BSA: Radio
Note: This is a sub-section of BSA
A private company BSA Radio Ltd was formed, in 1926 when BSA started marketing new products.
1926 The BSA Co entered into an agreement with Standard Telephones and Cables - formerly the Western-Electric Co - whereby the developments of the latter company in connection with broadcast receiving apparatus were to operate for both companies. A new BSA company was formed under the name of BSA Radio Ltd - the company to market the new BSA products. The head offices of BSA Radio Ltd was at Small Heath, Birmingham. Mr J. W. Bryan who was the publicity manager, and who was closely connected with the company's sales departments, was in charge of all matters relating to the sales of BSA Radio.[1]
1925 - 1929 Description of file re BSA Radio Ltd.: extracts from Board reports and proceedings re-commencing manufacture of wireless apparatus; pr. notice re hearing of petition in High Court to extend the objects of BSA; invoice and credit note in respect of 4-valve set, 1929; replacement cost to staff of 3-valve set, 1929. [2]
1930s A BSA Radio existed