Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 163,824 pages of information and 245,954 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Calvert and Locking

From Graces Guide

of York

Also G. J. Calvert and Co


1860 'Railway Bridge over the Thames.— We understand that Messrs. Calvert and Locking, of this city, the successful contractors for the Lendal Bridge, have within the last few days obtained a contract to build an iron railway bridge, of above 700 feet span, over the Thames near Chelsea. The amount of the contract is £30,060.'[1]. This was Battersea Railway Bridge.

We regret to announce the suspension of Messrs. Calvert and Co., iron founders, of this city. During the last fortnight, various rumours have prevailed on the subject, and, on Wednesday, they received the most positive confirmation by the publication of the circular:
"Railway Foundry, York, Jan. 20, 1862.
"Gentlemen, —We are under the painful necessity of informing you that we are no longer able to meet our engagements. Acting under the advice of some of our principal creditors, we have placed our books in the bands Messrs. Cooper Brothers and Co., accountants, of London, who will forthwith prepare a statement our affairs, to be submitted meeting of creditors, to be held at the Guildhall Coffee House, King-street, Cheapside, London, on Monday next, the 27th instant, at three o'clock precisely, at which request the favour of your attendance. "We are, gentlemen, your very obedient servants, "G. J. Calvert & Co."
The liabilities the firm are stated to exceed £100,000. The assets are at present uncertain. The statement that the liabilities exceed £100,000 is derived from the money article of the Times of Wednesday, but we have heard that they will not be more than £60,000. The assets of the firm chiefly consist of buildings, very valuable plant, and machinery, and with great care and management, a fair dividend may be expected to be realised. The firm, which is only of a few years' standing, had lately had some heavy railway and iron bridge contracts, and amongst the latter was the new bridge at Lendal, in this city, which fell some months ago, before it left their hands. Their present contracts include part of the iron-work of the West London Extension Railway, and the iron-work the bridge at Battersea ; the contract for this bridge amounted to £40,000, and its erection was commenced in May last. The bulk of this contract is finished, and the ironwork only remains to be fixed. The number of men engaged upon it amounts to about 400, and they will continue to be employed for some time to come. Among the contracts which have been made by the firm was one for the erection of a railway station at Bahia, in South America, at a cost of £14,000, another for a large iron saw-mill in Rio Janeiro, at a cost of £2,500, and a large contract for the Crystal Palace at Amsterdam.
The suspension, we understand, has been caused by the failure a large contract with a French railway company, for iron chairs.
Messrs. Calvert & Co. carried on a very extensive establishment, and altogether they employed 600 hands at York and in the contract for the Thames bridge. A portion of these, viz., those at York, of course will be thrown out of employment, though we hope only for a short time.
We understand that the liabilities in York are about £700.'[2]

1862 'YORK. EXTENSIVE FREEHOLD FOUNDRY AND IRON WORKS, AND OTHER PROPERTY, BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MESSRS. HARDWICKS & BEST, (by order of the Assignees of Messrs. George John Calvert, Edward Calvert, George Henry Locking, and Francis Calvert, of the City of York, Iron founders, Bankrupts), on THURSDAY, the 26th day of June, 1862, the Black Swam Hotel, Coney-street, York, Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, in the following or such other Lots as may be determined on at the time of Sale, and subject to Conditions to be then produced
LOT 1. All those very extensive PREMISES, situate in Clementhorpe, in the City of York, being the Foundries and Works late in the occupation of the said Bankrupts, and now of their Assignees, comprising large Foundry, capacious Chair Foundry (with Iron Roadways) and Smith's Shop in same Building, with Fires complete; Engine House, Boiler Machine Shops, Fitting Shop, Tinners' Shop, Erecting Shop, Smiths' Shop, Rivit House, Paint Shop, Joiners' Shops and Offices, Stores therein ; sets of Offices, consisting of Time Keeper's Office, General Manager's Office, Cashier's Office, Private Office, and Clerks' Office. Also, a DWELLING-HOUSE, Stabling, Loose Box, Shed, and very spacious Yards.
The above valuable Property comprises area 11,800 Square Yards, or thereabouts, is of Freehold Tenure, and in addition to its frontage to Clementhorpe, has also extensive frontage to the River Ouse, and is within convenient distance of the Railway Station, and thus possesses the great advantage of both Land and Water Carriage, and its extent and situation render exceedingly eligible for carrying on a large Business.
The Property also comprises the following Fixed MACHINERY and PLANT, a great portion of which is of a very valuable character, and part thereof entirely New, which will be offered along with the Premises, viz. In the Large Foundry.- Five large Ten Tons Cranes, with Blocks and Chains complete ; Two large Drying Stoves, fitted up with Iron Doors ; about 80 Yards of Tramway, and large Cast iron Water Cistern and Pipes attached ; Benches. Shelves, and Gas Fittings.
In the Chair Foundry.—Boiler plate Furnace, large Iron Shed, on Iron Pillars ; Blast Fan.
In the ENGINE-HOUSE. —Horizontal Steam Engine, 16-horse power ; and Horizontal Steam Engine, 8-horse power, complete.
Boiler-House.—Steam Boilers, with Fittings, complete ; Shafting, &c.
Machine Shop, No. 1.— 4 Drilling Machines, large Planing Machine, large Lathe, 2 Screwing Machines, Punching Press and Drums, Cone Pulleys, Straps, Iron Rollers, Shafting and Counter Shafting.
Machine Shop, No. 2. Facing Machine, Drum and Strap, Blast Fans, with Drums and Straps ; Shafting, &c.
Fitting Shop.—Platforms. Benches, and Gas Fittings, Tank for burnettising Timber.
Tinners' Shop.— Bench and Gas Fittings.
Erecting Shop.-—Large travelling Crane and Tramway.
Smiths' Shop.—Several Hand Bellows and Frames, and Slake Troughs, and Wood Benches.
Joiners' Shops.—Sawing Machine, Gantree, Lathe, large Desk, Benches, &c.
In the Offices.—Several Desks, Tables, Counters, Cupboards, Gas Fittings and Pendents.
In the Yards.—Cupolas and Stages, Blast Fans, patent Weighing Machine.
On the Premises Generally. Several hundred yards of Iron Piping, with some Lead Piping, and Brackets, and Suspensions, and Pendents.
LOT 2. All that FREEHOLD INN or PUBLIC-HOUSE, called or known the sign of The King William, situate in Fetter-lane, in the City of York, with the Yard and Buildings behind the same, in the occupation of Mr. John Rhodes.
The central situation of this property renders it very desirable either for occupation or as an investment.
For further particulars, .....' [3]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. York Herald, 23 June 1860
  2. York Herald, 25 January 1862
  3. York Herald, 21 June 1862