Albert Tulip
- Alan Mathison Turing
- Charles Turnbull
- David Neville Turner
- Thomas William Turner
- Alfred Turner
- Lewis William Francis Turner
- Thomas Turner (1861-1951)
- Vincent Turner
- William Lawrence Turner
- George Frederick Tweedy
- Ernest Twigg
- Percy Twigg
- Ernest W. Twining
- D. F. Twiss
- Frank Twyman
- James William Tyler
- John Francis Sherwood Tyler
- H. C. Van de Velde
- Charles Anthony Vandervell
- Louis George Vedy
- David Francis Veitch
- Arthur John Venables
- Edward Gwynne Vevers
- Christopher Arthur Vian
- Henry Hampton Vick
- Henry Nethersole Videan
- Walter Adolph Vignoles
- Frank Arthur Money Vincent
- Harry Vincent (1874-1952)
- Leslie Newton Vine
- Adolph Viner
- Adolf Vines
- Adolph Vines
- William Hugh Pembroke Vowles
- Traian Vuia
- Percy Robert Wace
- Reginald Boulton Waddington
- C. Wade
- Robert Capel Wade
- Richard Waden
- William Harrison Waggott
- John James Wagstaff
- Reginald Percy Wailes
- Walter Hepburn Wainwright
- George Henry Wait
- Thomas Henry Waite
- Paul Stuart Wakefield
- Herbert Walder
- John Berry Walford
- E. W. Walker
- Edward Barton Walker
- Edward George Walker
- Frank Walker (c1923-1951)
- James Scarlett Ascroft Walker
- Vernon Walker
- Alexander Walker (1869-1950)
- Eric Walker
- Frank Egerton Walker
- Henry Walker (1873-1954)
- Joseph Griffin Walker
- Reginald Walker
- Ronald Claude Walker
- John Cameron Wallace
- John Wallace (died 1952)
- Arthur Cliffe Walsh
- Henry Nicholas Walsh
- W. Ivan Walters
- George Walters
- George Francis Walton
- Oswald Wans
- Ashley Skelton Ward
- Philip Trehearne Ward
- Augustine Melliar Ward
- Charles Benson Wardman
- Leonard William Warner
- John William Francis Warren
- John Warwick
- Oswald H. Wass
- David Waterhouse
- David Bowe Waters
- George Leslie Wates
- A. Warley
- Arthur Watson
- Arthur Watson (1893-1955)
- Herbert Edward Watson
- John Forbes Watson
- Walter Archibald Parker Watson
- William Law Watson
- Alfred James Thomas Watson
- Frank Leslie Watson
- George Watson
- Robert Watson (1901-1950)
- Vincent Watson
- Charles Watts
- Philip James Watts
- George William Watts
- Thomas Herbert Waumsley
- John Wayne-Morgan
- R. B. Weallens
- A. J. Webb
- John Webb (c1885-1954)
- William Hubert Webb
- Francis Webb
- Walter Webb
- Tom Ince Webb-Bowen
- Henry Paul Webber
- John Owen Webber
- Joseph Simon Webber
- Frederick Webster
- Ralph Lewis Wedgwood
- William Herbert Weight
- Otto Weigner
- Henry Weilding
- Walter Pollock Weir
- William Douglas Weir
- Joseph Hubbard Welch
- John Joseph Welch
- Herbert John Wellingham
- Stephen Newcombe Wellington
- George Ernest Wells
- William Huntingdon Wells
- Francis Ernest Wentworth Sheilds
- Allen West
- Edgar Clarence West
- Frederick Joseph West
- William Netherway Westlake
- William Westward
- William Westwood (1880-1953)
- Ronald Whale
- Frederick Seymour Whalley
- William Matthias Whayman
- William Mathias Whayman
- H. D. Wheeler
- Norman Whincup
- Robert Stewart Whipple
- Alfred Whitaker
- James Whitcher
- Alec Baker White
- Joseph Walwyn White
- John Alexander Whitehead
- Stanley Whitehead
- George Hiam Whitehouse
- Robert Harben Whitelegg
- Ronald Harry Clift Whiteway
- Richard George Whitley
- Herbert William Whitlock
- Thomas Sydney Whitlock
- Reginald Wood Whittle
- Albert Eduard Whyman
- William Henry Wickham
- John Henry Sheldon Widdowson
- Witold Kazimierz Wierzejski
- William Henry Wiggin
- John Cuthbert Wigham
- James Bowyer Wilkie
- James Gilbert Wilkin
- George Wilkinson
- Harry Light Wilkinson
- Frank Ainsworth Willcox
- Charles Willetts (1859-1951)
- Alfred Edward Williams
- George Williams (c1880-1951)
- John Norman Spencer Williams
- Owen Richard Williams
- Sydney George Williams
- Alan Leonard Williams
- Charles Edward Williams
- F. C. Williams
- George Bransby Williams
- Herbert Geraint Williams
- Ivor Williams
- Rees J. Williams
- William Cyril Williams
- William Hugh Williams
- Henry Dale Williamson
- Lawrence Collingwood Williamson
- James Williamson
- Arnold Morley Willis
- Daniel Charles Percy Willis
- John P. Wilmot
- Thomas Percival Wilmshurst
- Alfred George Wilson
- Allan Murray Wilson
- Anthony Wilson
- Evan George Wilson
- Frank Thomas Wilson
- Robert Wilson (c1876-1953)
- Arthur Kingsford Wilson
- George Robert Stewart Wilson
- Gerald Ryher Wilson
- Guthlac Wilson
- John Sigismund Wilson
- Percy Hutchinson Wilson
- Walter Gordon Wilson
- William Wilson (1883-1952)
- John Daniel Wilton
- George Edward Windeler
- Arthur Benedict Winder
- Arthur Simeon Windsor
- Rowland Winn
- John Bradbury Winter
- Edward Frank Dalby Witchell
- Herbert William Witney
- S. R. Witt
- William Witter
- M. A. Wolfe
- Sidney Wolfe
- Thomas Gilbert Wolstenholme
- J. P. Wolstenholme
- John Ronald Womersley
- Edward Frederick Lindley Wood
- J. S. Wood (c1897-1953)
- John Wood (1880-1952)
- William John Harvey Wood
- Arthur Pemberton Wood
- Hervey Cyril Wood
- Joseph Wood (1872-1951)
- Robert Dudley Wood
- Frederick William Woodfield
- John Wooler
- Sydney Walter Woollan
- Edward Henry Woollard
- Frank George Woollard
- Harry T. Woolson
- Frederic Stanhope Worsley
- Samuel Barton Worthington
- Charles N. Wright
- Ernest Wright
- George Maurice Wright
- Harry Denid Melville Wright
- John Compson Wright
- Richard Oliver Wright
- Henry Hodgson Wright
- Henry Robert Wright
- Johnstone Wright
- W. Charles Wright
- Edgar Arnold Wrightson
- Thomas Garmondsway Wrightson
- Horace Matthew Wyatt
- Travers Carey Wyatt
- James Edwin Wyness
- Norman Alfred Yarrow
- Donald Russell Martin Yates
- Henry George Yates
- Walter Yates
- Reuben Yeadon
- Ralph Richmond Yerburgh
- Harry Edward Yerbury
- Frederick William Youldon
- James Young (c1880-1955)
- John Stevenson Young
- Joseph Orr Young
- Sydney John Young
- Robert Young
- Vernon Young
- William Arthur Young
- Smelter Joseph Young