Assam Railways and Trading Co
1881 Incorporated. 1st. The right to construct and work a railway of 1 metre gauge from the terminus of the steamer lines on the banks of the Brahmapootra near Dibrugarb along the government road towards Sadiya to the 51st mile and a branch line about 24 miles to the Makum coal-fields near the Dehing river. 2nd The right to work the coal fields at Makum. 3rd The right to cut and use timber 1.5 miles either side of the Makum railway.
1885 Officers: J. G. Appell - Secretary; Benjamin Piercy - Engineer.[1]
1899 The concessions of the company were acquired by the Assam Oil Co
1899 Officers: Evan A. Jack, Secretary; George Turner, Consulting Mining Engineer; S. S. Hawkins, Agent and General Manager in India; J. Thornton, Superintendent of Way and Works; S. H. Parker, Locomotive Superintendent.[2]
1910 Officers: S. Maclean Jack, Secretary; G. E. Harris, Agent and General Manager in India (Margherita); J. Thornton, Superintendent of Way and Works; E. L. Greenhough, Locomotive Superintendent (Dibrugahr); G. C. Webster, Colliery Superintendent (Margherita).[3]
1918 There are 101 miles plus 21 miles of colliery lines. Officers: S. Maclean Jack, Secretary; E. L. Greenhough (Margherita), Agent and General Manager; G. F. H. Osman (Dibrugahr), Superintendent of Way and Works; G. Siddall (Dibrugahr), Locomotive Superintendent; G. E. Hines (Margherita), Colliery Superintendent.[4]