British Gas Council
British Gas Council of Gas Industry House, 1 Grosvenor Place, London.
1916 The National Gas Council was established[1], made up of representatives of all the governing bodies of organisations in the gas industry, to deal with matters that concerned the whole of the gas industry.[2]
1943 The gas industry proposed the formation of the British Gas Association, a merger of the National Gas Council and the British Commercial Gas Association[3]
1946 The British Gas Council was founded incorporating the National Gas Council and the British Commercial Gas Association it worked to oppose nationalisation[4]
1946 Formed as company limited by guarantee; represented members who distributed 95 percent of the gas in the UK[5]
1949 After the nationalisation of the gas industry, a new Gas Council was established at the same address with the same chairman[6] which replaced the industry-funded British Gas Council[7]